Parents' meeting in kindergarten in an unconventional way. Non-traditional forms of parenting meetings

Form of conducting- parenting training - the development of a unified strategy for the behavior of parents in choosing toys.

Epigraph: Children should live in a world of beauty,

games, fairy tales, music, fantasy and


V. Sukhomlinsky.

Preparing the meeting environment:

Consultation “What toys do our children need?”;

Visual and handouts: an invitation for each family, a poster with the words of V. Sukhomlinsky;

Cards - tasks for parents:

Group 1 - "harmful toys",

Group 2 - "useless toys"

Group 3 - "useful toys";

Three pedagogical situations for group discussion;

Leaflets drawn up by each group in the course of work;

- ¼ sheet of drawing paper, felt-tip pens, markers (for each group).

Meeting progress:

1. "Harmful and dangerous toys." Introductory remarks by the educator.

Protecting children's health is the most important task for both educators and parents. In this regard, the issue of the prevention of child injuries associated with children's toys arises.

Of course, a normal childhood is unthinkable without toys. Toys are a medium for a child that allows him to explore the world around him, to shape and realize his creative abilities, to express his feelings, and also teaches him to communicate and learn about himself. The selection of toys is a serious and responsible business. The success of this business depends not only on the child's play, but also on progress in his development.

Nowadays it is extremely difficult for a kid to choose a toy. Along with traditional dolls, bears, cars, balls, new, previously unseen toys have appeared - dinosaurs, transformers, spiders, pokemon. And among such a variety, toys appeared that are harmful and dangerous to the health and life of children.

First of all, the material from which this or that toy is made is harmful.

The most "dangerous" toy material is rightfully considered to be plastic. After all, it is on it that chips and cracks most often appear. Having broken, the plastic shatters into many small pieces, each of which poses a danger to the baby. But not every natural material can be considered ideal. A tree, for example, can also break, only not into fragments, but into small splinters, which is even more dangerous for a child, because it is extremely difficult to get them out of the palms. In order to prevent such troubles, when buying, try to imagine what kind of mechanical stress your baby's toy will experience on itself. Do not forget about the quality certificate, and about the document, which will indicate the amount of formaldehyde in wood or plastic.

Another "toy" danger lurking for babies is sharp corners and edges, about which they can easily be scratched, pricked or even cut. Modern experts identify such flaws as follows: piercing and scratching surfaces are determined by special equipment, the end of the product is brought to its calibration hole, and if a light comes on, then the toy should not be given to the baby. If there are doubts about the quality of the edge, the toy is checked on another type of equipment: a film is wound onto a device in the form of a spindle, which imitates the skin of a child. If the film remains intact after contact with the toy, everything is in order, but if there are scratches and cuts on it, the toy cannot be used. Toys are also checked for strength, for this they are specially dropped from a certain height to the floor.

If you buy a toy and you do not have a firm belief that it has been tested by specialists for safety, you will have to use "field" testing methods. Closing your eyes, carefully feel the toy - whether its sharp parts protrude too much, whether the edges are scratched, whether the whiskers of a soft kitten or the eyelashes of a doll are pricking. Remember that a child during play can get a toy in the eye, mouth and nose. Having foreseen all these situations, you can easily find out whether it will be possible for the child to play with this or that pyramid, doll or bear cub.

It is extremely important to consider the size of toys for babies up to a certain age. We have all heard about how children swallow small parts or stick them into their noses or ears. Therefore, you should be especially picky when choosing constructors, mosaics, as well as toys with magnets, which are most often put on poor glue by manufacturers. Even more attention should be paid to thematic sets like "Young Constructor", "Little Builder", etc. Even the most innocent, seemingly, toys are fraught with danger. That is, the main requirement in terms of the size and components of the toy is that it should be at least 4-5 cm in diameter and not contain small parts like nails, buttons and other things.

The color of the toy can also tell you how dangerous it is. After all, unnaturally bright, poisonous - green or flashy - red shades, by definition, cannot contain natural ingredients. These paints often contain lead and cadmium. Add to this the negative effect of poisonous flowers on the child's psyche and eyesight, and you will no longer have any desire to buy unnaturally bright gifts for your baby.

Very often, parents are concerned about the question - what to do if a child asks to buy a "spider-man", "ninja turtles" or some monster from a cartoon that is very popular among children. Most adults are puzzled by the fascination of modern children with such "horror films". Parents intuitively feel rejection of these characters, because in our childhood there was nothing like this. Nevertheless, not everyone is able to resist persistent requests and persuasions, and scary robots are nevertheless acquired and then settled in the nursery. At the same time, the best explanations are found - after all, the desire to please the child was the guide to action. But will this pleasure be useful?

"Scary" toys have existed at all times. Such toys most often depicted frightening fairy-tale characters and mythical creatures. They have been an integral part of children's play in all cultures. In the Russian folk tradition, they are widely represented in carved wooden toys, clay toys - Dymkovo, Filimonov. These figures depict "terrible" animals: a bear, a wolf, a lion and fabulous, fantastic "monsters" - Tyani-Pushing, Serpent-Gorynych. These characters well-known to children, their appearance (often deliberately amusing), the handicraft of such toys and their dependence on the child's actions - all this helped to overcome the baby's fears. The simplicity of the appearance and the meaningfulness of the image, which the terrible toy carried, gave scope to the imagination.

The modern toy industry operates in a completely different direction. And indeed, what kind of baby you will surprise today with a simple bear. "Scary" toys have become extremely bright and popular, so they almost completely filled the counters. The frightening appearance of the toy has lost its symbolism and has passed into the category of ways to attract attention.

The abundance of details, all sorts of technical "bells and whistles" make the image of the toy attractive, but too difficult for the kid to understand. It is often not at all clear what kind of creature it is - a man, an animal, or a machine in general. If for an adult the words "mutant" and "biorobot" carry some kind of semantic load, then they cannot explain anything to a small child, who is just developing an idea of ​​the world. As a result, such heroes with "superhuman" abilities, sometimes in "iron armor" and with their faces closed, become a role model for the child, the image of what a person should really be.

The main danger of such scary toys is that they blur the line between good and bad, good and evil. The kid, whose ideas about good and evil are just adding up, needs their clear separation and simple symbolization in a toy.

Of course, it is impossible to completely avoid the presence of toy monsters in a child's life, but it is important that these "scary" toys do not prevail in the children's room, so that along with them, in terms of quantity and quality, kind and harmless characters take a worthy place.

Psychologists-practitioners urge: toys should be different! It is still not worthwhile to completely deprive the child of modern popular games. The child is in society, communicates with children who have modern dolls and cars. It is important to carefully observe the games of your child, to be included in them in time if necessary, to help the child to master the game relationships of the characters. After all, not a single toy by itself will teach a child to play and will not develop his abilities. Only in the hands of an older parent who knows how to play will the toy become alive, necessary, stimulating the imagination, and therefore useful.

And the last thing I wanted to say, in the morning, when sending your child to kindergarten, you need to check if he took the preschool educational institution traumatic toys (small toys or buttons, sharp toys, etc.), medicines, confectionery.

2. Business game "Toy store".

The group is divided into subgroups of 5 people. Toys and game items are laid out on the floor of the playroom. Each team is tasked with choosing from all toys and playable items:

1 team - "useful toys", that is, toys necessary for the development of young children.

Team 2 - "useless toys", that is, toys that do not give anything for the development of the child.

Team 3 - "harmful toys", that is, toys that should never be used when working with young children.

Think over what criteria were used when choosing this category of toys (how are these toys useful, useless, why harmful).

Parents show their selected toys one at a time or in groups and explain the criteria by which they chose them. Educators summarize each criterion.

Representatives of the 3rd group: deliberately bright, unpleasantly smelling balls, dolls, rubber toys, a soft toy with bright hair that comes out, a broken car.

The criterion is the non-compliance of toys with sanitary and hygienic requirements. Basically, these are cheap toys made in China. Testing such toys for toxicity revealed that the norms for the concentration of chemicals in them were exceeded dozens of times, the paint on celluloid and rubber toys contained lead. Buying such a toy, you are paying with the health of your child. This also includes toys with small loose parts and broken ones with sharp edges.

Representatives: monsters, robots with faces contorted with malice.

The criterion is aggressive toys, that is, toys that contain clear signs of aggression and cruelty or cause fear in the child. A child who is surrounded by such toys can transfer his game into reality, perceiving the world around him as a substance inhabited by enemies that need to be neutralized and destroyed. If a child in a game is forced to be aggressive, rude, cruel, this will necessarily be reproduced sometime in this or that life situation. The toy programs the child's behavior. Aggression of a small person accumulates and over time can take uncontrollable, dangerous forms. Such toys can contribute to the appearance of neurotic manifestations in the child (sleep disturbances, the appearance of various fears).

Representatives: games containing small details (mosaic, gun with bullets).

The criterion is toys that are inappropriate for the age of the child. Small parts are dangerous for young children.

The second team took out useless toys.

Representatives: a huge soft dog, a matryoshka that opens tightly and with a creak, the car whose wheels do not spin well.

The criterion is toys that the child cannot play for their intended purpose, that is, toys that cannot become the subject of the child's corresponding activity. The size or technical qualities of these toys do not give the child the opportunity to fully carry out the corresponding play actions with them.

Representatives: various puzzles, board games.

The criterion is toys that are inappropriate for the age of the child. Such toys do not correspond to the interests of the child himself, do not give room for independent actions.

Representatives: an elegant porcelain doll, a rare car model.

The criterion is expensive toys, most likely these are toys for adults, not for children. From the point of view of the child, such toys do not bring any practical benefit and are sheer inconvenience. They cannot be fully enjoyed (“Caution, you’ll break them!”), They cannot be taken out into the yard or to the kindergarten, and you can play with them only under the close supervision of adults. A beautiful expensive toy can quickly turn into a source of irritation and anger in a child.

The first team selected the toys necessary for the development of young children.

Representatives: pyramids, nesting dolls, large puzzles, large constructors, insert games, fastener games, plastic containers, empty boxes.

The criterion is toys that develop intellectual, cognitive and motor abilities. Playing with them, the child learns the surrounding objective world, masters various actions with objects, learns to correlate the shape, size, arrangement of individual parts.

3. Solution of pedagogical situations.

Each of the three teams receives a card with a description of the situation, which must be resolved in various ways and develop a memo on this topic (a memo is drawn up by a team on ¼ of a Whatman sheet).

Situation 1. You spent two hours in Children's World, choosing a gift for a precious child. We tried to take everything into account and bought a great toy! And bright, and interesting, and safe, as well as developing and suitable for age. Arriving home, you give the kid a multi-colored box, he starts fiddling with it with glowing eyes, trying to quickly look inside. Finally, he took the toy out. He twisted it, turned it over in the handles with a puzzled look, twitched, pushed and after a couple of minutes completely forgot about the existence of the new thing. She lies so lonely, absolutely new and useless to anyone ... The question is - why and what to do now?

Situation 2. While you were preparing dinner, your child played independently in the room. Looking at him, you find a complete mess. Toys are scattered throughout the room. Your child does not like to put away toys. Find ways to involve him in cleaning toys.

Situation 3. You don't have a home, but a branch of a toy store. There are already so many toys that there is nowhere to store them. For the most part, the child does not play (he has grown out of some, some are already tired of him). The kid asks for new toys. But what about so many old toys?

4. Development of a unified strategy for the behavior of parents in choosing toys.

Support parents who have expressed a general opinion that “harmful toys” are toys that do not meet sanitary and hygienic requirements; "Useful toys" - toys that develop the child's intellectual, cognitive and motor abilities;

It must always be remembered that a toy is not just fun, it lays in the child's soul the initial concepts of good and evil, gives vivid and impressive images, on which the formation of moral and ethical ideas of the personality and its development as a whole depend.

Parents' meeting is a responsible meeting, the purpose of which is to solve organizational issues, education, resolution of conflict situations, joint leisure of children and adults. They can be held not only in the usual form of a meeting, but also in another way. - these are quizzes, concerts, round tables, brainstorming sessions, trainings, seminars and competitions. Among all the variety of forms of conduct, the senior educator and the administration of the kindergarten choose the appropriate one. In the preparatory group, two or three meetings are traditionally held:

  • installation in September;
  • intermediate in December;
  • final - in April-June.

Unconventional Preparatory Group Parent Summit

Parent-caregiver meetings tend to have the same goals:

  1. Assess the difficulties that children experience in the context of adaptation to the transition to a new stage of life.
  2. Analyze the problems and find ways to solve them.
  3. Determine the psychological state of preschool children, focus on their successes and advantages.
  4. Summarize and assess the degree of readiness of children in school life.

Synopsis of the parent meeting in an unconventional form for the older group "Health is movement".

This material will be useful for educators when conducting non-traditional parenting meetings with older preschool children.

Target : Formation of parents' stable motivation to preserve and improve the health of their children.

Tasks ... To form the skills of cooperation between children and parents, to increase the level of knowledge of parents in the field of formation, preservation and strengthening of children's health, a healthy lifestyle in the family through pedagogical education.

The meeting takes place in the form of a game-competition between children and their parents. (In the gym)

Meeting progress.

Educator. Hello children and dear parents. We are very glad to see you as our guest. Thank you for taking the time to come to the meeting. Today the topic of our meeting will be a conversation about health ", health is a movement. And today it is very important for us adults to form and maintain an interest in health improvement, both ourselves and our children. Properly organized physical education contributes to the mental development of children, since favorable conditions are created for the normal activity of the central nervous system and all other organs and systems, which helps better perception and memorization. Children develop all mental processes (thinking, speech, imagination). The words of J. Rousseau are increasingly remembered: "To make a child smart and reasonable make him strong and healthy. "

Questions for parents.

Well, what is, in your opinion, a healthy child?

(Parental statements)

Educator. Raising a child healthy means: teaching him to lead a healthy lifestyle from an early age.

And now let's listen to the poems that our children will tell.

1.You need to make friends with sports

To all those who are not yet friends with him

He will help you all to cheer up

He is very necessary for health.

2. Should guys know

Everyone needs to sleep longer

Well, don't be lazy in the morning

Get started charging!

Strengthen your body,

My whole family knows

There should be a regime for the day.

4. In the morning, be tempered,

Pour cold water

You will always be healthy

There is no need for unnecessary words.

Educator. And now a little warm-up.

(children and parents perform rhythmic exercises with flags to cheerful music)

Educator. Well done! Dear parents, please answer our questions.

What are the components of a healthy lifestyle, do you know? (Parental statements)

Educator. Right. This is the routine of the day, walks in the fresh air,

Physical education, proper nutrition, morning exercises, hardening and others.

Well done, parents. And now our guys will answer questions.

Questions for children.

Who is called healthy?

How should you behave if you get sick?

What do you need to do to be healthy?

(Answers of children).

Educator. And now we will compete with your parents.

The game is played: "Who will lower the hoop faster"

Children and parents are divided into groups. Each group stands in front of a specific line at arm's length to the sides.

Place a hoop in front of each group. At the signal "once", the first of the columns tilt the body forward, take the hoop on the sides and lift it up. Then they lower them onto their shoulders, over the body and lower them to the floor, quickly step over and hurry to the end of the column.

The teacher fixes the attention of parents and children to who correctly missed the hoop and previously stood at the end of the column, and marks them with a flag. Then, at the signal "once", other children and parents from the columns do it. The column with the most flags wins. Game continues.

2nd game "Swipe the ball"

On command, the 1st participants lead the ball to the skittles with a stick, circle it and return to the team, passing the stick to the next player. The winner is the team that finishes the relay faster.

Educator. Well done all, both parents and children. Thanks everyone.

No wonder they say that sport is life, and "Health is movement"

Listen and guess riddles.

1.Pass, Attack and Hit

The ball hit the goal again!

So that the goalkeeper does not cope,

The player needs skill (Football)

2.In this sport, the players

All are agile and tall

They love to play ball

And throw it into the ring

The ball hits the floor loudly

So this is ... (Basketball)

3.Horse, rope, log and beams,

Rings next to them

I do not presume to list

Many shells

Beauty and plastic

Gives us ... (Gymnastics)

Educator. Caring for the health of the child began to occupy priority positions all over the world, since any country needs creative, harmoniously developed, active and healthy personalities.

Play with parents "Pass the ball"

Parents stand in a circle, pass the ball in a circle, the teacher starts the sentence and the parents finish throwing the ball, for example, My child will be healthy if I ...

Educator. Well done, I would like to give you some recommendations.

Teach children to play sports games and do elements of sports games;

Build correct posture skills;

Teach your child to take care of their health.

Now let's listen to a song about sports.

Educator. So our meeting has come to an end. Thanks everyone. Be healthy and happy!

Academy of Parenting Education. "The harmony of childhood. There are no non-talented children."

The form and theme of the event can be useful both in preschool educational institutions and primary school teachers. The topic is relevant and timely. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, when teaching and upbringing a child, the priority direction is the development of his personal qualities, while special attention should be paid to gifted children.
Department of Education of Moscow
GBOU Gymnasium №1582. Second preschool department.

We invite you to make your way
from mind to mind; from experience to wisdom;
we invite you to learn
don't just watch and listen
- but to see and hear.
It's not easy - but it changes everything ...

Nontraditional Parents' Meeting. Academy of Parental Education - “Childhood Harmony. There are no non-talented children "

The main idea of ​​the Academy's activities:
promote the establishment and development of partnership and cooperation between parent and child.
Tasks to be solved:
1. Expanding the understanding of your child;
2. Improving the reflection of their relationship with the child;
3. Development of skills of interaction with the child.
4. Activation of communication in the family.
Form of carrying out:
Target: to acquaint the parents of pupils with the signs of gifted children, with the creation of conditions for the development and realization of the abilities of gifted children, the activation and encouragement of their creative activity.
Tasks: to involve parents in the discussion of the problem of the influence of educators and parents on the development of gifted children, to draw attention to this problem of society.
Preparatory stage. Mini recommendations for parents, memos on the topic of the meeting are drawn up. A thematic Power Point presentation is prepared.
Equipment: Audio recordings: "Fanfare", "Merry Charge", calm classical music. Video equipment. Power Point Presentation "Academy". Treats for tea drinking. Souvenirs "Ladybug" - gifts for parents. Origami construction schemes depicted on the board, games, didactic toys: the phone of the Rescue Service, the Aunt Care doll, beads, checkers, matches - counting sticks. Cards for the blitz answer.
Conducting a meeting.
To the sound of calm music, parents go into the room where the meeting will be held, and sit down.
Parent meeting progress.
The meeting is held at a round table with tea drinking,
- Good evening, our dear Caring parents. We are glad to welcome you to the parent Academy. You are in kindergarten, the main activity here is the game and today we will play a lot, play unusual games.
At the beginning of our meeting, let me present letters of gratitude to parents, whose contribution to the life of our group is invaluable. We are pleased that you work with great enthusiasm in close cooperation with teachers to the best of your ability and ability, help, support, and often help out in the most difficult situations. We highly appreciate your contribution to the noble cause of educating the younger generation.
Presentation of thanks, souvenirs with solemn music.
In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, when teaching and upbringing a child, the priority direction is the development of his personal qualities, while special attention should be paid to gifted children.
It is very important to know that there are no untalented children in nature. It is known that Mendeleev had only a C in chemistry, and Pushkin did not understand mathematics at all. The task of adults is to determine what the child is inclined towards. Some gravitate towards mathematics, chemistry, biology and physics, others towards construction, engineering and modeling, still others towards poetry, music and art, and still others towards sports, travel and business. The “incapable of anything” can be the creators of sophisticated humor and inexhaustible optimism, rainbow designers or preachers of kindness. Doesn't the modern depressive world need the healing smile of kind, pure, honest and sympathetic people! The responsible task of teachers, parents and leaders of all ranks is to identify the natural giftedness of the child, and to contribute to the realization of this gift. Patience and love, love and patience are the main criteria when handling and working with children! Some children are very shy and difficult to wake them up to the competition, while others are happy from the very opportunity to compete with someone.
Warm up.
- Dear friends, today a lot may surprise you. All the games offered to you today are aimed at the development of the cerebral hemispheres ... Everything that we will talk about is not accidental ... Everyone is accustomed to the fact that you need to develop memory, attention, intelligence, and improve your body. But for some reason, at the same time, few people pay attention to the brain itself, on which the development of all this in most cases depends. Even the body will not develop and improve, if before that the brain does not properly tune in and think about how to start working on the body.
- "Mirror painting"... Put a blank sheet of paper on the table, take a pencil each. Draw at the same time with both hands mirror-symmetrical patterns, letters. When doing this exercise, you should feel relaxation in your eyes and hands, because when both hemispheres work simultaneously, the efficiency of the whole brain is improved.
- "Ring"... Alternately and very quickly, we sort out the fingers, connecting the index, middle, ring, little fingers in a ring with the thumb. First, you can use each hand separately, then simultaneously with both hands.

Main part. Discussion on the topic.
- Imagine that somewhere on the distant islands in the Pacific Ocean a boy with the musical inclinations of Mozart was born. What is the future of this child, considering that there are no musical instruments on the island except a drum and no song traditions other than monophonic singing? What are your opinions? - Expressing opinions.
- Scientists believe that any activity requires a person to possess certain qualities. These qualities help a person to cope with an activity and, as it were, determine his suitability for it. They show how successfully a person can complete it. In psychology, such individual psychological characteristics are called human abilities.
- Able people from incapable people are distinguished by faster mastering of activity, achievement of greater efficiency in it. Abilities is a complex formation that depends on and includes not only various mental processes, but also the entire development of the personality.
General abilities that provide relative ease and productivity in mastering knowledge in various activities are called giftedness. Giftedness can manifest itself in various fields of activity: intellectual, educational, creative, artistic, in the areas of communication (leadership) and psychomotor skills.
- For the development of certain abilities, it is necessary to create conditions for the child that develop in him exactly what at the moment can most effectively develop. In other words, one should take into account his sensitivity to certain influences, or, as psychologists put it, his sensitivity. Again, we touched on the topic of sensitivity. The sensitive period is the period of the highest opportunities for the most effective development of any side of the psyche. Thus, abilities have their own sensitive periods or separate moments in which they receive (do not receive) a kind of impetus to development.
- Another important condition for the development of abilities should be considered the formation of perseverance, the ability to strain as much as possible when achieving a goal. Abilities develop the more successfully, the more often in his activity a person reaches the limit of his capabilities and gradually raises this ceiling higher and higher.
It is important to observe one more condition: the emerging personality must be provided with greater freedom in the choice of activities, in the alternation of affairs, in the choice of methods of work. But giving the child freedom does not exclude, but, on the contrary, presupposes unobtrusive, intelligent, benevolent help from adults.
REMEMBER: The family can develop or ruin the child's creativity even in preschool age.
Blitz Answer.
- Now let's take a little rest, we are introducing a new tradition, at each meeting we will conduct a small blitz-response. Parents were offered a card where the age characteristics of the physical and mental of our children are written. In turn, each parent reads what is written on his card. That is, here you not only listen, but also read and speak. This is a common form for memorization.
1. At this age, like no other, children listen to fairy tales with pleasure.
2. A preschooler of the fifth year of life is distinguished by high activity.
3. It is by the age of five that numerous complaints-statements of children to the educator begin that someone is doing something wrong or someone is not fulfilling some requirement.
4. At the age of 4-5 years, the child's growth slows down and averages 5 cm per year.

5. At the age of 4-5 years, the skeletal system is in the process of formation, the ligaments are elastic. That is why it is necessary to protect the child from excessive physical exertion leading to deformation (primarily of the spine).
6. You can also entrust the children with simple household chores that require a little physical exertion (for example, vacuuming the carpet or cleaning the floor). Let him do everything worse than yours, but he acquires work skills, and at the same time develops physically.
7. The formation of the pulmonary system at 4-5 years of age continues and usually ends by 6-7 years. The breathing becomes deeper. During physical exertion (running, outdoor games, cycling, skating, etc.), ventilation of the lungs increases. It promotes training and development of the respiratory system; as a result of which the child has colds less often.
8. Blood pressure in children 4-5 years old is approximately 95 to 59 mm Hg. Art. (in adults, the norm is 120 to 80). The heart rate ranges from 90 to 100 beats per minute. By the age of 5, the weight of the heart increases, and the efficiency of the heart muscle increases accordingly.
9. It should be noted that at the age of 4-5 years, the disadvantages of upbringing begin to gradually take root and turn into stable negative character traits.
10. Children develop a need for respect from an adult; for them, his praise is extremely important. This also leads to increased sensitivity to comments.
11. Relationships with peers are characterized by selectivity, there are permanent play partners. Leaders begin to emerge in groups.
12. By the age of five, the ratio of the sizes of various parts of the spine in a child becomes the same as in an adult, but the growth of the spine continues until adulthood.
13. The skeleton of a preschool child is flexible, since the process of ossification is not yet complete. In this regard, children 4-5 years old should not be given strength exercises during physical education, it is necessary to constantly monitor the correctness of their posture. Long-term preservation of one position can cause overstrain of the muscles and, ultimately, poor posture.
14. The first five years of life are the "golden time" for the development of children's sensory abilities. The lens of a preschooler's eye has a flatter shape than that of an adult. Hence, some farsightedness. However, myopia can easily develop. So, when examining illustrations, and even at a poorly lit table, when working with a pencil, various small objects, the child strains his eyesight, bends strongly. At the same time, the muscles of the eye change the shape of the lens for better refraction of light rays, intraocular pressure also changes, and the eyeball increases. Repeated often, these changes can take hold. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the correct working posture in children and to exercise constant control over it both in the classroom and in their independent activity.
15. A 4-5 year old child continues to develop the organ of hearing. The eardrum is tender and easily injured, the ossification of the auditory canal and temporal bone is not over. Therefore, an inflammatory process can easily occur in the ear cavity. The vulnerability of the organ of hearing and the incompleteness of the formation of the central nervous system is associated with a great sensitivity of preschoolers to noise. If the life of children in a group constantly proceeds against a background of noise of the order of 45-50 decibels, persistent hearing loss and fatigue occur. Meanwhile, falling cubes and chairs, loud conversation create a noise of about 70-75 decibels. That is why an active fight against noise should be carried out in preschool children's institutions: it is necessary to teach children how to use toys correctly, carefully move chairs, and speak softly.
16. To teach children 4-5 years old to follow the rules of behavior, it is not enough to explain to them what is allowed, what is not allowed and what needs to be done, it is necessary to constantly exercise them in the appropriate actions. It is important that the complex systems of connections that make up the skills and abilities are strengthened gradually, using material that is repeated with increasing complications.
17. The stability of attention increases. Concentrated activity for 15-20m is available to the child. m
- Were you interested to know about your child?
Remarkably helps to develop the cerebral hemispheres of neurolinguistic programming, in abbreviated form NLP
It helps relieve emotional stress, improves performance, develops attention, thinking and interhemispheric connections. This exercise is challenging and fun.
I explain the procedure. Before you lies a piece of paper with the letters of the alphabet, almost all of them. Under each letter are written the letters L, P or B. The upper letter is pronounced, and the lower one indicates the movement of the hands. L - the left hand rises to the left side, R - the right hand rises to the right side, B - both hands rise up. Everything is very simple, if it were not so difficult to do all this at the same time. The exercise is performed in sequence from the first letter to the last, then from the last letter to the first. The following is written on the sheet.



Subject-developmental environment. When organizing PRS, we took into account many years of experience, creating a developing and comfortable modern interior together with parents. The group space consists of four so-called modules:
Game module;
Free activity module for children;
Household module;
Security module
- Are there any questions about creating a developing environment? The value of which cannot be overestimated. Reviewing Equipment ... Giving Views ...
Staging: A staging of a short scene (VIDEO) is being demonstrated. Children play the role of actors. After watching a little discussion.
Image of a fairy glade.
On an impromptu stage, a table on which everything is prepared for a drawing lesson (paints, brushes, etc.), Malvina appears, she calls Artemon and Buratino to study. Artemon obediently sits down at the table, assumes the pose of a diligent student. Pinocchio has to beg for a long time, he cannot sit still, he is distracted all the time. When at last everyone is seated, Malvina says
- Today, children, we will learn to draw a daisy with you. See how this is done on a large sheet of paper Malvina draws a daisy, explaining in detail all her actions. Artemon listens attentively, doing everything exactly as Malvina explained. Buratino scratches in the back of his head, examines the paints, dips a brush into one of the jars and puts a large blot on a sheet of paper. Then he carefully examines it, dips the brush in paint again and places another blot next to it. So, using the blot method, he draws a chamomile.
Malvina examines both drawings, praises Artemon, scolds Buratino for the work done.
On slide number 1 meeting theme
- Let's now discuss together which of the fairy-tale characters showed non-standard thinking abilities, how this manifested itself and whether it will be possible to preserve and develop their creativity with such guidance of the activities of children.
Parents give their opinion.
(We set up parents for a discussion, exchange of views, ask questions)
On slide number 2 next questions:
What is “Giftedness”, how can it be manifested? What is it like?
Short discussion.
Yes, dear parents, in many ways you are right. But what experts say about giftedness.
Slide number 3
Children's giftedness is a social and social problem. History knows of cases when many outstanding people from childhood shone with outstanding abilities. On the other hand, outstanding mental or creative manifestations of a child may turn out to be only something temporary. In the course of age-related development, along with the strengthening of the properties of intelligence and personality traits, their rise to a new level, there is a limitation, or even a loss of some children's capabilities.
It is necessary to diagnose and identify gifted children.
Slide number 4
Preschool age is a period of absorption, accumulation of knowledge, a period of assimilation of new things. The successful performance of this important vital function is favored by the characteristic features of children of this age, trusting submission to authority, increased sensitivity, impressionability, naive - playful attitude to many of what they encounter.
However, early signs of ability cannot leave parents and teachers indifferent - after all, these signs can indicate the prerequisites for genuine talent.
Slide number 5
A fundamental contribution to the study of human abilities was made in the works of the outstanding Russian psychologists B.M. Teplova and S.L. Rubinstein. According to B.M. Teplova - the concept of giftedness has a complex, synthetic character and is closely related to the specific requirements that a person's practical activity presents. B.M. Teplov emphasizes that it is meaningless to talk about "giftedness in general," since only giftedness for something is possible, i.e. to any activity. In accordance with this, two types of giftedness are differentiated:
Slide number 6
special giftedness, which is understood as a qualitatively unique combination of abilities that creates the possibility of success in some activity;
general endowment, which, in contrast to the special, is considered in relation to a wide range of activities.
What kind of children can be considered gifted? Parents' answers.
Slide number 7
A gifted child is a child who stands out for bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in a particular type of activity.
Slide number 8
Types of giftedness:
Giftedness in crafts; sports and organizational giftedness;
Intellectual endowments of various kinds;
Choreographic, stage, literary-poetic, visual and musical talent;
Leadership talent, i.e. the ability to attract, attract other people to oneself, arouse a feeling of sympathy in them;
Giftedness in creating new spiritual values ​​and meanings, serving people.
Slide number 9
Therefore, it is very important, paying attention to the development of the child's abilities in the area where his giftedness is most pronounced, to stimulate the development of his other abilities, to contribute to the formation in the child of such personal qualities as kindness, compassion, willingness to help, generosity, modesty, patience, reliability and etc.
Slide number 10
- Pastor and scientist Karl Witte believed that every child has abilities and they are the result of training and education in the first five to six years of life. This scientist conducted one of the most interesting longitudinal studies in the psychology of giftedness, with his son as the subject. In 1800, at a meeting of the Magdeburg Pedagogical Society of Gymnasium Teachers, in a heated argument with supporters of the genetic approach to giftedness, Karl Witte uttered his famous phrase: "If God sends me a son ... then I will make him an outstanding person." Soon, the pastor actually had a son, who was also named Karl in honor of his father. Karl Witte Sr. developed many pedagogical techniques that allowed him to teach and develop his child. Initially, not only the educational critics, but even the pastor's wife did not believe in success. However, as the boy grew older, they had to change their mind.
Slide number 11
- Already at less than eight years old, little Karl could read and translate Plutarch from Greek, the works of Julius Caesar from Latin. He was not hampered by answers to questions about these far from simple works. He also read Italian and French easily, converting in these languages ​​with teachers as if it were his native language. He could solve in his mind the most complex mathematical examples, had a brilliant knowledge of geography and history. Already at the age of 9, the boy entered the University of Leipzig, at the age of 13 he became a doctor of philosophy, and at the age of 16 he received a doctorate in jurisprudence. At the age of 18, the young man became a professor at the University of Heidelberg. From the age of 23 until his death, he worked as head of the department in Breslau. His colleagues and students noted his erudition, brilliant abilities of a teacher and scientist.
- What is your opinion? (small discussion)
Slide number 12
“Talent is like a pearl in a shell. Sometimes the shells are open, and in this case the child's talent is obvious: he draws beautifully, sings, composes poetry, music, adds three-digit numbers in his mind ... You have to try very hard not to notice the obvious - this child is a talent. There are very few such children. "
There are many more children with "closed shells". Every child has talent (and if not talent, then abilities). But you need to make an effort in order to discern and develop it. In scientific psychology, two types of children's giftedness are distinguished: intellectual and creative. The first type is distinguished by an increased ability to learn, its representatives amaze everyone with their encyclopedic knowledge. People of the second, creative type, have primarily non-standard thinking. They stand out sharply from the crowd. It is curious that if a person is gifted creatively, he always has a high intellect. But the intellectual, in turn, can be completely devoid of creative abilities.
Slide number 13
- The base of the future gift must be formed! Whether the baby develops his gift or ruins it depends largely on the family, upbringing, and teachers. But today the statistics are sad: most children by the age of 8-10 lose their makings. Every baby really receives the makings from birth, they were laid by mom and dad. Of course. All parents understand that the inclinations of a child must be developed, turning them into abilities. And then their child will achieve success.
Abilities are individual personality traits that manifest and develop in activity, only in activity, and at the same time positive, successful, causing a favorable emotional mood. In reality, abilities can be superbly developed, but more often they fade away or become deformed prematurely. Abilities that were not revealed and unrevealed in time are lost. Plus, each ability has its own timing. And if you just wait by the sea for the weather?
Slide number 14
Already by the age of 7 years, a baby may experience an irreversible fading of the possibilities for the effective development of abilities (B. Nikitin). What is learned with interest at 2 - 3 years old is easy; at 6 years old it can cause difficulties and, as a result, an unwillingness to learn. If you miss it, you won't catch up. Therefore, the early development of children is especially important.

Unfortunately, not all parents have enough time and desire for this. So then moms and dads complain that “he would only have to watch TV,” “if only he could sit at the computer,” “if only he could walk in the yard”. And moms and dads forget that once they had “no time to notice that a child is drawn to paints, dreams of going to karate or looks at a piano with loving eyes at a friend's house.
Parents should be partners in the upbringing and education of their son or daughter. Thanks to pedagogical attention and care, children reveal and show their talent, achieving incredible heights.
- One of the priority tasks of modern education is the development of the abilities of preschoolers, the identification of the child's capabilities or his giftedness, which provides the opportunity to achieve success in one or several areas.
Offered "Fun exercise"(music) with exercises for the development of the cerebral hemispheres. Exercise 1 "Cloud - Sun", 2. "Ear - nose", 3. "Tummy - head", 4. "Rings", 5. "Palm-fist-rib"
- the introduction of advanced educational technologies, which ones we will now tell you about:
Origami Activities have the following importance for the development of a preschooler: develop fine motor skills of fingers, eyes, speech, attention, memory, creative inclinations, creative imagination, artistic taste, constructive thinking; acquaintance with geometric concepts occurs; discipline, educate perseverance, responsibility, accuracy, respect for objects and material (paper); contribute to the formation of good feelings for loved ones and make it possible to express these feelings, because origami allows you to make a gift with your own hands; affect the formation of independence, self-confidence, self-esteem; allow children to test their capabilities and show their abilities:
- constructive - when creating a figurine from one sheet of paper by repeatedly folding it, when making a figurine from several parts folded using the origami technique and connected with glue;
- pictorial - due to partial or complete completion of details, the use of the application method, the use of color combinations, color alternation;
- creative - original application of well-known models; invention of variations on classic models; invention of your own figurines;
- decoration - postcards, premises for the holiday;
- theatrical - playing with folded models, staging plots with their help. The work of the hands, the movement of the fingers and the muscles of the hand send signals to the central nervous system, prompting to activate most of the cells. Excitation is transmitted to almost the entire cerebral cortex, the active work of cells makes the vessels in this area of ​​the brain expand and drive blood, glucose and oxygen in an increased amount.
Games with pencils, Beads, Su Jok massagers, tennis balls, Jumping toys. Practical demonstration ...
The miracle of the screen is a communicative miracle- an important direction of this work is the education of a communicative culture, which includes the tasks of developing speech, fostering empathy (the ability to feel, understand the mood of another person). This visual - didactic manual can be used in any kind of educational activity, in regime moments, in individual work with children.
Checkers- Develops the ability to concentrate, the ability to build a chain, the concept of priority, play by the rules, perseverance, a sense of healthy excitement, requires the player to intensify thought activity, ingenuity and ingenuity, contributes to the development of analytical skills.

Collecting has tremendous opportunities for the development of children. It broadens the horizons of children, develops their cognitive activity. In the process of collecting, first, the process of accumulating knowledge takes place, then the information received is systematized and a readiness to comprehend the world around is formed. The items of the collections give originality to the game, speech and art creativity, activate the existing knowledge. In the process of collecting, attention, memory, the ability to observe, compare, analyze, generalize, highlight the main thing, and combine are developing. the formation of persistence,
Conclusion... - Dear parents! Concluding our meeting, I hope that at the initial stage - preschool childhood, our contribution to the future success of children will be the identification and development of their abilities. I think that by combining our efforts, we will certainly achieve success.
Talent is a gift from God, which we must try to preserve and increase. And each person has his own "zest", his own unique "I"

Non-traditional forms of parenting meetings

"Pedagogical laboratory".

Recommended at the beginning or end of the year. They discuss the participation of parents in various activities. The questionnaire "Parent - child - kindergarten" is being conducted. Either the planned activities are discussed, or the past are analyzed and the results are summed up. At the beginning of the year, a survey is carried out so that the teacher gets to know the child better, his characteristics. Parents are introduced to the events planned for the year, they listen to the parents' suggestions, what kind of help and support they can provide in the planned events, as well as their wishes and suggestions for the academic year. At the end of the year, such meetings summarize the results of the past year, assess and analyze achievements and mistakes.

"Reader's Conference". For 2 weeks, parents are informed about the topic of the meeting, material on this topic is offered. A preparatory stage is held before the meeting, where the parents are given any task on the stated topic. The prepared task is discussed from different positions. The teacher asks you to comment on this or that statement, illuminates the essence of the topic and asks questions during the discussion. For example, at what age should you seek help from a speech therapist. Several statements are offered, and parents comment, discuss these statements, share their views on this issue.

"Seminar - workshop". A teacher, parents, psychologist, and other professionals can speak at the meeting. Together with the parents, playing around or solving problem situations takes place, elements of training may be present. The topic and the leader are determined, he can be both a teacher and parents, invited specialists. For example, take the topic "The Role of Play in Children's Speech Development." A short theoretical message is prepared, then parents are invited to watch several games that children play in kindergarten. Think about which aspects of speech development are practiced in these games. Recall the games that they themselves played in childhood and which they can teach their children, their value in terms of speech development.

"Sincere conversation". The meeting is not intended for all parents, but only for those whose children have common problems (in communication with peers, aggressiveness, etc.). For example, a child is left-handed. A survey is conducted with parents in order to learn more about the characteristics of their children. And to establish exactly what degree of left-handedness a child has: weak or pronounced. The problem is discussed from all sides, specialists can be invited. Parents are given recommendations on the peculiarities of the development of such a child. Parents are offered various tasks for left-handed children in order to develop the motor skills of both hands. The psychological problems associated with left-handedness are discussed.

"Talk show". The collection of this form implies a discussion of one problem from different points of view, detailing the problem and possible ways to solve it. Parents, educators and specialists speak at the talk show. For example, let's take a 3-year crisis. Parents are offered various situations, they need to be considered from different points of view, be sure to argue for them. Defines the key concepts of the crisis

3 years, the reasons are highlighted together, then the opinions of psychologists are read out. All positions are discussed together. Parents themselves determine the ways to solve the problem.

"Evenings of questions and answers". Beforehand, the parents are given the task to think over, to formulate the questions that concern them the most. In the course of discussing them with specialists, other parents, choose the best ways to solve them.

In parenting meetings of non-traditional form, you can use the following methods of activating parents.

"Brainstorm". A method of collective thought activity that allows you to achieve understanding of each other when a common problem is personal for the whole group.

"Reverse Brainstorming, or Spread." This method differs from brainstorming in that instead of postponing evaluative actions, it is proposed to show maximum criticality, pointing out all the shortcomings and weaknesses of the process, system, idea. This ensures the preparation of a solution aimed at overcoming the shortcomings.

"List of adjectives and definitions." Such a list of adjectives determines the various qualities, properties and characteristics of an object, activity or personality that need to be improved. First, qualities or characteristics (adjectives) are proposed, then they are considered each separately and it is decided in what way the corresponding characteristic can be improved or strengthened. For example, "How would you like to see your child speak on the doorstep?" Parents list the qualities, i.e. adjectives, and then jointly formulated ways to achieve the goal.

"Collective recording". Each participant receives a notebook or piece of paper where the problem is formulated and the information or recommendations necessary to solve it are given. Parents, independently of each other, determine the most important recommendations for them, enter them into a notebook. Then the notes are handed over to the teacher, he summarizes them, and the group conducts a discussion. After this technique, you can use "brainstorming".

"Writing on sheets". When discussing the problem, each parent receives a sheet of paper for notes. The teacher formulates the problem and asks everyone to come up with possible solutions. Each proposal is recorded on a separate sheet. The problem needs to be formulated clearly. For example, “How to involve a child in homework,” each parent writes his own version, then all opinions are discussed. A ban on criticism is introduced.

"Heuristic Questions". These include 7 key questions: Who ?, What ?, Where ?, How ?, What ?, When? (Why?). If you mix these questions together, you get 21 options. By consistently pulling out such mixed questions and answering them, parents can gain new, interesting perspectives on the problem. For example, 1 and 5 combined with who what? Consistently pulling out such mixed and non-standard questions and answering them, parents see non-standard ways of solving them.

The solution of problematic tasks of family education encourages parents to search for the most suitable form of behavior, exercises in the consistency and evidence of reasoning, develops a sense of pedagogical tact. Similar problem situations are proposed for discussion. You punished the child, but later it turned out that he was not to blame. What will you do and why exactly? Or: your three-year-old daughter is playing pranks in the cafeteria, where you went for a short while, laughing, running between tables, waving her arms. You, thinking about the rest of those present, stopped her, sat her down at the table and severely reprimanded her. What kind of reaction to parental actions can be expected from a child who does not yet know how to understand the needs of others? What experience can a child gain in this situation?

Role-playing of family situations enriches the arsenal of ways of parental behavior and interaction with the child. For example, the following task is given: play, please, how you will establish contact with a crying child, etc.

Training game exercises and tasks. Parents evaluate different ways of influencing the child and the forms of addressing him, choose more successful ones, replace unwanted constructive ones (instead of “Why didn't you put away your toys again?” - “I have no doubt that these toys obey their master”). Or parents should determine why such words addressed to the child are unconstructive: "It's a shame!", "I am not satisfied with your" I want ", you never know what you want!" "How can you do this to me!" and others. Tasks can be performed in this form: the teacher begins the phrase: "Studying well at school means ..." or "For me, a dialogue with a child is ..." Mother or father must finish the sentence.

Parents' analysis of the child's behavior helps them understand the motives of his actions, mental and age needs.

Referring to the experience of parents. The teacher suggests: "What is the method of influence that more than others helps you in building relationships with your son or daughter?" Or: "Was there a similar case in your practice? Tell us about it, please," or: "Remember the reaction your child gets from the use of rewards and punishments," etc. Encouraging parents to share experiences activates their need to analyze their own successes and failures, to correlate them with the techniques and methods of upbringing used in similar situations by other parents.

Game interaction between parents and children in various forms of activity (drawing, modeling, sports games, theatrical activities, etc.) contributes to the acquisition of experience of partnership.

The proposed methods provide parents with the opportunity to model their behavior options in a play environment. When a parent simulates his own behavior in play, his view of the educational problem expands.

The effectiveness of the work carried out with parents is evidenced by:

Parents' interest in the content of the educational process with children;

The emergence of discussions, disputes on their initiative;

Answers to parents' questions by themselves; bringing examples from personal experience;

An increase in the number of questions to the teacher regarding the personality of the child, his inner world;

The desire of adults for individual contacts with the teacher;

Reflection of parents about the correct use of certain methods of education;

Increasing their activity in the analysis of pedagogical situations, solving problems and discussing controversial issues.

Group parenting meeting in the middle group Topic: "Interaction of the kindergarten and the family on adherence to the speech therapy regime of the preschool educational institution"


Parents are very important people in the life of every child. A lot in the development of the child, in particular, his speech development, depends on how the parents build communication with the child in their family. Children with severe speech disorders come to our kindergarten. The success of work to compensate for severe speech disorders directly depends on the well-coordinated work of kindergarten specialists and the parents of children. In our kindergarten, great importance is attached to working with parents, since the success of their children in overcoming existing speech disorders directly depends on their support and hard work in completing the tasks of a speech therapist. One of the forms of work with parents to establish mutual cooperation is parenting meetings in a non-traditional form.


1. Building bonds between the parents of the group

2. Creation of a single educational space "kindergarten - family" through the formation of an active parental position in the correctional and developmental environment.

3. Actualization and activation of the role of parents in the life of the kindergarten.


1. To deepen the degree of familiarity of parents with each other.

2. To increase the level of motivational readiness of parents to do the homework of a speech therapist together with their child.

3. Check the parents' knowledge of articulatory and finger gymnastics, learned together with the children.

Equipment: badges according to the number of parents, paper of two colors according to the size of the badge, pens, Whatman paper, felt-tip pens (colored pencils), musical accompaniment (song "In a box with pencils"), ball or ball of wool.

Parent-teacher meeting

Moderator: "Good afternoon, dear friends! Our meeting today will be in the form of a game. We hope that it will give you the opportunity to relax, show resourcefulness, remember the program of the second junior group, as well as grandmother's fairy tales, jokes."

I block psychological:

(carried out in a circle before dividing the parents into teams)

Moderator: "Let's stand in a circle" "

Task number 1 "Acquaintance"

The purpose of the assignment: to build associative links between the names of parents and positive psychological qualities.

The participants in the meeting sit in a circle, a ball is launched in a circle. The participant states his name and his positive quality in the first letter of his name. To consolidate, we throw the ball to any participant, he names his positive quality, the participant who threw the ball must remember the name of the participant to whom he threw the ball.

Task number 2 "Deepening acquaintance"

Purpose of the assignment: the exercise allows you to reduce tension, improves mood, activates attention and thinking.

Participants sit in a circle, the leader stands in the center of the circle.

Instruction: “Now we will have the opportunity to continue our acquaintance. Let's do it this way: the person standing in the center of the circle (for a start, I will be me) offers to change places (change seats) to all those who have some common feature. He names this sign. For example, I say, “Change all those who have sisters,” and everyone who has sisters should change places. In this case, the one who stands in the center of the circle must try to have time to take one of the vacated places, and the one who remains in the center of the circle without a place will continue the game. We use this situation to learn more about each other. "

After the game, the facilitator may ask the group the question: "How do you feel?" or "How is your mood now?"

II block speech therapy:

Moderator: "And now we will divide into two teams. For the first second - pay off. The next task is to come up with a name and motto for each team and write the name on the badges."

Task number 3 "Proverbs and Sayings"

Moderator: "And now the first task. Now you will name proverbs and sayings about the family, school, about life in a chain. First, a participant from one team speaks, then from another. The team whose participant names the proverb or proverb wins."

Examples of proverbs and sayings.

About family

About school

About life

Without a father - half an orphan, and without a mother - a complete orphan.

Where the needle goes, there is the thread.

Husband and wife, one of Satan.

Without labor, you cannot catch a fish from a pond.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Learning and work will grind everything.

Seven times measure cut once.

Work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest.

Task number 4 "Articulation gymnastics"

Leading: "In order to successfully cope with the next task, you will have to remember the speech therapist's homework assignments for the past year of study. Also, along the chain, as in the previous task, you will name and demonstrate exercises in articulatory gymnastics. team, the participant of which will name the exercise ".

Options: the speech therapist teacher names or shows articulatory gymnastics, and the parents name the gymnastics or demonstrate it.

Task number 5 "Finger gymnastics"

Leading: "In the next task, you will also have to refer to your own memory. Also, along the chain, as in the previous task, you will name and demonstrate finger gymnastics exercises. The team whose participant the latter names the exercise wins."

III block psychological

Task number 6 "Attention"

Purpose: promotes mobilization of attention, enables participants to become aware of their regulatory resources, creates conditions for their training.

Participants sit in a circle.

Instruction: “Now we will count with you, just count: 1, 2, 3, etc. Some of us will start counting, and the one sitting next to us (clockwise) will continue, and so on. We will try to count as quickly as possible. In the process of counting, you will need to comply with one condition: if you have to name a number that is divisible by 6 (for example, 12.18), or a number that includes the number 6 (for example, 16), then, pronouncing this number, you will have to get up (you can complicate the exercise by replacing standing up with a clap without pronouncing a number).

If one of you is wrong, then he is out of the game.

This exercise is very dynamic, especially if the conditions of the exercise are modified directly during its execution. The exercise can also be made more competitive by introducing the condition of going outside the circle of those who made mistakes. In this case, those who make mistakes are instructed to carefully observe the continuation of the exercise and try to understand the causes and nature of the mistakes. The team whose participant remains the last in the circle wins.

IV block: completion

Moderator: "Before the jury sums up the results, we would like to thank everyone for participating in our game. It does not matter who won, it is important that you came and we spent this time together."

The parent meeting ends with a game that summarizes the semantic content of the entire meeting. "Word - relay race"

The parent stands in one big circle. A soft toy is launched in a circle. Parents should continue the sentence started by the presenter:

"My child will be successful in learning if I ..."

Each parent ends the sentence.

Host: "How do you feel after our meeting? How are you? And now, together, let's create a photo of the children of our group."

Synopsis of the parent meeting in the middle group. Topic: "A journey into the past of your family."

Purpose: Formation of family traditions.

Objectives: 1. To interest parents and children in the study of history

The origin of your family,

2. To instill respect for the cultural traditions of the family,

Promote children's personality development through learning

Pedigree and the lives of their ancestors.

Form of holding: pedagogical living room.

Participants: parents, educator.

Preliminary work:

1. Design of the "Family Photos" photo album,

2. Exhibition of photographs of pupils and parents of the group in infancy and early childhood.

3. Preparation of presentations of old family photography.


Family photo albums of various types, photographs of the pupils of the group at an early age,

Album with proverbs and sayings about family,

Visual material, attributes to the role-playing game "family", board-printed and didactic games,

Fiction for reading to children on the topic of the meeting,

Wise thoughts, proverbs and sayings about family are written on the easel.

Meeting progress:

Educator: Good evening, dear parents! I am glad to see you in the pedagogical living room.

And before starting our conversation, I suggest you play the game "My Family". This game will help us learn about your family, traditions, hobbies in families.

(Annex 1)

Educator: Each person has a home. This is not just a roof over your head, but a place where he is understood, loved and awaited.

This home can be called our families, kindergarten, village, country in which we live.

“What do we call the Motherland?

The house where you and I grow up

And birches by the road

On which we go.

What do we call the Motherland?

Sun in the blue sky

And fragrant, golden

Bread at the festive table.

What do we call the Motherland?

The land where you and I live "(V. Stepanov)

Today we will talk about the most important thing for each of us - this is about the family and how to preserve the history of the family clan.

Family is what we share for everyone,

Little by little: a tear, and a laugh,

Rise and fall, joy and sorrow,

Friendship and quarrels, silence print.

Family is what is always with you.

Let seconds, weeks, years rush

On the walls, relatives, your father's house -

The heart will remain in him forever!

The family is a small universe. Starting a good family is often more difficult than, say, writing a book or making a discovery. Since the family is the universe, albeit small, there must be mysteries of the universe. And they do exist. But each riddle has its own answer.

Time is relentless. A person is born, grows, matures, grows old, and his term passes away. And no one has yet managed to break the circle. The person leaves, but the children remain. Children have their own children, and those have their own. And if a person did not make any discoveries, but simply lived his life with dignity, he deserves to be remembered by his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren.

Who was your great grandfather

Who is your grandfather?

What were they dreaming of?

What was their humble dinner?

What did they wear on weekdays?

What was their occupation?

What were they aiming for?

What caused a friendly laugh

And how did they get married?

What tests are they

Got it forever?

How did my grandfather go to Paris

Is there a regiment in the folk volume?

And if you find out everything,

You will study the ancient family, -

You will love your homeland

Love your people!

Educator: Tell me, what can help us preserve the history of the family family? (Family album)"

Is there a family album in your house?

Photos from the family album will help you to remember the past, to take a closer look at the present. Each photo in it is a piece of life, an opportunity to go back to the past.

Game "Find out who it is?"

Look closely at the photo exhibition and try to find out who it is? (Photos of parents and children in early and preschool age)

Educator: By the age of 4-5, children begin to understand that once they were different - small, and soon they will change again, grow up and become - big. This process is called awareness of personal time.

For kids, such complex abstractions as understanding the movement of time, growth and maturation are not available. Only the development of thinking and imagination gives four-year-olds the opportunity to realize this.

It is important to understand that each age is valuable in its own way. There is no need to strive to make the child older than he is, or, on the contrary, treat him like a crumb. Children grow up and it is great to help a child to assess himself correctly and to look optimistically into the future - the task of an adult.

Every family used to have large photo albums. There anyone could see themselves and their loved ones young, old, and young.

A family album is a huge space of life on the one hand, simple and understandable for a child, on the other, mysterious and amazing. Children are always attracted to such albums. They are sincerely surprised that their grandparents, mothers and fathers were once children. They examine themselves with interest in infancy.

Tell me, are you looking at a family album with your child?

It is a pity that in many ways this tradition is being lost. However, it is not so difficult to restore it, especially since, in addition to photographs, we have audio-videotapes.

The selection of photographs, photo album page designs is exactly the kind of communication that a preschooler needs and his joint activities with his parents.

The specific image in the photograph is accompanied by stories from the life of family members, this arouses the child's keen interest and stimulates his memory.

Look at the photos and discuss with the child how adults differ from children, how he will change externally and internally, what he will be like. In conclusion, draw a ladder of three steps symbolizing the past, present and future of the child, as he behaves on each step.

Educator: Let's turn to the dictionary and define the meaning of the words "album", "family", "photography".

(Parents are divided into three groups. Each group is given a sheet with one of the words, you need to write the meaning of this word and pass the sheet to the parent group on the right for checking. Thus, each group gets acquainted with all the concepts.)

Sample records of parents


Notebook or book with blank sheets for poems, drawings, photographs, postcards.

A collection of illustrations and drawings, photographs united on the subject.

A family:

A group of people consisting of a husband, wife, children, and other close relatives living together.

The photo:

A method of obtaining a visible image of objects on light-sensitive materials using a special apparatus.

Family album:

Thematic collection of photographs of close relatives.

Educator: Each person tries to organize their photos and create an album. Albums can be of various types. Tell me, what albums can be? (Wedding, army, reflecting childhood)

By looking at a photograph, you can learn a lot about the time when it was taken.

Educator: And now we turn to the practical part of our meeting. (Presented by the jury)

The jury will evaluate the contests according to the following criteria: photo design, presentation, content.


1. Presentation of family photography.

2. Presentation of a family album.

3. Presentation "My pedigree"

4. Presentation "My child"

And now, while the jury is summing up the results, we will have a little rest.

You need to pantomime the following situations:

Family outdoor recreation

child playing

child is having lunch

the child is going to kindergarten

baby's first steps

baby's birthday

The jury sums up the results. The winners are awarded.

Educator: Why should a modern person know the history of his family?

Conclusion: A person without this knowledge is like a leaf carried by the wind, it is easy for him to instill any truths, moral norms, it is very easy to control him.

Educator: Dear parents! A tree with strong roots does not blow down the wind. If we know the history of our country, and our city, we are not afraid of any hardships.

Parent meeting solution option

Gradually, as children grow up, tell them about their ancestors.

Maintain family traditions and create new ones

Start creating a family album, the pedigree of your family.

Bring a family photo to the group to decorate the photo album "Families of our pupils"


Game "My family"

The players sit in a circle. The one standing in the center of the circle offers to change places (change seats) to all those who have some common feature, and calls this feature. At the moment when the parents are transplanted, the teacher takes one chair. The parent left without a chair becomes the leader and continues the game.

Who has one child in the family (more than one child)?

Who named any of the children after their grandmother (grandfather)?

Who lives in a separate apartment (with relatives)?

Who has school children?

Who works in the garden with the whole family?

Who loves to travel?

Whose child likes to draw (sing, dance)?

Who has a housewife mother in the family?

Whose mom bakes the most delicious pancakes?

Who likes to go fishing with their son?

Who has a hobby in the family?

For whom is physical education, a favorite pastime?

Who is the smartest, strongest and most beloved dad?

Who reads books to his child every day at night?