Direction indicator when entering a roundabout. Roundabout: traffic rules for a roundabout. Can you dispute

Observing traffic rules, the motorist avoids getting into an accident. The answers to the questions about what constitutes a roundabout, what are the rules for driving a roundabout, what advantages and disadvantages does roundabout traffic have, etc., can be found in this article.

When talking about a circular movement, it should mean moving vehicles around the central island from the right side to the left side.

If the driver is on the roundabout, then he must comply with the rules for driving roundabouts. It should be noted that this part of the road is not with a traffic light. There are also no traffic controllers. The traffic pattern is such that those cars that move in a circle have priority right of way, and other cars must give way to them. Under this circumstance, many will think that it will be correct to use turn signals, but this is not at all necessary, only in those cases when cars are rearranged from one lane to another.

Which lane you need to choose when driving through an intersection

At the time of entry, it is not unimportant that the driver entered the intersection from which lane. 8.5 clause of the SDA establishes that the driver has the right to enter the roundabout from any lane of the adjacent road. If, after passing the roundabout, the motorist needs to turn right or go straight, then the driver should choose the right lane.

If the driver intends to turn left, then he must occupy the left lane. These actions also apply to motorists who wish to turn the car around and go in the opposite direction.

Roundabout turn

Legislative provisions stipulate that, in the case of a right turn at a roundabout, this is the main road, and other roads are secondary. After the intersection is crossed, the motorist must not lose his lane, otherwise it will cause traffic violations, including car accidents.

When making a left turn at a roundabout, motorists are obliged to slow down, turn on the turn signal, and move to the far right lane. Before entering a roundabout, the driver must make sure that other vehicles pass the new car. This approach will ensure a smooth passage, since a new car at the intersection will not interfere with drivers who intend to enter the left circle.

If there are several lanes on the road (the road is, for example, three-lane), then the driver must take the left lane. In two-lane traffic, the beginning of the maneuver takes place in the left lane, and after the first or second exit has been overcome, it is necessary to select the right lane. In this case, you must not forget to turn on the corresponding turn signal.

You need to overcome the three-lane roundabout in the same way. The driver should only move to the right lane twice.

Straight ahead

It should be borne in mind that there may be many adjacent roads with an intersection, which is important in determining the further actions of the motorist in the event of a maneuver. If we are talking about several lanes, then you need to choose the middle lane from them. Driving on the main road, the motorist, before entering the intersection, must make sure that other cars pass the vehicle.

If the car is moving on a secondary road, then it must let the rest of the vehicles go ahead. Passing a roundabout, if the driver intends to move straight, is realized along the right lane. Although, the traffic situation can be complicated by the desire of the driver from the middle lane to maneuver to the right. To avoid this kind of circumstance, it is necessary to occupy the center row.

SDA 2020

In 2020, there are new rules for the passage of roundabouts, which in practice are not followed by many motorists, since the latter are not aware of the change travel order intersections with roundabout... It should be taken into account that roundabout is a priority , which was not typical in 2017. Then motorists were guided by the "right hand rule" and gave priority right of way to those cars that entered the intersection.

At this time, one of the most common situations was that the roundabout was indicated by only one road sign 4.3. In this case, the intersection was unregulated.

Despite the fact that the circular traffic does not require additional adjustment, in places where there is an intense traffic flow (Moscow central roads, etc.), it is possible to establish a traffic light. In this case, it is necessary to be guided by traffic signals, not paying attention to the signs prescribing priority.

Advantages and disadvantages

Movement along the ring has a number of advantages and disadvantages, and its positive aspects are the following advantages:

  • cars moving in a circle have the priority right to travel;
  • there is no regulation. Under this circumstance, if trackless vehicles are moving in the same or opposite direction, the tram has a priority right over them;
  • overtaking and stopping are allowed;
  • availability of high throughput.

In addition, the movement on the ring also has disadvantages, according to which:

  • If many vehicles enter the intersection, a situation of self-blocking of the intersection will form, since the cars will not be able to part ways. Under this circumstance, it will be easier to travel by metro, since there are no traffic jams, and metro charges are not high.
  • Many drivers still do not know or are not used to changes in traffic rules. With the next change in traffic rules, the number of road traffic accidents will increase.
  • Motorists who are on a roundabout have a priority right over entering cars, which, passing one car after another, may not enter the roundabout for a long time.

So, motorists can avoid adverse consequences, including from getting into a road traffic accident, if they comply with traffic rules, drawing their attention to the fact that it has changed order of travel intersections with roundabout. It should be remembered that those vehicles that move in a circle have priority right of way. ... In this case, cars that move in a circle have a priority of movement, and must pass first, otherwise it threatens to impose an administrative fine by a traffic police inspector.

Updated: February 12, 2020 by the author: admin

Recently, there has been a lot of hype about the so-called "roundabout", the whole point is that amendments to the traffic rules were recently adopted and they touched on paragraph 13.11, now new rules have been developed that are described in appendix 13.11 (1). My readers and viewers had many questions at once - “how to move in a circle now”, “who to skip and who not”, “are all the circles now the main ones”, etc. Today I will try to explain in simple words what and how, there will certainly be a video version ...

Actually, there are not so many changes, but I think they are significant and remove a large number of signs (priority), which there is simply no reason to put them now. BUT first, let's remember what was regulated and how.

What is a roundabout?

This is a section of the road, in which there is an "island" in the middle, the road goes around it in a circle. Cars move counterclockwise along it (in our country, where there is a right-hand traffic).

The entrance is regulated by a special sign 4.3 (roundabout), or other priority signs, markings (if any)

As a rule, such intersections are not subject to regulation, traffic lights are not installed on them, traffic priority is given (from 8.11.17) to those who move along it (that is, everyone must let them pass).

Turning lights (turn signals) , while overcoming the "circle" is not a prerequisite ( that is, you do not need to include ), and they should be used only when the driver intends to change lanes from one lane to another, or to leave the “ring”.

What happened before (before the changes in traffic rules)?

We read paragraph 13.11, everything is described there (I will try to retell it in my own words in order to better understand):

  • If an intersection with a roundabout was not regulated in any way, that is, there were no priority signs at the entrance to it, markings and other things, then it was recognized as "EQUAL" and the "rule of the right hand" was in effect on it. You should have let those who entered the circle on the right
  • Priority signs at the entrance to the roundabout, for example, stood - "give way", "STOP" and others. Thus, you understood that the ring is the main thing and you should let the cars that move along it.

  • Main road change. Often, the main road could enter the ring and bend around it either completely or partially. And since the main road is a priority, we let the cars that moved along it.

As a rule, earlier the ring was fenced with signs “give way” (if that was the task) and it was still the main thing.

What has changed now (8.11.17)

What does clause 13.11 (1) mean, an extract from the traffic rules:

When entering an intersection at which a roundabout is organized and which is marked with sign 4.3, the driver of a vehicle must give way to vehicles moving along such an intersection.

(Clause 13.11 (1) was introduced by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 26.10.2017 N 1300)

Thus, it turns out that now this blue round sign with white arrows (4.3) denotes the priority of movement, if you enter a roundabout and this sign is in front of you, then you MUST let everyone who moves along it.

Now the "right hand" rule, which I talked about in the first paragraph, is no longer valid.

The second point (when such an intersection was fenced off with a priority - "give way", "STOP" and others) are now optional! We just set a "circular motion" and the driver must yield to those who move in a circle

The third point about the main road remains almost unchanged. If the main road enters the ring, then it is the main road by default, and you need to yield to everyone who moves on it. It also happens that these two designations can be side by side, and, as it were, duplicate each other.

Are all the "rings" now the main ones?

NO FRIENDS, NOT ALL! It is a mistake that now any "circular movement" is the main one! Only those marked with "4.3" are given priority. If it is not, then the usual rules described in 13.11 of the SDA apply. That is, the rule of "right hand" (if there are no signs and markings at all), we take into account the priority signs ("give way" and "STOP"), as well as deviations of the main road.

Once again, friends, if there is a sign 4.3 "roundabout" - then we skip everyone who moves along the circle, if it is NOT - we are guided by clause 13.11 of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation

That's all, as you can see, nothing complicated, but it's worth talking about it, now we are watching the video version.

Not so long ago, there were new rules for driving a roundabout. But some are still confused and cannot understand who should let whom. I'll tell you more about this:

"In the event that sign 4.3" roundabout "is installed in front of an intersection with a roundabout in combination with sign 2.4" give way "or 2.5" traffic without stopping is prohibited ", the driver of a vehicle at the intersection takes precedence over vehicles entering such an intersection means. (the paragraph was introduced by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/10/2010 N 316) "

It turns out that essentially nothing has changed. The main idea behind the changes was to make most of the "rings" the main ones, i.e. once you missed everyone before going to the ring and that's it - you go yourself calmly, not yielding to anyone. However, if there is only sign 4.3 in front of the intersection. "Roundabout" and there are no priority signs, then, as before, the rules for driving through a regular intersection apply. For example, "obstacle on the right" - drivers who drive in a circle are obliged to yield to those who enter the intersection.

If, in addition to the “roundabout” sign, there is a sign 2.4 “give way” or 2.5 “traffic without stopping is prohibited” and a sign on which the direction of the main road is drawn, then the one who drives along the main road has priority.

The following option is also possible: sign 4.3 "roundabout" in combination with sign 2.1 "main road" and a plate on which the direction of the main road is indicated. In this case, you do not need to let anyone through before leaving, and in the future, the one who drives along the main road has priority.

If there is a traffic light in front of a roundabout, then you need to wait for the permitting signal and then drive. In this case, the rules for driving through a regular intersection apply.

Many drivers entering the road with a circular traffic turn on the left "turn signal", intending to turn left or go straight. According to the traffic rules, it is not correct to do this. When entering the ring, you must turn on the right "turn signal", no matter where you are going to go. The left "turn signal" must be turned on after entering the ring, if you are going to rebuild into the left lane. Approaching the desired exit, you need to rebuild into the extreme right lane of the "ring".

If there are several lanes before entering the ring, then when turning right you need to take the extreme right lane, and when turning left the extreme left. If there are more than three lanes, then when turning left you need to take one of the two leftmost lanes. When driving straight ahead, you need to drive along one of the central lanes, so as not to make unnecessary rearrangements and not interfere with other road users. A U-turn at an intersection with a roundabout is carried out in the same way as a left turn.

They have their own nuances and subtleties, which are very difficult for a novice driver to notice, catch, and then apply in practice. One such situation in which you should be especially careful is driving around the ring. From the outside it seems that there is nothing difficult in this - I drove onto it, drove in the general stream, and turned into the desired turn. However, this is not entirely true. Before starting a circular movement, it is worth understanding the nuances of the passage of the ring. After all, you need to enter / exit correctly, and also occupy a certain lane and not become an obstacle to other vehicles. How to get around the roundabout?

with a circle

In our country, the traffic flow moves on the right side. Therefore, the section of the road on which the driving is carried out counterclockwise in a circle is referred to as driving in a circle. The SDA informs that the roundabout is completed only after the vehicle leaves this place on the carriageway.

Signs and markings

Regulation at this type of intersection takes place without the aid of a traffic light. The "Roundabout" sign is installed at the entrance to the ring. Pedestrian crossings on the circle are always unregulated. And the signs and markings determine the priority movement along the ring. The SDA has a clear list of all road elements that are allowed to be installed at and in front of the intersection. Signs that can be installed in front of: "Roundabout", "Main road", "Give way", "Non-stop traffic is prohibited." The latter two indicate that vehicles on the ring have priority. That is, a car that has approached an intersection with a roundabout must stop and let other vehicles already moving on it pass, and only then enter. Otherwise, the driver will violate the traffic rules, which may lead to the creation of a traffic accident.

Sign "Main road" allows you to move without stopping, not letting other vehicles from the secondary road. Consequently, drivers entering the ring do not have priority according to traffic rules.

Entrance to the ring

In order to be on the circle, you need to know from which lane you can enter it.

To begin with, find out if the priority of movement on the ring. The elements of the road will help you with this. If the "Roundabout" sign is not accompanied by another ("Give way"), then the ring is the main one, and you have no advantages before entering it. So you've missed the vehicles and there is a gap that you can use. The rules teach us that the turn is made from the corresponding extreme lane. However, this does not apply to roundabouts. Therefore, entry is made from any lane. And also on the roundabout you occupy the same lane as before the intersection. You cannot enter from the left lane, but take the extreme right. This is a gross violation.

In some cases, there are fewer traffic lanes on the ring in relation to the previous section of the road. In these circumstances, the driver should change to the required lane in advance, according to traffic rules.

Ring movement

Turn signals are devices that many drivers forget about when crossing a given section of the carriageway. This is a gross violation, as driving on the ring can involve many maneuvers that need to be warned about other drivers.

As already mentioned, it is very important to monitor the technical means of organizing traffic before entering. There will certainly be a sign "Roundabout". In addition to it, there may be "Give way", "Movement without stopping is prohibited", as well as other signs indicating which direction is the main one.

For the most part, a roundabout almost always has priority, but other roads are not always secondary.

Driving along the ring, the driver of the vehicle must follow his own lane and not become an obstacle to other road users. And when making a maneuver, be sure to use the turn signals. Otherwise, there is a high probability of creating an emergency.

Turn signals do not include many drivers, driving in a circle, thereby misleading other road users. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with the traffic rules. When the pass is made, it must be observed by every driver.

Other roads are often adjacent to the roundabout. The driver must think in advance what maneuvers he will perform.

For example, direct movement in a circle. Traffic rules do not contain this information, however, experienced drivers recommend sticking to the middle lane on a three-lane carriageway. Even though your direction takes priority, you still need to make sure other drivers can see you and let you through. So, driving the ring directly, it is more convenient to stay in the right lane. However, this can make it difficult for other vehicles to move. Therefore, if it is impossible to occupy it, then you can rebuild into the middle one.

One of the nuances that should be paid attention to is on the ring. After all, at a roundabout, it is allowed. During its execution, it is also mandatory to turn on the turn signals. This way you protect yourself and others from accidents.

Turns on the ring

Turn right or left allows circular movement. The driving rules for the first and second turns are different. The right one is much easier to execute. To execute it, you will need to rebuild to the extreme lane as you move, without interfering with other vehicles. Be sure to use turn signals. It is also useful to reduce the speed.

Turning to the left is a little more difficult, especially for novice drivers. However, having dealt with it once, you will not experience any difficulties in the future. The turn is carried out only in accordance with the Rules of the road. Therefore, first you need to take the extreme left position on the roadway. As you already remember, the lane change maneuver necessarily occurs with the inclusion of the appropriate turn signals.

In the case when the road has two lanes, you should start from the left, and upon reaching the exit, you must change to the right and complete the movement along the ring, leaving it and turning.

In a three-lane circle, a left turn is performed, in fact, by performing the same maneuver as described earlier (with two rows). But in this case, you just need to make a lane to the right not once, but twice. Maneuvering must necessarily take place carefully and correctly, since you are not the only participant in the circular movement and must remember that any mistake and inaccuracy of yours can cost you a decent amount.

Exit from the ring

When leaving a roundabout, the driver must learn one basic rule. Exit is allowed only from the extreme right lane. Before that, if you were moving in another lane, you skip cars, and then move out.

Pedestrians and their movement along the ring

As already mentioned, crossings for individuals outside vehicles on the circle are unregulated. Therefore, they must be passed in accordance with the traffic rules. Circular traffic is quite difficult for motorists to pass, but pedestrians are often afraid of it. Nevertheless, this fear is not justified. Since people can safely cross the carriageway on an unregulated crossing, the main thing is to wait for the vehicles to slow down and then stop to let you pass.

Traffic rules, traffic on the ring: fines

Since there are rules, there are also penalties for breaking them. They depend on the violated traffic rules point. Roundabouts will not hit your wallet if you follow all traffic rules in good faith.

The most common driver mistakes:

  • Travel
  • Ignoring the right of priority for vehicles traveling on the main road.
  • Turn signals were not activated when maneuvering.
  • Exit the roundabout in any other lane, except for the required extreme right.

The exact size of the fines can be found in the regulatory documents. So, for example, driving in a clockwise direction, the driver is deprived of his driver's license.

The driver of a vehicle that drives to the ring during a red traffic light will receive a fine of about one thousand rubles. In case of repeated violation - five or deprivation of the right to drive a car for up to six months. Parking is allowed only five meters before the crossing, that is, before leaving the loop. Otherwise, the driver is obliged to pay about five hundred rubles to the state treasury.

The most important thing is to correctly select the desired lane, performing the movement along the ring. Traffic rules are regularly updated, so it is worth keeping an eye on the changes. Also, pay attention to the road signs, even though you follow the same route every day. After all, driving by inertia, you may not notice the newly installed road element and, as a result, cause an accident. And of course, do not forget to let pedestrians pass at the crossing before the roundabout.

In this article, we will talk about the ring, as well as the rules for its passage.

The circle (or a section of road intersections), along which the movement is carried out in a circular manner, due to the established traditions, has become one of the most emergency places on the roadway. The main reason lies in the fact that when the movement is carried out on the ring, the rules of passage fade into the background for drivers. And they are the most elementary.

Circle Advantage

In order to ensure a safer passage within such an intersection, corresponding amendments have been made to the Road Traffic Regulations, which provide for the installation of several signs before entering the ring. In addition to the already familiar designation “Driving in a circle”, there was also an opportunity to contemplate the label “Give way”, “STOP”. If you saw these designations in front of your car, then it should be borne in mind that the advantage of movement is given to the vehicle that is currently moving within the intersection, it must be given the right of way, and only after completing the maneuver of this vehicle you are allowed to start moving.

Additional sign: "Direction of the main road"

In order to provide more informative designating combinations: "Give way", "Moving in a circle", as well as a clearer meaning for drivers, traffic rules sometimes integrate a third sign in the form of a label "Main road" and a sign "Direction of the main road". At the same time, the main road can occupy both the entire ring passage and its part (one and three quarters). If the trajectory of the main road covers only a part of the circular passage, moving within this section of the intersection of the paths, the driver must remember the road crossing scheme in order to have an idea of ​​who will be the first to overcome the circle.

Circular movement sign

If there is only a designation that is deciphered in traffic rules as circular movement, then in this case it is necessary to rely on the principle that traffic rules provide for interference on the right. Then it becomes necessary to give way to the transport that is currently entering the intersection of the paths along which the circular movement takes place.

The presence of a traffic light in front of the intersection, along which there is a circular movement, according to traffic rules, indicates that this intersection is regulated. In this regard, the questions about the priority of movement can be considered closed. Because in traffic rules, a similar situation is similar to an ordinary intersection, therefore travel within a given intersection is governed by the same rules as at an ordinary intersection.

Which lane to drive

This question is important. In which lane should you drive the circle? It all depends on where you want to go. Making a turning maneuver to the right, to the left, or driving in a forward direction. The extreme lane on the right is intended to maneuver to the right. The leftmost lane corresponds to a left maneuver. When carrying out a direct passage, you need to proceed from the number of lanes on the carriageway, and continue moving either within the central lane, or take the extreme right, provided there are only two lanes - this is how the Rules indicate.

In order to make a U-turn in the opposite direction, the Rules advise you to take the lane in the leftmost lane, after which we go around the roundabout along the full trajectory.

Indicator lights

Traffic rules are prescribed to turn on the turn indicators in such a way as not to confuse the rest of the traffic participants. At a potential left turn, it is worth showing a left turn signal. When you start to enter the intersection, first indicate your actions with the appropriate turn signal signal.

Exit from the intersection

It is necessary to understand how the exit from the ring is done. Traffic rules indicate the exit exclusively from the extreme right lane, even if you started to enter it from the left. Thus, if the entry was from the left lane, then when passing through already within the circle, it becomes necessary to change lanes and grant the right of way to those cars that are designated by the Rules as an obstacle on the right. Therefore, leaving the intersection becomes the cause of numerous accidents.

  • you need to drive the circle counterclockwise;
  • the designation of a roundabout according to traffic rules means that at the intersection there are equal powers for the participants of transport traffic, and passage is possible only using the rule of interference on the right;
  • traffic rules indicating movement in a circle, as well as "Yield the road" give an advantage to the vehicle that makes a passage within the circle. At the same time, in the ring itself, the rules of the interference on the right are active;
  • roundabout designations, requirements to give way, and directions of the main road give priority to those vehicles driving on the main road;
  • indicator lights turn on before direct maneuver on the ring;
  • exit from the ring is possible only along the extreme right lane.

As it became clear from the above, movement along the ring is not a difficult task. It is only necessary to be guided by the elementary instructions for travel within the ring, as well as to give passage to vehicles that have an advantage in movement.