Types of human energies. Energy in theater world. Eight energy systems

James Oshman is one of the most famous authorities, considering the healing techniques of the imposition of hands from a scientific point of view. His scientist status on the one hand, and his experience, and knowledge of holistic healing on the other, gives it a unique opportunity to overcome the gap between world academic medicine and alternative healing methods. His published book "Energy Medicine" and the new book "Energy medicine in therapy and human activity" is simple in reading, but at the same time clearly and clearly apply a scientific base under the healing system by applying hands. His works are easy to perceive and contribute to the adoption of the methods of Reiki (Reiki) by doctors and researchers, which makes it possible to distribute Reiki in hospitals and in scientific circles. His exciting ideas give us a new look at Reiki, and inspire us to disclose our inner abilities.

Question: Tell us anything about your scientific research - in which areas are you concentrated now, and what prompted you to turn to energy medicine?

Answer: As an academic scientist, I conducted research in the field of cell biology, biophysics, physiology and taught in the largest universities and laboratories of the world. My specialty was the study of the microscopic structure of various cells and tissues through an electron microscope. I spent these interesting research for 20 years, but then I had problems with my back, which, most likely, were associated with a long-term suton seat over a microscope. And during this period I met Petra Melchior, the presence of which forever changed my life. In addition to the fact that Peter Melchior helped my back, he told me about the area of \u200b\u200bhuman energy research, about which I did not hear any single word for all my professional activities. I was wondering curiosity, and I decided to find out everything that is possible about the new open to me the world of human energy. Previously, no one has ever covered such information on learning or at seminars or round tables of academic circles. It seemed that for some reason no one wanted to talk about energy. It struck me. It is my curiosity and perseverance that led me to the area of \u200b\u200benergy medicine. I met the therapists who knew a lot about the energy and the goal was woken up in me, explaining scientifically observed facts.

Question: You viewed Reiki (Reiki) and other alternative methods of treatment in an academic and scientific section. How much do you think are compatible with these concepts?

Answer: To integrate new views in medicine and science, a lot of effort is required. From the very beginning, I focused not on what science can teach others, but on what science can learn from others. I saw a science can help people better understand what is happening at the level of cells and molecules. I am sure that while we discuss today's topic, you will see that Reiki (Rakes) and other methods do not violate the laws of physics. Obviously, we will have to learn a lot, but now we have logical explanations and tested hypotheses for the methods under consideration. It is these factors that make it possible to consider Reiki and other alternative techniques in terms of science, which is a distinctive feature of good science. Testing these hypotheses is one of the most interesting and fascinating areas of research that I have ever been doing.

You will see that I focused on magnetic and biomagnetic fields. This is because we know a lot about these fields and have proven techniques for measuring them. But this does not mean that we exclude other forms of energy from research. The body also emits light, sound, heat and electromagnetic fields - in addition, it has a gravitational field.

Question: Can you give us a definition of energy medicine?

Answer: In a sense, traditional medicine is also energy medicine. This may seem trivial, but this is an important fact. Any interference with a living system belongs to one or another type of energy exposure.

Each of us has its own standard specializations and interests, and go to the energy area is a defiant step, since this topic contains many unexplored directions in which new information is constantly corrected. In order for the practitioners of Reiki (Rakes) to deeper the mechanisms of this technique, they should learn more about physics and biology. This will clarify the situation not only for themselves, but will allow them to explain their work at the level of professorial medicine, which is based on a scientific point of view. Energy medicine includes an understanding of how the body generates and reacts to electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic fields, including light and sound, or other forms of energy, such as temperature, pressure, chemical energy and gravity. We are interested in how the body produces different forms of energy and how these energies can be used for healing.

For therapists using Reiki (Reiki) or other similar techniques, it is important to understand that science can not actually explain the origin of such forms of energy. If you are unspecified, which means the word "energy", if you are confused by science, then you are not strange, on the right track. The best minds in the field of science, including Albert Einstein, tried to find out what is actually energy, and how different energy forms are connected with each other. And on the fundamental level, the problem is still not solved. We say that the electron has an electric charge; But why he has a charge and what exactly is precisely the charge, for science it remains, as before, the mystery.

When the doctrine, especially physics, negatively respond to the concept of "energy medicine", they forget that there are many medical technologies that use different types of energy for diagnosis and treatment. For example, X-rays and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) belong to similar diagnostic methods. Passive measurements of the fields generated by the body are also important for diagnosis: electrocardiograms, electroencephalograms and similar. Each of these diagnostic technicians recently discovered biomagnetic antagonists: a magnetocardiogram, a magnetorencephalogram.

Each doctor has the ability to use an electrocardiogram, as a diagnostic tool for energy medicine, which has existed for almost a century.

In 1963.
Baule. & McFee. from Syracuse University in New York, measured the magnetic field of the heart with two coils, the winding of each of which consisted of 2 million turns. The magnetic field of the heart is about one millionth lobe from the magnetic field of the Earth.

Modern researchers have developed magnetic, electrical and optical diagnostic methods. Stimulation of nerves, pacemakers and defibrillators, lasers, endoscopy and magnetic field therapy are examples of energy treatment methods that are part of traditional medicine.

Undoubtedly, the fact that energy medicine, which is based on the use of medical devices used in hospitals, in medical practice and in laboratories is common everywhere. Reiki (Reiki), and other methods of healing by imposing hands also relate to energy medicine, and are based on scientifically measurable energy fields outgoing from the hands of healers.

Question: Could the existence of a person's energy field be proved and can you tell us about scientifically based studies of this? What instruments were used and what measurements were carried out?

Answer: In recent decades, scientists have changed the opinion of the existence of the human energy field, the confidence that such fields exist and are important from the point of view of medicine. And now, doctors are treated, based on the measurement of similar biopoles.

First, a well-studied human energy field was a heart field. This study is conducted with the help of ECG and was first made a hundred years ago by Willem Einthoven, who in 1924 received the Nobel Prize for his achievements. Approximately a quarter of a century later, Hans Berger measured the electrical activity of the brain, as a result of which a new method of studying the state of the EEG brain (electroencephalography) appeared in medicine.

Studies of Willem Eintoven, Hans Berger and other scientists, prove that organs, such as heart and brain, produce bioelectric fields, which passing through body tissues and electrodes can be measured on the surface of the skin. For example, an electrocardiogram can be removed, regardless of where the electrodes are located, even if the electrodes are installed on the legs.

One of the main developments B. Josefson is a super-sensitive magnetic field sensor (squid), which allows measuring the biomagnetic field of living organisms.

There is a fundamental law of physics, the ampere law, which says: What if the current flows through the conductor, for example, through a wire or live tissue, it generates a magnetic field in this environment. Once alive fabrics spend electricity, then following the classic laws of physics, electricity, passing through the heart, muscles, brain and other nervous endings, inevitably forms magnetic fields in the immediate vicinity of the body surface. Such magnetic fields are called biomagnetic fields. For the first time, the biomagnetic field of the heart was measured in 1963 in Syracuses, in New York, with the help of two coils that had a winding of two million turns.

At about the time when these measurements were made, the discovery occurred in Cambridge in England, which produced a revolution in measuring biomagnetic fields. It is for this discovery that decades later, Brian Josephson received the Nobel Prize. Bryan Josephson's discovery led to the development of a super-sensitive magnetic field sensor (squid), which allows measuring the biomagnetic field of living organisms. Currently, such devices are used for medical purposes all over the world to study the human energy field.

Question: In various alternative treatment methods, he often talks about healing energy. What do you think about this concept?

Answer: This concept has been challenged for a long time in academic circles, however, modern medical research gradually change their point of view. Great merit in this S. L. Andrew Basset, his colleagues from the Colombian College and Surgeons from New York. Overcoming the rooted skepticism and regulatory obstacles of traditional medicine, they proposed a revolutionary method of healing bone fractures using a pulsed electromagnetic field (IEMP). Their studies have shown that with unfinished fractures, certain electromagnetic fields serve as a starting accelerator for the recovery process, even if non-surging fractures for over 40 years. Andrew Basset and his colleagues from Colombia also investigated the impact of the IEMP with other skeletal muscle problems, and had considerable success in osteoarthritis, osteonosis, dissecting osteochondrosis, imperfect osteogenesis and osteoporosis.

In the early 1980s, Brighton Bassett and his colleagues showed that healing of non-healing cracks can be stimulated by electrical and magnetic fields. According to the conclusion of the FDA (US Department Control and Medication Office, this method is safe and effective.

For the first time, permission to use therapy by a pulsed electromagnetic field (IEMP) was issued by FDA (United States Department of Products and Drug Administration) in 1979. Subsequent studies have shown that different frequencies stimulate healing in other tissues. The presented figure shows the device used for the healing of bone tissue. At the same time, the coils placed next to the fracture induce the flow of electrical current through the bone. Frequencies meaningful for tissue healing are in the biologically active range of ultra-low frequencies. Two oscillations per second (2 Hz) are effective for nerve regeneration, 7 Hz are optimal for the growth of the bone, 10 Hz is used for ligaments, and slightly higher frequencies are effective for skin and capillaries.

The induction phenomenon was described by Michael Faraday in 1831 in England. It showed that when moving a magnet next to the conductor, a current is induced in this conductor. The law of electromagnetic induction of Faraday is the basic law in electromagnetism, and underlies modern science, which is denoted as magnetobiology, and explores the effects of magnetic fields into living organisms.

It is important to note that all the healing technicians working contact or at a distance (for example: Reiki (rail), acupressure, balancing aura, bowen therapy, rolling, massage, healing attachments), generate in the hands of healers of frequency ultrasound. This effect discovered Dr. John Zimmerman. The results of its valuable studies are displayed in the figure. He found that the hands of the healers produce a pulsating field of ultra-low frequency, while the "non-practitioners" people are not generated by such a field.

John Zimmerman, having measured, showed that the generated pulsating field of the healer is constantly changing in the frequency range, similar to the ultra low electromagnetic frequency range used in the therapy by a pulsed electromagnetic field (IEMP), stimulating the cure of various tissues. As a result, a huge similarity was discovered between clinical biomedicine and complementary medicine. It is likely that the effect of various energy non-traditional treatment methods is based on the transmission of human tissues the same frequencies that are identified as medical researchers. This proves that the mechanisms of treatment and cell impacts are equally substantiated, both in the treatment of conventional and complementary methods.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe interaction of fields between people is the central theme in many methods of treatment.

It is important to understand the fundamental physics, as it helps to explain the principles of the effects of Reiki (Rake) and other similar methods of treatment. In fact, biomagnetic fields created by the healer's hands are induced in the tissues and cells of people electrical streams. The evidence of this currently can be found in the exciting article "Science of the Heart", which the Heartmath Institute has been published in Boulder Creek, California.

According to the results of these discoveries, I formulated a definition that is both hypothesis: therapeutic energy produced by a medical device or emitted by the human body is the energy of a certain frequent frequency group, which stimulate the restoration of certain body tissues.

Question: Based on your studies, can you explain the biological mechanism that is responsible for the formation of the human energy field?

Answer: The biomagnetic field occurs due to pulsating electrical streams that permeate the fabrics. The general field of the body is summed from all individual fields, the strongest of which is the field formed by the heart. Since the blood is a good conductor, then with each heart impact, the electrical pulses permeate the entire blood circuit system. The second largest source of electrical energy is the retina of the eye, which behaves like a battery, changing its polarity, when light from it. The third field is made by muscles, while large muscles produce large fields, and small muscles, for example, eyelids - small fields. The magnetic field of the brain is approximately one thousandth share from the heart field. Even more weak fields are individual areas of the brain that are responsible for the sensory stimulation of hearing, view and touch. There is still a huge number of sources of weaker fields. As I said, the combination of all these fields is the energy field of a person.

Question: So available measuring equipment, with which, even an amateur, can afford to see the human energy field?

Answer: The answer depends on what part of the field you want to measure. Biomagnetic measurements usually require expensive equipment and shielded room. The shielded room is necessary for confidence that no external electromagnetic fields affect the end result. But even here there are exceptions - this is the masters of Qi Gong, which are able to generate very strong biomagnetic fields. They are strong enough to produce a biomagnetic field, measured by just using the amplifier with two coils with a winding of 80,000 turns. This was demonstrated in 1992 by Mr. Seto and his colleagues from Japan (see Figure). And there are exciting measurements of the electrical field of the heart, which everyone can produce independently. Information about these dimensions was published by Se Shon Carlson in the article "Lovers School" in the Journal "Scientific American" in June 2000. There is also software and hardware to measure such an important phenomenon as the variability of cardiac rhythm *.

These methods are very valuable for further study of the Phenomenon Rake (Rake), if, as I consider, the participating energies are associated with the energy field of the heart, which forms the strongest field in the human body. The HeartMath Institute conducted a study on the relationship between the energy field of the heart and the emotional state of a person. In fact, a sense of love, compassion and gratitude created particularly harmonious oscillations in the electrocardiogram frequency spectrum, which were manifested in all areas of the body and had a positive effect on each cell in the body. Similarly, fear, anger and anxiety influenced the field and spread, reported on each body cell.

Question: It is very interesting! Many Practitioners Reiki (Reiki) feel that the Rake Energy goes through the heart, and from there flows down to the hands. Can you give us a scientifically substantiated hypothesis explaining how the energy of Reiki is formed?

Answer: Based on the above information, you can put forward a hypothesis that when practitioner Reiki (Rakes) begins treatment, such emotions appear in his heart as compassion, love and other healing feelings. These feelings change the electrical energy of the heart, which is transmitted through the nerves, and especially through the electrically conductive vascular system in the hands, where it creates a healing biofield, interacting with another person. My assumption is that the fields that are created during the practice of Reiki (Reiki) are minimal and very precisely tuned to specific frequencies that stimulate the immune system and other important body systems. This is a hypothesis that needs verification. Hand imposition is an ancient method of treatment. And various healers and therapists who worked with the energy during the millennia are extremely intuitive, it is necessary to be considered as true pioneers.

I am sure that one day, their experience of the intuitive perception of a human aura, as a multi-layer system, will be proven scientifically. Then we learn that the chakras really exist. From a practical point of view, the science of biopoles will still have a lot to know.

Question: If bioplas are created in the hands of healers, how are they treating?

Answer: The discovery that pulsating magnetic fields can stimulate the healing of bones and other tissues led to a whole series of thorough research of the work of this method. As a result, we had a deep understanding, as energy fields stimulate the process of recovery in various tissues. Currently, there are several plausible hypotheses that are investigated. I will describe the hypothesis, which was studied most fully. It is shown in the figure and can be described as a signal cascade.

In this story there are two parts: first, we have a detailed idea of \u200b\u200ba cascade reaction, which passes from the cell surface to the cytoplasm and further to the kernel and genes where selective processes are recorded in DNA. Secondly, there is an amplification phenomenon that allows a tiny field to achieve a big effect. This story is part of a lecture that A. Gilman read in 1994, when he received the Nobel Prize for Medical Physiology. It was found that one hormone molecule, neurotransmitter or single photon of electromagnetic energy can cause a response of the entire cell. One of the key processes is the activation of calcium channels, so that hundreds of calcium ions can fall inside the cell, where they initiate various cellular processes leading to the restoration of damaged or affected fabric. The most important aspect of this study is that it is very small fields lead to the best results. Currently, it is a deep and important knowledge that will have an impact on all areas of medicine. If the therapist does not receive the desired effect, it has a tendency to do more, forcing, increase the intensity or increase the dosage of medicines. Modern studies indicate us in the opposite direction. In accordance with the latest discoveries, live fabric is much more sensitive than we have previously suspected.

For a long period, during which many scientists were confident that the physical body is not sensitive to small energy fields, replaced by knowledge that biological systems do not fall under simple logic that stronger incentives lead to a better result. For many living systems, extremely weak fields may be more efficient than strong.

One of the examples, according to which these methods work, this is the opening of communication channels in the body through which cells "communicate" with each other and provide "free space", so that the necessary cells can move there, producing impetus to cure or fighting causative agent. Another effect of these methods is to calm a person to the level when its immune system begins to work without any failures.

Question: Is there a biological explanation for the reasons why some people can see or feel the human energy field?

Answer: There is a physical phenomenon, the "Faraday effect", named so in honor of Michael Faraday. In accordance with this effect, magnetic fields change the polarization of light. The human eyes are sensitive to the polarization of light, and I think that some people have the ability to perceive the energy field of the body through the changing polarization of light. Some people are already born with such a high degree of sensitivity, while others acquire such ability in the course of life. I think that this form of vision allows some people to see the layers of the human energy field.

Another mechanism, open by scientists, is that the retina eye responds not only to light, but also for magnetism. The best of all this mechanism is investigated on bees. Bees use magnetic information to orientation. These studies have advanced far enough, and neurophysiologists have discovered specific nerves in the eye that perceive magnetic fields in close proximity to the eye. Could the visual system form an image of the magnetic field of the environment until it is clear.

These two approaches form various types of information about the human energy field. My goal is to understand how these approaches can be combined to get a more complete picture. And this is what I do now.

Question: Is there a direct connection between consciousness and energy medicine? If so, what role does consciousness play in energy medicine?

Answer: Some scientists proposed to put the basis of what we call the mind, the three-dimensional neuro-magnetic field, which they call the real substance of consciousness. This is an interesting concept that I reveal in my scientific works.

Undoubtedly, it is important how consciousness affects energy medicine. In psychology there are no more relevant problems than the resolution of traumatic memories and experiences. And working with energy injuries occurs through the consciousness of man. This applies both to an individual level and to society, nation and ethnic groups. Given the current state in the world, energy medicine is indispensable in solving injuries playing a key role for our future existence. Three important books deepen this topic: "Energy injury" William Redpatu, "Energy Psychology" Gallo and "Awakening Tiger" Levin.

Question: The healers of Reiki (Reiki), based on their experience, report that the Rake Energy (Reiki) itself manages the therapeutic process and contains something like a higher mind or force that produce precisely those vibrations that are currently necessary for a person. This supreme mind also sends hands to the right place and provides the necessary contact time with this point. Is there anything in your research, which indicates the possibility of the existence of a higher reason, which directs the energy of Reiki and healer?

Answer: From a scientific point of view, the highest mind to which you refer is no more than our own internal knowledge that we have and to which we can access if we relax our mental processes and allow our subconscious to focus on important things . In the Book "Illusion of the User", Tor Nestrenders describes how our consciousness every second receives only a small share of 11 million bits of information, which our senses are sent to the brain. Most of this information is in our subconscious, where it is processed outside our attention. If we believe in our intuition, we rely on the information that is closer to reality than that we consciously accept for reality, because intuition is based on a much larger amount of data processed in the subconscious. So, if you learn to turn off your thinking, you will find that your hands are like a magnet attract to the desired parts of the body, and move at the right time to other places.

I think that one of the possible explanations of a similar fact is that the victims or patients of the body tissue radiates signals that are perceived by the energy system of the hands are processed by the subconscious, and further, intuition sends the healer's hands to the right place. But this hypothesis should be checked.

Also, perhaps there is an internal mechanism that automatically adjusts the biofield of Reiki-healer in accordance with the needs of the healing. If you understand that living tissues consist of semiconductor material and form a complex electrical circuit, it becomes clear that a person is able to perceive and reproduce various frequencies.

I call it an operating system of the body and compare it with a computer. This is a system that works quietly and unnoticed in the background and performs all tasks on the computer. In the same way, the operating system of the body works silently and unnoticed in the background of all that we do. One of the possible options is to regulate the internal circuit frequency, according to the situation. In the case of working with Reiki (rail), this will mean that the healer system adapts to the oscillations of the healing and transmits the balancing signal in its tissue. Of course, these are hypotheses for verification. With the help of suitable measuring instruments, we could explore this interaction and confirm, or reject these hypotheses. At the same time, we would get huge amounts of information about the body, which will be useful for all sectors of medicine. It is according to such a scheme a science. Have a hypothesis, even if it is incorrect or incomplete, is an advantage compared to the absence of a hypothesis, because we assume something that can be studied. It is a hypothesis correct or incorrect, less important than the information obtained during the study.

Question: On the second degree of Reiki (Reiki), people are trained to send rayk energy at a distance. At the same time, the strength of the healing energy of Reiki (Rake) does not depend on the distance, and does not decrease with the distance. Energy remains as strong, regardless of whether it is sent within the same room, or on the other side of the globe. This is contrary to the scientific theory of energy radiation, in accordance with which, with an increase in distance from the radiation source, the power of energy decreases. Is there a scientific explanation, how can this happen?

Answer: There are some physical phenomena that could explain healing at a distance. For example, scalar waves. They have a special property to influence the structure of the space everywhere and immediately. They do not possess speed as such, and their effect does not decrease with increasing distance.

Scalar waves were predicted by theoretical physics still century ago, but physicists threw them out of equations, because they did not want to face a phenomenon whose properties are incomprehensible to them. Now that there is a greater number of experimental evidence of remote treatment and advantages of prayers, scalar waves began to be treated again, due to their potential role of explaining these phenomena. This is important because in many unconventional methods of treatment you will find that healing occurs both local exposure and distance.

Valuable prospects are open by a quantum physicist, Dr. Cute Wolf, which describes how everything in the Universe is in permanent communication with each other. His articles are written on understandable for non-scientists, and at that time they are simultaneously very perceptive and accurate from a scientific point of view. His breathtaking concepts unite the properties of space, matter and physical laws.

As it works, it is shown in the figure, which illustrates the quantum waves of particles of matter. Its existence depends on the interaction with its transmitted waves, and from all waves, all other particles in the universe that interact with it. This means that the particle is located in an dependent interaction with all other particles in the universe. I think the statements are cute faithful.

The existence of a particle of physical matter depends on all other particles through the interaction of quantum waves.

Another aspect is the so-called nonlocality of quanta, inseparable, inequality Bella or "EPR effect" (in honor E.enstein, Podersky I. Rozane, 1935). This is a quantum phenomenon that completely contradicts common sense or shows us that the world really does not function according to our common sense. The existence of this phenomenon was proved experimentally in 1983 by the French group of Alena aspect.

An experiment that shows the nonlocality of quanta includes bringing calcium atoms into an unstable energy state, so that the pair of identical photons is emitted in opposite directions at the speed of light. Since they move relative to the radiation point at the speed of light, their speed, relative to each other, must be two times higher than the speed of light. Modern technologies allow us to track the behavior of these two photons moving in the opposite directions relative to each other. Their behavior is very strange. If you change the rotation of one of the photons using the polarization, then the other rotation changes symmetrically. It seems that one photon sends a message to his twin about what happened to him, no matter where they are and how fast they move relative to each other. Since, according to the theory of relativity, nothing can have speed, greater speed of light, then there is a single conclusion that there is a direct connection between two photons, which come from one calcium atom. Einstein called this "ghostly action at a distance." This, as if the separation of particles was an illusion - if the particles were once connected, they always together. So to the big explosion, all the matter in the universe was collected at one point, then now, it remains connected with all the other matter. Concepts of Cute Wolf describe the basis for this. As these findings contradict common sense, physics carefully tried to find errors in them. But still, the discussion of this topic in physics continues, while someone takes a nonlocality, and someone is not.

An understandable explanation can be found in the book F. David Petia "Synchrony". Ken Wilber and Larry Dossi also wrote about it. At the conference of healers, he recently noticed that "there may be a little nonlocality." Or the universe works on this principle or not. Many phenomena indicate the validity of nonlocality.

Question: The initiation (dedication) in Reiki (Reiki) is the unique part of Reiki (Rake). In order to transmit Reiki, a person should not specially train his abilities. This ability is transmitted from the teacher to the student through the configuration process. The setting seems to activate the ability of the student to carry out Reiki, while there is a distinct difference between the healing force, which was at the student earlier, and the one that appeared now. Is there any understanding of biology or science what explains how this is possible?

Answer: As in other topics discussed themes of energy medicine, I can offer hypotheses for testing. I think that when setting up, teachers transfers the student a pattern or structure of the frequency or group of frequencies that the student remembers. The memories process may be similar to the memory process in homeopathy, where the electromagnetic structure of the substance is transmitted by water. While some scientists doubt and oppose the idea of \u200b\u200bthe memory of water, others conduct research to find out how it works.

The human body contains a water structure, which is a suitable antenna for interacting with the surrounding fields, and this water structure might accept and memorize the transmitted frequencies.

Question: In which direction, in your opinion, are scientific research of energy medicine and what development do you see in the future?

Answer: Energy medicine has grown, old vitalism arguments against mechanical worldview are solved, methods have been developed for measuring the human energy field. In my opinion, one of the most interesting developing areas is scientific research fields that arise during the practice of Reiki (Rake) and other healing energy techniques. It is also important to note that healing does not always include the transmission to a human healing energy, sometimes energy removal from a patient or injured place occurs. Therefore, it is also important to pay attention to the study of the nature of fields emanating from damaged or patients with tissues.

Another exciting area is a quantum holography. Edgar Mitchell, former Astronaut Apollo, founder of the "Institute of Spiritual Sciences", revealed on this topic a lot of interesting things in one of the heads of his book "Clinical use of bioelectric medicine" edited by Paul Roche and Marco Markova.

The principle of quantum holography is that each biomatery, from a unicellular organism to a multicellular body, internally relatively connected by non-local quantum bond (single waves), and with an external environment associated with quantum radiation over long distances. There is another point of view that claims that the beams of photons emitted by living matter contain information about the whole organism.

I am confident that the study of quantum ties will translate all medicine to another level of treatment methods. And the methods that were considered in the past as wonderful healing will be explained, understood and will be able to be repeated. It can be the key to understanding spontaneous healing, which is stated in the bestseller Andrei Vale (1995). He discovered that ".. The relationship between the relationships and the mechanisms already exist; The problem is to simply find the right buttons that will start the processes. " I think that the time will come when quantum coherence and other scientific methods will show us how to use these buttons about which Andrew Vale's book writes.

We have methods to carry out the necessary research, and I have serious expectations that it will lead us to a new, more efficient and less expensive medicine. I welcome research centers that explore different types of fields emanating from patients and damaged tissues, as well as investigate the physiological effects that rake (rail) generates.

Answers All these important questions will be cleared, it is important that modern science listened to healers and studied centuries-old experience in the use of energy medicine.

This article affects only the most common issues related to human energy. Based on the knowledge of backemology contains a huge amount of materials in all aspects of mental management. In fact, the backemology can be called full guidance on effective psycho-energy.

Energy (translated from Greek means activity) - the general measure of various types of movement and interaction. Energy is a motivating force of absolutely all observed and invisible changes that occur with alive and non-residential objects, as well as in their interaction. Life is based on the exchange of energy. By spending and restoring energy, a person is experiencing the reality of his being.

Traditionally, such varieties or form of energy are distinguished: mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic, chemical, gravitational, nuclear. Science found that all living beings, and especially reliably, have a specific energy - biopsychic.

The hypothesis of mental energy as a quantitative extent, what Freud writes in the book "Joke and her relationship with the unconscious sphere" was for Freud for a reasonant and very important. It is about the existence of a hypothetical force, which manifests itself in mental phenomena and can be considered similar to the physical concept of energy, just do not forget about the differences inherent in them. Freud speaks very clearly about it in the "sketch of psychoanalysis" (1938), when he writes: "We believe that, as in other natural sciences in mental life, a special kind of energy is also found. We only do not have any support points to approach its understanding, using the analogies with other forms of energy. "

In the psychoanalytic concept of mental energy, we meet with two forms of energy: 1) Easily movable free energy and 2) energy in the bound form, when they talk about occupation (captivity) of the object. The concept of energy turns out to be able to explain such phenomena as displacement, attention, interests, attachment to the object or activity. In this case, it is about the occupation of mental representatives (substituents) of external objects, about real objects and quantitative changes in occupation processes. Free, mobile energy is attributed to the processes of the unconscious sphere, in the topographic model of the psyche, it, therefore, belongs to the system of unconscious; Such energy is generally characteristic of primary processes. During the creation of the topographic model of the psyche Freud, it believed that the binding of energy is delaying the discharge, which the associated energy is characteristic of the functioning of the preimary system.

After creating the structural theory of the psyche of the sphere, it began to be considered a location of free, mobile energy, while the sphere I work primarily with a more neutralized, that is, with the associated or pre -subalized energy. From an economic point of view, the concept of mental energy plays a major role in a psychoanalytic approach. As sources of mental energy, psychoanalysis initially considered not only attractions, but also the external reality. The mental apparatus is performed to a certain extent by the function of the distribution of energy, which is possible to be carried out by changing the occupation objects and changes in the number of occupying energy. The development of psychology ideas in the writings of Heinz Hartmann, Ernst Chris and Rudolph Levsenstyna led to the development of a concept neutralized or pre -subalized ("disaggressive") energy. As part of the theoretical representations of the ego-psychology of the sphere, it is endowed with sexual and aggressive free, mobile energy, while the sphere I uses pre -sylized and disgusting energy. In this regard, it is also possible to speak about neutralized energy. From the point of view of age psychology, it is worth emphasizing that in childhood I differ in greater mobility, and where, where, in the subsequent life of the function, I associate with the sphere, it marks great mobility.

In a modern understanding, biopsychic energy is generated by the vital activity of the whole human body, and in its education, as is known, different forms of energies are involved and, first of all, thermal, electromagnetic, chemical. The presence of a biopolian person is a scientifically proven fact, as well as the existence of aura - the so-called part of the biofield, which goes beyond the physical body. Aura is measured by physical methods and has several parameters: electrical, magnetic, sound, optical, light. Mental energy is part of biopsychic energy, but it is neglected to other known types of energy and is not the result of transforming them. At the same time, mental energy, in all likelihood, is associated with other types of energy and is capable of transforming into other types of its varieties, for example, to mechanical or thermal.

There is an information and energy point of view on mental energy. According to it, the source of mental energy is a brain together with the channels of perception of information of various types (modalities) - analyzers. Each analyzer is known to be adapted to the reflection of a particular energy: visual and audio - electromagnetic (based on light and sound are electromagnetic oscillations), olfactory and flavoring - chemical; skin and kineette, giving information about temperature, external and internal pressure, on the movements of its own body, - mechanical and thermal; Vestibular, reflecting our position in space, - gravitational. Having perceived the impact of the energy of a particular type, the brain then makes an assessment of the received information: compares with "samples" stored in memory, determines the degree of utility or danger to life, identifies the degree of attractiveness for the personality of its owner, etc. after that, as is known A response occurs, for example, with words, emotions, decision-making or actions.

When one or another energy from outside acts on the brain, it actuates intangible, or ideal, psyche components. Thinking, memory, attention, ideas will be started to work, as if the experience and knowledge stored in brain cells are awakened, the settings, values, needs, pop up in the consciousness of the once acquired habits, skills, skills. These and similar manifestations of psyche are intangible. They are ideal because they do not possess physical parameters or chemical properties, they cannot be removed from the brain, to be analyzed or measured until they appear outside. True, when the ideal activity is carried out, the brain is fixed with the help of devices specific physical and chemical changes. However, this is only a physiological basis, and not the content of mental, and they do not talk about anything. Just as the temperature of the heated boiler does not tell us anything about the properties of liquid poured into it.

The living brain is a device by which there is a transformation of different types of energy acting on a person, in mental energy (the ideal energy) and back - mental energy (ideal energy) in other types of energy.

It is known how actively "works" perfect in the psyche: one thought that arose under the influence of a particular external impact is able to awaken a whole stream of thoughts, desires, needs, plans; The image of the nearby past sometimes revives images of youth or childhood, the external impact can mobilize the will of a person, to encourage him to creativity, etc. What is happening? It turns out an amazing: intangible manifestations of psyche possess energy. Energy is endowed with images, thoughts, needs, abilities, emotions, feelings, knowledge, installations, moods, habits, desires, motives, character properties, - all these and other manifestations of psyche are ideal carriers. The fact is that they are saturated with information that is the source of energy, the information is constantly acting, is in the process of transformation and, which is extremely important, exists in a very compressed form. The brain of each person keeps a huge amount of information, ready to declare himself at any time. Information filled out our consciousness, assignation and subconscious.

So, mental energy is the activity of intangible, or ideal, phenomena phenomena with information that focuses on different levels - consciousness, assignments and subconscious.

In all likelihood, mental energy begins to accumulate in a person still in an urtis. It is known that at that moment the psyche is enriched with information. But basic information is assimilated by a person after the appearance of the light, in particular, in the form of pleasant or unpleasant impressions, positive or negative experience, in the form of images of a safe or threatening medium, etc. It is likely that the predominance of positive or negative information determines the quality of mental energy reproducible by the brain of a particular individual. If everyone mentally add to this energy flow all that they bring to it the usual states and the typical properties of a person are prevailing positive or negative feelings, bad or good character traits, positive or negative installations, etc., the energy "twin" will turn out. .

The information and energy field is the display of invisible and non-hearing, but, nevertheless, perceived essence of the individual.

In the historical consciousness of many nations, there is an idea that each person has a "twin". He resides either in the image of some animal partner, or in shape relative to an independent soul. In the light of the lepton electromagnetic hypothesis, the presence of a "twin" receives an explanation. There are several hundred biologically active points on the surface of the skin - their radiation creates total quantum shells of the human body. There is no doubt that mental energy is present in the bioenergy flow.

What "Does" mental energy? First, it combines an external and internal human life medium. After all, it is the mental energy that participates in the conversion of material in perfect and back. In this sense, it is only possible to talk about the psyche as a person's attribute. In fact, it is part of some more general, the information and bioenergy system, which is the world, in which we are immersed and other space inhabitants, including space. This indivisible world of material and spiritual. It is united by general strengths of action - harmony and disharmony, opposing beginnings, elements of heaven, water, fire and earth, time and space.

According to the teachings of living ethics (Agni Yoga), the source of life in the universe is the fire, or the uppermost energy of the space - the energy is the finest, the most perfect - the mental energy of the highest quality. And this energy is the source of the life of all microcosms, the Macrocosm, including the human microcosm. It follows the conclusion: the livelihood of the body is maintained by the subtle energies of the microcosm, and the more subtle energy perceives and assimilates the microcosm, the greater the potential of the vitality he gets.

Assimilation means a harmonious integration of related elements (lat. Assimilation - like, similarity, merger, assimilation). The most subtle energies of a person, related to the degree of space of space, are the energies of his spirit, and the manifestation of the energies of the spirit is consciousness. The consciousness that perceived the subtle energy of the space, assimilates them in the microcosm and replenishes it with life force.

Thus, consciousness should perceive the subtle energy of space. For this, first of all, the presence of higher energies should be realized. Then you need to take into consciousness these higher energies. It is necessary to open their consciousness for them, to open the ones of its energies that are identical in the frequency of vibrations by the highest energies of space, which means they are related to them. In other words, it is necessary to refine, increase all the energies of your microcosm so that, to reveal your spiritual potential as much as possible, lead to the active state and even more thin the thin energy of the spirit. And then the active high, sophisticated spiritual energies assimilate the perceived higher energies of space, which are harmoniously humiliate into the energy sector of our microcosm and will replenish its vitality.

The indivisible world of material and spiritual connect the principles and trends in interpenetration and connections of various phenomena and processes. In the material and spiritual layers of this world, the same energy components are dominated by the same energy components - paints (colors), sounds, odors, rhythms, temperature, pressure.

The psyche is an integral part of this world, resonating, like everything else in it, in response to the events, and capable of influencing them. The psyche is a converter of various types of energy.

The psyche is manifested through emotions. Emotion (from Lat. Emovere - excite, worry) is usually understood as an experience, spiritual excitement.

Emotions are a psychophysial phenomenon, so the emergence of human experience can be judged both by the self-defense of a person about the condition of the state and in the nature of the change in vegetative indicators (heart rate, arterial pressure, respiratory frequency, etc.) and psychomotorics: Mimic, Pantomimika (pose), motor reactions, voice. In psychology, under emotions, mental processes occur in the form of experiences and reflecting personal significance and evaluation of external and internal situations for human activity.

Why does man and animals have such a variety of emotional reactions? What is the difference between the mechanisms of the occurrence of one emotion from another? Why this object, the signal, this situation causes us exactly this, and not another emotion? Is this "merit" of the stimulus or the specifics of the work of certain brain structures?

The reason for the diversity of emotional reactions is seen in the countlessness of reflex acts, arising under the influence of external objects and immediately recognized by us. Since in the reflex act there is nothing unchanged, absolute, and reflex actions can vary until infinity, then vary to infinity and mental reflections of these physiological changes, i.e. Emotions.

Emotions are a unique creation of wildlife, the most universally implemented in man. They are arranged so that they found themselves on the line of the merger of two worlds - material and ideal, consecration of transformations of different types of energy acting on the individual, in mental energy and back. In other words, emotions play the role of an intermediary in transforming material external and internal influences in mental energy.

As a result, a world arises, which has neither physical or temporary, nor worldview borders. Many phenomena and processes that unite material and spiritual are long known and approximately equally meaningful in different points of earthly space - in the Mexican province and in ancient China, in the new and old world, in India and Tibet. Buddhists, Indian yoga, northern shamans, the sorcerers of the Tsocylle Indians have similar ideas about the links of the energy spheres (shells) of a person with energy potentials of space, as well as close ideas about the methods of establishing contacts between material and mental.

The material and spiritual in the world is best united by intermediaries, which the people of the past have appropriated different ranks and which were called in different ways - gods, sorcerers, magicians, fairies, signs, predictors, shamans. These are those who, due to their special abilities, much easier than the rest overcomes the invisible face of the material and spiritual. However, what is this mediation? The answer is one - on the properties of emotions (psyche), capable of choosing different types of mental energy. Prayer facing the "creator", the actions of the sorcerer, the magician, shaman - everything is based on the concentration of mental energy. Emotional energy absorbs mental energy from different sources - deposit, intelligence, worldview, plans, needs, will, etc. The concentration of energy reaches the power of suggestion, prompting, gust, creation or destruction.

The artists, sculptors, composers, musicians, poets, dancers, inventors should be attributed to the particularly gifted intermediaries of the material and spiritual. All of them are talented mental energy generators and information translastors from the outside world, where they draw inspiration, in the inner, where they take energy for creation, and convert it back to the external - in their products.

The Creator has a powerful mental energy that allows him to capture his emotional state in the creation. At the same time, the power of energy is so great that it is enough to ensure that the usual person, the consumer of creativity, can perceive, decipher and express his response. This means that the energy impact on the consumer was repeatedly transformed in it: it was translated from the outside insight, it was reflected, caused a resonance in feelings, thoughts, values \u200b\u200band "released" in the form of delight, opinions, moods.

Masterpieces of world classics are the mediators of material and spiritual, whose information and energy essence is able to broadcast over the centuries, almost infinitely, while there is a foundation for this - emotional behaviors. One-day hat is a moment of its existence subject to the same laws: the composer and the poet "fall" into the emotional mood of contemporaries. But his energy force is hapher and disappears after several acts of perception.

The most ordinary person thanks to emotions also becomes a mediator between the material and spiritual. At the same time, he performs prosaic work: the properties of the physical world converts every second to mental energy and back. True, the modern man prevents the mind. Today, humanity is in a tragicomic situation: it turns out that the ancients reflected the world more precisely than the current enlightened generations can do. Our ancestors were successfully penetrated into a single cosmological matrix and lived according to its laws.

They achieved this with the help of sensations, emotions, intuitions and feelings and in something were wiser. The paradox lies in the fact that with the help of mind and knowledge, which is proud of the person of our time, tune in and penetrating into the matrix of the Universe is almost impossible.

It is much easier for this to be achieved if the mind is "disconnected" and the sensory, emotions, assignation and subconscious begins to act instead. Then the brain is likened to the top-sensitive receiving-transmitting device, which responds to cosmic realities and acts in unity with them. It turns out that it is the ritual action of a sorcerer: it gradually "turns off" his mind and turns into a receiver and an energies generator.

Whether the paradox is that the mind prevents the penetration into a cosmological matrix? Of course not. How can the consciousness of man, burdened, say, school knowledge can interact with the surrounding world? In this case, the brain is capable of decoding the information and act strictly directed in accordance with the program given to it - through the learned ideas, concepts, moral principles. And the brain exposed completely defectively works, subjected to any ideological processing. Our thinking is stiff.

In addition, mental energy leads to motion various intangible substances of the psyche and is transmitted from some mental realities to others. For example, thought prompts the feeling or will, and the will manages a feeling or makes concentrated thinking.

At the same time, the role of gear, binding different carriers of the ideal, that is, mental energy, perform emotions.

Emotions will redirect their energy to various mental realities and absorb the energy of many sources.

Such a "screwing" of mental energy is necessary for the implementation of the "Internal - to external" scheme. With the help of emotions, or rather combined on their basis, mental energy, the individual comes into contact with the surrounding reality. Now he meets its needs with increased strength, realizes the potentials, embodies plans and ideas, that is, affects Wednesday. Mental energy causes various forms of external response, that is, the material manifestations of psyche. For example, thoughts or memories encourage people to statements, feelings and emotions provoke television - facial expressions and gestures, arising images entail meaningful actions, materialized in creativity.

This is the conversion of intangible forms of mental energy into the material forms. This also means that mental energy is transformed into other varieties of energy: in electromagnetic - sounding speech; Mechanical - written speech, facial expressions, gestures and other television; In thermal, - for example, internal excitement can cause a decrease or increase in body temperature.

What are the properties of mental energy? We note some of those related to interpersonal interaction.

1. Since mental energy is manifested in a person's life constantly, it becomes the background of all its activities - internal and external. Take the inside life of the individual. Mental energy accompanies all mental processes - cognitive, emotional, volitional. It is present in any mental state, for example, in sentiments, experiences, affects. It is an indispensable attribute of such sustainable property properties, as character, beliefs, installations, needs, moral qualities, etc. As a background of human external activity, mental energy is found in cooperation with partners, in the work performed, in leisure activities, in creativity.

2. Mental energy manages man. It is known that it is worth thinking about someone, remember, submit people, subjects or events, as the needs are awakened in response, there are certain images, moods, desires, motives or actions in space and time.

3. Like any energy, mental energy goes beyond its source - brain, human physical body. It easily spreads in space, it may be rushing to cosmic gave. In any case, the energy of one person is capable of achieving the other.

4. The mental energy of one person affects the state and behavior of the other. This means that each of us is both a mental energy generator and its conductor and a receiver.

Today they speak a lot and write about psychics, but why is it worth it so close attention? After all, in fact, all people are able to perceive and send threads of mental energy. Some have these abilities almost inactive, but most use them, not suspecting it. Each person is experiencing the energy influence of partners. With one people to communicate easily and simply, they seem to attract to themselves, and with others a person feels uncomfortable, they are intense - they seem to repel the invisible wave. There are people who give their energy to partners, and there are also those mainly consume it ("vampirism"). Being at a considerable distance, we sometimes feel the state of a native or loved one. In the society of your beloved we feel warm and lifting the spirit, while the unattractive partner awakens antipathy, as if it blows from it. Sometimes the partner infects its energy, and it is transferred to it impulse or pessimism.

Sources of mental energy

Energy is not formed again and does not disappear. Consequently, the flow rate and replenishment of energy is different degrees of energy movement between energy sources. Movement, breathing, food, sleep, place and time, external and internal processes are an incomplete list of available energy sources. Consider these sources in more detail, given that the energy of these sources can spend money, accumulate, transform, distributed or sent. It is possible to determine the degree of energy (it accumulates at the moment by a person or spend) with the help of knowledge of how to successfully interact with this energy.

There is a dynamic type of energy known to us, falling into the flow of which, a person can significantly increase its efficiency, saving the consumption of his own psycho-physical forces. This is an "independent movement", more relating to our psycho-emotional and spiritual component. In particular, a person, consciously choosing an egregor with the coincident vector of goals, can use EGREGRA energy (knowledge and strength of other people - members of Egregar) to overcome a certain stage of life in the best possible way. For example, if a person lacks positive emotions in life and should strengthen relations in the family, he can join the club "Sports Family". As a result, a person will change his image not alone, but he will help the Egregor of the same name with the participation of his whole family and all members of the club. Such techniques literally "pull out" a person from his unfavorable past, but under the condition of a sufficient force of Egregor.

The second type of movement can be launched by a person independently. We give such examples:

  • physical culture, sports, tourism and other types of different muscle activity;
  • autotraining, hypnosis, meditation and other methods of distinguishing and braking of the psyche;
  • ritual dancing, smooth movements Taijitsuan, qigong exercises, static Yoga Assans and other amazing practices that combine the philosophy of spiritual and physical recovery;
  • massage, tantric sex and other paired and group intimate exercises;

Even the cutting of firewood can serve a good service to a person to gain valuable life resources. However, it turns out that the same type of movement may, as a result of the work of the person's work, bring energy consumption or its accumulation.

Physical culture and sport suggest increase in exercise of physical exertion from charging and workout to workout, from training to sports games and competitions, from them to establish both personal and universal sports records as personal physical opportunities have grown. As a result of practicing physical culture, good health and mood is achieved, mental and physical efficiency is restored. As a rule, classes at the level of mass physical culture for a healthy person are not associated with very large physical and volitional efforts, however, they create a powerful disciplining, toning and harmonizing background for all parties to its activities. Sport is characterized in that there is an element of competition, the desire for victory and the achievement of high results that require increased mobilization of the physical, mental and moral qualities of a person who are improved in the process of rational training and participation in competitions.

Autotraining is the method of impact on its physical and emotional state due to self-sustainment. As a rule, autotraining, as well as meditation is effective for short-term recreation, suppressing stress and excessive excitability. In this case, potential mental energy is formed and accumulated. Mental energy begins to move in a person who is not able to remain calm. Modern Western philosophy transfers "Active Lifestyle" to the area of \u200b\u200bemotions and feelings, teaches for example, that stress is good, as they mobilize all the human strength to achieve concrete goals, but these teachers are little interested that the body literally "burns" in a short time On time such stress. In this case, the person has an overrun of energy at the expense of strong emotions accompanying certain events, and then he is experiencing strong fatigue, and its body requires rest, and, consequently, recharging.

Now the positive thinking has become very popular. However, it can be as deeply meaningful, calm, positive attitude of a person to life; So blinding the conviction that "I have everything perfectly." In this case, when a person pumped by "positive" through self-sustainment, he uses his own reserves, i.e. Enjoy a personal field, its energy. Redirecting its energy to the right place, a person sets himself a "raised mood" and acquires the ability to easily cope with the problems of life. With self-sufficiency, the mental energy of a person is involved, which mobilizes the internal reserves of the body, leads to the agreed work of all cells of the body and healing it. Spiritual, religious teachings, mainly eastern, teach to develop in themselves, first of all, good character qualities, such as calm and peace. At the expense of a strong spiritual basis, such people are not attended by anxiety, and as we remember, the brain works more effectively at lower biorhythms. Cashing creativity or mental activities, a person due to internal work can produce a lot of energy, despite the fact that it will lead a quiet, calm way of life. Creativity and mental activity produce a lot of energy. If a person is in constant anxiety and does not do anything like that, and the exchange of energy is necessary for him to feel good, then he is desirable to rotate as much as possible in society. The relationship in society also causes a person to produce energy to all kinds of communication. The personality interacts with a large number of people, the more it produces energy. The bigger energy industry has a person, with a large number of people, he must interact to strengthen its potential and produce such an energy volume that corresponds to its potential.

Hatha Yoga focuses on the right position of the body, with the aim of harmonious development. Due to the high focus on the location of the parts of the body, the brain works better and faster, because There is a state of "dynamic meditation". An important rule is compliance with the sequence of poses (asanes), which are selected in a specially reduced risk of injury. In the generally accepted understanding of Yoga - this is a kind of static gymnastics. However, the founder of yoga philosopher Patanjali broke her to eight steps and the practice of full yoga is the universal philosophy of life designed to lead a person fortunately. Considering only the physical aspect of yoga - the execution of Asan, it should be noted that it improves flexibility, returns vital forces and health, activates the work of the internal organs, establishes the relationship between the body and mind, to move from physical perfection to the spiritual. Hatha-yoga is universal in nature - exercises are selected according to their current state. If you feel fatigue after a working day, soothing asans should be performed. In the morning it is better to perform activating asans (in the standing position). An intense person may seem that there is nothing complicated in yoga poses. However, your personal experience will show that even finding in the simplest posture in a fixed state is quite difficult to fulfill. Developing the ability to remain motionless in one position at least for a minute, you also develop such personal qualities as the will and concentration. So Daily yoga classes allow you to accumulate a person potential psycho-physical energy: keep your physical body in good shape and strengthen the psyche. Such a person literally "do not touch" life difficulties, because he knows how to tolerate, while in the serene state.

At the same time, there is an opinion that exercises in Hatha-yoga - it is in a light form produced with great care, can strengthen health, in the opposite case they will lead to obsession, the form of madness.

During massage, sex and other intimate exercises committed in a pair, the energy as surrendered and is acquired by the interaction of people as sources of energy. The quality of such energy interaction is influenced by the nature of the partner, technique, duration and other personal factors. Erecting sex into the rank of the main human instinct, scientists gave him the status of one of the most prompting forces in the universe. Such a desire forms a powerful stream of energy in a person, which can be used both by its direct intended purpose and for progression purposes, through sublimation.

There are popular oriental schools, in particular, the teachings of the Tao and the school of tantric sex, which argue that with the help of special techniques and adopting a specific philosophy, you can find a strong health, an increase in mental abilities and even achieve spiritual awakening (Kundalini's awakening). Sexy energy nourishes the human body, mind and spirit, it is creative in nature. From the point of view of Taoirs, energy and work with it is the main factor in achieving the overall state of happiness. The principle of the above-mentioned Eastern techniques is to hold seed and redirect sexual energy, which is generated during a sexual act along the vertebral pole to the brain and then down to the solar plexus to organize the circulation of such energy throughout the body.

Breathing is a process, difficult to work with the work of the whole human system: with the movement of both physical and what is happening in our consciousness. When we are alarmed and extremely excited, our breath is frequent and intermittent. Intentionally soothing his breath and slowing it, we gradually stabilize our emotional state. Thus, changing the rhythm and the type of breathing, we can influence the whole complex of physiological and mental changes in the body. Concentrating the attention of breathing, a person is able to proceed to the transformation of air energy into different types of energy necessary for spiritual activity. For example, in Pranayaam (respiration control), one of the principles is a mental representation of filling itself with vital energy when inhaling and exemption when exhaling. So, by controlling breathing, a person learn to manage energy (prana). For example, a universal and popular breathing exercise, quickly leading a nervous system is alternate breathing with nostrils. It allows you to feel calm and balanced after several breaths and exhale. This allows you to quickly enter a favorable state for meditation. So Work with breathing allows in addition to physiological nutrition of blood oxygen, open other aspects of the "thin" energies of a person.

A person performs mechanical actions, moves, thinks, feels - and all this he needs energy. We are accustomed to personify themselves with the body and believe that we fully replenish the reserves of your personal energy through food, as well as at the expense of solar energy, like every engine on the fuel. However, as you can see on your own experience, that if it is overly saturated with food, the energy is not more than it will not become more, but simply there is no strength to leave the table. Socrates taught to refrain from all that they eat not for thickening hunger, but for taste, and persuaded his disciples to do the same. He said that not only for the body, but also for the soul is great harm from the extra eating or drink, and advised to go out of the table yet I still want.

Today there are countless diets and nutritional diet: separate food; power calorie; vitamin additives; dairy, fruit or vegetable diet; Vegetarian food; All types of national cuisine, etc.

Separate meals are based on principle: proteins eat separately, carbohydrates separately and fats separately. However, this principle is not fully reflected in the proposed method, because There are practically no natural products containing only protein or only carbohydrate or only fat. Take any product with beds - vegetables or fruits - and there will be the content of all components of separate nutrition. An exception may be made of a glass of vegetable oil (pure fat), sugar (pure carbohydrate), egg protein (pure protein). But who of you will eat so much? There are evidence that people who for many years have observed separate nutrition, steel with neurasthenics times. Just imagine: it is necessary to constantly think about what product and when to eat, while a person constantly feels hunger and is not saturated with taste, which is very important for emotional satisfaction. Thus, a person can be and has a healthy body, but the psyche becomes frustrated.

Food in calories appeared in 1930 as a result of the publication of two young people nominated the idea that "obesity is rather the result of consumption of calorie products, rather than a metabolic disorder." Despite the fact that they did not succeed in serious scientific work, their work was published and immediately accepted as an undeniable scientific dogma. Their theory was introduced into the curriculum of medical institutions of many Western countries of the world and even today continues to occupy the leading place there. As a result, a simplified and dangerous hypothesis that does not have a real scientific basis led to the fact that in most cases obesity in people with more than fifteen-twenty kilograms of overweight, was acquired as a result of long-term and consistent compliance with low-calorie diets. In life, we see people literally dying with the hunger and continuing to gain weight. This is caused by the fact that our body is programmed to postpone for its survival fat under any power conditions.

Vitamins are nothing but connections present in food. A hundred years ago, scientists find out that some diseases are caused by a lack of vitamins. In the middle of the last century, Linus Pauling, the laureate of the two Nobel awards, came the idea that vitamins have sufficient force to prevent even such serious diseases as cancer and premature aging, just need to take them in huge quantities. Poling's statement that a large amount of vitamin C is a cold tool is perceived in our time as a dogma as a scientifically based fact. Everything heard about him and no one is in doubt. Such statements of the well-known scientist quickly created the superindustia of the production of vitamins and food additives, then no one thought that any theoretical calculations should be confirmed by life, and these practical experiments during the human life are several decades. Modern institutions studying data on the life of volunteers of host vitamins, concluded: Undoubtedly, Vitamin C is acting on a cold when you have already become infected; But does he prevent her? The answer was unexpected - the reception of a huge amount of vitamin C will not help in preventing colds. Other, more sad research results were received with respect to the reception of other vitamins. An increase in the reception of a variety of vitamin A - retinol, during a long time, increases the risk of osteoporosis - bone destruction. Increasing the same reception of carotene, another variety of vitamin A, among smokers, led to the development of lung cancer in almost a third of volunteers. So far, scientists cannot with accuracy to call a dose not harmful to the body. At the same time, scientists make another conclusion: a large number of vitamins for our body is not predictable, and natural balanced food is able to provide us with everything necessary.

It is believed that overeating is caused by the desire to have as much as possible, or in other words it is caused by greed. Food gives a person what he needs for life. However, that there is life for us: only the existence of a physical body, or also the presence of a spiritual body. What is more priority for you. For example, Mahatma Gandhi picked up his diet in such a way as to maintain his spirit with peaceful, calm. To do this, he did not allow the seasonings and products of stimulating development in man appetites and passions.

Food compensates for the loss of positive body energy. It balances the negative energy entering the body (feelings of guilt, fear and evil) and thereby does not give the body to die. Appetite for various dishes and products arises as a subconscious desire to compensate for the lack of energy. By paying attention to the body signals, you can learn from them to think and recognize stress. Appetite contains information about what is happening in you, and this information is simple.

If you want sour, then the feeling of guilt needs. If you do not free the feelings of guilt and continue to lean on sour, then this moment will come when the feeling of guilt will grow to an emergency size, will become deadly, and you will become a prosecutor. You will no longer pull on sour, and pulls on the sweet.

If you are experiencing an irresistible craving for sweet, then you have great fear. It requires feeding. Consumption sweet causes pleasant calm, and thus the sweet imperceptibly becomes a means of complacency. Who is too fond of sweet, he grows his fears.

The meat thrust means that you are angry, and you can only eat meat malice. If an angry person does not get meat, he becomes more angry. The habit of eating meat grips anger. Than a man of evil, the more he consumes meat. Than the evil salty, the first and sharper, the solee, the reprint and sharper should be meat on his dining table. If you force an embittered person to eat exclusively vegetable food, he humbles, lose weight and becomes more and more man.

Every person dreams of perfection. Who starts the meal with sour, that soon pulls on the sweet, and when the sweet is eaten, then on the salty. A man in a state of stress always eats more than necessary. He eats ahead - after the salty, again is accepted for the sweet, drinking sour and so on. If you bane stress with unreasonable power, then the appetite does not disappear, just the stomach no longer holds, the appetite remains.

If in a person with an equal force, the feeling of guilt, fear and evil, then such a person must adhere to the exact mode and diet. It is believed that the solid routine of the day contributes to good digestion and efficiency. In fact, with proper thinking, time does not matter. It is enough when the hungry stomach signal appeal with a positive mood to its digestive tract and to food.

We give an example of the relationship between appetite and a specific disease. For example, with an increase in the feelings of guilt, constantly and with pleasure to be on sour, man one fine day feels that sour clips more in his mouth. Pain in the stomach indicates that a peptic disease arose. The feeling of guilt has grown in charge. Now a person should go to frequent consumption of meat and dairy, otherwise the stomach begins to eat himself. The increased acidity arising from the accusation is angry with the attack on the available meat, without asking whether it is its own (stomach) or someone else's (food). It also behaves both a man with ulcerative disease. When the ulcer begins to bleed, the evil has become very bloodthirsty.

A person with a balanced mental life does not abuse food and seasonings. He doesn't need a diet. If a person drinks little water, then he has a acute vision of the world and acute perception. If a person drinks a lot of water, then the world is vague for him and is unclear, but benevolent and friendly. True, water reduces, that is, dilutes aggressiveness, fears and mental experiences.

We give examples of energy of some foods: cereals - responsibility to the world, rye - interest in comprehending the deep wiseness of life, wheat - interest in comprehending the surface wisers of life, rice - precisely balanced perfect vision of the world, corn - easy to get everything from life, barley - self-confidence , Oats - Thirst for Knowledge, Curiosity, Potatoes - Severity, Carrot - Mixing, Cabbage - Cardication, Brewwood - Traction for Knowledge, Beets - Ability to explain intelligoous things, cucumber - Tomorrow, Dreasury, Tomato - Vera in Himself, Gorok - Logical Thinking , Onions - recognition of your own mistakes, garlic - self-confident disadvantage, an apple - reasonableness, dill - patient and excerpt, lemon - critical mind, banana - frivolity, grapes - satisfaction.

Any impossibility leads to the opposite result. So the good food from the unlimited consumption becomes bad. Miracle of Nature - Honey - gives perfect maternal love and warmth, as if maternal hug. Therefore, honey is treated with all diseases. If a person has never been tried to experience such love if he is afraid of love of his mother, causing pain, he hates honey.

All modern diets take into account the compatibility of food with each other, but do not fully take into account the use of food. So, modern science claims that it is necessary to finish eating food to seven o'clock in the evening, and the use of milk for an adult is harmful, since it is not absorbed. However, the science of Ayurveda claims that every product has its own time. We give the basic nutrition guidelines.

Breakfast is best from 6 to 8 am, while the sun rises. This increases the activity of the digestive organs and you feel "suction" in the abdomen. Morning is the time of optimism and happiness, so it is recommended to use products with an optimistic character. Such products include all fruits, dairy products, berries, nuts, sweet spices, jam, sugar and honey. Morning - time for the sweet, forming a positive mood, but the rest of the time the sweet will interfere with normal concentration on labor.

Dining need from 10 to 14 hours. Ideally eat at 12 o'clock when the sun is in Zenith. It is at this time that according to Vedic knowledge, an outbreak of activity in the body, which can easily digest food. At this time, it is good to use all cereals and legumes to activate mental activities. However, if you eat these products at another time, there will be a completely opposite result. For example, if you eat bread in the evening, it will prevent mental activity and contribute to the formation of kidney stones. In addition, non-glare food lies in the stomach all night, highlighting toxins. As a result, the nervous system is suffering and a person after awakening feels, broken, weak and tired.

Dinner is best in the area of \u200b\u200b18 hours stewed vegetables (except tomatoes and potatoes) and nuts with a small amount of butter, salts and spices. You can also use buckwheat. 1-2 hours before the waste to sleep, it is recommended to take a small amount of boiled milk with spices, which helps to increase sleep efficiency, remove the mental tension as a medicine for the mind and mind. Night time is the only time when milk can be worried about the body.

In the evening, every person accumulates fatigue. The magnitude of fatigue arises from the number of errors that we made during the day, or, in other words, it is measured by the level of accumulated stress. Regular non-replenishment of energy through sleep leads to accumulated fatigue, which is inconspicuously becoming a disease. People actively engaged in spiritual practice practically do not have such fatigue and they are enough 3-4 hours for sleep.

There is a general opinion that sleep relieves fatigue. However, sleep quality, as well as preparing to sleep, are more important than the amount of time devoted to him. Intellectual and emotional state has a special impact on sleep quality. Before bedtime it is recommended instead of viewing on TV with no news of the news, take a warm shower or bath, perform stretching exercises and relaxation, domestic and then, with a clean consciousness and calm mind to move to sleep. And every day before bedtime, you must remember about your main goal of life. Sleep in this case will have a medicinal force for the mind and mind.

The material body has a permissible limit of minimal energy, below which irreversible processes and death occur. The body is constantly under the control of the unconscious, which is monitored by all the parameters of the physical body and its bodies. Therefore, when the amount of energy drops to a permissible limit value, a device that provides a body feeding device. And when a person sits down or goes to rest, this device works with need, and energy begins to flow into the material shell. Where do the strength come from during sleep? Modern scientists argue that dreams are needed by our psyche in order to rework the conflicts that it is disturbing and scientifically proves the need to sleep up to 8-9 hours a day. Generally accepted beauties, such as Claudia Schiffer, sleep at 12 o'clock a day to preserve their beauty.

Ayurveda Science claims that it is important not only the quantity and quality of sleep, but also time when you should fall asleep and wake up. According to ancient knowledge, the mind and mind rest from 9 to 11 pm. Not compliance with this rule leads to a gradual decrease in mental abilities and human intelligence. Life strength is restored from 11 pm to 1 hour, if a person does not sleep at this time, it will begin to appear the nervous and muscle system. From 1 to 3 o'clock in the morning, emotions and feelings are resting at this time, irritability, aggressiveness and antagonism will begin to manifest themselves in man. In general, a person from 18 to 45 years old is recommended to sleep on average 6 hours, for example, from 10 pm to 4 in the morning, but also consider the individual feature and rhythm of life. Many people, ever achieved success, unites the early lift rule in the morning. However, none of them can explain in detail why they do it, except that while everyone is sleeping, I can have time to do more. Ayurveda, explains that from 3 to 6 am, the human mind works much faster and focusing than during the day, which allows it to more effectively solve the vital tasks. And such recommendations for each type of activity exist in ancient texts, but modern scientists are skeptical about them, preferring to develop their theories.

Location and time
Emergencies of centuries exist such sciences as astrology, hairdryer Shui, Wasta-Shastra and others who are asked to identify the most appropriate time and place in any actions, to identify the best way to organize the surrounding and indoor space. The task of such science is a prevention of favorable or adverse elements at a time or another, as well as the inclusion of a person in a favorable, filled stream stream capable of spending it through the time to achieve the target.

Everything in our world is under the influence of time and moves, according to the cycle law. We cannot stop the aging of the body or the destruction of the built home, but only slow down it. Time is valid for all spheres of our life. For example, a medicine that enhances digestion needs to be taken before eating or after. However, the medicine adopted during the meal, only damage the digestive organ. Vedic medicine, for example, a step cannot stand without Vedic astrology, individually drawn up for the patient.

The fact that the action of our body is subject to biorhythms, and modern scientists know. They are accepted for 3 spheres: physical, emotional and intellectual. And there are simple programs to compile such individual forecasts for its biorhythmic state, in order to use their condition to specific life situations.

Modern science also identified as a result of studies that the work of neurons of our brain varies depending on the direction in which we look. In addition, there are "orientational" neurons in the brain, which serve signals about the location of the body indoors and in space. Thus, the direction in which we look, has a direct impact on the work of our brain and the body as a whole.

Ancient Vedic Knowledge Go much further than this approval. They describe how precisely the orientation in space affects the mind and body. When we live or work in buildings with incorrect orientation or distorted proportions, the work of neurons of the brain is incorrect, and it can cause anxiety, illness, decay of creative forces, trouble in family and professional life, antisocial behavior, and even criminal inclinations.

In nature, everything is proportionately to its destination. For example, each body of a person's body is not only located in the right place, but also has accurate proportions, and any deviation can disrupt the balance and cause problems. The sun moving around the sky, radiates various types of energy that have a certain impact on various parts of the house. Vedic knowledge is taught to design in such a way that these types of energy correspond to what a person is engaged in various rooms at home or building. It is very important to arrange each room in the right place in accordance with its appointment, so that the person does not feel drowsiness in the dining room or hunger in the office. This is just one of many factors that it is important to consider so that every aspect of everyday life is in complete harmony with nature.

Magical ways to harmonize living space always occupied a significant place in the cultures of the peoples of the world. Since ancient times, the sympathetic principle was used to transmit information and exposure to the distance. The possibility of this was occupied by the minds of people even when sciences in the present understanding did not exist. No matter how paradoxically, in a primitive society, a person's dependence on the speed and quality of information transmission was often higher than in modern, much more rich information flows, but also more protected from accidents. Successes in war and hunting, the ability to resist diseases for an ancient person meant life or death. Therefore, everything that somehow was associated with the information, we had a cult value. Ways to impact and transmit information, subjects with which these actions were carried out were sacred and trusted only specially trained people. Moreover, the ancient society was so impregnated by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe importance of information impact that ritual character was carried by almost all items that were used in everyday life. From an ancient rock painter in a cave, on which the hunter strikes the beast an arm to Tamtamov Africans and the wagon of Ukrainians who can transmit sound information for many kilometers. From the battle tops and the swords of the Vikings to Slavic spindle and stranger, used simply for making casual wear. The man lived ritually, everything he was surrounded, was not just a warehouse "empty"; information, but a source of vital energy information interaction. For many centuries, a person has developed effective techniques for active impact on the world around, and the energy-information impact methods occupied the dominant position among them.

In principle, there are two main methods of harmonization. In one case, this is a flat pattern capable of using the correct location in space and inclusion in time to generate energy supporting the necessary "climate". A bright example is the giant drawings in the Naska desert, the feasibility of which for a person argued so long and will still argue modern science. The pagan systems of sacred groves, characteristic of the ancient Slavs, Celts, Romans, etc., also served such a harmonization of space, characteristic of the ancient Slavs, Celts, and other trees in this case.

The second method of harmonization is the construction of bulk structures, in principle, performing the same task as a flat pattern on the ground. These are the Egyptian pyramids, the pyramids of the ancient Maya, the temples of all cultures and peoples of the world. This also includes the famous Stone Henge in England, and the stone grave under Melitopol. But if modern temples are designed to serve the needs of only limited areas of the terrain, the pyramids are more global importance.

As an example of a separate group of small power systems, talismans and amulets can be brought. A feature of amulets and talismans, distinguishing them from other harmonizing power systems, is their individual selection in each particular case. Moreover, in contrast to the power systems belonging to a certain egregor, the use of non-rounding means of exposure to a person's biofield does not contradict the strict consequence of the traditions of that egregor, which man belongs. These systems due to the individual harmonization of human field structures make it possible to increase its ability to psycho-physiological adaptation in society, without affecting the reservoir that is responsible for the egregrial connections.

The spectrum of talismans used since the oldest times and the faiths are very rich. Along with minerals, plants and metals, signagers were widely used. This class includes sacred drawings - Yantras and Mandalas. And if the mandala belongs to the devices "global", impersonal harmonization of space, as it displays the highest cosmic law of the world order of our universe, then Yantra is more close to real time, space, man and situations. Even more close to a particular person and his everyday worries are widely used in Magic Palekley - a signagers designed to harmonize certain situations and problems arising in society. The simplest signagers are often found in state symbols, family coat of arms, etc., various geometric shapes are triangles, pentagram, hexagrams. It is necessary, however, make a reservation that the simplest they are only in terms of drawing, but at the same time they carry a very deep symbolic meaning.

Already in paracetes, individual signagers were used to treat various diseases and as champions of the biofield. Moreover, despite the rapid development of official science, just recently important discoveries relating to the impact on a person of various information systems were made. During the work carried out in Germany in the period from 1933 to 1945, aimed in search of the most effective methods for managing the psyche and behavior of a person, the specialists of the Anecherbe Society ("Heritage of ancestors") found a special education in the pituitary area called "Crystal Will. " Obviously, until that time, there were no devices for targeted protection of a similar structure from foreign impact. Perhaps such an impact and was taken into account in the complex with others, as the main part, but due to the absence of the very concept of the "Will crystal", the protective devices could hardly be effective. As experience shows, and at present the overwhelming majority of protective systems do not take into account the psychophysical device of the cerebral cortex and the physiology of human information systems. This means that as a result, the protective system impact is carried out without taking into account the individual characteristics of a person as a physiological and social facility. This achieves superficial, not a deep effect, covering only a small part of field structures. As a result, the mechanisms of mental adaptation are not fully included, and at a certain stage, a person is formed by a "explosive" complex, causing either mental disruptions, or the "collapse" of the event plan with a complete set of psychic and physical injuries.

Sciences, similar to the Vedas and Feng Shui, actively used our ancestors. In Russian skeins, according to scientists, windows and doors were also made taking into account the correct circulation of energy, even the ring for the cradle with a baby was attached to the ceiling in an energy-powerful place.

We give as an example some tips on Feng Shui, which will help you improve good luck in business:

  • It is believed that the dragon creates the precious space energy chi, which brings good luck to the house and office. Install such a dragon along with the fountain in the north for limitless career success or in the southeast for great good luck wealth.
  • Globe from the crystal is one of the most powerful means of enhancing success in the areas of education, literature and communications. If you work in one of these areas, install the globe from the crystal on your desktop, which will bring you not only success, but also wealth and recognition.
  • The sector responsible for his career according to the theory of eight aspirations is in the north. Installing wind music with 6 hollow metal tubes in this sector will cause life water energy that activates good luck in the career.

Feng Shui today is serious enough, believing that the usual quantity cannot exist successfully more than five thousand years. So in the center of Hong Kong, the government was forced to rebuild six floors of the Bank of China, due to the fact that the nearby structures were irradiated with negative energy.

Attitude towards astrology now remains rather skeptical, despite the view that one of the most popular and accurate predictive books in the world - the Bible is compiled, taking into account the astrological predictions of the motion of the planets. A person really wants to believe that everything in this world depends on it, but there are considerable forces much more powerful on which we cannot affect. Tides and flow, solar and lunar eclipses, star activity and many other phenomena leave a handprint on the human psyche. Somewhere a million kilometers from the ground, one planet approached too close to the other and it affected the entire Universe. If a person was born on this day, an hour and a minute, he was endowed with certain features of character, the horoscope is drawn up. In the same way, for some time, day and hour can be favorable for one kind of activity and not favorable for another.

External objects and processes
Any object of the universe is characterized by an energy attribute, which means it can be endowed with the following properties:

  • attract or repel a special kind of energy from the field of its influence (on the mental level - Egregor, on the physical - magnet)
  • accumulate any kind of energy (human memory accumulates information energy);
  • transform some types of energies to others (a person during self-sufficient transforms mental energy into physical, for example, in front of sports competitions);
  • emit energy outside (a positively configured person, with the help of a smile and the strength of thought breeding around itself the space of kindness and love);
  • direct in a given direction (a person with a persistent system of beliefs, will steadily send your thinking in the direction chosen by it);
  • relay, i.e. Take and transmit any energy flow in a certain direction without its quantitative and qualitative changes (information is transmitted, for example, by rumors);
  • to organize or structure a particularly different type of energy (the organizational leader from the crowd can make a public association);
  • generate, i.e. to reproduce the energy of a special kind and quality (person with a prayer, or mantra is able to generate mental energy with a certain goal);
  • to act as a catalyst for activating certain energy processes from other objects (one person with revolutionary ideas is able to "stir up" a whole society).

These properties apply to any visible or invisible objects, some of which become amules or talismans, such as concentrated sources of the energy of a certain quality in physical manifestation. Certain quality energy can be in man, beast, complex of stone monuments, natural formations or egregional structures and so on. Various shamans, sorcerers, exorcists or just people who are believed can do physical objects with magical properties. If modern science is not able to fix these subtle layers of energy, it does not mean that it does not exist. It rather means that to study thinners, a measuring device requires an even thinner nature, such as a person himself is capable of becoming.

The energy principle founded folk signs:

  • Do not take someone else's handkerchief - with him and other people's tears will go to you;
  • If you donate a rich man's wallet with you, then your wallet will learn money from him;
  • Wash together by one towel - soon quarrel.
  • After sunset, no money nor things do not give: there will be no refund.
  • The empty bottle on the table is not holding - there will be no money.
  • Wearing other things - to change your destiny.
  • Losing glove - unfortunately.
  • Inadvertently breaking the chain that is worn around the neck - to get rid of grave duties.

Life consists of interrelated processes involving the person in which he accepts both direct and indirect participation. Whether participation in the demonstration, a car traffic jam, a daily walk in the park, visiting the cinema - all this regular processes in which we have repeatedly participated. Other people and objects of the universe are also involved in the same permanent processes. The higher the level of reflection of the processes in a single phenomena system of various scale, the greater the possibilities of the person for use for use for external changes. For example, Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin used a revolutionary situation in the country and the disunity of other political parties to establish a socialist state. This was not possible to the Decembristians, because the situation in the country was completely different, they did not take into account the external processes in Russia. If you are depressed, pessimistic mood - go to the process of infection with laughter and positive emotions - go to the circus or look at the cinema, and the powerful stream of emotions formed by a group of people will pick up and will take you to where you will smile again. If it is difficult to force yourself to study, go to the place where learning is given a serious attitude - for example, in a public library - this can have a powerful encouraging stream of energy.

Species of external processes that allow you to generate a psycho-physical energy of a person, is the impact on the senses.

You can influence the connamement body through a visit to the bath, saunas, the reception of the contrasting shower and other types of temperature and water, as well as through the individual selection of clothing.

Through the smell, using aromatherapy techniques can affect a wide range of human capabilities. For example, cut a piece of orange and put on the table next to you. After a few seconds, your performance and mood will noticeably improve. If you can not fall asleep, instead of receiving tablets, use a light smell of lavender or roses and a calm sleep in a few minutes will be provided. Through the organ of hearing, vocal therapy is comprehensively affected by the entire body.

The sound affects the mind that is able to correct all psycho-physical deviations occurring in the body. We ourselves noticed that the melody is able to form a mood - what they sing about, then we are inside and experiencing. And if you analyze the contents of songs performed on the modern stage, then its quality, in the sense of providing the progress of society, leaves much to be desired.

The organ of vision participates in the recognition of images and transmits this information to the brain. Scientists know the connection of the colors and shapes of items with human mental characteristics. Therefore, with the help of the selection of the surrounding colors and shape in clothing, in the surrounding atmosphere at home and in the office can be influenced by their mental abilities. For example, a person seeking to cultivate purity and calm, intentionally creates a space with prevailing white and gentle blue flowers, rounded shapes in furniture, spacious and bright rooms.

Internal objects and processes
The body's internal objects should include body organs and energy centers - chakras, denstani (depending on the spiritual tradition). Internal processes, we will take the movement of physical manifestations of body work (movement of air, blood, nutrients) and circulation of energy through energy centers.

Spiritual practices allows a person to assemble the physiological and energy facilities and processes in the body. This is truly through the development of a superhuman, when a person, for example, with the help of only the strength of thought can dispersed muscle activity and perform an active workshop of the entire body over a few seconds or stop breathing on a day, dozens of days costs without sleep, food and drink, etc. . However, so far, internal self-improvement is the most attractive and at the same time, the most incomprehensible direction in the progress of man. For those who are skeptical about spiritual practices, it will be useful will develop the ability to control the mind.

Mental energy catalysts

Various mental processes contributive to the accumulation of mental energy. Consider them.

Needs, preferences, desires
As long as a man is alive, his actions manages the "Eternal Engine" - information and energy forces of needs. It is known that the need is a physiological, material or spiritual - this is the signal of the dysfunctional state of a system of life support and maintaining the comfort of personality.

Anyny tangible deficit or discomfort in a particular system of life support generates mental energy, with which the system seeks to resume its functionality - such is the essence of needs.

The mechanism of sensation and needs "mounted" emotions. There is a need for, and after it is emotion, an experience of discomfort; The need eliminates - negative emotion is replaced by a positive, experiencing pleasure. The following is obtained: the need for a very energy-wide in itself, what makes us strive for its satisfaction, "resorts" to the services of another mysterious force - emotions. They encourage their needs, and then "bite" as a result of its saturation. The sharper the need for the need, that is, the more fully emotionally perceived and experienced, the greater psycho-energy potential it has.

Consistency of needs and emotions is found in the first seconds of human life. Born on the light, the child does breathe and immediately heels crying - a symbol of life. So prosaically begin to operate genetic programs for emotional behavior. From this point on, emotions will be relentlessly accompany the vital activity of the individual - from the first to the last second of being, gradually becoming more accurate and becoming more diverse. Nevertheless, at the very moment of birth, the concept of emotion devices is triggered.

Events occur in two inextricably linked dimensions:

- at the physiological level: the effect of an external stimulus (the breath of air, which has vital physical and chemical properties) causes changes in the body (the air fills the light, the blood is saturated with oxygen, which ensures the functional state of the brain and the whole organism) and stimulates the response (active movements appear , "Turn on" various internal life support systems);

- at the psycho-physiological level: the uncomfortable state of the body, due to the need (stopping the flow of oxygen through maternal blood), activates the unconditional reflex (the respiratory complex is caused), which eliminates the need (oxygen entered the brain and blood, restoring the functionality of the body), in the process and As a result of its elimination, emotion arises (cry, crying).

Emotions behave in the same way if any needs occur - physiological, material, spiritual. They accompany all the stages of the emergence and implementation of needs: alternately arise the experiences of discomfort, and then satisfaction. This is the moment of transformation of the physiological need and external influences of the medium in mental energy.

In our example with a newborn, at first glance, only one thing is strange - satisfied life needs are accompanied by negative emotion. However, there is nothing surprising in this: this is one of the forms of emotional response.

In my life, we often resort to it, responding with "strange" way to useful changes, if they are not known, alarming or surprised. We are afraid of sudden happy turns of fate, we are afraid to reciprocate for too tempting and unusual offers. The crying newborn probably from the same mysterious area of \u200b\u200bemotional. Perhaps this is a reaction to a new and incomprehensible feeling. Maybe the fear of unpredictable is manifested - what will happen after the exposure to the medium? Or is this evidence of joy transmitted in an inadequate, not yet socialized form. Sometimes adults behave the same way - they are crying from happiness. It is possible that in the distant past, joy was accompanied by crying. In any case, the centers of pleasure and pain are located in the brain nearby.

Since a person is experiencing different needs, he is forced to assess them and organize them in the degree of importance. So there is a new source of mental energy of preference, that is, emotionally suspended needs. The most preferred need, naturally, carries the greatest psycho-energy charge. The more preferences, the stronger the energy excitation. The person may not speak of his preferences, but it gives it energetics of emotions - seeking to meet important needs, it is very active, hurried, assertive, aggressive, is ruthless.

An informed action aimed at meeting preferred needs is desire. It is more energetically saturated than the need. Desire is an effective form of preferences. Some literally breaks into parts the energy of exorbitant or competing desires - I also want that. The nervous system sometimes does not withstand the pressure of the energy of needs, preferences and desires. Then it comes either a breakdown, for example, mental dezadaption - anxiety, stress, neurosis, psychopathology, or protective emotional mechanisms are going to move - avoiding, self-deception, apathy, depression, aggression, etc.

Energy needs, preferences and desires make a noticeable contribution to the Energy Double of the Individual. The person suffering, dissatisfied, executed by intentions, is in a state of dynamics, its energy produces periodic bursts, which naturally affects the surrounding.

It is very differently perceived by one who has no clear needs, or one who is quite satisfied with themselves and circumstances. Such a person is in statics, its energy is muffled and therefore do not enter into information and energy exchange when interacting with partners.

The most powerful mental motivating force has the needs of a person associated with his subjective reality. Subjective reality is a complex of self-sustaining and self-esteem informing a person's consciousness about his own existence in real space and time.

The need for awareness of its subjective reality is the need of a person, which, like any live system, seeks to restore its full functionality, which is accompanied by mental energy.

For this person, practically all the time information about your own well-being and self-sufficiency is needed: I am, I exist, I show and implement myself, I have my own characteristics, I satisfy my claims, interests and rights, I mean for myself and for others. The subject's subject's reality is embodied in its basic needs:

  • self-realization
  • self-actualization
  • self-esteem
  • self-expression
  • self-cultivation
  • self-affirmation
  • self-esteem.

We can safely declare that these seven needs express the essence of both the personality and its energy "twin". Commonly taken, these needs are in the personality a single informational and analytical subsystem - its self-awareness. It is able to function normally only in the presence of feedback: the personality exists and constantly in that is convinced on the basis of information about the manifestation itself. The brighter and the multiform needs associated with the subjective reality of the individual, the more mental energy is formed.

The need for self-realization. Its energy is due to the fact that the deposits, abilities, skills, knowledge, practical experience of the person seek to materialize - to the incarnation in activities, creativity, actions.

The need for self-actualization It manifests itself through the desire to be significant for himself and those surrounding in specific coordinates - "here" and "now." Mental energy is formed due to the fact that a person usually actively manifests itself in situations, the participant of which it turns out.

The need for self-esteem It is related to the urgent need for an individual to realize the results of various manifestations of its I and identify your place among myself like. Otherwise, he will lose the possibility of further correction of its actions that determine the status, improvement and even development. Self-assessment becomes an energy source of targeted mental activity and the condition of progressive development.

The need for self-expression Energy is energetized by two circumstances. First, the desire of a person to demonstrate the features of their nature. This is very important in social existence - to show the originality of the deposits, abilities, character, interests, desires, feelings, opinions. Secondly, intentions to defend and protect their nature, the elected lifestyle and relationship to reality - otherwise it is lost, the subject reality is bludging.

The need for self-improvement It is powerless depending on how a person is satisfied with its development, achievements in general or in a specific period of life, within the framework of the goals set. Individual is normalized to manifest itself in achieving all new goals, in gradual promotions along its development, and this is a source of mental energy. Dissatisfaction with itself and achieved - another source associated with the need for self-improvement.

The need for self-affirmation It manifests itself in the desire of a person to prove to itself and other the presence of certain potentials - abilities, the challenges, the qualities necessary for the embodiment of specific goals. In self-affirmation, two psycho-energy forces merge - the desire of something and faith in their capabilities. "I want and I can" - this is such a powerful leitmotif of the mindsetting and actions of a person who approves His Ya.

The need for self-esteem It is energetized by the desire of a person to express a sense of self-esteem. To do this, he has to maintain his self-esteem at such a high level in order to constantly realize its fullness and self-sufficiency.

These are the basic needs of the personality, which express its very essence, existence, subjective reality. Please note that they form an amazing inner logic of the ensemble of mental phenomena. It seems that some kind of good reasonable instance ordered them and makes proceed together:

  • internal potentials encourage personality to manifest themselves - to be implemented either in significant achievements, or to be actualized in specific everyday situations;
  • manifestation requires control - self-esteem;
  • objective self-esteem is possible only when comparing itself with others, when identifying its own originality, that is, with self-expression;
  • if self-esteem does not satisfy the person, then she strives for self-improvement;
  • for this personality, you must believe in yourself - it is estimated;
  • and as the highest award, a sense of respect for himself comes to her.

What a striking sequence of psychological operations that combine rational and emotional. Name to her - self-regulation. It has a cyclic nature and continues until fully exists and, therefore, needs proof of its existence itself - subject reality.

Plugs, abilities, skills and skills
The data from the nature of the challenges - the anatomy-physiological features of the brain and the nervous system - determine the predisposition to the most effective activities. This lies the mystery of the mental energy congenital deposit. The predisposition means a pronounced fitness to a specific activity, an internal motivating craving for it. The predisposition to any activity, that is, the deposit, is the genetic program of the easiest and therefore acceptable and enjoyable for an individual's style of existence. The deposit is like a certain rolled spring, seeking to straighten and act. His energy is manifested spontaneously. No deposit - no mental energy corresponding to it. If he is, then declares itself regardless of the will of the individual. It can only be suppressed by more powerful mental energy. For example, consciously without giving it to the exit, blocking competing values \u200b\u200bor needs. The more clearly expressed by the deposit, this is noticeable in the behavior of its energy moment - the desire to "break out", materialize. Recall how actively declare itself, for example, musical, visual, mathematical and other inclinations - a gifted person cannot but manifest them or hide them. They drive the powerful mental energy of natural potencies.

Developing on the basis of practices, knowledge and experience, the deposits serve soil for the development of various abilities - this is already a new energy force. She absorbs the energy-informational saturation of knowledge and experience.

As a result of teaching on the basis of deposits and abilities, skills are formed - actions regulated by the rules and knowledge. The skills have internal energy, which is concentrated in the acquired action algorithms ready for implementation.

If the skills are repeated repeated and, in the end, become automatic, more complex and well-formed actions occur - skills: motor, intellectual, labor, communicative. What is any skill? This is an energetically capacious program of behavior, seeking to be embodied in physical acts - business operations, labor receptions, etc., or in intellectual actions, that is, in a new form of mental energy.

It is impossible not to admire how purposefully nature combines the power of mental energy around congenital and acquired potentials. Mechanics are amazingly elegant: the energy of the depositors is transformed into a new reinforced quality - the energy of the abilities; abilities are supported by the energy of skills; The skills go to even more efficient and spontaneous power - skills. This energy increment does not end. Experience acquired in the process of exercising and skills usually leads to the emergence of increasingly perfect skills and skills, for the development of which new knowledge is required.

Such probable sequence in the interaction of congenital and acquired personality potentials affecting each other is possible due to the fact that each of them has mental energy. It is transmitted from one level to another, transformed, intensified or weakens, becomes more or less dynamic, determining the energy essence and manifestation of the individual. What is happening reminiscent of a kind of perpetual engine, in which one potency possessing mental energy encourages the other. In the end, inside the personality, a closed energy circuit is formed, which stimulates active self-realization.

Mental energy of various innate and acquired personal potentials - deposits and abilities, skills and skills, knowledge and experience - arises due to the fact that the internal involuntarily strives for external reproduction, to the embodiment in materialized forms.

Materialization occurs in actions, deeds, initiatives, labor results, in products of creativity, in intellectual activity, in executable roles. The manifolded person whose abilities also received the development and reinforcement of knowledge, has such powerful mental energy that it is enough for different types of creative activity. Either the energy is so large, which is neutralized or inhibited by many other manifestations of personality. Such is the "mechanics" of emotional manifestations of giftedness - obsession, indomitable thirst for activity before self-reliance. Remember that the specific energy field have talented and brilliant people. They, as a rule, surrounds the aura of spirituality, especially tangible at the time of the implementation of the deposit, when they seem to dissolve in the process of creativity. They forget about time, do not notice what is happening, do not think about the urgent. They merge with the result of their creations - be it poetic strings, dance, music, invention or scum. They are immersed in the rapid flow of mental energy, which the natural forces of giftedness produce. The eccentricity or extravagancy of genius is entirely explained by the excess of the mental energy of the deposit and abilities, which often blocks various spheres of its activities, except for the manifestation of "God's Dara".

Research reflex, curiosity and curiosity
In essence, these are genetic programs for the cognitive activity of many highly developed living beings. Thanks to them there is knowledge and assessment of the state of the environment, without which the adaptation to it and survival is impossible. Naturally, a person has a "program trio" in a higher and coherent level than other animals possessing the psyche.

Elementary cognitive program, providing survival, is a research reflex. It is dominated by instinctive forces, but there are already elements of mental energy. This is easy to make sure, tracing the "work" of the reflex. He prompts the animal to watch and examine the habitat: what happens if there is no danger threat, no matter how it happens. The brain is automatic and without tired, at the subconscious level, converts the energy of external influences into mental energy. Everything happens according to such a scheme:

  • sensations and perception fix physical states and change in the environment;
  • the energy of the reflected external influences acts into operation - the content is ideal: the very impressions of the images stored in it are engaged;
  • the mental charge of images makes "work" thinking - there is a comparison of new impressions and old images, conclusions are made: it is favorable or threatened with the environment.

If the fixed state of the medium does not correspond to the image stored in the memory, anxiety, anxiety arises. This is mental energy, and it makes it make any other reason: it is necessary to take protective measures, you can risk or need to keep calm. Research reflex - a reliable tool of survival, nevertheless, an animal, a leading mobile lifestyle, cannot be done only with it. After all, the research reflex allows only to fix and evaluate the state of the environment. But she is changeable and sometimes unexpected, which makes the animal look beyond the boundaries of the obvious and probable. Otherwise, it is not to prevent the events, do not anticipate hidden, not to see dangerous.

Curiosity comes into effect - a more powerful program of cognitive activity, accompanied by emotion. In curiosity, the mental energy of the once accomplished accidental discovery - it led to an unexpected, surprise.

Curiosity moving the mental energy anticipation of novelty - unknown sensations and discoveries.

The psyche is terribly "curious" - she needs change, discoveries and shocks. The mechanism of curiosity is fundamentally the same in a variety of manifestations. Cat, sniffing angles and objects in the new situation. At the infant who reacts to a new toy, feeling and taking into his mouth, trying to look into her nutro. The woman is a distorter of love adventures that thirs of sharp turns of fate and meetings with surprises. In a man experiencing a passion for changes in space and in time. The essence of curiosity is that the psyche commits oscillations: from the state of usual - to a new one, from the outdated - to the unexplored, from interest - to boredom. Some parts of the brain are temporarily involved and gradually "tired", others under the influence of the new are connected and proceed to work. But they will soon be adapted and waiting for rest. Under the influence of the internal and external influences in the brain, the zones of active action periodically occurs.

In the "period of oscillation", in the process of shift from the experience and known to the new and unknown, the mental energy of a pleasant state is generated.

That is why the process of cognition than the subject of knowledge and triumph of victory is usually important for curious. The pleasant state of the "oscillation period" would like to repeat. That is why curiosity, if it is inherent in this person, comes to him seriously and for a long time.

Curience - a higher level of cognitive activity inherent in people. Inquisitiveness is already a stable feature feature, which has certain depositors and educated under certain conditions. The curiousness "works" the mental energy of many manifestations of the ideal; The experience of the joy of discoveries, the desire for a new knowledge, to the randering of deep secrets and complex phenomena, the driving force of knowledge and experience. The exceptional role plays, of course, intelligence.

The mental energy of intelligence lies in its natural potentials - as its organization as a system. It is known that any well-organized system performs its functions better than poorly organized. A good intelligence is a powerful source of mental energy.

Intellect, like any ability, operates according to the principle of "gifting", that is, depending on the quality and organization of its substructures.

These are cognitive mental processes - perception, memory, presentation, attention, thinking. At the same time, each cognitive process is a completely independent source of mental energy. Take perception. The more active, more intense and wider it manifests itself, the more mental energy produces. After all, perception shapes images of surrounding and impressions of internal states. Each image or impression is a fragment of the ideal, information and energy model, the cast of reality.

The image is compact and convenient for storage in the brain the unit of the ideal, possessing the charge of mental energy.

For the time being, the images are stored in memory, but the moment will come when the energy concentrated in them will begin to act. The image generates a joyful or sad memory. The image encourages to move towards the target target, entails and manit. The image makes sense to our actions. He performs measure when evaluating new impressions. The mental energy of the image makes the thought of acting: how, in which sequence should be carried out so that the desired embodied in reality.

There is no doubt the energy nature of memory. It contains very different information and energy carriers of the ideal: images of objects and people, everyday experience and professional knowledge, information from the field of science and culture, the properties of physical and chemicals, the impressions of childhood, adolescence and adolescence, etc. The memory on the inner and external activity of the personality is so huge that sometimes it has a destructive effect on the psyche and relationship with others. Not by chance, we say: "Memory does not give rest," "Anxious Memories", "Memories arise by themselves." The energy content of memory determines not only the volume, but also the quality of the information stored in it. The predominance of positively or negatively emotionally painted episodes is known to affect the state of personality, its communicative style and the nature of interaction with partners.

The most powerful source of mental energy is thinking. From nature, human thinking "Started" by numerous and suitable for different cases by programs - operations: analysis, synthesis, classification, phenomena and objects, determination of the likelihood of development and occurrence of events, building judgments and conclusions, etc. Thinking programs are potential information - Energy forces. A kind of compressed springs, ready to straighten and act at the right moment.

A variety and qualitative level of thought programs available to individual determines the strength and communicative properties of its mental energy generated by intelligence.

What do mental operations are peculiar to you most? Do you best succeed like Sherlock Holmes, go from private to general or, as a philosopher-Marxist, from the general theory to private? Do you easily operate with concepts? If everything is safe with thinking operations, you will produce internally quite powerful energy intelligence. It attracts the attention of the same intellectual partners, encourages them to respond to the mind.

If any mental operations are "west" or unusual for you, an energy vacuum is formed in their place. Weak intellectual potency are accompanied by a sickly mental energy. Intellect, having drawn, generates distorted images of reality, builds dubious or false conclusions. As a result, it forms an ugly energy biofield, in which a partner with regulatory intelligence is uncomfortable.

Plans, goals, intentions
These are intellectual activity products with a margin of mental energy. Where does she come from? First, these are the forms of manifestation of the ideal, and it, as we recognized, is a carrier of information and energy. Secondly, plans, goals and intentions are associated with survival, more precisely with one of its forms - targeted self-regulation. And all that provides survival is equipped with energy.

The energy of "plans" is generated due to the fact that a person from nature is programmed to survive with the help of a focused impact on the inner and external environment.

What does this mean? Nature arranged people so that they are able to actively influence the external and internal reality, adapting it for themselves. Not only to adapt in the medium as most of the living beings, but to change it, according to their goals, needs, ideas. The chain of psychological events is this:

  • surveying and evaluating reality, a person is aware of its unsatisfactory condition;
  • there is an experience of dissatisfaction with the medium (the threat of destructive influence, incontinacy with the existing experience, lack of necessary behavior);
  • it encourages to find a way out - schedule goals, build plans, organize intentions.

As you can see, in the energy mechanism of "plans" a plurality of forced forces governing the psyche. Sometimes society or individual is a victim of his own intentions. Remember from K. Marx: "The theory, mastering the consciousness of the masses, becomes material force." Commenting on the correct statement of the classics, it can be clarified: the mental energy of plans, goals, intentions, indeed, is able to transform into material forms of its manifestation - in actions and actions. At the same time, the quality of mental energy "plans" is undoubtedly affected by others. There is no doubt the justice of everyday conclusion about the "purity of thoughts" - good goals, plans and intentions possess a margin of positive mental energy, which has a beneficial effect on others.

Habits, attachment, tastes
These manifestations of personality concentrate the energy of a lot of learned information. The better the diverseness of the generated habits, attachments, tastes, the more they are energetized. In addition, they have an additional energy potency, since it is a set of algorithms - familiar, learned, consistent actions and evaluations. Any algorithm has spontaneous energy generated due to the fact that it seeks to play. A person uses algorithms, because they facilitate the implementation of activities, send it along the path of least resistance.

Demonstrating the habits, attachment, tastes, the individual directs its mental activity on the ongoing paths, due to which the energy of freedom and ease appears.

So the river is gaining strength, rushing along the laid direction. Stability of habits, dictators of attachments, the obsession of tastes is explained by ease of leakage of mental processes, which brings some satisfaction to man.

Ideals, values, beliefs
Ideals, values, beliefs are the main components of the psyche that constitutes the level of conscious. It is formed as a result of assessments, arguments, human disputes with himself or with others. We must admit: the world conscious is the most powerful source of mental energy. First, because the conscious keeps in itself a huge amount of information obtained during life. Its energy voltage depends not only on the number of storage units, but also from the attached meaning, the strength and persuasiveness of the arguments with which the person supports its consciousness. Try to take away from anyone his faith, try to convince anyone in the controversy of his views or dubiousness of the estimates. You will definitely come across the resistance and rejection of your attempts. This mental energy of the partner counteracts alien effects. Secondly, ideals, values, beliefs are highly energetized due to the fact that they live their lives: appear, develop, transform, disappear, and most importantly, they contradict each other. When the elements of consciousness are contradictory, another energy premise occurs. The person is arranged so much or involuntarily striving for some orderliness of his inner world, overcoming the internal conflict. Such is the condition of its normal being. Destruction and disharmony at the conscious level makes the personality defective, fills with experiences and suffering.

A person seeks to get rid of the inner disharmony, overcome the contradiction between the components of his consciousness - such is the additional source of mental energy.

Wanting to eliminate the disharmony between the individual components of his consciousness, a person resorts to various meaningful tricks and unconscious tricks. He ignores the truth if she does not coincide with his ideals, values, beliefs. He distorts the information that does not suggest him, lies with the role of reliable facts, underestimates the power of opponents. He wants to see what is not in fact. He avoids the truth and lies. And all this for the sake of one - get rid of psychological discomfort due to the conflict of those or other components of the perfect. But it is almost impossible to ignore objectivity, she again and reincons his true face. It causes a person to once again resort to the mechanisms of psychological protection, injury himself and others. The mental energy of "ideals" is constantly circulating between partners.

Interests and motifs
Interests and motifs are binding links between the inner and external. Both mental realities reflect a person's desire to influence the ratio of internal and external. Its states, needs, deposits, skills, values, that is, internal, a person for some reason seeks to coordinate or subordinate to the external - requirements, conditions, opinions of the surrounding, properties of objects. In the interests and motives, a program explains primarily his own actions in itself: why and why it should influence the external environment or its inner world. Such a program is a source of mental energy. At the same time, any interest expresses an explanatory human action program based on the knowledge of the properties and values \u200b\u200bof the external environment - objects, phenomena, people. The motives define a program of action dictated by internal states.

Thus, the energy potential of interests and motives is due to the driving force of programs, with which a person is more or less distinct and decisively (from here the value of energy) formulates for itself and for others an explanation of its actions.

Subconscious and unconscious
The subconscious and unconscious in personality is its second essence, which has no less energy potential than the world of conscious. At the subconscious level, as well as on conscious, declare themselves deposit and abilities, skills and skills, experience and knowledge, needs and intentions, habits and affection, interests and motives. Due to the subconscious (preconscious and unconscious) personality, at least doubles, becomes more complicated, more difficult. Accordingly, its mental energy increases. In addition, in the annals of the subconsciously, the suppressed ideas, inclinations, immoral and impulsive trends, which personality does not want or cannot realize in themselves, so as not to disturb the psychological comfort or at least keep a portable idea of \u200b\u200btheir own Ya.

The unconscious is a permanent source of mental energy, ready to materialize in other different manifestations and behavioral acts.

According to 3. Freud, unconscious and subconsciously manifest, in particular, in aggression, fears, forbidden entrepreneurs, stubbornness, cruelty, sadizma, in the desire to do evil or in the form of so-called small symptoms - reservations, jokes, paradoxes, etc. If it is impossible to "break through" through the blockade of conscious, this mental energy pushes the person from the inside, deforms and makes anomalous. Sublimation (redressing of mental energy), neurosis, association, dreams and regression (primitive behavior) are also forms of manifestation and neutralization of mental energy.

Mental energy is the most important attribute of will. When we reflect on the will, we do not accidentally use words showing communication with energy: it is necessary to mobilize, keep your impulses, strain the forces, overcome fatigue and apathy. The Will is the ability of a person to act in the direction of the consciously set target, overcoming the internal obstacles. This kind of obstacles arise in the form of mental energies when a person is experiencing the effect of multidirectional or opposite forces trends. Energies conflict can only be overcome by increasing one or another confrontaneous energy force. The power that "supports" our mind or emotion is prevalent.

Volifle effort is the energy of thought or emotions, with the help of which we carry out the redirection of mental energy from one energy source to another.

The will overcomes the conflict of multidirectional mental energies and sends a mental energy signal to the physiological level, where other forms of energy come into effect, in particular, mechanical. As a result, a person makes himself work, change the lifestyle, overcome the distances. Redo the well-made work, etc.

Signs of Life Energy Deficit

The level of filling the body by vital energy is constantly undergoing strong oscillations. These oscillations occur both during the day and within a week, month, season and year. The adoption of food initially leads to a decrease in the level of vital energy, but after its development, the level of vital energy is not only restored, but also rises. Fasting, physical, mental and mental loads, painful states reduce the level of vital energy in the body. Due to the rest, nutrition and physiotherapy procedures, the human body restores the average level of vital energy, and we feel it on your own well-being.

If we do not feel the restoration of your self-election after the load, this means that the balance of inflow of life energy into the body and its spending is disturbed. If this balance is largely violated for a long time, then there is a chronic shortage of vital energy that we feel like chronic fatigue. A constant disruption of the balance of the flow rate of life energy on a relatively small magnitude, but for a long period of time, is also dangerous, as it gradually and imperceptibly applies the body. After some time, this can manifest itself through the "sudden" appearance of the disease - radiculitis, decrease in visual acuity, atherosclerosis, hypertension, etc. These painful signs that warn us about danger, there are many, but we usually do not pay attention to them. One or two painful features can not yet talk about if they are the only one of the list or manifest themselves over a short period of time, are the hereditary feature of the body or the manifestation of wounds and infection. In the complex, these painful manifestations are a formidable warning of the need to take measures to eliminate the energy deficit.

The complex may include a combination of three and more painful features listed below:

1. Fast fatigue.
2. Meetability.
3. Sudden bouts of nausea.
4. Falling weights below normal.
5. Frequent locked irritability.
6. Reducing visual acuity.
7. Frequent pain in muscles, joints and bones, including spine pains and headaches
8. Reducing appetite.
9. Frequent drowsiness in the afternoon and breaking sleep at night.
10. General weakness.
11. Impairment of memory.
12. Fall of interest in the surrounding.
13. Difficulty of information perception (recess).
14. Regular disorders of digestion.
15. Frequent constipation.
16. Frequently unpleasant sensations in the stomach.
17. Reducing immunity.
18. Worst of posture.
19. The deterioration of the state of the teeth and the oral cavity.
20. Reducing bone and muscle body weight with increasing physical weakness.
21. Increasing selectivity and prescription in nutrition.
22. Weakness in the legs.
23. Deterioration Thermoregulation of the body (the feeling of cold and the constant desire is warmly dressed).
24. Reducing sexual entry (libido).
25. Errcerative dysfunction.
26. Reducing regenerative functions of the body (wound healing).
27. Reducing the excretory functions of the skin (sweat, skin fat).
28. Reducing the adaptive functions of the body.
29. Progressive thinning and hair loss.

If such painful symptoms are greater than five, then this is a reason for urgent action to restore to the necessary level of vital energy in the body. These actions should include and optimize behavior in intellectual and mental activity, physical unloading, power optimization and physiotherapy procedures aimed at saturating the body by vital energy.

Consider the main reasons why you can lose energy, and which, accordingly, can interfere with you in achieving your goals.

The first culprit of your strength and energy is stress. Most often, stress is caused by fear that events will not go as planned, or any other concerns.

When we are under stress, it leads to increased adrenaline production by our organism. If this process of overproduction of adrenaline lasts too long, we are very tired.

There is a feeling, as if someone sucked all the energy from us. If your activity is associated with an increased amount of stress, you need to somehow balance it. One way or another, it is necessary to take its stress under control, since it is stress that is the main energy vampire.

The next reason for the decline of the forces is excessive weight. In the middle person, the length of blood vessels is approximately 60 km. On every excessive 5 kg of weight your body requires an additional 7 km of vessels for which it is necessary to drive blood! All organs of your body are forced to work with an increased load during unnecessary weight, and this is the reason for the decline of forces.

The next reason for energy loss is indecisiveness, anxiety, excitement, inability to make a decision on some question. The need to constantly think about a unresolved problem sucks from you a huge amount of energy. The state of indecision is similar to the state of the war between the two hemispheres of your brain.

They seem to fight with honey: left ... no, right ... no left ... no, right ... when, in the end, you make a decision, there is a feeling of inner calmness, and with it a lot of energy appears. This is because indecision acts as a traffic jam for your energy channels. And as soon as you make a decision, it does not matter, correct or not, the energy begins to flow freely. Training Skills for making decisions This is one of the ways to return its energy.

Next reason from our list is a lack of sleep.

It can be said that you have a kind of internal battery and can only be recharged by the necessary amount of sleep. This is like your cell phone. Imagine that you connect it to the charger and charge. But you need to urgently leave somewhere, you remove it with charging and take with you. But after five minutes of the conversation, it turns off. Do you think: "What happened? I charged it. " Yes, you charged it, but not completely. You just recharge it a little bit, but did not bring until a complete charge. The same thing happens with a latter. If this is constantly going on, then your energy supply will undoubtedly be in a deplorable position.

The next reason is the increased consumption of sugar or high-spirited carbohydrates in everyday nutrition. Today there are many information confirming it. Carbohydrates with a high glycemic index raise your blood glucose level. However, this high level at some point is sharply reduced, and the glucose level graph begins to look like a broken line with sharp drops. Such constant sharp drops up and down take you a lot of energy, because each time the body should be rebuilt under a new level. Unfortunately, in our time, the dependence on sugar was developed in very many, which in turn perpetuates this process. On the other hand, complex carbohydrates, or normal carbohydrates create a much smoother and stable curve, which makes your energy more stable.

Increased caffeine use is another energy vampire. Very often, people use coffee for several cups a day, because it's kind of gives them energy and strength. This is a false feeling. Caffeine stimulates adrenaline glands, which in turn leads to a sharp increase in the level of adrenaline. However, as soon as caffeine is excreted from the body, adrenaline glands are reassured again. However, they were stimulated over the norm for a period, and this is not a good source of energy.

The following reason may be reduced protein content in your nutrition. Proteins are the main construction and regenerating material for your body. It slowly distinguishes energy, but with the proteins your body will produce much more energy than with any other type of diet.

The next possible reason for the decline of forces is possible dysfunction of any of your organs. For example, poor liver operation can lead to severe intocication of the body. This leads to chronic decay of forces and, moreover, actively contributes to the defeat and destruction of all other organs.

Well, the last reason is the problems with digestion. This includes a whole group of different problems. Their common essence is as follows: if your digestion does not function well, then you do not get the necessary organism of the substance, so there is a lack of energy, as well as due to the poor withdrawal of toxins, they can directly fall into the blood through the walls of the stomach and intestines, which also leads to a strong intoxication and decay of forces.

Power engineering in the theater world

The theater world is distributed a myth that the actor must possess the energy as a magnetic fascinating viewer by force in large quantities. Theater practices, arguing about the secrets of the profession, often use the word "Energy": "Being in Energy", "Energy Exchange with the Spectator", "Mental Energy Actor", etc. Most often, the "energy" means manifestations of temperament or the excited state of the actor before reaching the scene, which is mined with the help of "sample".

Of course, the scene is a "magic zone with special energy", requiring increased activity from the actor. It refers to Egypt in esoteric sense.

Yoga Ramacharaka argues: "There is an universal start of energy or a force called the Sanskrit word" Prana ", which means" absolute energy ". This universal start constitutes the "essence of every movement, strength or energy, as it were, in whatever it is to be held - in the power of attraction in electricity, in the rotation of the planets or in other forms of life, from the lowest to the highest." However, it is impossible to confuse Prana with "I", "Ego", with this particle of the Divine Spirit. " Prana There is just a form of energy that I use for my material embodiment. " With the help of yogis's breath "We can accumulate Prana as batteries absorb electricity."

It is known that Stanislavsky practiced mysterious exercises for "radiaissession" and "raudewospity". These exercises were caused by skeptic materialists and, as a rule, were withdrawn by editors from texts. However, in the third volume of the compositions of the Works, we discover the descriptions of exercises clearly invented under the influence of treatises about yoga. For example, the exercise "mercury". It is proposed to imagine that through the finger of the right hand into the body, mercury is poured, and carefully monitor the movement "imaginary mercury or internal energy - anyway ... on the inner muscular network. It is necessary to find clamps. Muscular clip - Motor energy stuck on the way "(Stanislavsky K.S. Collected Works in eight volumes. T. 3 - M.: Art, 1955.- p. 459). I transferring the instructions of Stanislavsky-Torotov on the conditionally- "technical" language can be said that we are talking about the way to overcome resistance in the conductor, i.e. In the body of the actor. The ends continues: the energy that comes out of the most caches of the heart, "the musculosets passing through the muscular paths and causes an external action. You already know on the experiments of the wilderness that the energy moves not only inside us, but also comes from us, from the caches of feelings, and heads for an object outside us, "on the viewer for a partner. Stanislavsky accurately transmits the sensation of the student: "When the energy slid from top to bottom, it seemed that they would go to hell. When she rose upstairs along the spine, it might that exactly choose from the floor. "

Creating "biomechanics", Meyerhold proceeded from the parcel that the game of the actor is "absolutely energy discharge" (Meyerhold. To the history of the creative method. Articles. Publications. - St. Petersburg: CultinformPress, 1998. - p. 26). He believed that energy as an excitement arises from the actor reflexively in response to the direction of the director and is implemented in action. Any movement in the biomechanic is organized so that due to the displacement of the center of gravity and twisting the spine in the S-shaped line, physical energy is awakened - the first-pool of emotional and verbal action. The exclamation (word) can be allowed only when "everything is intense when all the technical material is organized" as the "mark of excitability".

Meyerhold belongs to the idea of \u200b\u200bdividing the poles: he offered to "split" the actor, present it with "formula, where A2 is the material and a1 designer, controller." The emerging between the material and designer "Excitation (excitement) and distinguishes the actor from the puppet, giving it the opportunity to infect the viewer and cause a response phenomenon that is already food (fuel) for the subsequent game (status ecstatic)."

Sergey Eisenstein, half amemizing with the teacher, argued that the domination in the biomechanic principle of "Totality" ("The tip of the nose works - the whole body works") leads to the mismatch of the actions of the psychophysical apparatus as a whole, the denying independence of the pulses coming from the periphery of the body. From the point of view of Eisenstein, the expressive movement "is formed where the motor promise from the body as a whole (obtained from the foot of the leg) smoothly appears, for example, in the upper part of the housing to the ends of the hands, where the local movement, awakened by this flow, is included in it, continues It counteracts him, modifies his direction. " According to Eisenstein, the tension between the center of movement and the periphery (hands, faithful, voice) creates the conditions for the "game of deterrence, the top of the one for one strength, then another - psychologically expressive part of the process."

Eudzhienio Barba, who considers himself a follower of Meyerhold, in 1964 founded one-theater (Holtebro, Denmark) as a laboratory to study Western and Eastern acting techniques. In 1979, he created the International School of Theater Anthropology Ista (ISTA - International School of Theater Anthropology), the purpose of which is to study the behavior of a person in a presentation situation.

Barba argues that existence on the stage in contrast to the ordinary, where the law "Energy saving" is valid, requires an actor of an increased energy consumption. Working with energy occurs at a pre-expressive level (i.e., before the actor begins to express something), where cultural, social and individual differences are erased and requires special body technique. Barba makes the discovery that at the pre-expressive level, performers from different traditions: from the theater of Kabuki to Ballet, from Kathakali to the Comedy DELL'ARTE, from the decker to Dario FO are guided by the general principles. He sofomulad the universal "principles that are returned": "Balance in action"; "Dance of Opposition" and "Connection of Unsecast".

Work with energy was in the focus of attention of Jerzy Grotovsky. He believed that the actor was able to glow, like the figures in the pictures of El Greco, is able to "shine", becoming the source of light in the play, "light mental". Since the "radiation" of the actor arises from the conflicting interface of the form and the internal process, he was looking for the synthesis of the "Systems" of Stanislavsky, who studied the spontaneity of everyday life, with Meyerhold.

Starting in 1959 to the work of the director in the "Theater 13 of the Rows" in Opole, Grotovsky began classes with actors from the exercises of Hatha Yoga. However, realizing that static poses that accumulate energy inside the body are unsuitable for the actor as a person of the acting, Grotovsky transformed Asana and created a "dynamic yoga", which became the basis of physical training, widely promoted as the "Training of Grotovsky".

In the theater, in addition to physical, plastic and vocal trainings, secretly practiced energy techniques. The testimony we find in the book of Eudzhienio Barba (from 1961 to 1963 he interns from Grotovsky) Land of diamonds and ashes. My apprenticeship in Poland. " In order to conspiracy (in Socialist Poland, the prosecution of "mysticism" threatened the closure of the theater) The terms "Technique 1" and "Technique 2" were used in a circle. To "Technician 1" treated all varieties of psychotechnic since Stanislavsky. These trainings were comprehensive and efficient, but provided the level of crafts. "Technique 2" was aimed at working with "spiritual" energy. "This is the practice of concentration on itself, which opens the way to strength (energy), known as Shamanskaya, Yoga or Mystical, in it all individual mental strengths are integrated. We believed deeply in the ability of the actor to access this "technique 2". We imagined her paths and looking for accurate steps that could help penetrate the darkness of the night to inner energies. " It is also known that in search of "technicians internal" Grotovsky experimented with methods of psychoanalysis, "active meditations" Ignatius Loiol, "Technique of Trans Trence", hypnosis and "spiritual exercises" of Stanislavsky.

In the speech "Theater and Ritual" (1968), Grotovsky opens one of the secrets of the powerful energy of performances "Acropolis", "Resistant Prince" and "Apocalypsis Cum Figuris", fascinating spectators "immeasurable energy emitted by artists in every second of the stage existence." This is the exactly verified structure of the performance, where "spontaneity and discipline mutually reinforce each other; The fact that the spontaneous and what is taken into the framework of "scores" leads to mutual enrichment and leads and becomes a genuine radiation source in the actor's game. "

Using the example of working with Rishard Veskek over the monologues of the "Resistant Prince", Grotovsky reveals the technology of work on the actor score. Each level is physical, text (verbal) and internal (psychological) - is developed separately. In the process of creating scores "Technique 1", it is used for the modeling of the form of physical impulses and reactions and polyphonies of sounds (part of which is the text). "Technique 2" serves to overst the actor's real experiences in a lively spontaneity stream. At the final stage, the director mounts all the elements of the performance into a whole according to the laws open by Eisenstein. The score lines "at many levels, through the simultaneous identification of many aspects of the remaining associated, but not identical to each other." It becomes the take-off stripe for the actor's confession actor, in which "the barrier disappears between the thought and feeling, soul and body, consciousness and subconscious, vision and instinct, sex and brain. The actor, having completed him, reaches the completeness ... It opens new sources of energy. "

The score of the play, thus, like the spiral of the wire, creates the magnetic field in which the viewer is included in the "state of intensity". This type of contact Thomas Richerts, who has worked with Grotovsky over the stocks in recent years, explains the effect of induction: "If you take one electrical wire, which flows energy and put the wire without a power flow, then in the second, detect electrical current traces. This is the induction phenomenon. The same thing happens with those who watch the "inner action", for this transformation of energy "(theater and ritual. // Grotovsky. From the poor theater to the art of the conductor. M.:" Artist. Director. Theater. ", 2003 / - p. 118).

Consequently, the problem of the energy of the actor is not in its quantity, but in the ability to simulate it in the presence of a viewer, competently using it when moving from peace to active actions. The ownership of body techniques (there are many) not enough, but the necessary conditional management condition. This requires a daily practice from the actor, and from the director - the ability to design a multi-level score of the performance as the condition of the magnetic force of the actor, an exciting viewer.

Not quite understandable, a very scientific concept of "bioenergy" has already become an integral part of our life. Along with these words as "Aura", "Esoterica", "Nirvana", "Prana", etc. These expressions sound quite often, they say completely different people. Only the meaning that is invested in them, not always coincides. Human ideas about "bioenergy" are quite different. For some reason, the expression of bioenergy causes associations precisely with psychics. This is not so.

Almost all people think: "Bioenergy - something like extrasensory abilities that have exclusively gifted people". People seeing an evil person, it is reasonable to believe that energy has also evil, bad, it should be expected exclusively for something bad, negative. For example, the evil eye or damage, "energy vampirism" (energy selection) and such things. A good man radiates good, often serves as a battery, he is ready to give energy.

Although the concept of bioenergy included in our life, it remained completely incomprehensible. Each housewife, each schoolboy, who sometimes watch TV, can explain that each of us has some kind of shell, there may be even several of them. They will also tell that the aura can be healthy, and maybe the patient. Each person wants to have a healthy aura, but few know how to do it, because it does not consider bioenergy in relation to yourself.

This is how the concept of bioenergy in dictionaries is explained:

Bioenergy - Scientific discipline, exploring energy processes in cells, tissues, individuals, ecosystems, etc. (Slovar on natural sciences.)

Bioenergy - (1) discipline that studies the processes of energy transformations in the process of the existence of biological organisms and the functioning of the biosphere as a whole; (2) Branch of knowledge about a single information field, about its interaction with biological objects of all levels of complexity. (Encyclopedia of esoterism.)

The nature of the bioenergetic field is already well studied in scientific circles. But there is a certain mass of people who consider it by quarrel. Most scientists have the following point of view: a bioenergy field is a carrier of human consciousness. It controls biological processes, the bioenergetic field organizes the existence and vital activity of matter.

If we consider an individual energy-information field, it is a part of the single energy-information field of the universe. If we speak quite easily, each has its own field. It is exposed to the surrounding world, but also itself affects the world around.

About biopole people knew back in a distant past. Since biofield it is impossible to see a simple eye to display the fact of its existence, the ancient pictures were depicted by the nimb, the glow indicating that the invisible is that surrounds the human body. Pretty controversial is the assumption of the existence of diseases transmitted by the energy pass. With great confidence, none confirms nor to refute this circumstance. Higher, thin energy forms quite even concentric spheres around the human body. A physically healthy person can be described like this: "In the form of a fountain, the energy of energy is bottled on all sides above the person, then it is going to in the crotch area for the next lifting body up".

Many argue that they see the human aura. Pensively looking at the man, they swing their heads and say: "One Aura is black, the other blue", etc. Without questioning the ability of some people to see inaccessible to others, we note the following: Among the so-called "truly visions" there are quite a few unfair comrades who create a distorted idea of \u200b\u200bbioenergy.

A person who does not know how to replenish energy supplies, is forced to resort to the help of others. Either this is an unethical method - the selection of energy (vampire), or an understanding of the laws of the Universe and the ability to interact with them. To teach people to collect and use our own - this is one thing, and to feed them with their own strength is another. And since it directly depends on his health, his mood, performance, it would be good to understand what is the indicator of the purity of the field. We know examples showing that under the same conditions one person works, not tired, and the other is quickly tired. Even if someone actually knows how to assist, he should not constantly "feed" the energy of those who do not know how to do this on their own. It can damage not only for himself, but also a patient.

There is also a bioenergy of things. An important role is played by the energy of the material laid in the subject. Secondly, the energy of a person who made a thing (induced energy). After purchasing any thing, the energy of the subject will be either negative or positive. It depends on good or bad thoughts, wishes that accompanied the transmission of this subject.

Any thing in itself is not "bad" carrying devastating energy. One or another charge carry only feelings, the thoughts of a man who gave us, sold or produced this thing. Anyway, we come to the fact that almost everything depends on the person himself, from his thoughts, from his feelings, from attitudes to themselves and others. The bioenergetic field exists in every person. Every second of your life, we affect our surroundings by our behavior.

It is believed that the ancient civilizations knew about bioenergy, and could also use energy and replenish its reserves. But over time, knowledge about bioenergy mankind was gradually lost. In the universe, part of which a person is interconnected by everything. And if we do not know something, we do not understand, it does not mean that the phenomenon does not exist. Just at the moment it is not available to our consciousness.

The Council to apply for help to nature is very good, but here it will be necessary to be the next fact: the nature after thoughtless management has changed. According to moral laws - "Everything comes from you returns back". For thousands of years, people conquered nature. And nature has learned to defend themselves from us. Conclusion: If ancient civilizations, having knowledge of bioenergy, could draw energy, forces from nature, for us it is not always possible.

We are fully responsible for all our actions and deeds. We cease to be negative energy carriers, becoming better. It is very important for a person to understand: each of his act, every thought, the word have their consequences that affect his environment.

Bioenergy is a whole science, with its own laws and rules, knowledge of which humanity must be restored.

The energy flows that maintain its physical existence circulate in the human body, it was also known in antiquity. It can be said that this idea reflects the essence of energy medicine.

Bioenergy ... or art to control the body's energy fluxes to achieve well-being and its role in aesthetics.

"Sightly the medicine is concluded in ourselves." (V. Shakespeare)

Bioenergy in antiquity

The energy entity known in China called Qi (CHI) is based on three types of energy:

  • The ancestral or chromosomal energy that is inherited, called Ki (Qi).
  • Protective energy that is responsible for the balanced work of the immune system, called Wei (WEI).
  • The energy that we get as a result of digestion of food and respiration, called Rong (Rong).

Ayurvedic medicine of India for millennia uses the concept of "Prana" to denote the natural energy fields of the human body.

Bioenergy today

In Western culture, bioenergy only recently began to be perceived as an objective reality on which not only dubious techniques of alternative medicine can be built, but also real treatment methods. For example, in the United States for many years, special institutions were engaged in the development of an "energy" concept explaining how internal energy is associated with the way of life of a person with its spirituality and psychosomatic state. In the early 1970s, Big Shura, California, outstanding psychologists and doctors of various specialties founded the Institute of Psychosomatic Studies, which works in close cooperation with the Institute of Bioenergy Analysis in New York.

The energy driving the body and inextricably linked with mental energy is the subject of a new discipline - bioenergy.

More Ancient Greeks, long before our era and research of American scientists, tied bioenergy with human quality. The concept of "bioenergy" comes from the Greek words "life" and "power, energy".

Bioenergy and aesthetics

Energy is filled with all space, the energy is also inside our body, in each its cell. It is this energy ability to freely circulate inside the body is the key to our physical and mental health. If the client's energy flows are well balanced, it will significantly simplify the work of the cosmetologist, will help to achieve noticeable and sustainable results faster. On the contrary, if the equilibrium of energy flows is impaired, the energy is either blocked or becomes excessive, and this will immediately affect the body of your client: there will be aesthetic disadvantages that are difficult to correct correction, even with the help of the most modern techniques.

Bioenergy can also be used in the field of aesthetics, so, for example, a beautician, a familiar with the basics of this teaching, the parts of the muscular grip on the face of the clients will not interfere with the work. This is a rather common situation, because the muscles of the person account for many stresses expressed in muscle contractures, which prevents the harmonious circulation of energy. A beautician who owns the practice of bioenergy, is able to unlock the clamping sites using simple and pleasant to the manipulation client. Such manipulations prepare the skin to the procedures, improve the overall health of the client and help achieve an optimal result.

Summary of the basics of bioenergy

Man draws energy from various sources:

  • The first source of energy is given to us inheritance and produces potential energy.
  • The second source is the combustion of oxygen.
  • Third energy source - food combustion.

Of the last two sources, we get the so-called, functional energy.

Potential energy.

The first energy source obtained inheritance is the basis for which human life experience is formed using external impulses. The external impulses, in particular, belong:

  • upbringing;
  • food;
  • environment;
  • emotions;
  • lifestyle.

In the process of the development of the human body, the potential energy is associated with external sources of energy or with a functional energy determining the quality of life and the psychological formation of a person.

Eight energy systems

In humans, energy is produced using eight energy systems:

  • immune protective system;
  • nervous system;
  • the cardiovascular system;
  • respiratory system;
  • endocrine system;
  • digestive system;
  • excretory system;
  • sex system.

Energy is distributed through a transport system known as "Energy Meridians". The network of energy meridians is a powerful structure. Even recently, in the West, the existence of such a structure believed with distrust, since it is not directly related to the human anatomy. Then studies were conducted, and the introduction of radioactive isotopes into energy points has proven that in the body there is a system of very thin fibers, similar to channels with a diameter of 0.5 to 1.5 microns. The data obtained were used for further research. Photographing in infrared rays revealed the existence of luminous runs, and it was shown that the distribution of this network exactly corresponds to the cards contained in the ancient treatises of Chinese medicine. Over the entire length of the network, additional amplifiers are located, which perceive the energy signal and transmit it to the following amplifiers. In the end, the signal reaches the system or that organ for which this energy was intended. Energy meridians transfer the energy necessary for our lives, just like arteries that are bearing blood-enriched blood - this analogy is quite appropriate. If, due to some functional or psychological reasons, the energy is blocked or incomes unevenly, the entire psychophysical system suffers, the work of which this energy provides.

Research in the field of bioenergy conducted by the Institute in Big Shura, revealed eight main zones in which energy is most often stacked:

  • area of \u200b\u200bforehead and eye;
  • region around the mouth: chin, mouth, musculature of jaws, throat;
  • neck area;
  • chest area;
  • diaphragm;
  • stomach;
  • pelvis region;
  • legs.

Fortunately, all blockages are simultaneously not found at one person. Each, depending on the nature and lifestyle, arise in their own blocks.

Bioenergy man

According to the teachings of ancient Eastern philosophy, a person consists not only of physical, material body. It also surrounds other, thinner bodies. The main ones are essential, astral and mental. Each such body is surrounded by an energy field. And their aggregate is the general energy field of a person, his aura, the visible body of a person is felt by the senses. The body, more subtle, is a similarity of physical. It is sometimes called the "Essential Double". The essential body has a property to preserve the shape of the physical body. Physical and essential bodies have a common energy field. The color of its radiation is lilovato-gray. It glows bluish-gray light. Yoga call him "body of emotions." The astral body can change its radiation depending on the state and experiences of the person. It radiates around a bright aura. It can change the color according to human thoughts. Bad thoughts are characterized by dark tones. Thoughts clean create bright, bright tones.

So, during the human life in the information field, all the entries of the human biography (thought, disease, death) are imprinted. As a result, the information field creates an exact copy of the individual. This field contains the whole complex acquired by a person in his life.

The biolocation operator uses the first path in its work - connecting its consciousness to the general biopol of the Earth and obtain the necessary information. Tuping a certain image, the operator sets a mental question and with the help of the framework receives an answer on the "Yes" principle - "No".

In order to obtain information from the environment, it is necessary to arbitrarily release the consciousness from obtaining information that all five senses carry.

Human body energy is an invisible substance, force. It is designed to provide all the activities of the human body: both physiological, and spiritual, and intellectual. Thanks to the inner energy of the person, a possible full life.

The wise men were treated for the concept of human energy since ancient times. For example, in the East (China - energy is called Qi, India - Prana). Our immediate ancestors - the Old Slavic peoples called the energy alive. There was even such a goddess in their pagan pantheon.

Although we cannot see our energy with the eye, but we can feel it. If a person has a lot of internal energy, then he is awesome, active, cheerful. Otherwise, he is sluggish, apatichetic, lackless.

Energy in the human body performs very important features. She "answers" for his health, social adaptation, mental activity. That is, human harmony with the world around, other people. Energetic man is successful and lucky, everything turns out.

Energy flows in man

Energy inside a person is constantly. But it is not in one place. It, like blood, circulates by special energy channels. The main one is as if double - in it the energy moves in opposite directions. It is he who provides human health and vitality.

The thread that goes up is called ascending. Its path passes along the front surface of the spinal column and opens with upper chakras (by special energy centers in the human body). A downward stream, respectively, opens by lower chakras. Rising energy goes to a person from the earth itself, and descending - from space.

Unfortunately, in some cases the flow can close, cloggle. This is very sharply affected by the body of the body. The causes of such trouble may be negative actions of a person.

In addition to the main channel, there are both secondary, horizontal energy flows. They are replenished from the streams of land (right and left). In the human body, horizontal channels form an invisible spiral. Also, horizontal energy flows intersect with the main one. As a result, many energy nodes are formed.

Energy flows in the body are similar to a circulation. Normally, they are updated, circulated. Bad if the energy is sorted somewhere. Then the underlying organs and systems begin to suffer.

Violations of life energy

The power of human energy can be different. Someone is powerful, and someone is weak. Of course, it's good if the energy is strong. It can protect a person from diseases, negative impact of others. There are many factors affecting the inner energy of the human body. This is the way of life of the person himself, his actions, his environment, his character. Of course, stresses are very undermining energy strength.

It is believed that esoterics, parapsychologists, psychics can feel that human energy can feel. Some of them claim that it is possible to work with our own energy, carry out activities for its accumulation and strengthening.

Human vital energy is one of its characteristics. Moreover, adult people are often associated with libido. This is the easiest way to find out how things are with internal energy. If the libido fell, it means that the energy has become less. In addition, there are other signs. For example, bad luck, the inability to achieve its goals. It all also testifies to problems with life energy.

Now everyone has the word "synthesis", i.e. It's time to "collect stones" to make a holistic picture of the universe. Now is the 21st century, and the whole century ago, in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, "three heroes" appeared in Russian science, which laid the foundation of today's synthesis. These heroes are: K.E. Tsiolkovsky, V.I. Vernadsky, A.L.Chevsky. V.I. Vernadsky became the father of scientific ecology and the biosphere, as well as the development of history development. K.E. Tsiolkovsky became the father of cosmonautics and links with long-distance worlds. A.L. Chizhevsky became the father of space medicine, summing up the scientific base under medical concepts. All their studies appeared, mainly to the "living ethics" E.I.Rerych and to the term "mental energy". Actually E.I. Renich speaks in his teaching about the possibility of this term, it means that in the future she allowed a change in this term when the essence of him itself will be understood. So we will try to figure it out: what is understood under the term "mental energy" in the teaching, and at what stage of disclosure is now the science is now, whether it was aware of mental energy. Fire energy fills all the space, but becomes mental energy only in combination with the thought. "Live ethics" says that PE is spilled in the world around us. It is in the air, in food, in plants and in many things. A person can use PE nature, causing his stock and increasing its viability, but under the condition of a conscious approach to PE and conscious use of it. This approach increases many times by many times the beneficial results of perceived energy and also affects the purity of the inhaled air, where it is necessary to understand a special fiery saturation, and inhalation of prana (vitality) is not only mental, but also chemical. Prana is beneficial for heart lights and reaches irritation. PE is the fire of life that condenses and accumulates all our nature of the planet. Druids have a bowl of cedar resin called a bowl of life. The extraordinary power of PE encompass each grain, each seed, this energy is particularly released when softening and germination of grain. In the past, Russia is 90% of landfills, grain supplied all Europe, so she had healthy physical and spiritually - moral roots. E.I. River says that PE is the initial energy, the reason for it is thought, and the driving force is love, joy, delight, admiration, sacrifice, etc. Distributors are - self, anger, irritation, fear, laziness, doubts, self-indentation, impassive, i.e. What we know as 7 mortal sins.

Now remember the school course of physics: Energy is a physical concept that means any object's ability to make some action or change the state of the medium (for example, the temperature, pressure) or the state of other objects. Thus, the energy has a certain substance of an object that can change, transmitted, but not in its will, which does not have energy, as well as there are no tools (objects) for the execution of this will.

Now remember that they gave the world of the work of Tsiolkovsky K.E, Chizhevsky A.L, Vernadsky V.I.

K.E.Siolkovsky - opened the road to the universe mankind. He believed that the universe was material, but there were different degrees of the subtlety of matter and the universe is alive. He believed that the atom had besides the physical, the spiritual aspect and each atom evolve. Nature does not make jumps, while scientists did not find all intermediate states of matter in space. The cycle of matter in space goes on the helix and reaches new levels of difficulty, the most difficult in the universe is a person. No matter not possessing the stuffy state to life. The Milky Way "Bitcom is naked" by living beings. He believed that the rocket was not the main thing, but a way to achieve distant worlds. K. Tsiolkovsky considered to find the cause of being, i.e. God, as the starting point of creating the universe, must go in reasoning not back, but forward. In 1902, he wrote his main book of life "Ethics or Natural Morality", but it was never published. In the works of "Mount and Genius" and "Genius among people", he offers a project of an ideal organization of the public device. He believed that in all ages, humanity committed one terrible mistake: it forced not a social system to serve humanity, and a person - public system, he said in 1918.

A. L. Chizhevsky - he had the main work "the main principles of the universe. Space system "and she also remained not published. But in 1924, part of this work was published in Kaluga called "Physical Factors of the Historical Process". Reviews of her wrote to K.E. Tsiolkovsky, saying that for the first time in the world is experimentally and convincingly in the history of the world, physics and astronomy are broken. In December 1917, he graduated from the Historical and Philology Faculty of Moscow University, defending the master's thesis "Evolution of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in the Ancient World." In 1918, he defends the doctoral dissertation "Investigation of the periodicity of the world-historical process", it was the beginning of its theory of heliacaraction or solar perturbation. His work is known to obtain negative aeroions and their impact on the human body, which marked the prophylaxis of public health in medicine. He built an artificial circulation apparatus and examined in detail the physico-chemical and cosmic causes affecting the composition of blood and its vital activity. So it was the beginning of cosmobiology and helicobiology. The world science also called A.L. Schizhevsky "Leonardo da Vinci of the 20th century." He argued that nature should be studied to its very possible depth, without such a study, the victory over nature is impossible and attempts to combat it are meaningless. Here he echoes with F. Konon: "Nature is subordinate to her." He argued that there is one electricity energy in various forms of existence - light, movement, warmth, chemicals. These forms can go to each other, but with potential preservation. He believed that the energy of the Sun was not lost irretrievably, but converted. Energy is what is preserved in all subsequent transformations. A certain amount of energy perceived by the senses gives an equivalent amount of mental activity, which is expressed in the form of thinking, muscular movement or postponed in the form of potential mental strength - memory in brain cells. The potential energy of the Sun turns into the kinetic energy of the vital activity of humanity and all living biological organisms. History itself is part of the history of nature (he collected material for 1500 years and summarized). He argued that the sun does not cause a person to do specifically that, but makes anything. Therefore, it is necessary to fill it "something" necessary, thoughtful content and to create a conscious story. Passive reaction will cause some misfortunes, because Humanity "goes in all directions, like a blind" and does not know what action it is necessary to perform, especially in the 3-year peaks of the sun activity. Almost everyone called A.L.Chevzhevsky - Sun-Chain, because He argued: "The closer to the Sun, the closer to the truth." It is true and in the direct and figurative sense, because From the teachings, E.I. Idrich, we know that this teaching itself was given by the mind of the Sun (the highest reasonable creatures living in the sun).

V.I. Vernadsky - It is called the Lomonosov 20th century, the founder of new naturally - scientific disciplines: geochemistry, biogeochemistry, radioogeology, etc. And a friend of his youth, Prince Shakhovsky called him Faust of our days. V.I.Vernadsky created something more than new sciences and scientific directions; His scientific feat comes far beyond the scope of natural science in the field of philosophy and universal problems of being, their connection with nature and space. He became one of the prophets of the new planetary thinking. His theory is not just the synthesis of natural and humanitarian sciences, but the transformation of science into direct productive strength on a global scale. V.I. Vernadsky believed that religion is incrediable, is an attribute form of the human spirit. Giving it emotionally moral importance, he believed that, on the basis of religion, it is possible to build scientific ethics. What was done by the teachings E.I. Ryrich. In his youth, he reads the works of Indian and Chinese philosophers, the ancient Vedas, removing their non-traditional academic associations from them. He is 50 years old (1890-1940) friendly with Indologist F.I. Scherbatsky, who told him that his term "biochemical energy" probably corresponds to the Indian concept of karma to give a characteristic of time as a separate substance. He argued that in the future, science will go along the path of Buddhism that the life is forever, because it is eternal space and she has always been transmitted by biogenesis. He argued that the prophet feels his voice and cannot but speak, and he feels that he should say a lot in his teaching about living substance. By living matter, he calls a combination of earthly living organisms, and the biosphere is the lower part of the atmosphere and a lithosphere - the upper part of the earth's crust. The biosphere is the outer shell of the planet Earth. Which is permeated with life and formed it. A constant material and energy exchange is carried out between the oblique part of the Earth and its living substance, which is expressed in the motion of atoms. Live substance through the sun rays supports its existence, i.e. Dynamic equilibrium and organization. He considers the emergence of scientific thought as a planetary phenomenon and the collective work of united humanity aimed at meeting his numerous needs. Human mind - there is power, aspirated and organized will of him as a public creature. The biosphere under the action of human thoughts and his work goes to the nosphere. Noosphere is the sphere of moral mind. The mind is the natural phenomenon of space and humanity is one of the whole, designed to act and think in a generallylanetic scale. Humanity must take care of not only itself, but also their home - the biosphere. He argued that the noosphere demands to combine the efforts and responsibility of scientists of all countries and peoples. There must be a union of truth, justice and beauty. Life V.I. Vernadsky and there is an example of such planetary thinking. As a scientist, he in 1928 came to the conclusion that in the USSR there is no freedom of thought and that the facts of Soviet reality contradict "the words and ideas of communism"; The most blatant facts: 1) Double-word Government: Sovnarkk, but in fact power among the Central Committee of the Party; 2) the state in the state is the GPU bodies with the factual power; 3) hedges - a crazy or traitor, the exterminated color of the nation; 4) the destruction of the part of the intelligentsia, which made the revolution, led to the fact that the party was detected, became gray and the percentage of thieves and criminal elements increased in it. And today we know that this led to the foreigner of the people by the government in 1991.

In theory V.I. Vernadsky, it is argued that:

1) The process of studying and observation of natural phenomena can make irreversible changes in them. E.I.Rerych in ยง 267 AUUM said that scientist was awarded so much that the quality of his mental energy corresponds to.

2) Life is a "buffer" between space and non-living planet substance capable of using cosmic energy to convert the planetary substance. Life becomes a catalyst for the development process, i.e. Evolution. At 144 AUM says that the brain lives with light, it needs a lively ray of light (i.e. light - a living being, stream of thoughts).

3) The amount of live matter in the biosphere is constantly.

4) There is a circulation of substance in nature: hydrogen cycles, carbon cycles, silicon cycles, cycle of water, etc. Having breeding a person, Nature elected another mighty catalyst of world development.

5) The biosphere is saved with the noosphere and will occur by the development of the planet.

6) Live substance - solar energy transformer. Life is the same eternal part of the cosmos, like matter and energy. Consciousness represents some geological force, because Thought - Creator. Human mind is a cosmic force that is part of the structure of the universe, like a living matter.

7) V.I. Vernadsky searched in history that the fermentation element that forced her to move, he realized that this propulsion was scientific knowledge of the environment. Knowledge combine the nature and personality of a person. Our process of thinking is also part of nature. The history of scientific thought is the history of human development.

8) How to link the unchanged amount of life with its obviously running development? Solution: The number of reserved life of the substance remains unchanged, but the intensity of their time increases. Changes and a variety of chemicals when new species appear.

9) Two biogeochemical principles are based on its theory: a) on Earth live and survive in the course of evolution only those species that increase the speed of migration; b) a variety of substances in nature, both living and non-living.

10) There would be no lively space, so the whole space is one and interrelated. Cosmos is naturally one, as a whole. Space life, because All characteristics of life are consistent with cosmic laws. It was this that confirmed by his work by A.L. Chizhevsky on the influence of electromagnetic phenomena in the sun spots on the human life and everything alive on the planet with a full period of 23 years.

I want to give the words of V.I. Vernadsky: "I consider myself a deeply religious person ... Neither the art nor the science nor her philosophy will replace it and these human experiences do not concern those parties that make it a lot. Meanwhile, it doesn't need a church for me, I don't need a prayer, I don't need words and images that meet my religious feeling. God is a concept and image too complete, so that it could cover it with an imperfect human mind "(p.219" Opening and fate "on June 27, 1923" From the archive "). From myself I can add that he was not needed prayer because the true prayer, by definition of Baha'u'llah, is the ministry to people and humanity. And V.I. Vernadsky gave himself and all his life to the ministry of science and scientific thought.

11) In its theory V.I. Vernadsky all the time talks about the role of thought as a binder cosmos and humanity and a separate person. By comparing the dates, we see that when he wrote these lines E. I. Roerich gave her teaching, he could not hear her, but his spirit rose so high and thoughts were tuned as in the resonant loop so that he read them from the space. This is not only an example of its own mental energy, but also a visual example of manifestation and action of general-copier PE.

12) Noosphere - the basis of the historical process, when the mind of a person becomes a huge geological force. IN AND. Vernadsky believed that the center of thought and scientific work was not in emigration, but in Russia and here there is still a lot of things to do, and that Russia will still have a difficult place to live a person (03/10/1923 from the letter I.I. Petrunkevich in Prague). He believed that scientific work in Russia was saved and lives a big life thanks to the conscious and volitional act of many old Russian scientists, despite the huge sacrifices accompanying new transformations in Russia. Indeed, selfless work V.I. Vernadsky, A.L.Chevzovsky and K.E.Siolkovsky gave to resist the scientific thought of Russia and break forward. These are our cosmists.

13) The activities of humanity are associated with an increase in free, capable of producing work, global energy ... Human civilization is a causal consequence of the spontaneous planetary process ... Unconsciously creating a story, humanity produces a phenomenon of high power. Science is the great force of only high-level humanity. Now its position and importance does not meet its power due to our ignorance. Barbarism is not an accident, but the inevitability of the directional collective thought of the ignorant consciousness of people. The course of history is inevitable and unchanged, it is going on with a common planetary consciousness, the movement of material masses on the earth's surface, a person produces this work, increasing the strength and power of its civilization. Since the development of the consciousness of humanity and geological processes on the planet are related to each other, so the future in general can be predicted. This future will be His authotrophiness for a person, i.e. The independence of its existence from the surrounding world of plants, animals, minerals. Now such authotrophic are some bacteria and earth plants (self-developing), everything else is interdependent on the light, from water, from food. Now, humanity is trying to get food besides living organisms with artificial way and this will lead it to rebirth. K.E. Tsiolkovsky predicted in his works that in the future people will be radiant. Now we are at the threshold of this new era and for it there is a fiery transmutation of mankind for the teachings of living ethics. There are huge geological changes where we are passive and active participants. V.I. Vernadsky said that his ideas were slow and as always met misunderstanding and distrust (this is the beginning of the 20th century). He said that he did not see anyone in Russia, nor in the emigration of the forces capable of creating politically new Russia ... These forces are hidden in new generations, as now the old forces of Russia retain science for the future ... And yet the most important force: science, philosophy, religion, Art and this force now in Russia does not run out. A person has always been looking for a decision to solve life, but not in science, nor in religion, nor in philosophy, did not find any art. Often the answers gave a scientist, not science. There is a birth of life from living through reproduction of species with reproduction, and there is from non-living - rotting; Archings - from water, stones, rocks, land. So, heterogenesis, biogienes, architez. Live is created only by biogynes, heteroginosis - the embryo appears out of communication with the body. Conditions for the emergence of life: heat, light, moisture. Any cell is born from itself the like, kernel from the nucleus ... Free oxygen is created entirely only by geochemical energy of life, we call it photosynthesis, and in fact it is the mechanism of transformation of PE into matter. Teaching V.I.Vernadsky well reflects elements of the relationship of biogeochemical functions of the biosphere in nature.

There are 9 such functions:

1) gas, mainly gas produced by living organisms; 2) oxygen (chlorophilic plants), i.e. the formation of free oxygen from CO2, H2O, nitrates; 3) oxidative, oxidation of poorest oxygen compounds: salts, dyondionates (this makes mainly autotrophic bacteria); 4) Calcium, calcium isolation in the form of pure salts (simple and complex) - carbon dioxide, oxhelevois, phosphate (apatite), etc. This is done: algae, bacteria, mosses, single-celled animal organisms (roots, radoaps), vertebrates, aquatic (crustaceans, mollusks, echinodermatics, corals, hydroes, brachiopods, msanka, etc.); 5) restorative (especially for sulfates). It makes bacteria; 6) Concentration, accumulation of individual elements from their scattering into the environment. It is typical for carbon and vital processes; It makes organisms animals and plant different families - unicellular and multicellular; 7) the destruction of organic compounds, decomposition of them with the allocation of H2O, CO2, H2; It makes bacteria and mushrooms; 8) restoration decomposition of organic compounds; it makes bacteria; 9) the metabolism and respiration of organisms associated with the absorption of O2 and H2O, with the release of CO2, with the migration of organic elements. It makes all organisms. Extremely active in the body biosphere: oxygen, carbon dioxide, water, hydrogen sulfide. During the geological era, there was a change in some organisms by others, but continuing to make all these functions without changing the functions themselves. And only a person with his mind and technique (and its own body) is able to perform all these functions together. The biosphere should have a combination of many species belonging to different classes of organisms or in the singular, then this is an unknown form of a living matter, because We are unknown by the chemical composition of this original living matter from which the remaining more complex organisms occurred (perhaps this light), unless of course life originated on Earth, and not brought from space by comets, meteorites, meteorous dust deposited on the ground, with its movement in space. . The biosphere varies mainly a living agent and all processes associated with it. Physico - the chemical composition of the ocean water changes.

14) In evolution, those organisms that increase their biogenic geochemical energy are survived. Now according to humilev, they are called passionia. In evolution, the chemical composition of the living substance is constant, but the energy contributing to them is increasing. E.I. Rierich calls her mental energy. When a person's mind affects the evolution of the planet and space, then the biosphere goes to the nosphere. Therefore, a person is called the creature of cosmic. Organisms can live as in a molecular medium, where there are almost no manifestation of fields and in the planetary medium of fields of gravity. The smaller the body (molecular medium), the greater its geochemical energy, the faster it creates new organisms, but the speed of this division has the limit, we call it a biological element of time (by Vernadsky). The life of the body is an irreversible process, the whole life of the biosphere is an irreversible process during the geological period or change of generations. As a result of life, there is no reduction in free energy in the space environment, but its increase. Life is relevant to the entropy rule. Free energy according to V.I. Vernadsky and its biogeochemical energy and there is a state-term cosmic energy according to the expression E.I. River, which she called mental energy. So the human task is to saturate PE space. V.I. Vernadsky binds this energy with the reproduction of organisms. Bacteria must be 1.5 days to populate the whole planet, and elephants - 1100 years. The reproduction is under geometric progression and the growth of cars in society too. Here is the transition from the biosphere to the noosphere, and in the noosphere, biogeochemical energy is refracted as PE. The properties of this energy are pronounced in the growth of the free energy of the biosphere with geological time, especially sharply with its manifest transition to the nosphere. Unlike the properties of the cosmic medium, the thermodynamic field of a living organism has a sharply pronounced disymmetry (right, left). The activities of organisms are not a purely mechanical process, which can be predisted. It is individual and different in different individuals. The degree of freedom of action is not clear, but it is different in each case and can be clearly installed. Going into space, life has other forms, invisible to the human eye and therefore not always recognized by the person. Dissymmetry is the result of the fact that the space is non-either (heterogeneously). Today, the idea of \u200b\u200bdissimmetry is developed by our scientists A.E.Kamovov and G.I.Shipov, who introduced the concept of reprisal and left-handing torsion fields. Torsion fields are media of mental energy. V.I. Vernadsky argued that dissimmetry is a violation of symmetry, but the number of left and right should be equally. This conclusion was made by the example of the study of crystallography. Rights dominate in the lives of life, so our sun, planets and other visible stars are releger. When changing races and subrange, the type of thinking is changing; Atlanta was righteous, we are 5 rasa left-handed. Only in the transition period the number of rigorous and left-hander is aligned. The mass of the living substance and its chemical composition should not change during the period and the evolution does not violate them. The growth of civilization is the whirlwind of biogenic migration of atoms.

15) It is necessary, along with matter and energy, studying the manifestation of time in it. Life is a manifestation of the time in the live matter of the biosphere. Differences between alive and bone: energy, in chemical manifestations, in space - time. A living matter can change the atomic weight of elements through life: food, breathing, growth, reproduction. Space geometry is not one: our mind has a different geometry than the body (meaning the geometry of space). Helmholz offered to introduce the concept of physical space. In the living substance, time is expressed in changing generations, i.e. This is a biological change in time, and each living matter has its own. The space inside the lively other than inside the oblique. In the geometric space of the living substance, there is no center of symmetry, it is polarly, the inequality of the left-handedness and is poling. Asymmetry in space and irreversibility in time There are signs of living organisms. V.I. Vernadsky concludes: There is a great geological and cosmic force in the biosphere - this is a human mind, aspiring and organized will of him, as the creatures of public. The manifestation of this force in the environment was after the Miriad of the centuries, the expression of the unity of the combination of organisms - the monolith of life - the "live matter" - one part of which is humanity. In recent centuries, humanity has ever allocated in its influence on the environment. A living substance changes with the increasing speed of the structure of the bases of the biosphere. It becomes more independent of other forms of life and evolves to a new life manifestation. A person is associated with a living matter and its origin all living generations are genetically connected. Hypothesis V.I. Vernadsky: Life originated in the ground (so God sculpts a person from clay). This is self-roaring on the planet through space sowing. Life exists from the time of the Archean era. Through the food, a person consumes PE plants and animals, and V.I.V. Calls this cycle of chemical elements in the biosphere. The first-grade PE is concentrated in minerals and comes to plants and animals through their power from the Earth. Green plants are independent of the environment, they at the expense of photosynthesis build their bodies, carbon chains, but the nutrition goes from minerals, they convert solar energy through chlorophyll, i.e. Turn the energy of the sun in chemical. All parts of the biosphere complement each other. Chlorophyll plants has: MD, C, H2, O2, and it is very similar to the hemoglobin of human blood, where MD is replaced by Fe. Free oxygen in the atmosphere is the result of the life of plants. If there was no free oxygen, then all chemical reactions on Earth would stop. The life of organisms creates stone coal, peat, oil, limestone, iron ores, coral reefs, black mill and D.R. A person in his life uses all this at the expense of his mind. The mass of humanity is insignificant compared to the mass of all the lives of the planet, but the mind changes everything. A person changes its activities to the chemical and mineralogical composition of the place where it lives. This is also a natural process, like other geological phenomena. Perhaps it is governed by the principle of inertia and will go until it comes to the nasty external force, which can destroy this process or limit (viruses of various flu and diseases). Agriculture changed the lives of all autotrophic bacteria in the soil, hunting and domestication of animals changed the life of the biosphere, plant breeding also made her contribution. So a person changed the living agent under the action of his mind. The farming liberated a person from the dependence of the elements of nature in nutrition, but at the same time the virginity of this nature was destroyed, a lot of chemical elements and new forms of life. The Lick of the Planet came to a state of continuous shocks, but the person did not achieve the provision of his life and now the planet wants to free himself from a person, introducing new viruses and bacteria into his life. So it turned out a vicious circle of the biosphere. Technique, huge cities, factories and factories gave rise to microclimate, the composition of water has changed. Now science solves the problem of energy resources. And science is a powerful mind. So PE changes the world. In space there is a cycle of mental energy. The law of preserving and turning the energy, open by our scientist M.V. Lomonosov, reflects the essence of these PE transformations both on Earth and in space. By the way, it was V.I. Vernadsky opened the Russian society M.V. Lomonosov as a scientist of his article in the "Russian Word" in honor of his 150th anniversary, before that he was considered as a poet and writer of OD. Now the time of manifestation of mankind is coming as a whole (the biosphere has moved to the nosphere). This is a new era in the life of the planet, its new geological era, psychozoic to determine Shukhrent or anthropogenic, by definition A.P. Pavlova, who spoke about the three-time glaciation of the East-West Plain, and Louis Agasis called this time the era of a person who changed his biosphere Thought and difficulty. Baha'u'llah and E.I. Ryrich called it a new space cycle. Without love and mutual understanding, the way to a new era is ordered. The human heart is a receiver of cosmic energy and signals, and the noosphere is the general information heart of the planet, which is close to heart attack today. Snow-member infarction is an infarction of human conscience. Now we have to talk about the ecology of conscience. From the second half of the 19th century, folk masses begin to manifest as a real social historical force. A person does not put together with the terms of his life, he wants to improve it. The history of mankind is the history of the development of religion, philosophy, science, i.e. The story of a single knowledge. Humanity is directed towards unification. The growth of scientific thought is the cause of the creation of a nosphere. Noosphere is not an accident, but regularity, like the whole course of the evolution of the living and dispossessment of the planet. But the appearance of the noosphere does not say that the connection of a person with the biosphere is broken, it is always connected with it naturally by vital activity. Noosphere is not a temporary geological phenomenon, it means that, ultimately, the biosphere will fully switch to the nosphere. This is a big natural phenomenon. No living organism is in a free state, because All are related to the environment through food and habitat. The concept of "life" goes beyond the "living substance", it is a phenomenon of cosmic, and on our planet is represented by a certain phase of this cosmic development. This hypothesis was first expressed Huygens in the 17th century. Recall: 500 million years ago there was a calcium stage in the development of the biosphere, when skeletons are rich in calcium, speaking of the calcium function of a living organism; 70 - 110 million years ago, in the chalk period (tertiary) created our green forests; Now a new stage, the same ambitious, significant and long. The word "noosphere" consists of two words: Greek nos, which means the mind, and the sphere, in the sense of the land shell. Thought changes geological processes in nature. Scientific thought she has the speed of movement, and it naturally changes in time, it freezes, it increases, reflects its cyclicality. So the 20th century is the explosion of scientific thought, the explosion of the birth of talented people who are a toa of scientific thought. V.I. Vernadsky said in 1926: "We are approaching the construction of the world without matter." In the "Living Ethics" this time is called the end of 6 races, a man is radiant. K. Florensky said that few people understood V.I. Vernadsky, he was ahead of time, and only at the end of the 20th - early 21st centuries his ideas began to be understood and moving the development of science. Similarly, they did not understand the surrounding people K. E. Tsiolkovsky and A.L. Chizhevsky and now they are not yet valued. K.E. Tsiolkovsky himself said that it would be appreciated only after 100-200 years. Prince Shakhovsky, a friend of youth V.I. Vernadsky, called him Faust of our days. His student, A.E. Fersman, recalled that working near V.I. Vernadsky he felt the light and benevolence, to the old age V.I. Vernadsky was happily wondered by new facts stacked in his theory. All his erudition was hit, he was a citizen of the world in his convictions, for him science did not know borders and customs, but he always said and thought about Russia and her future. The same can be said about K.E. Tsiolkovsky and A.L.Chevsky. These are our "Latest" scientists - encyclopedists, cosmists and highly moral identities. These are examples of high scientific and human life. They were not connected with any religion, nor with one society, they simply saw the whole world in relationships, in all found a single one, as one of the initial PE, from which this is such a diverse and such a restless world. And our task is to preserve it with you, understand and develop through the development of education and ourselves. So, the primary energy is PE, i.e. The energy of the living consciousness, and the primary living consciousness we call God and the creation of Him, in the first phase, hesitates the victim and love. The consciousness of God gives part of himself and rushes everything to unity (love), so we get quarks, elementary particles, atoms, molecules, substance, and when the substance is maximally condensed, the evolution begins, i.e. Hackage. Thus, there is no catastrophe in space, everything goes in order: in circulation of PE in space. The person is created in the image and likeness, because It also has consciousness and radiates a special type of PE. This life thrills in space, because Light is a living being, light and there is life. According to the theory of N.Kozyrov, the stars are powered by streams of time, and the flow of time is emitted by a living matter - man. In 1946, N. Kozyrev argued that the star was a car that processes, and does not create any kind of energy, and without the substantial cost of the material from which it consists. He argued that this energy of the supply stars is the time that makes the chaos struggling to organize in the star. Common for all stars is space and time. Space - place, and time - propulsion. Therefore, the stars are eternal and on young stars and planets should be volcanic activity, which was opened on the moon in 1958, on IO in 1979. He said that the light is constant, and the brightness is changeable, in time the direction is constant, the time stream density - variable value. The stream of time moves with a speed much more speed of light. In 1971, he said that in the Universe, the time appears immediately and everywhere. Information in time is transmitted instantly, intuitive knowledge go through this way, too, with telepathy. At low density, the time with difficulty affects the material objects. Our psychological feeling of empty or meaningful time has not only a subjective nature, but has an objective physical basis. N. Kozyrev represented the time in the form of two rotating wolfs: one is due to and rotates clockwise, the second is due and rotates counterclockwise. Two wolf - two funnels. One turns the space for reason, and the other - unfolds the space as a result. Time running is the continuous process of sweater and expand the space. N. Kozyrev believed that the mirror surfaces reflect the time stream. He believed that some stars would radiate time and tried to catch him with spiral mirrors, in the center of which the ball should spawn himself (pendulum) on the helix of the mirror. He patented the engine in this principle using space energy. N. Kozyrev died on February 27, 1983. He believed that people can be divided into people of the space and people of time, the first most, and the second fewer, but they are the generators of ideas and move the civilization. They see the hidden causal - the investigative relationship between the processes, in chance they see patterns. N. Kozyrev believed that time was one of the forms of energy of the cosmos and the main driving force of the whole universe. All processes where there are causal transitions, distinguish or absorb time; Where they are not, there is no time there. For example, in black holes where the time is folded into the zero point, and the stars are a boiler from where the time is reradiated. The time density is more where non-standard processes are coming. With increasing chaos (entropy), the density of time increases, i.e. Time is diminished, and when "order" decreases, he gives his time energy. Time density can be enhanced with concave mirrors. Now it suggests the conclusion: time and PE is the same. Then scientific research is docked with "Live Ethics" E.I. Roerich. We often say that everyone has their own "biological clock", i.e. His PE, the mechanism of its impact on the world comes from a person's consciousness. So you can put a sign of equality between consciousness, temporary stream of man and its PE. And the strength of the human spirit defines its PE. With the growth of our consciousness, our PE is growing! Then consciousness \u003d the power of the Spirit + morality. Morality is the levels of different quality of human PE. From here it follows that consciousness and PE are one thing. The regulator in this process is the will of the Creator in the form of the law: this attracts such or this is the law of space love. The whole world is permeated by the Spirit of God, as an energy field, it ensures the fulfillment of all laws. PE PE is a cell of the PE Universe (God's Spirit). A person must harmonize his will with the will of the Creator, making a conscious choice. This process resembles the magnetization of the medium, known from the school course of physics, where we consider 3 types of magnetics: diamagnetics, paramagnetics, ferromagnetics. In this univeed field of the Spirit of God, our human consciousness "is magnetized" like this 3 magnetics: Dia - against the field is against evolution, i.e. not only do not develop, but also regress; Couple - along the field, but weak magnetization is weakly developing in accordance with evolution; Ferro is a strong magnetic - corresponds to a self-developing person emitting his own strong stream of time. There is a fourth type - ferrites, with a rectangular hysteresis loop - correspond to the geniuses and saints. Man - the rays is our future, but we can become a radiant heart now.

Live substance is not only living substances, it is a special natural body.

Ideas V.I. Vernadsky were not born in a vacuum, but in the environment of Russian philosophical cosmism, to which the Roericks belong. He noted 3 periods of a surge of scientific thought: Greek, Roman and modern.

The energy-related form associated with mind is mental energy, this is a new form of the power of a living organism over the biosphere, which gives you the opportunity to completely transform and cut down nature. According to V.I. Vernadsky religion and philosophy discovered their historical inability to become the spiritual power of the unity of mankind, there can be only science. But today we see that science has fallen into dependence on the power of it, who make money with its help, the foliation of the people of the world. Timiryazev called the light of the living force of the solar beam. Ancient deified not the sun, and the heat with it is connected, i.e. Sun rays, bearing life, and the Disk of the Sun was a symbol of God. The first living beings were autotrophic, because They have nothing to eat, except for light and minerals. Evolution comes with an increase in the complexity of living beings, it means with an increase in energy. Photosynthesis is a mechanism for transformation of energy into matter, and a chain nuclear reaction, on the contrary, there is transformation of matter into energy. A.L. Chizhevsky said that the very phenomenon of life on Earth is a product of the activity of the entire space. On the planet, mankind conducts only part of the time of its evolution is 7 races, and then on thin planets. By definition, A. L. Chizhevsky: life, man and space is a single whole. V.I. Vernadsky said that the science of life and the highest regulator should be created, it is morality, then he asked: what is the strongest weapon on the planet? And he answers: Mind. And he also predicted that the structure of the human brain will be changed. At one time, Aristotle said that life - there is a form of motion of matter, and according to Plato, thoughts, i.e. Ideas are managed by the world. The light is a stream of thoughts. All the visible and invisible worlds, the entire endless universe - there is energy in different states, types, densities, etc. and all this variety of energy is created and maintained by the will of the Creator. From a physical point of view, the energy is concentrated in matter, in fields (electromagnetic, gravitational, weak, nuclear, torsion), which permeate both each atom of matter and a vacuum. In general, there are no fields as such, there are different types of energy: email. Field - electrical energy, magician. The field is magnetic energy, a gravitational field - mechanical energy, a field of nuclear forces - electromagnetic, etc. In physics, they say that the field is a carrier of energy, i.e. They carry energy to themselves, actually the field itself is energy. Different types of fields are different types of energy. The field is the spatial outline of energy flows. Just the authority of the fields of fields are so great that it is difficult to abandon this concept, but the law of conservation and transformation will be carried out regardless of the terminology. In visibly, we have the world such manifestations of energy species are: potential, kinetic, internal. We gave them different names because it was necessary to reflect the different sides of the name of the state of the substance when it interacts with each other in different states (gaseous, liquid, solid) and with bodies. From AE theory Akimova and G.I. Shipova we know that the vacuum can become a source of energy. So the whole world is permeated by the energy field - the divine spirit, which ensures the fulfillment of all the laws of nature (including the laws of physics, chemistry, biology, geology), everything, ranging from rotation of galaxies before the functioning of the human brain, all this is the initial PE. The human monad - the grain of the spirit of the living - his cell. As its consciousness (feelings and thoughts), having received a certain degree of freedom, acquires from the spirit the possibility (strength) to influence the thoughts around this power, feelings, spirit. But before the person reaches the strength to influence others, he must learn to manage himself, its lowest nature, with his subconscious, consistent, harmonizing and harmonizing his nature with the will of the Creator, with the vibrations of the spirit of the living. Of all this, it follows that PE is the energy of the Divine Spirit, when we mean its global manifestations. If we talk about the PE of a person (about its receipt, increasing, transmission and impact on other people), then instead of PE it would be more correct to talk about the strength of the human spirit. The level of human consciousness and its power of the Spirit - the characteristics are interrelated. The level of human consciousness depends on his ability to love others, sacrificing personal interests, wisely to evaluate what is happening and responsible to make decisions. If any component of consciousness does not develop, then there is a breakdown and removal from the Creator plan, which learns our feelings and thoughts instantly, as soon as they arise and contributes to us or the opposite hinders. Feeling and thought, our spirit emits the corresponding vibrations that are instantly perceived by the field of the spirit of the living. In this regard, the saying is performed: God's cheese cow did not give. A person is not part of the cosmos, but the Sosmos himself. Thus, PE (human spirit strength) increases in proportion to the development of our consciousness. It is from the level of consciousness depends on how a person lives, what she strives for, we affect the consciousness when communicating with students and other people. Therefore, it is necessary to know the components of consciousness, its main levers. We know about 7 bodies of a person, each body has its own energy center (chakra) and all who seeks to enlighten consciousness, should lift the energy of Kundalini to the upper spiritual centers. The simplest living organisms also possess consciousness, but this level in humans we call the subconscious, it is inherent in any organic life, it provides self-preservation, the continuation of the kind. This is the level of global consciousness without the participation of individual, i.e. without self-consciousness. For the implementation of this program to ensure the extension of organic life, consciousness concentrated in the lower chakras is responsible (a person has sex). In highly organized animals, awareness is already an individualized, enriched with its own feelings, the simplest thinking operations, the 3rd level of consciousness in the 3rd chakra is developing. At this level, the decision-making is dominated by another global consciousness in animal behavior. But individual species and individuals, when communicating with a person, with a high social organization, the individual consciousness begins to prevail. A person is given freedom of will, i.e. Discontinued domination of global consciousness, i.e. Subconscious and a conscience is given to him, i.e. This is a connection with the highest spiritual reasonable consciousness. A person must choose and his individual consciousness, built on the 4th energy level, must be consciously harmonize, combine with the highest levels (5,6,7), i.e. Develop communication with superconscious (evidence or expansion of intuition). This is the process of ripening consciousness in organic forms. The components of consciousness are feelings and thoughts, and the feelings are prim than. In this case, the feelings are not understood not to feel our perception authorities, and the feelings are our relations to others and to themselves, to which the substantiation has a great influence. Instinct of life preservation is the roots of egoism reinforced by an individual mind. If a person chooses this level of consciousness and does not seek his mind to expand, raise the level of divine consciousness, then his fate is not enviable - it is an animal level. And to rise help the feelings of love for all people, to all of the living, and in the region of reason to realize themselves with an accomplice of creation. If there is no equilibrium in the development of feelings and mind, then this leads to distortion of consciousness. There are psyche and mediums (many psychics) who have opened the channels of fine feeling (perception), but the volitional and logical components of consciousness have emerged, but on the contrary, they have hypertrophied logical thinking (many scientists), but sensitiveness (intuition) has not been developed. Therefore, working for the future, according to the plan of the Creator, it is necessary to see, feel, understand who is missing, what can they help them, but the desire to go should be born from themselves and the goal for this promotion should be true and conscious. Sometimes it is useful to remember the commandment of doctors: do not harm! Blaze Pascal said: "There are 3 discharge of people: some who have found God and serve to him, others - not found it, but those who live without God and are not looking for him. The first is reasonable and happy, the second unfortunate, but reasonable, the last madness and unhappy. " The initial subject - the Creator (God) through and the transfer of his PE created the material and other worlds, i.e. Objects that have based on the materialized energy of the Creator. He created not only non-residential objects, but also lives that themselves are subjects in relation to each other and the world around, but in relation to God we also have objects with its original energy, so we can not talk about PE as a self-developing force, It is only a tool. But the Holy Spirit is the very creative principle, with which our soul has a permanent connection with energy and informational. They are managed by our existence and development. It is about the Holy Spirit: "In the beginning there was a word, and the Word was God, and the Word was God." In the "Living Ethics" there is a decryption of the word AUM: A - there is a thought, the basis, i.e. Our sowing, in essence it is PE; Y - there is light, beginning, i.e. Prana, life force, because Light is a living being that provides movement, in fact this time (because the beginning and end is only in time, where there is no time, there is no beginning, no end); M - there is a mystery, intimate, in fact this is the law of the PE cycle in space (the transition of matter into energy and energy into matter). The latter was formulated by our scientist M. V. Lomonosov in the law of preserving and turning energy, we were accustomed to apply it only for our material world, but it also fair for the entire space for PE. I remind you of it: the energy does not arise from nothing and does not disappear without a trace, it turns out of one species in another, from one form to another or transmitted from one body to another. Today, the laws of physics do not contradict this, and in all particular cases confirm. The Creator did not make slaves from us, so he gave freedom of choice. He endowed us free will to make us abandonably from a matter and adopted his laws, i.e. His will, would live in these laws. At the same time, our small egoistic "I" will turn into a particle of a large "I", when our will will become consonant with him, our "I want" will turn into "necessary". And we become slaves at your own desire, or rather, in our hypercamination, that as if I was elected and only God climbed into myself and begin to fanatically perform rituals, rites, not consciously worshiping, at the same time, they arouse their spirit. And as you know, any slavery is violence. Or another extreme - the imputation of itself is so much that the consciousness is no longer needed, but to fulfill only teams, as a machine, we have in Orthodoxy, Muslim, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, i.e. In all traditional old religions. A person is given freedom of will, i.e. The dominance of global consciousness was removed and the conscience is given to him, i.e. This is a connection with the highest spiritual reasonable consciousness. A person must consciously build his mind, developing his superconscious (intuition), and this is a connection with the highest consciousness. Components of consciousness are feelings, thoughts and will, and the feelings are prim than. In this case, the feelings are not the feeling of our perception authorities, and our feelings - our relations to others and to themselves, which is a great influence. Instinct of life preservation is the roots of egoism reinforced by an individual mind. If a person chooses this level of consciousness and does not seek his mind to expand, raise the level of divine consciousness, then his fate is not enviable - it is an animal level. And to rise help the feelings of love for all people, to all of the living, and in the region of reason to realize themselves with an accomplice of creation. If there is no equilibrium in the development of feelings and mind, then this leads to distortion of consciousness. There are psyche and mediums (many psychics) who have opened the channels of fine feeling (perception), but the volitional and logical components of consciousness have emerged, but on the contrary, they have hypertrophied logical thinking (many scientists), but sensitiveness (intuition) has not been developed. Therefore, working for the future, according to the plan of the Creator, it is necessary to see, feel, understand who is missing, than we can help them, but the desire to go should be born from themselves and the goal for this promotion should be true and conscious. It is always useful to remember the commandment of the doctor: do not harm! The initial subject - the Creator (God) through and the transfer of his PE created the material and other worlds, i.e. Objects that have based on the materialized energy of the Creator. He created not only non-residential objects, but also the living, which themselves are subjects in relation to each other and the world around them, but in relation to God we are also objects with its original energy, so we can talk about PE as a power self-developing , it is only a tool. But the Holy Spirit is the very creative principle, with which our soul has a permanent connection with energy and informational. They are managed by our existence and development. It is about the Holy Spirit: "In the beginning there was a word, and the Word was God, and the Word was God." What is a person? This is the maximum compacted initial PE space. The whole evolution of the universe is reflected in the ripening of the development of a person's fetus in the womb of the mother, i.e. Transition of energy into dense matter. And death is the transformation of matter into human energy state, i.e. His subtle body. PE - Energy, i.e. Movement and change that has the beginning (y), and the beginning is only in time, if there is no beginning, no end, then there is no time. E.I. Ryreich: PE is the initial energy, conjugate with the thought of the Creator. A thought is a form, it means PE is the time clothed in the form. It is assumed that the original PE is a tool showing the time launching mechanism in space. The holder of this time is the one who is customary to call God, or old days, or a chronos. What launch is we talking about? Of course, the launch of a new space cycle, which is called the Great Malvantar and its duration was given by E.P. Blavat and E.I. Roerich. This is a cycle of great creation. In the first part, it is sealing energy and in man it is maximally compacted, the mechanism here is PE. In the second part, it is a decompression and mechanism of this is a person who must improve his spirit and morality, i.e. The life of a person should rise to an increasing level of frequency vibration of the Spirit, to become a man - radiant. Its further development will be on thinner planets and stars. This is its cooperation with God, this is his evolution. The Creator did not make slaves from us, so he gave freedom of choice. He endowed us free will to make us abandonably from a matter and adopted his laws, i.e. His will, would live in these laws. At the same time, our small egoistic "I" will turn into a particle of a large "I", when our will will become consonant with him, our "I want" will turn into "necessary". And we become slaves at your own desire, or rather, in our hypercamination that I am elected and only God closer to myself, then we start fanatically to fulfill rituals, rites, not consciously worshiping, raping your spirit. And as you know, any slavery is violence. Or another extreme - the imputation of itself is so much that the consciousness is no longer needed to use, but to perform only commands as a machine. We have in all traditional old religious confessions. You can enter equivalents of human consciousness: 1) Consciousness is the density of the human temporal stream; 2) Consciousness is the mental energy of a person, multi-level and bipolar (+ and -); 3) Consciousness is the strength of the spirit of a person connected with its morality, and morality characterizes the quality of the spirit (frequency in physics or the refinement of spiritual matter). Consciousness \u003d feelings + thoughts + will. We saw PE circuit in space. At the beginning of PE, this is the love of God, which rushes all to unity, so begins the cycle of energy rotation, connecting with time, and quarks, elementary particles, kernels, atoms and molecules are created. So the dense substance appeared, visible in our world, i.e. The world visible to our eye. This is the world of minerals in which the initial PE is packed. V.I. Vernadsky believes that life appeared in the ground, i.e. Minerals with a certain humidity, temperature and pressure generate mosses, lichens, and then plants through photosynthesis. Plants, absorbing light, build carbon chains of their bodies and excrete oxygen into the atmosphere, give fruit in which the energy of the Sun is concentrated. This is a new level of existence of PE space. Animals eat plants and through food, breathing, feelings, reproduction is given even a newer level of existence of PE space. In addition to the fabric, blood and bones, reflexes and instincts appear. A person uses floral world in food and as a dwelling, the animal world is also in food and like clothing and transport. So develops its intelligence. Feelings and spirit develop through relationships with each other and with nature. This is a new level of existence of PE space. This is 1 part of the creation - it is unconscious. We are at the beginning of the second part of the creation - it is conscious, because A person understands his cosmic role and begins to work on the expansion of consciousness through the improvement of his spiritual and moral qualities, less focusing by food, the amount of which will decrease and modify. Artificial food will be enriched with cerebral energy i.e. Intellectual activity. This will begin the thinning of the tissue of hair, skin, bones and modification of the surrounding world. This is a completely new version of the existence of PE space. The fact that in religion is called "returning to God" is the final stage of the existence of a person's consciousness in space. Before that, he still should become a man - rachish, finishing the development on the planet Earth and will end our earthly circle of transformations, and then the improvement of the fiery body of a person on other thinner planets and stars, because The fiery body is also multi-layered. In the end, we get the initial mental energy of the space, which will begin its new universal circle. In the mechanism of man's work on oneself, the heart is very important. All human bodies have their own energy centers in the heart of a person, including the brain, so the heart "knows" a person thinks about everything, but "in his own way." It is the heart that distributes the fine spiritual energy of the space between all organs, working as a transformer of this energy. Also the reverse process, when a person radiates his own PE - it is sent to space through the heart, touched into spiritually moral matter. The heart materializes and distributes all forms of time in the body and serves as a system for ahead of consciousness. And on what human spirituality and morality in humans depends on the quality of the radiated PE PE: it is positive or negative. Nature around also changes according to this energy. The soul of man is also closely connected with the soul of the planet Earth, like its physical body, feeding with the products of the Earth. The heart is a concentration of human PE and the means of penetration into thin worlds. If a lot of negative, then microbes and viruses appear, if a positive, then the space becomes more "dishonled" and helps a person in his further expansion of consciousness, i.e. The connection with space is expanding. Negative PE is the "lie" of evolution, so it also gives rise to the "false" life substance, it begins to be introduced into the human body and also cause "false", i.e. Transmutation of the body. So all artificial things produced by man lead to the transformation of his life, his consciousness and the world around. Lie is something that does not correspond to the truth, i.e. Does not correspond to evolution, i.e. the process of creation. A person is the most powerful cosmic energy converter to mental. So, the integrity of all things is this and there is God. Mental energy is the material from which our soul and spirit has been created. To finish the report, I want a prayer to K. Tsyolkovsky, written in 1923, as an appeal to the root cause of space.

Prayer - thanks

I appeal to you the reason for all things!

Here is the earth! How huge she! It can feed more people a thousand times than feeding now. How beautiful its sea, mountains, air! How much richness it contains! And ever removes them ever. Here is the sun! It emits a ray of 2 billion times more than the earth gets. A man is given a mind with the help of which it will take advantage of this solar energy. It is enough to feed humanity and then when it increases in a thousand billion times! The mind that you gave a person will separate him from the ground and will allow him to use all the wealth of the solar system. Here it is with their thousands of planets, with an unlimited ester of space, quite suitable for people's life. We mentally look with one of these planets and see many stars and between them 8 large wandering shining. These are the largest of our planets, one of them is our land ...

You put us in heaven, before we learned it. Heaven is our dwelling. They will be ahead of them, only heaven will have another appearance. All the solar system you give us to master. Here is a foggy strip of the Milky Way, hugging the sky! From a billion stars it consists. And every star of him, close to the sun is no less powerful than what the life of our land gives. For several Suns, you could give everyone from the inhabitants of the Earth (he considered how many stars falls on 1 person) and I would have spent one Milky Way. Each of these suns is surrounded by thousands of planets suitable for life. Every person you can give these thousands and will still have no number. You are the reason for an infinite multitude of Milky Ways. Would you stop if I wanted to give each of us a few Milky ways - with billions of flaming sun, with thousands of billions of circling around them planets. How are your wealth infinite! Your world is filled with life! Such imperfect planets, like the Earth - one to Billion. A huge number of them are inhabited by perfect creatures. The same surround the stars, living on the air in special dwellings. Our earthly destiny is to arrange land, to achieve perfection and settle on the solar system. And then take the free sun and improve the unsuitable planets with a failed population. You gave every slightest particle of your cosmos eternal life. She was always and will be. This life is infinite and blessed. How I thank you for your invaluable gifts! With death, the end of my flour. I am improved and accept the blissful existence that will never stop. If you have to carry a service similar to earthly, then only one time on the billions of the same time of happiness.

(Pluto was opened in 1930, so we are talking about 8 planets).

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XVII Scientific and Practical Conference "Mental Energy is an objective reality." 2010