Syndrome of an unexpected death of a breast child. Video: Joint sleep with a child. Domestic monitoring of breathing

One of the rare phenomena is the syndrome of the sudden death of babies, to what age there is a risk of the appearance of SVDS? Most often, he is subject to kids in the period 2-4 months. Already by half a year, the risk of the appearance of SVDS is very reduced, and after 9 months. And at all is diagnosed with extremely rarely.

Syndrome of sudden children's death - what it is

Sudden death syndrome in children is a sudden death to a one-year-old age of practically healthy kids. Female outcome comes against the background of stopping the heart and stop breathing. The exact reason that caused them cannot be installed even by the pathologist.

Sudden death syndrome is a posthumous diagnosis. It is placed in cases when opening or analyzing the child's medapation cannot help establish the cause of the heart stop and stopping the breath. SVDS is not fixed if defects were previously discovered or after death from an accident.

The term was officially introduced in the 60s, when the mortality rate of babies was frequent for unclear reasons, although the babies died and earlier. Sleeping babies can periodically arise a breathing delay. At this time, the level of oxygen drops sharply in the blood and an alarm signal comes to the brain, causing it to wake up and restore breathing.

This phenomenon very rarely leads to death. However, when the baby has frequent respiratory stops for 10-15 seconds, especially for one hour, the baby needs to be urgently showed a pediatrician.

Sudden child death syndrome, the causes of which are not exactly established, has a number of the hypotheses of the appearance of SVDS. For example, in each deadly case, serotonin deficiency was revealed, the underdevelopment of those parts of the brain, which are responsible for respiratory and cardiovascular activities. Probable reasons for SVDS include:

1. Apnea. Kids sometimes there is a short-term breathing delay. Normally, the child wakes up and respiratory restoration occurs. If this did not happen, and the oxygen did not enter the body for 30 seconds, then the baby dies. Breaks between entrances are longer in premature babies.

2. Disruption of thermostat function. The temperature in the child's room should be maintained from +18 to +20 degrees. If overheating is happening, then unworthy brain cells stop performing their functions. Even a brief stop of a heart or breathing can cause a sudden death.

3. The elongated Q-T interval. The indicator reflects the period that passes from the beginning of the reduction of cardiac ventricles to relax them. The value is normal equal to 0.43-0.45 ms. If this indicator increases, ventricular arrhythmia may occur.

4. Lack of serotonin. These cells are in the oblong brain. There are vascular and respiratory centers that are responsible for the work of the heart. Nervous endings react to serotonin. Their deficiency violates the work of the cardiovascular system, which may cause the emergence of SVDS.

Sudden child death syndrome, due to the lack of serotonin

5. Changes in the brain stem region. In SVDS, cases of identifying structural changes in the cellular level were also noted. They often were caused by hypoxy in the maternal womb.

6. Violation of blood supply. In half cases of salvation of children from syndrome, the pathology of the arteries responsible for the blood supply of the brain were detected. Its violation may also be associated with the religion of the bloodstream if the kid's head is in a certain position. The child begins to reflexively turn it only after 4 months. And also the blood supply is broken when the baby sleeps on its side and decreases in the "abdomen" position.

7. Genetic predisposition. The risk of the occurrence of SVDS increases in kids with a defective (mutated) gene responsible for the immune system.

The inexplicable child's death may also come as a result of stress under which microcharous meters occur (in particular, in the lungs and cardiac shell), defects of the dump and lymphoid formations, blood dilution. The hypothesis is confirmed by the fact that most of the kids in a few weeks before death were recorded an increase in some internal organs, rash, discharge from the nose and eye, weight loss.

Violation of the protective properties of the body, infection

For many children with a diagnosis of SVDS in the last day or a week before death, infectious diseases were identified. There is a version that microorganisms are isolated cytokinins and toxins that reduce the protective properties of the body (including awakening when the respiratory stop). In addition, bacteria enhance inflammation, and the infant body can not yet cope with such a load.

Posthilly pathologists found golden staphylococcus children. Then it was found that most kids were found antibodies to clostridias and enterobacteriums. After research, the hypothesis was put forward, which precisely pathogenic microorganisms become one of the probable causes of the appearance of the syndrome.

And also the appearance of the syndrome can be bacterium Helicobacter Pilori. It was often found in kids with SVDS than in children who died for other identified reasons. Helicobacter Pilori causes ammonium synthesis, which causes a stop of breathing. It is assumed that when jeeping, the child inhales some number of microbes from the vomit. Ammonium is quickly absorbed into the blood and provokes a stop of breathing.

Risk factors SVDS

There is a whole list of factors, why appears sudden death syndrome in newborns. Stop breathing can provoke:

Using soft mattresses, blankets, pillows;

Baby presence;

Multiple pregnancy;

If the previous child was born dead or in the family of parents there were cases of the appearance of syndrome;

Hypoxia and anemia of the fetus;

If the parent is less than 17 years old;

Bad social and economic conditions (a large number of people living in the apartment, insufficient ventilation of rooms, smoking in the room, etc.);

Depression in the postpartum period;

Frequent pregnancy;

Sleeping a child in the position "on the stomach";

Overheating kid;

Small weight infants after birth;

Small gaps between having children;

Birth of a baby in a single mother;

The absence during the pregnancy of medical observation or its later onset;

Recently transferred diseases.

It is especially worth noting the risk factors when the mother smoked during pregnancy, took drugs, used alcohol.

There is a certain risk to die from such a disease as a sudden death syndrome. Instant fatal outcome help to avoid only about which will be told in this article. This happens like this: if the child is experiencing difficulties with breathing in a dream, there is a risk of blockage of the respiratory tract, which leads to tragic consequences. In no way to detect the tendency to this anomaly, the doctors have not yet succeeded. Even the opening of the body does not give doctors not a hint of the cause of the disease. The study began in 1950, and only in 1969 the term "sudden death syndrome" appeared, and the corresponding diagnosis was made for the first time.

Since this phenomenon is observed only in babies, the ailor later changed its name on sudden childhood syndrome. According to statistics in Russia, 0.43% of 1000 newborns die from it. After the organization of the Foundation, dealing with this problem, mortality decreased by 74%, but it was not fully solved to solve the problem.

Sudden death syndrome may arise for the following reasons.

  1. Sleeping a child on the stomach is the most common cause of death. Because of this, pediatricians have changed the recommendation that the baby must sleep in such a pose. All experts now recommend putting the child on the back. As a result - the mortality rate decreased by three times
  2. Your child is too warm away during sleep. It is impossible to do this in any way, pediatricians recommend a nightly bag of optimal thermal insulation for your baby's sleep.
  3. If your child sleeps on too soft coverage. Doctors do not recommend laying the baby on the sofa or too soft bed. For incomprehensible reasons, syndrome of sudden death may occur in this case.
  4. If one of the children in the family has already occurred critical situations, such as a heart stop or it also increases the likelihood of SVDS in other kids.
  5. If the mother's mother has already been sick with serious diseases before childbirth.
  6. In case the mother has a gap between pregnancies less than 1 year. If a woman had miscarriages before childbirth, it could also contribute to SVDS.
  7. Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages by a child's mother, as well as the use of light and heavy drugs.
  8. Heavy childbirth, after them the chance that CVDS will occur, increases 7 times.
  9. If childbirth is too dragging, it increases a chance by 2 times.
  10. If the mother had a lot of stresses before childbirth, the child also experiences stress. In such situations, the likelihood of death increases very much.
  11. If the mother did not bring the child.
  12. Complete lack of breastfeeding and, in connection with this, a child.
  13. Boys are susceptible to the danger more than girls, according to statistics in 61% of cases they are dying.
  14. The age of children who die from sudden death is from 2 to 4 months.
  15. In case you sleep in different rooms.

Ways to avoid SVDS logically stem from the prerequisites described above. Here is a detailed list that will help you protect your child.

  1. You have to put your child's sleep on your back, in no case on the stomach.
  2. The surface on which your baby will sleep should be tough.
  3. Sleeping your child needs to sleep in a special bag for sleep, which will be the optimum temperature. It is impossible to dry the baby too tightly.
  4. You need to sleep with the child in the same room, let him lie in the crib next to you.
  5. In no case do not smoke next to the child.
  6. Be sure to feed the baby breast

Observing these recommendations, you will be able to protect your child from this terrible diagnosis. In no case should not be afraid, it is better to be attentive and neat parents and in moderation to worry about their favorite children. Only in this case, you can secure your family from trouble and grief.

The death of the fetus may occur: before childbirth (in the antenatal period), during childbirth and after them (in the postnatal period), it can be both non-violent and violent.

Non-violent The death of the fetus and may be due to either underdevelopment (non -iability), or the presence of uncertainty malfunctions (anencephalia, euentraration of internal organs, etc.). In addition, the non-violent death of the fetus and the newborn can be caused by various pathological processes or generic injury.

In more than half of all cases, the cause of death is intrauterine asphyxia (which is based on changes from both the fetus and from the mother) from the circulatory disorders, the prelationship of the placenta and its infarction, the true nodes of the umbilical cord and others. In other cases, non-violent death It may be caused by acute infectious diseases, some chronic diseases (for example, syphilis, etc.).

A frequent cause of the death of a child during childbirth is a generic injury, which occurs in both immature fruits, with a mother, with a large fruit and under prolonged birth. It can be expressed in fractures of bones, intracranial hemorrhage into the shell and the brain substance, in damage to the skeleton bones: clavicle, cervical vertebrae; In damage to the internal organs (podkapsul hematomas of the liver, apoplexy of the kidneys and adrenal glands, hemorrhages in the pulmonary tissue, etc.).

Violent The death of newborns during childbirth is rare.

It should be noted damage arising from self-help during childbirth that occurs outside the birthmarks and without assistance. Trying to help yourself, without having experience, the woman inhernian damages the preserved part of the fetus, more often. At the same time, abrasions, bruises, wounds, dislocations of the lower, bone fractures may occur.

After childbirth, the violent death of newborns may be a consequence of decisions, murder and accident.

As already mentioned, the decorativeness may be passive (when the newborn is left without care and help) and active.

With active decision (and the murder of a newborn), death comes more often from various types of mechanical asphyxia.

There are cases when the newborn is thrown into the reservoirs, cesspools. In these cases, death comes from, hypothermia, etc. There are cases of death from closing the respiratory holes with hands, soft objects. It should be borne in mind that during childbirth outside the hospital institution, when the woman inherine is alone and cannot provide the necessary assistance to the newborn, he can bug into a person in a soft object and suffocate.

As a method of detecting can be used by the removal of the loop, which can be used as rags, twine, sometimes parts of the linen or mother's clothing.

It should be borne in mind that sometimes the cord loop is found on the neck of the baby. There may be a hiding cord around the neck during childbirth. At the same time, it is impossible to exclude the possibility of killing a newborn by strangling umbilical.

Mechanical damage as a method of detebide is less common. There may be damaged by vital organs with stupid or sharp objects. Damage to stupid objects It is necessary to distinguish from generic injury and damage arising from the so-called rapid childbirth.

Control questions
1. What kind of baby is considered newborns?
2. Give the definition of "decorating".
3. How to determine whether docking and mature?
4. How to set the deadline for the intrauterine life of the newborn?
5. What is the difference between the concepts of "fruit" and "newborn baby"?
6. How to establish that the baby was born alive or dead?
7. What is confirmed by the viability of a newborn baby?
8. How to determine the duration of the extra utilization?
9. Name the most common causes of the death of babies:
a) before childbirth;
b) during childbirth;
c) after childbirth.

Among the poor before the year, many children died for incomprehensible reasons. Death comes due to the stop of the breath. But that's why the child stopped breathing, it is not always possible to find out. Such a phenomenon is called syndrome of sudden child death. This term was introduced in 1969. And the clarification of possible causes work doctors and scientists since 1950.

At the beginning of the XXI century, researchers began to show even greater activity. However, it is still not possible to accurately determine the factors provoking SVDS. Any suggestions. Different hypotheses are put forward. They allow you to give parents recommendations, how to avoid a similar tragedy.

Sudden death in infant age

In the last century, the death of newborns was quite frequent. Since then, much has changed. The current doctors are much competent. In case of needing, the medical forum is collected. And the parents themselves became more aware. But death in the cradle happens in the modern world. Babies die in a dream even in countries where medicine at the highest level.

When the kid is painful, has congenital pathologies, the fatal outcome is not so unexpected, as in the absence of external signs of poor health. Why is there a haunted adhesive child before bedtime? How can Kroch stop breathing without visible reasons? This phenomenon is unexplained. Careless parents eventually hear the verdict: Sudden Child Death Syndrome.

If the etiology of what happened does not clarify the posthumous examination, the diagnosis of CBSM is confirmed. To make the right output going to a medical forum.

Statistics show:

  • 5-6 children per thousand suddenly cease to breathe during sleep;
  • 60% of the dead babies that were practically healthy are boys;
  • parents of the White race 2 times more often lose their bloodshots as a result of SVDS, rather than dark-skinned people;
  • every year only in the United States registers about 4 thousand babies deaths for incomprehensible reasons;
  • in the Russian Federation from a thousand infants, 10-11 do not live up to the year;
  • the diagnosis of USSS is related to 30-35% of babies died in the cradle.

How long is it to fear? A sudden respiratory stop threatens to children up to a year. After reaching this age line, such cases were not registered. The most dangerous period is from 2 to 4 months. More than 80% of SVDS cases - up to half a year.

Why is this happening?

In some cases, the syndrome of the sudden death of babies causes quite understandable. They are found after opening. What can the section show?

  • heart disease;
  • anemia;
  • congenital body anomalies;
  • oncology;
  • the presence of foreign objects in the respiratory tract.

To diagnose the syndrome of the sudden death of babies, there is not enough views of one expert. Make such a conclusion can doctors together, specifically assemble at the forum.

The diagnosis with the word "suddenly" implies the surprise of what happened. Unfortunately, no one can explain the true cause of the breath of their child to the killed by the parents. However, theoretical causes are still possible.

The risk group includes:

  1. Kids that appeared before the designated period;
  2. Babies with congenital pathologies;
  3. Kids who have not been created favorable living conditions;
  4. Newborn, devoid of full-fledged parental care;
  5. Children born with insufficient body weight;
  6. Crumbs, which still in the womb had to experience stress;
  7. Children of minors;
  8. Newborn young and inexperienced single mothers;
  9. Babies with poor immunity;
  10. Born in families, where the case of SVDS had previously occurred;
  11. Having suffered serious diseases at an early age;
  12. Children on artificial feeding.

If you go to the forum where this question is negotiated, you can read a lot of interesting information. It turns out, there are a number of factors that increase the likelihood of SVDS.

  1. Long or heavy childbirth. Generic activity in a woman sometimes develops weakly. The period is especially dangerous when the water has already moved away. If after that the child can not overcome the generic paths for a long time, the risk of oxygen starvation appears. Such babies are usually more weak physically rather than those who were born without any complications. Harm to child and drugs introduced by a woman to stimulate childbirth.
  2. Frequent birth. Interval year and less in some cases insufficient to give birth to a strong child.
  3. Health problems during pregnancy. At the state of the fetus, all diseases suffered by the future mother affect. Viral diseases are especially dangerous.
  4. Hurry habits of women in labor. Drinking alcohol and tobacco during pregnancy. The separation of alcoholic beverages is affected by the CNS of the Fetal. Cigarette smoke inhibits development. Children of avid smokers are born with a shiny skin.
  5. The smell of tobacco smoke in the apartment. Smoking women do not always fully understand how detrimentally there are their addiction to the newborn. The substances from the recovered cigarette are entering clothes, hair and all this gets into the body of the baby when the mother takes him on his hands. In addition, if the woman feeds the breast and at the same time smokes, everything is bad passed by crumb through the milk.
  6. Overheating during sleep.The body of a small little man is not yet strengthened. It is possible to violate thermoregulation. This can cause a breath stop.
  7. Using soft baby sleep surfaces.The death of the child comes from behind the chunk, which is caused by the banal overlapping of the respiratory tract. In a dream, Kroch can turn the head so that it will simply dive the man in a duvet pillow, a soft synthet and the like. The crocha can not always free the nose and mouth in that case. The reasons are the first - physiological features. The second is an obstacle in the form of a soft base that condenses the child.
  8. Depressive state of mother. When the guinea is little interested in fate of the newborn, he may suffocate in a dream. In the absence of a child will be the guilty of the parent itself. Although it is almost impossible to prove it. Postpartum depression is a fairly common phenomenon. But to succumb to such a state means to end the risk of crumb.
  9. . In this position, the kid may break the respiratory function. In addition, it is so increasing the risk of overlapping the respiratory tract mechanically.
  10. . Little kids often jump off. If at this time there is no adult, the child can choke his own vomit.
  11. Sleep in the bed of parents. Even the most sensitive mother does not always react on time. Risk at night to harm the sleeping side of the chad is quite large. The woman exhausted per day is sleeping tight at night. She may not be enough to press the baby. In addition, sometimes children are confused in the folds of the parent bed.

Perhaps someone may be needed to find out the root cause of the baby's death. The value has only what irreparable happened. In fact, many parents are important to know the true causes. It will not facilitate the pain of loss. But not in vain say that there is nothing worse than the unknown. Understanding what happened will make it over time and continue life.

Clinical picture

Every year it is collected not one forum of doctors in order to study SVDS. The results of these meetings were certain conclusions.

In many cases, clinical analyzes showed a lack of serotonin in the body of the deceased child. Scientists tend to bind the deficit of this hormone with the fact of mortality of babies.

Highlight doctors and other possible causes of sudden death in the cradle:

  • apnea (short-term cessation of the respiratory function);
  • hypoxemia (as a result of cessation of breathing longer than permissible);
  • heart rate disorder, cessation of heartbeat;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • structural changes in the stem of the brain;
  • failures in the work of the CNS;
  • pathological changes due to experienced stress;
  • accumulation of carbon dioxide around the child.

Alas, in most cases the victims of the SVMS did not have symptoms foreshadowing the ambulance. Guess what this happened was impossible.

How to avoid tragedy?

To avoid infant death, parents must take into account the following recommendations:

  1. do not give a child to sleep on the stomach;
  2. teach a child to a pacifier;
  3. monitor the crumb to overheat;
  4. do not use a pillow, soft mattress or perins;
  5. purchase a special bag for sleep;
  6. get rid of their bad habits;
  7. provide crumbling due care;
  8. take care of creating comfortable conditions for the baby;
  9. do not even launch innocuous diseases at first glance;
  10. regularly undergo surveys;
  11. apply for medical care;
  12. sleep in the same room with a child;
  13. periodically monitor the breath of babies during sleep;
  14. do not take the baby to your own bed;
  15. do not fall asleep near the child, at the time when he sucks the chest;
  16. carry out running procedures.

Opinion Komarovsky

Komarovsky expresses its point of view regarding the prevention of SVDS. Evgeny Olegovich is a practitioner. He has a tremendous experience. The doctor has repeatedly encountered similar cases. However, tie them with incorrect pose in a dream is not taken. According to Komarovsky, most often suffocation comes as a result of aspiration. This is when foreign substances fall into the respiratory tract. For example, vomit masses. What practical advice gives the doctor?

  1. Do not buy advertised positioners for sleep.
  2. Let the kid independently choose a convenient position.
  3. Do not dilute with the defeat of newborns.
  4. Control the microclimate of the room.
  5. Choose a dense pillow, hard mattress.
  6. Remove outsiders from the cradle.
  7. Maintain cleanliness in the room where the crumb is inhabited.
  8. Remove things that can accumulate dust.
  9. Make vaccinations in a timely manner.

Practice shows the health of babies on breastfeeding stronger than artificials. This can be easily ensured. It is enough to go to any forum where mammies are actively discussing. The guinea must be in priority it is the GW. So there will be more confidence that nothing terrible will happen to your child.


Sudden child death syndrome is a combination of words that cause panic parents. But is there any reason not to sleep all night, listening to the breath of the baby? Is it worth constantly on to doubt near the newborn so that he suddenly suffocate? Take care of tiny creating need. But you do not need to bring yourself to physical exhaustion because of fear of SVSS. Yes, no one is insured from such. However, this does not mean that you should constantly think about it. Otherwise, simply turn into a pionened millet on the grain of the nervous breakdown. But the child needs a moral and physically healthy mother. Learn to control your own emotions and think more about good!

The syndrome of a sudden death of a baby is the death of a child up to 1 year, which cannot be explained by its previous state, nor the subsequent autopsy. Most often, the caustic death of a baby occurs in the morning clock in children for 2-4 months of life.

Possible reasons

If the cause of death is unable to find out after collecting anamnesis of diseases and the opening of the child, this gives reason to assume infant death. Its reasons to end are not found out. Officially, the syndrome of the sudden death of the baby was recognized in 1971. Prior to this, diseases of the respiratory system were indicated as the cause of death of such children. One of the possible reasons is the long-lasting stop of breathing during sleep. Another theory explains the sudden death to the insufficient maturity of some parts of the brain barrel. As a result, they have a mechanism for regulating the contracting apparatus of muscles and respiration. A long respiratory stop occurs in children suffering from heart rate disorders, which can also be the cause of sudden death.

According to the latest data, the risk factor is also considered the position of the child on the stomach during sleep. In this posture it is harder to jump off food and breathe. In addition, it overheats faster (overheating can also be a risk factor). It should be noted that in breastfeeding children, an indicator of sudden infant mortality lower than those who receive artificial nutrition.

Who is in the risk group?

The risk group is established, which includes children with predisposition to sudden death. It includes the following categories of children:

  • The episode threatening their life threatening, during which they stopped breathing, and resuscitation procedures were applied to their salvation.
  • Having had brothers or sisters who have become victims of this syndrome.
  • Suffering from dysfunction of cardiac rhythm.
  • Children who have had respiratory stops that lasted over 15 seconds.
  • Premature babies with respiratory impairment.
  • Baby, during which any serious deviations from the norm were discovered.
  • Children of young mothers.

In Central Europe, 1-2 kids per year dies from the infant death syndrome from 100 children. In Germany, 1000-5,000 kids die from this syndrome for the year.

In winter, cases of sudden infant death are registered more often than in summer. During the opening, children often found signs of infection of the upper respiratory tract, which for a long time and was considered the cause of death.

How to protect baby?

Today, partial prevention of this syndrome is possible. A few days after the birth, newborns are subject to a thorough examination. If their belonging to the risk group is suspected, then for some time they are under observation. Home parents must continue to observe such a child. For this purpose, special devices, recruiting breathing and (or) cardiac activity of the sleeping child were created. Sleeping baby lies on a mattress with sensors that are connected to a special device. The device registers each breath and (or) reduction of the heart. To stop the respiration or violation of cardiac activity, the device reacts acoustic or optical signals. In this case, the child should be woken. A doctor informs the necessary measures to rendering first aid. The use of control devices may recommend a doctor, they can be purchased or renting them. In some cases, drugs are prescribed.