Acupressure facial massage for rejuvenation. Eastern techniques. Chinese acupressure technique for rejuvenation. What doctors say about wrinkles

One can only guess about the financial volume of the cosmetology services market both in our country and around the world.

But it is clear that we are talking about amounts with seven zeros. Every woman can stand for hours in front of counters with creams, peels, decorative cosmetics, and all with one goal - to stop time and leave her skin young and beautiful.

But it is not at all necessary to spend huge sums; Japanese face massage can replace expensive drugs and procedures.

The inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun have always been famous for their health and longevity. Doctors believe that they owe this to the peculiarities of the diet and traditions of upbringing, when children from an early age are instilled with a love for the correct daily routine, practices to strengthen the body.

But those who have lived for a long time in Japan and neighboring countries are sure that such exercises are closely related to working with human energy. They believe that a strong spirit is impossible without a proper physical condition and vice versa. In accordance with ancient teachings, a person's energy "flows" through certain channels, the impact on which can relieve pain, inflammation, improve mood, and get rid of chronic ailments.

It is on this effect that acupuncture is based, when, for example, pressing a point on the leg improves kidney function. But old treatises are too complicated for most people who are not privy to the intricacies of Eastern teachings.

Therefore, cosmetologists have adapted it to the rhythm of modern life. This is how the Japanese face massage was born, the technique of which was developed by Yukuko Tanaka. Almost simultaneously, other methods of influencing reflex points on the skin appeared. An example of such techniques is Shiatsu or Kobido massage.

But by and large they operate on the same principle. Pressing on certain areas tones up the muscles, metabolic processes in the cells of the epidermis, helps to remove toxins and toxins from the skin.

Yukuko Tanaka believes that regular Japanese facial massage will make you look at least 10 years younger. And this is confirmed not only by the reviews of experienced cosmetologists, but also by the words of women who perform the sequence of movements recommended by her on their own at home, especially since it is not difficult to learn this technique - you just need to watch a few author's videos.

Asahi lymphatic drainage massage

Another name for the procedure is the Zogan (or Tsogan) two-finger massage. The main purpose of the sessions is a rejuvenating effect, elimination of wrinkles, sagging of the oval of the face, strengthening of the subcutaneous muscles. Cosmetologists believe that a session of such exposure can replace expensive lifting, mesotherapy and other professional hardware or chemical methods of face-building.

Shiatsu acupressure

Unlike Tanaka's technique, this technique is not limited to the nasolabial folds, forehead, corners of the mouth, and other areas of the face. Its creator, Takiyuro Namikoshi, describes how to reflex the skin of the whole body. In addition to the cosmetic effect, which manifests itself in the form of smoothing wrinkles, the disappearance of a double chin and an improvement in complexion, acupressure can relieve a variety of diseases.

Kobido massage

Unlike acupressure, this procedure includes rubbing, stroking the skin along the trajectory of the main energy meridians, which replaces pressure on the active areas.

Such a Japanese face massage can be performed by a qualified specialist, whose services are not cheap, but some movements are quite realistic to perform at home. But the result is noticeable almost after the first session, and the course of procedures can replace plastic surgery.

After a thorough study of the technique by which Japanese facial massage is carried out, it is recommended to combine it with breathing exercises.

As for the preparation for the upcoming session, it depends to a large extent on the type of skin. The procedure promotes the elimination of toxins and stimulates the endocrine glands. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the unhindered release of slags, otherwise the pores will be re-clogged, which can lead to complications. That is why, before doing a Japanese facial massage, it should be cleaned with special cosmetics (scrubs, peels) or a soft washcloth.

In addition, nourishing milk or oil should be applied immediately before the session. In this way, excessive stretching of the skin, especially on the cheeks and cheekbones, can be prevented. On the forums, they recommend self-prepared natural remedies, for example, water filtered after insisting whole oatmeal.

After the session, the base should be carefully removed.

Since the Japanese facial massage is intended not only to work on skin problems, but also on energy flows, it is recommended to perform it mentally while relaxing. One of the prerequisites is also a straight back, so you should choose a comfortable chair, and you should not even cross your legs. The procedure stimulates the nervous system, so it is advisable to carry it out in the morning.

The indications for doing Japanese facial massage are the following conditions:

  • age-related changes, including the formation of wrinkles, sagging skin under the jaw, etc.;
  • fuzzy contour of the oval of the face, including that caused by overweight;
  • formation of a double chin;
  • acne and inflammatory eruptions, with special attention should be paid to the so-called T-zone (the area between the eyebrows, the bridge of the nose and the wings of the nose);
  • swelling of the face, especially caused by insufficient blood circulation.

However, the procedure has a number of contraindications. First of all, it is an acute infectious or viral rash on the face and rosacea, the consequences of trauma and surgery, several weeks after mesotherapy. Also, Japanese face massage is not recommended for colds of the ENT organs and pathologies of the lymphatic and hematopoietic system. Experts in the field of oriental medicine also warn that the point effect has the strongest effect, so they should not get carried away at a temperature, especially if the reason for its appearance is unclear.

Self-massage of the face using the Shiatsu technique, preparation for the Kobido and Asahi sessions

A point effect according to the Shiatsu technique is carried out with the pads of the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands.

Active reflex zones are located on the following areas of the face:

Self-massage of the face is started using the Shiatsu technique from the forehead, gradually dropping down. The pressing time depends on the zone of influence. On the face it is 5-7 seconds, on the neck - no longer than 3 seconds.

The pressing force also fluctuates. In areas with a thin layer of fat and on sensitive areas, it is naturally less, and in problem areas (for example, places where facial wrinkles appear, cheekbones, where a tightening effect is needed, accumulations of sebaceous secretions), you should press more intensively.

During the Shiatsu massage, unpleasant sensations may appear at the points of impact, however, you should not press until pain occurs.

The full effect of the Kobido procedure will be revealed after the work of a professional. But certain movements can be performed independently, especially since such gymnastics has a sculptural effect.

Self-massage of Cubido's face is carried out as follows:

  1. Double chin area. First, intensive patting movements are made with the back of the fingers along the entire length of the problem area. Then they are replaced by rubbing movements to the sides, while the lower jaw should be slightly pushed forward, and the skin on the cheekbones is grasped with the index and middle fingers. Then they combine these movements and perform them in turn several times.
  2. Cheeks. The movements are similar to the previous exercise. They make a kind of knocking movements of the middle part of the cheek, then they are replaced by tingling, trying to capture the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Then knead the skin from the chin to the earlobes with the middle and index fingers folded like scissors, while pressing the skin in the middle of the chin with the other hand. The same exercises are repeated for the upper cheeks in the cheekbones.
  3. Lips. Fold the fingers of both hands like scissors and press the indexes to the fossa above the upper lip, and the middle ones, respectively, under the lower lip. With an effort pressing the skin, spread your arms to the sides.
  4. Eyebrows and bridge of the nose. With your middle fingers, pat the skin in the glabellar crease, trying to lift it up. Then, with the index and middle fingers, draw along the eyebrows (the middle one goes along the eyelids, the index finger - along the superciliary arches) towards the temple, as if trying to smooth them.
  5. Forehead. Perform tapping lifting movements along the skin of the forehead from one temple to another. Then there are intense tingling, which is replaced by smoothing with both hands from the center to the temples.

Each movement is repeated 6 times. The exception is the area of ​​the eyebrows and the bridge of the nose, here the exercise is done up to 10 times. Self-massage of the face using the Zogan technique (Asahi) is not combined with long nails, and even more so with rhinestones and other similar adornments, in order not to injure the skin, a short, neat manicure is needed.

In addition, you must carefully watch the video from the creator of this technique, Yukuko Tanaka, since it is also available with Russian subtitles. If you wish, you can also download a book by this author on the Internet.

If you decide to do Japanese self-massage of the face, you should not "jump" from one technique to another. The effect of the procedure will be noticeable after 5-6 sessions.

Before starting the procedure, Asahi is recommended to completely relax the muscles of the face. For this, breathing exercises are suitable, aimed at concentration of energy and temporary detachment from any problems. Zogan Lymphatic Drainage Self-Massage is performed differently. The differences are related to age, therefore, the technique of the procedure takes into account the changes occurring in the cells of the epidermis and subcutaneous tissue, the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Asahi basic massage

Each exercise is repeated three times.

Asahi's classic self-massage of the face is complemented by other movements, the technique of which depends on age.

Asahi massage for women 40-50 years old

The impact on the skin is carried out with fists, while the thumb is located above the rest. The main focus is on sagging cheeks and the formation of a double chin. Each exercise is repeated three times.

  1. Place the knuckles of the index fingers in the grooves on the sides of the wings of the nose, with the elbows down. Pressing on the skin, make a semicircle with your fists, bypassing the folds of the mouth and connect them in the middle of the chin.
  2. Place the fists on the sides of the chin, the elbows are directed to the sides, the skin of the face is pressed by the interphalangeal surface of the index fingers. Also, firmly pressing your fists to your face, smooth the cheekbones towards the earlobes.
  3. Press the skin on the chin with your fingers, then draw to the corners of the mouth, then move them to the nasolabial fold and then along the cheekbones again to the chin. At each point, you must linger and press on the skin for 3 seconds.
  4. With four fingers of one hand, press the skin on the cheek, and cover them on top with the fingers of the other. With an effort to bring your hands to your ear. Then, with the hand that was on top, perform a stroking movement down the neck to the collarbone, and the other along the cheekbone to the middle of the chin.

Asahi massage for women 50-60 years old

At this stage, self-massage of the face is done with an emphasis on the elimination of flaps and the formation of a beautiful outline of the cheekbones and chin. The movements are also repeated three times.

  1. Fold your fingers into fists and press your index fingers to the corners of your mouth, elbows pointing to the sides. Run along the cheekbones and the lower part of the cheeks to the ears, straighten your fingers and stroke your neck down to the collarbone.
  2. Putting the fingers of one hand on the other, perform stroking movements from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth.
  3. In the same way as in the previous exercise, put your hands together and press the skin in the temple area. With pressure, lower your fingers to the ear, then with the fingers of the upper hand, draw down the side of the neck, and with the fingers of the other, along the cheekbone to the middle of the chin.
  4. With straight fingers, lift the skin on the cheeks and, in this position, draw them to the ears and down the neck to the collarbones.

Asahi massage for women over 60

  1. With the fingers of an open palm, press the second chin and with an effort move them towards the ear, turn the hand there and perform a stroking movement of the side and back of the neck.
  2. Apply a small compress to the skin under the chin with a pre-heated towel. Then press this area with your fingers and hold them also to your ear. But unlike the previous exercise, the arm moves forward.
  3. Grab your chin with your hand and slowly lower it to the jugular cavity.

As a rule, the duration of the course of sessions is 10-15 procedures. The opinions of cosmetologists differ on the frequency of the procedure. Some believe that 3 times a week is quite enough, others insist on doing it daily. It would be best to listen to your own feelings and look at the condition of your skin.

Zogan massage: features of the procedure

Asahi massage for the face is referred to as intensive methods of exposure not only to the skin, but also to the entire body as a whole. The speed of blood and lymph flow increases, various toxins are removed, previously clogged pores are opened, the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands is activated. Therefore, in some cases, the rejuvenation procedure is not complete without certain problems. So, sometimes there are:

A variety of exercise techniques, diets, and even more massage, which have come to us from the land of the rising sun, are always popular. Zogan massage was no exception. According to the reviews of women, the muscles of the face are noticeably tightened, the double chin, expression and age wrinkles disappear. The skin really looks 10 years younger, as the creator of this technique, Yukuko Tanaka, says.

From time to time, new photos of Asian beauties appear on the network, which amaze with their beauty and youthfulness. One of the secrets is an effective facial massage. For women, this miraculous procedure was known many centuries ago. And modern young ladies were told about him by a popular Japanese cosmetologist, with whom her beloved grandmother shared a secret. Then stylist Yukoku Tanako described it in a thematic book. The publication has become extremely popular all over the world. The discussed technique has other names as well. The most common among them are "Asahi", "Tsogan" or "two-finger massage".

WHAT IS THE USE OF SELF-MASSAGE FOR FACE AND HOW TO PREPARE FOR IT? This massage is truly a unique procedure. The fact is that it also affects the bones and the deepest facial muscles. Even expensive salon procedures do not give such an effect. Many may be scared that during self-massage of the face one has to make very intense movements. In fact, the skin will "respond" to such a procedure exclusively with gratitude. She needs to be given a daily load so that the muscles are not "lazy" and, as a result, do not sag and become flabby. This is how Yukoku compares our facial skin to an ordinary stocking. Therefore, do not forget about the "leg" on which this very stocking is worn.

Self-massage according to this method cleans and opens important channels, awakens the skin. As a result, the skin becomes firm, smooth, soft and youthful. In addition to the fight against wrinkles, thanks to the discussed procedure, it is possible to get rid of wrinkles and hateful bags under the eyes, to sharpen the oval of the face, remove swelling, etc. Most importantly, you can do it yourself at home. In order for this new rejuvenation technique to bring as much benefit as possible, it is important to properly prepare for self-massage.

Cleansing The first stage of preparation is to thoroughly cleanse the skin. It is best to use a scrub for this. This will clear the important ducts that carry lymph. Since the scrub cannot be used daily, this procedure should be carried out only once a week. The rest of the time, you can cleanse the skin with a tonic or a special roller. Preparation of special means for massage The procedure should not be performed on dry skin. It is recommended in advance to choose a gentle cosmetic cream or milk. Your best bet is to choose a product you are familiar with that will probably work great for your skin, rather than trying a new product.

Examining the points of the lymph nodes Before self-massage, it is very important to examine your face with gentle movements. It is necessary to find the lymph nodes, while not pressing too hard on them with your fingertips. ASAHI SELF-MASSAGE TECHNIQUE - 11 REJUVENATING EXERCISES Everyone can choose a comfortable position for an anti-wrinkle massage. Yukuko Tanaki recommends doing it while sitting or standing. In this case, the posture should be ideal, and the head should not be resting on the back of a chair or a wall. The massage itself consists of 11 steps at once. They should be performed strictly in a specific order.

1. Forehead. Movements start from the middle of the forehead. Three fingers freeze in the middle for three seconds, and then with effort are retracted to the temples. Next, the back of the palm is pressed against the forehead and moves to the auricles. The final movement is with your fingers on the sides of the face and neck to the collarbone. It will end every exercise except the third.

2. Eyes. The massage takes place by lightly touching the fingertips from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one. You need to make two movements. Along the border of the lower eyelid first, then vice versa of the upper. Between them, a 3-second stop of the fingers on the temples is made. Movements above - light, below - with effort. Further, the movement is from the temple to the lymph node at the protruding cartilage in the center of the ear. Completion.

3. Mouth, corners of lips, chin. Use your fingertips to press the chin dimple. Measure for 3 seconds in this position. Then the fingers move upward with pressure and meet in the dimple above the lips. You do not need to touch the corners. Further, with a sharp movement, the fingers return to their previous position.

4. Nasolabial folds. Fingers move with effort five times. Movements downward from the dimples to the nostrils. Then, with light movements, the pads are moved to the bridge of the nose, in which they move from the edges and back three times in a row. With reverse movements, the forces are weakened. Further, the fingers again go to the protruding cartilage in the center of the ear. Completion.

5. Cheeks. The pads of the fingers forcefully stroke the area around the corners of the mouth, and then move to the area of ​​the upper jaw. Then they move on to the eyes, where they stop for 3 seconds. Then the efforts are weakened and the pads are transferred to the temples. And finally, they go to the protruding cartilage in the center of the ear. Completion.

6. Oval of the face. Resting on the lower jaw with your palm, fix the cheek. At this time, move two fingers along the second from the beginning of the masseter muscle to the eyes (diagonally). After 3 seconds, release the pressure and move to the protruding cartilage in the center of the ear. Completion.

7. Wrinkles in the A-zone. Three fingers are placed horizontally on the cheekbones. Next, you need to forcefully squeeze the nostrils and take your fingers to the tragus of the ears. Completion.

8. Lifting. Hands are joined by palms at chest level. Next, the palms are opened horizontally and the chin is laid on them. Hands need to press on the chin for 3 seconds. Then the palms move over the face, and the thumbs run over the auricles. The palms should be stopped on the cheekbones. Then - forcefully pull them to the temples and to the protruding cartilage in the center of the ear. Completion.

9. Chin. The chin is placed on the base of the palm. The fingers "look" towards the ear. The palm moves with force to the protruding cartilage in the center of the ear. Completion. Completion. Repetition on the other side.

10. Second chin. The palms are connected in front of the face. Thumbs up to the neck (90 degrees). The palms are opened so that the fingers form a diamond. The index marks are pressed to the face. The thumb massages the chin from below. The rest - diverge to the temples, passing along the lower eyelid. Completion.

11. Wrinkles on the forehead. Open your elbows. With the fingers of your left hand, gently stroke your forehead in a zigzag pattern from one temple to the other. Then, with both hands, repeat the beginning of the first exercise. Completion. The lymphatic drainage massage should be repeated daily, except on critical days (important! Otherwise, there is a high risk of acne on the face). Each exercise - 3 times.

VIDEO YUKOKO TANAKA WITH RUSSIAN TRANSLATION Effective and effective facial massage from Yukoku Tanako with high-quality Russian voice acting, which conquered women around the world. It will allow you to quickly rejuvenate the skin, restore its tone and elasticity, as well as get rid of problems such as bags under the eyes, double chin, sagging cheeks, etc. Simple and straightforward description of the procedure.

Anyone who is going to practice self-massage "Zogan", it is important to know that it has some contraindications. Prohibited procedure for people:

Suffering from rosacea:
With diseases and inflammations of the skin;
Having problems with the lymphatic system or any ENT disease. It is recommended to postpone the massage if you feel unwell or have a cold.

In traditional medicine in China, the concept of active points connecting the energy meridians, along which vital energy flows, is accepted. Modern science partly confirms this statement, because all human organs are connected by the nervous system. There are many sensitive receptors on the face, the effect on which has a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on the general condition of a person. Therefore, the Chinese massage of the face and head is used to rejuvenate and improve the body as a whole.

Positive effects

Massage is a great way to rid skin of metabolic waste products and make it look healthy and radiant. He helps:

  • eliminate age spots, relax facial muscles, which helps to smooth wrinkles.
  • reduce the intensity or completely remove the headache, soreness of the paranasal sinuses.
  • improve the texture of the epidermis, resulting in a natural glow and an improved complexion.
  • to act on the muscles of the face, due to which it contracts, the skin is tightened, the contours of the chin become clearer.

A Chinese facial rejuvenation massage can be done by a professional beautician, however a simple massage is easy to do on your own.

Techniques used

One of the following techniques is commonly used:

  • Chinese acupressure face massage - acupressure; this is an effect by means of pressure of varying intensity on certain anatomical points;
  • can, or with the help of spoons, effectively improving blood circulation in the dermis, increasing its tone, smoothing wrinkles, reducing facial puffiness;
  • gouache technique - impact on the skin with the help of special plates made of bone, plastic and other materials.

Rejuvenating self-massage

This is a simple technique that any woman can master. Simple self-massage smoothes wrinkles, removes puffiness under the eyes. Regular repetition of the procedure results in visible rejuvenation of the facial tissues.

Execution technique:

  • thoroughly cleanse your face with cosmetic milk, wash yourself with warm water and dry gently with a soft towel;
  • apply a nourishing cream, distribute it in a circular motion;
  • start circular movements behind the ear, descend into the neck area and along the edge of the lower jaw; from these regions there is an intensive outflow of lymph, which carries away excess fluid and toxins; during massage movements, fingers should not press on the skin surface;
  • perform circular movements in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe temples, along the sides of the face, up and down;
  • massage the forehead in circular movements from the center to both sides at the same time;
  • put your fingers on the outside of the eyebrows, gently move them around the eyes;
  • place the index and middle fingers on the bridge of the nose and in small circular movements massage the wings of the nose downward on both sides at the same time;
  • relax, close your eyes and rest.

It is enough to perform this procedure at home 2-3 times a week. It is limited by inflammatory diseases or skin rashes, an allergic reaction and other damage to the epidermis in the area of ​​exposure.

Scraper technology

The Chinese facial massage performed using the gua sha technique is also based on the activation of bioactive points and the enhancement of feedback mechanisms. This technique involves the use of scraping plates that apply pressure to the skin at varying intensities. It is necessary to do such a procedure in a beauty salon, with a specialist who has undergone special training.

The masseur acts on the skin of not only the face, but also the head with the help of scrapers-plates of various shapes with rounded edges. You cannot get hurt during it. All movements are performed softly and smoothly.

A distinctive feature of this technique is the depth of action. The pressure of the plates reaches the deep layers of the dermis, fiber, muscles. Therefore, the lymphatic plexus is involved in the healing processes. By removing excess fluid, they not only eliminate puffiness, but also detoxify the skin, removing excess harmful substances.

Direct action on blood vessels located in and under the dermis leads to an improvement in its nutrition, activation of tissue respiration processes. As a result, skin cells are renewed faster, the epidermis thickens, and its appearance improves.

Unlike acupressure or vacuum techniques, the skin does not move during the gouache massage. This avoids unnecessary stretching. Therefore, Chinese face massage using scrapers is indicated for women of any age.

In addition to a noticeable positive effect on the skin, the gouache technique can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the internal organs. Chinese experts believe that the points located in the middle of the forehead are associated with the small intestine, and the areas of the nasolabial folds are responsible for the condition of the large intestine. The meridians run from the eyebrows and the area above the upper lip to the heart, and from the brows to the bladder.

Acting on the bridge of the nose, healers improve the condition of the liver; massage in the temple area is good for the gallbladder. The area of ​​the nose is associated with the pancreas, the area around the eyes with the kidneys, and the cheekbones with the stomach. Finally, the chin is associated with the pelvic organs, and the lower jaw with the lungs.

The main stages of guache:

  • massage of the scalp with a bone comb in the direction from the hairline to the crown;
  • applying massage oil to the face and neck and spreading it with light scraper movements;
  • gentle rubbing of the chin, lower jaw, area above the upper lip;
  • fine working out of the skin around the nostrils and nasolabial folds;
  • rubbing the jaw from the edge up along the cheeks; working out the temples and cheekbones;
  • action on the wings of the nose, bridge of the nose, eyebrows, the area around the eyes on one side;
  • return to the lower jaw and temporal region and repetition of fine tissue processing on the other side;
  • rubbing the forehead and superciliary areas;
  • hairline treatment;
  • impact on the area behind the ear and neck.

During the procedure, the masseur changes the direction and intensity of pressure, uses different edges of the scraper, and acts with his fingers on individual biological points. It is quite difficult to master this technique on your own, so it is better to entrust the gouache to a real master in a beauty salon.

Using spoons

The salons use special spoons for Chinese massage, but at home you can also use ordinary teaspoons. The procedure requires a container with hot and cold water and massage oil.

Stages of execution:

  • spoons are heated, dipped in oil; massage is carried out in a circular motion from the bridge of the nose above the eyebrows to the temples to smooth out wrinkles;
  • the spoons are cooled and applied for a few seconds on the upper and lower eyelids and under the eyes to remove puffiness;
  • the spoons are heated, and the masseur taps them on the nasolabial folds to straighten them;
  • heated spoons are carried along the neck to the chin from bottom to top, increasing the elasticity of the skin;
  • make circular massage movements in areas with mimic wrinkles clockwise and counterclockwise, first with warm and then chilled spoons.

This procedure helps to significantly reduce eyelid swelling, remove bags under the eyes, restore skin elasticity, and smooth out wrinkles.

If you have already heard about the amazing results of rejuvenation, improving the condition of the skin of the face after using different methods of face building, massage techniques, then you should definitely familiarize yourself with a really effective method that will help not only noticeably get rid of wrinkles even after 50 years, but also look outwardly 10 years younger! it japanese facial massage, which is desirable to perform using the zogan (asahi) technique in order to achieve the maximum lifting effect in 1-2 courses. Of course, massage is one of the key ways to improve your appearance, but it is important to properly organize comprehensive facial skin care at home, regularly using cosmetic creams and nourishing anti-wrinkle masks, moisturizing gels, essential and vegetable oils, serums (after 45-50 years ).

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So, why exactly the Japanese zogan (asahi) facial massage will help you look 10 years younger if you study the technique carefully and perform the procedures correctly at home? The fact is that zogan (asahi) massage intensively affects not only the upper layers of the skin, but also the entire muscular frame of the face. Moreover, during the procedure, not only numerous facial muscles are actively involved (due to which we observe the appearance of the first wrinkles on the face, "crow's feet"), but also deeper motor facial muscles. Even bone tissue is actively stimulated and therefore massage is often called osteopathic.

Zogan (asakhi) effectively eliminates stagnation, significantly accelerating the outflow of lymphatic fluid and venous blood, and the accumulated intercellular fluid "dissolves" after several procedures. As a result, blood circulation improves, toxins and toxins are eliminated 5-10 times faster! In the morning, noticeable swelling under the eyes will no longer upset you, dark circles around the eyes will disappear, and there will be no trace of wen and milia due to the lymphatic drainage properties of Japanese massage. In adulthood, even the bags in the periorbital region noticeably decrease in size after several courses. Thanks to this technique (combined with proper skin care), many oriental women in their 50s look like they are in their 30s!


During the procedure, the trophism of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue is activated, oxygenation (oxygenation) of the deep layers of the skin occurs. It improves blood circulation and accelerates the restoration of collagen and elastic tissues, which contributes to the normalization of the visco-elastic properties of the subcutaneous structures of the face in adulthood.

The result is a natural skin rejuvenation process. The oval of the face is tightened, the contours become clearer and more traced without a double chin. The skin becomes more elastic, due to the strengthening of the structure of the facial muscles, the effect of sagging skin is eliminated.

Due to the outflow of excess fluid and improved blood circulation up to the network of the smallest capillaries, chronic puffiness under the eyes disappears, and dark circles no longer appear in the periorbital area.

Thanks to the Japanese massage zogan (asahi), the complexion is improved, and wrinkles are gradually smoothed out, which allows you to look 10 years younger!


Japanese facial massage is shown not only in adulthood to improve the appearance and get rid of wrinkles. For women after 30-35 years old who have discovered the first signs of age-related changes on their face, it will also be useful to adopt this method of rejuvenation in order to stay young and beautiful as long as possible. Nevertheless, there are a number of contraindications in which you will have to refuse facial massage:

- large birthmarks on the face;

Signs of herpes on the face;


Active inflammatory processes;


Fresh wounds or scars.


▪ Before the procedure at home, you must thoroughly cleanse the skin of make-up and accumulated dirt with a cleansing lotion (or milk) on a cotton pad. If there are no contraindications, it is useful to do a superficial peeling using a coffee or oat scrub (if the skin is problematic, then you can use a gentle gommage) and then apply a moisturizing tonic;

▪ During the massage, palms and fingertips should glide easily over the surface of the skin of the face. You can use a greasy cream as a massage base, but it is best to choose an oil that is suitable for your skin type (grape seed, olive, avocado, flaxseed, jojoba). From time to time, it is useful to apply a massage base with active nutrients and anti-aging properties (milk from seaweed kelp or oatmeal, cosmetic cream, flaxseed decoction with essential oils);

▪ according to the rules, Japanese massage can be performed both in an upright position (it is important to keep your posture) and in a horizontal position. In the zogan (asahi) technique, stroking movements are performed from the periphery to the center of the lymphatic ducts, while you should not press hard on the lymph nodes (before the procedure, it is useful to carefully consider the picture with the location of the lymphatic ducts and nodes on the face);

▪ during the massage, slags and toxins are actively released through the pores, therefore, be sure to cleanse your face after the procedure with a cotton pad with your cosmetic product;

▪ Of course, a Japanese facial massage performed by a professional with experience is much preferable to a home massage performed by yourself. Usually a session lasts 30-40 minutes and once a week is enough (one course: 8-14 procedures, depending on age and skin condition). At home, follow the procedure for 10-15 minutes, 2-3 times a week.


- in the photo: appearance before the course (14 procedures) of facial massage using the zogan (asahi) technique and after


In the arsenal of a professional, there are, as a rule, 30-40 exercises for facial massage with lymphatic drainage and osteopathic effects. Below are 10 basic exercises to do at home. Exercises are performed with both hands. Below you will find video tutorials that clearly demonstrate the zogan (asahi) technique performed by Yukuko Tanaka.

So, evenly apply the massage base on the face and proceed:

❶ Smooth forehead wrinkles.
With effort, we press the pads of the index and middle fingers to the middle of the forehead and move to the temples. From the temples we go to the points under the earlobes. Total: 4-5 times;

❷ We remove the double chin, smooth out the nasolabial folds.
With the pads of the middle fingers, press the central part of the chin and evenly stretch the skin towards the nasolabial fold in the nose area. Press on the nasolabial folds, hold the fingers for 3-4 seconds and return to the starting position. Total: 4 times;

❸ Get rid of puffiness and circles around the eyes.
With the middle finger, stretch the skin from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones, and then with a little more pressure move from the inner corners of the eyes to the temples along the lower eyelid. Total: 5-6 times;

❹ Remove wrinkles in the nose area.
Press with the middle and forefinger on the wings of the nose and move in the area of ​​the nose, as if drawing an infinity sign. We stop on the wings of the nose and stretch the skin towards the ears. Total: 6-8 times;

❺ Smooth the folds at the corners of the mouth.
Press the skin over the upper lip firmly enough, move around the mouth, then move in the direction of the upper jaw and then to the lower eyelids, press and hold our fingers there for several seconds. After that, we move to the ears, slightly reduce the pressure on the skin. Total: 3-4 times;

❻ We strengthen the muscles and skin in the cheek area, eliminate flews.
Press the chin with one palm. With the middle and forefinger of the second hand, press on the point between the upper and lower jaws, and then move diagonally up to the eyes, from there, also diagonally down. Change the position of the hands and repeat the massage on the other side of the face. Total: 4 times per side;

❼ Face lifting.
We rest on the pads of the fingers with our chin, press with our palms with force and lift the skin up, just above the temples, slightly touching the ears with our palms. Total: 5-6 times;

❽ We tighten the oval of the face, remove the double chin.
We put our chin on the palms and, pressing hard, raise the skin to the sides of the ears. Total: 8 times;

❾ Strengthen the muscles of the face in the chin area.
Fold your palms in front of your face, spread your elbows to the sides. Press your nose with your fingers and rest your chin on your thumbs. Now you need to massage the chin area in a circular motion for several minutes;

❿ Smooth forehead wrinkles. With the middle and forefingers of each hand, massage the forehead from the center to the temples. Total: 6-8 times.


Facial massage techniques for rejuvenation are deeply rooted in the origins of Chinese traditional medicine and the teachings of Tibetan monks, the secrets of the Japanese geisha.

The beauty of Asian porcelain skin is supported by careful daily skincare. In addition to cleansing and moisturizing, many Japanese women do facial massage at home for rejuvenation using simple techniques. There are several varieties of oriental massage techniques such as shiatsu, guasha and Tibetan massage, but they are all aimed at managing internal energy and stimulating the vitality of the skin for rejuvenation.

Self-massage benefits

Regular, gentle self-massage of the face provides several benefits:

  • improvement of complexion;
  • smoothing the texture of the skin;
  • removal of excess horny substance.

For the best result, you need to apply a certain pressure with your fingers, to act on various muscles, the relaxation of which opens the way to rejuvenation.

Anatomy of a massage

About thirty muscles are tied together under the skin of the face and scalp. Many of them are used for eating or expressing emotions. Muscle tissue is able to expand and contract, burning energy. Chinese and Japanese massage stimulates blood circulation and helps to improve skin elasticity.

The pressure needs to be adjusted according to the thickness of the skin. The area around the eyes is massaged very carefully, and the cheeks and facial contours are massaged intensively. Finger movements are synchronized with the pulse.

Contraindications to facial massage at home and in salons:

  • physical exhaustion;
  • sunburn;
  • the presence of acne and boils;
  • increased body temperature;
  • skin rashes, cuts and wounds.

Features of performing self-massage

You do not need to massage your face at home every day, the skin must adapt to the load. You can start twice a week. If the skin reacts with dryness and flaking, then the number of procedures should be reduced. The ideal schedule is selected individually. Japanese massage for rejuvenation is performed from the hairline and down to the neck. The cream is heated in the palms of the hands, applied to the skin with small claps.

  1. Massage the face in a spiral from the center of the face outward towards the temples, trying to synchronize the movements with the pulse.
  2. Massage the upper eyelids with sliding movements from the bridge of the nose to the temples. On the lower eyelids, the fingers move in an arc, as if smoothing out fine wrinkles in the corners, moving the skin down to the cheeks. Touching is done without pressure.
  3. Slide your fingers down the bridge of the nose, gently rise along the nostrils. Massage the area above and below the lips, moving from the center to the edges, slightly lifting the corners of the mouth when working on the lower part of the face.
  4. Perform spiral movements along the cheeks from the chin up to the temples without excessive pressure.
  5. Place both palms on your face and move your hands out towards the ears, using your fingertips to pull the skin down towards the lobes.
  6. Tap on the skin of the neck and décolleté to complete the self-massage at home.

Chinese rejuvenation technique

Gouache facial massage is a technique performed with a special tool that erases wrinkles from the face. The secret of the ancient Chinese aristocracy replaces botox injections, improves blood circulation and provides an influx of Chi energy against sagging and for rejuvenating the whole body.

To perform self-massage of the guasha face at home, you need to prepare:

  • a ceramic spoon with a smooth surface and no sharp edges, chips or cracks;
  • face lotion, cream, or massage oil, such as a mixture with jojoba and rose oil;
  • wall mirror with good lighting, as hands must be free to support skin and instrument.

A set of gua sha massage movements to stimulate the main facial muscles is as follows.

The guache complex against crow's feet and puppet lines looks like this.

  1. Scraping movements are carried out from the hairline down to the tip of the nose.
  2. With a scraper, draw along the closed eyelid from the inner corner to the temple, directing it up to the tip of the eyebrow.
  3. The scraper moves slightly lower to the lower eyelid area, and the end point of the movement reaches the hairline above the temple.
  4. The movement starts from the cheekbone and lifts the skin towards the direction of the temple.
  5. The starting point goes down to the lips to eliminate expression wrinkles, the end point is the temple.

Light massage movements are performed without pressure. The pain is unacceptable. Smooth massage stimulates the nerves located in the epidermis, accelerates blood circulation.

Remove makeup completely. Rinse face with soft gel or milk, dry with a towel. Apply face cream or oil so that the tool does not pull on the skin, but glides over it.

The gouache massage technique against age lines on the forehead involves only two manipulations.

  1. Move from the bridge of the nose up to the hairline with light pushing with the wide part of the muscle spoon. With your free hand, you can hold the skin at the beginning of the manipulation so as not to create tension.
  2. Repeat the movement from bottom to top, moving from the bridge of the nose to the side of the forehead at an angle on both sides. When moving across the forehead, you will feel it hitting the furrow or lines, and then you should carefully pull the scraper out and straighten the skin. It is necessary to treat each furrow, moving along the hairline, starting from the center. Repeat on the opposite side.
  3. Smooth the treated skin gently with your fingertips, repeating the previous movements.

After a gouache massage, it is normal to observe slight redness. Pressure marks indicate excessive pressure on the skin, which is not allowed by the Chinese method.

Guasha translates as "scraping". The technique, reminiscent of Chinese cupping massage, is part of the myofascial release method in traditional medicine to relieve pain, cold and flu symptoms.

Chinese gua sha facial massage involves sculpting the face with a slow and gradual effect without any traces of pressure. The aim of the procedure is to deeply relax the facial muscles.

The tool for performing massage is called a palette knife, and is traditionally made of jade or horn, and cheaper counterparts are made of plastic or ceramics. The easiest option is a Chinese soup spoon, which fits comfortably in your hand.

The Chinese gua sha technique is able to reshape the face:

  • eliminate voltage lines;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • increase the flow of nutrients;
  • reduce the depth of facial wrinkles;
  • to increase the flow of Chi energy through the main channels of the stomach and gallbladder;
  • improve the brightness of the skin through energy metabolism.

Like botox, gua sha massage relaxes tight muscles and smoothes wrinkles. Massage improves blood circulation, because the creams applied after the procedure are better absorbed into the skin. The action on the energy channel of the stomach helps to increase muscle strength and tone throughout the body, preventing sagging.

Shiatsu acupressure

The fight against acne, scars and wrinkles is completed when the approach to one's own skin is detected. Rosehip, tea tree and rose essential oils can be used to treat blemishes by using a simplified Chinese shiatsu massage at home.

  1. Apply massage oil to the face starting from the nose, between the eyebrows and spread over the temples and below the cheeks. Apply light pressure to loosen the forehead and temples.
  2. With the middle and ring fingers, massage in a circular motion across the forehead and temples. The rest of the face remains relaxed during movement.
  3. Massage the cheekbones with stroking movements of the index and middle fingers, lowering to the chin on one side and rising to the temple of the other side.
  4. With four fingers of your hand, massage your neck up to your chin.
  5. Leave the rosehip oil to act.

Geisha were renowned for their beautiful, wrinkle-free skin as they performed shiatsu massages on a daily basis. Light touches of the fingers activated special points on the face for only five minutes a day. Shiatsu acupressure has a simple algorithm.

  1. You need to find a point on the temples that is painful when pressed and massage in a circular motion from the nostrils with your fingertips. Repeat three times.
  2. Cover your eyelids and press lightly with your fingertips for three seconds on the inner corner of your eyes three times to enhance the radiance.
  3. With the back of your hand, massage your neck from the middle to the sides and up.
  4. Press with the middle and index fingers of both hands in the middle of the forehead and move to the temples. The manipulation smooths out the deep lines of "sorrow."
  5. Massage the corners of the mouth for one minute: start in the middle of the lower lip and slowly work towards the outer corner.
  6. Apply the cream to the fingertips of both hands and massage the cheeks in circular motions to refresh the skin. Acupressure massage prepares the epidermis for the active substances to work.

Shiatsu acupressure massage ends with the study of active points:

  • fossa under the jaw joint (under the cheekbone);
  • points on the cheekbone near the wings of the nose;
  • furrows on the sides of the throat (around the Adam's apple);
  • inner corner of the eye;
  • corners above the top of the eyebrows;
  • points below under the wings of the nose.

Shiatsu points are paired. They must be looked for instinctively, performing acupressure in front of a mirror, working one after another. You should not include a point on the throat in the shiatsu session in case of thyroid diseases.

Tibetan massage with essential oils

Tibetan massage relies on herbal extracts and aromatherapy to treat blemishes and rejuvenate. Essential oils are selected for the skin condition:

  • against acne - tea tree oil;
  • against dryness - avocado oil;
  • anti-wrinkle - jojoba oil.

Tibetan massage begins with light strokes to warm up, distribute oil, starting from the neck, moving to the chin and above. Stroke the skin from the bottom up, gently pat with the back of your hand to remove laxity.

After warming up the cheeks with stroking, perform massage movements, drawing a triangle. Start from the wings of the nose and move to the ear, descend along the cheekbone to the chin delicately, without friction. The nose is massaged gently from the wings to the bridge of the nose. The forehead is "rubbed" with the palms upward, and then - with smooth lines from the eyebrows to the hairline with the fingertips. The area around the eyes is treated with gentle circular movements. The skin must not be pressed, rolled or scratched.