The child has concave nails. What to do? Deformation of the nails on the hands, crooked toenails causes and treatment at home

If children's nails are very weak, thin, constantly break, exfoliate and grow poorly, this may indicate a deficiency of vitamins or mineral components. Often such problems arise when children switch from breastfeeding to a common table, but receive little plant food, especially fresh herbs, fruits or vegetables in a thermally unprocessed form. The period when children are actively growing requires an increased intake of nutrients, minerals, which are practically not stored in reserve. If there is not enough calcium, iron or magnesium, the nails are seriously affected. Anemia can form, disrupting the delivery of oxygen to the tissues, which aggravates the suffering of the nails, as well as the skin on the fingers.

Phosphorus, zinc, iodine and many other components are no less useful for the growth of strong and healthy nails, the health of the skin of the hands. A proper diet, developed jointly with a doctor, as well as an additional intake of multivitamin and mineral complexes, will help to fill their deficiency. The skin and nails are saturated with useful substances when whole grain cereals with the addition of butter and vegetable oils, dried fruits, fruit desserts, fruit drinks and compotes, fresh salads and vegetable snacks are introduced into the diet of children. Especially useful for the growth of strong nails and the health of the skin of the fingers are gelling products - jelly, jelly, marmalade or jelly (from natural ingredients, not store concentrates).

If parents carefully look at the nails of the kids, they can tell a lot, ranging from the age of the newborn, ending with the presence of serious malformations and internal diseases. So, the presence of white transverse stripes on the nail indicates a temporary slowdown in its growth as a result of severe infections or somatic pathologies. As the condition improves, after about 2-3 months, the affected part of the nails grows back.

Children suffering from thyroid pathologies who have had nail injuries or fungal infections usually show separation of part of the nail from the entire plate. The exfoliating part of the nail becomes cloudy and turns white, an infection can develop in the area of ​​exfoliation, which gives secondary complications in the form of panaritiums (purulent cavities near or under the nails) and inflammation of the skin of the nail fold.

If the nails have a deformation in the form of a "spoon-shaped" concavity in the center, severe anemia, protein or carbohydrate deficiency, metabolic disorders can often be suspected.

Very convex nails, similar to a watch glass with fingers thickened in the terminal phalanx, often have children with congenital heart disease or pulmonary pathologies, this is one of the main signs of chronic tissue hypoxia. The color of the nails may be bluish.

Iron deficiency, which occurs when there is a violation of its intake with food or its absorption due to problems with digestion, leads to the development of a pathology such as iron deficiency anemia. Often, the skin of the hands and nails suffer from it, which are greatly weakened, broken, become pale and dull.

However, in addition to anemia, marigolds in children can also suffer due to vitamin D deficiency in rickets, pathologies of the digestive tract with disruption of enzymes, when nutrients are not completely absorbed in the small intestine. Often, nails suffer in children with reactive pancreatitis, inflammatory processes in the small or large intestine, microbial imbalance in the intestine, or the presence of worms. Usually, such problems, in addition to nail lesions, give stool disorders in the form of diarrhea or constipation, as well as abdominal pain, appetite disorders, and language changes.

Nails suffer due to pathologies of the endocrine organs, disorders of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, and adrenal glands. These hormones are actively involved in growth processes and ensuring proper blood circulation of tissues and organs, their deficiency leads to hypoxia and impaired microcirculation, including in the fingers. Fragility and delamination of nails in this case is usually accompanied by other signs. Children lag behind in growth and weight, they have cold extremities, pressure fluctuations and pulse surges occur, attention and memory suffer.

Skin problems of the periungual folds

The most common problems associated with the skin around the nails are burrs and inflammatory lesions. Usually they are formed due to severe dryness of the skin, deficiency of vitamins and minerals, constant injury when picking in the ground, biting nails. Often in this case, the skin on the fingers becomes inflamed, redness and pain occur, a purulent wound may form, up to the formation of panaritium. It is important that parents properly remove burrs and process the place of their formation. The burr must be cut with sharp nail scissors with a rounded edge, and the skin at its base must be treated with antiseptics.

Often, parents notice damage to the toenails. The children's body is more susceptible to fungal infections, due to the fact that the legs of children sweat more often, and babies often change shoes and socks. In addition, the parents themselves can contribute to the spread of the fungus if their feet are also affected. If you use common tools for nail care - tweezers or nail files, scissors, you can bring the fungus from your fingers to children's. In case of yellowing, thickening of the nails and coloring of their edges, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist can correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Nail deformity is a fairly common pathology that occurs on the hands and feet and is detected in both adults and children. Often this phenomenon is not just a cosmetic defect, but also a sign of any disease. Why do nails begin to deform and how can they return to their original natural shape?

Who is more likely to develop pathology

Among the frequent disorders that can cause concern are thickening, curvature and abnormal growth of the nail plates. Often, the deformity of the toenail touches the thumb or little finger.

According to statistics, women are more concerned about nail problems, since it is they who often seek advice from specialists with this problem. Men, on the other hand, are not particularly in a hurry to see a doctor, resorting to medical help only if the pathology begins to cause discomfort, discomfort, or other symptoms of the disease appear. Children most often suffer from congenital nail dystrophy, less often it occurs on the background of injuries or diseases.

Deformation factors

In normal condition, the nails are smooth, pink, with a sheen. But if the surface of the nail plate is rough, there are growths or notches, the color changes to yellow, delamination and brittleness are observed, then everything is not in order with them.

Often the wrong care or its absence leads to changes. If you do not remove dirt from under the nails or fanatically scrape them out, causing injuries to the skin, then in both situations microbes appear, the activity of which becomes the cause of dystrophic changes.

The deformation may be associated with the frequent use of household chemicals without the use of gloves. The aggressive action of chemicals negatively affects the condition of the skin and nails.

The nail plates can be bent due to injuries. On the feet, the injury most often affects the big toe. Among the frequent causes of this phenomenon, one can safely note the wearing of uncomfortable, tight shoes. If at first a person simply feels discomfort, and the nail - excessive pressure, then later the disease develops - onychogryphosis.

If you are constantly worried about the deformation of the nails on your hands, the reasons may be of a professional nature. Hairdressers, cleaners, dishwashers and representatives of other professions that involve contact with chemicals often suffer from such a pathology.

The appearance of the nail plate may deteriorate after numerous extension procedures, frequent decoration with products containing harmful components, especially formaldehyde. Similar photos of spoiled marigolds can be found on the net, they warn against the use of dubious decorative cosmetics.

Taking certain medications, such as antibacterial, or chemotherapy courses, can negatively affect their condition. Exfoliating and crumbling nails are a sign of a lack of vitamin and mineral components in the body.

Due to what ailments can the structure change

Curvature, discoloration and other disorders in the structure of the nail plate often have more serious causes associated with a painful condition:

  1. Diseases caused by a fungus. Because of them, such deformation of the toenails most often occurs. In this case, the plate thickens, yellowness appears on the surface.
  2. Somatic diseases. Sometimes a doctor, looking at the patient's nails, can tell about the violations occurring in the body:
  • hyperemia of the nail bed signals heart disease - in this case, a mandatory consultation with a cardiologist is required;
  • yellowing of the surface occurs with pulmonary diseases;
  • nails turn white in the presence of an anemic condition - it is advisable to pass an analysis to identify the level of hemoglobin;
  • yellow nails with a bluish tint - a sign of diabetes;
  • whitish spots - a signal of violations of the liver, with significant damage to the liver, half of the nail is painted white.

Additional changes

Deformation can be manifested as a result of the following problems:

  1. Onychogryphosis. As already noted, the cause of the disease is improperly selected shoes. Pathology is accompanied by a curvature, thickening of the nail plate, a violation of normal growth. At an advanced stage, a complete extraction of the nail along with the root is recommended.
  2. Pathologies of genetic origin. In some of them, pronounced dystrophic changes in the plate and bed are observed.
  3. Hypertrophic change of the cuticle (pterygia). The disease is diagnosed quite often, its main symptom is the rapid growth of the cuticle. During the progression of the disease, it can spread to the entire surface of the nail plate.
  4. Dermatological diseases. There is a form of nail psoriasis in which the structure and shape of the nails changes. Various images appear on their surface in the form of dots, transverse lines, blotches and spots. The skin in the area of ​​​​the roller is compacted, and the nail itself becomes thicker, its delamination occurs and fragility increases.
  5. Trophic changes in the nail plates can manifest themselves against the background of dyshidrotic eczema, in which case thick areas of the skin - feet, palms - suffer, they are covered with papules, which are subsequently covered with purulent-serous crusts.
  6. Infections caused by bacteria. A common cause of dystrophic lesions of the toenails. The deformed nail begins to disturb, swelling and redness are observed around it. In some situations, suppuration appears, although the development of the disease is possible without this symptom.
  7. congenital pathology. Many parents are faced with such a problem - the child's nails are deformed from birth. They can grow incorrectly, have a concave shape, and even be inverted. Such phenomena most often normalize over time, in some cases, vitamin supplements are required. The pediatrician gives recommendations for the care of problematic nails.

These are not all reasons, and each case requires individual consideration. The doctor can identify what provoked the changes and what are their causes, and only he can prescribe the treatment.

Forms of deformation

There is a classification of dystrophic changes, according to which all pathologies have their own characteristics and arise due to certain reasons:

  1. Nails that make the fingers look like drumsticks (they are also called "hippocratic nails") have a convex, thickened surface.
  2. Problems are detected in patients with cardiovascular diseases, endocarditis, tuberculosis or lung cancer, in the presence of circulatory disorders in the limbs, damage to kidney or liver tissues, and other pathological conditions.
  3. Deformity, called "bird's claw" or onychogryphosis - the deformed nail thickens and curves significantly. The change also applies to the color of the nail plate - it can become yellowish, dirty gray or even blacken.

A similar problem may be faced by lovers of uncomfortable, narrow shoes, elderly people. Onychogryphosis can develop as a result of thermal exposure - frostbite or burns, against the background of diseases such as generalized candidiasis or onychomycosis.

Platonychia is a dystrophic change in the shape of the nail plate, which loses its convex shape and becomes flattened. A similar phenomenon is considered an anomaly of development and can be of 2 types:

  • congenital (primary) - can affect both one plate and several;
  • acquired - occurs under the influence of external factors (prolonged injury, exposure to harmful conditions) or due to existing concomitant diseases, such as cirrhosis of the liver, eczema, psoriasis - the lesion spreads to all nails.

Koilonychia - with this pathological condition, the nails become concave, similar to a spoon, but the structure and thickness remain the same. This is due to mechanical or chemical trauma, various diseases - Addison's, typhoid fever, iron deficiency anemia. Koilonychia may be hereditary.

The Beau-Reil lines are transverse grooves. Their depth is related to how much the matrix of the nail plate is damaged. Nail plates become wavy. But the color of the damage does not differ from the shade of the rest of the nail. The appearance of this deformation is associated with a violation of metabolic processes in the body. But it can also manifest itself due to the influence of diseases, injuries or inept manicure procedures.

Other types of deformations

Longitudinal (vertical) grooves - they can be different, depending on the cause. If they are formed in an elderly person, they are not considered a pathology and are associated with age-related degenerative changes. They can appear due to injury to the nail, gastrointestinal diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, skin ailments. Narrow grooves can signal damage to the spinal cord or nervous system. Strongly protruding deformity can occur against the background of a lack of iron and vitamin B12.

Point deformation of the nail plate - a similar pathological change in the shape of the nail is called a "thimble", since when it occurs, the surface is covered with multiple dotted pits. At the bottom of the indentations, the nail peels off, but this does not touch its surface.

Most often, the deformation manifests itself in people suffering from psoriasis. It can occur with eczema, rheumatism, pulmonary tuberculosis, syphilis and other diseases. There are rare cases when the nails change in this way in healthy people.

It is not always possible to avoid deformation of the nail plate, but in most cases it is still possible. To do this, it is necessary to undergo examinations in a timely manner and treat existing diseases. In addition, it is important to monitor personal hygiene, avoid infection with a fungus, and take care of the condition of the nails. Shoes should be comfortable, and cosmetic procedures should be carried out by specialists.

The child has concave nails. What to do?

Healthy normal nails should look like pinkish keratin plates tightly lying in a bed. They are needed to protect the phalanges from various damage. A child's nails acquire a normal appearance over time.

When a baby is born, its plates on the legs and arms indicate how it developed in the womb. A baby born without pathologies is born with nails almost reaching the fingertips.

The keratin plate on the hands acquires a normal appearance by the age of 4, and on the legs this process is much slower and the normal appearance of the nails is acquired only by the age of 10.

And all because the plates on the legs are much weaker than on the hands, they are easily injured, grow incorrectly and need special care.

The little fingers and thumbs suffer more than the rest, as they experience more stress. Such a phenomenon as concave nails is called koilonychia. Its presence in preschool children is considered normal, does not need treatment and may be accompanied by the appearance of white spots on the keratin plates. And if an adult has such a form of nails, then this already speaks of autoimmune diseases.

Treatment of concave nails in a child

The child has concave nails, how to treat? It is impossible to understand the reason why and from what a concave nail plate appeared. You need to see a dermatologist. The doctor will examine the child for deviations and, if necessary, prescribe an examination. Pay attention to the following symptoms, if you notice that the child’s nails have changed color or white spots have appeared on them, the nail plate has become thinner, exfoliating, then consult a doctor.

The doctor should give directions for tests. If there is a suspicion of a fungus, then the doctor should check the state of the child's immune system.

After the doctor receives all the test results, he will be able to accurately diagnose. Assign a child intake of vitamins and minerals. And if a fungus has become the cause of this form of nails, then special drugs are already prescribed that fight this disease.

How many psychological problems, what physical discomfort occurs in a person when unpleasant symptoms appear! Toenail diseases cause an external change in the plate and surrounding tissues, have a variety of causes and symptoms, and require a qualified approach to treatment. It is useful to understand why pathologies arise, how they manifest themselves with different diagnoses, what methods exist to counter the disease.

What is toenail disease

A sign of good health is a smooth, shiny, pale pink toenail. Unfortunately, damage occurs at any age and is a symptom of serious problems in the body. The situation is triggered by:

  • infectious fungal infections;
  • diseases caused by disruption of the endocrine, nervous system;
  • birth defects;
  • trauma;
  • heredity;
  • malnutrition;
  • poor quality care;
  • smoking;
  • infectious, skin diseases;
  • chemical substances;
  • avitaminosis.

Dermatologists identify the main diseases of the toenails. One group is caused by fungal and bacterial infections. The other part includes pathologies:

  • dyschromia - discoloration of the nail plate;
  • ingrown nails into the skin;
  • injury;
  • splitting, delamination of the surface;
  • deformation, the appearance of furrows;
  • nail dystrophy;
  • the formation of hematomas;
  • change in shape and size;
  • plate rejection.

What diseases are toenails talking about

Experienced specialists in the appearance of the nail plates can diagnose diseases, note problems that appear in the patient's body. Often, pathologies are indicated by a change in the color of the toenail. There are health problems depending on the color:

  • yellowish tint, with blue color near the bed - diabetes mellitus;
  • white - liver disease;
  • blue color - oxygen starvation;
  • pale - evidence of anemia, impaired renal function;
  • the cause of thickening, slow growth, yellow tint is lung disease.

Chinese doctors use toenail diagnostics for early detection of diseases:

  • thin plate, raised edges - evidence of iron deficiency;
  • cracking, fragility - problems with the thyroid gland;
  • the disease affects the region - onychoshisis;
  • white blotches - zinc deficiency, arthritis, nail bed injuries;
  • red - heart problems, hemorrhagic stroke, hypertensive crisis;
  • black - fungal infection, melanoma, soft tissue injury;
  • brown dots - a manifestation of psoriasis, a lack of protein;
  • yellow - pathology of the lymphatic system.

Nail fungus

One of the serious reasons why there are problems with toenails is a fungal infection. The infectious disease onychomycosis is characterized by the rapid spread of pathogenic microorganisms. In advanced form, the pathology requires long-term treatment. The fungus thrives in conditions of high temperature and humidity. The cause of the appearance of pathology on the legs are:

  • non-compliance with personal hygiene in the pool, sauna;
  • using someone else's shoes;
  • work in rooms with adverse conditions;
  • age-related changes;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

The development of a fungal infection is provoked by problems with blood circulation in the lower extremities, metabolic disorders, and hormonal disruptions. The main causative agents of infections are three types of fungi, each has its own symptoms of the disease and requires a special approach to treatment. Damage to the toenails is caused by:

  • mold microorganisms;
  • candida - yeast;
  • dermatophytes.

Signs of toenail fungus

Infection caused by pathogenic fungal microorganisms has pronounced symptoms. Symptoms of the disease depend on the type of pathogen, but there are common characteristics of pathological changes. These include:

  • the appearance of thickening;
  • cracking;
  • discoloration of the nail plate on the legs;
  • fragility;
  • stratification of the nail;
  • damage to the surrounding skin with redness, burning, itching.

In the early stages of the disease, the plates become dull, their luster is lost, and spots of a yellowish tint appear. With timely access to a dermatologist, a quick cure occurs. As the fungus progresses on the legs, it is observed:

  • changing the color of the surface to darker - brown, black;
  • the appearance of tuberosity;
  • plane deformations;
  • redness of the roller;
  • tissue inflammation;
  • complete destruction of the nail plate.


It is a mistake to assume that a fungal infection on the legs will go away on its own. It is unacceptable to self-medicate. Only a dermatologist, having identified the pathogen, having made the correct diagnosis, can prescribe medications and a regimen of application. To combat fungal pathology on the legs, use:

  • local external medicines in the form of sprays, ointments, solutions;
  • antifungal drugs for oral administration - tablets, capsules;
  • traditional medicine recipes - baths, compresses, lotions.

It is very important to consult a specialist when the first symptoms of nail disease appear. This will help solve the problem in a short time. Dermatologists prescribe:

  • at an early stage of the disease - the application of Fukortsin liquid, the use of varnishes Cyclopirox, Loceryl;
  • with the development of lesions - Terbinafine ointment, Ketoconazole tablets;
  • to improve nutrition, activate blood circulation - physiotherapy;
  • in a neglected case - removal of the nail.


This disease has a characteristic feature - a flat nail plate. Often there is a congenital pathology that cannot be cured. The disease affects all at once all the toes. The causes of platonychia are:

  • heredity;
  • violations of the heart;
  • pathology of the endocrine system;
  • protein starvation;
  • liver disease;
  • trauma;
  • skin diseases;
  • wrong manicure.

To cure this disease of the toenails, you need to find out the cause of the disease and eliminate it. Symptoms other than a flat surface must be considered:

  • cyanotic pale shade - evidence of vegetative-vascular dystonia, gastritis, iron deficiency, circulatory disorders;
  • fragility, dryness - lack of zinc, vitamins A, E, group B, the use of strict diets.

Hippocratic nails

With the development of this disease, there is an increase in the size of the terminal phalanx and toenails. Another name for the pathology is “drum fingers”. This disease is characterized by symptoms:

  • an increase in the curvature of the nail bed;
  • thickening of the soft tissues of the terminal phalanges;
  • looseness of the skin at the base;
  • elasticity of the plate surface during palpation.

To be cured, it is necessary to cope with the problem that caused the disease - the underlying disease. Experts believe that damage to the capillary bed of the lungs plays an important role in the formation of pathology. Symptoms of Hippocratic nails are observed in the presence of:

  • tuberculosis;
  • lung cancer;
  • leukemia;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • chronic lung diseases;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • cancer of the esophagus, thyroid gland;
  • inflammatory bowel disease.

Cross striation of nails

This type of disease is characterized by the appearance of a transverse arcuate groove. It completely crosses the nail surface. The reasons for this change may be:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • infectious diseases;
  • trauma to the nail roller on the legs with poor-quality pedicure;
  • eczema;
  • neuropsychiatric pathologies;
  • psoriasis;
  • systemic diseases;
  • scarlet fever, measles in children.

To cope with the manifestation of pathology, it is necessary to exclude and prevent traumatic factors. It is important to cure diseases that provoke the occurrence of transverse striation. The severity of the ongoing processes can be judged by the signs:

  • superficial furrow - a slight traumatic effect;
  • deep damage to the plate, dividing it into two parts, malnutrition of the edge section - a serious, severe pathology;
  • the presence of several furrows - regular injury.

Micronychia of the nail

If the patient has short nail plates on the legs, this is a sign of the development of micronichia. This disease is often diagnosed on the hands of patients who bite their nails. The cause of the appearance of changes in the legs are serious diseases. Only after a full course of their treatment can you get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Micronichia is a sign of diagnosis and accompanies such diseases:

  • trophoneurosis;
  • progressive scleroderma;
  • Genuine epilepsy, provoked by a violation of metabolic processes.


The main symptoms of this disease are the appearance of white stripes and spots on the nail surface. The ailment is manifested by the formation of small air bubbles between the layers of the plate. Causes of leukonychia:

  • trauma;
  • stress;
  • diet abuse;
  • poor quality pedicure;
  • the action of chemicals;
  • zinc deficiency;
  • violation of the processes of keratinization of the plate;
  • arsenic poisoning.

For the treatment of leukonychia on the legs, dermatologists recommend:

  • make baths with medicinal herbs, essential oils, sea salt;
  • eliminate factors that injure the surface of the plates;
  • avoid frequent diets;
  • use gloves when exposed to chemicals;
  • change the master of manicure, pedicure;
  • take vitamins and minerals.


With this pathology, there is a complete or partial separation of the plate from the nail bed. With onycholysis, a grayish-white color change occurs. The causes of the disease are:

  • fungal, bacterial infections;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis;
  • pathology of the nervous, cardiovascular system;
  • endocrine disorders.

The main task in the treatment of onycholysis is to cope with the disease that provoked the disease. In parallel with this, dermatologists recommend:

  • take iron, calcium preparations;
  • use vitamin complexes;
  • apply bandages with Synthomycin ointment to the affected area;
  • use hot baths with essential oils;
  • use limb massage.


The disease often affects the hands than the legs, capturing individual fingers. Onychorrhexis is characterized by the appearance of a longitudinal splitting of the plate, starting from the free edge to the nail bed. Nail damage can be caused by:

  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • mechanical injury;
  • contact with chemicals - acids, alkalis;
  • infections;
  • skin pathologies.

The main task of treatment is to improve the nutrition of the nail plate. Doctors prescribe:

  • drugs that improve blood microcirculation;
  • physiotherapy - iontophoresis, diathermy;
  • massage;
  • hot baths with medicinal herbs, sea salt;
  • taking vitamins;
  • the use of unsaturated fatty acids;
  • applications with wax, mud;
  • the use of drugs that increase immunity.

Ingrown nail

With the development of inflammatory, infectious processes in the tissues of the finger, piercing of the skin can occur, in which the ingrown nail occurs. The disease is distinguished by the appearance of pain, redness, swelling, it is not excluded the release of pus, fever. The causes of pathology are:

  • improper cutting of the nail;
  • tight shoes;
  • trauma;
  • fungal attack.

To exclude the disease, you must:

  • remove a piece of the plate ingrown into the skin;
  • do warm baths with antibacterial agents;
  • observe foot hygiene;
  • use comfortable high-quality shoes without high heels;
  • do the right pedicure;
  • fight sweaty feet
  • cure onychomycosis;
  • in severe cases, remove part of the plate.


A characteristic feature of the disease is the thinning of the nail surfaces, a change in their shape, the appearance of longitudinal stripes. Tissues begin to split, peel, break. There are many reasons for this phenomenon to occur. These include:

  • psoriasis;
  • lichen planus;
  • deficiency of vitamins A, C, B;
  • lack of iron, phosphorus, chromium, calcium;
  • plate injury;
  • fungal infection;
  • damage to peripheral nerves;
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • the effect of drugs;
  • diseases of the digestive system.

Treatment of atrophy involves diet. In complex advanced cases, the plate is removed. Dermatologists prescribe:

  • drugs that reduce immunity in systemic diseases;
  • vitamin complexes with microelements;
  • sedative medications;
  • polyunsaturated acids;
  • antifungal agents;
  • medicinal baths;
  • yeast.


The main feature of this disease is the staining of the nail surface in yellow. The causes of the phenomenon can be external and internal factors. Among them:

  • liver disease;
  • skin pathologies;
  • diabetes;
  • the presence of neoplasms;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • long-term medication;
  • weakened immunity;
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • smoking;
  • poor quality varnishes.

Treatment for chromonychia depends on the cause. Getting rid of the underlying disease that caused the disease will help to cope with the internal prerequisites of the pathology. External causes are quickly eliminated with the help of:

  • refusal of decorative coating;
  • taking a vitamin complex;
  • rubbing lemon juice;
  • the use of warm baths with sea salt and soda;
  • massage with essential oils.

Big toe nail deformity

The disease, which is characterized by a change in the nail plates on the legs, has many causes. All of them are associated with external and internal influences. The appearance of deformation is provoked by such factors:

  • injuries, mechanical damage;
  • exposure to tight shoes;
  • improper care - a pedicure with a heavily cut cuticle;
  • felon - nail eater;
  • change in the structure of the plate under the influence of diseases;
  • fungal infections - mycoses;
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • circulatory disorders in the legs.

To eliminate the deformation of the nail plates, it is necessary to establish the cause of the pathology. Treatment of the disease that caused the symptoms helps to permanently get rid of its manifestations. Signs of deformation are closely related to the causes of the disease:

  • stratification - lack of B vitamins, calcium, thyroid problems;
  • stripes, scallops - the consequences of stress, heredity;
  • curvature - age-related changes, wrong shoes;
  • thickening of the nail plate - a fungal infection;
  • atrophy is a consequence of chronic diseases;
  • the presence of point depressions - eczema, psoriasis.

Photo of onychorrhexis


Koilonychia in children under 10 years of age is considered the norm. Parents of newborn babies, preschoolers should not worry much about this if the child’s concave nails have not changed color, have not begun to exfoliate or become stained. How to determine that you need to see a doctor and take treatment, why concavity appears, we will tell in our article.

From this article you will learn

Features of the structure of nails

Babies are born with thin, transparent nail plates on their fingers. Sometimes they are so long that they have to be cut already in the hospital so that the baby does not injure himself. Keratin plates in newborns are not at all like the nails of adults. They will return to normal after some time.

By the appearance of the nails in a baby, one can determine the lack of vitamins, especially intrauterine development. Normally, infant nails on the hands and feet have a pink tint, a smooth surface, and do not exfoliate.

The keratin plate changes gradually. It is fully formed and coarsens on the hands by 4 years, on the legs - by 10. Such a run-up in the development of nails is explained by the weakness of the plates on the legs, frequent injuries, wearing shoes and care features.

Toenails up to 10 years old can be concave, grow convex and wrong - all these external defects in childhood are considered the norm. The little toe and big toe are most often affected, as the weakest elements of the foot. It is these fingers that need careful care and attention the most.

It is not necessary to treat koilonychia in a child. If the defect does not disappear in adolescence and adulthood, then we are talking about autoimmune pathologies that lead to tissue damage and the development of inflammation. In this case, additional diagnostics should be carried out, perceiving the curved nail as a sign and symptom of a more serious illness.

Main reasons

Toenails bend due to the following internal malfunctions in the body and external factors:

  • Deficiency of calcium, iron, minerals, other vitamins.
  • Unbalanced diet. Especially often this factor is manifested in diathesis and allergic babies. Parents have to exclude from the menu a lot of products that are useful in a general sense, due to negative reactions to them in a particular child.
  • Circulatory disorders, metabolism. The tissues are deficient in nutrients.
  • Incorrectly fitting, tight shoes. The fingers are compressed, the feet sweat, the tissues of the epidermis and the keratin plate are deformed.
  • Injuries. Outdoor games, kicking the ball arch the nail, provoke its weakening and delamination.
  • Wrong manicure and pedicure. The baby needs special care. Moms should find out so as not to damage the plate, not to disturb the direction of its growth, and to avoid arching. The nails on the legs are cut in a straight line, on the hands - in the form of a smile.
  • Fungus. it is possible in the pool, when wearing someone else's shoes or socks, through plants and soil. In children, the fungus causes sweaty feet and poor hygiene. That is, mothers forget to wash their children's feet after a walk, before going to bed at night, they are forced to wear warm slippers, boots in hot weather.
  • anatomical feature. If the relatives of the child have the same problem without the presence of other diseases, when concavity becomes an alarming symptom, then we are talking about the inheritance of an unusual form of marigolds. It is not necessary to treat and diagnose this factor.

Treatment Methods

Therapy and diagnosis of the causes of the concavity of children's nails are carried out by a dermatologist and a therapist. Seek medical attention for such symptoms after the child reaches 10 years of age. If the nails arched earlier, in a year or two, and the plate became stained, the cuticle is inflamed, there is pus under the nail, then, of course, you do not need to wait for the baby to grow up. The cause of defects lies in infection, other pathologies.

Treatment begins with an examination. The doctor is obliged to exclude the fungal nature of the plate defect, to check for the presence of autoimmune abnormalities. After receiving the results of a blood test, scrapings, immunograms, appropriate medication or supportive therapy is prescribed.

Drug treatment

It is prescribed only by a doctor, it is impossible to treat the fungus, violations of protective functions and other pathologies on your own.

  1. To saturate the body with microelements, minerals, it will be necessary to drink vitamin complexes to a sufficient extent. The duration of treatment is at least a month.
  2. Antifungal medicines. Ointments, tablets, in extreme cases antibiotics. For babies from 2 years old, Exoderil (cream), Terbizil, Mikozan are allowed. Pharmacies sell special antifungal varnishes, they can also be used from an early age.

Additional treatments

To correct the current situation with nails, parents need to try to correct the shortcomings in the care and life support of the baby. Analyze the possible causes of concave nails in a young child. If you find something similar to your case, take the following measures:

  • Buy boots a size larger or loose fit. Pay attention to the material for sandals, sneakers. For summer, buy shoes made of breathable fabric, with open toes and toes. Do not wear 3 pairs of socks under boots or felt boots. This restricts the movement of the foot, injures the nails and provokes sweating.
  • Adjust the children's menu. Add fruits to your diet (especially kiwi, apple, bananas, they have a lot of iron), dairy products. Prepare fish dishes 2-3 times a week, good meat daily.
  • Do not wash your child's hands and feet often with soap and shower gels. Cosmetics dry the skin, the nail plate. Use pure water or buy special baby bath products.
  • Lubricate your nails with creams, oils. Buy liquid vitamin E, baby cream, apricot oil. Use any remedy several times a day, lubricating your fingers and toes.
  • Observe hygiene standards. Teach your baby to wash their feet after a walk, several times a day in hot weather, before going to bed. Do not wear warm wool socks if your feet sweat excessively.
  • Do herbal baths. Calendula, chamomile strengthen the nail bed, keratin layer. Carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week, for 15-20 minutes.
  • Strengthen your nails with salt. Sea salt should be added to the water when bathing, or in a container for foot baths. For 10 liters of liquid - 3 tablespoons of sea or ordinary salt + 3 drops of iodine.
  • Get a pedicure on time. If the nails grow too long, then they have to twist, break when rubbing against the shoes. Cut them off regularly if you notice that the plate has gone beyond the edges of the cuticle by 2-3 mm.
  • Change your pedicure tools. Buy special scissors and tongs, disinfect them before the first use.
  • Remove an ingrown toenail promptly. In advanced cases, surgical assistance will be required. Subsequently, parents need to monitor the injured finger, learn how to do a pedicure correctly so that the nails do not grow in.

Hair, nails, skin - a mirror of the body. According to their condition, a lot can be said about the health of an adult and a child. Pay attention to body cues, don't miss alarms. This will help to diagnose pathology in time, cure diseases. False alarm in this case will not be superfluous.

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