How old can a girl get pregnant? Fertility enhancement methods for a successful pregnancy. - There are more difficult pregnancies now

According to the laws of nature, the onset of pregnancy depends on the physiological readiness of the female body. The ideal period for conception can be considered the time when all circumstances in life are developing in the best way. But it doesn't always work out to follow the plan. Someone in these circumstances, something changes, and someone fate presents its own surprises.

Time to conceive

Sooner or later, every girl thinks about the question of how old you can get pregnant. A child is a crucial step in the life of any woman.

The biological indicators of the female body indicate that she can conceive from the moment of the onset of the first menstruation. But this does not always mean that her body is ready for such an event. There are many circumstances that can negatively affect both the mother and the child. And this is not always just physiology. The psychological side of this aspect is also of great importance.

From the life practice of previous generations, several of the most important components can be noted that will allow you to determine for yourself the best age for pregnancy:

  • Puberty.
  • Full physiological development, giving the girl the opportunity to safely carry the baby and give birth in a natural way.
  • Psychological readiness of a young mother.
  • Autonomy and security in the social sense.

In addition to all of the above, a person planning to give birth to a child should think about her health and about the hereditary background of both parents.

Considering the determining factors of a successful pregnancy, one can rely on scientific facts that state that a girl is physiologically ready for conception by about 10-12 years - the time of the establishment of menstruation, and psychologically, she will seriously approach this issue only by 30 years. Each woman develops and feels completely ready for motherhood in her own way. You can only determine your readiness by listening to your condition.

The most appropriate age to conceive a child is considered to be 20-25 years. At this time, the body is young, full of strength and energy to carry a baby, and the woman herself is physically hardy, and caring for a child will not be a burden.

Early pregnancy risks

Feminine nature, laid down by nature, is aimed at procreation. Almost every girl wants to become a mother. Early maturation often drives her to the actions characteristic of a mature representative. The teenager considers himself an adult and is proud of it. And since she is no longer a child, then she may well take over motherhood, as it seems to her. Though such thoughts and beliefs do not contradict biological maturity, in fact they do not always have a successful result.

Early pregnancy is not within the power of every girl who has a menstrual cycle. There are a number of indicators that must be taken into account if you want to give birth to a healthy baby and stay healthy yourself:

  • Regular menstrual cycle.
  • Established hormonal background.
  • Physiological development of the reproductive organs.
  • The formed skeleton of a young organism.
  • Psychological readiness to become a mother.

It happens that a rash step often has disastrous results. A young organism, unable to withstand the burden of labor, fails.

The lack of stable indicators of the development of a young mother can negatively affect not only her health, but also cause fetal pathology, and not rarely its death.

History knows reliable facts of such an early conception that can cause surprise and shock. The youngest mother with a successful outcome of the case is only 5 years old. But this is not an indicator of the body's capabilities, but rather a rare exception. According to the doctors who examined the girl, this became possible as a result of her genetic disorder. The syndrome of early aging gave impetus to early puberty. The woman in labor, however, underwent a cesarean section, so her skeleton was not ready for the natural childbirth process.

The statistics of medical indicators show that most often the first menstruation occurs in girls at the age of 10–12 years, less often - by the age of eight. But this is just the beginning of the formation of a woman.

Mature pregnancy

There is a category of women who, due to certain circumstances, did not manage to have a child at an age considered optimal for motherhood. A huge desire to have a baby of her own only intensifies over the years, and the instinct of procreation fills the consciousness of an unfinished female mission.

By a certain age, a woman who does not have children, more and more sharply begins to feel the desire for their birth. Implementation of the plan often pushes her to rash actions and forces her to neglect precautionary advice. For a woman from 35 years old, not to mention the older category, it becomes more difficult to give birth to a child due to certain risks, especially when it comes to the first child:

  • The hormonal background changes, which affects the percentage of effective conception.
  • Late childbirth can provoke pathology in the expectant mother, which in the future will lead to unpredictable consequences.
  • By this age, a woman may have a number of chronic diseases, the influence of which negatively affects the bearing of a child.
  • Age-related changes in the body of a mature woman may well affect the development of a bearing fetus.

Motherhood is the main mission of a woman, which sooner or later wants to be fulfilled by almost every representative of the beautiful half of humanity. But it often happens that one is in too much of a hurry to conceive, while the other, on the contrary, postpones. The rule of the golden mean and the experience of previous generations allow you to decide exactly how many years you can get pregnant, so that the bearing of the child and his birth go without complications.

Being a mother is happiness, a sea of ​​various emotions, great responsibility, a sense of one's own necessity, and much more. In one sentence, do not tell how much you need to endure for the sake of your child and how much happiness he gives. Recently, pregnant women have become rapidly "Grow old"... That is, very many give birth after the age of 35.

On the one hand, this suggests that women "Smarter"- first they think about how to get on their feet, enjoy work or creativity, and then they want to get pregnant. But on the other hand, not all women have a health condition that makes pregnancy easy and smooth. This is especially true for women who first thought about a baby.

Why does late pregnancy occur?

Optimal age for pregnancy and childbirth - this is the interval from twenty to twenty-five years. At this moment, the female body is completely ready to become a mother - the organ systems work like a clock, lined up. But psychologically, at this age, the woman has not yet matured. A twenty-year-old girl dreams of conquering all the peaks, finding a prince, and most importantly, herself. At twenty, you are sure that the whole world belongs only to you, you just have to lend a hand.

Thoughts about the family, and even more so about children, begin to appear in the head already closer to thirty. When all the possibilities have already been tried, the life purpose is clear, the work is stable, there is a roof over your head, and the long-awaited prince is sleeping at your side. From 28 to 33 years old- this is both a safe age for childbirth, and the same time when the desire to get pregnant and have a baby coincides with the opportunity. That is, physiologically, psychologically, and emotionally, a woman is ready to become a mother.

But there are times when this time is lost for various reasons. The age is coming "Over 35", and questions begin. Is it possible to give birth after 35? Is it difficult to give birth at this age? How will childbirth after 35 years of age affect a woman's body? Is late birth safe for the baby?

What do doctors say about late labor?

In late childbirth (childbirth in women after 40 years), there are both positive and negative sides.

Positive aspects of late childbirth

Pregnancy after forty years has a beneficial effect on the female body. The hormonal surge brings back youth - wrinkles disappear, the risk of early menopause too, the woman really feels much younger. This is how female hormones work. "Senile" diseases (osteoporosis, sclerosis) will also be bypassed, biological indicators (blood sugar, cholesterol) will return to "young" level. A woman at this age usually already has experience with babies and, most importantly, a woman is armed with the necessary knowledge about how to handle an infant.

Disadvantages of late childbirth

There is no answer to this question. Only the woman herself can answer. As she wants, so be it. Doctors can only recommend not to delay pregnancy. They argue that at thirty-five years old comes the border, beyond which it is much more difficult to get pregnant and give birth.

This is what a woman will have to face when she decides to become pregnant after forty years.

  • miscarriage. Due to the aging of the eggs, a forty-year-old woman increases by twenty percent than a twenty-year-old.
  • detachment of the placenta. It can occur prematurely due to the physical condition of the body.
  • cesarean section. Joints, tendons and muscles in a woman after forty are not as elastic as in a twenty-year-old, so doctors most often recommend.
  • freezing of the fetus. More common in women who decide to give birth after forty years.
  • chronic diseases and hereditary ones are activated.
  • get pregnant woman after forty is much more difficult than twenty. This is due to the fact that when a girl is born, she already has a certain number of eggs (on average, four hundred). By the age of forty, very few eggs remain. Therefore, getting pregnant is more difficult.
  • difficult childbirth. In a woman after forty years of age, childbirth usually lasts almost an hour longer and more difficult than in a twenty-year-old.
  • the physical state the body of a forty-year-old woman is far from perfect. In most cases, at this age, women are more susceptible to chronic diseases and less physically resilient.
  • genetic diseases of the fetus. In particular Down syndrome... The likelihood of the appearance of this genetic disease increases several times. In those women who are over thirty years old, in one case out of a thousand, a child is born with Down's disease. And among women over 35 - one in 350, those over forty - one in sixty, over 45 - one in twelve babies suffer from this genetic disease. Therefore, dear women, draw your own conclusions at what age it is dangerous to give birth.

Pregnancy in a woman after forty years

Late pregnancy- this is always a risk for both the expectant mother and the baby. If a woman has any health problems, late pregnancy will only worsen them. For example, high blood pressure will become even higher, kidney failure will worsen, and chronic diseases will become more active. At this time, there is a risk of developing diabetes mellitus, and late pregnancy is more likely to activate this disease. I'm not talking about diseases of the thyroid gland (can), diseases of the heart and blood vessels, lungs, kidneys, liver (can provoke premature birth). Therefore, women who become pregnant after forty years of age need to be careful not to lose a child.

What to do to successfully give birth after forty years?

To give birth after forty years is real. But certain rules must be carefully followed.

At first, pregnancy must be planned. A thorough medical examination is imperative. About six months before the planned pregnancy, it is better to exclude alcohol, cigarettes, coffee. A healthy lifestyle and healthy diet are essential conditions. Add to it the right ones, greenery, regular walks in the fresh air and a minimum of stress. These factors will help you get pregnant, successfully carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

Secondly, be sure to visit a gynecologist with enviable regularity. Doctors, seeing the age of a pregnant woman, begin to warn her and try to insure themselves against various troubles. Usually, constant monitoring in a hospital is immediately offered. You shouldn't refuse right away, but agree too. It is better to think it over, to consult with other specialists.

Thirdly undergo prenatal diagnostics. Prenatal diagnosis- This is the diagnosis of the fetus for genetic diseases and various pathologies. Prenatal diagnosis is invasive and non-invasive. Invasive prenatal diagnosis Is a direct examination of the fetus. Non-invasive- examination of the expectant mother, her blood. Prenatal diagnostics will allow to exclude all pathologies of the development of the unborn child and take action if any are found. If a woman has a late pregnancy, she should undergo prenatal diagnosis.

Up to what age can a woman get pregnant?

The maximum age for childbirth can only be determined by the woman herself. It is dangerous to give birth at any age. Childbirth is a strong shake-up for a woman's body at any age. But if a woman is optimistic and really wants a baby, no age is a hindrance to her. There are cases of successful pregnancy and childbirth at fifty, and at sixty and even at sixty-five years.

Modern technologies make it possible to make artificial insemination (IVF) any age. Modern medicine will also help to bear the baby, which saves premature babies weighing less than one and a half kilograms.

The first step in a planned pregnancy is a strong desire, good physical shape, a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. And the most important thing is a positive attitude. In her desire to get pregnant and give birth to a baby, a woman can move mountains. Modern medicine will only help her. Doctors will help you diagnose pregnancy, monitor the course of pregnancy, and save you from various complications.

Couples who have not had children for a long time are often interested in how old a woman can become pregnant, safely bear and give birth to a healthy baby. In the age of advanced medicine, the concepts of "late to give birth" or "early to get pregnant" become conditional, especially if it is an obsessive desire. Women go to great lengths to have a baby, including in vitro fertilization (IVF, in vitro) and surrogacy. The most precious children are those who were conceived for love, mothers themselves carried and gave birth. But childbearing age has its limits.

At what age is pregnancy considered late

At different times, ideas about the age range, when it is better for a woman to become pregnant, have changed. A couple of centuries ago, they tried to marry girls off early, and as soon as menstruation went on, they were looking for suitors. This tradition has been preserved among many Eastern and African peoples, from about 14-15 years old, "already a bride" and a future mother.

And until what age can you get pregnant naturally? Until climacteric changes begin in the body. In families of believers (Amish, Baptists), women are not recommended to use contraception, they give birth constantly, until about 45-48 years old.

In Europe and the USA, women are in no hurry to have children - at first they are in a hurry to get an education and build a career. In the Russian-speaking environment, it is believed that after 25 it is too late to give birth to the first child, the optimal age is 19-20 years. But up to what age can a woman become pregnant with her second, third and subsequent children? This is individual, each family has its own circumstances, much depends on health and heredity.

Important: With early menopause, women become pregnant before 36-38 years old, some have a margin of safety up to 50 years. In some cases, childbirth is recorded later.

At what age do women give birth in Europe - statistics:
  • in Austria 29-30;
  • in Belarus 24-25;
  • in Belgium 27-28;
  • in Bulgaria 26-27;
  • in the UK 29;
  • in Germany 30;
  • in Spain 31;
  • in Italy 29;
  • in Ireland 30;
  • in Lithuania 28;
  • in Norway 30;
  • in Poland 28;
  • in RF 25;
  • in Ukraine 26-27;
  • in the Czech Republic 29;
  • in Switzerland 31;
  • in France 29.
Peoples where families with many children are considered the norm cultivate the ideals of early motherhood. In developed countries with a high standard of living, childbearing at "school" age is condemned. The same trend is in the Russian-speaking space. We have a similar idea of ​​how old a woman can get pregnant and give birth - the mentality is limited to "school" and "retirement" age.

The peoples of the Caucasus and Central Asia put family values ​​above public interests, it is normal to become a mother there at a young age. In those regions, there are other ideas about the age at which it is better for a woman to give birth. If a wealthy and influential groom is wooing, consent is not asked from the young lady, but from the parents, as in the old days.

At what age is it better to get pregnant

We have our own idea of ​​when "sooner" or "late". Women who gave birth after 40 are even made fun of that "she gave birth to a granddaughter." They say that giving birth before the age of 20 is “too early”, from 20 to 30 is the best time, up to 40 is also good, if this is not the first birth, after 40 - “why and to whom?”.

When remarriage, if there were no children before, no questions are asked - when they started a family, then they try to get pregnant. When the first pregnancy was unsuccessful, the second attempt is often abandoned, and in vain, time is inexorably moving towards old age. In society, there is no question about how old you can get pregnant, it is important that this does not happen outside of marriage.

It should be borne in mind that there are many effective methods, thanks to which "stars" and "media persons" acquire children "far beyond ...". They have their own ideas about childbearing age. It's no secret that some couples, like Pugacheva and Galkin, use frozen eggs and surrogate mothers, others use donor sperm. For ordinary citizens, expensive progressive clinics are becoming more accessible, but if time is lost, then even big finances do not guarantee success.

It is interesting:

  1. Old-born Omkari Panwar from India is a record-holder mother who has decided to have babies out of a test tube. At 70, the couple decided on IVF. The family dreamed of an heir, and daughters were born. The main part of the property (land plot, buffaloes, savings) went to pay for the clinic's services. By adding credit funds, we got a boy and a girl. The woman is known as the oldest mother of twins.
  2. American Carol Horlock is the most "prolific" surrogate mother. Over the course of 13 years, her womb gave birth to 12 children, including triplets. Easy pregnancy and childbirth without any problems pushed her to this "business".
  3. The record for the difference between childbirth in 41 years belongs to the American Elizabeth Ann Battle. She gave birth to her first baby at 19, another at 60!
  4. Lina Medina in 1933 in Peru was taken to the hospital at less than 6 years old, suspecting a rapidly growing tumor in the abdomen. The baby turned out to be pregnant, but she did not admit from whom. She was helped in a clinic to safely give birth to a healthy baby weighing 2.7 kg. It is surprising that a young Peruvian woman was sexually mature at such an early age.
After these facts, the idea that it is "early" and "late" or until what age a woman can give birth to a healthy child will change. If we talk not only about puberty, but also about mental maturity, then a teenage girl of school age often cannot take responsibility for her life, especially for a newborn. Motherhood is not only happiness, but also the burden of daily care and material support.

Up to what age a woman can give birth: features and complications

A woman who had to be treated for infertility for a long time is not interested in what age is best to get pregnant. Any chance of fertilization seems precious to her. Single ladies who did not have the opportunity to dig until 40 years old do not worry about who will be the father of her future baby, they use every opportunity.

Self-sufficient women who have built a career and "made themselves" often cannot find a worthy party for themselves, therefore they do not hide the fact that they need "seed material". Abroad, any woman can contact a sperm bank and choose a "genetic material" that will suit all parameters, including race and eye color.

This also applies to ladies whose appearance is far from perfect. If they cannot count on love and family happiness, no one has taken away the right to have a baby from them. It is not so important to what age a woman can give birth. For such people, motherhood is a welcome gift at any time.

The ideal age for the first birth is within 28-30 years, doctors call them "old-born", further the risk of complications will increase. It is believed that childbirth after 40 rejuvenates the body, although it is a great stress and a huge burden, and not only on the reproductive system.

Important: A powerful hormonal shake will postpone the decay time, reveal the inner potential and health reserves. A 40-year-old woman in labor needs at least another 20 years to raise a child and put her on her feet. "Late" does not happen when there is health, desire and the ability to provide for the heir.

According to doctors, not everything is so simple - after 35 years, irreversible processes of wilting begin in the body, health makes itself felt. This should be remembered by those interested in how old a woman can give birth to her first baby.

Every year the threat of miscarriage and the birth of children with Down syndrome and other genetic abnormalities increases. The reason is the aging of the reproductive system and the minimum yield of healthy eggs. In a more mature age, not everyone can give birth, you have to do a cesarean section, anesthetize childbirth with an injection into the spinal column, which reduces labor activity.

Often there are complications, fetal freezing and the need for surgical intervention during the birth process. The contractions are less intense, childbirth is long, especially among unsportsmanlike obese ladies. Ovum implantation and embryo development can be interfered with by endometriosis and intrauterine tumors. Fibroids are common in women over 40.

So until what age can a woman give birth? Better to do it before the age of 40, before the muscle tissue has lost its elasticity. Of course, surgeons and other specialists will help a pregnant woman in a maternity hospital. But it is better when this process takes place without outside interference.

What if you really need to get pregnant and give birth in adulthood?

Of course, there are different circumstances, sometimes children are desirable even after 40. If the family (or one of the spouses) does not have a child, you will have to prepare mentally and physically for pregnancy, try to:
  • take care of your health as much as possible and keep the reproductive system in good shape;
  • quit bad habits, lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • reconsider nutrition, eat more fortified food;
  • play sports with a moderate load (do not exhaust yourself);
  • additionally take vitamins A, B, C, D and E;
  • treat chronic diseases and strengthen weakened organs, especially the kidneys and heart;
  • it is enough to rest, get enough sleep, walk more in the fresh air, please yourself with pleasant little things;
  • if you are overweight, try to lose weight;
  • undergo hormone therapy and fertility treatment, if recommended by a doctor.
At about 38-40 years old, doctors call the critical age for IVF. Perhaps a woman looks great, has a supply of strength and health, but she has a depleted supply of follicles, which are producing less and less healthy eggs. Remember that there are individual characteristics of the body - each woman has her own difference between biological and passport age. Perhaps the heart is "squeezed out" by sports training or the liver is undermined by alcoholic beverages. Planning a baby? It is better to undergo an examination and ask your doctor according to the results of how old you can get pregnant and give birth to you personally.

How old can you get pregnant? This question is asked by those women who want to avoid too early unwanted pregnancy, and those who passionately want to give birth to a healthy baby, having crossed the line of forty years of age.

Despite the fact that the onset of pregnancy is a purely individual process and depends on many factors, it is possible only if the body is physiologically ready for it. Theoretically, pregnancy is possible after the onset of menarche - the first menstruation, indicating that serious physiological changes have occurred in the girl's body.

At what age should pregnancy be considered early?

The first menstruation (menarche) is evidence that the girl has moved to a new level of physiological development, becoming a girl who is already at this stage capable of becoming a mother.

Most often, menarche is observed in 12-13-year-old girls, although in some cases it occurs in the age range from 9 to 17 years. There are, however, exceptional cases of too early puberty in girls who became mothers at 9, 7 and even ... at 5 years old!

The smallest mother on the planet

The youngest mother in the history of mankind was the Peruvian Lina Medina, who gave birth to a healthy full-term boy 4 months before her sixth birthday. Surprising as it may seem, but in terms of physiological maturity, this baby was quite ready to carry a pregnancy.

The fact is that her menarche began at the age of 8 months, and the state of the mammary glands and genitals by the age of 4 was quite consistent with the level of development of a young healthy woman. Doctors suggest that such an early physiological development was a consequence of the fact that this girl was a carrier of the syndrome of premature aging (progeria).

The child she gave birth to was born as a result of a cesarean section (the girl could not have given birth naturally due to the insufficiently developed pelvis) in 1934, was completely healthy and lived to be 40 years old.

Lina gave birth to her second child 38 years later, being already a married woman. She is alive to this day, but not a single journalist has ever managed to find out the name of the father of her first baby.

Why early pregnancy is undesirable

    The process of active formation of the girl's body has not yet been completed. Instead of the body completing its adolescence, all forces are thrown into the successful course of pregnancy. As a result, the fetus receives less of the necessary substances, and the young organism becomes very vulnerable to unfavorable environmental factors.

    The psyche of a teenage girl is also in the development stage. Physiologically mature, she is not yet psychologically ready for the birth and upbringing of a child.

    Early pregnancy is fraught with miscarriages and serious complications, with the consequences of which a woman will have to face her whole life.

    Babies born to mothers that are too young are often underweight.

    In early pregnancies, there are frequent cases of pathologies during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus.

    Young girls, due to their carelessness, are frivolous about their health. They often find out about their pregnancy when it is too late to take any steps to terminate it. Therefore, even if serious pathologies in the development of the fetus are found, they have to give birth to sick children, which they subsequently refuse.

    The financial situation of a young mother, as a rule, does not allow her to provide a decent standard of living for herself and her child, therefore, taking care of them falls on the shoulders of grandfathers and grandmothers.

Late pregnancy: a risk or a gift of fate?

Some women dream of a child, being already at a fairly mature age, when conception and normal pregnancy become problematic. This is explained by the inevitable change in hormonal levels and a catastrophic decrease in the number of mature eggs, the number of which decreases every year (they often have to take pills to get pregnant).

The quality of the remaining eggs also decreases as the woman ages: they gradually lose their ability to fertilize. Together with the eggs, the uterus also ages, losing the ability to hold the developing embryo: hence the increase in the number of miscarriages in pregnant women of advanced age.

The oldest mothers on the planet

Two healthy babies have been documented in 70-year-old women living in India. True, in both cases, doctors had to resort to in vitro fertilization and a cesarean section.

Omkari Panwar decided to take such a risky step because of the desire to leave an heir (there were two daughters in this family), Rajo Devi was childless, and the late birth ended with the birth of a daughter.

If in the first case the mother of twins (she gave birth to a boy and a girl) feels fine and is raising babies, then the second case had not so successful consequences. Rajo Devi, 1.5 years after giving birth, was in a very serious condition and practically does not get out of bed.

Doctors say that the cause of this condition was excessive physical exertion, which undermined the already weak health of a woman who had not yet recovered from childbirth.

What is the risk of late pregnancy

    Pregnancy that occurs after 40 years is dangerous by the development of complications that pose a threat not only to health, but also to the life of the mother and her unborn baby.

    The older a woman is, the greater the risk of having a baby with a severe genetic pathology (most often such a pathology is Down's syndrome).

    There are statistics according to which for every 200 normal births in women under the age of 39, one baby is born with this syndrome. When a woman oversteps the 40-year mark, the chance of giving birth to a "downy baby" increases 10 times (for every 19 cases of normal birth, there is 1 case of a sick baby).

    An elderly woman who decides to give birth to a late child runs the risk of not waiting for him to grow up: having passed away, she can leave him an orphan. This is the fate awaiting the young daughter of Rajo Devi, who is brought up in a family forced to go into serious debt in order to pay for the medical services that made her birth possible.

Modern scientific methods make it possible to experience the joy of motherhood for women whose age has gone beyond the boundaries of the childbearing period and even those who have been in a state of menopause for a long time.

What is the best age to conceive a child?

Theoretically, the period of childbearing of every healthy woman is about three decades (if you conventionally define its boundaries in the interval from 15 to 45 years). Of course, these boundaries are very conditional. In some cases (due to genetically determined characteristics of the organism or a special way of life), they may shift up or down.

The most favorable period for conceiving a child and successfully carrying a pregnancy is between 21 and 27 years. It is by this age that the female body:

  • Reaches the peak of its development.
  • Ready for full-fledged bearing of the fetus without risk to the health of the mother.
  • Differs in high elasticity of all tissues, ensuring the normal process of gestation and childbirth itself.
  • Least prone to oncological diseases of the mammary glands and ovaries.
  • Least of all prone to premature termination of pregnancy (miscarriage).

We examined in detail the benefits of carrying a pregnancy up to the age of 27, talked about the likely risks and complications of early and late pregnancy, and the woman herself will have to decide at what age to plan a pregnancy.

As life statistics based on real events show, you can get pregnant when you are a five-year-old child and even a seventy-year-old grandmother. But only these cases are an exception and do not apply to the vast majority of women.

Both the one and the other fact confirms that women were physiologically fully prepared for conception and bearing a fetus, no matter how absurd it may sound. Each woman has her own individual reproductive hours, which nature has diligently wound up for a certain time. And where their arrow stops, there the countdown of the beginning of a new life begins.

Optimal age for pregnancy

From the point of view of physiological processes, you can get pregnant even at 10-15 years old, as soon as the first menstruation appears. But will she bring happiness, joy to a young girl and her child? Unlikely.

Let's consider two points of view regarding the question “how old can you get pregnant” - psychological and medical.

Psychologists say that it is worth starting planning a pregnancy by the age of 30. It is at this age that a woman feels completely ready for motherhood. She received the desired education, achieved success in the professional sphere, became financially successful, pacified the desire to "take a walk" and realized that she really wanted a child to whom she would give all her strength, love and care.

Doctors, however, fundamentally disagree with the point of view of psychologists. In their opinion, it is at the age of 30-35 that all problems with pregnancy begin, up to infertility. The optimal age period for conceiving a child is considered to be 20-27 years.

It is in these years that excellent conditions for conception and bearing of the fetus are noted: the body is strong, has a balanced hormonal background, puberty is completely over, the skin, tissues and joints are young and elastic, which will positively contribute to childbirth.

At what age is pregnancy considered early

It is believed that with the first arrival of menstruation, a woman is completely ready to become a mother. Usually, menstruation begins in girls at the age of 10-13, although there are cases when genetic pathologies cause its earlier appearance - 5-10 years. Together with menstruation, a new stage in the development of all systems aimed at bearing and feeding a child starts.

Considering the whole complex of difficulties with gestation, childbirth and upbringing, today it is generally accepted that pregnancy that occurs before the age of 18 is early. Well, what can a 12-16 year old child give to a tiny little man with great demands? A full-fledged mother has not yet formed both from the physiological and from the psychological side: in her head there are dances, gulks and boys.

In a word - youth, in which there is still no place for diapers. Not only common sense, but also specialists in the field of gynecology and obstetrics do not recommend giving birth before the age of 18.

What are the risks of a "young" pregnancy?

  • The process of the formation of all systems of the girl's body continues to develop. The onset of pregnancy will slow down the work of the "established mechanism" of growing up and transfer part of the forces to the development of the fetus. Thus, there will be a deficiency of the necessary substances for the formation of both organisms. As a result, both mother and child will become vulnerable to the adverse factors of the world around them. For the same reason, a baby can be born underweight.
  • As mentioned above, the psychological side plays an important role in pregnancy. You need to be ready for the birth of a child and wish it with all your heart, because mother's love and affection are the most important and necessary for the baby.
  • Pregnancy in "childhood" is fraught with complications and miscarriages, which can have an indelible imprint on the entire life of a future woman.
  • Due to the reboot on the weak body of girls 10-16 years old, their children are often born with serious pathologies or die.
  • Frivolity and carelessness of "young" mothers is observed not only in their attitude to life, but also to pregnancy itself. Often, girls are not even aware of the "interesting situation" that has come and find out about it too late, when there can be no talk of interruption. Therefore, if the fetus shows any deviations from the norm in development, then you will definitely have to give birth. It is in such cases that young unfortunate mothers abandon their sick children and doom them to orphanhood.
  • Young mothers, like fathers, due to their insolvency and lack of material support for the child, shift the entire burden of motherhood onto grandmothers and grandfathers, who will replace the born children with also small parents.

Late pregnancy: a gift from above or a threat?

With late pregnancy, everything is much more complicated and at the same time quite simple. There are no restrictions on age, psychological and physiological readiness, as well as on material consistency, but there are still important "buts". Perhaps during the period when it was "possible and necessary" there were obstacles expressed by the state of health, infertility, lack of a partner, etc.

And now the moment has come when all restrictions have lost their force, and a direct and unhindered road to pregnancy has opened, and then the "click" is age. Yes, as a woman ages, the ability of a woman's body to conceive and carry becomes more problematic every year, due to changes in hormonal balance, a decrease in the number of eggs, a weakening of the uterus and its ability to hold and develop an embryo. Such problems are especially pronounced in elderly women.

What are the risks of late pregnancy?

  • After 40 years, pregnancy carries a latent health hazard for both the unborn baby and his mother.
  • The older the expectant mother, the more likely it is that a child with Down syndrome or other complex and even terrible genetic pathology will be born. For every 200 women over the age of 40, 10 babies are born with severe Down syndrome.
  • Many "adults" and old age mothers are worried and even frightened by the fact that they may not see the growing up of their beloved child, his first steps, words, school, institute and the birth of grandchildren. And most importantly, they are oppressed by the likelihood of orphanhood of the most dear little man in life - since a mother, no one will need him in this life.

Everything that has been said in this article has weight, but one should not discount an important component of the female body - individuality.

No matter how old you are, pay attention first of all to your state of health and moral readiness. Even if you are very young, but are already ready to create a big family with a loved one, then no advice from grandmothers, grandfathers and neighbors should interfere with what you want. As the well-known proverb says: "It is better to regret what has been done than what has not been done."