Rendezvous for two at home: dinner, atmosphere creation, music for a romantic evening. Practical advice on application. Romantic evening for two at home

You can always find a reason for a romantic evening. Anniversary of dating, first kiss, sex or wedding.

Valentine's Day, the warmest evening in October, or just a desire to pleasantly surprise a loved one.

Men, although they seem harsh and strict, also love romance and will be glad if their beloved organizes a joint evening of love.

We will show you how to arrange a romantic evening for a guy, and why it is important for every couple!

Source: IStock

It is so important that romance does not fade in a couple's relationship.

Time for romance

First dates, lush bouquets of scarlet roses and goosebumps from a light touch ...

The longer the couple together in the wake of everyday problems and routine, the more distant the days when endophrins seethed in the blood seem to be.

This is not a reason to get discouraged - it's just time to revitalize the relationship by adding spice and passion to it.

A romantic evening for two is a great way. Here are ten ideas to make it memorable.

Romantic for a guy at home

1. Dinner with continuation

The simplest, but a win-win idea. You can try to cook something special, but the main point is not in the dishes, but in the emotions.

Imagine: Baked vegetables with meat, wine, romantic music, dim lights ...

The beloved woman is not in a dressing gown and slippers, but in a sexy dress and stockings.

He doesn't scold why he didn't wash the dishes, but praises and asks how his day went. There are aromatic dishes on the table, in the bedroom there is a clean bed.

2. Film show

Wrap yourself in a cozy checkered blanket, open a bottle of wine "for a solemn occasion", light candles and whisper in your beloved's ear: "Darling, today I'm ready to watch any movie with you!"

For a special evening, it is better to choose a special film. Romantic films with elements of eroticism and closeness of the main characters will perfectly fit into the atmosphere. Here are some options:

  • Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona (2008);
  • Boyfriend from the Future (2013);
  • The Age of Adaline (2015);
  • Time Traveler's Wife (2008);
  • Professor Marston and His Wonder Women (2017);
  • "Last Love on Earth" (2010).

Source: IStock

Such "home" dates will become a wonderful tradition.

3. Massage

Sensual massage is pleasant to any person. Especially from the second half.

Many sensations are born here at the same time: closeness with a partner, body relaxation and arousal.

Use a massage cream or oil, scratch and bite your beloved, run your hair, kiss in unexpected places, whisper an erotic compliment!

Do not massage on a special evening for "wellness" purposes, but do not make too shallow movements.

Source: IStock

Make sure that the man is pleasant, and the body is really relaxed. Then move on to more intimate parts of the body ...

4. Costume party

Have a costume evening! Add role-playing games here.

A nurse, a flight attendant, a strict teacher or a modest student ... White coat, kitty ears, angel wings ...

Be sure to wear seductive underwear under the suit so that the man is doubly pleased to undress you.

Play your part to the end!

Source: GIPHY

5. Sex with closed eyes

Missionary sex before bed is boring after the third time! It's time to try something new.

And we are not talking about sex toys, intricate positions from the "Kamasutra" and watching porn.

To add sensuality, blindfold both yourself and your partner. This way you will not see notifications on your phone, and you will not be distracted by external imperfections.

Surrender to the wave of passion that runs between you! Sex in this state is always bright and lively!

Source: GIPHY

A romantic dinner for a loved one outside the home

6. Restaurant

A banal idea from romantic films. But many couples never brought it to life!

An evening dress and an elegant clutch for a woman, a formal suit and a bouquet of roses for a man ...

Favorite meals, no peeking at the price and comparing to the monthly budget. Helpful waiter, slightly intoxicated look at the end of the meal ...

This relaxation will help you to feel like on a first date again, and to have an unforgettable night of love at home.

7. Dinner on the roof

On a warm evening on a cloudless night, you can go to the roof of your house, take a bottle of red dry, Dor Blue, a couple of candles and a warm blanket.

To be alone without people, telephones and city noise. Talk about everything in the world, laugh and get drunk.

Source: IStock

You can arrange a romantic photo session against the backdrop of the lights of the night city

8. Dance master class

How long have you been dancing with your partner? On the first date? At a friend's wedding?

A couple of years ago at a New Year's party? .. If you can't remember, it's time to fix the situation.

It is not necessary to correctly perform "pa", do complex acrobatic stunts and hone the technique of movements for months.

Source: IStock

Sign up for a beginner's workshop: passionate tango, live salsa or slow waltz ...

The main thing is the feelings and spark between partners that arise during dances. One evening dress and heels are worth something!

9. Sex hotel

If at home it is not always possible to tune in to romance, then in sex hotels, invented specifically to surrender to passion, such problems will not arise.

You can rent yourself a room for the night or for a few hours. You can also choose a theme based on your preferences: BDSM, pink tones, jacuzzi, ultraviolet lighting, ceiling mirrors, aphrodisiacs ...

There are a lot of options, and the most valuable experience is the opportunity to immerse yourself in each other, make love and nothing else.

It is very important to treat a man with love and learn to understand him - this is the guarantee of the couple's happiness:

Review of the participant of the course "The Way of a Woman"

10. Striptease

Have you ever gone to a strip club with your husband? Or do you think that this is an exclusively male pastime?

But if you look at sexy girls, erotic dances and embarrassing movements together, it's impossible not to get aroused.

After all, next to you is the one with whom you want to lock yourself in a black room and make all your intimate fantasies come true!

Moreover, you can take a few ideas and movements to arm yourself.

What did the man look at with burning eyes, at what moments did he lick his lips? Surely it turns him on.

It is quite possible to give your beloved man a surprise and organize an unforgettable evening without leaving your home. Take advantage of tips and suggested romantic scenarios that will bring intrigue, passion and magical moments. Perhaps dinner will be in the bathroom or on the balcony.

Falling in love, women want to pamper their chosen ones, hoping for retaliatory actions. Romanticism is often inherent in the female sex, but in order not to suffer, expecting surprises from a loved one, it is worth setting an example and arranging an unforgettable romantic evening. Perhaps not everyone is given a well-developed fantasy, so the article offers ideas for scenarios for an unforgettable date and gives effective advice on how to arrange a romantic evening for your beloved at home.

The types of men are different, so there is no single example of a perfect evening. When planning a romantic dinner with a continuation, one should take into account the taste and musical preferences of a loved one, desires, intellect, and sexual fantasies.

However, there are a number of mandatory points:

  1. Time. The best time for a romantic dinner is Saturday evening. You can choose any convenient day, the main thing is to avoid the visit of unexpected guests, so that your loved one does not have to go away urgently.
  2. Subject. The meeting can be dedicated to an important date, then it is worth starting from the theory of the holiday. If there is no special reason, you need to come up with it, mentally outline the details, the desired atmosphere.
  3. Place. The article is devoted to describing how to arrange a romantic evening for a loved one at home, but this does not mean that you need to set the table exclusively in the dining room or hall. A bath, balcony, bedroom can serve as a romantic place.
  4. Creation of entourage. Decor, lighting, beautiful table setting, bed linen, pillows and other little things that create a general atmosphere.
  5. Evening menu. Drinks, delicious food, dessert. Dishes should be easy to prepare and for the stomach, so that a woman does not feel like she’s tumbled down after a kitchen, and a man doesn’t fall to sleep with a full stomach. When choosing alcohol, it is preferable to buy champagne, liqueur, wine, because the goal is not to get drunk, but to cheer up the mood.
  6. Music. It's a good idea to prepare two song folders: for creating the necessary atmosphere, for further musical accompaniment of love pleasures. When choosing music, you must first of all build on the individual preferences of a loved one, then on the subject.
  7. Appearance. Take time to your personal image, especially if the date has a specific theme. A woman should look sexy, have an unusual image that differs from the everyday look. Looks perfect from hair roots to toes, even if you only wear his shirt. Remember, good perfume is a piece of clothing.

This is the basis for a romantic evening at home. The template is suitable for any scenario, no matter what daring ideas visit a woman's head in love.

Choice of topics

A usual romantic evening is the classics - beautiful outfits, a white tablecloth, gourmet dishes, candles, slow music, quiet conversation. Some lovers do not deviate from tradition, preferring such a pastime. But many couples, especially at the first stage of falling in love, feel crazy with happiness and peaceful calmness is sickening.

The direction of the beloved man's personality plays a major role, choosing the theme of the evening. Play "Scrabble" or a quiz with an erudite person, encouraging correct answers with a languid kiss, if the dancer - together to make a passionate production. A sports man will be carried away by darts competitions, make him a personal trainer. Strong couples who have lived together for years will be refreshed by the embodiment of erotic fantasies. Play an RPG backstory.

A man of gambling will appreciate the strip card game 100%. A lover of sushi or Chinese wisdom will be intrigued by the transformation of his beloved woman into a sexy geisha serving the dishes of this cuisine. Eastern culture, belly dancing, delicious hookah smoke are no less interesting. Young modern guys will like the American style - pizza, Coca-Cola, fast food, watching an interesting movie.

To make the hearts of lovers less puzzled over the plot, the following are possible scenarios for spending a romantic evening at home.

Home cafeteria

Transform your home into a cozy cafe by playing the role of a seductive waitress. For the outfit, choose the American style - a top tied under the bust, a short skirt, shoes, preferably with heels. For a certain period of time, court the visitor, make your eyes, and effectively bend over, serving dishes. Soon the pulse of your beloved will increase, he will invite you to keep company. Feel free to develop events further.

Summer romance

Such a date is relevant in the cold season. Suitable for calm couples, it will help to relax, bring the loved one out of the blues. It will take effort and expense to translate the idea into reality, but it's worth it.

You will need:

  • a soft green rug resembling a lawn or a grass-colored blanket;
  • fragrant candles with the smell of meadow grasses, flowers, fruits;
  • small bouquets of flowers;
  • table lamp;
  • sounds of nature, forest;
  • light picnic snacks, basket, tray.

The atmosphere should be created in stages:

  1. In the middle of the room, spread a carpet that acts as a summer grass. You can place the "grass" near the sofa to be able to comfortably lean back.
  2. Arrange candles and bouquets on the sides of the green box.
  3. Install a lamp on the windowsill, turn on, close the windows with blackout curtains. You will get the effect of a sunset.
  4. Play music at the optimum volume.
  5. Prepare treats, a bottle of wine / cider, fruits, berries. Fold into a picnic basket, cover with a bright towel.
  6. Wear seductive summer clothes.

When meeting your beloved man, blindfold him to preserve the effect of unexpected movement into the atmosphere of summer. Prepare trays for a convenient meal process. After your meal, feed each other some ice cream. If it is warm at home, take off your shoes, socks, be barefoot. Offer your man a massage with citrus oils. Add your couple's summer traditions to the list.

There is hardly a man who remains indifferent to the summer fairy tale in winter.

Massage parlor

If you are thinking about how to arrange a romantic evening for your loved one at home, equip a massage parlor. Call him in the afternoon, announce that for such and such a time at such and such an address he is registered for a massage session. Promisingly ask to come on time. The first thing to do with your beloved man upon arrival is to help to undress, preferably naked, then put on a man's robe. At the same time, behave either detachedly, as if you are a stranger or out of habit, caring.

Start pampering a man who is tired after work with a warm foot bath, gently massage your fingers and feet. Stop if it tickles. For extra relaxation, add a glass of wine and a tray of delicious food. Let your loved one feel like the navel of the earth.

Including in the image, put on a white short robe beforehand. Match your hair with a few bobbins that are easy to pull out, letting the hair fall in a wave onto your shoulders. Sexy underwear is a must-have item of clothing. When choosing makeup, listen to your inner voice. You can be equally bright or, conversely, gentle.

When you have finished massaging your feet, blot them with a towel and place your precious half on the massage table. Anything can serve as a massage place, from the floor to the sofa, the main thing is to lie softly. Take care of the massage oils, light the sticks, dim the lights.

Familiarize yourself with the educational literature for conducting erotic massage in advance. This massage is done with hands, lips, chest, hair. Watch the man, catch his mood. If something does not go according to plan, you cannot dwell on failure, switch to the following movements. Everything will work out. The evening should end with unusual sex that will perfectly dilute the relationship.

When the weather pampers with warmth, the balcony is the perfect place for a romantic dinner. You can equip it with chairs and a small table, or lay a lot of blankets on the floor, throw pillows, and eat from trays. Decorate with flowers. An obligatory requisite is a warm soft double blanket. It is not necessary to pervert over the sophistication of the dishes, order pizza or ask your beloved man to come urgently with pizza (let him work too hard), and create the right atmosphere yourself. It will come as a surprise to him.

Embracing, admire the sunset, dream, write down desires, thoughts, goals. Take pictures of each other, look at common photos, remember the beginning of the relationship. Give your half a small present or arrange a lottery in which he will definitely win something related to you, for example, a morning cup of coffee in bed, sex three times in a row. Finish a romantic summer evening on a soft balcony bed with your bodies pressed against your back and make love at dawn.


Finally, I would like to wish you good luck, a pleasant romantic evening, a hot night, and long love. Remember that without special preparation, a bath filled with warm water, aromatic foam, candles, and champagne will be an ideal place for an unforgettable evening. The bathroom is an eternal classic of romance!


Many of us have thought at least once about how to surprise a loved one and create an exceptional evening for two. What outfits to choose, what dishes to cook, what wine to buy and how to create a unique atmosphere?

You can, of course, reserve a table in a restaurant and limit yourself to the choice of the proposed menu. In addition to this, you can buy a ticket for the sauna or for a double massage session. Then you don't have to worry about anything other than your appearance.

But what if you decide to arrange a romantic dinner and entertainment program on your own? Well, great idea! The online magazine "" will gladly help you with this!

How to arrange a romantic dinner?


First, decide on a room where you will regale your loved one. It could be the kitchen itself, but you can also serve dinner in any other room. Yes, even in the bathroom, if you plan to stay in it further after a snack. The main thing is to create an intimate atmosphere.

Romantic atmosphere

To make a romantic dinner, curtain the windows, stock up on candles. Will go as usual in beautiful candlesticks, and "pills" (penny candles in a tin "case").

Take a closer look at the floating candles. They look great on a romantic table in an original vase of water or an unusual plate.

You can even place such candles in glasses of water * wink *

By the way, the aforementioned "pills" can also be placed in glasses. And if you turn the glasses over, place our "tablets" under them, and put an adornment of your choice on the leg - it will turn out in general extremely unusual and interesting. It all depends on your imagination.

A string of pearls casually thrown on the table or a scattering of rose petals will help to create the atmosphere of a romantic dinner ...

Or you can simply put a bouquet in a beautiful vase, which your loved one will surely present to you as a traditional present. Quiet relaxing music will be a great addition.

It is better not to rely on your favorite radio station, and not to be lazy and record a disc with the corresponding tracks.

Important nuances

By the way, we will not dwell on this point, but we will make a small note that cleanliness and tidiness are practically the most important attributes. Agree that a dirty floor, dust on the table and stained glasses do not look very romantic.

Therefore, take care of the cleanliness of the room and the accessories used. Based on the above, it is safe to say that weekdays, which are spent in fatigue and stress, are not the best days for such a dinner.

Let it be a day off. And you will be well prepared and prepare a romantic dinner for two, and your loved one will be full of strength and energy.

It is important to understand that a romantic dinner is not a dinner party. You don't need heavy perfume, brocade and velvet (even as a tablecloth), and kilo biscuit cakes and fatty cabbage soup are not at all the place for your romantic dinner. You want to continue the evening, don't you? * wink *

Therefore, think over the dinner menu in advance.

What to cook for a romantic dinner for two?

Of course, strawberries, whipped cream and chocolate came into your head without us. That's right, these foods are on the list of natural aphrodisiacs.

This also includes bananas, mangoes, avocados, coffee, cardamom, celery, parsley, nuts, shrimps, oysters, mussels.

They say garlic also has aphrodisiac properties, but for obvious reasons, we do not recommend using it during a romantic dinner.

In short, here are some easy and tasty recipes for you. We hope they will help you decide what to cook for a romantic dinner.

The most important thing to remember is that you should never gorge on a romantic dinner.

Otherwise, then you just lie sideways on the couch to watch TV. And the opportunity to show off stunning sexy lingerie will last until next time * pardon *

Therefore, portions should be modest, and the table should not burst from the abundance of dishes on it. Limit yourself to salad and dessert, or salad and main course, or main and dessert.

Although, if the portions are really small, then you can cook all three dishes. In general, everything is up to your taste and creative discretion.

Consider also the taste preferences of your loved one and the lack of allergy to any product you are planning. Otherwise, then you will "flood" his erogenous zones in the stomach with antihistamines ...

Recipe number 1 Salad "My fish"

Lightly salted salmon (trout) fillet -100-150 g

Rye or Borodinsky bread - a couple of pieces

Mild curd cheese (0% fat cottage cheese is also suitable, or even Philadelphia cheese) - 100-150 g

Mayonnaise - 1 tsp each per serving

Red caviar for decoration

Cut off the crusts from pieces of bread, cut into small cubes and dry in a skillet without oil (you can in the oven). Cut the salmon into small pieces. Grind the curd cheese with mayonnaise and finely chopped herbs (if you have curd, wipe it separately through a sieve or grater, then mix with the rest of the ingredients). Put in layers in a bowl: curd cheese, fish, a little croutons and caviar.

Recipe number 2 Spicy cocktail salad with shrimps "Sweet kiss"

Boiled shrimps 150 g

Strawberry 50 g

Orange - 3-4 slices

Mango - ¼ fruit

A bit of celery

Orange juice 1 tbsp

Sugar 0.5 tsp without a slide

Sour cream 1 tbsp

Sweet chili sauce -0 5 tsp

A little salt

Cut the mango into cubes. Finely chop the celery stalks. Peel the orange slices from film, seeds and fibers, cut into cubes. Cut the strawberries into 4 pieces each. Now we prepare the sauce: mix the sour cream, orange juice, sweet chili sauce, sugar and salt. We spread the ready-made mixture of fruits and shrimp in bowls or glasses and pour the sauce on top.

Recipe number 3 Cream tuna in apricots "Delight"

Canned tuna in oil (half a can)

Curd cheese (low-fat cottage cheese will do) - 100-150 g

Walnut kernels - 20-30 g

Canned apricots - 2-4 pieces

Red onions - ¼ bulbs (even less)

Fry the nuts in a pan without oil and chop finely. Drain the oil from the tuna, mash with a fork and combine it with curd cheese. Finely chop the onion and mix with the tuna. Whisk the mixture with a fork until creamy. Place the resulting tuna cream on the apricot halves. Sprinkle with nuts. Garnish with mint or parsley leaves if you wish.

Recipe number 4 Pork "Light"

Pork - 250-300 g

Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.

Onions - 0.5 onions

Black pepper, red hot pepper, dry ground ginger - to taste

Vegetable oil for frying

Cut the pork into thin long slices. Cut the onion and pepper into strips. Put the meat in a skillet and fry in oil. Put the onion a few minutes before cooking. As soon as the onion becomes translucent, add the Bulgarian pepper. Salt, add the specified spices. Simmer under the lid until cooked.

Recipe number 5 Chicken chop "Tenderness"

Chicken fillet - 1 pc. (consists of two halves for 1 half for 1 person)

Flour - 1 tablespoon

Egg - 1 pc.

Mayonnaise -1.5 tbsp

Salt, black pepper - to taste

Vegetable oil for frying

Hard cheese 50-80 g


Wash the fillet and divide into 2 parts. Knock back with a hammer on both sides. Prepare the batter: break an egg into a bowl, add chopped parsley, mayonnaise, flour, salt and pepper and mix everything well. Grate the cheese separately. Now heat the skillet with oil. Dip the beaten fillets into the batter on one side. Place this side (the one in the batter) into the skillet.

Put grated cheese on top (on the side where there is no batter). Cover and fry until golden brown. After that, pour the batter onto the melted cheese with a spoon, thus "closing" the chop. Now turn the chops over to the other side and cook until golden brown. Garnish the finished chops with parsley sprigs.

Recipe №6 Chicken in soy sauce with summer vegetables "Peking"

Chicken (meat from any part) - 200-300 g

Soy sauce - 100 g

Cucumber - 80-100 g

Tomato - 80-100 g

Bulgarian pepper -80-100 g

Honey - 20 g

Salt, ground black pepper - to taste


Vegetable oil

Prepare the chicken meat: wash, separate from the bones and chop into pieces. Marinate the meat in soy sauce mixed with honey (preferably for 30-60 minutes). Fry the meat in oil. Cut the vegetables into strips and the tomato into slices. Add bell peppers and cucumbers to the meat. Fry until tender. Pour the remaining marinade and spices over the dish and simmer for 7 minutes until the liquid evaporates. Then add the tomatoes and fry for a couple more minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped herbs.

Dry sparkling wine (1 bottle for 4 servings)

Canned peaches with syrup - 1 can

For decoration - a couple of strawberries or a sprig of mint

Pour the syrup from the peaches into a separate cup, transfer a few peaches to the bowl and use a blender to beat them until they become thick puree, adding syrup each teaspoon. Take a deep glass, put 3-5 tsp. peach puree and pour the wine in a thin stream (it is better to put a teaspoon in the glass and pour the wine in a neat thinnest stream right on its back side). As a decoration, you can cut a strawberry in half and decorate the glass with it. Or just toss a mint leaf into the cocktail.

Recipe number 8 Honey yogurt "Favorite"

Natural yogurt (any thick yogurt without flavors and additives will do) - 400 g

Walnuts (or pine nuts) - 30-40 g

Ground ginger, cinnamon - to taste

Sprig of mint

Honey - 150 g

Cooking sweet sauce: combine honey and ginger, mix thoroughly and whisk. Fry the nuts in a dry skillet, chop finely. Put the yogurt in 2 bowls of 200 g each. Pour the sweet sauce over the yogurt and sprinkle with nuts and cinnamon on top. Decorate with mint leaves.

Recipe number 9 Watermelon cake "Fantasy"

Ripe watermelon

Cream 30% (if the fat content is higher, then it will even be better) - 600 ml

Vanillin (if you find a vanilla pod, it will be great) - to taste

Brown sugar - 80 g

Mint leaves

Cut 2 cubes of adequate size from the watermelon, cut off the skin and set on two plates. This will be the base of our mini cakes. Separately chop the pieces of watermelon into small pieces or use a small spoon to make them look like a sphere (there should be at least 20 such tiny lumps for 2 servings) for decoration.

For the cream, in a bowl, beat the cream, 50 g brown sugar and vanilla (or vanilla pod seeds) with a mixer or blender for 5 minutes until a thick and smooth creamy consistency. Blot the prepared watermelon cubes with a paper towel to absorb any excess liquid. Coat these cubes evenly with the resulting cream and flatten. Sprinkle with pre-prepared watermelon lumps on top, garnish with mint leaves and sprinkle with brown sugar.

Recipe number 10 Delicate strawberry fresh soup with ginger "Baby"

Fresh strawberries - 1 kg

Fresh ginger - 100 g

Lemon - 1 pc.

Sugar - 4 tablespoons

Peel and grate the ginger. Squeeze the juice out of the ginger. Squeeze lemon and add lemon juice to grated ginger. Place the washed strawberries in a tall glass, pour over them with ginger and lemon juice. Add granulated sugar. Whisk everything with a blender. Place the fresh soup in small plates, garnish with mint leaves. Serve with ice cubes, a few whole strawberries, or sorbet.

Here are some quick and tasty recipes on how to make a romantic dinner. As you can see, the products are quite affordable. Mango, shrimp and watermelon can be easily found on store shelves. A colossal investment of time is also not required for the preparation of these delicacies. Better to spend time on yourself, beloved.

Organizing a romantic dinner is a snap. We hope that our recipes will help you in preparing such an intimate event. Our light and healthy meals can also add variety to your daily menu.

Romantic dinner and drinks

And finally: when it comes to alcoholic beverages, something light is preferable. For example wine or champagne. If your man prefers strong drinks - buy cognac for him. Or whiskey.

Please note that you should not consume large quantities of alcohol at such an event. Therefore, if you choose a strong alcoholic drink, then either limit its portion or use it in cocktails.

Or submit delicious irish coffee :

Irish coffee recipe

Brew coffee in a Turk, pour it into mugs, add 50 g of brandy to each cup. Whisk the milk separately (this can be done with a French press or mixer) and add it to the coffee. Can be sprinkled with cocoa, cinnamon, or grated chocolate. By the way, roasted crushed almonds will add spice to the drink.

After dinner…

And make sure that your loved one does not fall asleep * wink *. Think in advance of the further program: it can be a night walk under the stars with a bottle of wine, a relaxing massage or a bath, or maybe even a striptease in your performance (you can even do it together) or play the fashionable “forfeits”.

The main thing is that everything flows in the direction you need.

Oh yes, we almost forgot! Under no circumstances whine this evening to your man about problems, worries, about an unattached shelf and about unbought bread. We can talk about this tomorrow.

And after dinner, do not run frantically to the sink in order to wash all the dirty dishes: it will also wait. You have more pleasant and important things to do for this evening.

Bon appetit and pastime!

The most common misconceptions are that romance is only important for women, that it disappears right after the wedding and is not important in family relationships. In fact, all this is far from reality, as well as the fact that the only guarantee of family happiness is financial well-being. Smart women understand this very well. Therefore, gentle and caring wives want to please their husbands, but here's how, they often do not even imagine.

How to arrange romance for your husband at home: where to start?

For women, this is not just a pressing issue, but literally a vital one. But where do you start? First of all, you need to draw up a detailed plan for the upcoming event, but it should be noted that this should take into account the personal preferences of the husband, but not the organizer herself.

Otherwise, it turns out that she suits romance for herself, and no matter what efforts she makes, no one will understand and appreciate this, except from the negative side.

It is important that the hero of the occasion does not know anything about this and does not even guess: a successful surprise is half the battle

How to arrange romance for your husband: choosing a place

Of course, you can arrange it anywhere: in a restaurant, outdoors, in some unusual or iconic places. It might seem like it doesn't matter, but it isn't. Place and setting are very important, and it is best if everything happens at home. The very concept of "family happiness" for most men is inextricably linked with home comfort, and first of all, this aspect must be taken into account.

When it comes to surprise, time is just as important.

The ideal option would be Friday night, when he comes home from work - once; his inner desire to rest and relax after a working week - two; the opportunity to sleep a little longer on Saturday morning - three.

How to arrange romance for a husband at home: possible options

In this part, of course, an individual approach is needed.

But there are three main options that you should definitely consider:

  • A romantic evening with all the accompanying elements, including his favorite dishes, wine, candles, etc., arranged on the balcony, if it is an apartment, or on the veranda, if it is a private household. First, the fresh air is intoxicating in itself and makes thoughts clear. Secondly, the effect of a closed space is created, in which two loving hearts live and beat in time. And thirdly, what could be more romantic than the enchanting colors of the sunset, which create a feeling of peace and tranquility?
  • The actual place for this may be the bedroom. A dinner that includes light snacks, a little alcohol, a mysterious twilight, a certain hint hovering in the space of the room ... Anyone can appreciate this option. And the atmosphere that is being created is already permeated through and through with romanticism and has a lot to do.
  • A romantic evening in the bathroom may not be the most ideal option, but the most unusual one, there is no doubt about it. There is no doubt that, seeing a served table, scented candles placed around the perimeter, warm water with flower petals floating in it, any man will be amazed and literally unsettled.

How to arrange a romantic evening for a loved one: 6 stages of preparation + 9 scenarios + 10 best films for watching together + 3 major mistakes.

Home-work-home - your personal "Bermuda Triangle", in which you disappear on weekdays? And on the weekend, its concept changes to a shop-bazaar-kitchen?

So, give up this bad business and think about how to arrange a romantic evening for your beloved man... Yes, such that your crazy eyes then shone for a week, like the stars on a fine August night.

Analyzing this: 6 things to decide on before arranging a romantic evening for your loved one

If you want to arrange a romantic evening for your loved one, worthy of the pen of Nick Sparks or Margaret Mitchell, you have to think about:

So that you have something to tell your grandchildren: 9 scenarios, how to arrange a romantic evening for a loved one at the highest level

If your soul desires a holiday, and you last "cooed" with your beloved three months ago (and even then after the fifth cocktail), we offer you some ideas on how to arrange a memorable romantic evening for your beloved.

1) Sea, sun and water are our best friends to triple an unforgettable evening!

You can rest assured that you can have a beach party for two in your own apartment in a couple of hours, even if it's -20 frost outside the window and you can't see a single lost soul.

All you need is a fabulous swimsuit, beach cocktail drinks and two sun loungers.

The most desperate can spread a large piece of plastic on the floor and sprinkle fine sand on it.

Everything! He is “ready to kiss the sand” you walked on during your romantic dinner!

2) A fashionable verdict from your beloved boyfriend: put on a real show!

Another interesting idea on how to arrange a beautiful evening for a guy is to organize a private fashion show for him.

Parade past this newly minted Yves Saint Laurent in underwear and a fur coat, a summer dress and his white - everything that comes to your bright little head.

The main thing is not to touch anyone or anything until the end of the "show"!

3) Party "at the hut", but not simple, but costumed

Let us be showered with tattered slippers, but we are all in favor of arranging costumed romantic evenings with all our hands and feet.

Who can stop you from dressing up as a beautiful pirate, the wife of a mafia boss or the "perfect housewife" of the 50s in America?

Nobody and nothing but your own complexes and.

But young ladies who are able to arrange a holiday out of nothing, wearing a belt with coins for oriental dances, and whispering "What does my master want?" do not drop!

They are cared for, cherished and taken to rest on the sea to where the "free women of the East" really belong - to Turkey, Egypt and the Emirates.

4) Movie show for two: a great idea how to arrange a romantic evening for a guy

An option for the laziest: you just buy popcorn, uncork a bottle of wine, take out a cozy plaid blanket from the top shelf of the closet and murmur in your cat's ear: "Dear, today I'm ready to watch any movie with you."

And the word "any" does not mean at all "The Diary of Memory", "Pretty Woman" with Julia Roberts and not the immortal "Diary of Bridget Jones", but at best "Police Academy" or "Die Hard".

Are you ready for such "sacrifices"? Exactly? Yes, this is true love, dear!

But what films, in order to arrange an unforgettable evening for two, are most often offered on the Internet:

No. p \ pName, release year
1 "One day" (2011)
2 The Fault in the Stars (2014)
3 Midnight in Paris (2011)
4 "Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona" (2008)
5 "Boyfriend from the Future" (2013)
6 "Match point" (2005)
7 "Exchange Vacation" (2005)
8 How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003)
9 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
10 "Changing Reality" (2011)

5) Chasing balls: billiards as an idea for a romantic evening with a loved one

Your boyfriend is ready to talk for 2 hours 45 minutes about the difference between "American" and Russian billiards and what kind of wood is better to make cues?

It's time for you, dear, to learn, if not to drive the balls into the hole, then at least picturesquely sit on the green cloth when it’s your turn to hit.

Many billiard rooms have private rooms with a game table that can be rented for several hours.

But be careful: if you combine in one place and at the same time the billiards so beloved by your boyfriend, no less beloved by you and good beer, there is a risk that the lucky one will have a blow from an excess of joy ☺.

You can safely "reformat" this idea if your beloved is not a fan of billiards, but, say, football, basketball and other boyish "joys".

After all, your main task is to arrange a romantic holiday so that the guy likes it, and not to “cut down” an “extraordinary” gift for it or put a “tick” in the “Successful relationship” column.

The author of the article, for example, is familiar with the wonderful girl Martha, who arranged an extreme driving lesson for her beloved, avid car enthusiast. As Igor admitted later, he could not even dream of a better romantic evening!

6) Karaoke for a romantic evening: sing, swallow, sing!

Even if as a child you and your boyfriend were not just stepped on by the bear, but trampled on it, consider having a romantic dinner at a karaoke bar.

And there is no need to be afraid of the judgmental glances of the waiters - they have not heard such a thing yet. Howling a la "Grigory Leps" will not frighten them.

And after these joint chants, you definitely have nothing to hide from each other.

7) Prepared with love: mastering new dishes on a romantic evening with your beloved

Even if you are real fans of purchased dumplings and know the names of the sellers in the culinary department of the nearest supermarket, during a romantic evening it is worth arranging a culinary battle with your loved one, for example:

8) "Body in action" on a romantic evening with a guy

Consider pleasing your boyfriend with steamy yoga, pool swimming, cycling, and other active activities.

Finally, tear off your "sloth" from the sofa and laptop and show that on the street "the grass is green, the sun is shining."

9) Our hands are not for boredom: we are looking for the perfect hand-made lesson to arrange a romantic dinner for your beloved man

But what is there to pickle for a long time - just remember how in the good old film "Ghost" (1990), the heroine Demi Moore worked at the potter's wheel with her beloved, and you will understand where we are driving.

And if your boyfriend is unlikely to like knitting pink socks, then working together with the leather, making a carved candle or waving a hammer in a real smithy is an “unbroken” idea for a romantic evening!

Where can you spend a romantic evening with your beloved?

5 available options, see this video:

How to have a romantic evening for a guy and never see him again: 3 major mistakes

So that the desire to arrange a romantic evening for your beloved does not turn into a "tragedy of a universal scale", remember the main mistakes in this delicate matter:

    excessive "confusion" in order to arrange everything perfectly.

    Hmm, the color of your boyfriend's socks doesn't match the color of the tablecloth, champagne was served at a romantic dinner half a degree warmer than the manufacturer's recommended temperature, and your hair is slightly worse than Jennifer Aniston's?

    Use yourselves and enjoy the evening!

    get out of your head the idea of ​​snatching your beloved boyfriend out of the gray everyday life and spontaneously taking him “for a week in Komarovo”.

    What do you order him to do if a starving cat yells at home, violets dry, and an elderly mother methodically calls morgues and hospitals?

    Enjoy your company, "scoring" everything? Normal responsible men don't do that!

    do not sing the whole romantic evening an ode to yourself, your beloved: "Oh, what a fine fellow, how wonderful she organized everything" and do not complain how difficult it was.

    We're sure your boyfriend doesn't have a laurel wreath or gold medal in store for this occasion.

Our 9 ideas are just a "trigger" for your bright mind to decide how to arrange a romantic evening.

Show a little "intelligence and quick wits" - and your stern bearded man will shed mean man's tears from tenderness and affection.

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