Follow a couple of rules and you will be successful in your personal life. The psychology of success

Many people want to be successful and reach incredible heights and do nothing at the same time, but this will never be the case.

Any success is a lot of work that has been done for a long time, despite all the difficulties and prejudices.

Ask any successful person how he achieved everything, believe me, it can be a story for several hours.

Want to be successful but don't know how? Don't worry, we will help you!

In our article you will find only the most necessary and effective advice so that in the future your heirs can be proud of you and take an example from you.

Follow our tips and you will definitely become a successful person!

The first thing you should do is set a goal and motivate it every day.

If you do not know what you want to get out of life, then you will not have ANYTHING. Do you want to achieve success in life? Set a goal, work hard, and succeed.

Do you want to lose weight? So what's the problem? Doctors, pills, sports - everything is at your disposal.

The main thing is to set a goal and achieve it!

Motivation plays a significant role in the life of every person. If you constantly tell yourself that you are beautiful, then over time you begin to believe in it, even if the words do not correspond to reality.

Motivate yourself for new achievements every day, then you are guaranteed success in life.

Purpose in life is good, but sitting on the couch won't accomplish anything. That is why it is best to start acting NOW.

Afraid of failure? Say NO! your fears and then you will have an increased chance of achieving success in any business.

You are 40 years old and you have dreamed of learning to draw all your life, but are you afraid that you will not succeed? Sounds silly, doesn't it?

Take action! Perhaps you will become an outstanding artist and your paintings will sell for big money.

Take action, take risks, but NEVER watch someone else make your dream come true!

Council number 3. How to Achieve Success in Life: Don't Listen to Losers

We are always surrounded by many people and each of them has his own opinion, but in many cases it is wrong in relation to you and your life.

You should not listen to people who have not achieved anything in their lives, but everyone is always given “smart” advice.

Change your ENVIRONMENT and seek advice from people who are already successfully doing a similar job.

Dreaming of being a top-notch photographer, so what are you doing among the chefs? Go to different photo exhibitions, chat with friends and acquaintances photographers, go to various blogs, just don't sit still!

Tip # 4. How to achieve success - do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today

Old, but always true words that will help you achieve success in any business, if you repeat them to yourself every day.

Laziness is the "best friend" of losers, but you're not one of them, are you?

Need to make a report and are you watching a TV show? Get up quickly from the couch and WORK! Lazy people are not loved anywhere, and so you definitely will not be able to achieve success even in the smallest business.

Add a list of things to do every day, then you will become more organized, and you will always have time not only for work, but also for hobbies.

Fight laziness otherwise you will always "graze the back."

Council number 5. We achieve success: developing in different directions

Have some free time? Read books, learn languages, travel.

Don't sit still! Success is movement and it depends only on YOU!

All the knowledge that you get in life will help you achieve success in any business.

If you want to be a successful designer, then knowledge of several languages ​​will only benefit you.

The basic things you avoid will help you achieve the success you want. Versatile personalities always achieve more than dull and boring people.

Council number 6. A simple secret on how to achieve success - you need to enjoy life

Do you have two arms, two legs? Can you listen and see? Do you live in a comfortable environment? So why not be happy about that?

Statistics say that 86% of people on the planet can be happy, but they don't get it!

Why invent problems for yourself and be unhappy? There are so many little things around that can give us a positive mood and thereby help us achieve success!

The smile of a child, what is not a reason to rejoice? And shopping is a sea of ​​positive emotions and emotions!

Love yourself and don't let bad thoughts flood your mind.

Whatever project you start, you will not immediately see the desired result! Make statistics, move in the right direction and soon you will be surprised how easy it is to achieve success!

You cannot lose weight in one day or make five million dollars in an hour. Everything has its time.

Daily workouts will help you lose weight in a few weeks, and hard work and perseverance will help you earn a big sum in a short time, but it won't be an HOUR or even a DAY!

Learn to WAIT, then you can be a successful person. And you can devote the waiting time to yourself and your hobby.

Didn't it work the first time? So don't worry! Reconsider your actions, put in even more effort, and then there is a better chance of getting the expected result than complaining about a bad life.

Do not be discouraged and do not be afraid to start everything from scratch, because everyone can make a MISTAKE.

You started a business, but nothing sensible came out, so try again, and if you feel that this is not your job, then do something else.

Only losers and weaklings cannot achieve success! You are not one of them, are you?

Council number 9. How to achieve success in life: enjoy what you do

Do you want to dance, but you have to sit at a boring job? So what's the problem? Go and dance.

Create your own circle or perform on a large stage, do what brings pleasure to YOU.

And try to find joy in the little things. Is it raining today? Well, that's great! Remember the last time you walked in the rain?

Don't spend too much time on failure. Take any defeat as EXPERIENCE, because it makes you smarter, but should not stop you from achieving your goal.

Council number 10. We achieve success and find harmony with ourselves

It is very important to get along with yourself and then it will not be difficult for you to understand others and go towards your goal.

If you want to be successful, so do your THOUGHTS! The best way to achieve success is to be always in harmony with yourself!

Today you feel bad and everything is falling out of hand? This is a sure sign that you need a little rest.

And the best rest is a change of activity, so you can take a walk in the park, read a book, watch a movie, or do a hobby. In short, you need to radically change the situation.

These simple tips will help you achieve success in any business, just do not forget that first we set ourselves a goal that we do every day, do not listen to losers, enjoy life, and then enjoy a great RESULT!

Now get up and do it, you won't have any other time!

Success is not about wingspan.
It is the fact that you can fly.

We are all so different, everyone has their own interests and problems, their own plans and dreams. Some are lucky and happy, others are mired in their worries and blame the Universe and others for their failures, and still others do not even think about how to achieve success in life, they just go with the flow, live by the principle of self-destruction and tell themselves and others that this is life and to each his own. Of course, it is also easier to live, small joys, small incomes, and corresponding dreams.

The path to success is never easy, there are many obstacles on the way to it, which some overcome, while others are frightened and retreat. If there were no obstacles, then everyone would be successful without exception.

What prevents us from overcoming obstacles? Where to get the strength for success? What knowledge or skills are needed for this? First, let's look at how losers think.

A lifestyle that leads to failure

Losers are distinguished by their simplistic responses to their problems. They try to blame parents, teachers, everyone around them, except themselves. They are completely irresponsible, not responsible for their words and deeds.

Such people do not think about the future, do not make plans, even for the near future, do not care about the consequences of their actions. They live one day, wasting their lives, and do not stand out among everyone.

They can put off even very important matters for later, instead watching TV, just sleeping or playing computer games. They don't need school at any age, they consider themselves too smart anyway. And they hardly think about how to succeed, they are satisfied with everything. The only thing that haunts them is someone else's success.

The parable of the man

One day, a grandfather told his grandson that there are two wolves in a man who are trying to prove to each other their superiority. One wolf is angry, greedy, deceitful, envious and lazy.

Another wolf is kind, truthful, loving, disinterested and hardworking. The little grandson thought about it and asked his grandfather a question about which wolf still wins.

To which the grandfather replied that the wolf that the man feeds wins.

Success habits

We all live like this because we are used to living like that. We need to look back and see if we like this kind of life.

If there is a desire to change something, then today is just the time when it is worth starting to act, namely, to work on yourself, and not to think about where to get the strength for success, but to start getting rid of unnecessary habits.

As soon as new habits appear, lifestyle and thinking change, it will immediately become clear how much life is changing for the better, and the path to success will become easier and more achievable.

Habits are an essential part of life. They are the ones who create our future. We follow them, we pander to them. We cannot live without our habits, in the end we ourselves become our habits.

Some of them appear from birth, some we absorb with mother's milk, and some we develop ourselves during life. Laziness, envy, smoking, alcohol, deceit are habits that easily appear in our life, but each of us can change all our unwanted habits, for this we need to realize them. This is the first step towards success.

Habits are what we do and we love it. It is difficult to give up a habit. This is practically losing a piece of your life, so your bad habits, which prevent you from achieving success, need to be replaced with other, useful and necessary habits.

Setting priorities in life

As young children, we often excitedly told our parents about our dreams. We grow up, dreams take on a different look, but they are not achievable for everyone. Why?

As it turns out, just dreaming is not enough, you need to strive for your dreams, act and achieve them. For example, you dream of quitting smoking, but you don’t quit - it means that it doesn’t matter to you. You are dreaming, but at the same time you sit and watch TV - it means that this dream is not important for you either, keep dreaming.

If, after all, you wondered how to achieve success in life, and want to achieve your dreams, then draw a scale of priorities and divide it in half. At the top, write what is important, that is, what you already do or have as a result. At the bottom, write what you want, for example, go to rest, start going to the pool.

Suppose you want to go for a morning run, even set the alarm clock, but deliberately decided not to go, and continue to bask in bed. Then you are not yet ready to know how to be successful in life. After all, the priority for you is only what you do.

The scale will show that your "want" is not at the pole where your "I do" lies. Priorities can be set differently, you can start to act in order to get what you wanted. The path to success is through being honest with yourself and figuring out what really matters.

Learning to accept a negative situation

We know from childhood that we need to fight for everything, for love, for ideas, for a place in the sun.

We fight everything that we consider unacceptable, we resist, we struggle with all our might, and we think that this is the only way to solve the question of how to achieve success.

But you can achieve success without spending so much effort. The force of action (according to Newton's law) is equal to the force of reaction.

Imagine, when we are sick, we try to resist the disease, we get angry, nervous, sad, we wind ourselves up, and the disease gets worse. Where does this resistance come from? It appears when your desires do not coincide with reality. While waiting for one result, we are waiting for something completely different. What appears?

Anger, resentment, irritability appear, and as a result, stress and possibly depression. In such a state, it is no longer up to questions about how to achieve success in life and where to get the strength for success.

It's pretty simple! Note that it is better for you to stay in this state or start moving towards the goal. It may be better to accept this situation and calmly continue on the path to success. What does it mean to accept?

For example, you are without an umbrella, and suddenly it started to rain, who to be angry with, with whom to fight? Your anger will not stop the rain, but you will get wet anyway. By perceiving this without irritation, your energy will not be wasted.

Learning to conserve your energy, that is, not to waste it on trifles and avoid negative emotions, is another answer to the question of how to achieve success.

We bring novelty

Only within the filter through which we have to look at the world do facts matter. This filter is based on past experience as well as beliefs.

We all have our own filter, it consists of life experience, our habits and attitude.

These three components ensure the safety of our lives. We perceive our present through the experience of the past, and act based on the past.

But there is a suggestion! Keeping your knowledge and being aware of your habits, you need to add something new, something that has never happened in life: new acquaintances, knowledge, sensations, and start living in a new way.

With the advent of novelty, the question of where to get the strength for success will not arise, everything new inspires a person, this is our nature.

What to do in case of failure

There is a goal, the first part of the question of how to achieve success is solved, you just need to strive to make it a reality. But what if after several attempts nothing works?

Thomas Edison (inventor of the light bulb) knew exactly how to be successful. He said that to become a genius you need 1% inspiration and 99% sweat.

That is, failure is not always perceived as a fact; it can be a personal relationship to what is happening. Basically, failure means replenishment of knowledge, you need to keep going. We need to turn obstacles into opportunities.

We formulate goals correctly

An example from life! We all go to the store to shop, we clearly know what to buy, or we have a shopping list. We make the list based on what is needed and important right now. Yes, if the list consisted of what you want, then there would be neither strength nor money for purchases. Why not decide the question of how to achieve success in life in the same way - making a list for the day, month, year?

Suppose you already have a scale of priorities, you have already noticed that "I want" does not correspond to your actions, suppose you even realized and changed your habits, what to do next? Where to get the strength for success? How to continue on the path to success?

The technology is simple! Make a promise, just not to yourself, it is always easy to come to an agreement with yourself, in case of turns. A promise must be given to close people who are interested in your achievements, while you must definitely decide on a deadline.

A promise, of course, does not give guarantees, but it makes it possible to keep your word. Moreover, there will be a chance to learn to keep your word. All relationships are based on how a person knows how to keep his word.

What to do if scared

Are you scared? And who is not afraid? Let it be scary. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to accept it in action. It arises when we go beyond the boundaries of our usual life. Until we act, there is no fear.

The path to success is accompanied by fear, it is an indicator of going beyond the usual boundaries. And the choice is yours. As soon as you cross that line of your usual life, the fear will disappear.

Little secret! Life does not give guarantees! All the work we do does not give any guarantees, all actions open up our possibilities.

How to make the right choice

We were told from childhood that we owe something, this is the only way they could explain to us what we need to do. We grew up, but even now we are in a kind of delusion that we constantly owe something to someone.

This means that you cannot fail to do what is due. But we do something not because we have to, but because we choose these actions. We are responsible for the consequences of our choice.

We, in fact, may not comply with the rules of the road, but the consequences of failure to comply can be dire. We shouldn't worry about our health either, but the result of such an attitude can be an incurable disease.

The conclusions are as follows: no matter what we want or don’t want, we should or should not. What matters is what we choose. Our life is shackled from a chain of successive choices.

All our dreams can come true. Their implementation depends on us. You don't need to think about where to get the strength for success in your endeavors, you just need to start acting. Everything is real and doable. The choice is yours. And doubts and hesitations must be removed.

The samurai were prescribed that decisions should be made in seven breaths, because the largest coefficient of energy is spent in that period of time when a person needs to make a decision for action.

The most wrong choice of a person is to withdraw from the choice. Everything else is the accumulation of experience.

How to achieve success - this question has been asked by many people. We want to succeed in business, study, family life, in many large and small endeavors, but we do not know the truly effective ones to achieve what we want. In this article, we'll talk about 17 incredible rules of success that apply in any situation, for any given task. We can say that they are universal, and the practicality of these rules has been tested by more than one generation of successful and rich people. If you are a reader of our section, then these 17 rules will not be a new discovery for you. After all, almost every millionaire we wrote about, one way or another in his lectures, interviews, speeches, spoke about some of the rules, focused on it. We can say that this article contains all the wisest thoughts, all the experience of several generations, having understood which, you can radically change your life today.

Solve problems right away

The first rule of success is that you must solve all problems as they arise, and right away, without shelving. After all, problems tend to accumulate imperceptibly, and one fine day a whole bunch of unsolved problems will fall on you, which can be raked for many months. Remember that successful people have everything structured, everything is clear and understandable. You always need to act confidently, quickly, decisively. Without unnecessary rocking.

Work for yourself

The second rule of success is: "You must create jobs, not occupy them." Get out of your head with the idea that you can achieve success working for someone. Only not in our country. No one appreciates workers, and success is hard to achieve if you donate your knowledge, energy and time to someone else's project. Work for yourself, do what you love, develop, and only when work becomes a high-paying hobby can you truly become successful.

You are above everything

Personal interests, desires and aspirations should be a priority, above all else. Your loyalty is unlikely to be appreciated by your superiors. Working for the company, you will bring profit to the owners, and the moment you become financially unprofitable, you will be disposed of without a grain of doubt. The sooner you begin to set your own goals ahead of the rest of the planet, the faster you will achieve success.

Set goals high

Constantly raise your income bar. Just started a business, earned the first $ 1000, and don't stop there. Set the task for the next month to double the amount, in half a year to earn 10 times more, and in a year to reach a level 25 times higher than the earnings in the first month. Constantly stimulate yourself, be hungry for new knowledge, new goals, new victories.


Making new acquaintances, gaining useful contacts, developing partnerships and friendships is another important component of the overall success of your business. Try to communicate as much as possible, take part in various symposia, forums, exhibitions. As they say, show yourself, and look at others. Closure and fear of communication is the main enemy of success.

Environment above all

“Tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are” - this phrase has an incredible deep meaning. If you want to be successful, rich, happy, you must surround yourself with such people, communicate with them, adopt the knowledge and vision of the world. Run away from those who do not believe in you, who say that you are worthless and will never achieve your goals. As a rule, such people are themselves failures, and communication with them will not bring anything useful. Your friends should be optimistic and winners in life.

Don't forget about responsibility

Remember that as soon as you start earning more, as you start your own business, hire a team, then the burden of responsibility will fall on your shoulders. It will be different: responsibility to employees, to whom you give hope for long and stable work, to partners, to society, and, in the end, responsibility to oneself. Don't be afraid to be responsible for the outcome of your actions.

Do here and now

Are you constantly short of money? This is a powerful argument for thinking about starting your own business. And if there is no money at all, then the case should be opened today. Do not sit with folded hands and hang up your nose, look for ways out of this situation, try to think wider, find interesting solutions and unusual answers. Believe me, there are always dozens of opportunities around us, you just need to learn to see them and choose the best ones for you. The main desire is to do something, but the opportunity itself will be found.

Passive income

Another step to success is passive income. As Rockefeller said: "I'd rather get 1% of the work of 100 people than 100% of my work." Strive to create a company that will make a profit with little intervention. Then there will be more free time for new things, new goals and successes.


A lot of successful people are investors. Having made money on one project, they prefer not to create a new one, but rather invest in a successful startup. If you see a prospect in some business, then take a chance and invest money in it. Success comes to decisive and risky ones, and where, if not in investing, you can get such qualities.

Find a good incentive

An incentive is what will make you move, develop, and reach new heights. Articles by various people, tips and tricks from millionaires, or else can be a good incentive. You will find all the necessary information in the sections of our website.

Ask yourself questions

Very often a person cannot achieve success, because he does not know what to do, what to strive for, why all this. Try to ask yourself the questions: Who am I? What can I do and how unique is my knowledge? What am I here for? What will I do if I make a lot of money? What do I want to achieve? Try to answer the questions posed as honestly as possible, do not deceive yourself. The road to success starts with internal answers.

Dream and strive

You must have a dream. You cannot live, develop and reach the heights without having a dream, not seeing what you need to strive for. The dream will become an incentive that will make you wake up every morning, do work, stay up late, lack sleep, but know that you are not doing all this in vain, that in the end you will achieve what you dream of.

Help others

You have not noticed that many successful people are happy to help others, are patrons of the arts, donate money to charity, open their own funds. Someone might say that they became so after they achieved success, but I assure you that this is not so. If a person is kind, open, ready to respond to the request of others and help in a difficult situation, then fate will respond in kind. Help others, and they will help you in difficult times.

Keep a Success Diary

In one of our previous articles, it was already emphasized that it is worth keeping a success diary. Write down all your plans and tasks in it, and after achieving them, describe the result, praise yourself and set new, more serious goals. As a rule, we can remember the negative for longer, and if a moment comes that you give up, a bad mood rushes in and the desire to work disappears completely, then take your success diary, re-read everything, remember the victories and achievements, at what cost they got, what emotions you have experienced. Trust that the blues will disappear instantly.

On my site there is already a list of reasons that. Today I decided to list my personal life principles, how to achieve my goal. I try to stick to them, whether it works or not ... well, I try. 🙂 For example, now I'm trying to lose the extra 15kg, if anyone is interested, join.

Perhaps someone has their own experience and I would love to hear it, so feel free to comment. It's not just about achieving a goal in work, but in general, in life. Creativity, personal life, sports, parenting, whatever. In my opinion, the most important thing is not to burn out in a flame of enthusiasm at the beginning and not get bogged down in a swamp of routine later. So, let's begin.

1. Ignore criticism... There is no useful criticism, no matter who says what. The assessment of another person, even if it is authoritative and competent, is only a subjective opinion. No one will appreciate your work better than you. Be demanding of yourself: if you admit that everything turned out well and you are not ashamed of what you are doing, then this means that the chosen direction is correct.

Do not argue with critics, do not try to substantiate your position - this dilutes attention and brings doubts. “Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out your inner voice,” said Steve Jobs and was right a thousand times over.

2. Study someone else's experience... Someone might think that this point contradicts the previous one, but it is not. Someone else's experience is a source of invaluable knowledge and inspiration, but know how to use it. Don't pull on everything you learn: only seek advice when you really need it. Concrete advice is its concrete implementation in your work. No knowledge for the future - without immediate practice, they are not only useless, but also harmful.

3. Do only what gives you real pleasure.... Make sure that your favorite job brings money at least for food, but do not stop thinking about how to increase your professional level and income. If you are persistent and consistent, then sooner or later you will achieve what you want. There are no areas where a real specialist could not make money. Passion for what you do and sincere interest is a reinforced concrete ram, before which nothing can resist.

4. Don't go deep in theory until you have at least some basic practice. Don't carry tons of information into your head about the subject you are going to be doing. Do not go to seminars with people who are teaching what they have never done professionally. Do not pry secrets from the billionaire how he made his first million, ask Vasya how he opened his first stall.

Someone may say something like: if you want to make a million, you also need to make a million. This is nothing more than a beautiful phrase, in fact, behind every million there are "stalls". Get a job in the area in which you are going to do business - even the smallest practice is worth a lot of theory.

5. Perceive the movement towards the goal not as a decisive battle, but as a long war. Many people mistakenly consider the achievement of the goal as the result, but in fact it is an ongoing process. It is impossible to get what you really want with one single exertion of will and strength. The high jump is preceded by a run, but in the standings we will not see how fast the athlete ran, we will only see the height of the jump. Someone's success seems to be a well-thought-out plan, whereas before that there was a long series of throwing, failures and failed projects, which allowed them to accumulate experience.

The Rovio company, which earned millions from Angry Birds, is seen by many as an example of oversuccess: the guys got together, wrote the game and the next day they woke up rich and famous. In fact, there were six years of hard work before the birds, with Rovio releasing other games that weren't very popular. And only knowledge and experience led them to a real breakthrough.

The process of moving towards the goal is cyclical, the next stagnation is actually the accumulation of experience, which, like a straightened spring, will allow you to go to a higher level. Do not be afraid to lose a single battle, never despair, think strategically and remember one thing: "I will achieve my goal."

6. Don't look for an original idea. When “business coaches” inspire their wards that there is no point in doing what other people have already implemented, and that they need to look for some unoccupied niche that will instantly enrich themselves, they just say what they want to hear from them. It is very pleasant for people to think that somewhere in the information field of the planet there are fundamentally new ideas, which you just need to think of, and then it's in the bag.

In fact, all ideas that, to an outside observer, seem to come from nowhere, are the result of the development of someone's experience and knowledge. Nothing arises out of emptiness, a new idea always appears on the basis of practice. The concept of the iPhone emerged during the development of the iPad, as a result of the experience and intuition of Steve Jobs and his team. Newton discovered his law of gravitation not because an apple fell on his head, but because he constantly thought about this topic.

If you want to spend your life dreaming of great things, keep looking for the super idea. If you want to achieve something, start small. Study the usual average statistical examples, because if they work for their owners, they can work for you. More practice, less ambition.

7. Don't change direction at the first setbacks. Some time after the start of any activity, a charge of enthusiasm ends up as a basis, and it will probably seem to you that the chosen niche is not the most monetary, the direction is dead end, and so on. It may seem that you are not suitable for this activity, that there is no progress and will not be.

Strictly suppress attempts of the psyche to scatter attention to many objects. Do not panic, endure and continue in the same direction. You need to go through at least several cycles of enthusiasm / apathy in order to gain real experience about your niche and understand how to achieve your goal here. If you rush from one idea to another, nothing will come of it.

8. Look not only up but also to the sides. It so happens that after a long time you really understand that you will not be able to achieve success in your field. There is no talent, there is not enough time, and most importantly, there is no desire anymore. In this case, you should not give up everything that you have gained, but you just need to look back and see where else you can apply your knowledge.

One of my acquaintances, tired of two decades of teaching at school, left for free bread as a tutor. She did exactly what she liked, studied psychology in depth and sincerely fell in love with her new occupation. As a result, over the course of several years, her income skyrocketed compared to her school salary, and it was only possible to sign up for her lessons one by one. This is a great example of looking around when it seems like there is no way up.

9. Don't regret the past, don't worry about the future. You should never think about what happened or, on the contrary, did not happen. Yes, almost everyone understands that if they did something differently, now everything would be completely different. This is fine. This is exactly the experience that I talk about all the time. Don't give a damn - you can't change this, and as practice shows, you won't even be able to draw a conclusion. Surely step on the same rake again.

It's the same with the future. What's the use of taking care of him, making detailed plans, calculating every step. All the same, all these developments will be destroyed at the very first moment of reality. All planning should come from daily practice, as a reaction to what is happening. The general plan should not be unshakable, never drive yourself into a frame.

10. Be jealous of successful people. Strange advice, isn't it? 🙂 In fact - it is very useful when used constructively. I do not believe in white or black envy, these are just different shades of one emotion. Anyone, when he sees a more successful competitor, will experience a prick of envy - this is a normal human reaction. It is necessary not to restrain this feeling, but to direct it in the right direction. Carefully study your competitors, understand what they are doing, who and what helps them, analyze what of their methods can work in your business.

11. Use every day. A very important rule that is neglected by almost everyone. I can judge from my own experience that the achievement of a goal is usually perceived as a kind of brainstorming, the mobilization of all strength and will. All this is accompanied by a powerful burst of enthusiasm. Everything is boiling around, work is burning in the hands, but ... after a while apathy comes, disbelief that the result is generally achievable.

So, instead of gushing with enthusiasm, moving mountains, immediately make yourself the installation that in addition to all the feats, you are obliged to perform daily part of some routine work. And then, when the feats in the workplace come to naught, then these small steps will take you to the goal, sooner or later. For example, if you are writing a book and you have another idea, much more brilliant, then in addition to many hours of thinking, do not forget to write several chapters of the old one, even if now it seems boring and uninteresting to you. If you quit, the same will happen with the new book.

12. Don't expect 100% readiness. How often people refuse to realize their desires just because they, as it seems to them, are not ready yet. Analyzing my experience, I can say that everything that I have done in my life, I did exactly being unprepared for it. If doubts come to you about readiness, then just brush them aside. A person sitting in one place is not able to understand whether he is ready or not. Almost always, what you thought up for yourself "on the shore" turns out to be very far from what is "at sea".

There can be no complete readiness, and there cannot be, especially when it comes to the implementation of ideas. Here I can only cite the motto of a very respected man by me, Richard Branson: "To hell with everything, take it and do it." That's right - take it and do it, do not think whether you are ready or not. You will understand in the process. Otherwise, you will sit and wait. All life.

13. Admit your flaws, but don't let them take over. We must honestly admit our weaknesses, but this does not mean that they can be indulged. If you are lazy, then the worst thing you can do is say: "Yes, this is true, nothing will help me, I will not achieve anything." On the contrary, if you are pathologically lazy, strain your brain to automate routine work or push it onto someone else.

Aggressive, easily infuriated - take up amateur sports. There you will not only be able to get relaxation, but you will also achieve some results thanks to these negative qualities. Have a bad memory - practice, learn languages. Unlike a person with a normal memory, who would never even think to sit down at textbooks, you can at the very least be able to express yourself in a foreign language if you show persistence.

14. Don't reject someone else's experience for personal reasons.... There is an opinion that there are some "unethical" methods used by mlm-scholars, NLP-schnicks, "black" businessmen and so on. This is all nonsense - there is a tool, but how to use it is up to the person himself. You should not dismiss the experience of all these sectarians, if only because it really works. Under the external "gypsy" there is a lot of psychology: no one has more practice, how to train oneself for a result, how to subordinate other people to one's goal.

Look closely at any working methods, try to understand how they work. The human psyche is the same everywhere, it concerns grandmothers selling dietary supplements or selling limousines to the rich. You can always apply something in your specificity, you should not neglect such an experience just because its carriers cause bad feelings in you.

15. Think. Perhaps, this point should have been put in the first place, but let it be as it is. Unfortunately, at work the main part of the time is consumed by routine and routine, so we have almost no opportunity to think about our business. And this is very important: we need to constantly reflect on what we are doing, analyze, compare with competitors, look for new facets.

If you constantly think in the right direction, then new thoughts will surely appear, and then you yourself are surprised that you walked around for so long and could not think of it. And everything is simple - a modern person very, very rarely consciously uses his brain, acting on a daily basis according to the action-reaction scheme. The brain adjusts itself to work according to a template, and filters all ideas so as not to go astray.

And when to think and reflect, if, having fallen into the arms of the sofa after a hard day at work, you no longer want anything but watch the news and sleep? My answer is to refuse the sofa, but to rest on the bike. Even being very tired, after ten minutes of leisurely bike riding, I felt that my brain was cleared of unnecessary information, and I could think about business. This is probably due to the accelerated blood circulation, but be that as it may, it really works! The worst thing you can do is get hooked on your computer or TV to "relax".

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Be independent, strive not to depend on the life and decisions of other people. Decide what you want to achieve, and not your family and other people around you. The situation when you live someone else's dreams will not turn you into a successful person; rather, on the contrary, it will provide the opposite outcome. Know yourself and your personal goals and take the trouble to come up with a concrete plan for achieving them, which would include specific actions.

Don't limit your own development. Learn to think creatively, do not reject non-standard solutions. Constantly expand the list of your own skills and abilities, comprehending the relevant sciences and taking specialized courses (but do not be too diffused at the same time - concentrate your efforts on the main thing). Try to use your own skill to benefit in achieving your global goal - or at least intermediate.

Develop self-confidence and uncommon sense of purpose. Success is simply impossible without these qualities. List your talents and skills, learn to admire them, believe that you are a unique, inimitable and significant person, and love yourself for it. Think about how your skills can contribute to achieving your most important life goals, and what exactly needs to be done to develop them further.

Don't be afraid of failure. A considerable number of those who are now rich and world famous have encountered similar phenomena on their way - and often more than once. The main thing that helped them to move forward in life even in such seemingly unfavorable circumstances was the inflexibility of the spirit. Be sure that no losing streak is endless. Don't worry about failure one day. On the contrary, treat him as a cruel teacher who will only strengthen the strength of your spirit. Learn to learn the right lessons from everything that befalls you, and apply such knowledge to the benefit of your own goals.

Take responsibility for your own actions and words. Self-sufficient and successful individuals are fully endowed with this quality. They admit that they sometimes make mistakes and do not blame them on others. Be prepared for any outcome of the case, including the consequences of your own wrong actions. To make less of this kind of oversight, learn to reason sensibly and soberly. Become the master of your own emotions without being led by any of them.

Work hard for success, but do not subordinate life to work alone. Maintain the health of your own body, not just your mind. Focus on a healthy diet in your diet, do not shy away from exercise, leave enough hours for sleep and other moments of rest. In order to have time to cope with the tasks necessary to achieve success, learn to plan your own time correctly, focusing on the main things and paying attention to the secondary ones already on the residual principle.