Print the leaves of the trees. Autumn Leaves coloring page

Oak is a symbol of strength, power and age-old wisdom. The oblong wavy oak leaves are easily recognizable even by the smallest children.

Rowan is a tree about which there are many legends. Its openwork leaves with wavy edges, like most deciduous trees, fall off with the arrival of winter. But bright red berries delight the eye all winter!

Chestnut is a very useful southern nut tree. The large leaves of this tree with their regular shape are very reminiscent of an exquisite fan. In Sicily, a chestnut grows, recorded in the Guinness Book - its trunk circumference is 57.9 m, and its age ranges from 2000 to 4000 years.

Images of these and other leaves are free to print or download and start coloring whenever you want!

"Happy family"

Did you know that aspen, poplar and willow, the leaves of which are also in our coloring, are the closest relatives? However, as brothers and sisters have different looks, so these trees differ in appearance.

  • Poplar - the genus of these trees has up to one hundred species. They can be called real orderlies of the city - one old poplar clears the air from forty kilograms of soot and dust! In autumn, the modest poplar leaves turn bright yellow and resemble gold coins.
  • Willow (willow) is the oldest representative of this noble family. Scientists consider willow to be one of the oldest trees on our planet - prints of its characteristic elongated elongated leaves were found on chalk deposits more than tens of millions of years old.
  • Aspen is a tree that occupies a large place in legends and tales. It has a unique beauty, and delicate round leaves change their color from pale pink in spring to golden red in autumn.

It is not at all necessary to wait for the onset of spring to enjoy the delicate greenery of the first leaves, or the onset of autumn coolness, when you can endlessly admire the luxury of a bouquet of colors and the richness of shades of autumn leaves!

Tree leaves coloring page - all seasons of nature!

Marina Gaevskaya

Abstract GCD for fine arts using unconventional painting technique-marbled « Coloring autumn leaves»

Targets and goals: To create conditions for the development of children's interest in artistic creation.

Introduce the technique of drawing - marbled.

Consolidate knowledge about autumn colors.

Preliminary work: Examining photographs and drawings of marble, focusing the attention of the children on the fact that coloration marble is uneven.

Equipment: Flat plates, disposable cups with diluted food coloring, small spoons, pieces of cardboard, shaving foam, ice cream sticks or skewers, cut out leaflets(2-3 for each child, 1-2 painted leaves.

Course of the lesson:

Children play, engage in free activities. The teacher takes a flat plate and begins to squeeze out shaving foam onto it, then smooths it out with a piece of cardboard, without commenting on his actions. The main thing is to arouse interest in children, to get from them the question: - And what are you doing?

What the teacher answers: - Guys, I went to kindergarten today, and drew attention to the fact that leaves in the trees in many places remained green. I thought that Autumn does not have time to paint them in autumn colors, and decided to help her. I just don’t know if I’ll make it in time I have a lot of leaves, and time is short. Do you know where I can find helpers? Who can help me?

Children: - We want!

Would you like to help me? Great! Can you tell me which we need paints? What colors do Autumn?

Children's answers.

Thanks guys. I think that with such helpers I will be in time paint all the leaves... But paint we will use them in a new technique, without brushes. But first, please, guys, remember how marble is painted.

Children's answers.

Now look at these leaves(teacher shows leaves,painted in the technique of marble, how are they painted?

Children's answers.

Indeed, guys, they are also colored unevenly. This can be achieved by painting them using the technique that is called so - marbled. It is in this technique that we will work.

Go to the workshop, I will tell you what we need for this.

Children, with a teacher's hint, take plates, glasses with paints and spoons, sticks, pieces of cardboard. Choose the ones you like leaves.

The teacher squeezes the foam onto each plate and asks the children to smooth it out with a piece of cardboard.

Now you need to take spoons and drip paints on foam in any order. First one, then another, and so on in turn.

Children are doing.

We take sticks and make stains on the surface of the foam. Try not to immerse the sticks deeply, slide.

Children are doing.

We take leaflets one at a time and apply them to the foam, pressing lightly with your fingers. Painted leaves, with the clean side down, put it on the table.

While our leaves dry up and absorb paint who wants to play with me?

Physical education minute "We autumn leaves»

We autumn leaves,

We sit on the branches.

The wind blew - flew. (Hands to the side.)

We flew, we flew

And they sat down quietly on the ground. (Sit down.)

The wind came running again

AND I picked up the leaves. (Smooth swaying of the arms above the head.)

Spun, flew

And they sat down on the ground again. (Children sit in their seats.)

Educator: - Take one at a time leaflet and remove excess foam with a clean piece of cardboard.


Well, I guess Autumn will love our leaves... They turned out to be unusual, a little fabulous. But most importantly, they all turned out to be different, because they were created by several artists, and the work of each artist is unique. And this is great!

Guys, for today our workshop is finishing work. How many of you enjoyed working as an artist, help? What exactly did you like? What's new? What was the most interesting? What will you tell your parents?

I also really enjoyed working with you. Thanks for the help!

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Hello everyone, today we publish a selection of pictures with black and white leaf patterns... Beautiful stencils of autumn leaves will help you create crafts on the theme of Autumn. All the leaf stencils are already tightened to the size of a standard A4 sheet- this will make it easier for you to prepare templates for printing. Pictures with the contours of autumn leaves will help teachers organize art classes (drawing, modeling, application). Collected here variety leaf patterns - maple, oak, birch, alder leaves. And also, along the way, I offer you ready-made ideas for crafts with these stencils and templates.

All pictures are INCREASED - if you click on them.

Leaf patterns

The contours of the MAPLE leaf.

The maple leaf is the most beautiful. Its carved form with pentagonal protrusions, its vibrant autumn coloration makes it the king of all autumn crafts. We offer you several types of maple leaves in clear and large patterns.

All pictures are presented in enlarged format (up to A4 sheet size). You can see the actual size of the picture if you click on it with the mouse button.

The maple leaf template can be used as a stencil for a wide variety of crafts. Here is one of the interesting ideas for AUTUMN HARLAND. We take an ordinary white Christmas garland, wrap the white diode bulbs with yellow transparent tape (electrical tape). And from yellow plastic (sold in hardware stores in sheets) we cut out the contours of maple leaves. We attach them next to the diode bulbs.

A variety of shapes of maple leaf patterns ... with smooth, smooth edges and ragged carvings.


You can print maple leaf drawings on the sheets for drawing lessons with your children. Their task will be to paste over the leaves with plasticine pellets (autumn colors - orange, yellow, red) ... or paint the leaves with wax crayons. The colors of the crayons can be mixed by rubbing them with your fingers on the paper.

You can create any coloring for your maple leaf template. Let it be patterns or stripes or round spots.

Small children will love this smiling autumn leaf. This template can be painted with watercolors - eyes and a smile will shine through the watercolors.

OAK leaf patterns.
with acorns.

Oak leaves look beautiful in crafts. Here are some beautiful large oak leaf templates. And also black and white drawing of acorns with caps.

Such large leaf patterns are convenient to paint with a brush with gouache. Children will love this drawing activity. The outlines and veins of the leaves can later be outlined in black gouache for contrast.

On the basis of such stencil templates with oak leaves, you can make beautiful handicrafts for drawing or breaking applications.

How to make a craft with oak leaves (pictured below), I told in the article

Here are some beautiful oak leaf patterns with large acorns. This coloring is very convenient to print for children in kindergarten and use in the classroom for visual activities.

Leaf patterns.
Autumn leaf fall.

Here are some more beautiful leaf patterns from other trees. The crisp contoured silhouettes of autumn leaves will be a source of vibrant crafts for appliqués.

Chestnut leaf pattern. Paint it beautifully in a golden yellow color with a reddish brown border around the edges.

Ash leaf contours - this autumn leaf turns bright yellow. Like a sun.

The composition looks beautiful in the form of an autumn leaf fall - patterns of leaves flying in the wind. Each leaf can be made a different shade of autumn.

You can add templates for other gifts of autumn to our autumn assortment of leaves - pumpkin, corn, acorns.

Here is a coloring template with small leaves. Suitable for coloring with pencils.

Stencils for CRAFT

in technology


The coloring of silhouettes by the CONTRAST STRIP method looks very nice. That is, we take a regular coloring with leaf patterns and draw straight lines over the picture under the ruler. And then we paint all the objects on the sheet, alternating these linear zones by color.

In the example below, we see that the coloring is drawn using a compass (round lines) - but this is not necessarily your lines can be made under a straight school ruler.

Here are some suitable leaf patterns that you can draw into stripes (straight or arc stripes) and then paint in the same style. Alternating pencils from strip to strip and using different colors for the background areas and different colors for the leaf areas.

Leaf patterns


Very beautiful crafts on the theme of autumn will turn out if the template of the autumn leaf is divided into sectors and each sector is painted separately with similar shades of the palette or vice versa with contrasting colors.

It turns out the feeling of STAINED GLASS ... as if the picture is composed of multi-colored glass. But in fact, this is ordinary watercolor, or crayons, or a pencil (of your choice).

As you can see, everything is simple. We take a sheet template - we divide it into sectors. we paint each sector with our own color (it is possible with smooth transitions of spills of shades from one to another) And then we outline the entire contour of the sheet along the edges with a clear color.

To facilitate your work, I give TEMPLATES of leaves with an ALREADY READY sector sawing.

You can simply print these pictures to distribute to the children and offer to color each sector with crayons of a different color. To paint faster, you do not need to change the crayon in your hand every time you move to a new sector. Show the children that it will be faster if you first take a red crayon and paint them 5-7 different sectors (not adjacent, but scattered). Then take a yellow crayon and also randomly fill in 5-7 other sectors. This will be faster, and you will meet the time frame for the activity class.

Large leaf patterns can be filled with a thin watercolor or gouache brush (such as the stencil below).

Leaf patterns


In kindergarten, leaf templates can be used as stencils for autumn-themed appliqués.
Such colored paper leaves can become a background or decor for any application (mushrooms in leaves or a hedgehog in an autumn meadow).

You can make a paper autumn wreath from such contours - a collective craft in kindergarten (the older group can already cut out the shapes of the leaves with scissors).

Beautiful patterns from leaves

for coloring crafts.

In kindergarten or in an adult office - they like to paint large antistress coloring pages. So I found specially templates for such coloring pages from autumn leaves.

The picture is enlarged in a large size if you click on it with the mouse.

Also, to help educators and primary school teachers, I give bare tree patterns for crafts on the topic AUTUMN TREE.

  • You can add leaves to these trees using gouache and prints wide brush using fingerprints, cotton swab prints.
  • You can cut small colored paper leaves and glue them over the tree.
  • You can add bright splashes of paint to tree branches using toothbrush.
  • You can spread the crown with PVA glue and sprinkle with salt and then paint this salty crust with gouache (you get a beautiful texture of autumn foliage)

Here are some more beautiful fall-themed templates. Amanita mushrooms and a squirrel on a branch. Your kids will love these autumn coloring pages.

And finally, I give you an AUTUMN HEART FROM LEAVES - a beautiful template for bright coloring.

Here are such interesting craft ideas and a variety of clear leaf patterns I have prepared for you in this fall article. Let the autumn be bright and give a rich harvest of your crafts.
Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site