A pattern of stones for 1. Panel paintings with painted stones. River stone pots

Are you thinking of decorating your backyard with spectacular crafts? Although in stores today you can find many different figurines and decorations for the garden, modern summer residents prefer to make them with their own hands from improvised materials.

DIY stone crafts, photo

In this article, we will tell how to make inexpensive stone crafts. This natural material can be found in everyone on the site or near the reservoir. If you show imagination, you will get quite creative and durable crafts.

If you combine stones of different sizes, they can easily turn into funny animals, such as a funny cat, birds or frogs. Crafts made of stone and metal look original, which either creates a kind of frame or serves as an additional decorative element.

Crafts made of stone and metal look original, which either creates a kind of frame or serves as an additional decorative element.

To give the site a touch of brightness and revitalize it, we suggest painting ordinary cobblestones. Using red and black paint, you can easily make ladybugs that will look beautiful against the background of green grass.

Before you start coloring, cut out templates from paper and apply them to the stone. So that the paint does not wash off over time, we recommend covering it with a colorless varnish on top.

It is very interesting to decorate stones, because they seem to come to life before the eyes of a driver with a brush. In fact, it is very simple to turn a stone into a craft, so parents and their children can do such landscaping of the dacha.

Frogs made of stone

Decoupage of stones, photo

Houses for dacha decor, photo

If you are familiar with, you can turn stones into real works of art. We suggest you make beautiful mini-houses from stones, while the source material can be of any shape, the main thing is to be creative in its design.

Before you start decorating the stones, wash the material well. After that, the stone must be thoroughly dried, and then the contours of the drawing should be applied with a felt-tip pen. Paint the product with a brush and acrylic paints and varnish on top.

Beautiful decorative stone houses

Watch a useful video: Crafts from stones

Natural stone is a fairly common material that can quickly turn into an original figurine.

Made of stone, they will give your landscape design a touch of originality and cheerfulness.

Crafts from stones and sea pebbles

One of the most popular trends in modern creativity is the manufacture of handicrafts with their own hands. Often, to create various crafts, they use the most ordinary objects and improvised, natural materials. From the most ordinary stones, beautiful and unusual crafts are obtained that will decorate the interior of any room or become an excellent element of landscape design. For handmade, both ordinary stones and sea pebbles are suitable. The material can be of different sizes and colors.

stone crafts

With the help of stone, fountains are decorated, terraces are equipped, garden paths are decorated, and even furniture is being built. But most often, crafts are made from stone, which become a decoration of a garden or a personal plot. Stones of various sizes, which are decorated in the form of ladybugs, will perfectly decorate the garden. If you show imagination, then cute caterpillars, snails, frogs and other cute inhabitants of the garden can turn out from stones.

Garden stone figurines

A garden can also be decorated with a swan, whose head and neck are made of bent reinforcement, and as a body - a stone that has a rounded shape. Other animals can be made in a similar way, where the armature can be used to make legs. Large and medium-sized stones can be decorated in the form of a fairy-tale house and a small gnome can be installed next to the house. Lying stones are an excellent material for creating a dog, cat or tiger.

If you show a little imagination, then fabulous mushrooms will grow on the site or in the garden or daisies will bloom. Pots or buckets with stones that are painted in the form of berries will look spectacular.

Painting on stones - craft ideas

In order for the painting on the stones to last as long as possible, a varnish coating should be applied over the drawing.

Crafts made of medium-sized stones, decorated using the “napkin technique” - decoupage technique, look very interesting and unusual. In order to make such a craft you will need:

Medium-sized stone with a smooth surface;
Bright napkins;
PVA glue;
Acrylic paints;
White "water emulsion";
Glossy colorless varnish.

First of all, a layer of "water emulsion" must be applied to the surface of the stone. Napkins are better to choose three-layer. The first layer of napkins must be removed, then cut out the pattern, and remove another layer. For crafts, only the top, colorful, layer is suitable. The drawing from the napkin is fixed on the surface of the stone with PVA glue. As the glue dries, make sure that wrinkles do not form on the napkin. Next, the background of the craft is created with acrylic paints, a drawing is done, and then painting. After drawing the picture, the stone must be varnished and left to dry for 2 days. Then another layer of varnish is applied.

Crafts from sea pebbles

Sea pebbles are a very convenient material for creating various DIY crafts. Due to the baked form and relatively small size, various decorations and buttons are made from sea pebbles.

Sea pebble jewelry

Holes in pebbles can be made independently, using a drill and various drills, or you can turn to a jewelry workshop for help.

Perhaps the simplest sea pebble craft is a fridge magnet. To do this, you just need to glue a small magnet to one side of the stone, and paint the other side with acrylic paints.

Decor flower pot with sea pebbles

A flower pot covered with sea pebbles will look good in any interior. In a similar way, you can decorate various boxes, vases or any other containers.

Paintings from sea pebbles

In order to make unusual paintings from sea pebbles, you need to choose the basis of the picture, and paint it in the desired color. You can use a piece of wood or plywood as a base. Then a sketch of the future drawing should be applied to the paper, and it should be determined what color the stones will be needed. Then the stones must be painted in the required colors and then glued to the base with a glue gun. If you wish, you can experiment a little and add other materials to the picture.

Crafts with children: paint the pebbles

An excellent activity not only for adults, but also for children, will be painting pebbles. To paint the stones, you must use acrylic paints or gouache. Of course, acrylic paints will be more durable, and if the drawing is varnished on top, the craft will delight the eye for decades. With the help of painting pebbles, the interior of the room can be decorated with cute cacti. For such crafts, you will need large pebbles, which should be painted in the form of cacti. Fill the flower pot with fine crumbs and place the resulting "cacti" into it. Thus, one "cactus" or a whole "green family" can be placed in one pot.

Do not rush to throw them away secretly - they can be turned into toys, or cute interior decorations.

Craft sea pebbles with your kids. Great workout for fine motor skills and imagination. In addition, there are many that should not be forgotten either.

Strawberry made from sea pebbles with your own hands

Appetizing "berries" can be used as decoration for flowerpots, bookshelves and just for games.
Wash and dry the pebbles so that they are free of sand or dust. Prime them with white paint, then paint them red and complete with "leaves" and "seeds".

You can use both acrylic and regular gouache paints. But keep in mind that you need to be careful with gouache, it spreads from moisture.

Sprinkle finished dried "strawberries" with acrylic varnish from a spray can to add gloss and preserve the paint layer.

Drawings on sea stones for children: decorative pebble dolls

Such a gallery of characters can be created for the plot of any game, any story. Draw according to the same principle as painted "strawberries":

  • purity
  • priming
  • paint layer

With these dolls, you can play funny scenes, or just make an unusual panel.

Crafts from sea pebbles: fridge magnets

It is enough to attach a magnetic patch to the painted stones, and they will turn into cute useful souvenirs from the sea. You can buy magnets in craft stores.

Drawings on sea stones for children: panels with owls

These owls, painted in the style of doodles, can also be separate and details of the panel in the nursery. Remember how we looked at the patterns on our grandmother's carpet before going to bed as a child? Will give the child the same feast of fantasy.

Drawings on sea pebbles for the little ones: a game of tic-tac-toe

Mark clean pebbles in the form of crosses and zeros. This can be done with a regular marker. If desired, open the stones with acrylic varnish from a spray can. The playing field can be drawn directly on the stone bag. You will get an excellent gift set for those who like to fight in an intellectual express game.

Crafts from sea pebbles do not need special care. The only feature: if you are making a toy out of them, use more resistant paints and more layers of varnish, if you are preparing decorations from sea pebbles for the interior.

Crafts from stones can be made from a variety of pebbles: construction, ordinary street, sea.

They go well with shells, pasta and other materials, but even in a pure stone version, the craft will look original and interesting. And you can take stones of different sizes and shapes, and most importantly, colors to create it.

By the way, if you have multi-colored stones, you can combine them so that you don’t even have to paint the craft.

bottle of stones

An ordinary wine bottle can be turned into an original piece of decor if you decorate it with thin pebbles.

However, if there are certain skills and sharp tools, existing stones can be cut into thin plates, and even shaped.

In addition, multi-colored natural material does not even need to be painted, but even if you need colors that are not there, you can apply paint to the stones and get a beautiful one.


For example, gouache...

It will not be waterproof, but if the craft will decorate the interior, you can opt for it.

What will be required:

  • wine bottle;
  • gray plasticine;
  • thin plates of stones or bulk stones;
  • beads;
  • rhinestones.

So, first we take a bottle, we clean it well from dirt and dust. Of course, we remove the label in advance and the layer of glue that could remain on the surface.

You can use crafts made of stones both in the interior and in landscape design. After all, such beauty does not require much effort and spending money!

Simple, but incredibly effective crafts for giving can be made with ordinary stones with your own hands. at the same time, stones can be painted with paints, felt-tip pens, combined with metal, or simply assembled into an interesting composition.

DIY crafts for giving. Painting stones master class.

In the simplest case, you can simply pick up the stones you like and paint them with acrylic paint, applying a simple pattern. Such crafts for giving are already cute, and they can be easily made with children.

We will tell you a more advanced version of a beautiful painting on a stone. In fact, this is also not difficult, it just requires knowledge of basic techniques.

Crafts for giving with their own hands from stones. Painting with markers.

If you are afraid to work with paints, or the idea of ​​buying acrylic paints in a large range of colors is not acceptable to you, you can paint the stones with felt-tip pens, where white is the usual masking marker.

For example, such do-it-yourself crafts in the form of owls will decorate any garden. For you, a simple diagram of how to draw an owl.

You can come up with drawings and funny inscriptions yourself.

or choose any drawing and transfer it with a carbon paper to a stone, and then paint it with a felt-tip pen like regular coloring books.

You can combine paints with a felt-tip pen: paints for the background, a felt-tip pen for finer details.

In order for these DIY stone crafts to serve for a long time, cover them with a layer of varnish on top.

DIY crafts for giving. We make a "pond" of painted fish.

Spectacular crafts for giving with your own hands can be made from stones painted with fish.
It is enough to put such pebbles in any vessel with water, and you already have an impromptu small pond in the garden.

For those who doubt their artistic talents, we offer a master class on how to draw a fish.

Or you can use ready-made drawings.

Lacquered, these stones can create a cute unexpected effect in any corner of the garden - near the bench, near the gazebo or next to the path.

Interesting crafts for the garden with their own hands from stones.

Upon careful examination, each of us will be able to see in an ordinary stone that mysterious smile that this charming garden cat smiles at us.

If you combine stone with metal, you will get even more interesting figurines for giving, such as these original buffaloes.

Crafts for giving with your own hands can be made from sea pebbles by adding an interesting shape using soft wire.

Beautiful frogs are simply assembled from several stones, which are planted among themselves on a sealant or cement.

We all made simple crafts from various natural materials in childhood, and why don't we transfer our skills to the garden? After all, you can create incredibly beautiful crafts for giving with your own hands literally from what is lying under our feet.

After all, any creative process has not only practical, but also emotional results. The ability to see beauty in small things and in ordinary materials will make each of us richer.

Perhaps our selection of photos will help you find your idea for a summer house, and based on what materials you have at hand now, under the pressure of inspiration, you will create something no less amazing.

In addition, stone crafts are more durable and unpretentious than crafts made from any other material.

Not only the author himself, but also your friends and acquaintances who will come to your dacha will enjoy funny figures for giving.

And fantasy in creativity really has no boundaries.

Not always the most difficult idea is the most interesting. Just fold the stones that you brought from the sea in the form of a foot - and you already have a real art object in your country house.

Creating balanced stone compositions is available only to the most patient. Often, such stone crafts are held in a delicate balance due to notches and hollows in each of the stones. But, if you want to extend this short-lived beauty, you can fasten the stones together with a sealant.