The smell of urine in a baby at 2 months. What diseases does an unpleasant odor indicate? How to help your child

Some parents may find that their child's urine has a pungent and extremely unpleasant odor. Of course, you shouldn't panic in such a situation, but it is simply unacceptable to leave the phenomenon unattended.

Often, an abnormal smell of urine is a sign of the pathology of the body.When this is observed in a child, it is better not to hesitate and immediately visit a doctor for a full diagnosis of possible problems.

In today's article, we will talk specifically about the essence of potential pathologies, their diagnosis and therapy. Interesting? Then be sure to read the article below to the end. We assure you that the material will be useful to every parent.

As mentioned earlier, pungent odors and abnormal color in baby urine are often alarming to parents. This state of affairs is quite natural, because in healthy children, urine has no distinctive features. Normal urine color varies only slightly among children of different ages.

So, in children under 1.5-2 years old, normal urine is usually transparent with a slight yellowish tinge. In older children, the color is always brighter and largely depends on the food taken from their side and the time of bowel movement (in the morning, normal urine darkens noticeably). For example, frequent consumption of beets gives urine a purple hue. With such a set of circumstances, a change in the color of urine is a normal phenomenon, which you do not need to be afraid of. In other cases, color changes require proper and high-quality attention.

As for the smell of urine, it is also determined taking into account the age of a particular child.

In any case, a sharp or extremely unpleasant odor is unacceptable and indicates a pathological condition in the baby's body. In children under 1.5-2 years old, urine in its normal form does not have any smell, while older children have a specific amber, but not sharp.

Temporary changes in the smell or color of urine in children are allowed, but in this case there must be clear reasons. The formation of urine naturally changes when the child's menu changes or when specific products are consumed on his part. This alignment is the norm, so you should not be afraid of it. This is especially true for mothers of one-year-old babies who switch to ordinary human food.

What does an unpleasant smell indicate?

The pungent and unpleasant odor of baby urine is a phenomenon that many parents encounter. For the most part, the problem is of a one-time nature and, fortunately for moms, dads, it quickly passes, but what if amber persists for a long period of time?

It all depends on the nature of the manifestation of the problem. In any case, it is better not to risk it and show the child to the doctor in a timely manner. To begin with, it is enough to consult a child therapist, who will certainly determine the right direction for the baby.

The type of unpleasant odor may differ from child to child and largely depends on what problem with the body overtook them. Most often, amber appears, very similar to the smell of ammonia. In this case, the cause of the problem may be:

  • different stages
  • acetonemia
  • bacterial or infection of the urinary system (s)
  • intoxication of the body
  • endocrine system pathology

The second most common smell is the "odor" of acetone. It appears due to an increase in ketones in the substance of the child's blood. Acetone amber appears for the following reasons:

  • starvation;
  • physical overwork;
  • psycho-emotional instability.

Other types of odor appear less frequently. Common reasons for their manifestation include:

  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • improper nutrition;
  • frequent eating of certain foods (garlic, cabbage, spicy, etc.);
  • hormonal disruptions in the body;
  • pathology of the genitourinary system;
  • lack of vitamin D;
  • liver problems (there is a change in the color of urine to dark shades);
  • long-term medication.

As you can see, the list of potential problems affecting the color and odor of baby urine is truly overwhelming. Given this, it is better to forget about self-medication attempts and consult a doctor for qualified help. In relation to the health of the child, such an approach will be the most correct and, most importantly, the safest.

What are the signs that you should see a doctor?

You should consult a doctor for any health problems in a child. In the case of a modification of urine, it is also undesirable to ignore a visit to the doctor.

Perhaps, you should refuse to visit the clinic only if the problem is temporary or if there is a clear explanation of its root cause. Under other circumstances, it is undesirable to delay a visit to the doctor.

Parents should be especially wary if, in addition to the changed color and smell of urine, the child has:

  1. feverish condition
  2. deterioration in general well-being
  3. increased body temperature
  4. the appearance of local allergic reactions
  5. pain in the abdomen or organs of the genitourinary system
  6. other symptoms of body damage

As a rule, such a clinical picture indicates a worsening of the child's illness and requires high-quality, timely intervention from the doctor.

It is unacceptable to risk the health of children, therefore, if the marked signs of a sick person appear, you should show the doctor as soon as possible. Otherwise, the deterioration of well-being, the development of pathologies in the child and the appearance of corresponding complications is a matter of time.

Potential danger of bad urine odor

It must be remembered that an unpleasant smell of urine is already a sign of a problem!

Since an unpleasant odor or discoloration of urine is a possible sign of many diseases, it is undesirable to leave it unattended.

Otherwise, the child may experience:

  • deterioration
  • development of existing pathologies
  • the appearance of complications of major diseases
  • the development of psycho-emotional problems due to the presence of an ailment
  • irreversible consequences in the vital systems of the body

Given the seriousness of the problem under consideration today, it should be noted that it is potentially dangerous. Of course, with one-time manifestations, the modification of urine is not a scary phenomenon, however, with a stable change in urine, it is unacceptable to ignore it. At a minimum, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor and undergo the required examinations with him. This approach will be the most appropriate and safe for the baby's health.

Diagnostics of possible problems

When contacting a doctor with an unpleasant odor or incorrect color of urine in a child, parents will receive a referral for examination. First of all, you will need to carry out the delivery of urine for analysis. When collecting biomaterial, it is important:

  1. use exclusively sterile dishes
  2. carry out the procedure in the morning
  3. do not send the first streams of stool for analysis

More information about the causes of the unpleasant odor of urine can be found in the video:

Based on the results of the diagnosis of urine, the therapist will determine the nature of the child's pathology and refer his parents to specialized specialists. Depending on the purpose of the latter, examinations such as:

Bad urine smell is a symptom, treatment depends on the cause!

Effective normalization of the odor and color of baby urine is a complex procedure, which is allowed only after a high-quality examination of the child.

In general, problem elimination is organized in three main stages:

  1. Fighting the root cause of bad odor or abnormal urine color. It all depends on what is the cause of the problem. In some cases, competent nutritional correction is sufficient, and in others, it is impossible to do without the use of specialized drugs.
  2. Creation of a favorable environment around the child. At a minimum, the risks of physical and psycho-emotional overload should be eliminated. In addition, it is advisable to walk with the child more often and engage in interesting activities with him.
  3. Normalization of the baby's diet. In this regard, it is required to ensure that the child does not neglect eating junk food, and also consistently drinks the daily fluid intake. Otherwise, nothing special is required.

As a result of the complex therapy, it remains only to be periodically examined with the child in the clinic and to reduce the risks of re-development of the problem. With a relapse of the pathologies of the child's body, it is better not to self-medicate. The optimal and safe solution for the child's health will be a second visit to the doctor.

Perhaps, on this note, the most important provisions on the topic of today's article have come to an end. As you can see, the modification of urine in a child is not always a dangerous phenomenon, but it requires high-quality and timely attention from the parents. We hope the presented material was useful for you and provided answers to your questions. Health to you and your children!

Urine in a baby has practically no smell, so it is not strange that an unpleasant smell of urine in a child causes concern among parents. It is important to understand when these concerns should be taken into account and when not. In a newborn, urine does not smell at all, as it grows up and the introduction of complementary foods, an unobtrusive, soft smell begins to appear, which over time is similar to the amber of urine of an older person. But what if she smells strongly of medicine (penicillin) or acetone is found in the child's urine?

The stench of your child's urine may indicate illness or improper diet.

What smell should be normal?

In newborns, urine is transparent, yellowish in color and does not emit any specific odor. In older children, it is slightly brighter in color (depending on the food and the amount of liquid drunk), has a kind of "aroma". But amber should not be sharp, specific and cutting scent. Of course, there are one-time cases when urine smells in children under one year old and older. This is due to minor malfunctions of the urinary organs or as a result of a change in the baby's menu. This alignment should not scare the parents. But if this situation has been going on for several days and the baby is capricious or complains of feeling unwell, and urine smells bad, then you need to consult a doctor. Most likely, this is a signal about a violation of the robots of one or another organ of the child.

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What changes are alarming for parents?

The answer to this question is quite simple: "Everything!" Moms and dads begin to panic when their child's urine stinks of acetone, ammonia, rotten apples, apple juice, sour, sharp, "fishy", "mouse" or "kitty". The smell of urine in a baby of one month or one year of age has changed - a doctor's consultation is necessary. The strong smell of urine drugs (penicillin) can lead to anxiety.

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Smell of ammonia

The most common and most dangerous is the unpleasant smell of urine, which gives off an ammonia-like odor. If this happened to your child, then you need to urgently contact a pediatrician. We can say with almost 100% certainty that the child has health problems. It is quite difficult to determine the cause, because an unpleasant smell indicates a lot of diseases:

diabetes mellitus; acetonemia; bacteria; infections of the urinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis); with the accumulation of toxic substances.

The smell of acetone

With an increase in ketones in the blood, its excessive excretion with children's urine occurs and this leads to an unpleasant odor in the form of acetone. Excessive physical and emotional stress are considered the main reasons. To prevent the appearance of acetone in the blood and excrement, prevent hunger and overwork in the child. In order to prevent the formation of ketones, give the baby sweets.

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Smells like stale fish

Parents should be alerted to the unpleasant, pungent smell of urine in a child, similar to the "aroma" of rotten fish. If the smell comes not only from urine, but also from the skin, sweat, air exhaled by the child, then, most likely, trimethylamine has accumulated in the body in large quantities, which causes trimethylaminuria. This is a rare genetic disease, for the treatment of which the right diet is of great importance.

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The main causes of a sharp and unpleasant odor of urine in a child

There are many reasons that make urine unpleasant for our nose. The most common are:

Lack of fluid in the body. More often occurs during the hot season, when water supplies are constantly leaving and are not replenished in time. The easiest way to solve this problem is to give the child more water. Also applies to babies who are breastfed or artificially fed. In the summer, it is important to give the baby a drink. The taste preferences of the child. It is clearly expressed when switching from breastfeeding or artificial feeding to an adult table. Another unpleasant smell of urine appears when changing the diet and preference for products with a pronounced odor (onions, garlic, cabbage, spicy and others).

Non-sterile or low-quality underwear, diaper. To determine if this is so, you need to compare the urine that is on the linen / diaper with the urine collected in a sterile container. If there are differences, then the reason lies in this. The problem is not difficult to solve - you just need to change the linen and the brand of the diaper. In adolescents, hormonal changes are possible. As a result, the urine smells bad. Such a situation is temporary, but still "almost" an adult should be taught how to take proper care of the body.

Diseases of the internal organs

Other causes of bad urine odor are often health problems:

The stench of urine in children can indicate the pathology of the genitourinary system or liver, vitaminosis. If the child was sick before and took antibiotics or other medications, then this is the reason for the unpleasant odor of urine; much more dangerous are diseases of the urinary system; unpleasant odor of urine in the child before years sometimes indicates a lack of vitamin D and, possibly, the development of rickets; strange urine that stinks and has acquired a dark color indicates liver problems.

How can I help my child?

If a strange, unpleasant urine odor appears unexpectedly, and disappears just as quickly, then the parents should not take any action. Especially in cases when a new product for complementary foods was introduced to a baby, or an older child ate some specific product. In any case, a one-time stench from urine does not pose any danger. Another case is when the condition lasts for several days. In such a situation, the boy or girl must be shown to the local pediatrician. He will give a referral for a general urine test, which will reveal abnormalities in the child's body.

If urine has an unpleasant, pronounced smell of acetone, then check for the presence of ketone bodies in the body. Do it really at home, having previously bought special indicator strips from the pharmacy. In case of confirmation of the presence of ketones, the child should be given foods with a high glucose content: medicines, tea with the addition of honey, or ordinary sweet candy. If the smell of ammonia comes out, then it is urgently important to get tested for the presence of sugar in the blood. If a baby or an older child drinks little liquid, then he may be dehydrated. This is a temporary phenomenon that is very easy to overcome by offering the child more liquid, in particular, pure, still water. This is especially true in hot weather or when children have vomiting or diarrhea.

The unpleasant smell of stale fish speaks of genetic diseases that cannot be cured at home. But a special diet will help to reduce the bad smell, which involves removing foods such as dairy products, eggs, liver, beans, peas, peanuts, seafood, cabbage, broccoli from the diet. But most importantly, any pungent smell of urine in an infant in the first month of life or in babies in subsequent months indicates problems with the child, so you should not ignore such symptoms and urgently consult a pediatrician. Do not self-medicate.

In a newborn baby, urine does not have any odor, but with age it becomes more like an adult's urine and becomes odorless. Parents should know which one is normal and when to be alert.

The smell in the urine of a child is normally quite specific, but not harsh. That is why the appearance of a very pronounced or unpleasant odor always causes the thought of a disease in a baby. Such changes cannot be ignored, although it happens that the child is completely healthy.

The appearance of such a smell indicates a violation of the baby's health. First of all, it is necessary to exclude the presence of diabetes mellitus and acetonemia. With diabetes, urine can acquire not only an ammonia smell, but resemble apple cider vinegar or ammonia. In this case, the child will also have other signs of the disease, for example, increased thirst, weight loss, dry skin, urinary frequency disorders, and others. It can also appear with a urinary tract infection.

The appearance of the smell of acetone indicates an increased release of ketone bodies in the child's urine, which happens with a large amount of ketones in the blood. An increase in the level of acetone in the blood is due to various factors, including emotional or physical stress. If your child has already had cases of acetone, you should make sure that the baby does not have prolonged hunger or overwork. When the child is tired, give him sweet foods to prevent ketones from forming.

The appearance of an unpleasant odor, reminiscent of rotten fish, is characteristic of trimethylaminuria. This is a genetic disease in which trimethylamine accumulates in the body, causing the appearance of a fishy odor from urine, sweat, exhaled air and human skin.

The following factors lead to a change in the smell of the child's urine:

Change in water balance. The child may drink too little or lose it, for example, when vomiting or in hot weather with sweat. Difficulty in nasal breathing may also be the cause. Diet changes. The urine of a starving child has an unpleasant smell, as well as of a baby whose menu contains too much fast food, sweet foods, fatty protein dishes, seafood, and spicy foods. It can also change if the child ate horseradish, garlic, asparagus or cabbage. In a nursing baby, a new complementary food product or a new formula, as well as a change in the diet of a nursing mother, can affect. Metabolic disorders, caused by genetic pathologies. Taking antibiotics and other medicines. Poor diaper or stale linen. In this case, the smell will be unpleasant in the morning. Rickets. It causes a change in the smell of urine in a baby under one year old, and also manifests itself in sweating of the palms, poor appetite, disturbed sleep and other symptoms of a lack of vitamin D. Hormonal changes with hormonal adolescent changes. This is a temporary phenomenon, but it is important for parents to teach their teenager about body care and hygiene. Infectious diseases of the excretory system. An unpleasant odor appears with cystitis, as well as with urethritis, pyelonephritis and other inflammations. Diabetes. With such a disease, urine is excreted in large quantities, while it gives off ammonia. Liver disease. Not only does it become unpleasant smelling, but it also becomes dark in color.

A one-time change in scent does not require any action, especially if the parents notice the effect of nutrition. If a strong smell of urine appears within a few days, you should consult a pediatrician and take the child's blood and urine for analysis. When the smell of ammonia appears, it is imperative to determine the sugar in the baby's blood.

If you suspect the presence of acetone in your urine, you can verify this at home using special test strips. In case of a positive reaction to acetone, the first step is to give the child glucose. You can give your baby glucose to drink from an ampoule or chew glucose tablets, and make a decoction of raisins or warm tea with honey for the baby.

If you associate the situation with dehydration, it is important to give your child more to drink. This is especially important in the presence of diarrhea or vomiting, as well as in diseases with a high body temperature. In these cases, it is extremely important to avoid large waste of fluid, and everything will return to normal by itself.

The urine of a newborn baby is almost odorless and practically colorless. As the baby grows up, with the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods and further, the stool of the crumbs will gradually change, becoming more and more similar to adults both in appearance and in smell.

Nevertheless, even in an adult, urine normally has a subtle, specific “aroma” characteristic of it. Therefore, it is not surprising that when a sharp unpleasant smell of urine appears in a child, parents begin to worry and look for the reasons for such changes.

It should be admitted that this manifestation cannot be ignored in any way. On the other hand, you should not make hasty conclusions: sometimes urine smells unpleasant even in a completely healthy child.

Baby urine smells like ammonia

It is safe to say that if the urine smells strongly of ammonia, then there are health problems. But with the same symptom, these can be different diseases. First of all, it is necessary to exclude acetonemia and diabetes mellitus. It will be most reliable to pass the appropriate blood and urine tests - general and sugar. An increased level of acetone in urine is easy to determine at home. To do this, the pharmacy sells very simple and convenient test strips: you should dip such a strip in urine and find out the test result by changing its color.

Acetone in the urine of a child appears when toxic substances are formed in the body. This can happen for a large number of reasons, including even physical overwork and emotional stress. Therefore, if your baby is very tired or worried, offer him sweets in order to avoid the formation of ketone bodies, that is, the appearance of acetone. A decoction of raisins, a solution of glucose, tea with honey is best suited for this purpose, it is convenient to have glucose tablets on hand, but if there is nothing like that, then the candy is fine. You must do the same (give the baby glucose) if the baby's urine smells strongly of ammonia.

A sugar test must be done urgently if there are diabetics among the next of kin. In this case, the child's urine may smell like ammonia or apple cider vinegar, and other accompanying signs appear: intense thirst, dry skin and mucous membranes, weight loss, disturbances in the usual urination regime, etc.

A strong acetone odor in urine is evidence of an infection in the genitourinary tract. Most often, children have cystitis or pyelonephritis. A bad smell appears due to the development of bacteria and their waste products in the urine. It can be not only ammoniacal, but also resemble the pharmaceutical, chemical smell of drugs. And in this case, urine analysis is also necessary.

A strong smell of urine in a child: other reasons

There are a number of serious diseases in which urine often takes on a strong, pungent, unpleasant odor. So, urine smells like rotten fish or cabbage with tyrosinemia or trimethylaminuria, mice or mold - with phenylketonuria, burnt sugar - with leucinosis, also called wedge syrup disease. These are all conditions associated with metabolic disorders. But in children, such ailments are rarely found, and usually they appear already from birth.

In most cases, a child's pungent urine odor has other causes. One of the most common is a violation of the water balance in the body, that is, insufficient intake of fluid into it. Most often it occurs in summer, during a period of extreme heat, when the child sweats, loses a lot of fluid, but does not replenish its supply. The urine becomes more concentrated, darkens, smells unpleasant. After restoring the water balance (it is necessary to give the child more drink), the problem disappears by itself. By the way, even an infant who is exclusively breastfed may not have enough water in the diet: then he needs to be supplemented. It should be mentioned that for the same reason, urine has a pungent odor when a child is sick: with vomiting or diarrhea, runny nose with difficulty in nasal breathing, high temperature, taking antibiotics and some other medications.

The color and smell of urine depends a lot on the diet. One of the reasons for the appearance of "amber" may even be hunger. There are also foods that can affect the composition of urine. It was noticed that it acquires a stronger smell when abusing fatty protein foods, seafood, sweet, spicy, fast food, as well as after eating asparagus beans, cabbage, garlic, horseradish. It is perfectly normal if the smell of urine changes in a nursing infant when complementary foods are introduced into their diet or when the infant formula is changed. The smell of baby feces is also influenced by the diet of a nursing mother.

It's okay if the urine smells unpleasant only in the morning, after the night, and the smell comes from a full diaper. Perhaps, by the way, that the reason lies in poor-quality diapers or poorly washed linen. If a sharp unpleasant odor comes out of the pot immediately after fresh urination, then you need to look for the cause. Especially if this phenomenon is persistent (persists for more than three days) or repeats regularly, and did not happen only once.

If the urine of a child under one year old stinks, who, moreover, does not sleep well, has no appetite, sweats in the palms and feet, then most likely he lacks vitamin D due to rickets.

Very often, urine in children and adolescents begins to stink during periods of hormonal changes. This is temporary and passing, but parents are obliged to accustom their children to careful hygiene and proper body care, leveling unpleasant human odors.

In general, in order not to speculate, it is best to pass urine and blood tests and make sure that the child's health is normal. Show it to your doctor immediately if there is a sharp odor of urine in the child and a burning sensation in the genital tract, pain during urination, discharge, cloudy urine, fever, or other signs of malaise at the same time. If necessary, the doctor will give a referral for additional research (analysis for bacterial culture, acetone, sugar, etc.).

Especially for Elena Semenova

How urine smells in a child, every mother can notice when changing diapers or diapers - usually the smell is barely noticeable, implicit. But infectious diseases, metabolic disruptions, improperly constructed nutrition and other factors can affect this indicator. The unpleasant smell of urine in a child cannot be ignored, you should immediately contact a pediatrician, because sometimes it can be a sign of serious deviations that require diagnosis and treatment.

Baby smells urine

Normal urine in babies or older children has a light yellow color, its smell is imperceptible, and if it is, it is not sharp. In no case can it give off with acetone, ammonia, something acidic. Sometimes, due to the use of certain foods (vegetables or fruits of bright color, natural juices, fermented or fried foods), the characteristics of urine can change, but they quickly return to normal when the food is completely digested and the body removes metabolites.

If the smell or color of urine has changed and does not return to normal after 3-4 days, then you should worry about this and contact your pediatrician to find the reasons for the deviation.

Most often, normal diuresis is disturbed by the following factors:

  • infections in the excretory system;
  • vitamin D deficiency;
  • diabetes;
  • acetonemia;
  • dehydration;
  • improper nutrition.

Excretory system infections

Pathogenic bacteria are especially dangerous for young children, as their body and immune system continue to get used to the new conditions of life outside the mother's womb and are not yet able to repel the attacks of microbes. Bacteria, viruses and fungi can attack the urinary system. Most often they settle in the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract - the urethra, causing pyelonephritis, respectively.


Pyelonephritis is a nonspecific inflammatory process in kidney tissues associated with infection of these organs. In children, and especially in infants, the disease is acute, causing vivid symptoms.

The urine changes its color, becomes darker and richer, and takes on an unpleasant, pungent odor. The child has a high temperature (38-40 degrees), fever appears. In severe cases, febrile seizures are not excluded.

Intoxication of the body provokes nausea and vomiting, upset stools, discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes, bad breath, dark circles under the eyes.

Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back is common. It is extremely difficult to identify this symptom in babies, since they cannot accurately indicate the place that hurts, and talk about the pains “spread” all over the abdomen. In addition, the baby constantly cries, does not sleep well, refuses to eat, and loses weight without changes in the diet. In children of a conscious age, irritability, hyperactivity, and tearfulness appear.


Cystitis is an inflammatory process that covers the mucous membranes of the bladder. It rarely develops as an independent disease, most often it is provoked by urethritis or pyelonephritis, since pathogenic microorganisms begin to spread down or up the excretory system. The symptomatology of cystitis is not as acute as in the previous disease:

  • the urine becomes dark yellow and has an unpleasant odor;
  • urination becomes infrequent or frequent;
  • the baby's sleep worsens, he is whiny and irritable;
  • painful sensations appear when urinating;
  • the temperature rises in rare cases, its indicator can reach 38-39 degrees;
  • sometimes there is urinary incontinence in children at a conscious age.


Urethritis is an infectious inflammatory disease of the urethra. More often it occurs in boys and is associated with the anatomical features of the structure of the genitourinary system. Signs of this pathology:

  • unpleasant smell of urine, its color may not change, but
  • when urinating, there is a burning sensation, pain, sometimes white or yellowish discharge with a pungent odor appears;
  • urination becomes more frequent, urine is excreted in small portions;
  • rarely urine may be with blood impurities;
  • an increase in temperature is observed only in acute cases;
  • the child has constantly increased excitability, he does not sleep well, often cries.

Infectious diseases in childhood can give serious complications in the development of the genitourinary system, therefore, parents should immediately consult a doctor for a diagnosis and prescription of therapy in order to maintain normal reproductive and excretory functions.

Lack of vitamin D

Vitamin D is important not only in the formation of strong bones and teeth - by regulating the exchange of calcium and phosphorus, it takes part in the metabolism of amino acids, preserving them after digestion of food proteins for further synthesis of new peptides.

With a deficiency of this substance, urine acquires a pungent ammonia odor. This is due to the accelerated decomposition of amino acids, and one of their final metabolites is toxic ammonia. Under normal conditions, this substance constantly dissolves in water and is excreted from the body, but when there is too much of it, it changes the smell and color of urine, the baby may develop dark circles under the eyes, bad breath and other symptoms of intoxication.


Acetonemia is a disorder in which the supply of energy to the body is not due to glucose, but due to ketone bodies. These substances are formed spontaneously and in small quantities, therefore they are quickly removed from the blood without causing harm. Some factors (viral diseases, sudden weight loss, severe stress, excess fat in the diet) increase the intensity of the synthesis of ketone bodies, its rate exceeds the utilization capacity of the body, and then the symptoms of the disorder appear.

Acetonemia in babies is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • the appearance of an acetone odor in urine;
  • constantly elevated body temperature;
  • pallor of the skin with an unhealthy blush;
  • weakness and lethargy, drowsiness, tearfulness;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • spontaneous vomiting or indigestion.


Diabetes mellitus of the first type is the most dangerous of the reasons why urine in babies smells sugary - sweet, with a hint of acetone. Such changes appear due to the fact that ketone bodies accumulate in the body. Their synthesis begins against the background of a violation of the metabolism of carbohydrates and fatty acids, provoked by insulin resistance - a hormone that lowers blood glucose levels.

Type 1 diabetes mellitus can develop throughout life and manifest itself at a more mature age, but sometimes babies face a severe form of pathology. It is necessary to recognize the symptoms of insulin resistance in time and consult an endocrinologist - from childhood, the child will have to inject the hormone daily in order to maintain normal functioning.

Features of nutrition and lack of water

The presence of cabbage, garlic, spicy and spicy condiments, horseradish, seafood (especially smoked fish), sweet in large quantities on an ongoing basis can lead to a change in the smell of urine. Such a "diet" negatively affects digestion and also causes allergic reactions, so it is important to balance the nutrition of the child.

Lack of water is another catalyst. It concentrates the body's metabolites, enhancing its aroma and color intensity. Young children often do not drink water at all or drink very little, so parents should monitor their drinking regime and offer their child clean warm water every hour.

What to do for parents

The child's health is very fragile, therefore, having noted a change in the smell of urine, parents should contact a pediatrician. After examining the baby, he will prescribe a urine and blood test, to determine diabetes mellitus and acetonemia, urine can be checked using test strips that react to ketone bodies.

After the diagnosis is made, treatment will already be prescribed, which cannot be changed on your own. Adults should not resort to alternative methods, as many of them do not help, but they can cause allergies and worsen well-being. In addition to medication, your doctor will prescribe a diet that will make your kidneys work better. Sweets, smoked and salted foods, legumes, cabbage and some other foods are excluded from the diet.

A persistent change in the smell of urine in a baby should alert parents and become a reason for a visit to a pediatrician. There are various factors affecting the excretory function of the kidneys; in order to eliminate them, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis. Self-therapy rarely gives positive results, so you should not try to find a diet or medication without consulting a doctor.

Caring for the health of your child is the primary task of loving parents. Any non-standard manifestations of the general condition signal changes in the child's body, which are not always dangerous.

One of these conditions that are very disturbing for parents is the appearance of a sharp and unpleasant odor of urine in a child. It is important to know when such a phenomenon poses a real threat to children's health, and when it is a temporary and not dangerous condition, what mom and dad need to do before visiting a pediatrician to eliminate such a problem.

Normal urine smell

Healthy urine of newborns and infants is clean, transparent, slightly yellowish and practically odorless. It is rather a subtle "aroma" that can only be detected by carefully sniffing the urine.

As it grows up, it becomes slightly brighter in color (which is influenced by the nutritional characteristics and the amount of fluid consumed), acquires a kind of mild smell, without harsh shades, slightly reminiscent of the aroma of freshly brewed meat broth.

By the age of 3, the color and smell of a child's urine resembles that of a healthy adult.

In some cases, baby urine changes in color and smell, and begins to smell bad. Similar phenomena are typical during changes in the child's diet, psycho-physical stress or minor violations of the organs of the excretory system. Such manifestations are not dangerous in the event of a one-time occurrence.

But if a specific, pungent smell persists for several days, urine literally stinks and is accompanied by concomitant symptoms (moodiness, lethargy, poor appetite), you should immediately consult a pediatrician. Such manifestations, most often, indicate malfunctions in the work of an organ or system.

Smell of ammonia

Any parent will be concerned why their child's urine smells strongly of ammonia. And for good reason. Urine with an ammonia smell is a fairly common occurrence, indicating serious disorders in the baby's body. Having felt such a "scent", you should immediately show the child to the doctor. The condition requires immediate diagnosis, since it may indicate certain pathologies:

  • infectious lesions of the excretory system (pyelonephritis, cystitis);
  • diabetes;
  • pathogenic microorganisms;
  • acetonemia;
  • possible intoxication of the body due to the accumulation of toxins.

The smell of acetone

Urine that gives off acetone appears when the concentration of ketone bodies in the blood increases, which are excreted in large quantities with urine, creating a harsh and specific "aroma". Acetone and ammonia odors are similar, but acetone "sounds" harsher than ammonia.

Most often, the chemical "aroma" of urine is caused by excessive psycho-physical exertion, metabolic disorders. To prevent an increase in ketones, it is necessary to provide the child with adequate rest, to avoid increased activity (both physical and emotional) and hunger.

As a prophylaxis of the condition, you need to treat the baby with sweets. Depending on age, it can be sweet compote, tea with honey (if the child is not allergic to the product), gummy candy.

Smell of stale fish

If a child's urine starts to smell like a sickening "amber" of rotten fish, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Foul-smelling "fishy" urine (especially when combined with a similar odor from the mouth, sweat and skin) may indicate a rare genetic disorder in a child (trimethylaminuria), which is treated with an individually selected therapeutic course in combination with a special dietary table. Treatment requires strict medical supervision.

Possible reasons for the change in urine odor

The appearance of an unpleasant and strong urine odor may indicate developing diseases that require monitoring and treatment. These can be inflammatory processes of the organs of the excretory system (cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis), congenital pathologies, liver disease, rickets. In such cases, urine acquires an ammoniacal, "fishy", chemical odor.

With a strong increase in glucose against the background of diabetes mellitus, acetone or "aroma" of burnt sugar may appear, which is characteristic of the disease of "maple syrup" - leucinosis.

But in most cases, changes in the smell of urine in a child are caused by rather harmless (physiological) reasons that vary depending on age and do not require medical intervention. The condition is easily and quickly eliminated if the factors that cause it are eliminated.

In a baby

In newborns, a change in the smell and color of urine can be triggered by certain physiological reasons.

One of the most common factors affecting the odor of urine in babies is a lack of fluid in the body. The condition is especially manifested in the summer, when, during the heat, the baby loses a lot of fluid along with sweat. At the same time, the normal water balance is not replenished in the required volume.

In this case, the baby needs to be supplemented with boiled water, regardless of whether he is breastfed or artificially fed.

The urine can become foul smelling due to changes in the diet of a nursing mother. When breastfeeding, the slightest change in a woman's menu can cause changes in the smell of urine and feces of the baby.

This applies to the consumption of spicy, salty, fried and fatty foods. And you shouldn't be surprised at such a phenomenon if a nursing mother allowed herself a glass of wine or a cigarette (which, unfortunately, is not at all uncommon).

The introduction of complementary foods can also affect the appearance of an unpleasant, pungent odor of urine in a child under one year old. The baby's body needs to adapt to new products, therefore, a change in the child's diet may also be accompanied by the appearance of urine or feces with a smell.

An important point to pay attention to when introducing complementary foods is that the "amber" urine when urinating should not be too harsh. In this case, the new product must be temporarily excluded from the diet and introduced later.

Poor-quality diapers, insufficient hygiene can also provoke an unpleasant "odor" of urine in a baby.

In children after the age of one year

If the urine of a child acquires an unusual smell after a year, the most common reasons include:

  1. Lack of fluid in the body. In some cases, the child's body does not have time to replenish its loss, which leads to a violation of the water balance, a change in the volume, color and smell of urine (urine acquires a heavy and unpleasant "aroma", becomes darker, and is excreted in smaller quantities).

A similar situation is typical for food poisoning, when fluid loss occurs due to vomiting or diarrhea, runny nose, antibiotic therapy, high temperature.

  1. Changing eating habits. Already at the age of 2, the child begins to express his food preferences. Often urine has a strange odor in those with a sweet tooth, who, with parental consent, consume too many sweets and few healthy foods. The condition can manifest itself after eating fast food, fatty and spicy foods, seafood.
  2. Fluctuations in the psycho-emotional background. Overexcitation of the child, the excessive manifestation of both negative and positive emotions, gives an impetus to the development of certain reactions in the child's body. These processes, in turn, lead to the appearance of an unpleasant, often ammonia-like odor in urine.
  3. Excessive physical activity.

Diagnostics of pathologies and other deviations

Urine is the most important indicator reflecting the state of health of the child, therefore, the identification of the alleged disease is carried out using urine tests.

When urine smells unpleasant and harsh, this is a signal that certain changes are taking place in the child's body, which are not always dangerous. It is not possible to diagnose the development of the disease based on smell alone, here the doctor takes into account the accompanying symptoms, an additional laboratory and instrumental examination is prescribed.

The inflammatory process in the kidneys can be manifested by an unpleasant odor of ammonia in the urine of a child, fever, weakness, pain in the lumbar region.

To diagnose and identify the disease, studies are assigned:

  • general analysis and biochemistry of blood;
  • urine tests: general, according to the Nechiporenko method, Amburzhe, Addis-Kakovsky;
  • sowing for flora, biochemistry, urine antibioticogram.

To confirm pyelonephritis, a study of the frequency and volume of secreted biomaterial is carried out, an ultrasound of the kidneys is prescribed.


In addition to the ammoniacal or purulent odor of children's urine, inflammation of the bladder is characterized by frequent and painful urination, a significant decrease in the volume of excreted biomaterial, burning sensation and discomfort in the genital area, flakes and sediment in the urine.

To detect cystitis, diagnostic measures are prescribed:

  • general analysis of urine, assessment of the level of its acidity, two-glass test, bacterial culture for flora;
  • Ultrasound of the bladder to determine the state of the organ.


The smell of ammonia or pus in this inflammatory disease is accompanied by a number of general symptoms:

  • burning sensation, itching in the genitals;
  • painful urination;
  • hyperemia (redness), irritation of the urinary tract;
  • an increase in temperature (does not always appear).

The symptoms of this disease of the genitourinary system differ depending on the gender of the child. Urethritis in boys is additionally manifested by the following symptoms:

  • frequent urination;
  • ammonia odor and discoloration of urine (darkening) and cloudiness;
  • blood clots in the urine.

In girls, the disease manifests itself:

  • itching of the outer labia;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • frequent urge to urinate and cramps in the urethra.

In order to accurately diagnose the pathology in a child, procedures are prescribed:

  • blood tests: general, detailed;
  • urine tests: sowing for flora, general;
  • smears are taken from the vagina in girls and from the urethra in boys.

Lack of vitamin D

Lack of "sunny" vitamin D is manifested by an unpleasant odor of urine resembling ammonia, excessive sweating of the child (head, palms, feet sweat heavily), excessive nervous excitability, changes in the formation of bone tissues.

In a child under one year old, a vitamin deficiency provokes the development of rickets, in children older - deformation, tooth decay, poor posture, weakness, convulsive states.

To determine the level of vitamin D in a child, morning urine is taken for research according to the Sulkovich method. For a more detailed study, a daily urine sample is required.


The condition is caused by an increased concentration of ketones, which from the blood enter the excretory system and exit with urine. As a result, urine has a characteristic acetone odor. Acetonemia is caused by metabolic problems in the child's body - ketones are released more actively during food processing than in healthy children.

In addition to urine with the smell of acetone, the condition is accompanied by:

  • lack of appetite, lethargy;
  • disturbances in the work of the central nervous system (excessive excitability, alternating with apathy);
  • attacks of nausea, vomiting with an acetone smell;
  • stomach pains, stool disorders;
  • pallor at elevated temperatures.

The following procedures are required to make a diagnosis:

  • general urine examination;
  • biochemistry and complete blood count;
  • examination of the liver with ultrasound.


Against the background of pathology, the child's urine acquires an unusual smell (acetone or apple cider vinegar). With the development of a severe form of diabetes, it gives off burnt sugar. In addition, urine becomes darker in color, thicker in concentration; after it dries, a whitish bloom remains (due to increased glucose).

In addition to changes in urine, diabetes mellitus is diagnosed according to the following symptoms:

  • excessive thirst and hunger (craving for sweets is noted separately);
  • weight loss, general weakness, apathy;
  • urination - frequent and profuse;
  • skin lesions (dermatitis) accompanied by itching;
  • poorly healing skin lesions (even small wounds are prone to inflammation).

To confirm the diagnosis, the following studies are required:

  • blood sugar test (assessment of its level);
  • detection of glucose in urine. Normally, there should be no sugar in urine;
  • determination of ketones in urine - a study for elevated acetone.

Violation of diet and water balance

In case of eating disorders and insufficient fluid intake, the child's urine acquires an unusual odor (most often reminiscent of ammonia). In addition, the condition is diagnosed according to the following symptoms:

  • dry skin, possible bad breath (not too pronounced);
  • skin rashes. A similar reaction can occur with improper nutrition;
  • weakness, moodiness;
  • low physical activity;
  • apathy, alternating with irritability;
  • stool disorders - diarrhea or constipation (do not always appear).

The condition does not require medical intervention and only requires adjusting the child's diet and drinking regimen. It is worth adhering to proper nutrition, excluding fried, salty, spicy foods.

It is necessary to give the child as much drink as possible. Boiled water and compotes are ideal - not only restoring water balance, but also having diuretic properties, which allows you to "clean" the excretory system.

What should parents do?

When a strange smell appeared unexpectedly and quickly disappeared, nothing needs to be done. In such a situation, parents should not panic, especially if the baby was introduced to complementary foods or an older child has tried a specific product.

It is imperative that you see a doctor if your child has smelly urine for several days. Before consulting a pediatrician, you need to carefully monitor the amount of water consumed (give more drink) and feed the child with healthy food - this will avoid errors in the analyzes, normalize the state of dehydration and reactions to new or harmful foods.

If your urine smells like acetone, you can check your ketone levels at home using ketone test strips. The instrument will allow you to accurately identify the level and concentration of acetone in urine. To improve the condition of the child, you need to treat him with candy, give him sweet tea.

If the child's urine acquires a special ammonia smell, you need to be tested for glucose levels. A similar phenomenon often occurs with dehydration, so it is worth giving the child more water and, perhaps, the smell will disappear.

The "fishy" aroma is a sign of a serious genetic disease that requires compulsory medical supervision and individual treatment. You can reduce the severity of the smell with a special diet: you need to exclude cabbage, liver, eggs, beans, seafood.

Monitor the child's condition, watch for the slightest changes, be sure to see a pediatrician. This will prevent a number of diseases and pathological processes in the child's body. May your children grow up healthy!

(1 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

The unpleasant smell of urine in a teenager is evidence of hormonal changes that take place at the age of 12-14 years. If the baby has recently been born and is still very far from puberty, then the sharp smell of urine in the child becomes a reason for seeking medical help. You can get detailed advice from an experienced pediatrician, who will send the baby for a detailed examination, according to the results of which adequate treatment will be prescribed. If all organs and systems of the baby are functioning normally, the aroma of urine is barely perceptible or completely absent. The changes that have appeared indicate the onset of an inflammatory process or the presence of an infectious disease that affects the organs responsible for urine excretion.

The urine of a newborn baby is odorless, but as it grows, a certain aroma appears, indicating the quality of the work of the organs of the urinary system. Until the moment when he turns 12 months, the baby has urine:

  • light;
  • transparent;
  • without impurities and odor.

The slightest deviation from the norm may indicate the presence of a pathological process in the child's body.

A subtle smell appears in urine after additional food (in addition to breast milk or milk formulas) is introduced into the diet of the crumbs. So, due to the use of beets or beet juice, urine not only changes color, but also acquires a sweetish smell.

But in cases where the usual aroma turns into a stench, it is necessary to urgently contact a pediatrician who can determine the presence of the disease and prescribe high-quality adequate treatment. Sometimes it is a change in the smell of urine that becomes the first clear sign of the development of an ailment.

Timely appeal to a medical institution for the qualified help of an experienced doctor will avoid not only significant material costs for the purchase of medicinal formulations, but also refuse to use potent drugs.

Before sounding the alarm, you need to carefully look at the quality of urine and try to catch the slightest changes in its smell. Normally, in a child after a year of life, urine has a sweetish odor. He is barely perceptible, unobtrusive, soft. Any sharp shade or significant change in aroma indicates the beginning of the development of a pathological process. If the baby is not able to independently tell about what worries him, then only parents who closely monitor the state and functionality of all systems of the child's body are able to notice in time the deterioration in the general health of their child.

There are several reasons for the change in the quality and smell of urine in a child. Among them:

  1. Breach of a special diet by a nursing mother.
  2. The development of a congenital ailment.
  3. The onset of an acquired disease.

Depending on the reason for the change in the quality of urine, the aroma inherent in it also changes.

The smell of urine in a child during illness changes and may resemble an aroma:

  • fishes;
  • mold (mothers tell the doctor that after the baby has peed, the diapers or sliders smell of mice);
  • ammonia;
  • acetone;
  • hydrogen sulfide;
  • pus.

Often mothers who are unable to deny themselves the use of beer or other alcoholic beverages turn to pediatricians. Despite the existing prohibitions, breastfeeding mothers sometimes allow themselves to drink a small amount of beer or wine, and some of them do not refuse to drink alcohol every day. If such a mother continues to breastfeed her baby, then the baby's urine acquires a characteristic pungent smell, reminiscent of the aroma of brewer's yeast or beer.

Refusal from the use of prohibited foods and the transition to a healthy diet can help get rid of the strong smell of urine only if the reason for its change is not associated with a violation of the functionality of individual organs or entire systems of the child's body.

Why does baby urine smell bad?

A child under the age of one year is not able to independently tell about what worries him, to understand what is happening with the baby, various changes in the work of his body will help. There are main and additional reasons for the change in the quality and odor of baby urine. The main ones include:

  1. Changes in the diet, the addition of various foods and drinks, after processing which changes the color, smell of feces and urine. For children under one year old, it can be various juices and dairy products, cereals and vegetable soups or mashed potatoes. The elders have ketchup and spices, sauces and marinades, salty and spicy foods. If the unpleasant odor of urine passes after the refusal of the listed products (their use), then there is no reason for concern, otherwise you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a detailed examination.
  2. Dehydration resulting from diarrhea or vomiting in an infant. An increase in the concentration of urine is accompanied by the appearance of a sharp unpleasant odor.
  3. A low level of vitamin D in the body. The insufficient amount of time that the baby spends in the fresh air under the sun's rays provokes the development of vitamin deficiency, one of the first manifestations of which will be the appearance of an unpleasant, pungent odor of urine.

Among the many reasons for the deterioration in the quality and aroma of urine, the overall health of the baby is of great importance. Doctors call additional reasons, including:

  1. Long-term use of antibacterial drugs, after the abolition of which the unpleasant odor of urine disappears.
  2. Acute or chronic rhinitis. Deterioration in the quality of oxygen supply to organs and tissues leads to the development of dehydration, which is the reason for the appearance of a pungent odor of urine.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of the organs of the urinary system. Such diseases include inflammation of the bladder (cystitis), urethra (urethritis).
  4. Pyelonephritis and other inflammatory or infectious diseases affecting the kidneys. Disease-causing bacteria develop in the urine, and the urine becomes foul-smelling.
  5. Influenza, acute respiratory viral infection, acute respiratory viral diseases lead to disruption of the functionality of many organs and systems of the child's body, including the urinary system. The urine smells not just unpleasant, but harsh.

Any changes in the smell of urine (even minor) should be the reason for contacting an experienced pediatrician, who will send the child for a detailed examination and, based on the results obtained, draw the correct conclusions and prescribe (if necessary) adequate treatment.

Infectious diseases of the urinary system in children can cause the development of complex and dangerous pathologies. Late referral to specialists and the lack of adequate treatment lead to serious violations of the functionality of the urinary system. Therefore, it is so important to closely monitor the health of the baby and pay attention to the smell of urine.

The diet for both youngest and older children should include a variety of foods. Some of them have a significant effect on the color, composition and odor of a child's urine. These products include:

  • cabbage and asparagus;
  • garlic and onions;
  • fragrant seasonings and various sauces;
  • seafood and smoked meats;
  • pickles and marinades.

Even in infants, it changes, the smell of urine becomes pungent and unpleasant if a breastfeeding mother has introduced one of the above products into her diet, or if the infant formula has been replaced for the crumb. The child's body is sensitive to any changes in nutrition and the first indicator is a change in the quality, color and aroma of feces and urine.

The reason for dehydration, due to which the smell of urine of a small patient worsens, is not only intoxication. Insufficient intake of fluids drunk by the baby during the day also leads to the development of dehydration, an increase in the concentration of urine.

Another reason is various colds and inflammatory diseases, accompanying a significant rise in the baby's body temperature.

In this state, most of the fluid is removed from the baby's body not with the help of the kidneys, but through the pores on the surface of the dermis. The urine becomes concentrated and offensive.

The stench of urine is considered a sign of the development of such dangerous and complex ailments as:

You can get more detailed information, ask any questions and get comprehensive answers to them by visiting the forum where mothers of children who have experienced such a change in health communicate.

What do the doctor's say

Highly qualified doctors strongly recommend that parents closely monitor the work of all organs and systems of babies, especially those who are not yet a year old.

At this age, there is no other way to notice the onset of a dangerous disease, because the baby cannot tell about what he feels, what hurts and what worries him. An indicator of the baby's health status is:

  • work of the respiratory system (presence of a runny nose, shortness of breath);
  • excretory system (intestines and urinary organs).

Noticing changes in the quality, composition and smell of the urine of a small patient in time can prevent the development of complex and dangerous ailments.

Practicing experienced pediatricians recommend that you immediately inform your local doctor about any changes you notice, even if at first glance they do not seem significant to the parents. It is possible to establish the exact reason for the deterioration of the urine odor in a child only after a detailed laboratory and instrumental examination carried out in a specialized medical institution.

During clinical trials, doctors confirm or cancel the suspicion of the presence of special (specific) signs of pathological changes in the biological fluid. Instrumental diagnostics allows the doctor to study the problem in more detail. For this, an ultrasound (ultrasound) examination of the kidneys, bladder, ureters, urethra is performed.

The result of the conducted research becomes the basis for an accurate diagnosis and, in one case, the appointment of effective adequate treatment, and in the other, changes in the child's diet and lifestyle.

It is strictly forbidden to try to cope with the problem on your own with the help of medicines or alternative medicine methods. Incorrect use of specific drugs or infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants and herbs can only aggravate the situation and cause the development of severe complications.