Death tattoos and their meaning. The meaning of the tattoo "death with a scythe" in different cultures

which will help the client to realize any of his ideas. Our masters are distinguished not only by their experience and great talent, but also by their vision. The artist who creates the sketch must act in some role as a psychologist, so it is especially important to find exactly the master whose interests completely coincide with yours.

Basic interpretations

The meaning of the tattoo death with a scythe - is a collection of different moods. All modern interpretations can be combined into the following:

  • protector and guard against accidents;
  • love to take risks;
  • life on the edge;
  • luck and luck;
  • different thinking from the public.

The meaning of a tattoo with death is directly related to the generally accepted image of death - a skeleton with a scythe and in a black hoodie. Came from the Christian culture, in which it was customary to depict the grim reaper in this way. This is a creature from which it is impossible to hide anywhere, he sees everything and knows about everything.

Each of the existing religions had their own gods, who were the personification of death. She was depicted differently and it is quite difficult to draw a parallel between, for example, Hades among the Greeks and Anubis among the Egyptians.

A tattoo depicting death with a scythe has gained particular popularity among bikers. They thus try to scare and deceive her, because their life is closely connected with risk. The grim reaper is now chosen by representatives of subcultures and lovers of the occult.

Deathly Hallows

The image of the deathly hallows, which became especially popular among fans of the Potter saga, spread around the world at lightning speed. Deathly Hallows Tattoo Meaning are directly related to the possibilities with which they are allegedly endowed. There are only three gifts that death gave resourceful wizard brothers. This is a mantle, a resurrection stone and a magic wand (rod).

You should not look for philosophical meanings in the image of these signs, gifts on the body are suitable for the owner, who is distinguished by purposefulness and lack of fear in the face of death. By creating a composition from the above symbols and, for example, the phoenix bird, you can achieve other meanings. Such a symbiosis can speak of rebirth and eternal life.

The combination of the gifts of death and the owl speaks of victory over oneself, one's fears and the forces of darkness.

Location and size of the death tattoo

If you are still that daredevil who dared to create such an image on your body, you should decide not only the meaning of your death tattoo, but also with the most successful place for its application. In our opinion, the most optimal are:

  • shoulders;
  • back;
  • breast;
  • stomach;
  • shin.

All these places are not open and, if desired, they allow you to successfully hide the images under clothing.

The size of the sketch directly depends on the preferences of the client. The image in the Territory tattoo parlor can be implemented both in a minimal version and in a huge format, when the back is completely covered by the coverage area.

Tattoo style

Directly depends on the design options. Images can be implemented in the following variations:

  • Black and white (with gray transitions). It requires a certain skill from the master.
  • Colored. Allows you to minimize the negative perception of the image.
  • Black and white with color splashes. They look very impressive and give the image a certain dynamics.

In realism and the direction of the old school, a contour is drawn with coal black, while in other directions, details are drawn with this color, adding a certain aesthetics to the drawing as a whole.

Most people are afraid of death, and this is not surprising, because the fear of the unknown, and even more so, of what leads to the cessation of existence, is inherent in us at an instinctive level. That is why throughout our history the image of a creature that comes for human souls finds its place in the art of painting, literature and cinema, often associated with evil or even demonic forces, dark magic and Satanism. Even in pagan tribes, along with faith in the magical powers of nature, a symbol of death arose. Whole cults were dedicated to him, all kinds of rituals and offerings were made. Also in the myths of different peoples there were deities that personified death. For example, in Egyptian mythology, the god Anubis was the patron saint of the dead. One of his most important roles was the traditional preparation of the human body for embalming and burial. Then, laying his hands on the mummy, Anubis transported the enlightened soul to the afterlife, and at night guarded the tombs from evil forces. In Greek mythology, death was personified by Thanatos, the god, who was depicted as a young man with wings and a fading torch in his hand. He most often had a negative reputation even among the gods, however, he fulfilled his mission by putting the deceased in the grave and sending his spirit to the underworld. Scandinavian myths tell of the mistress of the kingdom of the dead, Hel. Being the daughter of the god Loki, she ruled in a gloomy, foggy and dark world with the name Helheim (“Hel’s domain”), where all the dead, not only people, but also deities fell.

But the image of directly death with a scythe became most famous in the fourteenth century during the strongest plague epidemic. In Germany, the people began to use the expression "death mows" more and more often. It was then that death as a symbol received its most recognizable and familiar signs for us - a black hoodie and a braid. Then such a notion took root in the Christian religion, an allegory of human life appeared with wheat growing in the field, and death became a terrifying and merciless reaper, which sooner or later mows down the ripe spikelets with its tool - people's lives. But also in philosophy, death symbolizes rebirth and renewal, because without it there would be no life, everything has its beginning and its end.

The Meaning of the Reaper Symbol in Tattoo Art

The meaning of a death scythe tattoo is very ambiguous. For some, it symbolizes a kind of protest, a rebellious spirit and a denial of any social foundations. Such a drawing can also characterize a person who has gone through many obstacles, who has managed to cope with such difficult situations that even death itself is not afraid of him now. In the modern biker movement, the reaper sign on the body serves as a kind of talisman that protects against dangers on the road. There is an opinion among participants in bike culture that death, seeing its image on a biker, passes by, leaving him alive. Of particular importance is the tattoo of death with a scythe for those who love extreme sports, risk and all sorts of adventures. Such people play a dangerous game with life, so the drawing of death on the body is for them a sign that brings good luck, a symbol of superiority, confidence and strength.

Usually this kind of sketches are chosen for themselves by men, because it is they who often have such qualities as fearlessness, recklessness, excitement and love of risk, despite the consequences. But even among the girls there are owners of such tattoos. For them, the designation of a death scythe tattoo is somewhat different. Such ladies love life, but are not afraid of death, rely only on themselves and their inner strength, do not depend on the opinions of outsiders, often have some character traits that are considered to be more characteristic of men.

In most cases, death tattoos are stuffed on the back, shoulders or chest, but there are designs that are suitable for placement on the abdomen, ribs, thigh or other part of the body.

Stylistic decisions

Among the most popular styles for depicting a reaper is realism. The main thing in this direction is to make the tattoo as accurate as possible and similar to the original, so it is rightfully considered one of the most difficult in the art of tattooing. Sketches in this style can be color or black and white, there are no color restrictions in it. The palette depends only on the choice of the client and the vision of the picture by the master. Often, realism uses shades of white to enhance contrast or detail such as the glow of eyes, the glare of metal or water, or the reflection of light. A variety of characters from games, movies, comics, books or myths, musicians or actors are the most common types of work in realism.

Also gaining more and more popularity among admirers of tattoos. This is a very unusual, catchy, expressive and provocative direction. Back in the 80s, this style became an integral attribute of the youth movement. There are no limits for imagination, humor and alternative perception of reality. The main difference between Newschool is bright colors and bold contours of drawings, which makes them more voluminous. Such tattoos will be visible from afar, and will definitely attract the attention of everyone around. They are chosen by creative and extraordinary people who have an inherent attitude to life with a bit of humor or even healthy sarcasm.

Tattoo "Death with a scythe" indicates the European roots, or outlook on life, of the one who wears it.

In the form of an old woman in monastic robes and with a sickle, the inhabitants of medieval England, France, Scotland, Wingeria, and the Roman Empire represented their death.

In other states, death was seen differently. In, for example, the outcome of life was and is represented by Yama.

Its attribute is a loop. In the best traditions of Hinduism, the spirit appears to be multi-armed, with several, and poorly dressed.

Usually the outfit is reduced only to a bright loincloth. Among the Greeks, Atropa carried death. This is the eldest of the moira, dressed in a light toga.

Atrop's life is cut with scissors. However, today, about a European old woman with a scythe.

We will find out whether it is worth placing her image on the body and what this means.

The meaning of the tattoo "Death with a scythe"

Meaning tattoos associated with the bible. It repeatedly draws an analogy between people and ears of corn. We are talking about wheat.

The transition to another life is compared to the harvest. Considering this, to death scythe tattoo you can add unexpected images, for example, the flag of the USSR.

It has both ears of wheat and a sickle. The official decoding of the banner: - "the union of workers and peasants."

But, from the point of view of the Bible, the Bolsheviks chose the symbols of the mass destruction of people.

The background, by the way, corresponds to the non-standard interpretation. in the mind associated with . Judging by the fullness of the canvas with scarlet, it spilled.

However, back to the classics. Tattoo "Death with a scythe" may be protective.

Seeing her own image, the bony woman realizes that she has already taken the soul of a person and passes by without interest.

Such is the belief. Some see the mechanism of salvation differently. Only a brave person can apply a bony image to the body.

This is the one who is not afraid of death, which means that he can alert her herself. With such reckless old woman with a scythe, she contacts the last.

On the other side, tattoo "Death with a scythe in hand" can also mean the search for death, readiness for it.

There are situations when people climb on the rampage not out of recklessness, but out of despair, longing.

These feelings are pushing to look for situations in which death is one of the most likely outcomes.

Some people - favorites of fortune, get away with it. Tattoo "Death with a scythe" - sketches, often ordered by the lucky ones. They take risks and win.

By the way, about the game. The image of the bony, as a rule, is accompanied by several attributes. The goat doesn't count. The first of the additions is playing.

Their presence in the picture indicates a conscious game with death and, apparently, the pleasure derived from this.

The second addition to the image of death is the watch. They are a symbol of the times. The bony old woman is usually accompanied by sand models.

The particles pouring into them make tattoo "Death with a scythe, with a clock" sign of limited life.

In other words, the tattoo becomes a reminder that nothing lasts forever and you need to have time to fulfill your dreams.

Types of tattoo "Death with a scythe"

"Death with a scythe" - a tattoo on the back some zeks. That is, the image of the bony is exploited not only in ordinary life.

Accordingly, tattoos with death are divided into standard and criminal. In prisons, the image indicates a person capable of murder.

It turns out that it is applied only to criminals dangerous to society.

Tattoo "Death with a scythe" meaning on the zone is usually informative.

The tattoo is applied by those who are imprisoned for murder, or who are preparing to deal with offenders.

By the way, there are several deaths in prison. In addition to the bony old woman, this is an ax and.

They share with death… They don’t share anything with it, but are divided into whole bony images and only a partial drawing.

The latter include, for example, death scythe tattoo Meaning the image is removed from the full picture.

The braid has crescent-shaped outlines, like the one. Accordingly, it is associated with, and therefore, creativity, essence and fertility.

In addition, the scythe is an attribute not only of the old woman-death. Sickles hold in and Christ. True, spirits take weapons in paintings depicting the apocalypse.

Here the meaning is reduced not so much to death as to rebirth, the beginning of a new era, into which only the souls of the righteous will be allowed.

Tattoo "Death with a scythe" for men

The gloominess of the image and the danger emanating from it are closer to men. They tend to play with death.

In addition, the guys are closer to gloomy colors. As a rule, representatives of the stronger sex choose sketches with a harsh, embittered face of death.

However, some focus on the unfortunate lot of the old woman, who is forced to mow her life day and night, and in the snow and in the heat.

One of the compositions that reveal this theme: - "Death in a boat under an umbrella." Bony shrank. She is obviously cold and wet.

The hand is tired of holding the lamp that illuminates the path. Its weak flame makes death squint to see the surrounding landscape.

Such a character is pitiful. The tattoo takes on the meaning of compassion and understanding of even such a terrible phenomenon as death.

Men prefer to do tattoo "Death with a scythe" on the shoulder, hand, , . That is, they choose muscular parts of the body, emphasizing its reliefs.

The second factor of choice is the openness of tattoos for viewing. Private not for men. They prefer to demonstrate underwear paintings to a circle of spectators.

Therefore, representatives of the stronger sex use and, but, as a rule, only partial drawings of the image of death fit on it, for example, its scythe, or only under the hood.

Tattoo "Death with a scythe" for women

Women prefer non-standard images of death. Part of them .

There are even compositions in technology, that is, made with translucent paints, slightly “blurred”.

Such a performance of the picture makes the image of death romantic, dreamy and barely perceptible.

Bony appears as something far away and not at all scary, perhaps just because of the distance.

They look naive and open. A bloody scythe in such a creature seems to be an accidental object. Death, as if framed, giving someone else's murder weapon.

Fatal ladies prefer to portray death not in the form of a bony old woman, but in the form of a young and slender girl.

The sketch where the lady is sitting on a chair is spectacular. moved apart. One of them is raised. Torso is forward.

One holds on to a chair, the other is brought to the fore, wraps around the scythe standing in the foreground. There are almost no clothes on seductive death.

They fall from the hood, covering and descending between the legs. Such a reading of the image changes its interpretation.

Death becomes the personification of the nature of the girl wearing. The sexual message of the picture indicates that we are talking about the sensual death that a woman brings, and not the physical end of life's journey.

Tattoo of death with a scythe, shoulder blade

Death. The image initially had a negative character. The loss of loved ones or loved ones is a heavy burden. However, thanks to the mixing of cultures and traditions of different peoples, the old woman with a scythe has become a less gloomy character.

For the inhabitants of Mexico, this is not an elderly lady, but a young woman full of life. Her disposition is cheerful, and the image only emphasizes that the torment of this world is not eternal. So why is the image of death with a scythe on the body beating?

Death tattoo meaning

In the culture of modern tattoos, death with a scythe is not a harbinger of death. Rather a philosophical outlook on life. For bikers and pilots, the meaning of a scythe death tattoo means victory over the mortal and the mortal. She is depicted as a slender woman holding a harvest tool in her hand.

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The Grim Reaper tattoo signifies a high stakes game. Such death-related symbols are often worn on the body by pool, poker, or casino patrons.

The hood that hides the face evokes horror, fear and panic. This emphasizes the owner's ability to seriously insist on his superiority in the game.

Death is depicted with a scythe as a symbol of the transition from one state to another. That is why the sinister figure is a symbol of change.

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It can be stuffed by people in whose life everything has changed dramatically. The original symbol "time to die" turns into the meaning of rebirth from the ashes.

Significance for women and men

For women, tattoo death has a slightly different meaning. They are originally the source of life and have the right to take life. In such a presentation, the grim reaper or are attributes of the power of the female essence over the image of death.

For girls with occult hobbies, a skeleton with a scythe is a symbol of secret knowledge. The sinister reaper acts as a teacher who knows the secrets of life. He conveys knowledge and data hidden from the eyes of mortals.

Meaning of death in the zone

Among analogues:

  • trash polka
  • chicano
  • new school
  • engraving.

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Baroque tattoos look beautiful. Subtle transitions of dark and light tones will give the picture a ghostly charm.

Places of application

Extreme people wear a braid tattoo on their faces. This is a favorite place for rappers. However, drawing on the face is a radical decision, which is recommended to be considered three times.

The tattoo can be worn on the arm and on the back. A death scythe tattoo is designed to protect the wearer's soul. That is why it is stuffed on the forearm or on the back.

The image on the body is applied more often in black and white. This allows you to create a twilight atmosphere in the image.

Among monochrome techniques, Chicano is preferred. Style is included in the list of the most expressive techniques. Due to the peculiarities of the direction, the drawing turns out to be mentally deep and expressive.

Death tattoo sketches should be done in a graphic manner. One of the successful styles is engraving. Classical lines and color transitions hide the depth and philosophical meaning of the message.

It is worth deciding what should be the atmosphere for perception:

  • creepy
  • humorous
  • soothing.

"Till Death Do Us Part"

This will create a fine line of perception of the appearance of death. For a deeper presentation, you can choose a literary image. A character like Death from Terry Pratchet's books will look extremely democratic and artistic at the same time.

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The symbols that are used as a motive for tattoos are very diverse. Often people ask tattoo artists to decorate their bodies with symbols associated with the afterlife. Is it worth it? What can be the meaning of a death tattoo and how to choose the right sketch? You will find answers in this article.

An old woman with a scythe: the meaning of the symbol

There is no person who is not afraid of death. The instinct of self-preservation is considered one of the most powerful, and it disappears only with serious mental disorders. However, there are many people who dream of a tattoo that would symbolize death and the afterlife. What explains this?

Psychologists say that interest in the issues of death is associated primarily with the fear of leaving this world. To explore an object that causes fear is to take the first step towards getting rid of fear. Therefore, often death tattoo sketches are chosen by those who are terribly afraid of death, no matter how paradoxical it sounds.

Death tattoos are loved by representatives of certain subcultures, as well as people who consider themselves magicians and sorcerers.

There is also a more unconventional meaning of a tattoo with a death motif. People with philosophical views on life perceive physical death not as the termination of their existence, but as a transition to a new stage of development. In this case, the tattoo is done as a kind of symbol of rebirth, renewal and changes that have taken place in the inner world. Sometimes death tattoos are asked to be done by people who have experienced a serious illness or disaster. To understand their motivation, it is enough to recall another popular symbol in the tattoo world: the phoenix bird. The Phoenix dies in order to be born again: it can be argued that it also personifies the deep meaning of dying and the transition to a new, higher stage of development.

This is interesting! In tarot cards, the senior lasso "Death" is interpreted not as a direct parting with life, but as a rebirth, a rejection of a past life in favor of new achievements. Moreover, it is not only about achieving wealth and status, but also about gaining wisdom.

Style: play with the idea

Sketches of death tattoos can be found in a wide variety. Quite a lot of sketches were created in the old school style. Skulls and bones, which are played on the sketches, look quite bright, so death, made in such a style, looks almost optimistic.

Another popular death tattoo style is the trash polka. Skeletons, and the silhouette of a woman in a raincoat holding a long braid in her hands are very popular with fans of this unusual, bright style. In addition, the features of the trash polka make it possible to express the philosophical idea of ​​death.

Engraved tattoos can also be a great choice for a death tattoo. Such an image, stylized as a medieval engraving, may look a little gloomy, but if this is dictated by the plot of the tattoo, then the choice is quite justified.

You should not limit yourself to the listed styles. You can ask the tattoo artist to draw a sketch in any style that seems suitable to you.

Advice! If you're not sure if you want to get a death tattoo, it's best to wait a while before heading to a tattoo parlor. It is said that a symbol applied to the body can change the fate of a person. For impressionable people, a tattoo with death may not be suitable.

Do a tattoo in a conspicuous place or hide it from others?

This question worries many people who decide to get a tattoo with death. After all, if a flower or a Celtic pattern can look like an ordinary decoration of your body, then a tattoo with death will inevitably attract attention and will set others in a certain way. Here are the main factors to consider when choosing the location of your future tattoo:

  • place of work. It is better for people who work in a kindergarten or school not to show death tattoos;
  • execution technique. If you asked the master to create a stylized sketch in which it is difficult to guess the "afterlife" motifs, then it is quite possible to get a tattoo in a prominent place on your body. Clear allusions, such as a tombstone on which a raven sits, are best placed in places that can be camouflaged, such as the back or calf.

Of course, the size of the work is also important. For example, if you want to make a small line work tattoo, then it can be placed anywhere. Some even make such tattoos on their fingers: many people have a photo of a death tattoo in a similar style. Such a tattoo practically does not attract attention and serves as a kind of talisman for its owner. If the work is colorful and large, then its location needs to be considered, because death is a very ambiguous motive.

When is it better to refuse a death tattoo?

It is important to remember that a death tattoo must be carefully considered. You should not do it after your loved one has passed away. Of course, under the influence of emotions, sometimes there is a desire to perpetuate your feelings on your own body. However, the tattoo will remain with you forever, which means that after many years it will remind you of the pain experienced. It is worth waiting at least six months after the tragic event, when emotions return to relative normality. If the desire to get a tattoo remains, you may well go to the salon.

Advice! If you think too often about your death or the death of your loved ones, you should not get a tattoo, but talk to a psychologist. Such obsessions do not affect the psyche in the best way. Getting a tattoo makes sense if you see something positive in death, for example, perceive it as an exit to a new level of development or an opportunity to meet your deceased relatives!

The motif of death in a tattoo is very popular, but it should be treated with some caution. Therefore, the decision from a tattoo with death must be carefully considered. However, if the decision is made, it remains only to find a good master and choose a sketch that will best express your ideas!