The difference between duphaston and utrogestan. "Utrozhestan" or "Dufaston": which is better and more effective

Women's health directly depends on the hormonal background. Not the last role is played by progesterone. This name was given to an important hormone in the female body. But sometimes women are faced with its lack, resulting in failures. When doctors detect a progesterone deficiency, they prescribe special hormonal medications. Gained particular popularity and. It is worth understanding what their difference is.

The Importance of Progesterone

Before you deal with the action of the drug Utrozhestan or Duphaston, you should understand why progesterone is needed. This hormone is important if pregnancy is planned. It prepares the endometrium of the uterus to receive a fertilized egg. The hormone protects the female body from complications and the threat of miscarriage.

But there are situations when progesterone is not enough. This can lead to a woman's infertility or abortion. For this reason, all women during the planning of conception need to pass an analysis that will determine the hormone deficiency.

Features of drugs

If you do not delve into the properties, composition and features of the drugs, it may seem that they have no differences. But this is far from true. When choosing Dufaston or Utrozhestan during pregnancy, you should familiarize yourself with each remedy.

The composition of the second drug contains progesterone of natural origin. Its structure is completely identical to the natural hormone. Therefore, Utrozhenstan is often compared with natural progesterone. This remedy is prescribed in such situations:

  • If a woman has been diagnosed with infertility, as the hormonal background has been disturbed
  • When there is a risk of miscarriage, or the patient has already experienced incomplete gestation
  • If your menstrual cycle is irregular
  • If male hormones have increased
  • When uterine fibroids appeared, mastopathy.

If a woman uses Duphaston, she should know that its main active ingredient is not natural progesterone, but its analogue, which was called dydrogesterone. Despite this, it practically repeats the structure of the natural hormone. The medicine has helped many women during the planning of a child. The main thing is that the tool does not provoke the occurrence of side effects, which can be considered a big plus.

The drug is prescribed in such cases:

  • When a woman plans in vitro fertilization
  • When there is a risk of fetal loss
  • When the menstrual cycle is interrupted
  • With endometriosis.

Of course, the question is brewing, which is better Duphaston or Utrozhestan. To answer it, it is necessary to compare both remedies.

Comparative characteristics of drugs

Many people wondered how Duphaston differs from Utrozhestan. These drugs have some differences.

Release form

Released only in the form of capsules. They are intended for oral use.


This remedy is sold in the form of capsules. But, besides this, Utrozhestan, when planning pregnancy, is also available in the form of candles. This is a huge plus for those women who are carrying a fetus and are experiencing a period of toxicosis. If, in such a situation, suppositories are used that are immersed in the vagina, then the drug will be absorbed faster, and the risk of side effects is reduced.


Duphaston is fully synthetic. If we compare the structure of the drug with natural progesterone, then you can notice more than one difference.

When a woman uses Utrozhestan, she can be sure that she is using a natural remedy.


The drug appeared earlier than Utrozhestan. It has been tested and studied many times. Experts have done a lot of research.

This tool has been studied less. But scientists have proven that it will not harm the female body, if you follow the rules of use.

The occurrence of side effects

Rarely appear.

Sometimes women complain of malaise, fatigue, drowsiness.

What is better to choose

If you use such a tool, a woman does not run the risk of facing unpleasant consequences. The fact is that the medicine does not provoke side effects, which is why Duphaston is good when planning a child.

Given this comparison, we can highlight the following advantages of Duphaston:

  • If in vitro fertilization is planned, this remedy is considered the best
  • The drug does not harm the fetus, protects a pregnant woman from premature birth
  • After using the medicine, acne, unwanted hairs and other features prone to a man do not appear.
  • In addition, the drug does not impair liver function.

To understand what is better to choose, Dufaston or Utrozhestan when planning a child, you need to understand the advantages of the second remedy.

Here is a list of its advantages:

  • The medicine does not provoke the appearance of extra pounds, does not violate material metabolism, does not contribute to an increase in pressure
  • Can be used vaginally
  • Has a natural composition
  • Shows good action with an excess of male hormones
  • Does not harm the unborn child, does not interfere with its development.

Utrozhestan and Dufaston are different from each other. Each tool has its own advantages. But it is impossible to determine which is better Utrozhestan or Dufaston. Taking into account the individual characteristics of a woman, her situation, health, the doctor determines the drug. But these are the best medicines when planning a baby. The choice of means should be entrusted to the doctor.

During pregnancy, hormonal regulation of the body is of paramount importance. For proper treatment, the attending physician will select Utrozhestan or Duphaston for you, which is best suited in your case. Very often, expectant mothers have various problems with the hormonal background, which pose a danger to the course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus. In such cases, it is effective to prescribe drugs that normalize the levels of hormones in a woman's body.

One of the most popular hormonal drugs are Utrozhestan (utrogestan) and Duphaston. To choose a more suitable remedy, you need a competent opinion of the doctor and a comparison of drugs. Each of these drugs has a number of both advantages and disadvantages, so it is better to choose one of them taking into account the individual characteristics of your body.

The mechanism of action of medicinal substances

Both drugs stabilize the hormonal background in a woman during pregnancy, as well as in a number of other pathologies. However, before you figure out what is the difference between Duphaston and Utrozhestan, you need to familiarize yourself with their mechanism of action on the female reproductive system. The active substance in these drugs is an analogue of one of the most important hormones for a woman - progesterone. The biological effects of this hormone are to prepare the endometrium of the uterus for pregnancy, and it is also responsible for the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

The difference between Duphaston and Utrozhestan is primarily in the structure itself. The active ingredient of Duphaston is a synthetic analogue of progesterone, while Utrozhestan uses natural progesterone of plant origin.

The main indication for the appointment of both hormonal agents is the threat of abortion, so the selection of the drug is carried out by a gynecologist after all the necessary examinations have been carried out. When planning pregnancy, both Utrozhestan and Duphaston are quite effective and safe to use.

Benefits Comparison

Many women are primarily interested in what is better than Dufaston or Utrozhestan. Each of them has undeniable advantages. The main positive aspects of using Duphaston:
  • The main advantage of this tool is considered no side effects that develop when taking natural progesterone. Thanks to the synthetic analogue, there are no such unpleasant phenomena as increased fatigue, a tendency to mood swings, and drowsiness.
  • According to reviews, it is better to use it in preparation for in vitro fertilization.
  • Positive effect on the placenta, prevents premature onset of childbirth.
  • Absence negative effects on the liver.
  • Application safety confirmed by numerous scientific and clinical studies.
When choosing Dufaston or Utrozhestan, you also need to know about the benefits of the second drug:
  • natural composition;
  • reception does not contribute to weight gain;
  • does not affect pressure in the vascular bed;
  • does not change fat metabolism and carbohydrates in the body;
  • shows a good result in patients with hyperandrogenism;
  • reduces biological effects of oxytocin;
  • It has convenient release form not only in tablets, but also in vaginal suppositories.

Comparison of disadvantages and contraindications

Like any drug, both drugs have their drawbacks, and the effectiveness of drugs depends on their quantity. The main disadvantage of Duphaston is considered to be an increased risk of uterine bleeding.
But to find out that Dufaston or Utrozhestan will be better during pregnancy, you can visit a gynecologist or other attending physician.

When taking Utrozhestan, there are more negative aspects:

  • lability of the psycho-emotional state (sudden mood swings);
  • a slight increase in body temperature (up to subfebrile numbers);
  • sleep disorders;
  • dizziness.

Contraindications for the use of Duphaston include:

  • lactation;
  • individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • hereditary pathologies of the liver (Rotor syndrome, Dubin-Johnson syndrome).

Contraindications to the use of Utrozhestan:

  • oncological diseases of the mammary glands and other organs of the reproductive system;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • abortion.

What to drink during pregnancy, and in what dosages - it is better to ask your doctor. Self-medication with hormonal drugs can lead to serious health consequences. Also, many women are guided by the financial side of the issue when choosing a medicine, so accessibility is considered an important quality. The price of drugs is approximately the same and depends on the number of tablets in the package.

Both drugs are recommended for use at the stage of pregnancy planning. This is necessary in the case when a woman has a hormonal imbalance, as a result of which the chances of conceiving and carrying a pregnancy fall sharply. Both drugs have a hormonal composition, are prescribed for oral administration in the second half of the cycle to increase progesterone levels. Both tools have a similar list of indications. Distinguishes them only in appearance and excipients. Duphaston, which is offered in the form of tablets, contains starch and lactose. "Utrozhestan" is a soft capsule. Among the components of the drug are gelatin, soy lecithin, peanut butter. As you can see from the composition, it is impossible to take "Utrozhestan" with an allergy to peanuts, which today is quite common in women.

Also read with this article:

  • Utrozhestan when planning pregnancy
  • Utrozhestan during pregnancy - reviews
  • How to induce menstruation with duphaston

Despite some differences in composition, there is no fundamental difference between the drugs.. They act on the same mechanism and are analogues. "Duphaston" contains synthetic progesterone, "Utrozhestan" - natural. But this does not mean that any of the drugs is better. They have a similar list of contraindications. In case of an overdose, manifestations such as:

  • headache,
  • drowsiness,
  • puffiness.

There are also special side effects inherent in each of the drugs individually. So, in the treatment of "Dufaston" migraines and sleep disturbances are often observed. After "Utrozhestan" there is a loss of concentration, as a result of which it is not recommended to take the drug for women who drive a car.

An absolute contraindication to the use of progesterone-based drugs is lactation. Means can be recommended in the early stages of pregnancy, and it is impossible to cancel the drug abruptly, this can cause uterine bleeding. Progesterone-containing formulations are reduced in dosage and gradually completely abandoned.

Duphaston and Utrozhestan when planning pregnancy

First of all, you need to understand that you should never prescribe this or that drug on your own. The treatment regimen should be selected by a gynecologist who will prescribe the most appropriate drug, determine the dosage and duration of treatment. Progesterone-containing drugs are needed to increase the likelihood of conception and reduce the risk of abortion. It is known that in the first trimester of pregnancy the risk of spontaneous abortion is very high, which is associated with an unstable hormonal background of the mother. With a low level of progesterone, the body of women begins to perceive the fetal egg as a foreign body, and the immune system mistakenly directs all its efforts to “eliminate” a potential threat to health.

Preparations of this kind began to be actively used in the 70s. last century. Today, drugs such as Duphaston and Utrozhestan are considered the most effective and safe in the treatment of hormonal disorders and the prevention of spontaneous abortions and miscarriages. "Dufaston" is more often recommended during IVF. There is no scientific justification why synthetic progesterone works better during artificial insemination, but it is Duphaston that gives the best results in the treatment of hormonal disorders before IVF. Doctors associate the effectiveness of Duphaston with high bioavailability, however, as we have already said, there is no fundamental difference between the drugs.

When planning pregnancy, progesterone-containing formulations are prescribed for:

  • increasing the likelihood of conception,
  • normalization of the hormonal background,
  • preparing the female body for pregnancy,
  • reduce the chance of miscarriage,
  • suppression of the production of the hormone DHEA-S.

Before prescribing any drug, it is necessary to take tests to determine the hormonal background. Failure to conceive and early miscarriages are not always associated with low progesterone.

Often women worry about the fact that hormonal drugs can affect blood pressure and lead to rapid weight gain. Both "Utrozhestan" and "Dufaston" do not affect the metabolism and heart function, as a result of which they can be called safe for the female body.

Utrozhestan and Duphaston during pregnancy

The drugs are not used for a long time. As a rule, women are encouraged to take hormones early in pregnancy to reduce the risk of miscarriage. The drugs help to reduce the tone of the uterus, contribute to a faster fixation of the fetal egg, and eliminate nervous tension. Progesterone-containing formulations require gradual withdrawal. "Utrozhestan" in some cases is offered for intravaginal use. Candles work in the same way as capsules for internal use. It is recommended to use the drug in the form of suppositories for a weak liver and other violations of the functions of internal organs.

Drugs can be recommended to prevent preterm labor, the risk of developing placental insufficiency, fetal hypoxia. Hormonal support is determined based on the condition of the woman and her hormonal levels. If the level of male sex hormones is too high, then treatment can be increased for the entire period of pregnancy.

Doctors believe that both drugs act gently, effectively and safely. During treatment, there is no change in the skin, the appearance of acne or an increase in blood sugar, as happens after the use of other hormonal drugs. Both drugs are safe for the fetus, they do not affect its hormonal background, do not overload the liver, and do not increase blood viscosity. However, only a doctor can determine which drug is best for a particular situation. The use of progesterone-containing formulations without the consent of a gynecologist can lead to termination of pregnancy and more serious complications.

Hormonal preparations to maintain pregnancy

Doctors know that almost no pregnancy is complete without prescribing at least some pills. And even if we are talking about "harmless" vitamins, pregnant women have natural questions: why is it necessary to take the medicine and how safe is it for the unborn baby? In this section, we will talk about medications that are usually prescribed to expectant mothers.

Preparations UTROZHESTAN and DUFASTON are usually prescribed to expectant mothers in the event of such a common problem as the threat of abortion. These drugs contain the hormone progesterone, under the influence of which important biological processes occur in the body of a woman, contributing to the successful bearing of the fetus.

The effect of progesterone on a woman's body is primarily aimed at providing favorable conditions for fertilization, attachment to the wall of the uterus and development of the fetal egg. The lack of production of this hormone often causes such an unfavorable episode of pregnancy as a miscarriage of the first trimester, because. it was during this period that the fetal egg had not yet attached to the uterus "tightly" and the mother's hormonal background had not formed completely and steadily.

The hormone progesterone refers to progestogens - female sex hormones produced in the ovaries. Even before fertilization, he prepares the uterus for the adoption of the embryo, stimulates the development of the mammary glands. With a lack of progesterone, the mother's body gives the wrong signal to the immune system, as a result of which the fetus is perceived by the body as a foreign agent, and this leads to detachment of the trophoblast - the “leaf” that feeds the fetus, from which the placenta should form in the future. As a result, a first trimester miscarriage can occur.

Progesterone began to be used to treat the threat of abortion as early as the 60s and 70s of the last century, but at the same time, its side effects on the child and mother were fully manifested, in particular, fetal malformations could not be avoided. Only with the development of high technologies and the possibilities of using molecular methods of synthesis, it was possible to obtain drugs that can qualitatively and safely deal with this unfavorable moment of pregnancy. These drugs include DUFASTON and UTROZHESTAN.

DUFASTON is a potent progestogen hormone. which, in its molecular structure and pharmacological action, is close to endogenous (i.e., produced by the body) progesterone and, as a result, has a high affinity for progesterone receptors (structures that perceive the action of this hormone), i.e. fits them perfectly, like a key to a lock.

A "synthetic" change in the configuration of the molecule leads to the fact that DUFASTON is easily absorbed when taken orally. Unlike many progestogen hormones, DUFASTON is not a derivative of the male hormone testosterone - its structure differs from the structure of most synthetic progestogens, as a result of which the drug is devoid of their characteristic side effects. Unlike other synthetic gestagens, DUFASTON:
does not cause the appearance of "female" signs in the male fetus and does not have a side effect on liver function and blood clotting;
does not cause such manifestations as acne, coarsening of the voice, hirsutism (increased hairiness) and masculinization of the genital organs (enlargement of the clitoris) in the female fetus;
does not cause changes in the lipid spectrum of blood and glucose concentration;
does not negatively affect other organs of internal secretion.

The high safety of DUFASTON, confirmed by many years of experience in its use (there was not a single case of intrauterine malformation of the fetus), allows you to confidently use the drug as a hormonal support. In addition, compared with UTROZHESTAN, dydrogesterone does not have a sedative (calming) effect. Sometimes this factor contributes to the fact that this drug is chosen for treatment.

Due to the unique correspondence to natural progesterone, DUFASTON recreates the natural mechanisms of the normal course of pregnancy. The results of many studies on this drug are inspiring: the use of DU-FASTON reduces the incidence of placental insufficiency and premature birth by 2 times. And children are less likely to be underweight at birth, get a higher Apgar score (according to this scale, all newborns are evaluated, while paying attention to breathing, heartbeat, reflexes, skin, muscle tone). Newborns are less likely to experience hypoxic (i.e., associated with oxygen starvation) brain damage. The frequency of birth of healthy children increases by a third.

Of the side effects, in rare cases, uterine bleeding is possible (in this case, you should immediately consult a doctor). No other side effects have been identified with this drug.

The only significant contraindication for taking DUFASTON is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, that is, individual intolerance.

DUFASTON (dydrogesterone) is a synthetic analogue of natural progesterone, UTROZHESTAN is natural progesterone. This is their main difference, which leads to some differences in the effects and use of these drugs.

Dydrogesterone is excreted in breast milk, therefore, if it is necessary to use the drug during lactation, the doctor raises the question of stopping breastfeeding.

DUFASTON is especially often used when using IVF technology - in vitro fertilization. Numerous observations show that the use of a synthetic drug in IVF is more effective than a natural natural analogue, although large international studies on this subject have not been published. Long-term use of this drug in a large dose is possible due to the advantages of DUFASTON - high stable availability to tissues and the absence of side effects.

UTROZHESTAN is the only progesterone in the world produced from vegetable raw materials. This drug is a natural micronized, i.e. produced in a special form, progesterone (hormone molecules are surrounded by peanut butter). It is produced in the form of capsules for oral (by mouth) and intravaginal (in suppositories) use.

This drug has a complete resemblance to the progesterone molecule, and it is this property that provides a number of unique effects that distinguish it from other drugs in this group. UTROZHESTAN fully possesses the properties of endogenous (produced in the body) progesterone. It promotes pregnancy, prepares the endometrium for egg implantation. UTROZHESTAN (like DUFASTON) does not change body weight and does not contribute to fluid retention in the body, does not affect lipid and carbohydrate metabolism and does not increase blood pressure.

The unique structure of the UTROZHESTAN molecule allows it to influence the exchange of male androgen hormones (and they are also present in women during pregnancy). which not only has a positive effect on the course of pregnancy, but also improves skin condition.

UTROZHESTAN also has a positive effect when a woman has an increased amount of male sex hormones (hyperandrogenism) due to the fact that this drug interacts in the body with the same receptors as androgens, i.e. competes with them.

Another unique mechanism for UTROZHESTAN to preserve and maintain pregnancy is its ability to suppress the effects of oxytocin (this hormone is also produced by the ovaries, and it is this hormone that stimulates uterine contractions and leads to miscarriage). This effect of UTROZHESTAN is especially pronounced when taken orally.

The usual dose of UTROZHESTAN is 200-300 mg per day, while any of the two routes of administration of the drug can be used - intravaginal or oral. When eliminating the threat of abortion, the combination of intravaginal administration of UTROZHESTAN with oral administration is more preferable and effective. It is important to note that the initial dose of UTROZHESTAN in case of a threatened miscarriage is 400-600 mg at once, followed by a maintenance dose of 400-600 mg per day. If this therapy is ineffective, the dose of UTROZHESTAN can be increased to 800-1000 mg per day. But the appointment of treatment, as well as changing the dose, should be carried out only by a doctor, since this is a hormonal drug, and its overdose or lack in the body can end tragically for pregnancy. Cancellation of UTROZHESTAN or a change in its dose is carried out under the control of various indicators of pregnancy, including the concentration of progesterone in the blood: it changes smoothly during normal pregnancy - and cancellation should also occur without “bursts”.

Let's say a few words about the side effects that may occur when taking this drug. Like "own" progesterone, UTROZHESTAN slightly increases body temperature and has a calming and hypnotic effect, more pronounced when taken orally. When taking the drug inside, drowsiness and dizziness may also occur.

In case of serious liver diseases, oral administration of UTROGEST is contraindicated - it is recommended to switch to intravaginal use, since the drug is actively metabolized (processed) by the liver.

In conclusion, let me remind dear mothers that if a doctor prescribes any of the considered drugs to a pregnant woman, then this means a full and serious treatment, since it is associated with the intake of hormones, the minimum changes in the concentration of which in the blood (including without the knowledge of the doctor) in that or the other side can cross out both the efforts of the doctor and your pregnancy. Therefore, while taking these medicines, always keep a "hand on the pulse" - visit your doctor regularly and strictly follow his advice.

When a person has a choice, it can be very difficult to make it. It used to be in the Soviet Union in the store - 1 grade of cheese - was called "if delivered" and everyone was happy when they bought a coveted piece.

And now there are at least 50 different varieties on the shelves, and you stand, tormented - which one to buy. So are drugs.

In the days of our mothers and grandmothers, only progesterone injections could be prescribed for the onset and maintenance of pregnancy. And that's it - there was no choice!

Currently, when planning a pregnancy, doctors can prescribe the same progesterone intramuscularly, and tablet preparations - Duphaston or Utrozhestan. And this is where our girls begin to puzzle over what is better?

Features of drugs. Utrozhestan

Both Duphaston and Utrozhestan are hormonal drugs. Both drugs belong to the same class - progestogens. Both drugs are prescribed to be taken in the second half of the menstrual cycle. Let's stop in more detail.

The drug "Utrozhestan" - contains the natural hormone progesterone. In appearance, they are rounded soft capsules. Auxiliary substances are soy lecithin, peanut butter, gelatin.

Indications for the use of the drug "Utrozhestan":

  • hormone replacement therapy for progesterone deficiency. It is prescribed after resection or ovarian dysfunction;
  • luteal phase support. Assign when planning pregnancy or preparing for the IVF procedure;
  • menstrual disorders associated with a lack of progesterone;
  • infertility associated with luteal insufficiency;
  • habitual or threatened abortion during pregnancy;
  • in a complex of preventive measures for uterine myoma and endometriosis.

A big plus of "Utrozhestan" is the form of administration of the drug. It can be taken orally or used vaginally. This is especially convenient if pregnancy is accompanied by toxicosis.

But not all patients can be prescribed "Utrozhestan". The drug has many contraindications:

  • allergy to the main active substance. You should be careful with peanut butter and soy - these are the strongest allergens;
  • thrombosis, thromboembolism;
  • bleeding from the genital tract of unknown etiology;
  • incomplete abortion;
  • porphyrin disease;
  • oncopathology of the reproductive sphere and mammary glands;
  • disorders in the liver and kidneys.

So when planning a pregnancy, you should definitely inform the doctor about all the nuances in your health and undergo a full examination. Only after that the use of the drug "Utrozhestan" is justified.

Take "Utrozhestan" as directed and under the supervision of the attending physician.

Duphaston - what to look for

The drug "Duphaston" is also a progestogen. This is an analogue of the female hormone progesterone and, accordingly, an analogue of the Utrozhestan remedy.

This is a synthetic progesterone - dydrogesterone. Duphaston is available only in tablet form. Excipients are starch and lactose compounds.

Indications for the use of the drug "Duphaston" during pregnancy and when planning peanuts are the same as those for "Utrozhestan".

Why is it sometimes better to use synthetic Duphaston than natural progesterone?

  1. dydrogesterone does not have the side effects that natural progesterone has;
  2. as part of the drug there are no additional allergens - soy and peanut butter;
  3. dydrogesterone is not a derivative of the male hormone testosterone, like other natural progestogens. Therefore, the drug does not have much estrogenic, androgenic, anabolic, glucocorticoid activity. Does not affect basal temperature readings.
  4. fewer contraindications than the drug "Utrozhestan". It is worth paying attention only to the individual intolerance to "Duphaston" and skin itching during a previous pregnancy.

Common Side Effects of Drugs

Side effects of Duphaston and Utrozhestan drugs are classified as "rare". For Utrozhestan, drowsiness, dizziness are noted, which can increase 1 to 3 hours after taking the drug. Therefore, "Utrozhestan" cannot be used when working with precision instruments, you should stop driving a car.

Duphaston most often has headaches and migraines. Occasionally, swelling of the extremities can be observed. Motor skills, attention, the ability to drive a Duphaston machine are not affected.

Neither drug is a contraceptive, so taking the funds does not provide protection against pregnancy. Both drugs should not be used while breastfeeding. During pregnancy, drugs are taken as prescribed by the doctor and go off them, gradually reducing the dosage. Abrupt withdrawal of the drug is fraught with the onset of uterine bleeding.

Some Conclusions