Salicylic acid for irritation after shaving. Irritation in the intimate area after shaving: treatment and prevention

Prevention of irritation after shaving, methods of dealing with irritation in various parts of the body (bikini area, legs, armpits). Folk remedies for irritation.

Skin irritation after shaving is a concern for many women. This delicate problem often manifests itself in areas with increased sensitivity: pubis, groin, armpit area. Almost every woman who regularly uses a shaving razor to get rid of unwanted hair faces a similar problem from time to time. This reaction of the body can be explained by the fact that the shaving process also removes the layer of the epidermis. The tissue gets microscopic damage and tries to repair itself.

It also happens that the irritation becomes too strong. Then it is best to give preference to other hair removal methods. It can be shugaring and wax depilation. And sometimes a simple study of the rules and nuances of using a razor and skin care after removing unwanted hair can correct the situation.

Preventing irritation after shaving

Often women have the question of how to get rid of skin irritation, and even better - how to prevent it from occurring? To do this, it will be enough to follow a few basic rules that help fight skin problems after shaving.

    It is necessary to start the process of getting rid of hairs only after taking a bath or shower, when the skin has become quite steamed and moisturized. Shaving performance is increased and possible irritation is minimized.

    For a more comfortable shave, you should use special foams and gels, which can be purchased at any store today. These products help lift the hairs away from the surface of the skin, thereby facilitating the movement of the razor blades. Ignoring shaving products can cause severe skin irritation.

    It is necessary to change the razor or its cartridge in time, as an outdated blade can also have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin. You shouldn't skimp on your own beauty and health. A dull blade leads to the fact that the woman has to repeatedly pass the razor over the same place on the skin, damaging the epidermis much more than usual. In the absence of a normal razor, it is better to give up shaving altogether until you buy a new one.

    The razor is an individual personal care item, so you shouldn't lend it to anyone, otherwise irritation cannot be avoided.

Don't borrow your razor

    After each use of the shaving razor, it must be rinsed under running water to avoid the possible growth of pathogenic microbes, which to a greater extent provoke the development of irritation after hair removal.

    If the skin is inflamed or covered with pimples, then it is best not to injure it further with the shaving process. Fresh damage to the skin can spread the infection to other areas.

    Professionals advise removing hair in the direction of its growth, not against it. Shaving this way will make it difficult to achieve the perfect smoothness of your skin, but the chance of irritation is greatly reduced.

    After hair removal, you need to soothe the skin with a special cream or lotion. The composition of such funds contains panthenol and other substances that can relieve inflammation of the skin.

With strict adherence to all the above rules, irritation can be avoided. If the discomfort still appears and does not go away within a few days, then it is best to choose another way to get rid of unwanted hair, ideally suited to the skin.

Skin irritation in the bikini area after shaving

There are many factors contributing to irritation in the bikini area. Synthetic panties or a poor-quality bathing suit can provoke irritation, since the skin is constantly in contact with these items of women's wardrobe.

A dull razor blade can also affect irritation, which begins to remove hairs poorly, forcing the girl to hold over the same place many times. For such a delicate and delicate area, a specialized razor is best suited.

The hair in the bikini area grows back rather quickly, which makes the girl more likely to use a razor. The shaving process also severely damages the sensitive skin in this area.

The resulting irritation can be removed with the help of special ointments containing hormones. But before using such ointments, it is best to consult a specialist, since their improper and excessive use in some women can lead to the appearance of abscesses on the skin, which are very difficult to treat.

Use creams to relieve irritation after shaving

Zinc ointment copes well with irritation in the pubic area. This remedy was very popular back in the days of the Soviet Union, when it was used to eliminate various inflammations on the skin of the body and face.

You can also use a recipe that avoids irritation and should be used before shaving. To do this, you need to grind several aspirin tablets, dilute the particles with water and peel the bikini area. Then you need to remove excess hair with a razor and soothe the skin by rubbing it with hydrogen peroxide. Such manipulations will minimize the risk of irritation.

Irritation in the armpit area

If a girl prefers dry shaving in this area, then the skin may feel uncomfortable and appear sore. To soothe the skin and relieve irritation, it is necessary to prepare a decoction of mint and chamomile. The ingredients must be boiled over low heat, then insist in a dark place for a couple of hours, cool to room temperature and apply to damaged skin with a sponge.

If after shaving, ingrown hairs and pustules appear, then a chamomile-based compress should be applied. Gauze dipped in a decoction of this plant is applied to the surface of the skin. It will be enough to boil two tablespoons of the herb over low heat. The gauze must be fixed and left on the skin until the discomfort disappears. Hair that has grown under the skin must be released with a sterile needle before applying the compress.

The underarm area is most prone to irritation.

Hydrogen peroxide can also be used on any area that needs unwanted hair removal. Moreover, wipe the skin with 3% hydrogen peroxide should be both before and after the procedure for getting rid of vegetation. The skin will be less inflamed and will quickly calm down after shaving. If the skin is very badly damaged, you can rub it with alcohol. This process is notable for its painfulness, but it will disinfect the wounds and contribute to their rapid healing.

Shaving is best done after a bath when your skin is softer. If the skin is very sensitive, it is better to use a shaving cream, which will make the process more comfortable. Hair should be removed in the direction of their growth so as not to irritate the follicles. After shaving, you should rub your skin with a lotion that helps to get rid of redness and itching and prevents inflammation.

Since for many women the problem of skin irritation after depilation is quite relevant, we want to acquaint you with the recommendations of cosmetologists who will help, if not get rid of irritation forever, then reduce it to a minimum. These are the guidelines:

Hormone-based cosmetics (hydrocortisone ointment, after-shave creams)

Cosmetics of this group have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, significantly reducing redness on the skin. However, it is often not recommended to use them, because hormone-based cosmetics are addictive, and in some cases even contribute to the development of pustular wounds. Therefore, they should be used no more than 2-3 times a week.

Changing razor blades frequently

Everything is clear here: a dull blade can injure delicate skin, and through a dirty one, microorganisms that provoke irritation can enter the wound. Remember that "a cheapskate pays twice," so use disposable machines no more than 2-3 times, and then only if stored completely clean.

Using an electric shaver

Using an electric shaver shaves your skin smoother, so the risk of irritation is minimized. However, this method of depilation has a significant drawback: painful sensations in the intimate areas, which not every woman can withstand.

There are many ways to get rid of excess body hair. For this, there are procedures for hair removal, depilation, which can be carried out in any beauty salon. But frequent visits to the salon are quite expensive, so many women prefer to get rid of unwanted hairs in the old, proven way - with the help of a razor.

Most women do not experience any discomfort when shaving. However, owners of delicate, sensitive skin often suffer from irritation after the procedure. It is especially often observed in the armpits, bikini area. Although after shaving the legs, redness, burning, itching, and rashes can also occur.

Especially often women suffer from this, who shave off excess hairs almost daily. If new hairs grow back quickly, they have to be shaved off constantly. This is necessary so that the skin is always smooth, delicate, and looks well-groomed. But the skin does not have time to rest from the previous procedure and the risk of irritation increases significantly. How to prevent irritation after shaving in women, how to quickly calm the skin if it does happen? Let's talk about this in more detail:

Irritation in the bikini area

This area of ​​the body is most commonly affected by shaving in women. To avoid irritation, you should prepare for the procedure. First of all, take a warm shower, warm up, steam your skin. This will prepare the bikini area for shaving, apply a generous amount of quality shaving cream to your skin. It is very important to use a clean, preferably new razor. If your skin becomes very inflamed every time, switch to using an electric shaver.

After the procedure, blot your body with a towel. Now you need to disinfect your skin with an alcohol-based lotion. Then brush with a soothing cream. It is very good to use compresses from a warm infusion of medicinal herbs: string, calendula, chamomile or celandine. Effectively prevents and treats irritation with aloe vera gel or fresh juice from the leaves of this plant.

Underarm shaving irritation

To keep your underarms healthy, wash them daily with warm water and a mild cleanser. It is best to do this every night to avoid using deodorant after the procedure. Let your skin breathe as any deodorant will clog your pores to a greater or lesser extent.

As hair grows back, shave it off with a sharp razor. After that, disinfect the skin by lubricating the skin with alcohol lotion, tonic. When dry, powder with baby powder. Instead, you can apply a baby cream containing calendula extract, or streak. If irritation persists, wipe your skin with 6% apple cider vinegar or lemon juice diluted with water.

Irritated feet

Most women shave their legs. With the help of the machine, you can quickly, effectively and painlessly get rid of unnecessary hairs, return the skin to smoothness and beauty. In addition, irritation after shaving on the legs is infrequent. But it does happen. Although the skin on the legs is not as sensitive as under the armpits or bikinis, it also requires special care during the procedure.

Before carrying out it, take a bath or shower to warm up the skin and soften it. This will make shaving easier and reduce the chance of irritation. Be sure to use a sharp razor. Apply a quality shaving cream evenly to the surface of your legs. Soap dries the skin a lot, making it more sensitive, so it is best not to use it. After the procedure, dry your feet thoroughly. Apply a soothing cream.

It is best to shave off your leg hair in the evening to give your skin a rest at night. In addition, you will not need to pull on nylon tights, go out into the street. This will almost certainly lead to irritation. If it does, use 1% hydrocortisone ointment.

Some helpful tips

In order to minimize the risk of skin irritation after shaving, always steam the skin before the procedure - take a bath or shower.

After applying the shaving cream, do not rush to grab the machine right away. Wait a few minutes, let the cream take effect. Only then start shaving. Do this carefully, without sudden movements, so as not to damage or scratch.

If you have delicate, sensitive skin, always shave only in the direction of hair growth. Otherwise, irritation is inevitable. In addition, the likelihood of ingrown hair increases. This painful problem is much more difficult to cope with.

After the procedure, be sure to rinse the treated area with cool water, pat dry with a towel. Then apply a soothing cream. It is effective to use special creams, foams that prevent skin irritation after shaving.

In conclusion, it should be noted that if irritation appears, which does not go away for a long time, but becomes more pronounced, causes painful sensations, it is probably a symptom of infection. If so, see your doctor. There may be a need for special treatment with steroid creams or antibiotics.

Removing unwanted hair is an integral ritual that women carry out in pursuit of beauty, practicality and hygiene. Seeing the consequences of this process on your body is always annoying and unpleasant. Irritation after hair removal and depilation spoils the appearance, delivers uncomfortable and painful sensations. But there are available ways to prevent this problem, as well as methods of dealing with it.

Removing unwanted hair on the face and body is not just a tribute to fashion, but one of the points of personal hygiene. Both men and women undergo this procedure. Some shave their face, others depilate different parts of the body: legs, arms, armpits. There are many ways to get rid of excess vegetation: shugaring, wax strips, a classic razor, an epilator, etc. But, unfortunately, all these methods, to one degree or another, are traumatic for the skin. Hence the problem of irritation after depilation and epilation. It is not surprising: after all, together with the hairs, we cut or rip off the layer of the epidermis. The consequences are often dire: ingrown hairs, pustules, abscesses, microcracks, peeling.


There are several reasons for skin irritation after shaving:

  • dull blade;
  • rough and / or dry skin;
  • shaving against hair growth;
  • incorrectly selected tool;
  • lack of follow-up care.

Rashes after shaving in the bikini area is not only ugly, but also painful

No need to pluck ingrown hairs! This can lead to scarring.

How to prevent

To avoid the possible consequences of depilation or epilation, follow a number of specific rules:

  1. When using disposable razors, check often for a dull blade. After all, an insufficiently sharp edge will not cut off the hairs, but break off. This will increase the risk of cuts and irritations. If possible, give preference to a razor with a moisturizing strip, since such a tool has a softer effect on the skin.
  2. Before depilation, you should steam the area with which you are going to work. Take a warm shower or apply a towel soaked in hot water to the desired place for five minutes. This will open up the pores, making it easier to remove hair later. If you have rough or dry skin, then this stage is simply necessary, since this type of hair follicle is closed, as a result, the hair cannot always break through to the surface.
  3. Add a body scrub to your skincare arsenal. They need to be used 2 times a week, treating areas subject to removal of vegetation. The scrub will exfoliate keratinized particles, soften and moisturize the skin.
  4. Do not shave dry! Use special products that will make the process easier: shaving foam or gel. As a rule, such products contain components that will facilitate the procedure.
  5. Of course, removing hair against hair growth is effective. But it is more correct to do this in their direction, otherwise rashes may appear.
  6. After removing unwanted vegetation, soothe your skin with a lotion or toner. They will remove the feeling of dryness and tightness.
  7. Minimize the contact of the treated area with clothing, it is better to wait 30-40 minutes, and only then get dressed. The ideal option is to wax in the evening or at night, in which case the skin will have enough time to calm down and recover.
  8. If you follow the above tips and still suffer from irritation as a result, then you most likely need to change your depilatory product. Swap out your razor for wax strips, or try sugaring instead of an epilator.

Shave your legs in the direction of hair growth

Ways to fight

It is possible and necessary to deal with skin irritation. There are a lot of ways: from pharmacy products to folk recipes.

Pharmacy products

If you are not a fan of tinkering with various homemade infusions and herbs, then purchase products from the pharmacy that will help you cope with the consequences of hair removal.

Among these, the most effective ones can be noted.

Table: Pharmacy remedies for skin irritation

Drug name How to apply Contraindications Possible side effects
  1. Apply to the damaged area.
  2. Use no more than 1 time per day.
  • viral skin infections
  • the period of pregnancy and lactation,
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • burning,
  • acne,
  • prickly heat.
  1. Spread over the damaged area with a thin layer.
  2. Apply 2-4 times a day.
Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Not observed.
Lubricate irritated skin once a day. Hypersensitivity.
  • burning sensation
  • allergic reactions.
Apply to the irritated area 3-5 times a day.
This ointment can also be used after each epilation or shaving session, as a prophylactic agent.
No. Not observed.
Use 3-4 times a day, applying in a thin layer to the desired area.
  • hypersensitivity
  • viral skin infections
  • burning,
  • itchy skin
  • dry skin
  • folliculitis.
  1. Apply 5-10 ml of the drug to the surface to be treated.
  2. Hold for 1-2 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  3. The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day.
  • hypersensitivity
  • dermatitis,
  • allergic reactions.
  • skin rash,
  • dermatitis.
  1. Crush 3 aspirin tablets into powder, mix with glycerin.
  2. Apply to irritated area.
  3. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  4. Use 2-3 times a day.
  • hypersensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid,
  • the period of pregnancy and lactation.
Allergic reactions (skin rash).
Hydrogen peroxide
  1. Moisten a cotton pad with hydrogen peroxide, lubricate the damaged area.
  2. The procedure is carried out 3-5 times a day.
  • burning sensation during the treatment of the wound,
  • allergic reactions.

Photo gallery: pharmacy ointments against irritation

Ointment Uniderm against irritations Ointment Panthenol against irritations Ointment Miramistin against irritations Ointment Vagisil against irritations Ointment Sinaflan against irritations

Essential oils

Separately, I would like to mention essential oils. They are great for treating skin irritation in any area. When choosing oils, you should pay attention to those that have a regenerating, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. These include:

  • lavender oil;
  • bergamot oil;
  • sandalwood oil;
  • tea tree oil;
  • patchouli oil.

To apply, mix 4 drops of essential oil with a teaspoon of any aftershave cream or skin lotion. Apply the resulting mixture to the irritated area 3 times a day.

Folk recipes

If you prefer folk recipes to pharmacy products, then the following methods are for you.

Decoction on chamomile and mint

Preparation and use:

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of chopped chamomile herb with a tablespoon of chopped mint herb.
  2. Pour in 1 glass of water, put on fire and bring to a boil.
  3. Let the broth brew for 2 hours.
  4. Wipe irritated areas with this infusion twice a day.

An infusion of chamomile and mint will help with irritation after shaving.

Aloe Vera Cream

Rules for preparation and use:

  1. Grind a few aloe vera leaves in a blender.
  2. Add some vegetable oil.
  3. Rub the resulting mixture into your skin immediately after shaving.

Honey and rolled oats

Step-by-step recipe and features of use:

  1. Add a couple of drops of essential oil to 1 teaspoon of honey, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of ground rolled oats and mix well.
  3. Massage onto skin 2 times daily.

Laundry soap will help to cope with irritation in a short time. Thoroughly lather the damaged area, leave for 15–20 minutes. Then wash off the soap with warm water, gently massaging the skin.

Video: how to deal with irritation after shaving

Self-healing skin

The self-repair process can take several days, provided that the damaged area is not exposed to external influences. Repeated depilation or epilation sessions should be avoided until the skin is completely healed.

Getting rid of skin irritations is not that difficult. It is enough just to devote a little more time to personal care. Do not ignore the tips outlined above, and you will soon see the result.

Skin Doctors Ingrow Go 120 ml (Australia) suppresses the inflammatory process in 24 hours. Other characteristics:

  • composition: isopropyl alcohol, acetylsalicylic and glycolic acid, propylene glycol;
  • action: disinfects pores, accelerates the healing of small wounds, removes the stratum corneum, moisturizes, softens the dermis after shaving;
  • price: 1000 rubles.

This cosmetic product has a pleasant aroma, soft texture. Possesses antioxidant, anti-aging properties, makes the skin soft and supple. Short description:

  • composition: coconut and olive oil, rosemary oil, liquid paraffin;
  • action: accelerates tissue regeneration, removes redness, inflammation, prevents irritation of the treated areas;
  • price: 800 rubles.

Home Line 200 ml after shave cream quickly relieves redness and inflammation, restores beauty and health of the skin. A brief description of:

  • composition: aloe vera and oat extracts, shea and grapefruit essential oils, allantoin;
  • action: restoration and regeneration of subcutaneous processes, strengthening the dermis and improving drainage functions, softening, combating the inflammatory process;
  • price: 500 rubles.

Floresan Cream Gel

The product slows down the growth of hair on the body, restores water balance, the optimal pH level of the skin, soothes and nourishes sensitive areas. A brief description of:

  • composition: extracts of walnut shells, chamomile and aloe vera, natural oils, vitamin F, lanolin, fruit acid complex;
  • action: prevents dryness and flaking, slows down the appearance of vegetation on the body, makes the hairs light and thin, nourishes, softens the epidermis;
  • price: 150 rubles.

Velvet Lotion 5 in 1

Women use this universal remedy to quickly restore the skin after any procedures to remove excess hair on the body. Velvet Lotion 5 in 1 has a softening, antibacterial, soothing effect. A brief description of:

  • composition: extracts of hops, leaves of white mistletoe, sage, papaya, thuja, allantoin, glycerin, panthenol;
  • action: relieves irritation, slows down growth, protects against ingrown hairs, prolongs the effect of depilation, regenerates cells;
  • price: 100 rubles.

Depileve intimate folisan

Such a cosmetic product for women quickly removes irritation in the bikini area and axillary area, acts gently, does not cause side effects. Short description:

  • composition: isopropyl alcohol, fruit acids, propylene glycol, aloe vera, distilled water;
  • action: relieves inflammation, exfoliates the stratum corneum, makes the skin elastic, smooth;
  • price: 300 rubles.

Shaving is the most common and easiest way to remove unwanted vegetation. Men shave daily, and even more than once a day. For women, this problem does not arise so often, but the consequences are not much different from those with which representatives of the strong half of humanity are constantly fighting - irritation.

There are practically no specialized aftershave creams for women from irritation. But it was not for nothing that a very attentive man said: "Any young lady of any age can make three things out of nothing: a salad, a hat and a scandal."

If we can do this, then why not adapt the entire available arsenal of anti-irritation remedies to solve an urgent problem ?!

How to shave properly

To minimize the possibility of irritation after shaving, you must follow the rules for this procedure. If you do everything right, then if unpleasant manifestations appear, then quite a bit.

  1. Never shave dry. This is a 100% guarantee of redness, itching, pimples and ingrown hairs.
  2. Perform manipulation only on heated skin. An ideal option would be a warm compress from a decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, string). And if you add a couple of drops of tea tree essential oil to such a drug, you will also get an antiseptic effect. If there is no time, then you need to shave only after a bath or shower.
  3. The movements of the machine should be directed along the hair growth, that is, from top to bottom. Yes, this is additional time, since the removal will not happen the first time, but the skin is less injured.
  4. Use only personal shaving accessories and keep the blades sharp.
  5. Use creams, gels, or shaving foams, not soap. Special products are designed in such a way that they do not dry out the skin, raise the hairs, and make them softer.

And now directly to what to treat the skin after shaving, so that it does not become inflamed, but looks fresh and soft.

Looking for the best cream

In beauty salons and stores, you can see many products of this segment. These are both advertised means and unfamiliar ones. Well-known brands are expensive, but you don't want to buy a pig in a poke. Therefore, we draw attention to the composition of the after-shave product, taking into account the type of skin for women, possible allergic reactions to any of the components, the presence of fragrances and chemical elements (all kinds of E, preservatives and dyes).


The product is based on plant extracts, so it has practically no contraindications (with the exception of individual intolerance to some of the components). Available in two forms - cream and gel.

Effectively fights redness, pimples, itching and burning after shaving. It can be used fearlessly to eliminate irritation and discomfort in the bikini area, even deep ones.

First, we use an antiseptic lotion immediately after the procedure, and then we apply a cream or gel. This should be done for several days after the procedure, until the discomfort goes away.

Vagisil maintains a natural pH balance that promotes healthy intimate skin.


The tool is not quite the purpose that we are talking about. It is used to combat pathological manifestations of the skin and mucous membranes. But in our case, this is what the doctor ordered. After all, it promotes rapid regeneration of the skin, eliminates irritation and itching.

The most justified use case is for the legs, as this remedy can cause allergic reactions, albeit in very rare cases.


It should be applied twice a day to problem areas with a thin layer and massaging light movements to help the cream absorb into the skin.

Can be used during pregnancy and lactation. But what can I say, if with its help many mothers cope with diaper rash on the tender asses of their babies.

Baby cream

There is a huge selection of products with various additives - herbal extracts. A string, chamomile, celandine, calendula - this is not all that can be found on the shelves of shops and pharmacies.

Creams help get rid of all the unpleasant manifestations that a shaving razor causes, even in the most delicate areas - under the armpits and in the bikini area. There are practically no contraindications, since all products are hypoallergenic.

Borough plus

Boro Plus cream consists entirely of useful components. One has only to mention aloe vera, which is included in almost all remedies that fight skin problems.

The smell of the cream is specific, but not disgusting. It should be applied in a thin layer and rubbed over the skin of the problem area with massaging movements. The procedure should be done immediately after shaving and repeated until the discomfort disappears.

Ointments for irritation

The female body is designed in such a way that hair regrowth is slightly slower than that of men. But the skin is much softer, therefore, irritations appear more often. Sometimes it happens that the problems are so vivid and painful that drugs are needed to solve them.

Hydrocortisone ointment helps to cope with even the most severe irritations, relieves itching, eliminates inflammation, and fights pimples. But there is one significant "BUT" for its frequent use - it is a hormonal agent. Therefore, it can be addictive, not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers, and also for frequent use.

Zinc ointment is a drug with a smaller list of side effects and contraindications. But it has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and drying properties. In case of severe irritation with purulent pimples, you can use it for a short time. But stop as soon as the symptoms disappear.

Improvised means

Salicylic acid is very often used as a topical antiseptic. It is applied for a certain amount of time to eliminate severe irritation. But it is this drug that is recommended to be used immediately after shaving in order to disinfect the skin in the treated area and prevent the development of pathogenic microflora. Not applicable during pregnancy and lactation.

Aspirin with glycerin is a somewhat unusual and unusual tandem. But he does an excellent job with "post-shaving executions", even if the manifestations are bright enough. You need to take a few tablets and crush into powder in a glass jar. Add enough glycerin to make a gruel. Rub the mixture into problem areas with light massaging movements.

Folk remedies

Medicinal herbs, essential oils, natural juices - all these products will help to cope with the problem of irritation after shaving. Moreover, some of them also slow down hair growth after depilation.

  1. Lemon juice relieves irritation and inflammation, and also has an antiseptic effect on the skin, if you wipe the shaving area with a slice of citrus immediately after the procedure. Then repeat the rub for several weeks twice a day.
  2. Essential oils are effective in any problem area, but they are most in demand in the bikini area, since this is where the skin is very sensitive. Tea tree, lavender, bergamot, sandalwood, patchouli oils are used. The potion can be made with coconut, almond or high quality (cold pressed) olive oil. In 50 g of base add 4-5 drops of two selected oils and wipe problem areas twice a day after showering.
  3. Homemade cream lotion made from aloe and base oil. Grind a few leaves of the agave in a blender, mix with oil to make a thick gruel, and rub into problem areas until irritation is eliminated.

Lotions and compresses from decoctions of medicinal herbs perfectly help to cope with irritations after shaving on any part of the body. But after them, you can apply the selected tool - the effectiveness of this method will be many times higher.