And on the sea, white sand, made someone yellow, son. Statuses about a beautiful son

Statuses about the son are beautiful

The totality of emotions experienced by parents with the appearance of a child is very large. The feeling of delight can be replaced by sadness, but this is always a manifestation of care and interest in your own baby. The statuses about the son are beautiful, like the very feelings of mom and dad for their little copy.

  • "You can stop loving all men in the world. Except your son."
  • "The son is the protector whom the Lord sends to the woman."
  • "It seems that all the love of the world is concentrated in one beautiful sound - the ringing laughter of our son."
  • "Do you know what a happy family is? When a son, when asked where his parents are, puts his hand on his heart and says:" Here! "
  • "Not a single book is as interesting as my little naughty son."
  • "I will probably never stop being proud of my son."
  • "Son! I ask God for one thing - that you be happy. And I will love you with anyone."
  • "I will lay my life on the altar of your destiny, son."

Statuses about a son with meaning

With the advent of the baby, the life of the family changes dramatically. Parents no longer belong only to themselves, they realize the importance of their own behavior and influence on the growing person. The statuses about the birth of a son always reflect the meaning that each parent puts into this event.

  • "Only a mother can teach her son to be a gentleman and to behave correctly in the company of women."
  • "Sons leave the family one by one. And they return with pairs."
  • "With the birth of my son, I no longer need cosmetics. After all, I am leading the main adornment by the hand."
  • "From early childhood I treat my son like a man. Let him get used to it."
  • "Not a single lullaby is capable of accommodating all the tenderness that a mother feels."
  • "Raising a son is not difficult. It's harder to rejoice when you notice yourself in him."
  • "I would like to have time to absorb all the joy from each day spent next to my son."

Funny statuses about the son

How much joy the appearance of a child in the family brings to parents! How many funny moments everyone can remember when his son took his first steps, distorted words that were new for him and came up with original names for existing objects, how he mastered dancing and a bicycle. Statuses about the birth of a son and the associated pleasant emotions - further.

  • "This man always hugs and kisses for no reason. He makes tea from the leaves of a tree and treats them to them. Dances to cheer me up. He is a real man, whose only drawback is that he does not like to go to kindergarten."
  • "Son, because of your tricks my hair turns gray! - Mom, this was how much it took to play around to do this with my grandmother!"
  • "In a family of optimists, when a son says that he broke a window at school, hit the physical education teacher with a ball, pulled the girl by the pigtails and got an A, they rejoice that the child is an excellent student."
  • "The boy's future parents should stock up not only on diapers, clothes, a crib and a stroller. But also plasters, brilliant green and bandages."

Touching statuses about the son

The statuses about the son are meaningfully filled with pleasant experiences associated with the growing up of the child, with his mastery of the world and the formation of character. More touching moments are hard to imagine.

  • "There are two hearts beating in our son - mother's and father's."
  • "Sometimes he commands like a general, sometimes he is capricious like a princess, but he always remains our angel."
  • “As soon as a woman doubts her beauty, she can immediately turn to the most important expert. To this question he answers the same way:“ Mom, you are my most beautiful! ”.
  • "What a delightful feeling it is to watch two of your most beloved men - a son and a husband - communicate."
  • "It happens that when I lead my son by the hand, tears come to my eyes. After all, one day I will only be able to take him by the arm."
  • "The surest way to prove to a man that he is the best is to give him a copy of him, a son."

Sons statuses

Many parents are happy educators of more than one boy. Needless to say, such families have more joy and funny stories? In the next collection, you can find the status of two or more sons.

  • "I have never understood the question of whom I love more - the eldest or the youngest son? It's like choosing which part of my heart is more important to me - right or left?"
  • "They say that the youth of parents lasts until their children grow up. So: my life is endless, I am a happy mother of three sons!"
  • "The more sons there are in the house, the fewer outlets everyone can fix."
  • "The family fire burns brighter when there are two sons in the house."
  • "The birth of twins is a multiplication of joy, fun, hassle and diapers by two."

Statuses about son and father

The relationship between father and son is special. In his heir, a man sees a continuation of himself, he wants to pass on knowledge and experience to him, share with him the pleasure of men's hobbies and finally be proud of him, as his father was once proud of. The short statuses about the son will help describe the whole range of feelings and relationships that develop between two loved ones.

  • "My son always made me wonder. Like the time he asked why I married his mom."
  • "A son will be able to understand his father when he himself becomes a dad."
  • "The father loves his son more than the father's son. This is because everyone cherishes his creation with all his might."
  • "When dad and son go to the ice cream store, they only have enough money for beer."
  • "The only man whose love a husband will forgive his wife is their son."
  • "The father is the first superhero that the son looks up to."
  • "Never does a father show so much wisdom as when he advises his son."
  • "Only for the success of his son, the father rejoices more than for his own."
  • "Do you know why dads are looking forward to the birth of a boy rather than a girl? They dream of those toys that they will give their son."
  • "I will teach you to fish, ride a moped and write to girls. And you teach me to enjoy every day I live."

Statuses about a son with meaning make it possible to share with others the joy that parents are overwhelmed with - the joy of being mentors, teachers and simply loved ones for a growing person.

My good son! On your birthday, if I could give you a million, it would be a million opportunities! If I could give you a kingdom, it would be a kingdom of beauty. But I gave you life. Take all the possibilities from her and make this world a little more beautiful and kinder!

Son, my beloved! Happy Birthday to You! Let this holiday, filled with sunshine and joyful moments, will be remembered by you forever. Let all the best in your life always happen unexpectedly and pleasantly, because memorable moments are never repeated!

Our good son, you are our pride and our hope in life. We wish you wisdom, kindness, generosity. So that health does not fail. So that the mood is always on top. Let everyone be warm and cozy. Good luck, good luck, luck. Parents who love you.

A mischievous, sympathetic and kind boy - for us you will always remain that way, no matter how old you are! Just be still healthy, hardworking, cheerful, purposeful and cheerful! Happy birthday, son!

My glorious son, I hasten to congratulate you on the most important and wonderful holiday - Happy Birthday! Let, in spite of everything, only faithful friends always surround you, and fate protects from melancholy and sadness! May everything be good in your life and so that you come to the goal you are going to!

It is light in the sun, good in the mother.
The bird is happy with spring, and the baby is happy with its mother.
Mother's anger is like spring snow: a lot of it falls, but it soon melts.
Mother nature is the beginning of all beginnings.
A person has one own mother, one is his homeland.

Son, before you is a whole world of great opportunities and prospects! May luck always be near and lead to new knowledge and success! Always be self-confident, friendly with peers and happy!

Today is my son's birthday. I remember his first step, the first word. Everything was so long ago, as if yesterday. Son, I congratulate you and wish that all difficulties pass you by. You are my treasure, I love you very much!

Son, on your birthday I want to say: I'm glad that I can proudly tell everyone about you, brag about your successes to my friends and watch with a smile how girls look at you. I wish you happiness and great success in life.

Our dear son. Our radiant sun, I wish you a Happy Birthday. I want to wish you an ocean of love, a sea of ​​joy and smiles, sparkling fun, as well as creative and material success! Thank you that we have you like that! We are proud of you.

Mom by room
In a white apron
Will pass slowly

There is nothing holier and more selfless than a mother's love; every attachment, every love, every passion is either weak or self-serving in comparison with it. (V. Belinsky)

Anxiously clutching the child to his chest,
She looks into his future with longing,
And the mother wants to close with a helpless hand
Your child from tears, sorrow and sorrow.

Son! Happy Birthday to you! I wish you to be happy, loved - love always saves us! Be a good fellow, in difficulties - hold on! I wish you health and human happiness!

Dear son! On your birthday, if I could give you a million, it would be a million opportunities! If I could give you a kingdom, it would be a kingdom of beauty. But I gave you life. Take all the possibilities from her and make this world a little more beautiful and kinder!

Son, I wish you a happy birthday. You have always been correct and honest and worthy to be called a real man. Be always like that, be my pride and joy! Walk through life easily and do not notice minor difficulties. I love you!

Happy birthday, my favorite son. You are already such an adult, but for me you will always remain my little sun. I wish you all the best in the world, a sea of ​​love and happiness. Please, be happy and healthy, I want it so much!

Son, accept our congratulations. You are our man, our hero, so be always healthy, happy, we keep God, lucky, patient, may all your dreams come true. You are our pride and support. We love you.

All that is beautiful in a person is from the rays of the sun and from Mother's milk. (M. Gorky)

My son has a birthday today. I am incredibly grateful to God for giving me such happiness. Beloved, remember that no matter what, mom will always be there. You are the meaning of my life and everything that I have in this world

And in her heart she has a vague fear
To be deprived of the dear, the only shrine.
After all, without him, the whole world will remain a desert,
And for him she will go to execution.

Our beloved son, we are all in a hurry to wish you a happy birthday! Let not only on this day, but always, you will smile with the same joy and enjoy life. We are sure that you will grow up to be a real man and will achieve everything you want. Until then, enjoy life and obey Mom and Dad!

I wish you continued luck, creativity, a sea of ​​smiles, a beautiful life and happiness, my son! May this life be kind to you, especially on your birthday. I wish you never wish about your choice and always be in the spotlight. May you be successful and purposeful.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart to my dear son on his birthday! I wish you to be successful in your work so that everything will turn out great. I wish you dizzying emotions, beautiful girls and a lot of travel. Let your life be colorful and varied. I wish you not to be sad and to be the most cheerful person in the world.

Sonny, happy birthday! Let your life be special and leave a mark on history. I wish you great destiny. I wish you success, prosperity and respect. Let the heart be full of kindness, peace, warmth, happiness, love and joy. I wish there were no insoluble problems and difficulties.

My beloved and dear son, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on your birthday! You are the dearest and closest person to me. I am very glad that you are in the world. I congratulate you and wish you all the very best. I wish you good luck, prosperity, peace, happiness, joy, great and bright love and loyal friends.

Happy birthday to my dear son! You are my pride and my happiness. Always be the same courageous, smart, generous, beautiful, kind and patient. May fate give you joy and happiness. I wish you to find your soul mate and enjoy life. Happy birthday.

I wish my son unforgettable events and happy memories on his birthday. Let this special holiday give you the desired gifts, gather a number of friends and make your wildest dreams and fantasies come true. I wish you never despair or give up.

I thank fate for sending me such a wonderful person like you! What a blessing that our paths crossed in this life!

Thousands of words "Thank you!" not enough to express how grateful I am to you! I wish you all the best, may there be only sincere, kind and sympathetic people around!

We express our gratitude for our long-term cooperation! Over the years, we have developed strong partnerships based on mutual understanding, trust and respect! We look forward to their further strengthening and development!

Thank you for your warmth and support, for always being there for you in difficult times! I am glad to know that I have such a reliable and close person, on whose help I can count on every time!

I don’t have enough words to express my gratitude! Thank you for everything! A person like you deserves deep respect! I want to wish that everything in life turned out with ease, and I will always be there!

Thank you for your conscientious attitude to work and professional performance of your duties! We really appreciate that our team has such wonderful employees!

When I understand that I am not alone in the world and there is a reliable brotherly shoulder nearby, I begin to appreciate and cherish our friendship even more! Thank you for your dedication, dedication and sincerity!

My heart is overflowing with tenderness and gratitude when I think of you! You envelop me with your warmth, love and care! Thank you, my dear!

I am grateful for your help and support, for being there at the right time! Thank you for your attentiveness, responsiveness and kindness, such rare qualities in our time!

I am so glad that I have you, the most wonderful, kind, good and cheerful! With you I am never bored and sad! Thank you for bringing a sea of ​​positive emotions into my life.

Thank you for the presented science and unlimited patience! You are a teacher from God and you were not mistaken with your choice of specialty. Thanks to your gift to teach, we have gained an invaluable store of knowledge!

My dear dad and mom! Thank you for all the efforts you put into my upbringing. You are the most kind-hearted, patient and all-forgiving people! I will never tire of thanking you all my life!

Thank you for everything you did for me! This attitude is very valuable. Working with you is not just pleasant, but reliable and profitable!

I can't imagine myself without you! Surely, my life would be empty and gloomy. Thanks to the fact that there are such friends next to me, I have support both in solving problems and at the hour when my soul requires a holiday!

You are the most talented and fair leader. Thank you for your patience, decency and generous awards! For opening up prospects and leading the team to a successful and secure future!

Thank you, my dear, that I have you! Without your support, it would be very difficult for me to overcome life's difficulties, and all the holidays would be a dull pastime, and not an unforgettable celebration!

My dear, thank you for giving life, did not spare health and strength for my upbringing! Sometimes you forgot about yourself so that I had everything I wanted. I love you and will always gratefully pay you the same!

Wherever I am, and wherever you are-
my child, blood, sprout,
no matter how we are divided by the roads of fate,
know, I'm always there, my son!

I get sick when it hurts, dear,
I smile when you shine with happiness
I quietly, like a woman, admire you,
all hoping you won't notice

I pray to all the saints that your share
was as easy as possible.
Remember, my joy, that I love you!
No matter how difficult it is for us in life

Hear me, God Almighty,
Do not reject my prayer.
I know - You hear me.
Please don't leave

The collection includes phrases and quotes about the son:

  • I am a son, I am a brother, I am a father ... The heart grew into life with meat. It's hard, painful to leave. Vasily Shukshin
  • Prodigal sons return with prodigal wives. Gennady Malkin
  • Young man, you gave me your word to deliver my daughter at eleven in the evening, and you brought me at four in the morning. And in general, I do not know this girl. A good son can bring only one grief to his parents: grief because he is sick. Confucius
  • The future of the nation is in the hands of mothers. Honore de Balzac
  • To change a person, you need to start with his grandmother. Victor Hugo
  • We may be the sons of merchants, but we are the grandchildren of the prophets. Chaim Weizmann
  • At least in the old way, at least in a new way, but all the father is older than the son.
  • The greatest parenting mistake is being too hasty. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • A clever son of the Word is afraid, but a stupid one is not afraid of beatings.
  • All the children of the world cry in the same language. Leonid Leonov
  • A smart son is a substitute for a father, and a stupid one is not help.
  • The father always has fun when a good son is born.
  • The child has his own special ability to see, think and feel; there is nothing more stupid than trying to replace this skill with ours. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • A foolish son will not sew a mind for a stupid son.
  • The one who does not instill anything useful in his son feeds the thief. Thomas Fuller
  • Let childhood mature in children. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • Comrades bring up much better than parents, because pity is not peculiar to them. Maurois Andre
  • Children are our tomorrow's judges. Maksim Gorky
  • Sons understand fathers when they become grandfathers. Arkady Davidovich
  • Children start out with love for their parents. Growing up, they begin to judge them. Sometimes they forgive them. Oscar Wilde
  • Glorious by his sons, honest by his daughters.
  • Childhood should not be a constant holiday - if there is no work stress that is feasible for children, the happiness of work will remain inaccessible for the child. Vasily Sukhomlinsky
  • A son is not born good, but is brought up.
  • Children do not need teachings, but examples. Joseph Joubert
  • My son, and he has his own mind.
  • A good son is joy to his father, and a bad son is sorrow.
  • The son looks into the house, and the daughter looks out.
  • If children grew up according to our expectations, we would only grow up to be geniuses. Johann Wolfrang
  • The son is the helper for the father, the daughter is the helper for the mother.
  • If by the age of forty a person's room is not filled with children's voices, then it is filled with nightmares. Charles Saint-Beuve
  • Too obedient sons never achieve much. Abraham Brill
  • If the son outgrows the father, the father wears on the son's old trousers. Yanina Ipohorskaya
  • The glory of the son is a joy to the father.
  • Remember son: anything happens in life: this and that ... There are not as many microbes on earth as there are different phenomena in the world. But if you don’t stop doing badly at school, then you won’t know anything in this life. Do you even know that the earth is flat and rests on three whales? Anisimova Svetlana
  • The most interesting thing is not what the woman says to you, but what she is silent about. Alexander Dumas-son
  • Do you know what the surest way to make your child unhappy is to teach him not to be denied anything. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • Parents least of all forgive their children for the vices that they themselves have instilled in them. Friedrich Schiller
  • And give it to your son, and leave it to yourself to die!
  • On the night the queen gave birth to Kolya - a son, Tole - a daughter.
  • Because of the bad son, the father is also scolded.
  • Raise your children in virtue: she alone can give happiness. Ludwig van Beethoven
  • Each son belongs to the category of those boys with whom his mother forbids him to play.
  • Before reproaching your little son for the fact that his pockets are full of all sorts of rubbish, first look into your purse.
  • As the tree is, such is the wedge, as is the father, such is the son.
  • When the children puzzled their father, he sent them to a corner. Valery Mironov
  • The parental order is not burdensome for an obedient son.
  • When the son swore, Diogenes hit his father. Robert Burton
  • Remember, sooner or later your son will follow your example, not your advice.
  • If the father is kind - love him, if he is angry - endure. Publius Sire
  • Due to the fault of the parents, the son became an undergrowth, and they keep saying, they say, he is small in age.
  • Feed your son for the time being: the time will come - the son will feed you.
  • It is bad to have a prodigal son as a father. Wieslaw Brudziński
  • Who is not a grandson to a woman! Every woman's son.
  • The son cries for his father that he left little money.
  • A lazy son is worse than a noose around his neck.
  • The first problem for parents is to teach children how to behave in a decent society; the second is to find this decent society. Robert Orben
  • It is better to make your son cry than to cry about him yourself.
  • Fathers and children should not wait for requests from each other, but should proactively give what is needed to each other, and the priority belongs to the father. Diogenes of Sinop
  • The best a father can do for his children is to love their mother. Theodore Hesberg
  • Father and son, deciding to figure out for three, the third called on the holy spirit. Valery Afonchenko
  • The boy is the joy of the father, and the girl is the mother.
  • From a bad son, the father turns gray.
  • Mama's son is not a rider on virgin lands.
  • One son and that Fomische.
  • One father means more than a hundred teachers. David Herbert
  • We give birth to children so easily and carefree, but we care so little about the creation of man! We all yearn for some wonderful person. It is in our will to help him appear on earth! So let us use up our will so that he appears sooner, and perhaps we will be rewarded for this happiness to see among us the young forerunners of the one for whom our soul has longed for so long. Maksim Gorky
  • O amazing justice of the gods! Would any state tolerate such a legislator who would introduce such a law that a son or grandson would be convicted of a crime committed by a father or grandfather?
  • A not grateful son is worse than someone else's: he is a criminal, since a son has no right to be indifferent to his mother. Guy de Maupassant
  • No man can become a good father until he learns to understand his father. Thornton Wilder
  • Do not make an idol out of a child: when he grows up, he will demand sacrifices. Pierre Bouast
  • An ungrateful son is worse than a stranger: he is a criminal, since a son has no right to be indifferent to his mother. Guy de Maupassant
  • Do not marry your son to your mother-in-law, do not give your daughter to your father-in-law.
  • Not born - not a son, not bought - not a slave.
  • There is no need for another model,
  • Don't make your children shed tears too often, or they won't have anything to drop over your grave. Pythagoras
  • Do not boast about your father, boast about your son well done.
  • Do not think that you are raising a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You bring him up every moment of your life. The child sees or feels the slightest changes in tone, all the turns of your thought reach him in invisible ways, you do not notice them. Anton Makarenko
  • There is no more terrible violence than violence dictated by parental love. Boris Krieger
  • Not great in age, but great in mischief.
  • Never promise a child that cannot be fulfilled, and never deceive him. Konstantin Ushinsky
  • Our children are our old age. Correct upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our fault before other people, before the whole country. Anton Makarenko
  • Pay your attention not so much to the elimination of defects and vices in children, but to filling them with life-giving love: if there is love, there will be no vices. The extermination of the bad without filling it with the good is fruitless: it produces emptiness, and emptiness is constantly being filled with emptiness; drive out one, another will appear. Vissarion Belinsky
  • We praise God's name when we call Him Father and live like His Son.
  • One son is not a son, two sons are half a son, three sons are a son.
  • Sissy.
  • Only one lesson in morality is suitable for childhood and is of the utmost importance for all ages - it is not to harm anyone. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • The mother of the Klitschko brothers decided to adopt the Nigerian boxer Samuel Peter so that they would not beat him again.
  • The father saved up and the son squandered.
  • The best way to make children good is to make them happy. Oscar Wilde
  • Detachment, attention! Be ready for the work of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! ...
  • The best we can give our children is to teach them to love themselves. Louise Hay
  • Fathers are usually happy when their sons have a face similar to them, but not too happy when they behave like them.
  • Laziness is a mother; she has a son - theft and a daughter - hunger. Victor Marie Hugo
  • The first-born in the mother was born - he will be happy.
  • It is easier for a father to have children than it is for children to have a father. Pope John XXIII
  • A child educator who does not remember his childhood is bad. Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach
  • The little son came to the brothel and said the little one: "With the Kama Sutra - good, with advisers - bad." Mikhail Mamchich
  • A bad son is a disgrace to a good father's name.
  • The concentration of parental love on one child is a terrible delusion. Anton Makarenko
  • Until a son is born, you will not appreciate the father, until you become a mother, you will appreciate the mother.
  • When you finally realize that your father was usually right, your own son is already growing up, convinced that his father is usually wrong. Lawrence Peter
  • The order does not hurt the obedient son of fathers.
  • When I was fourteen my father was so stupid that I could hardly bear him; but when I turned twenty-one, I was amazed at how much this old man had grown wiser in the last seven years. Mark Twain
  • Let's see if the grandmother, the son or the daughter said.
  • When the father's example is in the eyes. Alexander Griboyedov
  • Why does a father love his son more than his father's son? Because the son is his creation. Everyone is supportive of what they themselves have created.
  • What is the hut, such is the tyn, such is the father, such is the son.
  • The habits of the fathers, both good and bad, become vices of children. Vasily Klyuchevsky
  • Because of the bad son and father they scold.
  • Your child most needs your love just when he least deserves it. Erma Bombek

The statuses about the son are beautiful - the son is a man who can never be stopped loving.

Happiness for a mother is the smile of a baby that she wore under her heart for months ... The first word and the first step when her son falls asleep in her arms. Her happiness cannot be measured in years ... Happiness for a woman is simply to be a mother!

Mom bent over the bed at night and quietly whispers to her little one: "You just don't be sick, my bunny is sweet, I beg you, you just don't be sick." And mom does not fall asleep until morning, pressing the baby's palm to her cheek.

You sleep, my little friend, Innocent heart of an angel. I will quietly approach the bed, And I will kiss you on the cheek ...

My precious son ... my own blood,
I overwhelm myself with great pride,
So boundless is my mother's love for her son,
I can't imagine my life without you ...

Once my son said to me - I want them to be ... Like a bird you have ... howooo such Wings ... I started flying on my shoulder, felt the strength ... "And where am I going to fly?" I asked him ... The son answered - Nowhere ... Moms don't fly !!! Mothers always have wings ... Children are covered ...

How good it is when there is a son! He is the best of men!
My sun ray is golden, a smile that is always with me!
There is no more beautiful happiness in the world! He is a bright light of my soul!
How good it is when there is a son! He is the most important of men!

I will kiss the tenderly soft hand
I will barely touch my nose with my lips,
Heart skips with love for my son,
For me, there is no better creature in the world!

A miracle walks around the apartment; There is no favorite in the world. Like lakes of saucers, little gnome from a fairy tale

If the Lord wants to protect a woman, then he gives her a son ...

The best man in the world went to me! He calls me "mom"!

Only when you come to the crib where your little baby sleeps, do you really understand what happiness is.

Diapers, cereals are inevitable; Yes, and other troubles can not be avoided. But the main thing is that kindred tenderness that the baby gave you. You will endure any trials, Now you will not be frightened with anything, Above all titles - only one title, One irreplaceable title - mother! Now you will not have time for boredom, Now all sorrows will come to zero - When the baby reaches out to you And says: “Mommy! I love you so much!"

Happiness comes into the life of every woman sooner or later ... It is very easy to recognize him: he has the most delicious cheeks, the most gentle smile, and the most sincere eyes!

I'm standing by my son's bed
He fell asleep, only I cannot sleep.
My little man has grown
I came to pray for him.

Do you know what children smell like? Almond milk, dew at dawn ... Caramelized hands, milk chocolate. Daisies in the garden. Fragrant grapes ... Inhaling the smell of childhood, the only one in the world, I can say for sure that children smell of happiness !!!

You are my son - my happiness, we will overcome all bad weather ... I will dream of yours - to protect and protect you ... I have been waiting for you for a long time ... You are now my whole life ... How I love you !!!

I have an angel, and his name is son! And the son has a guard, and the name of the guard is mom!

How good it is when there is a son! He is the best of men! My sun ray is golden, a smile that is always with me! There is no more beautiful happiness in the world! He is a bright light of my soul! How good it is when there is a son! He is the most important of men

There is only one man in my life who hates it when I stand by the stove or wash the dishes. He takes my hand and leads me to dance. This man is my little son.

Hugging my son tighter
And smelling it,
I praise God that she is alive ...
You don't need anything else ...

I raise a man
Kind, beautiful,
Affectionate son!
Proud and brave
Very hard-working!
Loving, sweet
The real son!

There is no greater happiness in the world
Than to hear the first cry of a son
And look at him, admiring,
Realizing: "He is the most beautiful!"

We love you for no particular reason
For being a grandson
For being a son
For being a baby
For growing
Because he looks like mom and dad.
And this love for the rest of your days
Will remain your secret support.

I love you to the point of shivering
I love you to the thrill
My baby, my good one,
My mark, my mark

I will hug my son
Strong and warm
While the cheek smells
Childhood and kindness.

I have been given a great role
To be the mother of a beautiful son ...
I am very proud of you
My little man!

He lies on the crib, lifts up his legs, sniffs softly with his nose, opens his eyes. I love this boy more than life! My good, my dear little son!

I really believe and hope that at the hour when the time comes,
I will say to a grown man: "I am so proud of you, son!"

The crown on the son's head ... This is the sweetest thing in this life ... You kiss ... and no sweets ... And no matter how old your son is ... It's still sweet to kiss ...

There is one angel on earth who holds at least two hearts in her little hands, makes you smile and does not let you get bored - this is mother's and father's joy. Little bandit, little general, sweet son.

My son - my wings are behind my back! My son - my stars are above the ground! My son is my happiness forever! My son - you are my air and water!

If the Lord wants to protect a woman, then he gives her a son ...

Sons understand fathers when they become grandfathers.

I found meaning in life when my son gave birth. What a happiness to be a dear, beloved mother and wife!

The best sons in the world are their own.

The only one I will run after will shout to me "Catch up, mom!"

If you have a home, do not be afraid of the cold; if you have a son, do not be afraid of need.

My best man, no doubt., The one who says: "Mom, hello"!

No one adorns a woman so much as walking alongside ... son!

The sooner you start treating your son like a man, the sooner he will become.

Son, teach me how to use a computer! - Lord, where have I sinned so ...

Darling, make me the happiest - give me a son ...

The wise mother-in-law answered her son's complaints: “You took a good wife !? Who spoiled it for you? "

The only man for whom I will do things will call me "mom" ...

Why does a father love his son more than his father's son? Because the son is his creation. Everyone is supportive of what they themselves have created.

Son, you have no friends at all because of your computer! - You're wrong! All 10 seasons!

The mother had three sons. Two are smart, and the third ... An athlete.

Mother to son: Each of your antics is another gray hair on my head! The boy, looking at the gray-haired grandmother: I see you, in your youth, were also a little queer.

Sons leave the parental home one by one, and usually come back pair after pair.

I have an Angel and his name is Sonny ...

The son was greatly surprised by the mother's request not to walk along the dark alleys ... It turned out that this was my mother's territory ...

He explained to his son where children come from. A million storks fly out, and only one reaches the cabbage ...

A respectful son is one who grieves his father and mother, except perhaps with his illness.

If a man is ready for anything for the sake of a woman, then this woman is his wife. If a woman is ready for anything for the sake of a man, then this man is her son.

Someday my son will break your daughter's heart.

Among all other men, you are the only ideal! Only you, dear son, are worth the most tender words!


Active sections:

Every young man on this earth is a son. He, one way or another, justifies the hopes of his relatives, friends, and maybe, and vice versa. Did you happen to become a father or mother? If so, then you are a very happy person. If not, then everything is still ahead. Many spouses often dream of a son. After all, a son is the embodiment of masculinity and courage. How great it must be for a father when he sees how his successor, his heir, grows before his eyes. Day after day, the guy is getting stronger, now there is a kindergarten, then a school, then a university. The son can spend his time with his parents, loving them and giving warmth and care in return. After all, good parents, they will support and believe in him all their lives. When he feels bad and things don't go as he would like, his parents will help out. Each of the sons has a duty to the Motherland, to society and to himself in the first place. Therefore, you need to grow up to be a worthy person, despite the fact that a guy may be absolutely different from others in his behavior. Conscience and social aspects are interrelated, but there are differences. Today we have prepared beautiful statuses about a son so that you can read them and find some meaning in them. Enjoy your reading.