39 completed weeks of pregnancy. Internal changes in the fetus. Salad of apples and prunes

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 22 minutes


39 weeks - the beginning of the second half of the last month of pregnancy. 39 weeks means your pregnancy is coming to an end. Pregnancy is considered full-term already, so your baby is quite ready to be born.

What does 39 weeks mean?

This means that you are in the 39th obstetric week, which is 37 weeks from the conception of the baby (fetal age) and 35 weeks from the delay in menstruation.

Feelings in the mother at 39 weeks

  • emotional sphere. At this time, a woman experiences a whole range of emotions: on the one hand, fear and nervousness, because childbirth can already begin at any moment, and on the other hand, joy in anticipation of meeting the baby;
  • Also occur changes in well-being: the baby sinks lower and it becomes easier to breathe, but many women find that in late pregnancy it becomes more and more difficult for them to be in a sitting position. Discomfort in the sitting position is also caused by the advancement of the fetus lower into the pelvis. Going lower, the baby becomes more limited in his movements. Fetal movements are observed less frequently and become less intense. However, the expectant mother should not worry, because all this is evidence of an early meeting with the baby;
  • Things are intimate. In addition, at 39 weeks, a woman may begin to have thick mucous discharge with streaks of blood - this is a mucous plug, which means you need to be ready to go to the hospital!
  • Bladder experiencing very strong pressure at 39 weeks, running to the toilet “in a small way” has to be done more and more often;
  • In late pregnancy, many women experience loose stools due to changes in hormonal levels. By reducing pressure on the stomach, appetite improves. However, before the very birth, the appetite decreases. Loss of appetite- another signal about an imminent trip to the hospital;
  • Contractions: false or true? Increasingly, the uterus contracts in training contractions, preparing for its main work. How not to confuse training fights with true ones? First, you need to time your contractions. True contractions become more frequent over time, false contractions are irregular and the interval between them is not shortened. In addition, after a true contraction, a woman, as a rule, experiences relief, while false contractions leave a pulling sensation even when they recede;
  • Looking for a hiding place. Another sign of imminent childbirth is “nesting”, that is, the desire of a woman to create or find a cozy corner in the apartment. This behavior is inherent in nature, because when there were no maternity hospitals yet and our ancestors gave birth themselves with the help of midwives, it was necessary to find a secluded, safe place for childbirth. So if you notice this kind of behavior - be prepared!

Reviews from the forums about well-being at the 39th week:


I went to the maternity hospital yesterday to meet the doctor who will take delivery. She looked at me in the chair. After the inspection, I came home - and my cork began to move away! The doctor warned, of course, that she would “smear”, and that in 3 days she was waiting for me to her place, but somehow I did not expect that everything was so fast! I'm a little afraid, I sleep badly at night, then contractions, then the lyalechka spins. The doctor, however, says that it should be so. I have already collected the bag, washed and stroked all the children's things, made the crib. Preparedness number one!


I'm tired of waiting and listening. No training contractions for you, no running around in the toilet - once at night I go and that's it. Maybe I have something wrong? I’m worried, but my husband laughs, says that no one remained pregnant, everyone gave birth sooner or later. In consultation, they also say not to panic.


With the first one, I was already discharged from the hospital at this time! And this kid is in no hurry, I'll see. Every morning I look at myself in the mirror, if my stomach has dropped. The doctor in the consultation said that with the second one the omission would not be so noticeable, but I am looking closely. And yesterday something was completely incomprehensible with me: at first I saw a kitten on the street, I got out of the basement and squinted in the sun, so I burst into tears from tenderness, I barely reached the house. At home, I looked at myself in the mirror sobbing - it became funny how I started to laugh, and for 10 minutes I could not stop. It was even scary from such emotional swings.


Looks like contractions have begun! It's only a short time before we meet our daughter. I cut my nails, called an ambulance, I'm sitting on my suitcases! Wish you luck!


Already 39 weeks, and for the first time tonight pulled the stomach. New sensations! Didn't even sleep. I almost fell asleep while waiting in line to see the doctor today. Training contractions are becoming more frequent, in general, it seems that the stomach is now more in good shape than relaxed. The cork, however, does not leave, the stomach does not fall, but I think that it will be soon, soon.

What happens in the mother's body?

39 weeks pregnant is a tough time. The baby has reached its maximum size and is ready to be born. The body of a woman is preparing for childbirth with might and main.

  • The most important change is the softening and shortening of the cervix, because it will need to open up to let the baby through;
  • The baby, meanwhile, falls lower and lower, his head is pressed against the exit from the uterine cavity. The woman's well-being, despite a number of inconveniences, is improving;
  • The pressure on the stomach and lungs decreases, it becomes easier to eat and breathe;
  • It is at this time that a woman loses a little weight and feels relieved. The intestines work more intensively, the bladder is emptied more often;
  • Do not forget that at this time a woman can already give birth to a completely full-term baby, so you need to listen to all changes in well-being. Pain in the lower back, the urge to go to the toilet "in a big way", thick mucous discharge of yellow or reddish-brown color - all this indicates the onset of labor.

Fetal development in the 39th week of pregnancy

A period of 39 weeks is quite suitable for the birth. The baby is now completely viable.

Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child

Photo of the fetus at 39 weeks

Ultrasound of the baby at 39 weeks

Photo of mother's abdomen at 39 weeks

Video: What happens at the 39th week of pregnancy?

Video: 3D ultrasound at 39 weeks

The most detailed weekly pregnancy calendar


Not far off is the end of pregnancy and a completely new beginning of life!

During the 39th week of pregnancy, many expectant mothers are not uncommon for a nervous condition. Everything is explained by the proximity of such already imminent births. Don't worry, you won't be the first and you won't be the last! The cervix is ​​now dilating and shortening. You may notice a decrease in your weight and an increase in your appetite.

It's already 39 weeks pregnant, so watch out for the signs your body is giving you. Your child can be born at any time. Look out for Braxton Hicks contractions, if they happen on an irregular basis and their numbers aren't increasing, then there's nothing to worry about. But as soon as you notice that abdominal cramps go away more than 5 times per hour, there is a pulling pain in the lumbar region, discharge of water, bloody discharge from the genital tract, we can say that the time has come for childbirth.

Easy delivery to you!!!


The baby is perfectly healthy and in good condition, at 39 weeks old. At 39 weeks pregnant, the baby's lungs are fully matured. The child has lost vellus hair - lanugo, although it remains in places, such as the shoulders or in the folds of the skin.

Your child continues to gain weight despite the cramped space. It weighs about 3.2 kg and is about 50.4 cm long.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, there is a possibility that the baby may become entangled in the umbilical cord. But don't panic, he's comfortable. All organs of the baby by this moment are fully developed and are in their places. His pink skin will change color to a lighter one, the subcutaneous base is well developed. The cerebral cortex is maturing.

The baby, however, like you, is looking forward to the birth.

Video 39 weeks pregnant.

You live on the eve of childbirth, and your baby is almost ripe for the appearance and replenishment of your family, it remains to wait a little more - and you will give the world a new miracle of birth.

How the 39th week goes, what you should prepare for, you will learn all this in this article.

So, you will know:

  • How is your life changing during this period?
  • How is your baby developing?
  • What problems can be avoided
  • What are false contractions
  • What tests are waiting for you
  • Delivery at 39 weeks

So the 39th week of pregnancy came up, how to give birth faster - only this thought remains in my head. A little more, and your baby will come into this world, of course, you are worried and want everything to go smoothly. At the same time, your emotions go wild, then you want to cry, then suddenly a feeling of fear of future childbirth rolls over. Remember that the way you are psychologically tuned is one of the most important components of the success of such an important event as childbirth. It is important to already decide on the doctor who will take delivery of your baby, never be afraid to ask all the questions you need, you must be calm and slowly prepare for delivery.

How is your life changing during this period?

Nothing particularly new in your well-being changes, everything can also be tormented by heartburn, varicose veins on the legs or stretch marks may appear, back pains become habitual, and swelling and constipation are also common. And this is not to mention the problem of excess weight. Here comes the 39th week of pregnancy, how to speed up labor to get rid of these problems that make it difficult to sleep, eat, and walk, you ask? You should not rush the course of pregnancy, and even more so artificially induce labor, if there are no medical indications for this.

The problem of how much I weigh should be approached in terms of how I will look after giving birth. That's when all the days when you "ate for two" come out, not always pleasing with the acquired kilograms.

Your chest. She will grow at least one more size this week, and a whitish liquid - colostrum - will begin to stand out from her, which means that your body is starting to prepare for future feeding. Do not forget that the chest, like your body, requires special care, use a contrast shower several times a week to strengthen the shape of the breast, creams and gels for massage and stretch marks, the right natural supportive underwear - and you will keep your chest supple and healthy for a long time yet.

How is your baby developing?

The weight of your baby during this period reaches about 3.5 kg, has a height of 50 cm. He has already rested his head against the cavity of your pelvis, and his position will not change. And childbirth can begin both at the 39th and 40th week. Therefore, you may experience pain in the perineum, as there is a gradual divergence of the pelvic bones.

During this period, the baby is actively growing limbs, torso, he hears well, so do not forget to please him with a song or pleasant musical compositions, even when he is with his eyes closed, he is able to distinguish and see bright colors, already reacts to movement and distance.

All systems of the internal organs of the fetus are already formed, and it is capable of independent existence. So if you give birth already at the 39th week, don't worry, your baby is already ready to live on his own.

Your baby is already moving a little less, he has less and less space left, but still, the number of movements, movements of the baby is about 20.

It is interesting that a fluff may already appear on the baby’s head, and for some, curls on the head, at birth, making a surprise for parents with thick hair.

What is possible and what is undesirable to eat

39th week of pregnancy, second pregnancy, if you have already given birth, then you know that it is necessary not to fill up for the future, storing energy for childbirth, but, on the contrary, unload a little, eating healthy food, and limiting fat.

Protein during this period is very important, it is better that it enters your body with the help of fish, dairy products, cereals, necessarily cottage cheese, and vegetables, herbs and fruits will help you cleanse your intestines and prepare for childbirth.

As for drinking, many women often ask how much to drink and how, it is better to drink a little, and if you have swelling, try to drink medicinal teas that help remove excess water from the body.

By the way, you can switch to baby food, fruit and vegetable purees, if you don’t feel like cooking at all.

What problems can be avoided

The life of your body during this period is completely focused on the upcoming birth, however, you still need to monitor your stool to avoid constipation, and excess water is removed from the body, as excess edema can lead to preeclampsia, and a lack of oxygen in the baby's body.

To reduce back pain, ask loved ones to give you a massage, try to change your body position more often and move. Breathe in fresh air while walking in the park, do water aerobics - all this will strengthen your muscles, and you will enjoy doing such sports.

At week 39, your placenta becomes more and more depleted, which means that the baby's body receives less and less nutrients and oxygen. This is preparation for the birth of your body, you should not be afraid of this. Therefore, the main signal for concern is too strong motor activity of the unborn baby, or vice versa, its absence.

What are false contractions

It is the 39th week of pregnancy, the harbinger of labor in primiparous is the appearance of contractions, and you may have false contractions. They are also called Braxton-Hicks contractions. Unlike real ones, such contractions are not so painful and periodic. Usually, such contractions do not cause strong discomfort in a woman, they resemble pain during menstruation, when the lower back pulls. Their duration is no more than 60 seconds, and the frequency can be in a period of a few minutes or a few hours. At the same time, the baby behaves in the same active way. Your uterus is training for labor, don't worry too much, but if you notice other signs of labor (detailed in week 40), such as watery discharge or nausea or vomiting, severe abdominal drop, then it's best to play it safe and go to the hospital. early.

Taking a warm bath, walking in the park or just relaxing, you can easily remove false contractions. Real contractions don't go away that way.

In multiparous women, training (false) contractions begin a little later than in primiparas, somewhere from the 32nd week. But the course of childbirth goes much faster, so if you are expecting the appearance of a second child, you need to go to the hospital when periodic contractions appear.

What discharge is dangerous at the 39th week

What kind of discharge should you call an ambulance for:

  1. Purulent-mucous. If you suddenly notice purulent mucous discharge, call your doctor immediately. There may also be a lump of mucus, this is a cork that has fallen out, which closes the uterus. Look forward to the onset of childbirth.
  2. The discharge of a cloudy yellow liquid may indicate that the amniotic fluid has poured out ahead of time, even if there are no contractions and pains, immediately go to the hospital.
  3. Beware of the presence of blood in the discharge from the vagina, immediately call an ambulance, the hospital will provide qualified assistance in this case.

What tests are waiting for you.

You passed all the main tests earlier, additional views and studies can be prescribed only if the course of pregnancy was problematic.

If, according to the indications of the body, a cesarean section awaits you, then you will need to undergo an ultrasound scan and possibly other tests in the hospital. Discuss with your doctor in advance all aspects of a caesarean section, from anesthesia to the recovery period and breastfeeding.

Delivery at 39 weeks.

For most women, delivery should be expected at 40 weeks. But this does not mean at all that childbirth cannot occur at the 38-39th week. If you feel that your stomach is tightening, as if in a ring, the time has come for real contractions. You have to note the time, the first strong grips begin every 10-15 minutes and last about 49 seconds. Try not to tense up, relax your muscles, call the hospital and help your unborn baby to be born calmly and joyfully.

The gestation period is already coming to an end, the 39th obstetric week of pregnancy, no matter how. The baby is almost full-term and you can start giving birth at any time, because very soon you and your baby will be completely ready. Now the baby is still growing and gaining weight, although not as fast as before. Since there is very little space left in the stomach, all week you will feel all the movements of the baby. This will tire you out a little, and you will have an irresistible desire to give birth as soon as possible.

The longest journey has been passed, you are in the last stage, 39 weeks pregnant. But there is one more extremely important date - the birth of a child. Closer to it, the amniotic fluid will become less. Yes, the baby will be cramped, but such a process reduces birth risks. In the case of twins, they are even more cramped. You also need to relax and prepare for the trip to the hospital. You may be visited by fear, horror of childbirth and unpleasant thoughts, but interrupting the process at this stage in pregnant women has not been done for a long time.

It is this period that is considered normal for childbirth, 38-40 weeks. Being born at 39 weeks does not mean that you have gone through the short version of pregnancy. The ninth month of pregnancy is just ending, and 10 obstetric months have passed. Your body has already prepared and there is no need for it to gain weight anymore, only the baby is growing. There is no particular difference from last week in your body. You will visit the restroom a little more often, as well as increase anxiety. But it's natural.

At this time, the uterus and its cervix soften and become wider in order, so brownish discharge is possible. Since the stomach drops a little, it will be easier for you to breathe and your digestive processes will improve.

The waters may first break, and after them contractions begin, it often happens the other way around. Either option is considered normal. Since all this can happen at any moment, try not to drive far from home, and keep documents and necessary things with you. If the doctor decided that you need an operation, then you will not be able to go anywhere, as you will be under the constant supervision of doctors, you will spend some time in the hospital. This is necessary for preparation.

There is no exact EDD, only 5% of mothers give birth to children at this time. For the rest, childbirth begins either earlier or later. This is also normal, so don't worry.

The fetus is 39 weeks pregnant and the formation of its digestive system is completely finished, it is ready to eat all the delicious food of this world. The intestines even have villi and move to move meconium into the rectum.

To make it easier for a child to suck his mother's milk and hold his breast at first, special ridges appear on the mucous membrane of his lips.

Now the weight of the child is about 3.3 kg, and the height is 53 cm. It is big and weighs a lot, doesn't it? But just such a weight is just enough. It is difficult for such a giant to fit in the womb with his own parameters, and he bends his knees and crosses his arms. In this arrangement, it takes up less space and is more convenient for him. It is located at the bottom of the pelvis and abdomen.

Head presentation occurs in most babies and is ideal for natural childbirth, but breech presentation can also occur occasionally. In this case, a caesarean section is often resorted to. Especially if the width of the mother's hip bones did not acquire the desired values, and the pelvis was very narrow.

Mothers of twins say they weighed less when they were born separately, but then gained their weight like other babies. In the case of twins, caesarean delivery is more common. The type of presentation of twins can be different, but usually one is head down, and the second is up. There is also the same arrangement of children.

With the same breech presentation of two children, it will be quite difficult to give birth. However, two breech presentations are rare. The situation is the same with twins, where several small people have to share one uterus. All this you can see on the study using ultrasound diagnostics. By the way, the time for the third scheduled screening is coming. At the screening, you will also find out if everything is in order with your child, find out how he looks now and just be able to please his loved ones with a photo.

Now the child is just as you will see him immediately after birth. All reflexes are already formed, and organ systems are developed. He controls himself with the help of the nervous system, although it is in many ways inferior to the child in development. Even the sleep pattern is the same as that of a baby. He also sucks his thumb and moves his arms and legs a little, responds to your touch, reacts to music and sounds. It is extremely cute that he even winces and hiccups when he swallows amniotic fluid. This is normal, his digestive system will digest them, and the first stool is formed - meconium. It departs after birth, but it happens that this happens earlier, which brings suffering to the child, and the waters become greenish.

There is an increase in muscle mass, his body accumulates strength, stores iron and calcium, these minerals will help him to form bones. Muscle tone is trained, as well as coordination of movements. Watch how the baby moves and behaves, he should move at least 10 times a day. Now the 39th week of pregnancy is there no movement in the baby? How the movement goes is extremely important. If there is no movement, or when moving, he desperately flounders, you should immediately consult a doctor, he may have hypoxia.

The organs work to the best of their ability: the heart pumps blood through its vessels, the kidneys filter urine, the intestines digest the amniotic fluid. At this time, the pancreas breaks down the ingested water with the help of enzymes that will later be involved in the digestion of food.

There are no microbes in the intestine yet, it is completely sterile. The microbes will come with the first drops of milk.
The fetus still feeds through the placenta, but it is already aging, it does not have long to go. The lungs are ready for birth, but dormant for now, and will open with his first cry after the obstetrical clap.

There is no exact calculation, so you have to be on the signs and harbingers of childbirth. You will need to constantly monitor your condition.

Appetite decreases. So the body is cleansed, swelling disappears due to low appetite. With nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, you will lose about 2 kg of weight. But the heartburn is gone. You don't have to give up food. Food must enter your body, but you do not need to pass it on either. Think about your diet in advance for this time and watch your weight.

False contractions. They become more frequent and stronger, although they do not have a periodicity and do not open the neck. Usually accompanied by pain in the back and abdomen, pulling and unpleasant. Taking a shower and lying down a little, you can reduce their soreness, which does not happen with real ones.

Cork removal. Vaginal discharge intensifies and pinkish mucus lumps may come out. Mucus comes out either whole or in pieces of a couple of tablespoons. This is due to softening of the cervix.

Nesting. A pregnant woman can abruptly start doing housework, re-pasting wallpaper, and the like. The main thing is not to overwork and not take on too much.

Mood swings and poor sleep. A woman is worried, hormones play on her like a lute, and since childbirth can begin at night, the baby also moves, insomnia appears.

As soon as real contractions begin, do not confuse them with false ones. This feeling is completely different. They are more painful, stronger, constantly growing, and the gap between them is shrinking. If you are in severe pain, you should still not take painkillers unless your doctor tells you otherwise. As soon as the gap becomes 10 minutes, it's time to go to the hospital. If a woman is pregnant again, you have to hurry. And if you have had operations or abortions, it is better to go to the hospital ahead of time.

Most likely, doctors by this time will already teach you how to breathe correctly during contractions. Pregnant women are even given entire training courses.

This is extremely important! And although childbirth is a natural natural process, it is better to have an obstetrician nearby.


If you are giving birth to twins, you have twins, the width of the pelvic region is too small, or there are other contraindications and life threats, then you may be prescribed a planned operation, a caesarean section. With her, the baby does not appear quite naturally, but rather surgically. First, you will have a catheter placed in your arm to administer the medication.

Anesthesia can be different depending on the period of labor. The operation is performed with an obstetric surgical instrument, the cavity of your tummy is dissected, and then the uterus, and the child is simply taken out of it.

The operation is even shorter than conventional childbirth, lasting no more than 40 minutes. After that, you will get stitches.

Did you know that the blood that passes through the placenta helps the baby by providing him with antibodies to fight various infections of his postpartum life. So, the longer the baby stays in the mat, the more antibodies he will receive. He will already receive additional ones instead of with milk.


Now pain and discomfort can often appear. This is all due to the heavy load on the mother's pelvis and spine. The abdomen has probably already dropped, which led to a partial pressing of the baby's head at the exit from the pelvic organs. It also happens that the stomach hurts at 39 weeks of gestation, but more on that later. The back aches and hurts, the lower back too, the pain between the legs becomes more frequent, and you will experience a feeling of pressure. Such sensations will help to remove the prenatal bandage and gymnastics, also try to unload your back from your knees to your elbow. It helps and digestion, and kidneys, and placentation.

Periodically, you will suffer from heartburn and constipation, and hemorrhoids may even appear. Severe swelling and headaches, high blood pressure and dizziness are a set of signs of gestosis, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If you suffer from regular pain in the abdomen, so that it already turns to stone, then this is a sign of tone and, perhaps, labor has already begun. Together with the tone, your muscles are trained and prepared for childbirth.


The nature of the discharge can be different, since the hormonal background is constantly changing, the cervix is ​​​​ripening. It is she who changes the discharge. They can be mucous, a bit like snot, light, pinkish and a little brown. For white, flaky discharge with itching, consult a doctor so that the child does not earn candidiasis.

Bloody discharge from scarlet to dark is a bad sign, call an ambulance, because you may have had placental abruption. Your life and the life of your child may be in danger.

How to recognize amniotic fluid leakage

The discharge can be very profuse and constantly wet underwear. Do they have a transparent hue and a sweet smell? This is amniotic fluid, they are not considered secretions. It's time to decide on childbirth. From now on, you have no more than 14 hours left before the baby is born. The fact that this is amniotic fluid can be recognized by a special gasket that can be bought at a pharmacy. Also, the complete discharge of water is a liquid weight of about 300 g. The difference with leakage is noticeable

Uterus at 39 obstetric weeks

The belly has dropped, breathing is easier, but your uterus is now much lower and does not press on the ribs. She is preparing for childbirth and Braxton-Hicks contractions appear, not real. Every day they are getting stronger. The tone rises and the stomach hardens, it becomes a little painful. The cervix does not open during such contractions, it is very soft, and becomes shorter. When real contractions come to you, take a bag, call your loved ones and go to the hospital.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound)

An ultrasound this week is only needed to clarify some of the nuances and how the birth will take place, so deciphering the ultrasound at 39 weeks of gestation will not take much time. So the doctor determines an even more accurate gestational age, records the weight and parameters of the baby, how mature his tissues and organs are. In addition, the uterus itself is also evaluated, in what condition it is, how much water, what they are, whether the uterus is ready for the birth of a child.

The placenta should be at the third degree of maturity, if it is older, then its functions will be much worse. They also evaluate the length of the umbilical cords and how it is located. There is also a low placentation during pregnancy 39 weeks. Doctors see low placentation immediately. Quite a lot of attention is being paid to this. Since with a low placentation, the likelihood of premature birth increases. They also carefully monitor the neck, the skin on the neck, the pelvic opening, the degree of development of the child and the size of the tummies of pregnant women. All this is shown on ultrasound at 39 weeks of pregnancy through a screening study. In addition, the doctor also looks at your mucous tissues.

Don't be alarmed if you're told you have a short cervix at 39 weeks pregnant. Everything is fine, by this time it is shortened to 1 cm. If something is wrong, the doctor must tell you about it.

Low water and polyhydramnios

With the help of ultrasound, you can find out if a pregnant woman has oligohydramnios during pregnancy at 39 weeks. Now, signs of oligohydramnios should be, pregnancy is often completely accompanied by oligohydramnios. after all, this is how the fetus occupies a stable position in the womb, it does not stretch and the umbilical cords do not appear. If polyhydramnios is diagnosed, then the uterus can overstretch, labor activity will be weak and will give unpleasant complications. The amount of water, both in oligohydramnios and in polyhydramnios, is determined in milliliters.

The female body gains about 15 kilograms during pregnancy, the food for two is to blame. Now you will lose a couple, but no more. Appetite will be a little lower. All is well, as it should be. Your intestines are cleansed, and excess fluid is removed from the body. Many people lose weight this way with a one-day diet. You need to eat dairy and plant foods.

From the standard set: fried and fatty, and even more spicy, it will only harm you and aggravate the discomfort. Arrange fasting days on kefir, apples, salads and fruits throughout the week.

It's already late, so long distance trips are no longer for you. Moreover, it will only tire you out. If you just need to travel far away, take all the documents you may need for an emergency trip to the hospital, and also pack a bag for the hospital. Travel is prohibited if a caesarean section is planned, you will need to go to the hospital in advance.

At this time, you need only positive emotions. Cheer yourself up in any way to ease your anxiety. Take a walk around the shops, choose everything you need for your baby, so long as you do not get bored at home.

Prenatal blues often happens even in experienced mothers, and requires urgent interruption. Nesting syndrome helps to cope with anxiety. Clean the house, figure out how to equip the nursery, maybe you will have new ideas, look at the blogs of moms who have already given birth. You can even start repairs, but you don’t need to overwork, your job is to give orders. Just try not to lose the location of loved ones.

Since the fetus is very crowded in late pregnancy, it may not even have enough oxygen. Therefore, walk more often in the fresh air, find someone with whom you will walk in such a way that it is more fun. Walks should be arranged every day.

Try to sleep in a way that is comfortable for you, do not lean on your stomach, and on the pelvic region. Your child will not thank you for this. Put a pillow under your lower back, this will put your stomach not so low, relieve the load and your back will not hurt so much.

The final weeks of gestation are considered to be the most crucial period in the life of a woman and her child. An ultrasound at 39 weeks of gestation usually checks the health of the baby. Diagnosis of the third trimester is considered to be a mandatory procedure that must be performed before childbirth. By week 39, approximately 25% of full-term babies are born.

The child is 100% formed by the 39th week of its development. He, like the mother's body, is waiting for the upcoming birth.

Diagnosis at the end of the third trimester consists of the following procedures:

  • Fetal biometrics;
  • Doppler study of the arteries. Vessels of the uterus, umbilical cord are subject to inspection;
  • Ultrasound diagnostics of internal organs: kidneys, heart, brain, bones.

Baby's condition

The child changes his position by this period, he presses his knees to his chin. The baby is almost 100% ready for the birth. The organs of the fetus work in harmony.

Useful substances enter the child's body through the umbilical cord. The danger arises when the latter is wrapped around the child's neck. It thus blocks the access of oxygen to the baby.

The lungs are fully formed, by the 39th week they are already able to perform the first independent respiratory movements. The pancreas of the child produces a special enzyme that contributes to the full functioning of the digestive system. Beneficial bacteria will settle in the intestinal environment, which is sterile, after the baby consumes the first portion of colostrum.

The movements of the child are not very active as a result of a decrease in the volume of amniotic fluid, which is renewed after 3 hours. The position for the child to go outside has already been determined (he will no longer be able to roll over because of his size, cramped position).

The sucking reflex in the fetus develops most actively. His chewing reflex is formed a little later, after several feedings.

The rhythm of the baby is absolutely formed, he reacts to day, night, sounds, distinguishes flashes, touches. From the first days of his life, it will be possible to focus on objects located at a small distance from the baby.

The development of the CNS will continue long after birth. The baby reacts to any emotional state of his mother. It is necessary to remain calm, avoid unrest, negative emotions.

The growth of the child continues. The skin received a pleasant even tone, became smooth.

Maternal body at 39 weeks

A pregnant woman does not feel any special changes in her health. The main thing that is noted by the expectant mother is the increased urge to urinate. The nervousness of a woman increases markedly, which is explained by the fear of childbirth.

There are regular narrowing / expansion of the cervix (so it prepares for the birth of the baby). The mucous plug, which served to protect the child, dissolves over time, leaves the body. As a result of this process, blood discharge occurs, which should not frighten the pregnant woman.

The expectant mother's breathing became freer as a result of the lowering of the abdomen. There is an acceleration of digestion due to which the stool is liquefied. With such symptoms, childbirth should be expected very soon.

There are a lot of painful sensations. As a result of significant weight pressure on the pelvic bones, the expectant mother has aching pains in the lower back, legs, and lower abdomen.

To improve the general condition and provide the child with oxygen, walks in the fresh air are recommended. For better rest, you need to take the most comfortable postures, avoid overwork.

From 39 weeks, there is a reduction in the length of the uterus, its gradual opening.

Heartburn at this stage of pregnancy is caused by the production of large amounts of progesterone.

Umbilical cord and placenta at 39 weeks

During ultrasound, the sonologist pays special attention to the study of such organs:

  • umbilical cord;
  • placenta.

Location of the placenta

It is very important to determine whether the placenta wraps around the torso, neck of the child. Cord entanglement occurs in 30-40% of children. This location of the umbilical cord is no longer considered a problem by specialists.

The length of this organ at this time is 55 - 65 cm, while the thickness is - 1 - 2 cm. When the fetus is entwined with the umbilical cord, immediately after birth, it is removed from the baby's head. A true knot from the umbilical cord is formed only in 1% of cases.

Structure of the placenta

This body is considered to be old from the 39th week (2nd - 3rd degree of maturity). Even during this period of pregnancy, antibodies necessary for the normal functioning of the baby's immune system pass through the placenta. The state of the placenta is an important indicator on ultrasound in the third trimester. It is important to exclude possible pathologies of this organ.

The most dangerous complication at the end of pregnancy is uterine bleeding. Its cause is displacement of the placenta, uterus. With ultrasound, this pathology (if any) is easy to determine. In this case, the sonologist diagnoses placenta previa. If it is available, the hospitalization of the expectant mother is considered mandatory. She is placed in the department of pathology of pregnancy at the maternity hospital.

Examination of the internal organs of the baby

When diagnosing a child's organs, special attention is paid to checking the main vessels:

  • aorta;
  • superior vena cava;
  • Pulmonary trunk.

The state of connection of the umbilical cord vessels with the fetus is also considered. The baby's heart muscle is normally checked in a four-chamber section. Ultrasound is also subject to the middle abdominal wall of the child.

Visualization of organs such as the stomach and intestines is mandatory. During an ultrasound examination, the bladder and kidneys are subject to evaluation. The study of the kidneys is performed in two sections: longitudinal, transverse. It is very important at week 39 to determine the localization of these organs. The pyelocaliceal system, parenchyma is subject to research.

The sonologist completes the study of the structure of the child by examining the composition of the bones of the legs and arms:

  • Leg bones;
  • Femur;
  • Brachial bone.

Parameters of the child on ultrasound of the third trimester

When performing ultrasound diagnostics, by the 39th week, the baby is prescribed the following basic measurements:

  • Weighing;
  • Fetometry;
  • Definition of growth;
  • Measurement of bones, their length.

Normally, the parameters of the child at 39 weeks are:

  • The biparietal size of the baby is 88 - 102 mm;
  • The circumference of the tummy normally reaches 310 - 374 mm;
  • The fronto-occipital size reaches approximately 109 - 129;
  • The circumference of the child's head has parameters 311 - 359 mm.

The bones of the child in the process of diagnosing the third trimester have the following indicators, taking into account the norm:

  • Femur - 69 - 79 mm;
  • The bone of the lower leg is approximately 60 - 70 mm;
  • The humerus of the baby - 61 - 71 mm;
  • The bones of the forearm during this period are 53 - 61 mm.

The growth of the baby reaches a length of 50 - 53 cm (when measured from the top of the head to the heels).

The weight of the child at 39 weeks 3 - 3.5 kg.

Importance of diagnosis at 39 weeks

In addition to all of the above reasons for performing ultrasound diagnostics at 39 weeks, the importance of ultrasound of this period is to determine:

  • Rhesus conflict;
  • Evaluation of M-echo, vascular plexus;
  • Investigation of the state of finely dispersed suspension.

The obstetrician-gynecologist is engaged in deciphering all the results of ultrasound. According to the data received, he will determine the correspondence of the development of the baby to the current week.

Approximately 40% of pregnant women deliver a viable mature fetus before the 40th week of pregnancy.

The rest of the future mothers, by this time, as a rule, having already enjoyed the “interesting” situation, quietly envy them and dream of meeting their belly-maker as soon as possible.

And especially impatient parents even try to outwit nature and help themselves to be born as soon as possible, trying on themselves the methods offered by the advisers of the world wide web.

In fact, the fetus at the age of 39 weeks is, so to speak, in the period of intrauterine "survival" until delivery. That is, the baby is full-term and is quite ready to get acquainted with the outside world. It has the reflexes necessary to maintain extrauterine life, namely: respiratory, sucking, swallowing and other innate reactions, normally inherent in newborns.

The baby's digestive tract is already ready to accept and digest the first portions of colostrum, and then breast milk or an age-adapted mixture. Thanks to its taste buds, the child is able to distinguish bitter, salty and sour from sweet, giving preference to the latter.

The baby hears perfectly and future parents have probably repeatedly had the opportunity to physically feel how the baby reacts to loud sounds. A fetus born at 39 weeks of gestation sees well at a distance of about 30 cm and distinguishes colors.

The fetus at the 39th week weighs approximately 3000 - 3500 grams, and its height is about 50 cm. By this time, the baby, as a rule, already takes a "prenatal" position: the presenting part of it rushes to the exit from the uterus, the legs bent into knees, tightly pressed to the tummy.

Mommy usually feels it - her tummy drops to about a palm and it becomes easier to breathe.

However, before the birth of the baby, some more time passes, which is necessary to complete all the processes in the body of the mother and fetus associated with preparing them for childbirth.

Should I try to speed up labor at 39 weeks?

Tribal activity should not begin "at the behest of the pike and your desire."

By the end of pregnancy in the body of a woman, as a rule, a certain hormonal background prevails, the formation of a “patrimonial dominant” occurs, under the influence of which the birth process starts.

It is believed that the fetoplacental complex plays a key role in preparing a woman's body for childbirth in the last weeks of gestation.

Ideally, delivery begins spontaneously, as the fetus and placenta mature, and the mother's birth canal is ready for the process of expelling the fetus from the womb.

However, for many reasons, it may happen that there are no signs of imminent delivery even at the 39th week and the doctor gives an opinion on the immature cervix. In this case, after additional studies of the condition of the fetus, its position, and its position, the obstetrician can give recommendations on the use of methods of non-drug stimulation of labor.

For example, at the 39th week it is time to think about labor induction for those mothers who have a hereditary pattern. The risk group also includes those women whose menstrual cycle is irregular or more than 30 days. As a rule, the doctor clarifies such moments with the patient when registering for pregnancy.

Without the approval of the observing doctor, it is at least unreasonable to take action in order to stimulate the onset of labor, even if by “home” methods.

The expectant mother should remember that if further gestation is really undesirable and poses a threat to the health of her or the fetus, then the stimulation of delivery for medical reasons is carried out in a hospital with the help of special preparations.

Ways to stimulate labor at home at the 39th week of pregnancy

In the prenatal period, close attention is paid to the readiness of the birth canal for childbirth. Normally, the cervix, by the end of the gestation period, should be sufficiently loose and shortened, "mature", so that the fetal egg can freely leave the mother's womb. The maturity of the cervix is ​​an important condition for the successful course and completion of the birth process.

Labor activity, which began with an immature cervix, is several times more often accompanied by anomalies, difficulties arise in the postpartum period for the mother and the newborn. The course of such childbirth often ends. Therefore, stimulation of labor induction with insufficient readiness of the cervix to expel the fetus is extremely dangerous.

To prepare the cervix for childbirth and, at the same time, bring the date of birth of the baby closer, the following means are designed to help:

  • Unprotected intercourse.

The cervix undergoes the necessary prenatal changes under the influence of hormones and biologically active substances (prostaglandins E2 and F2α) produced by the fetoplacental complex. Prostaglandins are also rich in male sperm. In addition, intimate caresses and orgasms stimulate the release of oxytocin, which increases the contractile activity of the uterus.

This method has contraindications: some diseases in the partner, for example, STDs, etc.

  • following a diet high in polyunsaturated fatty acids (fatty fish, olive, linseed oils, avocados, etc.);
  • taking evening primrose oil (dosage depends on the duration of pregnancy).

If the doctor at the next appointment of a pregnant patient at 39 weeks stated that the condition of the cervix corresponds to the gestational age, then the expectant mother may try to hasten the birth, for example, in this way:

  • Reasonable physical activity.

Heavy physical activity, of course, is prohibited. It will be enough not to neglect household chores, long walks, swimming, etc.

  • Breast strokes and nipple stimulation.

This promotes the synthesis of oxytocin, a hormone that can cause uterine contractions.

  • Performing exercises to prepare the perineum, such as Kegel exercises.

Classes promote the production of oxytocin, and also relax the muscles of the pelvic floor. In addition, such exercises, as well as massage of the labia and vagina, have a positive effect on the elasticity of the muscle tissues of the perineum.

  • Acupuncture and acupuncture.

It is now recognized that specialists in acupressure and acupuncture, using their professional techniques, are able to stimulate labor and influence the course of the labor process.

On the Internet, you can find many other tips to speed up labor induction. Very popular recipes for "potions" with alcohol, castor oil and various herbal decoctions, which are designed to provide a contractile response of the uterus.

The consequences of using such stimulants can be completely unpredictable and extremely dangerous for both the mother and the fetus.

Dangerous methods of accelerating labor

Methods that should not be used at home to speed up labor:

  • "Stimulating" cocktails with castor oil, alcohol.

This drink causes a powerful urge to defecate, and there it is not far from labor activity, according to advisers.

Indeed, castor oil has a laxative effect, and alcohol is designed to provide a better "absorption" of the ingredients into the blood. However, the effect of this agent for inducing labor has not been confirmed, and the risk of severe vomiting and subsequent dehydration is very likely. A bad bonus: poisoning of the body (maternal and fetus) with alcohol.

  • Cleansing enema.

The contractile activity of the intestine, expelling the contents, apparently, should entail the contractile activity of the uterus, expelling the fetus.

The danger is that the course of the purification process is difficult to control. Labor activity can be rapid, and the consequences of defecation will be dehydration and impotence of the mother.

  • Reception of castor oil in its pure form.

The tool is not inferior in popularity to those described in the previous paragraphs. The dangerous consequences are similar.

The use of castor oil for labor induction in maternity hospitals was abandoned as an ineffective remedy, which nevertheless had an undesirable effect. At home, it is not worth using it all the more.

  • Phytotherapy.

The most popular are decoctions and infusions based on black cohosh and raspberry leaves).

However, from the side of medicine there is no confirmation of the effectiveness of these drugs. And black cohosh, as a poisonous plant containing alkaloids, is generally prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation. That is, the intake of any herbal remedies during pregnancy should be agreed with the observing doctor.

In general, if the pregnancy develops normally, then active actions on the part of the woman are not required for an early delivery. If, during gestation, medically confirmed abnormalities occur that require the completion of the pregnancy for the benefit of the mother and / or baby, then this is certainly a reason for intervention, which, nevertheless, should be initiated by medical specialists.