Make a skate bag out of old jeans. How to sew a bag from burlap, denim, leather with your own hands? Schemes of a beach, travel bag, shoulder bag and backpack bag

Every lady in the house probably has a pair or two of jeans that lie idle in the closet. And if the fabric on the jeans is also of different shades - it's just wonderful.

A bag made of old jeans will turn out to be original and interesting. As you know, the fabric on jeans can be different: it can be expensive denim, and cheap gin, and so on. A DIY jeans bag, such as a patchwork bag, will look better if you choose jeans of the same thickness but different shades for it.

Sewing a bag from old jeans is very simple: the main thing is to carefully prepare the material. Bags from old jeans do not have to be sewn on a sewing machine. Our master classes, on the contrary, are designed for hand-tailoring. Such original and necessary handbags are sewn together quickly.

Why do people like jeans bags? First, they are lightweight and durable. Secondly, such a thing is indispensable if you go to the store, for a walk, to the beach, and so on. After all, you can sew such a bag in absolutely any size.

Simple and practical handbag - master class

You can sew such a clutch bag or a backpack bag in a few hours. Before sewing a bag from jeans with your own hands, you need to put the jeans in order: wash, if necessary, and hang up without twisting - to dry. One pair of jeans can make several bags! For this model, you will also need a narrow strap, an awl (or a thick needle), and a cord for straps if it is a backpack.

For work you will need:

  1. Pants from old jeans.
  2. Strap with buckle.
  3. An awl, or a thick needle.
  4. Threads, scissors.
  5. 130-140 cm of cord to match the color of the belt, if you decide to make a backpack bag.

How to sew a bag quickly and neatly? Take your time and don't cut off too much! If you settled on a clutch model, then estimate how high it will be when folded, and thereby adjust the size of the leg in height.

  • Cut off the trouser leg with scissors (photo 2). It is better to cut off 55-60 cm, no less.
  • We take the belt, apply it directly to the "top" of the folded bag, and near the "bottom" we cut off a part of the belt with a buckle (at least 10 cm), (photo 3.9).
  • We sew the strap to the front of the bag, right next to the “bottom”. We turn the trouser leg inside out (photo 4).
  • We manually sew the “bottom” along the cut edge (photo 5).
  • The corners need to be sewn up as in photo 6. The longer your line in photo 6, the narrower the bottom of the bag. If this line is not done, the bag will turn out flat.
  • The strap on the bag must be able to fasten, no matter how high the clutch is. A handbag made of jeans unfolds to the maximum height, if the strap is too long, you can cut it off. We make holes in the belt (photo 7), and then sew the belt (photo 8). Here is the finished bag of jeans with your own hands. If you decide to stop at the backpack option, sew 2 pieces of cord on the back of the bag instead of straps. It would be ideal to take a long strap from an old bag.
  • A jeans bag can be decorated with appliqué, labels, lace, beads, embroidery, and so on. Everything that your imagination dictates to you.

This is how the bottom strap is sewn on.

Such an original patchwork style bag will look good if you take scraps from several jeans of different colors. You can add a couple of patches of checkered fabric. The pattern of the bag and the master class are the easiest, the most difficult thing in this bag is to make the top out of fabric from old jeans. For the bag, you will need 2 rectangles 42/40 cm from any dense fabric, we will sew pieces of jeans onto this material. Denim is a dense fabric, so you can do without a sealant: synthetic winterizer, or non-woven fabric. Handles can be sewn from a belt from jeans, or leather from an old bag.

For work you will need:

  1. 2 rectangles 42/40 cm from any dense fabric.
  2. 2 rectangles 42/40 cm from lining fabric.
  3. Full width zipper.
  4. 2 strips of 36/16 cm denim for the bottom.
  5. Old jeans.
  6. Colored threads
  7. Ruler, pencil.
  8. Adhesive fabric.
  9. Tailor's pins.

We take the lining, and sew the inner pocket.

Put the lining aside, we will make the front of the bag.

We draw a drawing on paper for clarity. We designate all the patches in order to know what color they should be. There should also be a pattern on the main fabric - we will sew patches on it. We carefully pin the flaps with tailor's pins.

Gradually we pin all the flaps to the base with pins.

We draw straight lines with a ruler and a pencil, stepping back from the edge of 0.7-1 cm.

Sew the flaps with small stitches to the base. The photo shows the direction in which we attach the flaps to the base.

Here is the almost finished face of the bag, all patches are sewn on by hand. Round details are also hand-sewn with small stitches.

Thus, we need to make 2 identical parts of our bag.

We apply the lining parts to the main parts, front to front. First, we sew the top so that there is no raw edge. We designed the top, then we will sew the bag itself. Next, lay out our sewing, stepping back from the edge of 0.8-1 cm with a ruler and chalk. We draw straight lines along which we will sew the bag. We attach the front and parts of the bag to each other, and cleave with pins. We sew so that an unsewn piece of 5-7 cm remains, through which we will turn the product inside out.

Turned out — got the inside like this. Next - sew up the hole in the lining, wrap the bottom corners, and sew.

Next, take our 2 strips of 36/16 cm denim for the bottom of the bag. It would be ideal to put plastic inside the bottom, for example: cut a 35/15 cm strip from a plastic folder or oilcloth. We decorate the bottom so that there are no open cuts anywhere. Sew by hand inside the bag. You can also sew to the outside - as you like, only then the edges must be rounded.

That's all. It remains to sew on the handles, which can be made from a belt from pants, weaved from a cord, or taken from an old bag.

Shopping bag - master class

A do-it-yourself bag made from old jeans is a good opportunity to use good denim. The master class here is very simple and understandable. Sew an original bag in one evening!

Before sewing a bag from jeans, you can figure out which pattern and what shape of the bag to choose. Sewing bags is a rewarding job, as there are no extra bags. We suggest you use any of these patterns. Click on the arrow to enlarge the pattern.

Jeans are always in fashion, they are worn by everyone - from the smallest to the most respectable. And, of course, they wear out, wear out and tear in a variety of places, get dirty. And what to do with jeans that have become old, deteriorated or just bored?

No need to rush to throw them away or send them to a dacha-garden exile. Indeed, from the remnants or whole old jeans, you can make a lot of necessary, original, fashionable items, accessories, including all kinds of original bags you can sew with your own hands. Do you want to learn how to sew a bag from old jeans - original and comfortable, interesting and exclusive - read the article to the end!

Such accessories will fit both teenagers and adults, because the choice of patterns, and, accordingly, ready-made options is huge and limited only by the imagination of the needlewoman. Sewing a bag out of jeans is amazing? Not at all!

Any work will go well and go easily if you carefully prepare for it. So where do you start. From the preparation of the main - tools and materials. For tailoring denim bag you will need:

The bag consists of a base, lining, handles. And special attention worth decor theme.

Important. Before you start working with old jeans, they need to be washed and ironed. You need to work with a clean cloth so as not to get dirty and not to stain the environment. In addition, if some stain does not wash off, then it is already possible to determine in advance that this area should not be used, or used, but in the invisible part of the bag, beat the cut, cover this place with a pocket, decor, and so on. And ironing is necessary because it is impossible to cut on wrinkled fabric, everything will turn out ugly.

Gallery: old jeans bag (25 photos)

Bag base

The basis of the bag is essentially the bag itself without handles. From old jeans, from their parts, you can cut out the base very simply.

A denim bag of the simplest cut can be sewn from the top of the trousers. To do this, you need to cut off the legs to the base to get a kind of "skirt". Then there are two options to choose from:

  • you can simply fold the base as it is, how jeans are worn, and sew it inside out (always sew from the inside out), the bottom of this figure along the cut. Then you get a flat bag-folder;
  • you can make the bag bulky. To do this, from the wrong side, the corners are laid inward with triangles, so that the tops of the triangles lie on the bottom of the bag, and the triangle is attached with the base to the bottom. It turns out a dedicated bottom and walls.

In both cases, you get a rather original and functional handbag, on which have pockets.

You can also simply sew a handbag from individual parts, that is, legs and other parts from old jeans. Patterns here may be different. It's easy to draw them.

The simplest pattern is a rectangle, trapezoid, square. Moreover, these parts can consist of several parts, and not just of the whole panel. To do this, you can grind any pieces you like with each other. In some cases, it may even become decorative element.

So, you can make patchwork-style panels with your own hands - from patches of the same shape and size (at the same time, they can be of different colors - it will also be original), in the freeform style - a random combination of patches of different size, shape and even texture. You can also sew patches of denim with patches of completely different fabrics, colorful. Denim bags are space for fantasy.

First, let's deal with the basics. For a simple tailoring of such a form, you need:

  • draw a pattern in the form of a selected figure of a selected size;
  • then transfer it to the fabric, circling it with tailor's chalk (or other similar device) and add along the edges - along the bottom and sides, 1 centimeter for allowances, along the upper edge, 2-3 centimeters for the hem;
  • cut out two drawn blanks, fold them facing each other and stitch the side seams;
  • draw a pattern for the bottom of the bag. The bottom can be oval, rectangular, square - whatever. The main thing is that the bottom perimeter should be equal to the length of two parts of the base plus 1 centimeter around the entire perimeter for allowances;
  • fold the parts face to face, fasten with pins and sweep with thread, and then sew the parts together on a typewriter.

Important! Denim fabric tends to crumble, fringe. Therefore, all free sections of the fabric must be treated with overcasting seams. If there is no overlock, then you can process a zigzag seam, you can manually. But in modern sewing machines, even simple ones, there are at least a couple of seams, imitating overlock.

So, the simplest base is ready.

With seeming simplicity, sewing such a bag out of jeans is just the beginning. You can leave it as is. You can make holes in the upper part along the edge, pull a cord through them - and you get a sack bag, you can assemble the upper edge into ring handles (metal or bamboo ring handles can be purchased at many needlework stores), and so on.

Pockets from old jeans can be sewn to the resulting base. Moreover, it can be exactly, like on jeans, it can be on the front side, it can be on the sides, as you wish.


You can sew a denim bag without lining, but with it a denim bag will be stronger, more practical, more aesthetic.

The lining is sewn in the same way as the base, that is, the shape should completely repeat the bag. You can sew pockets to the lining, which will be the inner pockets of the bag. At the same time, pockets need to be sewn even before it is sewn bag lining.

If the bag will be closed with a zipper, then the upper edge of the lining must be folded over, fastened with pins or swept. Insert the lining into the base, inside out. Then baste the lining to the bag below the top edge by one and a half centimeters. Then put the edges of the zipper between the base and the lining, fasten them with pins or baste, and sew on a typewriter.

Important. The lining fabric can be any, but (!) choose durable fabrics that do not spread, do not tear. It is not in the interests of the hostess to look, for example, for keys somewhere under the lining, because they pierced a thin or crumbling fabric. And the fabric that has spread at the seams or holes - even inside the bag - is ugly and uncomfortable.


Bag handles are not only a functional integral part of the bag, but they can also be a decorative element!

For sewing simple handles, you need to make straps. For this:

If the strap is sewn in, then the transverse edges may not be stitched, but it is better to process them. Sew-in straps are inserted between the outer fabric and the lining, pinned or basted, and sewn together with base and lining.

If the straps are sewn on the outside, it is better to sew them with several seams, for example, crosswise.

Bags from old jeans are good because they allow a lot of liberties and imagination. So, the straps can be sewn from a different fabric, a different color, the details of which can be sewn to the bag as decor elements.

In addition, bag handles can be made from other materials: from cords (drape and other decorative), from belts, from braids woven from the remnants of fabric, and other fabrics. You can insert large eyelets and thread the handles through them. You can use ready-made pens - like the already mentioned ring pens. It all depends on the desire and imagination of the craftswoman! DIY jeans bag is a reflection of individuality!


Decorating accessories is a wild fantasy! You can decorate a bag from old jeans as soon as your heart desires.

The simplest options for external decorations are:

  • all kinds of decorative badges, buttons, pendants, stripes (patches), glue and sew-on rhinestones, sequins, beads, beads, and so on;
  • decorative braid, ribbons, lace, frills, cords;
  • rivets, buttons, eyelets as a decor;
  • drawings with paints on fabrics;
  • appliqués, patches...

In addition, as a decor, you can use a combination of fabrics for the base of the bag, which was mentioned earlier (patchwork, freeform).

You can continue indefinitely, because a jeans bag is a very grateful, free material, simply calling for a flight of creativity, and sewing a fashionable bag from old jeans with your own hands is very simple! And for sure, a do-it-yourself denim bag made according to your own sketches will be a perfect exclusive and an object of pride.

Many lovers of patchwork in their "bins" keep old jeans in the hope of someday sewing something from them. And there are those who use old jeans as a source material for their patchwork creativity.

Like any housewife with a large family (son, daughter, grandson, husband, sister, matchmaker, brother and a bunch of other relatives), a huge amount of denim clothes has gathered in my house, which has already “outlived its age”. But "jeans" is a fairly durable and high-quality material, the hand did not rise to throw it away. So the idea came to sew bags and backpacks from these things. And what? They no longer shed and do not shrink. And denim is always in fashion.
Do you have old jeans? Let's give them new life together!

I suggest you sew a bag with a flap decorated with a monkey paw patchwork block. For such a bag, we need scraps from two jeans in contrasting colors, scissors, threads with needles, a zipper, lining fabric, paper, tracing paper, interlining, a ruler. And of course, good mood!

We make a paper pattern: the base of the bag and the valve.

Let's start with the valve. We put a tracing paper on the paper pattern of the valve and draw such a template. Since we are using contrasting fabrics, this should be noted (shaded).

The technique of sewing on the base is familiar to many. We measure the inner squares, take into account the seam allowance, cut out two strips, from which we sew a two-color square.

We fix it in the center of the base with pins, combining the lines of the central lines with the central lines in the figure (do not forget about the color matching).

Next, we measure one of the triangles following the central square, add it to the seams and cut out the triangle from the fabric of the desired color.

We pin, we sew, we turn away, we iron, we level. And so, sequentially, the remaining triangles.

The first row is ready. We do the same with all the other rows, do not forget about the colors. Every detail must be ironed out.

The result is this beauty.

We remove the paper (it is well removed).

We fasten the patchwork set to the adhesive base (non-woven fabric, doubler), make a decorative stitch and adjust it according to the valve pattern. Sew on the piping (optional), cut out the lining from the denim and attach it face to face to the patchwork part of the valve.

We twist, iron, stitch along the edge. The valve is ready.

Let's get to the base of the bag. We take a pattern and cut 4 parts from denim and 4 parts from lining fabric. On one of the details of the jeans, you can make a pocket (this will be the back).

We immediately prepare the handle for our handbag (120 cm) and the strap on which the buckle will be held (11 cm). The width of both the straps and the handles is 2 cm in finished form, yours may be different - it depends on the width of the buckle.

We sew the handle and strap into denim inserts (squares 6x6 cm, folded in half).

I use buckles, rivets, eyelets and other metal parts. Their installation requires special tools, but you can do it in a special workshop.
Now we collect the "carcass" of the bag. We take two denim parts (those without pockets), apply them facing each other. We transfer the line of the inner seam from the pattern and stitch it.

Next, we take the detail of the back (I have a pocket on it), measure 3 cm from the top, draw a line, attach the finished valve to it and attach it, stepping back from the edge of the valve 0.3 cm.

We turn on the face and lay a decorative line, stepping back 0.5 cm.

We pin the crossbars on which the handle is attached at a distance of 3 cm from the top of the “back” of the bag.

We apply the “back” to the lower panel of the central part and sew them together. So that the upper panel does not accidentally fall under the needle, we tuck its edges and stab it with pins.

We turn it out, making notches in the corners - half of the bag is ready.

Now we pin the edges of the finished (back) half, put the front of the bag face down and sew it in the same way as the back (do not forget about the inserts!). Cut corners, turn out. "Carcass" is ready.

Let's move on to the lining. We fold the two cut parts face to face and sew around the perimeter. We do the same with the other two details. Makes two bags. We turn the entrance to the bag by 1 cm, we outline it and put it aside for a while.

We take a zipper, apply it to the entrance to the bag, add 5-6 cm, cut it off.

At the entrance to the bag on both sides of the side seams, measure 1.5 cm to the center, make a mark.

We pin (or tack) the zipper, carefully tucking its beginning.

We sew from the edge of 0.7 cm to the mark at the end of the zipper. We repeat the operation on the other side.
Gently tuck the edges of both sections of the bag inward by 0.7-0.8 cm, including those to which the zipper is sewn, we outline.

Now we take the previously sewn bags from the lining, put (without turning) into each section of the bag, tack to the jeans and make a line in the face of each section.

We put a slider and a tail-limiter made of denim on the zipper.

We install the eyelets on the strap-belt.

And the bag is ready!
A few words about decor and fittings. If you do not have the opportunity (or desire) to install rivets, eyelets and other attributes of the "denim" style, you can do without them. Yes, and a patchwork set on the valve can be anything. In confirmation of this, there is another handbag according to the same pattern and tailoring technology, which, it seems to me, looks no worse than the “heroine” of this master class.

Summer is coming soon, someone will go on vacation, someone - to the country. We offer you wonderful ideas for summer bags, and backpacks from old jeans. Denim bags never go out of style. After all, they are light, comfortable, unpretentious, and even have many pockets, which also adds popularity.

How to sew a bag with your own hands from old jeans? It's not as difficult as it seems. Even if you rarely sew and are not a fan of a sewing machine, you can make an exception for such a handbag for the summer. Now knapsack backpacks are very fashionable, with a drawstring on top, which are tightened with a cord at the top. Cord, grosgrain ribbon, and other plastic fittings can be purchased at a needlework store.

Where to begin

Of course, you can buy a bag or a backpack in a store, but it is more interesting to sew an exclusive handbag yourself. To begin with, we look in the closet, and pick up old jeans that you haven’t worn for a long time, but throw them away - your hand doesn’t rise. And rightly so, that it does not rise. We will sew an excellent comfortable accessory from denim.

Decide on the style, buy accessories, and you can proceed. In one or two evenings, it is quite possible to cope. If you don't have a sewing machine, it's not a big deal. You just have to tinker more. And manual work is now very welcome.

If you sew a bag by hand, a ruler, and a chalk, or a felt-tip pen will help you. To make the lines even, on the wrong side we make the lines with a ruler, so the seams will be smoother.

Old jeans should not be torn, clean, and tight. The bag can also be combined: from two pairs of jeans, or from jeans, and a piece of other dense fabric, only the fabrics must be of the same thickness. The easiest way to sew is the way when the top of the jeans is simply cut off.

A frame is obtained from the top, and the bottom is sewn to it. We do not cut off the back pockets, on the contrary, even more pockets can be sewn on. This is the easiest way to sew a bag with your own hands. The lining can be cut from any thin fabric. Do not forget, when you cut the lining, add a 1 cm seam allowance. We cut out the handles for a bag or backpack from the legs, and sew the stripes to the rep tape, or make them from a double-stitched rep tape. The bottom can be made any: round, square, rectangular. A bag of two or three different colored jeans looks beautiful. Very simple handbag, drawstring on top, and threaded cord:

We cut the trouser leg first along the step seams, and then into strips, about 9-10 cm wide. We put the strips on top of each other, and sew them together. We have a solid canvas. We decorate the canvas with pockets, lace, buttons - the main thing is not to overdo it. Applications are welcome. We fix the seams at the ends of the seams. We fold our canvas in half, we get a cylinder. It would be nice to stitch the corners of the bag from the wrong side too. Cut out the bottom, applied the lining. We sew the bottom. Sew on handles and lining. At the end, we sew a lining into the bag. So the new super bag is ready.

According to this pattern, it will be more convenient for you to sew a backpack from old jeans. Transfer the pattern to paper, cut it out, and lay it on denim. The pattern is clear, sewing on it is easy. There is a zipper on the side.