Birds are strong wings and people. Classroom hour on the topic: A bird is strong with wings, and a person is friendship. Conversation on questions revealing the meaning of the proverb

Sevak Galstyan | 17 February 2017

long stories

January 20 at MBOU secondary school No. 5 with an in-depth study of certain subjects in the urban district of Podolsk became special and exciting for the students of our school. And all because a schoolboy from Chile, Esteban Chilinos, came to study with us.

He will study at our school for a whole year. Upon graduation, he will have to pass exams to receive a special certificate. In addition to studying in educational institutions, students from other countries are given a wonderful opportunity to learn the culture and traditions of the country in which they live.

This became possible thanks to the program of school international exchanges. Since 1993, MBOU Secondary School No. 5 has been accepting students from the USA, New Zealand, Italy, Venezuela, Brazil, Turkey, Austria, and Germany. Since 1996, our school has been actively involved in school exchanges with Italy.

In 2015-2016, two students studied at our school: Camilla Perego from Italy and Barna Menhart from Hungary. Our school is a friendly hospitable family.

Friendship is a great power. Russian folk proverb says: "A bird is strong with its wings, and a man with friendship." So our school has been participating in intercultural exchanges for many years and has become home to many foreign students from different parts of the world. And many of our schoolchildren met their peers from Italy, Austria, Germany, New Zealand, the USA and studied in other countries.

The participation of our schoolchildren in international programs is recognized as really improving direct intercultural contacts and mutual understanding between peoples. The program promotes the personal development of its participants and the training of highly qualified specialists of various levels. Our school pays special attention to the support and promotion of the Russian language in the world.

MBOU secondary school No. 5 not only accepts students from around the world, but also sends its students to study in one of the countries participating in the program. A student of the 11th "A" class Anna Rybalova in the 2014-2015 academic year participated in the annual program in Italy. She represented our country with dignity! Now a student of the 9th "B" class Polina Solovieva is studying in sunny Argentina.

Schoolchildren who have successfully completed their studies in Russia do not say goodbye, but say: “See you again!”.

Class hour

"A bird is strong with its wings, and a man with friendship"

for students in grades 1-4.

Teacher: Adamova Galina Vasilievna.

MBOU secondary school No. 4 Aksai.

Today we are having class.

You determine the topic of the lesson yourself by listening to the poem.

    Let's be

Be friends with each other

Like a bird with the sky

Like a field with a plow

Like the wind with the sea

Grass with rain

How the sun is friendly

With all of us!

Let's determine the topic of our lesson (children speak out).

That's right, guys, we'll talk about friendship.

    What is friendship, everyone knows?

It might be funny to ask.

Well, what does it mean

This word? So what is it?

Friendship is if your friend is sick

And he can't come to school

Visit him willingly

Bring school lessons.

    Patiently explain tasks

Take on some of his worries,

Give him your attention

Days, weeks, month or year.

    If your friend is something to regret,

Badly done or said

We must honestly, directly, without a doubt

Tell the truth to his face.

    Maybe he'll be offended all of a sudden.

You still have to tell the truth

After all, that's what a best friend is for.

    Friendship in joy and friendship in sorrow.

A friend will always give the last.

A friend is not the one who flatters, but the one who argues.

He who does not deceive will not sell.

Friendship never knows boundaries. There are no barriers to friendship. Friendship on Earth unites. All children, white and colored.

Now, in the process of activity, we will determine the name of the class hour.

Guys, let's stand with you and pretend to be birds. First, a titmouse or a sparrow (Let's depict how they fly. Children depict).

And now we will depict the flight of an eagle (Children depict)

Why is the flight of these birds different?

How strong is a bird?


Here is the first part of the phrase: The bird is strong with its wings.

And now look:

in front of you is a bunch of twigs. Let's try to break them all at once. (Children come out, try).

It does not work.

Why doesn't it work?

How easy is it to break? (untie and break one branch at a time).

Now let's imagine that a twig is a person without friends, and a lot of twigs is a person with friends.

How strong is a person?

That's right, a person is strong in friendship.

Now we are once again convinced of the truth of folk wisdom:A bird is strong with its wings, and a man with friendship.

The purpose of our lesson: You must also determine for yourself: Why do we need to talk about friendship, what should we learn (children express their thoughts. That's right, we must learn to be friends, understand people who are next to us, will meet in life.

We all need each other, plants need land to feed on, apple trees need bees to pollinate flowers. People need friends.

What does it feel like to have no friends? (children speak)

Now be careful. Before you proverbs-folk wisdom, which does not lose its relevance even now (the teacher reads).

1. Wealth is like water: it has come and gone.

2. A man without friends is like a tree without roots.

3. To talk smart - what to drink honey.

4. You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without labor.

5. Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you won’t put it together.

6. On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little funnel.

7. Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

7. An old friend is better than two new ones.

8. Woe is that the sea: neither to swim, nor to cry.

Choose proverbs about friendship and show with a fan (children show)

Your choice turned out to be correct. And let's try to explain the meaning of proverbs. You can choose which one you like (children speak out).

Attention! New planets have appeared in the universe. Hear how people live there. (slide in progress)

1 planet . On this planet, people live richly, they have everything: houses, beautiful furniture, cars, clothes. But everyone lives alone, no friends, no relatives.

2 planet . Families live here, everyone has friends, there are quarrels and fights. But then people understand their mistakes, ask each other for forgiveness, learn to live together.

3 planet. Here you can do everything: fight, spit, say bad words. Here people cannot smile, do not come to each other's aid.

Let's name these planets.

1 planet - children call "Sorrow"

2 planet - children call "Joy"

3 planet - children call "Enchanted"

(The teacher writes the name on the blackboard.)

You now need to choose the planet on which you would like to live. You have a flower on the table, decide on the planet and attach your flower. (Children come out, attach).

Why did you choose this particular planet?

Why didn't they want to live on other planets? (there is wealth, and there you can do everything. Children answer).

Before you are personality traits, both positive and negative (there is a slide).

Kind, brave, rude, polite, cheerful, cocky, greedy, attentive, cruel, honest, envious, sympathetic, responsible.

Choose one that you want to cultivate in yourself, consider the most important, to be a true friend, write on the petal.

We will grow the "Flower of Friendship" (Children write down who wrote down, go out and attach).

Why did you choose this quality?

Guys, we have something to strive for. Let's develop all these qualities in ourselves.

It's all science

Be a good, generous friend;

Help with a kind word, do not pester with nonsense.

Cry and laugh together

Do not be rude, do not be offended,

Be attentive and sensitive

Being a friend is no joke!

With all the good qualities a person is not born "Good people become more from exercise than from nature," wrote the ancient Greek philosopher Democrat. Therefore, we need to learn to be friends with you.

The game "Magic Chair" (the chair is decorated) Do you like the chair? Why? Soon everyone will sit on this chair, but today you and I must choose 5 people. These are the guys whom you want to bring joy today, support, help to believe in yourself.

Look around to whom we will give such an honor today. (Children choose. Selected children sit on a chair one at a time). And you should tell them kind affectionate words, compliments (children say).

What are we learning now? (children express their thoughts)

Guys, what needs to be done to make a person smile if he is sad, upset because of something? (children express their thoughts)

And who will help you in this in the first place? (children answer)

Game "Give joy, find a friend."

Each of you has a heart on your desk. Let's give him some of our warmth.

Let's take it to heart. Now look around and present to someone with whom you would like to be friends, or whom you offended, or love, adore. (Children carry hearts, hand them to each other).

The teacher takes a big heart and gives it to all the children.

I want to be friends with you. (Everyone goes to the board with hearts)

Let's become a circle of friends.

Guys, what do you need to do to live together? (Children speak).

That's right, guys, before you are the laws of friendship. Let's read them together (read).

1. Do not offend others with a rude word.

2. Learn to respect other people's opinions.

3. Learn to notice for yourself where your help is needed.

4. Argue without quarreling.

5. Know how to keep your word.

6. Everything that you think about a friend, say it directly in the eyes.

Will it be easy to keep the laws of friendship?

What needs to be done for this?

Let's conclude: Why is a person strong in friendship? (Children speak).

At the end of our class hour, let's define the motto of our class?

There is a crossword puzzle on the board, you can solve it by taking the first letters of each word (the children say, the teacher enters).

Buck, mustache, oak, spruce, mother. (we will)

Beetle, game, you, b. (live)

House, fish, dinner, sting, knife, window. (Together)

Read the slogan together:

Let's live together!

Right guys, friendship is a great thing? Joy and responsibility, and nobility, tact and sincerity.

To summarize, let's define our mood.

1. who has a lung - toss a cotton ball

2. who has a joyful smile

3. who has fun - jump

4. who is happy - clap your hands.

And whoever experiences all these feelings can do everything. (Children express their mood).

Guys, are all the people on Earth in a good mood now?

Why are you in a good mood? Let's send a piece of our warmth to all people - we will dispel our joy all over the world, let everyone live happily (children raise their hands to the sun, forward and blow it off their palms.

My dear friends, learn to be good people, learn to be friends and forgive.

After all, the beauty of the mind is surprising, the beauty of the soul is respect. (Bernard Fontenelle, French writer).

Every person dies. Not every person really lives.

Fake people are more dangerous to have as friends than as enemies.

A person becomes better only when there is a loved one.

If you do not kiss in time, then you can forever remain just friends.

The bird of happiness does not mind at all pecking grains from your hand. She doesn't need to be caught. It is enough just not to drive her away.

Is it a bad, good bird is born,
She is still destined to fly.
The same won't happen to a human.
Few people are born
They still need to be.

A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid that the branch under it will break, because it does not trust the branch, but its wings!

No matter how a person lives, he still needs a family. You can't replace a family with money, a career, or friends. The family is like an element of a puzzle: you find the missing piece, and the picture of life will take shape.

When the last tree is cut down, when the last river is poisoned, when the last bird is caught, only then will you understand that money cannot be eaten?!

A person who lives unloved is like a bird deprived of the ability to fly. Pain clips our wings and makes us unable to fly. And if it stays for a long time, then you can forget that you were created primarily for flight.

Since ancient times, people have been compiling proverbs and sayings about friendship. One example of such creativity was the wisdom voiced by the lips of the people: A bird is strong with its wings, ... a man with friendship. Everyone knows that people are social beings, they are not able to live outside of society, respectively, the key difference between a person and other living beings is the need for communication.

We need the company of friends in joyful and sorrowful moments. They will share with us the experiences associated with pressing problems, listen carefully

and support, offer help in a difficult period of life. If a person does not have friends, he cannot realize his desire with anyone to share joyful and sad feelings, throw out the negative or positive emotions that have accumulated inside, therefore he suffers, and sometimes even turns white.

Friendship in human existence is given a place of honor - love is located next to it. If you are lucky enough to acquire, at least the only true friend, chosen from a plurality of friends, even relatives, then try to save him. Everyone wants to have friends, but not everyone is given

the ability to make friends. It's just important to treat others the way you want to be treated yourself, and everything will work out.

Often, by nature, and perhaps because of their own upbringing, most people have a tendency to exaggerate personal merits, and to belittle the dignity of others.

When we think about friendship, we devote a lot of time to the topic of the fact that friendship exists. The modern world is distinguished by the depreciation of eternal laws and concepts. Sometimes it seems to us that it is unrealistic to meet true love or true friendship. Still, it exists.

The sad thing is that often it is grief that becomes a unifying aspect for people, and not joy. An excellent confirmation of this was the memories of the war. Many lives have been saved thanks to human kindness, support, mutual assistance. A complete stranger could become familiar when he was next to other soldiers like him, repelling an enemy attack, or shielding another with his own body. All of them performed a heroic feat in order for peace, happiness, friendship and endless love to reign in the world.

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Friends seem to be an integral, natural part of our lives. But what role do they play in it? In my opinion, the value of friendship is very great, because a true friend will definitely leave his mark in the heart of a person. Therefore, friendship is like the wings of a bird, it not only becomes a reliable support in case of everyday troubles, but also spiritually frees a person, enriches his inner world, since friends often differ from each other in character and life attitudes. Using examples from fiction, I will try to prove the validity of my point of view.

Andrey Stolz and Ilya Oblomov are the two main characters of the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". In many ways, they are different in character, and in views, and in actions. However, the heroes are drawn to each other, Stolz happily comes to Oblomov, and he meets him with no less pleasure.

Even in school goals, they spent a lot of time together, were inquisitive children, dreamed of an active and interesting life. “... they were connected by childhood and school - two strong springs, then Russian, kind, fat caresses, abundantly wasted in the Oblomov family on a German boy, then the role of the strong that Stoltz occupied under Oblomov both physically and morally ... "Ilya Ilyich found in Stolz leadership qualities, practicality, ingenuity and initiative, which he himself lacked, and the one in Oblomov - warmth, generosity and hospitality, which he lacked in childhood and youth in the family of a German father who did not love tenderness. Already in their mature years, they continued to meet, exchange thoughts. Stolz tried to stir up Oblomov by introducing him to Olga Ilyinskaya and providing him with financial assistance when Ilya Ilyich's affairs were not going well. In return, he got the opportunity to relax in the company of a good friend. In the end, Ilya Ilyich refused to fight for Olga's love, and this unwittingly contributed to the fact that Stolz and Olga Sergeevna became husband and wife.

Living in a secluded estate in the Crimea, they remember Oblomov and do not leave hope to revive him. At their last meeting, Ilya Ilyich asks Stolz to take care of his son Andrei. After the death of Oblomov, Stolz takes Andrei to his upbringing and decides to bring into action "youthful dreams" that Oblomov Sr. could be afraid of. As a result, despite the fact that the paths of Ilya Ilyich and Stolz diverged, the friendship between them did not fade away, but withstood the test of time and passed on to the next generation, enriching the spiritual world of each of the friends.

The friendship of the heroes of the epic novel Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov was also sincere and real, based on spiritual unity. Both characters have a fine spiritual organization, they are “people of the world”, who understand that they have no place in the secular immoral society of “people of war”. Their personal qualities definitely complement each other. Pierre considered Bolkonsky "a model of all perfections precisely because Prince Andrei combined to the highest degree all those qualities that Pierre did not have and which can be most closely expressed by the concept of willpower." And Prince Andrei found in Bezukhov sincerity, directness and good nature, which he was deprived of in the circle of most of his other acquaintances. When Bolkonsky became disillusioned with military service, in his youthful dreams and decided to live for himself, not to seek fame and love of people, Pierre convinced him of the need to live for others, “a meeting with Pierre was for Prince Andrei an era that began, although in appearance and the same, but in the inner world his new life. In addition, the friendship between Bolkonsky and Pierre passed the test. Both of them were in love with Natasha Rostova. When Prince Andrei proposed to Natasha, Pierre did not betray his feelings, he was sincerely glad of the happiness of his friend. Subsequently, with a break between Natasha and Bolkonsky, he becomes an intermediary between them. After the death of Prince Andrei, Pierre takes on the role of mentor to his son Nikolenka. Thus, the friendship of Bezukhov and Bolkonsky withstood all the tests, because, unlike most people in their circle, they were united not by self-interest and the search for profit, but by common aspirations and ideals. These heroes found each other, thereby finding salvation from loneliness and a worthy ground for the development of morality and real, deep ideas that should not be lost even by a minority of people.

So, friends are as necessary for a person as wings are for a bird, not only because you can always rely on them, ask for help. True friendship, based on the spiritual unity of sometimes very different people, enriches each of the friends, provides them with psychological support, makes them look at the world around them more widely and believe in themselves. Therefore, a person who has a true friend is able to soar into the sky, to rise above himself, like a swift-winged bird.