Tajik Development Gateway in Russian. Tajik Development Gateway in Russian 9 may dushanbe

Despite discussions about the name of the day on May 9, in all CIS countries this day is a public holiday and a day off. Only it has different names.

In Azerbaijan it is the Day of Victory over Fascism, in Armenia - the Day of Victory and Peace, in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia - the Day of Victory, in Moldova - the Day of Victory and the memory of the heroes who fell for the independence of the Motherland, in Tajikistan - the Day of Victory in the Great World War II. The scope of the celebrations is different in each country.


Minsk photo: REUTERS / Vasily Fedosenko

This year, on Victory Day in Belarus, instead of the traditional military parade in Minsk, an action "Belarus Remembers" was held, similar to the Russian "Immortal Regiment", which ended with a solemn laying of flowers at the Victory Monument.

In the evening, at 21.30, a festive concert will begin here. For the first time in the program - a 3D show accompanied by the presidential orchestra. Military footage will be shown on the so-called architectural screen. They will be the buildings behind the obelisk. The culmination of the celebrations is at 23:00. Festive fireworks will be given from five points of the city. The sky over Minsk will be illuminated by 30 victorious salvoes. During the day, traffic in the city center is limited.


Kazakhstan photo: REUTERS / Shamil Zhumatov

On May 9, Astana hosted the annual ceremony of laying "Glory garlands" at the "Otan korgaushylar" ("Defenders of the Fatherland") monument. In addition, according to tradition, a campus was deployed in the Student Park, where 11 army tents were erected and a festive table was laid for war veterans and home front workers. Concert programs with songs of the war years were held on the City Square and in the Student Park.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War living in Astana received 500 thousand tenge ($ 1.5 thousand) each in honor of Victory Day.

From 6 to 9 May, Astana hosted the annual patriotic action "Ribbon of Victory", but without the traditional St. George ribbon. The organizers of the action handed out to the townspeople a ribbon in the colors of the national flag of the country, this is the Kazakh version of the symbol of the Victory Day celebration. And in the city of Shymkent from the Obelisk of Glory, located in the Park named after Abai, removed the St. George ribbon, replacing it with national colors.


The Uzbek authorities canceled the rally "Immortal Regiment" on May 9, 2017 due to "the complicated political situation in the world." Instead, a permanent exhibition dedicated to the veterans was held.


In this country, local authorities also canceled the rally in Dushanbe. But in the joint military parade, which took place in the capital of Tajikistan on May 9, Russian Su-25 attack aircraft took part for the first time.

Activists of the Internet community "We are Tajiks" arranged a festive dinner for the veterans.
The Baltic countries have abandoned May 9 and celebrate the European Remembrance Day on May 8.

In the world

European countries mostly celebrate VE, or Victory in Europe Day. Italy, Denmark, Holland celebrate their days of liberation.

In the United States, Germany's surrender day is celebrated on May 8, but the main holiday is considered to be September 2, when Japan surrendered. Everything happens quite quietly and calmly. The celebrations are not organized by the government, but by the Association of World War II Veterans.


Great Britain does not officially celebrate the end of the war, but solemn events are held annually on May 8.


In the Federal Republic of Germany, unlike other European countries, May 8 is celebrated as the Day of Liberation from National Socialism, but this is a working day.


France May 8th photo: REUTERS / Stephane De Sakutin

Victory Day in France is not celebrated as widely as in other states, but May 8 is considered an officially recognized holiday. The main ceremony of honoring the memory of those killed in the war against Nazism takes place on May 8 - wreaths are laid at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland celebrate Victory Day in Europe, but these are not days off.

Victory Day is the most unifying date for the CIS countries. As it is noted, says the correspondent of the TV channel "MIR 24" Alexey Dashenko.

In all countries of the Commonwealth, May 9 is a public holiday and a day off. The only difference is in its name.

In Uzbekistan, this is the day of Remembrance and Honor. This year it is celebrated especially widely and brightly. A parade of the Armed Forces took place in Tashkent, installations dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War and even flash mobs with music and songs of those years were arranged. At the reception, the President of Uzbekistan congratulated the veterans.

“Your exploits on the battlefields, your selfless labor in the rear during the years of the last war, your whole life as a whole is for us, for the young generation of the country, the clearest example of courage,” he said.

In Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus and Kazakhstan, May 9 is Victory Day. In these countries, the memory of the victims was honored.

During the war, 360 thousand people went to the front from Kyrgyzstan. A torchlight procession was held in honor of the heroes. The column passed through the city streets, after which the protesters lit an eternal flame.

Hundreds of residents of the southern capital of Kazakhstan came to the "Defenders of the Fatherland" monument. They honored the memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War. 1 million 800 thousand Kazakhs fought on the battlefields. Only half of them returned home. 500 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

“In every family, in every person, there is still a bloody trace of that war. Therefore, we celebrate this day so that the heroism and dedication of our ancestors will be preserved in the memory of the descendants, ”said President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Festive events were also held in Tajikistan. In Dushanbe, the head of the republic, Emomali Rahmon, laid wreaths in the Victory Park and wished health and prosperity to all participants in the war. Today there are 345 of them left in Tajikistan. The participants honored the memory of the perished with a minute of silence.

The official US budget for aid to Tajikistan is 41.9 million US dollars (USAID). For comparison, Afghanistan receives USD 5.7 billion, neighboring Kyrgyzstan - USD 61.7 million, Uzbekistan - USD 20.6 million. Top 10 countries receiving the most aid from the United States: 1. Afghanistan: $ 5.7 billion 2. Iraq: $ 3.7 billion 3. Israel: $ 3.2 billion 4. Jordan: $ 1.5 billion […]

Global Terrorism Index 2018 - Tajikistan ranked 74th The Vision of Humanity website (published by the Institute for Economics and Peace) has published the annual Global Terrorism Index-2018 ranking. According to this rating, Tajikistan ranks 74th, between Finland and Kazakhstan. Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Syria, Pakistan occupy the first places in the Global Terrorism Index-2018 ranking. From […]

The Legatum Prosperity Index is a composite indicator of the British think tank The Legatum Institute, which measures the achievements of countries around the world in terms of their prosperity. https://www.prosperity.com/

Tajikistan is the third in the world in terms of the share of remittances of labor migrants in GDP. Neighboring Kyrgyzstan comes first. Between them is a tiny state in Polynesia - the Kingdom of Tonga.

Dushanbe. September 29. TajikTA - On October 11, at a meeting in Sochi, the heads of state of the Commonwealth of Independent States will consider about 20 issues, the information and analytical department of the CIS executive committee will report.
"At the meeting of the Council of CIS Heads of State (hereinafter - CHS), it is planned to consider about 20 issues aimed at further developing cooperation in the political, economic, cultural and humanitarian fields and in other key areas of the Commonwealth's activities," the statement on the website of the executive committee says.
In particular, in a narrow format, it is planned to exchange views on cooperation within the Commonwealth, to discuss questions about the chairmanship in the CIS, the date and place of the next meeting of the CIS CHS.
At the expanded meeting, it is expected to consider important issues aimed at further developing cooperation in the economy, cultural and humanitarian areas, in the areas of defense policy, protection of external borders, countering terrorism, as well as a number of projects aimed at adapting the Commonwealth to new realities.
Thus, the most significant is the draft statement of the heads of the CIS member states on support of the institution of the family and traditional family values.
It will also consider a draft convention on cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes, which defines various areas of cooperation.
The most significant humanitarian projects on the agenda are the following decisions: to declare 2019 the Year of the Book in the CIS, 2020 - the Year of the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The draft decision also provides for the implementation of the interstate program "Cultural Capitals of the Commonwealth" in 2018 in Armenia, in 2019 - in Belarus, in 2020 - in Kazakhstan. At the same time, it is planned to include the city of Goris (Armenia) in the list of cultural capitals of the Commonwealth in 2018; in 2019 - Brest (Belarus); in 2020 - Shymkent (Kazakhstan).
Also, the agenda of the CHS meeting includes issues aimed at ensuring security and countering new challenges and threats, issues of military-technical cooperation and the conduct of joint activities of operational and combat training. The concept of cooperation in the field of combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime, the financing of terrorism and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction will be considered.
It will also consider a draft agreement on cooperation between the member states of the Commonwealth in the fight against crimes in the field of information technology, where the list of intentional criminal acts in this area has been significantly expanded; identifies offenses related to child pornography, as well as the implementation of terrorist activities or the justification of terrorism.
Meanwhile, the draft decision of the Council of CIS Heads of State on the delimitation of powers between the Council of Heads of State and the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth, on the Regulation on the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Commonwealth of Independent States and on the Regulation on the Economic Council of the CIS is proposed to the jurisdiction of the CHS to include the issues of determining the strategy and directions of further development Commonwealth, cooperation in the spheres of defense policy, protection of external borders, the fight against crime, countering terrorism and other challenges. Issues related to the implementation of the provisions of the Free Trade Zone Agreement, the adoption of joint programs and plans in various areas of economic, social, cultural and humanitarian cooperation are proposed to be submitted for consideration to the Council of CIS Heads of Governments, and the creation of basic organizations of the CIS member states - to the Council of Foreign Ministers and the CIS Economic Council in order to relieve the agenda of the CIS Heads of Government Council.
In turn, the powers of the Council of Foreign Ministers and the CIS Economic Council are proposed to include the establishment of basic organizations, as well as the adoption of final decisions on a number of issues of cooperation in various fields, including the possibility of signing international treaties at meetings of the Council of Foreign Ministers and the CIS Economic Council ...
The heads of the CIS member states will also consider a number of other documents.

Dushanbe. September 29. TajikTA - In Tajikistan, the organizer of the terrorist attack in Kurgan-Tyube (Khatlon region) was sentenced to life imprisonment, the Tajik Telegraph Agency (TajikTA) reported on Friday.
"The main person involved in the criminal case on the explosion in the city of Kurgan-Tyube, Sharifjoni Zokir, was sentenced by the Supreme Court of Tajikistan to life imprisonment," a source in the court said.
He was found guilty of organizing an explosion that thundered on March 12, 2017 near the buildings of the military prosecutor's office and the military court of the Khatlon garrison in the administrative regional center.
The day before, a story about the court hearing in this case was shown on Tajik television. It noted that the explosion was organized by Sh. Zokir and his brother-schoolboy Rajabjon Zokir. In addition, Sh. Zokir was found guilty of promoting the ideas of the banned "Islamic State" and the murder of a homosexual and sentenced to life.
His brother Rajabjon, a 9th grade student, Rajabjon, received 5 years in prison, and his accomplices - Ravshan Fayziev, Rustam Amirkhodjaev and Sadi Saidov - from 13 to 15 years in prison, the state agency Khovar reported.
We will remind, in Kurgan-Tyube on March 12 of this year, late in the evening in the center of the city an explosion thundered. The accidental victim of the terrorist attack was 67-year-old Khasanboy Rakhmonov, a resident of the Bokhtar region, who worked as a watchman at the Technological Lyceum.
Earlier, on January 30 of this year, the same group in the village of Lomonosov near Kurgan-Tyube organized the explosion of a Hyundai car belonging to an employee of the Beeline mobile company, the owner of the car was not injured.
The plot also reported that Zokir, along with his brother and underage cousin, hung a black ISIS flag on the Kurgan hill in the administrative center of the Khatlon region last summer, and the video was sent by militants of a terrorist group.
The plot also reported that on August 13, 2016 Sh. Zokir committed a brutal murder of a homosexual resident of the village of Elti, Bokhtar District.

Dushanbe. September 29. TajikTA - US President Donald Trump called Afghanistan a "Wharton School of Business for Terrorists" during his speech at a private charity dinner, the Afghan Telegraph Agency (AfTAG) reports.

As the Washington Post reported on Thursday, citing its sources at the event, the American leader compared the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business, from which he graduated in 1968.

“The people [who hijacked the planes and sent them to the towers] of the World Trade Center [in New York] were trained in Afghanistan,” Trump said Tuesday. "It looks like Wharton Business School for Terrorists."

The president admitted that he wanted to stop spending money on military operations in the republic. However, he was persuaded by the generals, who believe that the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan is not the best option because of the large number of terrorist groups operating in the country .. TASS notes.

After receiving classified information from them, the head of state concluded that the United States had no choice but to “knock them all [the terrorists] out of Afghanistan, otherwise another attack similar to the September 11, 2001 attacks could have occurred in the United States.

“When the generals showed me things that you will never be allowed to see, it’s so disgusting and terrible, I said that we are going to stay [in Afghanistan] and we are going to knock them out, we really have no choice,” Trump said.

Last week, the United States decided to send more than 3,000 troops to Afghanistan.

Now the number of the American military contingent in Afghanistan will be approximately 14 thousand people. The United States began its current military operation in Afghanistan in the fall of 2001. In 2011, the number of US troops in Afghanistan was 101 thousand people.

Dushanbe. September 29. TajikTA - Tajikistan is selecting the best industrial companies that will represent the republic at an exhibition in Tashkent, the Tajik Telegraph Agency (TajikTA) reported on Friday.
“Tajikistan is determined with the final list of industrial enterprises that will present their products at the exhibition in Tashkent. Demonstration of Tajik industrial products in the capital of Uzbekistan will take place on October 11-14 this year, ”the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan said.
The preliminary list includes more than 130 enterprises - potential applicants for exhibitors from all regions of the republic. However, after rigorous selection, this list can be reduced by almost half.
As the Minister of Industry and New Technologies Shavkat Bobozoda noted earlier, more than 64 Tajik enterprises will present their products in the capital of the neighboring republic.
He noted that at the first exhibition of industrial goods of Tajikistan in Tashkent, which will take place on October 11-14 at the Uzexpocentre exhibition center, the products of the Ministry of Legislation, machine-building, mining, aluminum and other industries will be presented.
“We have experience in holding exhibitions. I think that the event will be held at the required level, ”concluded the head of the Ministry of Industry.
An agreement to hold industrial exhibitions of the two countries in Dushanbe and Tashkent was reached at the beginning of this year.
Let's note the upcoming event in Tashkent was preceded by the holding on April 17-20 of this year. exhibitions of industrial goods of Uzbekistan in Dushanbe. Then more than 160 Uzbek manufacturers presented their products there.

23:11 - REGNUM

When will the celebration of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War end? Maybe when the last veteran is gone? There are only 345 of them left in Tajikistan. And, apparently, the country is already gradually preparing to abandon the celebration of this memorable date.

Ivan Shilov © IA REGNUM

Today, President Emomali Rahmon congratulated compatriots on the Victory Day over Fascism. That is how this holiday was named in his congratulatory speech.

“The people of Tajikistan annually celebrate Victory Day over fascism as one of the tragic pages of the history of mankind of the last century and in the name of honoring the heroism and deeds of the glorious sons of the Motherland. Today we bow our heads in memory of those who sacrificed their lives for the purpose of the triumph of kindness over evil and ensuring a happy peaceful life for mankind.

This victory is the result of friendship and joint struggle of peoples against the terrible threat - Hitlerite fascism, as well as the highest manifestation of courage and courage of representatives of different nations for the sake of achieving freedom and peace.

The sons of the Tajik people fought bravely and with honor on all fronts of this terrible war, which is one of the greatest tragedies in the history of mankind. Therefore, the feat and perseverance of the courageous envoys of Tajikistan are the highest example of loyalty and service to the Motherland for the current generation, ”reads the congratulatory speech published on the official website of the President of Tajikistan.

There is not a single mention of the USSR in the text, there is no word "Soviet" and derivatives of the same root, the main thing is that there is no wording "Great Patriotic War". The head of Tajikistan cannot fail to know that in the conditions of widespread de-Sovietization of the former Soviet republics, such a departure from historically entrenched terms can be perceived by the population as an attempt to rewrite history, deleting from it the Soviet period of the country's life.

Further, the President turns to the present, speaking of his confidence that the courage of the ancestors is a worthy example for young defenders of the Motherland, and “the study of the rich life experience, history of the military path and subsequent activities of war and labor veterans for the present and future generations of our beloved Fatherland - there is a living example, guidance, life lesson in the protection of independence, development of a sovereign country of Tajiks, protection of its borders, national and state interests. " Thus, the theme of the defense of Tajikistan becomes central in the second part of the congratulatory text, most of it:

“During acquaintance with the military units, one can make sure that the soldiers and officers of the armed forces (of Tajikistan, of course - author) are ready to defend the sovereignty of the Motherland, every inch of their native land, honor of Tajikistan, strengthening the security of society and the state.

I am confident that proud, brave soldiers and officers, strong-spirit defenders of the Motherland, relying on the lessons of courage and resilience of the older generation, thanks to strong military discipline, will continue to show readiness to defend the greatest blessing of the country's inhabitants - independence, strengthening the foundations of national statehood and greater enhancement of the image and authority of sovereign Tajikistan ”.

As one smart person used to say to me, “if something can be explained by ordinary incompetence or negligence, then you can be sure that in 90 percent of cases this is exactly it”. One can, of course, assume that this is the very incompetence of the speechwriters of the head of the Tajik state. You can admit it, you can’t admit it. Alpine Tajikistan is painfully well aware of the causes and consequences of avalanches. There is a similar situation here: such an attitude of the "Founder of Peace and National Unity, the Leader of the Nation" will inevitably lead to the erasure of the historical memory of the young generation of Tajiks, who will absorb these attitudes today and provide a new present tomorrow.

During the Great Patriotic War, about 300 thousand immigrants from Tajikistan, with a population of only 1.25 million, went to the front. About a third of them died in battles. 55 thousand soldiers were awarded medals and orders, 64 soldiers received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Today, as I mentioned above, 345 veterans of that terrible war remain in Tajikistan. Last year there were almost a hundred more of them - 443. On the instructions of the President, each veteran of the Great Patriotic War will be awarded 1,500 somoni (10,480 rubles at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation).

However, in the meantime, the day before the Great Victory Day, the fate of the "Immortal Regiment" action in Tajikistan is still unknown. The war and labor veterans applied to the authorities for permission to conduct it, but there was no response.

By the way, last year the Tajik authorities completely refused to hold the march, because "the war in the border areas of Tajikistan and Afghanistan does not allow additional actions, and in addition, Islamic traditions prohibit going out into the street with portraits of the dead." By the way, this did not prevent those citizens who still remember the history of their Motherland from marching through the streets of their cities. No offenses or disturbances were recorded.

I would like to think, contrary to the emerging picture, that the Tajik leadership has decided to honor historical memory not in word, but in deed. However, at the moment there are few reasons for such conclusions.

Due to the time difference, Western countries usually celebrate Victory Day in World War II without a parade on May 8. Meanwhile, the USSR - the "main winner" in this war - celebrated this day on May 9 with a military parade. Russia continues this tradition and also marks it with a military parade. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, in some of the former Soviet republics, these days they lay flowers at the Eternal Flame and remember the victims of the war. In recent years, rallies of the "Immortal Regiment" have also been held.

In World War II, an estimated three million 600 thousand people were sent to the front from Central Asia. One million 310 thousand of them are among the dead. The exact number of those taken prisoner, as a rule, is not named. Therefore, they are often called among the dead, “not returning from the battlefield” or “missing”.

Tajikistan, which celebrates with the Russian army

Last year in Tajikistan, despite the lack of permission from the official authorities, after the military parade, the "Immortal Regiment" march took place. The refusal to issue permission was explained by the authorities of this country by security measures and by the fact that the procession with portraits of the deceased through the streets is contrary to Islamic values. The military parade for Victory Day last year was attended by servicemen from a Russian military base in that country and four Russian military aircraft.

Despite all this, Russian Ambassador to Tajikistan Igor Lyakin-Frolov expressed regret that the “Immortal Regiment” procession is not officially held in the country.

Meanwhile, war and labor veterans this year applied to the Dushanbe mayor's office for permission to hold this march. The city administration said that this issue is being discussed. Radio Ozodi (Tajik edition of Radio Liberty) reports that the Union of Veterans, even if the permit is denied, intends to organize a parade for veterans in retro cars. The representative office of the Rossotrudnichestvo organization, which promotes Russian culture in the world, said that if the march of the Immortal Regiment takes place, they are ready to make portraits of war veterans and banners free of charge.

More than 300 veterans of the Second World War now live in Tajikistan. In May last year, there were 447 of them in the country. Last year, war veterans in honor of Victory Day were provided with a one-time financial aid in the amount of three thousand somoni (350 dollars).

The number of those who went to the front from Tajikistan during the Second World War is more than 270 thousand people. More than 90 thousand of them died or went missing. 54 Tajiks were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Now on February 23, the day when the Day of the Soviet Army was celebrated under Soviet rule, Tajikistan celebrates the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland and the formation of the local army.

Ideological changes in Uzbekistan

In Uzbekistan, during the reign of Islam Karimov, attempts were made to change the attitude towards World War II. In the past few years, the term "Great Patriotic War" has not been officially sounded in Uzbekistan, as it was under Soviet rule. The Uzbeks began to call this war the Second World War. On May 9, Uzbekistan celebrates the Day of Remembrance and Honor. On this day, they commemorate the victims of the war, show respect to the veterans. During the reign of Islam Karimov, not only the name of the holiday itself was changed, but also military monuments were moved from the city center. Recently, however, Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev announced that the monument to Soviet General Sabyr Rakhimov, which was moved under Karimov several years ago from the city center to the outskirts, will be returned to its original location.

In Uzbekistan, the authorities plan to provide each war veteran monthly with a food set - three kilograms of flour, one kilogram of rice, 500 grams of buckwheat, 500 grams of pasta, one kilogram of boneless beef, and a kilogram of poultry meat. This set also includes tea, eggs, butter, sugar, soap and washing powder. In addition, they plan to provide veterans with clothing appropriate for the season. Last month, the country passed a decree on the allocation of a one-time monetary reward in the amount of five million soums (about $ 620) to participants and disabled people of World War II. In addition, local khokimiyats are reported to provide additional financial assistance to veterans.

During the reign of Islam Karimov, no official permission was given to hold the Immortal Regiment march. Last year, the Tashkent city administration did not give permission for the rally, but at the same time did not interfere with its holding. This year, in the subway, in the Veterans' Houses, flash mobs are held, the participants of which perform the song "Katyusha". A parade of retro cars was also held in Tashkent.

VIDEO: Flashmob in Tashkent

There is a database of participants in the war in Uzbekistan. It is believed that one and a half million Uzbeks went to the front. Of these, more than 400 thousand people died. There are about 130 thousand "missing". Now there are about 1,173 veterans living in the country.

Help in Turkmenistan

In Turkmenistan, in recent years, the expression "Great Patriotic War" is also rarely used officially. The Turkmens began to call the Second World War "the war of 1941-1945". In Turkmenistan, the "Immortal Regiment" action is not officially prohibited, but it is not allowed either. Due to the fact that over the past two years this event has been widely organized not only in Russia, but also in other countries, it is also held in Turkmenistan in a limited number. This event is usually organized by the Turkmen-Russian school in Ashgabat.

In Turkmenistan, war veterans and widows of veterans are solemnly presented with valuable gifts and financial assistance on behalf of the President. Veterans are annually provided with monetary assistance in the amount of about 200 manats (at the official rate - 57 dollars). At the unofficial rate of last year, this amount was $ 28, at the rate of this year - $ 12 and a half.

It is believed that the number of people sent to the front from Turkmenistan is about 300 thousand people. Of these, about 86 thousand people did not return. More than 100 Turkmen citizens became Heroes of the Soviet Union.

Situation in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan

In Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, the Second World War, as well as in Russia, is called the Great Patriotic War. In these two countries, they do not interfere with the holding of marches and events timed to May 9 - Victory Day. The Immortal Regiment march has been held in these countries since 2013.

An electronic base for prisoners of war is currently operating in Kazakhstan. A few days ago, there was a message about the opening of the service "Prisoners of War of the Great Patriotic War" on the basis of the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The database includes information about prisoners of war and those who returned from Germany.

About one million 200 thousand people took part in the war from Kazakhstan. Of these, about 420 thousand people did not return from the battlefields. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to 497 Kazakhstanis, including four military pilots twice. Now, according to the latest official information, 2,067 war veterans live in Kazakhstan. In addition to social benefits, veterans are entitled to one-time social assistance, the amount of which may differ in each area. The amount of assistance varies from 100 thousand tenge ($ 300) to 540 thousand tenge (about $ 1,640).

There are more than 360 participants in the war in Kyrgyzstan. More than 80 thousand of those who went to the front did not return from the war. 74 Kyrgyz citizens were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. About 470 veterans are currently alive. In addition to the monthly payment this year, the authorities plan to pay them a lump sum of 15,000 soms (about $ 220). An electronic archive dedicated to the history of the war is functioning in Kyrgyzstan.

In the past few years, in dozens of countries around the world, the "Immortal Regiment" march has been held on Victory Day. This event was initiated by Russian journalists in the city of Tomsk in 2012. The action acquired an all-Russian character in 2015. Participants in this march with portraits of their relatives - participants in the war, are marching in a column with St. George's ribbons on their chests. However, after the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014, the ribbon of St.George began to cause controversy, and in some countries it was replaced with local symbols. Among them are the countries of Central Asia.

Material by Kuanyshbek Kari - journalist of Radio Azattyk (Kazakh edition of Radio Liberty).