Art therapy with the elderly. Other types of dances. Most economical hobbies

Anna Basis

Art therapy is a method of treatment in which the patient is treated through the initiation of creativity. The main advantage of such treatment is that healing occurs not through taking medications, but through art. Art therapy as a mild form of treatment for psychological abnormalities is capable of influencing the human psyche, since the creative activity that is unexpected for a person helps to express inner experiences. The patient regains the inner "I".

When treating a patient with art therapy, the doctor prescribes various types of creativity at his discretion: from drawing, creating collages or collecting mosaics, and to dancing and playing musical instruments. Thanks to art therapy, a person is distracted from difficult internal experiences. Engaging in such leisurely, calming activities, a person again finds harmony with himself and thoughts, and his mental state definitely improves.

The results of art therapy are especially evident in the treatment of people who have experienced severe stress, such as those who have been in a car accident. It is difficult for such people to talk about their experiences because they bring up painful memories. Art therapy helps such people express their feelings and re-establish contact with the people around them.

Art therapy: anti-stress coloring pages

All bookstores have coloring pages with a symmetrical or repeating pattern, otherwise they are called "anti-stress coloring". They are just a simple method of art therapy, since they do not require any special skills from the patient. A person, concentrating on coloring such a picture, reaches the state of meditation. The main task is not to color the picture. The drawing process itself helps to achieve the desired effect.

The advantages of art therapy with coloring pages are:

1) These coloring pages can be purchased in all stores;

2) Minimum financial costs;

3) You can paint antistress coloring pages anywhere (as opposed to dancing);

4) They are suitable for all patients, regardless of the type of disease;

5) For people without psychological illnesses, coloring will also have a positive effect.

In Russia, in August 2015, the Art Therapy magazine series was launched, designed specifically for people who regularly engage in art therapy.

Art therapy for the elderly

Elderly people after retirement lose the meaning of life: it is no longer possible to work, and there is a lot of free time. As a result, every second of them is capable of falling into depression, as a result of which psychological diseases inherent in people of advanced age develop. To prevent this from happening, doctors recommend art therapy for the elderly.

In Europe, circles for the elderly are popular, which were created with the aim of uniting single elderly people. Through joint interaction in the process of creativity, there is a positive dynamics of the psychological state of the elderly.

In the 21st century, similar circles appeared in Russia. In these institutions, retirees are engaged in such types of creativity as:

Singing (improves memory and strengthens the respiratory system);

Modeling from clay, plasticine or dough (useful for attention);

Needlework: beading, embroidery, macrame, sewing, scrapbooking (improves memory);

Drawing (develops fine motor skills);

Dancing (the sense of balance becomes better, which prevents further strong falls).

Volunteers or specially trained people are engaged with pensioners. Classes are most often held outdoors - in a park or on the river bank.

Art therapy methods

1. Isotherapy

Isotherapy is a method of expressing feelings and emotions through drawing. She is the most common art therapy method. The drawing should be done with paints. Doctors recommend using different types of paints: watercolors, gouache, finger, oil, or even using coffee grounds instead of paints. You will need a palette for mixing paints, paper of standard sizes (A4 or A5), preferably watercolor. Any brushes can be used. In the drawing, you can alternate markers and pencils.

2. Phototherapy

This method of art therapy is used by psychologists quite often. Photos evoke memories and associations in a person that can restore memory, cope with stress, increase self-confidence or improve relationships with family and loved ones. A person brings photos from his personal archive to the doctor: with friends, family, animals or significant events in his life. The doctor closely monitors the patient's reaction and gives him his recommendations. Phototherapy allows the patient to look at the situation from different angles and draw certain conclusions. The doctor will push the patient to the correct way out of the problem from his point of view.

3. Fairytale therapy

Fairytale therapy literally means "treatment with a fairy tale." This method is used mainly for children, since it is easier for them to perceive the real world through a fictional one. If the child is told the correct fairy tale in time, drawing parallels, for example, with animals, then on the subconscious he will project the work onto his situation. This will allow him to open up and get distracted from his problem.

4. Sand therapy

It consists in creating paintings or sculpting figures using sand. When interacting with sand, patients develop fine motor skills of the fingers, which has a good effect on the general condition of the body as a whole.

5. Modeling from clay or plasticine

Clay and plasticine are used in art therapy. Clay is most suitable for adults or adolescents, and plasticine is most suitable for children. Sculpting as a method of art therapy helps to build relationships between parents and children. Images are molded from clay that personify the patient's problem: feelings, mood, subject of a problem or illness. In the process of sculpting, the images are transformed into others, which allows you to solve the problem in the future. Art therapy with the help of plasticine visualizes images better, since plasticine comes in different shades, and certain colors evoke feelings and associations in a person. Thanks to this, art therapy with colored plasticine becomes more effective than with clay.

Art therapy in working with children

The child's perception of the world occurs through certain images, so children are actively involved in creativity, read fairy tales and play. Children perceive the world better through images than adults, therefore art therapy is effective when working with children. They feel comfortable, despite the psychological techniques used by the doctor.

Unlike adults, children do not hesitate to engage in creativity and do it with pleasure.

Doctors identify the following advantages in art therapy in working with children:

1) The child enjoys the process;

2) It is not necessary to have special artistic skills;

3) Joint drawing / singing / modeling with other children develops communication skills and in the future the child does not have problems with interacting with other people in society;

4) Art therapy brings out the creativity of the child;

5) Develops attention, thinking.

The child then forms the idea that it is necessary to bring the work started to the end. This will make the child more patient and persevering.

Art therapy for pregnant women

Pregnancy is the most anticipated stage of life for every girl or woman. Due to changes in hormonal levels, the mental state of a pregnant woman is in a precarious state. Sometimes the condition is so vulnerable that it can lead to depression or nervous breakdowns. Fear of childbirth also leaves a significant imprint on a woman's mood. Psychologists recommend resorting to art therapy for pregnant women.

Many maternity courses include art therapy in their program. If a woman has not previously been involved in creativity, then it would be better for her to start doing this in a group and under the guidance of professionals. Otherwise, a woman who started classes on her own, in case of failure, can harm her health. Every person who begins to be realized with a new deed gets upset when something does not work out for him. In the case of the disorder, it will most likely be serious.

Art therapy classes are recommended not only for pregnant women, but also for young mothers. After the birth of a child, life turns into a routine, so it will be useful for a young mother to be distracted from everyday activities by sewing, knitting or other handicrafts. Thus, the woman will not only not get tired, but will also rest emotionally from the new role.

Art therapy: books

It is impossible to understand the intricacies of art therapy without reading special literature. Art therapy is a powerful tool that affects the human psyche, therefore, the use of art therapy must be approached with caution and care. Improper use of psychological techniques can be harmful to health. For a complete and detailed study of the possibilities of art therapy, you can purchase special editions or find them on the Internet.

All books on art therapy are divided into 2 blocks:

1) Books that directly describe the process of creativity. They contain a description of various types of creativity and their effect on the body of a particular person, depending on gender, age and psychological state. You can independently determine the method of art therapy that is suitable for a specific person.

2), describing art therapy as a direction in psychology. They are more suitable for psychologists and individuals, teachers and other people who apply this direction in their work. In these works, one can get acquainted with scientific research data, statistical information, and also study in more depth the impact of the creative process on the human body.

Both of these directions of books on art therapy will be useful for people of different professions and ages.

8 February 2014

Ministry of General and Vocational Education

Sverdlovsk region

GBOU SPO SO "Kamensk-Uralsky Pedagogical College"

A comprehensive program of social and psychological rehabilitation of the elderly and disabled using the technology of art therapy "Golden Ray" for the State Budgetary Institution of Social Services for the Population of the Sverdlovsk Region "Comprehensive Center for Social Services for the City of Kamensk-Uralsky"



Comprehensive program of social and psychological rehabilitation of the elderly and disabledusing the technology of art - therapy "Golden Ray" developed Kolmogortseva V.D. .,


1) Federal Law No. 442-FZ of December 28, 2013 "On the Basics of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation";

2) Correction - developmental program for art therapy "Tsvetnoy Mir", developerGanyushkina Olga Anatolyevna , MOU "Secondary School No. 11", Saratov

Reviewer - Barysheva Galina Nikolaevna , psychologist of the State Budgetary Institution of Social Services for the Population of the Sverdlovsk Region "Complex Center for Social Services for the Population of the City of Kamensk-Uralsky"

Explanatory note

The elderly and the disabled are a category of citizens in particular need of psychological rehabilitation and social adaptation to the changed living conditions. It is important for an elderly person and persons with disabilities to feel their usefulness for the family and society, the importance of themselves as an individual. This helps to maintain high self-esteem, form a new active life position, and adequately relate to one's own aging.


Art therapy is a natural and gentle method of healing and developing the soul through artistic creativity, which has been actively developing as a complex of psychotherapeutic techniques since the 1940s.

Art therapy has no limitations and contraindications, is always resourceful and is used in almost all areas of psychotherapy, in pedagogy, in social work and business.

Any person is able to express himself, his feelings and his state by melody, sound, movement, drawing. It happens, so that for some people, this is the only way to let the world know about yourself, to declare yourself as a creative person. Providing such an opportunity to everyone in need is a taskart therapy .

Late age has a psychological uniqueness due to the diversity of individual forms of aging. This causes the problematic nature of the use of well-known means of psychoregulation of emotional states, developed for adulthood in working with people of later ages. It is necessary to develop specific methods that reflect the structure of emotional experiences characteristic of the elderly. The relevance of this work is due to the great interest in this topic. The lack of practical rehabilitation methods for this age group and people with disabilities indicates the need to prepare and implement a comprehensive program in the work of psychologists in social service centers.

Purpose of the program: increasing the level of adaptation of the elderly and disabled in society, rehabilitation of the elderly and disabled in the changing conditions of modern life and maintaining interest in it, as well as helping to overcome the feeling of unnecessary and loneliness and disclosing the potential resources of the individual.


    Maintaining inner harmony, which now mainly relies on the past;

    Overcoming communication barriers;

    Assistance in finding alternative psychological roles;

    Activation of mental functions (memory, attention, thinking).

The audience for which the project is designed:elderly people and people with disabilities undergoing rehabilitation in social service centers.

Social significance: Fine art is a creative act that allows a child to feel and understand himself, freely express his thoughts and feelings, free himself from conflicts and strong feelings, develop empathy, be himself, freely express dreams and hopes. This is not only a reflection in the minds of children of the surrounding and social reality, but also its modeling, an expression of attitude towards it. By drawing, the child gives vent to his feelings, desires, dreams, rebuilds his relationships in various situations and painfully comes into contact with some frightening, unpleasant, traumatic images. Thus, drawing acts as a way to comprehend one's capabilities and the surrounding reality, as a way of modeling relationships and expressing various kinds of emotions, including negative, negative ones. Therefore, drawing is widely used to relieve mental stress, stressful conditions, while correcting neuroses and fears.

The most important technique of art-therapeutic interaction here is the technique of active imagination, aimed at bringing the conscious and the unconscious face to face and reconciling them with each other through effective interaction.

Practical significanceis to preserve the dignity and rehabilitation of older people in the changing conditions of modern life. The program can be used in the work of psychologists in social service centers based on stationary and semi-stationary departments.

Art therapy classes contribute to:

    Personal creativity development

    Formation of imaginative thinking

    Development of fine motor skills

    Stimulates creativity and awareness of feelings

    Helps group members interact better with each other

    Formation of ideas about yourself;

    Awareness and expression of your feelings

Approximate number of hours:

Total - 30

2.Structure and content

Lesson 1.




Block 1. Isotherapy

Lesson 2.

    Exercise "My mood"


Social work specialist, psychologist


Lesson 3.

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Tangle" lesson

    Slide presentation on "Landscapes of Autumn"

    Exercise "Splashes of autumn"


Social work specialist, psychologist


Lesson 4.

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Tangle" lesson

    The ritual of the end of the "Circle of Friends" lesson


Social work specialist, psychologist


Lesson 5. Team building training

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Tangle" lesson

    Exercise "Associations"

    Exercise "Life Path"

    Relaxation exercise for relaxation of arm muscles "Lemon"

    The ritual of the end of the "Circle of Friends" lesson


Social work specialist, psychologist


Block 2. Music therapy

Lesson 6. Acquaintance with music therapy

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Mood ball" class

    The ritual of the end of the "Circle of Friends" lesson


Social Work Specialist, Psychologist, Music Director


Lesson 7. Interaction with paper

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Tangle" lesson

    Relaxation exercise for relaxation of arm muscles "Lemon"

    The ritual of the end of the "Circle of Friends" lesson



Lesson 8. "Me and My emotions" Part 1

    Conversation on the topic: “Emotions. What are the emotions. Who can evoke emotions? "

    Exercise "Guess"


Social Work Specialist, Psychologist, Music Director


Lesson 9. "Me and My emotions: resentment, anger" Part 2

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Tangle of emotions" lesson

    Conversation on the topic: "Positive and negative emotions"

    Exercise “Resentment. Anger"

    Exercise "Farewell to resentment and anger"

    Ritual of the end of the lesson "Ladoshki"


Social Work Specialist, Psychologist, Music Director


Block 3. Play therapy

Lesson 10.

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Tangle of emotions" lesson

    Shape Issue Exercise

    Ritual of the end of the lesson "Ladoshki"


Social work specialist, psychologist


Lesson 11. Isotherapy game

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Tangle" lesson

    Exercise "Me and my family"

    The ritual of the end of the "Circle of Friends" lesson


Social work specialist, psychologist


Lesson 12.

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Tangle" lesson

    Exercise "Human resentment"

    The ritual of the end of the "Circle of Friends" lesson


Social work specialist, psychologist


Lesson 13.

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Tangle" lesson

    Exercise "Draw a person"

    The ritual of the end of the "Circle of Friends" lesson


Social work specialist, psychologist

Block 4. Fairytale therapy

Lesson 14.

    The ritual of the beginning of the lesson "Tangle of fairy tales"

    Slide presentation on the topic "Famous Tales"

    Exercise "Favorite fairy-tale hero"

    Exercise "Composing fairy tales"

    The ritual of the end of the "Circle of Friends" lesson


Social work specialist, psychologist


Lesson 15.

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Ball of thread" lesson

    Relaxation exercise for relaxation of arm muscles "Lemon"

    Ritual of the end of the lesson "Sunbeams"


Social work specialist, psychologist


Lesson 16. The Image of the Fairytale Hero

    The ritual of the beginning of the lesson "Tangle of fairy-tale heroes"

    Relaxation exercise for relaxation of arm muscles "Lemon"

    The ritual of the end of the "Circle of Friends" lesson


Social work specialist, psychologist


Lesson 17.

    Exercise "Doodle"

    Relaxation exercise for relaxation of arm muscles "Lemon"

    Exercise "Blots"

    The ritual of the end of the "Circle of Friends" lesson


Social work specialist, psychologist



Final lesson 18. Working with different techniques "Giving joy." Summarizing

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Compliments" lesson

    Relaxation exercise for relaxation of arm muscles "Lemon"

    Exercise “Collage. My world"

    Exercise "Gift"

    Slide presentation on the topic “Our way. Results "

    Ritual of the end of the lesson "Ladoshki"


Social work specialist, psychologist




Lesson 1. Acquaintance with the rules of the group. Establishing interpersonal contacts in the group.

Purpose: Getting the group members to know each other and with a specialist, creating a favorable atmosphere in the group.

Materials: paper of different sizes; paints, brushes.

Exercise for the initial acquaintance "Name +"

All participants sit in a circle. Pass the toy over. The one who has it in his hands calls his name and an adjective on the first letter of his name that would characterize him.

There are many options for what can be called instead of an adjective, for example, a favorite flower, dish, lesson, movie, etc. this exercise allows you to get to know and present basic information about yourself.

Group rules:

    Confidentiality of everything that happens in the group.

    Communication on the "here and now" principle.

    During classes, you need to talk only about what excites you right now, discuss what is happening to you in the group.

    Confidential communication style and sincerity in communication.

    The rule of the ears - you speak, I listen, I speak - you listen.

    Inadmissibility of value judgments of group members.

    When discussing what is happening, it is important to evaluate not the participant, but only his actions and behavior.

    Respect for the speaker and the Stop Rule. When one of the group members speaks, the rest listen to him attentively (without interrupting or commenting), giving him the opportunity to say what he wants.

    Actively participate in interpersonal interactions between group members. Only a member who is actively working in a group can learn something from it for himself.

    Participation rule - the client takes part in classes, discussions.

    Lifebuoy rule - if it becomes difficult to speak during the class, then the client can ask for help, a specialist or group, or take a 5-minute break.

    The rule of arriving on time.

Block 1. Isotherapy

Lesson 2. Acquaintance with the visual technique of marania.

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Tangle" lesson

Participants sit on chairs in a circle. The specialist hands over the ball of thread to one of the clients. At the same time, the participant calls an affectionate, polite word, a wish, passing the ball to the next participant.

    Exercise "My mood". Marania technique.

Purpose: Acquaintance of the group members with the marania technique.

Materials: paper of different sizes; paints, gouache, brushes, pencils, markers.

Literally, "dirty" means "dirty, dirty." In our case, in the conditions of the art session, we are talking about the spontaneous drawings of the participants, made in an abstract manner.

The definition of "stain" was chosen due to the lack of structured images, lack of plot, a combination of abstract forms and color spots.

Conversation on the topic "What is my mood today?" From what can the mood change?

Then the participants depict their mood on sheets of paper using brushes, sponges, fingers. Then there is a discussion. What emotions and feelings does the drawing evoke?

    Ritual of the end of the lesson "Sunbeams"

Everyone stands in a circle, extending their arms forward to the center of the circle. Everyone should feel like a warm sunbeam and join hands.

Lesson 3. Working with dry leaves and bulk materials

Target: removal of emotional stress, development of ingenuity, imagination, stimulation of positive emotions.

Materials: ball, dry leaves, glue, scissors, paper, pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, gouache, plates, dry leaves, bulk materials.

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Tangle" lesson

Participants sit on chairs in a circle. The presenter passes a ball of thread to one of the participants, calling some pleasant word. At the same time, the participant calls an affectionate, polite word, a wish, passing the ball to the next participant. So the ball spins until it passes through all the participants.

    Slide - presentation on "Landscapes of Autumn"

    Conversation on the topic: "Autumn fantasy"

    What is Autumn?

    What kind of autumn is it?

    What happens in the fall?

    How do you feel when autumn comes?

    What leaves do you know?

    Exercise "Splashes of autumn"

Each participant comes up with what he would like to depict on a piece of paper. Then, a drawing is drawn on a sheet of paper with a simple pencil. The glue, which is squeezed out of the tube, is drawn around the drawing. Then dry leaves are ground between the palms into small particles and scattered over the glue pattern. Excess, not adhered particles are shaken off. The glue is allowed to dry. The works are being discussed.

    Farewell ritual "Circle of Friends"

Lesson 4. Group drawing with cotton swabs, discs

Purpose: thanks to the "rocking" of motor and functional stereotypes, to create the basis for a general strengthening of the emotional sphere, decrease in dependence on stereotypes, increase mood, develop imagination, establish communication, unite.

Materials: a ball, an album, paints, cotton swabs, disks.

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Tangle" lesson

So the ball spins until it passes through all the participants.

    Exercise "Free drawing in a circle"

Participants sit comfortably at the tables, making a circle, in front of each album, paints and cotton swabs. Everyone begins to draw on a free theme. After a certain amount of time, the drawing is transferred in a circle, each subsequent one brings something of its own to the drawing. After the drawings are returned to the owners, a discussion takes place:

    What happened?

    Does the owner like it?

    Would you like to finish drawing something?

    What impression did the drawing make on you?

Put your hands down and imagine that there is a lemon in your right hand, from which you need to squeeze juice. Slowly clench your right hand into a fist as much as possible. Feel how the right hand is tense.

I feel that it is round.

Standing in a circle, everyone is holding hands. Then it is proposed, with the help of handshakes, to convey to each other a feeling of joy, tenderness, say hello to each other, dance, say goodbye.

Session 5 ... Team building training

Target: establishing interpersonal interaction, developing the ability to speak out and listen to your interlocutor.

Materials: felt-tip pens, albums, colored paper mosaic, paper mittens blank.

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Tangle" lesson

Participants sit on chairs in a circle. The presenter passes a ball of thread to one of the participants, calling some pleasant word. At the same time, the participant calls an affectionate, polite word, a wish, passing the ball to the next participant.

So the ball spins until it passes through all the participants.

    Exercise "Interview in pairs"

The group is divided into pairs. Within a few minutes, one person tells another about himself, about his hobbies (gives interviews). Then, after the command to stop, the second person from the pair tells what he remembered from the interview about his interlocutor. Then the participants change their roles.

    Exercise "Associations"

Participants are given paper and all the necessary supplies. The task of the participants is to hear a question from a specialist and draw the very first images that came to their minds. Discussion


    if the team is a building, then it

    if the team is a color, then it

    if the team is music, then it

    if the team is a geometric figure, then it

    if the team is the mood, then it

    Relaxation muscle relaxation exercise "Lemon"

Perform the same exercise with your left hand.

    End-of-class ritual "Circle of Friends"

Standing in a circle, everyone is holding hands. Then it is proposed, with the help of handshakes, to convey to each other a feeling of joy, tenderness, say hello to each other, dance, say goodbye.

Block 2. Music therapy

Lesson 6. Acquaintance with music therapy

Purpose: to promote the ability to convey the mood of music, relieve emotional stress, restore the harmony of the sound palette of the body, develop creative self-expression.

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Tangle" lesson

Participants sit on chairs in a circle. The presenter passes a ball of thread to one of the participants, calling some pleasant word. At the same time, the participant calls an affectionate, polite word, a wish, passing the ball to the next participant.

So the ball spins until it passes through all the participants.

    Exercise "Music mood"

Exercise using musical compositions. Participants listen to 4 musical compositions completely different in direction and style. After each composition, the participants try to convey that impression, emotions from the music they listened to.

So 4 times. After that, there is a discussion of all the works:

    What emotions did the music evoke?

    Which composition suits you best?

    End-of-class ritual "Circle of Friends"

Standing in a circle, everyone is holding hands. Then it is proposed, with the help of handshakes, to convey to each other a feeling of joy, tenderness, say hello to each other, dance, say goodbye.

Lesson 7. Interaction with paper

Purpose: development of creative imagination, fine motor skills, removal of emotional stress, development of interpersonal communication.

Materials: bags, boxes, candy wrappers, scotch tape, colored paper, foil, beads, scissors, glue, felt-tip pens.

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Tangle" lesson

Participants sit on chairs in a circle. The presenter passes a ball of thread to one of the participants, calling some pleasant word. At the same time, the participant calls an affectionate, polite word, a wish, passing the ball to the next participant.

So the ball spins until it passes through all the participants.

    Exercise "Non-existent animal"

Using paper, create a volumetric composition. Theme of the composition: "Non-existent animal". You can use scissors, glue, tape, etc.

First, the participants pass a sheet of paper, foil in a circle, the participants do whatever they want with it (crumple, tear, cut.); then you need to create a composition from the resulting material. You can cut paper figures (corrugated, colored, etc.), bags, boxes, candy wrappers, use glue, tape.

    Relaxation muscle relaxation exercise "Lemon"

Then drop the "lemon" and relax your hand: I will take a lemon in my palm.

I feel that it is round. I squeeze it slightly - I squeeze lemon juice. It's all right, the juice is ready. I throw the lemon, relax my hand.

Perform the same exercise with your left hand.

    End-of-class ritual "Circle of Friends"

Standing in a circle, everyone is holding hands. Then it is proposed, with the help of handshakes, to convey to each other a feeling of joy, tenderness, say hello to each other, dance, say goodbye.

Session 8 . "Me and My emotions" Part 1

Purpose: training the participant to express their own emotions, guess the feelings and moods of others, teaching the skills of self-regulation.

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Tangle of emotions" lesson

Customers sit on chairs in a circle. The host gives a ball of thread to one of the clients and names any emotion. At the same time, the participant calls an affectionate, polite word, a wish, passing the ball to the next participant. So the ball spins until it passes through all the participants.

    Conversation on the topic: “Emotions. What emotions are there? Who can evoke emotions? "

    Exercise "Drawing your own emotion"

Participants are invited to depict their own emotion on sheets of paper. After finishing the work, each participant talks about their emotions, naming them.

    Exercise "Guess - ka"

The participants are preparing cards with the names of emotions. Anyone is selected. With the help of facial expressions and gestures, the participant must portray this emotion. The rest of the participants guess. After that, there is a discussion about what was difficult, what was easy.

    Ritual of the end of the lesson "Ladoshki"

Lesson 9. "Me and My emotions: resentment, anger"

Purpose: teaching the client to express his own emotions, distinguish between positive and negative emotions, guess the feelings and moods of others, teaching self-regulation skills, splashing out negative emotions.

Materials: a ball, cards with the names of emotions, albums, paints, pencils, felt-tip pens.

Customers sit on chairs in a circle. The host gives a ball of thread to one of the clients and names any emotion. At the same time, the participant names any emotion, an affectionate, polite word, a wish, passing the ball to the next participant. So the ball spins until it passes through all the participants.

2. Conversation on the topic "Positive and negative emotions"

3. Exercise “Resentment. Anger"

With the help of brushes, sponges, paints, pencils, crayons, clients on their sheets depict resentment and anger. Then the drawings are shown to others. After that, the participant must break, wrinkle his anger and resentment and throw it in the trash.

    Exercise “Farewell to resentment and anger.

All clients sit in a circle at the table. They mentally take their anger and resentment in their palms, and begin to clap, knock on the floor with their palms, thereby getting rid of negative emotions.

5. Ritual of the end of the lesson "Ladoshki"

Each participant mentally puts on one palm what he has learned about himself, about other members of the group, on the other palm, positive emotions. On command, he connects all of today's experience and loudly claps his hands.

Block 3. Play therapy

Lesson 10. Working with clay, plasticine, dough or wax

Goal: development of self-regulation, the ability to control your emotions, relieve stress.

Materials: plasticine, wax, dough, clay, music

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Tangle of emotions" lesson

    Exercise "Train emotions"

Ask the participant to frown like:

    autumn cloud;

    angry person;

    evil person.

Ask the participant to smile like:

    cat in the sun;

    the sun itself;

    like Pinocchio;

    like a sly fox;

    like a happy child.

Ask the participant to show how angry they are:

    a child who had their candy taken away;

    two rams on the bridge;

    the person who was hit.

Ask the participant to show how scared they are:

    a child lost in the forest;

    a hare who sees a wolf;

    a kitten that a dog barks at.

Ask the participant to show how tired they are:

    dad after work;

    a person who lifted a heavy load;

    an ant carrying a large fly.

Ask the participant to show what it looks like:

    a tourist who has taken off a heavy backpack;

    a child who worked hard but helped his mother;

    tired warrior after victory.

3.Exercise "The problem in the figure"

We sculpt our problem in an arbitrary form, "talk" with it, expressing to it absolutely everything that we consider necessary and that has boiled over.

Let's transform it into what we want:

    Create sculptural images with closed eyes.

    Create and paint clay shapes.

    We make prints of our hands, our feet, various objects.

    Create clay amulets and charms.

For a specified period of time, we create a group composition on a given topic.

4. Ritual of the end of the lesson "Ladoshki"

Each participant mentally puts on one palm what he has learned about himself, about other members of the group, on the other palm, positive emotions. On command, he connects all of today's experience and loudly claps his hands.

Lesson 11. Isotherapy game

Purpose: to identify the originality of the client's emotional well-being in the family, in the group to record a positive attitude towards parents, awareness of family feelings, a sense of security.

Materials: markers, pencils, crayons, albums, glue, colored paper, scissors.

1. The ritual of the beginning of the "Tangle of emotions" lesson

Participants sit on chairs in a circle. The host gives a ball of thread to one of the clients and names any emotion. At the same time, the participant names any emotion, an affectionate, polite word, a wish, passing the ball to the next participant. So the ball spins until it passes through all the participants.

    Exercise "Me and my family"

The participant is invited to draw himself in the middle of the sheet, and around to depict those whom the participant would like to see with him at all times (parents, relatives, friends, pets, toys, etc.). Giving the client a blue marker (magic wand) and asking them to connect themselves with the surrounding characters with lines are magic threads.

Through them, as by wires, from loved ones to the participant now comes a good force: care, warmth, help. But the same power should come from the client. The threads have forever connected the client with those who are dear to him. Now, if someone from the entourage has left or left somewhere, there is no need to worry. The magic threads will surely draw them back to the participant.

    Exercise "Flower of good words"

Each of the participants is invited to draw colored petals (receives pre-prepared colored petals cut out of colored paper). “These are the petals of the flower of kind words.

Try to say good, warm words to your parents, close relatives, and write on these sheets. Then we connect the petals, and we get a flower, which we glue on a flower meadow (Whatman paper).

    End-of-class ritual "Circle of Friends"

Standing in a circle, everyone is holding hands. Then it is proposed, with the help of handshakes, to convey to each other a feeling of joy, tenderness, say hello to each other, dance, say goodbye.

Lesson 12. Socio-psychological training "Do we always do the right thing?"

Purpose: to form an awareness of the consequences of the reaction in conflict or stressful situations, to form a sense of empathy, a friendly attitude towards each other.

Materials: paints, gouache, pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, albums, music.

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Tangle" lesson

Customers sit on chairs in a circle. The presenter gives a ball of thread to one of the clients and says some pleasant word. At the same time, the participant calls an affectionate, polite word, a wish, passing the ball to the next participant. So the ball spins until it passes through all the participants.

    Exercise "Human resentment"

With the help of paints, pencils, crayons, participants are invited to depict the state of a person who has undeservedly offended someone. After finishing drawing, clients discuss the color scheme they used in their drawings.

    End-of-class ritual "Circle of Friends"

Standing in a circle, everyone is holding hands. Then it is proposed, with the help of handshakes, to convey to each other a feeling of joy, tenderness, say hello to each other, dance, say goodbye.

Lesson 13. Emotionally personal development: "Exploring ourselves"

Purpose: to develop a sense of self, acceptance of oneself as you are, to develop a sense of inner focus.

Materials: markers, pencils, paints, albums, music.

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Tangle" lesson

Participants sit on chairs in a circle. The presenter gives a ball of thread to one of the clients and says some pleasant word. At the same time, the participant calls an affectionate, polite word, a wish, passing the ball to the next participant. So the ball spins until it passes through all the participants.

    Exercise "Listening to the world around you"

Participants are encouraged to listen to the world around them. To do this, everyone sits comfortably on a chair, closes their eyes: “we breathe slowly and calmly, inhale and exhale for a long time. Listen to what is happening around you, listen to the sounds, remember them, open your eyes and tell who heard what. Now close your eyes again and listen to what is happening inside you: what do you hear, what do you feel? "

There is a discussion of sensations and sounds.

    Exercise "Draw a person"

Participants are asked to draw a person in the center of the sheet. The facilitator draws a sample on the board. Let's explore ourselves, sit on a chair, close your eyes, feel where you have the hottest place. Have you identified? Then take a red pencil and mark this place in the drawing with a red dot. Now close your eyes again and feel where you have the coldest place.

Mark this place with a blue pencil in the drawing. Then we look for the most pleasant place (yellow), the most unpleasant (black). Find the lightest places (outlined in blue) and the heaviest places (shading, painting)

In humans, different parts of the body do not feel the same. Some have warm hands and cold feet.


    was it difficult to complete the task?

    what was difficult, what was easy?

    did something interfere?

    Did you enjoy exploring yourself?

    was it nice or not?

    End-of-class ritual "Circle of Friends"

Standing in a circle, everyone is holding hands. Then it is proposed, with the help of handshakes, to convey to each other a feeling of joy, tenderness, say hello to each other, dance, say goodbye.

Block 4. Fairytale therapy

Lesson 14. Immersion in a fairy tale. Acquaintance with a fairy tale

Materials: illustrations of fairy tales, paints, felt-tip pens, pencils, brushes, albums, calm music.

1. The ritual of the beginning of the lesson "Tangle of fairy tales"

Participants sit on chairs in a circle. The presenter gives a ball of thread to one of the clients and names his favorite fairy tale. At the same time, the participant calls his favorite fairy tale, passing the ball to the next participant. So the ball spins until it passes through all the participants.

2. Slide - presentation on the topic "Famous fairy tales"

3.Exercise "Favorite fairy-tale hero"

Quiet, calm music sounds. Specialist: “Let's plunge into the wonderful world of a fairy tale for a few minutes. Each of you knows a huge number of fairy tales.

And now, everyone should draw a favorite character from a fairy tale known to all of us. Participants take turns talking about their favorite hero.

4.Exercise "Composing fairy tales"

Participants are divided into teams of 3, 2, people. Each team comes up with a fairy tale with the participation of their characters (or creates a fairy tale from their own characters, which they drew in the previous exercise) and sketches the plot of the fairy tale.

To compose fairy tales in teams, you need to allocate at least 15 minutes. At the end of the allotted time, each team presents their story and illustration to others.

    What was especially difficult for you to do during our game?

    What came easy?

    What feelings did you have in relation to the hero who appeared at the beginning?

    What does this hero mean to you?

    Are you satisfied with the fairy tale that you created in your team?

5. End-of-class ritual "Circle of Friends"

Standing in a circle, everyone is holding hands. Then it is proposed, with the help of handshakes, to convey to each other a feeling of joy, tenderness, say hello to each other, dance, say goodbye.

Lesson 15. Acquaintance with the technique of monotype using threads

Purpose: development of creative thinking, patience, accuracy.

Materials: paper, thread, paints, brushes.

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Tangle" lesson

Participants sit on chairs in a circle. The presenter gives a ball of thread to one of the clients, calling some pleasant word. At the same time, the participant calls an affectionate, polite word, a wish, passing the ball to the next participant. So the tangle unwinds until it passes through all the participants.

    Exercise "Thread fantasy"

Specialist: “Beautiful, unusual prints are made with threads. If a thread (30-40 centimeters long) is lowered into the paint, then laid out on the sheet at your own discretion, leaving only the tip outside the sheet, and then covered with another sheet on top, and pressing it down with your hand, pull the thread out of the space between the sheets, then on both adjacent unusual prints will remain on the surface of the dyed thread!

    Relaxation exercise for relaxation of arm muscles "Lemon"

Put your hands down and imagine that there is a lemon in your right hand, from which you need to squeeze juice. Slowly clench your right hand into a fist as much as possible. Feel how the right hand is tense.

Then drop the "lemon" and relax your hand: I will take a lemon in my palm.

I feel that it is round.

I squeeze it slightly - I squeeze lemon juice. It's all right, the juice is ready. I throw the lemon, relax my hand.

Perform the same exercise with your left hand.

    The ritual of the end of the "Circle of Friends" lesson

Standing in a circle, everyone is holding hands. Then it is proposed, with the help of handshakes, to convey to each other a feeling of joy, tenderness, say hello to each other, dance, say goodbye.

Lesson 16. The Image of the Fairytale Hero

Purpose: the development of self-knowledge through a psychological fairy tale, the development of creative perception.

Materials: illustrations of fairy tales, paints, felt-tip pens, pencils, brushes, albums.

1. The ritual of the beginning of the lesson "Tangle of fairy-tale heroes"

Participants sit on chairs in a circle. The host gives a ball of thread to one of the clients, naming any fairytale hero. At the same time, the participant names his fairy-tale hero, passing the ball to the next participant.

So the tangle unwinds until it passes through all the participants.

    Exercise "The image of a fairy-tale hero"

“Sit back. Get into a position in which you will feel comfortable and will not need to change it for a few minutes. You can close your eyes, but this is not necessary. The images that will appear in front of you can be seen with open eyes. So, get ready. Now you will find yourself in a magical Fantasy Land. This country is inhabited by a wide variety of inhabitants. Heroes of all fairy tales that exist in the world live in this magical Land.

Here you can meet any of the fairytale characters. Now some fairy-tale character will appear in your mind's eye. Don't deliberately try to summon it. Let the one who is needed at the moment come. Maybe a series of fairy-tale characters will flash in front of you. But the one who will be needed will probably be the most persistent and will stay with you even when the rest of the characters disappear. (Pause.)

Now take a closer look at the hero in front of you. Pay attention to all the details of its appearance:

    Is it moving or is it still?

    What is he doing?

    What feelings are reflected in his appearance?

    What background do you see it in?

    In what setting?

    Is there someone else with him?

    How bright and distinct is the resulting picture?

Now mentally say goodbye to this hero.

Let's go back here to our room. Whoever closed his eyes, open them. Take your time, do not make unnecessary movements. Turn your head.

3. Relaxation exercise for relaxation of the arm muscles "Lemon"

Put your hands down and imagine that there is a lemon in your right hand, from which you need to squeeze juice. Slowly clench your right hand into a fist as much as possible. Feel how the right hand is tense.

Then drop the "lemon" and relax your hand: I will take a lemon in my palm.

I feel that it is round.

I squeeze it slightly - I squeeze lemon juice. It's all right, the juice is ready. I throw the lemon, relax my hand.

Perform the same exercise with your left hand.

4. Ritual of the end of the "Circle of Friends" lesson

Standing in a circle, everyone is holding hands. Then it is proposed, with the help of handshakes, to convey to each other a feeling of joy, tenderness, say hello to each other, dance, say goodbye.

Lesson 17. A lesson using the techniques of isotherapy and play therapy

Purpose: Formation of imaginative thinking, awareness and expression of one's feelings, development of imagination.

Materials: pencils, markers, crayons, paper

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Compliments" lesson

    Exercise "Doodle"

Participants are divided into pairs. One participant from the pair should draw any lines he wants, and the second participant will have to continue them. Together they should think about what their scribbles look like? Do I need to finish painting something.

Notes: there is a kind of dialogue on paper, which can continue until both decide that the drawing is finished. You can try to see the meaning in scribbles, or you can just move a pencil on paper listening to your body

    Relaxation exercise for relaxation of arm muscles "Lemon"

Put your hands down and imagine that there is a lemon in your right hand, from which you need to squeeze juice. Slowly clench your right hand into a fist as much as possible. Feel how the right hand is tense.

Then drop the "lemon" and relax your hand: I will take a lemon in my palm.

I feel that it is round.

I squeeze it slightly - I squeeze lemon juice. It's all right, the juice is ready. I throw the lemon, relax my hand.

Perform the same exercise with your left hand.

    Exercise "Blots"

The client is given a sheet of paper, paints, a paintbrush and offered to "bite" with his favorite colors. At the same time, "creative freedom" is encouraged. After the sheet is drawn, it is proposed to fold it in half. Then the sheet is alternately smoothed on both sides.

    The ritual of the end of the "Circle of Friends" lesson

Standing in a circle, everyone is holding hands. Then it is proposed, with the help of handshakes, to convey to each other a feeling of joy, tenderness, say hello to each other, dance, say goodbye.

Final lesson 18. Working with different techniques. We give joy

Purpose: summing up the results of the work performed, the formation of the participants' ability to recognize their emotions, master and control them, the disclosure of the potential of the participants, an effective method of interaction in a group, the development of positive emotional experiences, creative self-development.

Materials: colored dough, plasticine, beads, cereals, matches, seeds, ribbons, paints, pencils, Whatman paper, scissors, glue, markers, pencils, paints, crayons, gouache, magazines, photos.

    The ritual of the beginning of the "Compliments" lesson

Opposite participants compliment each other. Then, at the command of the leader, the inner circle moves (clockwise), partners change. The procedure is repeated until each member of the inner circle meets each member of the outer circle.

    Exercise "Creating Joy"

Conversation on the topic, what emotions did you experience in the classroom?

Then the participants are invited to blind the emotion "Joy". The works are performed in an arbitrary style using various materials: cereals, beads, seeds, etc.

After completion, clients demonstrate their work and talk about their "Joy".

    Relaxation exercise for relaxation of arm muscles "Lemon"

Put your hands down and imagine that there is a lemon in your right hand, from which you need to squeeze juice. Slowly clench your right hand into a fist as much as possible. Feel how the right hand is tense.

Then drop the "lemon" and relax your hand: I will take a lemon in my palm.

I feel that it is round. I squeeze it slightly - I squeeze lemon juice.

It's all right, the juice is ready. I throw the lemon, relax my hand.

Perform the same exercise with your left hand.

    Exercise “Collage. Our world"

The participants are divided into groups. The groups discuss “their own worlds”. Each group creates its own ideal world. How we would like to see him. In the process, you can use photos, clippings from newspapers and magazines, drawings. Then each team comes up with a name for their world. Then there is a discussion of the work of each team. The participants all participate in the discussion of their world.

    Exercise "Gift"

Description of the exercise: Specialist: “Let's think about what we could give your group to make interaction even more effective and relationships in it more cohesive?

Let's say what each of us gives to the group. For example, I give you optimism and mutual trust. "

    Slide - presentation on the topic “Our way. Results "

    Farewell ritual "Ladoshka"

Each participant mentally puts on one palm what he has learned about himself, about other members of the group, on the other palm, positive emotions. On command, he connects all of today's experience and loudly claps his hands.

3.Conditions of implementation

Logistics support:

    Printed tutorials

    Color science tables

    Audio and video recorder

    CD / DVD player

    Computer (laptop)

    Slideshow projector

    Multimedia projector

    Magnetic board

    Digital camera

    Cabinet equipment:

    Tables 1 - 2 seater with a set of chairs

    Cabinets for storing materials, manuals, etc.

    Wall boards for hanging illustrative material

    Information Support:

    Audio recordings with musical compositions

    Slides (transparencies): illustrations for literary works, objects of nature in different angles, etc.

    Demonstration and handout albums

    Materials for artistic activities:

    Watercolor paints

    Gouache, ink

    Markers, colored pencils

    Wax crayons

    Pastel, charcoal

    Brushes of different sizes

    Dishes for water

    Plasticine, clay

    Salty dough

    Cotton pads, cotton swabs



    Dry leaves, bulk materials

    White paper, colored, Whatman paper, newspapers

    Frames for work decoration

4 performance criteria

We have developed criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of art - therapeutic effects on the mental state and cognitive activity of clients. The assessment is carried out using the above methods, as well as by the products of visual activity at the beginning of the course of studies, in the process of work and after the course. Positive customer characteristics are indicated by a "+" and negative "-".

Classes are considered effective if, as the course progresses, the number of pluses increases and the number of minuses decreases.

Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of art therapy sessions.


Start of the course

«+», «-»

End of course

«+», «-»


Does not come into contact.

Speech negativism is manifested.

The contact is formal.

He does not come into contact immediately.

Shows no interest in contact.

The contact is selective.

Establishes contact easily and quickly.

Nature of activity.

Lack of motivation for activity.

It works formally.

The activity is unstable.

The activity is stable, works with interest.


Extremely low.



Cognitive activity.

Asks questions about art therapy

It appears constantly.

It appears often.

It appears rarely.

It never appears.

Emotionally - volitional sphere.






Works with pleasure.

Out of submission.

Inappropriate behavior.

Motor disinhibition.


Mood swings.



Reaction to approval.



Reaction to the remark.

Corrects behavior.


There is no reaction to the comment.

Attitude towards failure.

Evaluates failure.

There is no assessment of failure.

Negative emotional reaction to failure.





The level of claims.





Almost no specialist help is required.

1 - 3 times during the lesson.

3-5 times during the lesson.

More than 5 times.

Lessons in the amount of 30 hours include:

    Isotherapy - exposure to visual arts means: drawing, modeling, arts and crafts, etc .;

    Music therapy - impact through the perception of music;

    Play therapy -impactusing the game;

    Fairytale therapy - impact with the help of fairy tales, invented stories.

List of literature for the program

Introductory lesson.

Lesson 1.

    Buckley, R. Theory and practice of training [Text] / R. Buckley, J. Capel. - SPb .: Peter, 2002.

    Kiseleva, M.V. Art therapy in practical psychology and social work [Text] / M.V. Kiselyova. -SPb .: Rech, 2007.

    Psychological training in the group: Games and exercises [Text]: textbook. manual / author comp. : T.L. Buka, M.L. Mitrofanov. - M .: Publishing house of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2005.

    Exercises for acquaintance and team building [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. (2 files). - Access mode: . – (7.12.2014).

Block 1. Isotherapy.

Lesson 2.

    Kopytin and A.I. Practical art therapy: treatment, rehabilitation, training [Text] / A.I. Kopytin. - M .: Kogito-Center, 2008.

    . – (17.12.2014)

Lesson 3.

    Koroleva, Z. Talking drawing [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. (5 files). - Access mode: . – (13.01.2015).

    Colored world. Group art - therapeutic work [Text] / L.D. Marder. - ,2007.

    Psychological training in the group: Games and exercises [Text]: study guide / author comp. T.L. Buka, M.L. Mitrofanov. - M .: Publishing house of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2005.

    Svistunova, I. V. A colorful childhood. Game therapy, fairy tale therapy, isotherapy, music therapy [Text] / IV Svistunova. - M .: Forum, 2012.

Lesson 5.

    Bogdanovich, V. The latest art therapy. What art critics are silent about [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. (10 files). - Access mode: - (01/25/2015).

Lesson 7.

    Kisileva, M.V. Art therapy in working with children [Text]: A guide for child psychologists, teachers, doctors and specialists working with children / MV Kiseleva. - SPb .: Rech, 2007.

    Colored world. Group art - therapeutic work [Tfishing). –Access mode: - (12/17/2014).

    Kiselevaekst] / L. D. Marder. - ,2007.

    Svistunova, I. V. A colorful childhood. Game therapy, fairy tale therapy, isotherapy, music therapy [Text] / IV Svistunova. - M .: Forum, 2012.

    This amazing material is paper [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. (4 files). - Access mode: Lesson 9.

Block 3. Play therapy

Lesson 10.

    Landrent, GL Game therapy: art [Electronic resource]. -Electron. Dan. (7 files). - Access mode: - (10.11.2014).


Lesson 11.

    Ilyin, E.P. Emotions and feelings [Text] / E.P. Ilyin. - M .; SPb., 2002.

    Landrent, GL Game therapy: art [Electronic resource]. -Electron. Dan. (7 files). - Access mode: - (10.11.2014).

    Colored world. Group art - therapeutic work [Text] / L. D. Marder. - ,2007.

    Svistunova, I. V. A colorful childhood. Game therapy, fairy tale therapy, isotherapy, music therapy [Text] / I.V. Svistunova. - M .: Forum, 2012.

Lesson 12.

    Correctional - developing program for art therapy "Tsvetnoy Mir", developer Olga Ganyushkina, MOU "Secondary School No. 11" Saratov [Electronic resource]. -Electron. Dan. (7 files). - Access mode: Ilyin, E.P. Emotions and feelings [Text] / E.P. Ilyin. - M .; SPb., 2002.

    Techniques for removing anger, aggression, resentment and anger [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. (5 files). - Access mode: - (12/17/2014).

    Svistunova, I. V. A colorful childhood. Game therapy, fairy tale therapy, isotherapy, music therapy [Text] / I.V. Svistunova. - M .: Forum, 2012.

Block 4. Fairytale therapy

Lesson 14.

    Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, TD Games in fairy tale therapy [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. (5 files). - Access mode: - (12/17/2014).

    Marder, L.D. Colored world. Group art - therapeutic work [Text] / L. D. Marder. - M .: Genesis, 2007.

    Svistunova, I. V. A colorful childhood. Game therapy, fairy tale therapy, isotherapy, music therapy [Text] / I.V. Svistunova. - M .: Forum, 2012.

    Lukoshko of fairy tales [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. (5 files). - Access mode: . – (17.12.2014).

Lesson 15.

    Marder, L.D. Colored world. Group art - therapeutic work [Text] / L. D. Marder. - M .: Genesis, 2007.

    Svistunova, I. V. A colorful childhood. Game therapy, fairy tale therapy, isotherapy, music therapy [Text] / I.V. Svistunova. - M .: Forum, 2012.

    Semyonova, Z.F. Psychological drawing tests. Methodology "House - Tree - Man" [Text] / Z.F. Semyonova, S.V. Semyonov. - M .: AST; Saint Petersburg: Sova, 2006.

    Learning to create monotopies [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. (5 files). - Access mode: . – (17.12.2014).

Lesson 16.

    Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, T.D. Games in fairy tale therapy [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. (5 files). - Access mode: . – (17.12.2014).

    Svistunova, I. V. A colorful childhood. Game therapy, fairy tale therapy, isotherapy, music therapy [Text] / I.V. Svistunova. - M .: Forum, 2012.

    Skolov, D. Fairy tales and fairy tale therapy [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. (5 files). - Access mode: . – (17.12.2014)

Lesson 17.

    Kiseleva, M.V. Art therapy in working with children [Text]: A guide for child psychologists, teachers, doctors and specialists working with children / MV Kiseleva. - SPb .: Rech, 2007.

    Kokorenko, V.L. Art technologies in the training of specialists in helping professions [Text] / V.L. Kokorenko. - SPb .: Rech, 2005.

    Marder, L.D. Colored world. Group art - therapeutic work [Text] / L. D. Marder. - M .: Genesis, 2007.

    Svistunova, I. V. A colorful childhood. Game therapy, fairy tale therapy, isotherapy, music therapy [Text] / I.V. Svistunova. - M .: Forum, 2012.

Final lesson.

Lesson 18.

    Art-therapeutic technique "Collage" [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. (2 files). - Access mode: - (11.11.2014).

    Bogdanovich, V. The latest art therapy. What art critics are silent about [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. (10 files). - Access mode: - (01/25/2015).

    Koroleva, Z. Talking drawing [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. (5 files). - Access mode: - (12/17/2014).

    Korop, I. Laws of Joy. Healing with words and music [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. (4 files). - Access mode: - (11/17/2014).

    Marder, L.D. Colored world. Group art - therapeutic work [Text] / L.D. Marder. - M .: Genesis, 2007.

    Semyonova, Z.F. Psychological drawing tests. Methodology "House - Tree - Man" [Text] / Z.F. Semyonova, S.V. Semyonov. - M .: AST; Saint Petersburg: Sova, 2006.

    Svistunova, I. V. A colorful childhood. Game therapy, fairy tale therapy, isotherapy, music therapy [Text] / I.V. Svistunova. - M .: Forum, 2012.

DOI: 10.12731 / 2218-7405-2017-2-2-284-286


Gasymova R.N., Prozorova R.P., Protsenko I.A., Sharygina E.N.

FGAOU VO "UrFU im. B.N. Yeltsin ", Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation

In modern Russia, unfortunately, the stigmatization of old age is not getting better (not calmed down). Very often we are faced with the fact that others do not understand that with age, interests and activities do not diminish, this circle simply changes its usual shape. Elderly people need help in structuring their time and energy for various activities, work activities (for example, occupational therapy), and develop creative skills (art therapy).

Key words: leisure; aged people; art therapy; social work; nursing home; creation; age.


Gasymova R.N., Prozorova R.R., Protsenko I.A., Sharygina E.N.

The Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation

Unfortunately, in modern Russian stigmatization of elderly people is not getting better. We very often face up with people who do not understand that interests and hobbies are not decreasing with ages; this "circle" just has changed. It is necessary to help elderly people to develop art skills (for example, art therapy) and to structure their schedule

© Society of Russia: educational space, psychological structures and social values

2017, Volume 8, Number 2-2

and personal energy for different working activities (for example, work therapy).

Keywords: leisure; elderly people; art therapy; social work; a nursing home; creativity; an age.

With aging, a person's social situation changes, health deteriorates, and the way of life becomes less active. Also, the widespread judgment that the elderly are mentally degraded, useless people who do not live a full life, but only "survive", has a great impact on the very perception and sense of self and, as a result, the behavior of older people.

The goal of social workers is to prevent this opinion from taking root not so much in a young society, although this is also important, as in the minds of the elderly themselves and to do everything possible so that older people really live, and not just exist.

We were able to play the role of social workers in nursing homes and apply the method of art therapy in working with the elderly. The object of the research is the residents of nursing homes, and the subject is the influence of art therapy on the emotional state of the elderly. It turned out that it is especially difficult to build trusting relationships with those with Alzheimer's disease. We made sure of the need for an individual approach, so it is important that the number of people present who perform art therapy is appropriate.

"Art therapy is a method of psychotherapy that uses the client's creative activity to solve his psychological problems."

It is worth noting that some were indifferent, but everyone else was entertaining, since they usually do not hold such events, they were interested in drawing and sculpting together. (Specifically, it was carried out: modeling from plasticine; work with gouache and brushes).

We tried to help an elderly person follow the principle of art therapy, which is that a person, immersed in creativity, is distracted from difficult experiences, so people in old age increase self-esteem and develop a passion for life. An indicator of an improvement in the state of mind can be attributed to the singing of two elderly women during art therapy. This method of therapy brings significant benefits to the elderly: their memory functions better, fine motor skills of the hands develop, and physical and intellectual forms of activity are retained (or remain).

According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, as of January 1, 2015, in Russia there are about 1.3 thousand inpatient social security institutions for the elderly and disabled people, including those suffering from mental disorders. The total number of institution buildings is 3540 units. Thus, there are about 318 thousand people in Russia. elderly people who need stable support from specialists. They are also located in inpatient-type institutions, in inpatient institutions, a significant number of citizens of retirement age undergo treatment in medical institutions.

Thus, the role of art therapy in working with the elderly is to maintain both physical and intellectual activity, as well as to raise the emotional tone. It turned out that interaction with residents of nursing homes must be fully thought out. The presence of a second plan of action is necessary in order not to get lost in contact with the elderly, and an individual approach becomes the most acceptable in working with those who suffer from Alzheimer's disease.


1. Kopytin A.I. Contemporary clinical art therapy. Study guide [Electronic resource] -2015 URL: trials / 09 / З6 / 38 / 09363840.html (access date: 01.24.17).

2. Kotelnikov G.P. Encyclopedia of the Life of the Elderly. M., 2004.S. 162.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of art therapy in working with the elderly

In medicine, there is a term - "retirement disease". This is the name of the developing painful conditions that occur in previously healthy people against the background of retirement. Elderly people, accustomed to measured work activity, lose their bearings in life, suffer from a lack of communication, and face their fears face to face. All this provokes insomnia, fatigue, nervousness and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The fact is that a working person has a lot of things to do and worries, and with retirement there is a lot of free time. In order to compensate for the loss of professional activity, you can concentrate on what you always wanted to do, but did not have enough time or to discover something new for yourself.

The specificity of modern socio-cultural conditions forces institutions of the sociocultural sphere to seriously think about improving the leisure activities of older people. In this regard, the question arises about innovations in this area, since it is they that provide an irreversible natural change and modernization of socio-cultural activities, a process in various fields of culture.

Not so long ago, circles and schools began to appear in Russia in which the so-called art therapy with the elderly is practiced. Art therapy is a branch of psychology in which diagnosis and treatment occurs with the help of creativity. Scientists have long proven the fact that, thanks to creativity, elderly people have vitality and a desire to live. Interesting activities not only help them to have a good time, but also to maintain their physical and intellectual shape at a very decent level. pension therapy fatigue

Art therapy is a method of healing through artistic creation. Art therapy is a field of psychology and psychotherapy that has practically no contraindications and age restrictions, and when used correctly, it gives amazing results. The method of art therapy can be attributed to the most ancient and natural forms of correction of emotional states, which many people use on their own - to relieve accumulated mental stress, calm down, and concentrate. Every idea that arises in the psyche, every thought ends in movement. If the real movement for any reason is not carried out, then in the corresponding muscle groups a certain tension of energy necessary for the implementation of this movement is summed up.

The study of art therapy began in the 1920s. last century with the fundamental works of Prinzhorn, and actively develop as a complex of psychotherapeutic techniques since the 1940s. Specific methods of therapy with enthusiasm and creativity arose from the clinical-therapeutic, therapeutic-pedagogical, psychoanalytic study of the impact of creativity and culture on a person. Art therapy has recently attracted more and more attention all over the world. It is difficult to name any other direction in modern psychotherapy, which had the same great opportunities not only for "healing" individuals and groups, but also for "social healing" in the era of "apparatus medicine" and pharmacology.

In art therapy, patients are offered a variety of arts and crafts (drawing, graphics, painting, sculpture, design, small plastic, carving, burning, chasing, batik, tapestry, mosaic, fresco, stained glass, all kinds of crafts from fur, leather , tissues, etc.), which are aimed at enhancing communication with a psychotherapist or in a group as a whole for a clearer, more subtle expression of their experiences, problems, internal contradictions, on the one hand, as well as creative self-expression, on the other. Art therapy uses the "language" of visual and plastic expression. With the development of art therapy, hopes are pinned on the creation of such a humane, "synthetic" methodology, which would equally take into account the achievements of scientific thought and the experience of art, human intelligence and feelings, the need for reflection and thirst for action, the bodily plan and the spiritual plan.

Art therapy is a collective concept that includes many different forms and methods. Therefore, there is no generally accepted classification of it.

The goal of art therapy, like any psychotherapy, is to help a person understand what the problem is, and, to consider possible options for getting out of it, to choose the best one for himself.

The purpose of art therapy in working with elderly people living in inpatient social service institutions: assistance in adaptation, psychocorrection and rehabilitation. The functional significance of art therapy. Art therapy, as a method, is painless, practically has no restrictions, is always resourceful and is used in almost all areas of psychotherapy, in pedagogy, social work and with different ages. Drawing in art therapy is a method of cognition and a special type of communication, a technique that allows painless access to deep psychological material, helps to bypass the censorship of consciousness, stimulates the processing of unconscious experiences, providing additional security and reducing resistance to change, and causes a lot of pleasure in the elderly. Through working with symbolic material in art, associative-figurative thinking, attention, memory (cognitive skills), as well as blocked or underdeveloped systems of perception, develop. Maintaining cognitive function in older adults is a critical factor in normal aging.

Art therapy is resourceful, as it is outside of everyday stereotypes, which means it expands life experience, adds confidence in one's abilities. The better a person is able to express himself, the more complete his feeling of being a unique person. Art therapy provides an opportunity for a person to understand himself, helps to make changes in life towards harmonization, development of deep self-confidence, increasing the flexibility of thinking and perception of an elderly person.

Art therapy forms a creative attitude to life with its problems and "zigzags of fate", the ability to see the variety of ways and means of achieving goals, develops the latent abilities to creatively solve complex life problems, and serves to maintain a sense of personality integrity in an elderly person.

An effective method is the use of art therapy in order to motivate the vital activity of the elderly, because it helps to overcome apathy and lack of initiative, serves as a powerful means of bringing people together, a kind of bridge between the specialist and the ward, facilitates the inclusion of the latter in social life. Products of visual creativity are objective evidence of the mood and states of an elderly person, which allows them to be used as diagnostic material, and as a means of providing feedback, allowing you to track the characteristics of the process of changing states. Art therapy is successfully combined with almost all methods of rehabilitation, psychocorrection and adaptation.

In art therapy, visual aptitude or artistic skill does not play a role. The creative act as such is important here, as a means of revealing the inner world of the creator. In art therapy, a ban on comparative and evaluative judgments, marks, criticism, and punishment has been adopted.

Thus, art therapy allows each participant to remain himself, not to feel awkward, shame, resentment from comparison with more successful, in his opinion, people, to advance in development in accordance with their nature. At the same time, the humanistic approach is not declared, but is actually implemented in practice. Moreover, the less the psychologist interferes in artistic activity, the higher the therapeutic effect obtained, the faster the relationship of empathy, mutual trust and acceptance is established. Classes can be structured or unstructured. The former are characterized by a given theme and / or visual means. However, the content of creative activity, the form of implementation of the conceived, the pace of work are determined by the participant himself. In unstructured sessions, participants independently choose a topic, materials, tools. The class often uses music, singing, movement, dance, drama, poetry, storytelling, etc. Such forms, when various ways of creative self-expression are simultaneously combined, are usually called multimedia. Art therapy is applied individually and in a group. Group art therapy is more common than individual art therapy because it allows each group member to become more aware of themselves through comparison with others, and also allows group members to support each other. Group art therapy with the elderly can be based on a studio or thematic principle. The studio, or open, group in its work solves a rather local, albeit important, task - to overcome the embarrassment of the participants, indecision, fear of an unusual occupation, to induce a person to creativity and self-disclosure in it. It may not have a permanent membership, and new members can join it at any time. The work of such a group is practically not integrated and structured. A thematic group assumes a greater degree of integration of the elderly person, which is achieved through orientation to topics affecting the common interests and problems of the participants (for example, memories, pictures of the life path, relationships with children and grandchildren, stories of nature, etc.), as well as by distributing the total time of each lesson into separate stages. Conditions conducive to the disclosure of creativity: - "permissive" setting. Creativity flourishes when there are no biased judgments, assessments; - the ability to defend against fear of what others might think about us and our activities;

  • - the ability not to worry about the "uselessness" of wasted materials and time; - acceptance of the idea that there is nothing "right" or "wrong" in the creative process;
  • - the ability to overcome anxiety about the "impracticality" or "uselessness" of your activities. The goal of art therapy is not at all the creation of certain useful things, but the creative process itself;
  • - development of motivation and passion for the process.

When organizing classes, one should take into account a possible decrease in cognitive functions in the elderly, speech impairments, inertness and concreteness of thinking, impaired vision, hearing, stiffness of small joints, as well as rapid fatigue, reduced performance, distraction of attention.

In this regard, you should pay attention to the following points: you need a separate well-lit room, a table, comfortable chairs; preference is given to group forms of work; when selecting a group, an individual conversation is held with each participant to identify his problems and needs; the group can be mixed by age, social status, nosology; the number of participants in the group is 6-8 people safe and 3-4 dementia; the duration of the lesson is 30-60 minutes, depending on the contingent, the time of the lesson is at the discretion of the specialist; during one lesson, no more than two methods are used (warm-up and analytical). The use of warm-up techniques allows you to mobilize attention, relieve fear of drawing, create an atmosphere of trust and unite group members; classes can be conducted against the background of musical accompaniment and aromatherapy, selected in accordance with the goals of the technique used; the specialist provides and talks about the materials that are proposed to be used, about their qualities, demonstrates their visual capabilities. Materials include paper of various qualities and sizes, paints (watercolors, acrylics, gouache), pastels (oil, dry), pencils of various hardness, felt-tip pens, markers, artistic charcoal, brushes of various sizes, materials for collages (various old magazines with color illustrations , pieces of textiles, foil, skeins of woolen and cotton threads, etc.), as well as clay, plasticine, glue, scotch tape; in the process of art therapy activities, it is necessary to take care of the availability of a portfolio that includes artistic images created by clients; it is recommended to take into account the main indications and contraindications for art therapy.

The range of problems, in the solution of which art therapy techniques can be used, is quite wide:

  • - prevention of dementia;
  • - the presence of psychological problems;
  • - injuries;
  • - PTSD;
  • - neurotic and psychosomatic disorders, etc.

Art therapy itself (visual arts) is distinguished, and its directions: music therapy, dance and movement therapy, drama therapy, fairy tale therapy, bibliotherapy, memoir therapy, cinema therapy, mask therapy, ethnotherapy, game therapy, color therapy, phototherapy, puppet therapy, origami, etc. Now appears more and more new directions that stand at the intersection of art therapy and other areas of psychotherapy - art synthesis therapy, sand therapy, kinder surprise therapy ... this is not the limit. It should be noted that in the arsenal of modern psychotherapy there are quite a few methods developed specifically for working with elderly people. Better known and widespread are the methods developed on the model of earlier ages, but adapted to the psychological characteristics of later ages. But there is a complex of areas of art therapy that can be effectively used in gerontological practice. This complex is aimed at restoring and activating bodily, mental and social functions, skills, capabilities, as well as solving specific problem situations that an elderly patient cannot cope with on his own. Further, in the methodological manual, some approved areas of art therapy, described in more detail in the domestic literature, will be considered, which can be successfully used in rehabilitation, psychocorrectional and adaptation work with the elderly in general-type boarding houses and other institutions of the medical and social sphere.

The healing power of art therapy for the elderly lies in the fact that during creative activity those areas of the brain that were not previously used, but are necessary for creativity, are activated. Also, areas of the brain are activated, which help to invigorate the cardiovascular system, homeostasis, the activity of the respiratory system, metabolic processes and other functions of the body.

It is not surprising that art therapy with the elderly is becoming more widespread, although it cannot promise immortality, it is quite within its power to extend the years of a happy and healthy life with pleasure.

Thus, the meaning of innovative socio-cultural technologies, carried out on the basis of social services for the population and cultural institutions, is to provide a person with additional conditions for achieving physical and psychological well-being, in providing a wide choice of programs for maintaining physical health, and promoting a healthy lifestyle. Under the influence of innovative technologies, a person acquires a valuable experience of positive changes. In fact, a potential path to self-determination, self-realization, self-actualization of the individual is outlined. In this regard, the possibilities of socio-cultural technologies are unlimited in view of their mobility and susceptibility to innovation.


  • 1. Karpova, N. Art therapy for the elderly / N. Karpova - M., 2011
  • 2. Romanova, G.A. Irkhen, I.I. Podguzova, E.E. The process of organizing leisure activities of the older generation and their improvement in the socio-cultural conditions of Russia / G.A. Romanov. I.I. Irkhen, E.E. Podguzova - S., 2007

Art therapy for the elderly

Art therapy is a course of psychology that implies maintaining the optimal psycho-emotional level in a creative way. It appeared at the end of the last century.

This method has found wide application among elderly people, since after retirement, the usual routine life of an elderly person changes, a sufficient amount of free time appears, which, if not filled with anything, causes negative emotions, when a person is idle, begins to think, for example, about diseases , life's troubles, etc., i.e. "Wind up" yourself.

Fading out of interests in old age

In addition, the absence of any activity has an extremely negative effect on human health and psyche.

Left alone, and without setting a specific goal, it begins to seem that they have forgotten about you and no one needs you: the usual working way has been replaced by a pension, and the children have grown up long ago and created their families, and work does not allow them to visit their parents often.

Art therapy for the elderly helps not to fall into the state of "life without a goal" and maintain a good mood, continuing to enjoy life, bringing new impressions and small joys into life

Types of art therapy

There are 2 types of this area of ​​treatment - group and individual. The name itself speaks about the features of each of the components.

In individual art therapy, a psychologist communicates with an individual one-on-one, the results of which determine the existing problem, fear, and the psychologist proposes a way to change the current situation.

Group art therapy involves teamwork to enhance the communication skills of older people.

Art therapy-drawing with crayons

There are many methods of art therapy, each elderly person can choose exactly what is closer to him in spirit, or try to do something new, something for which there was simply no time during work. It can be anything:

  • embroidery or knitting;
  • modeling from plasticine;
  • Painting;
  • singing;
  • writing stories;
  • wood carving.

There are no restrictions. The main thing is that activity, being a way of self-expression, should bring pleasure and satisfaction.

The healing properties of art therapy

Each type has its own advantages and has its own healing effect. For example, paints and a brush are a good helper in the fight against nervous overstrain, it develops fine motor skills, helps self-expression, knitting, embroidery and beading improve brain function, vocal exercises improve mood, have a positive effect on the work of the respiratory center and muscles, dancing helps to maintain the body toned, taught to keep balance.

Benefits of art therapy

Art therapy has a number of significant therapeutic benefits over other methods of interacting with older people:

  • no age restrictions;
  • the basis is non-verbal communication (accessible to people with disabilities);
  • raising topics that are not spoken about, and for example, creating a drawing, the problem comes to the surface, but talking about it out loud is not necessary, a delicate solution to the problem;
  • disclosure of internal potential;
  • the possibility of development (you can try something new that you didn't have to do before);
  • broadening one's horizons;
  • getting out of depression, improving mood and general well-being;
  • improving communication skills.

Features of a creative person

A person uses only a small part of his brain, and art therapy allows you to involve additional areas in the process due to a creative approach to the task, that is, the brain is activated more, which also has a good effect on the functioning of the heart and the work of the central nervous system.

It is scientifically proven that the life expectancy of people who devote some time to creative ideas is higher compared to those who do not train their brain in this way.

A creative person has a number of features in comparison with an ordinary person:

  • inexhaustible desire for knowledge. Creative people are distinguished by the desire for constant growth and development, they are always interested in what is happening in the world;
  • search for a solution in a difficult situation, and not a "game of hide and seek" with the emerging troubles. Creative people do not avoid problems, but boldly face them and look for solutions (sometimes quite extraordinary);
  • constant self-knowledge and self-development;
  • bringing the started business to the end. Creative people are betrayed by endurance; they do not abandon what they have begun without finishing, because difficulties arising on the way do not frighten them;
  • consideration of a particular situation is not one-sided, but from different angles.

In any situation, you can find both pros and cons.

Life expectancy of creative people

Of the famous centenarians, it is worth noting such as Leonov L.M. (writer), Moiseev I.A. (dancer), Kozlovsky I.S. (singer).

All were creative people, the life expectancy of each of them was more than 93 years.


From all of the above, a number of conclusions should be drawn:

  1. Art therapy is not only a way to raise the mood, but also a method of self-expression of an elderly person, prolonging life, bringing joy of everyday life into it;
  2. It increases immunity, improves communication, helps an elderly person make new interesting acquaintances, indicates his need in society and the fact that life goes on;
  3. Art therapy reveals the potential of a person, introducing new emotions into his life.

Doing creative activities for several hours a week is a great way of self-expression that prolongs life, making it bright and interesting.

The aging process of a person is inevitable, in itself a respectable age ...

Dancing for the elderly

As a person reaches old age, he spends more and more time within the walls of the house, but there are many ways to diversify his life. Dancing can be a great activity in old age.

Dancing in old age

Throughout your entire youth, in old age, you begin to realize that you did not have time to do much, did not have an interesting hobby.

Everyone has a lot of holidays along the way, but the soul of an elderly person wants to live old age in the maximum environment, in joy and positive. Dance classes can help with this, it is not only an opportunity to spend a great free time, but also an excellent help for health.

A sufficient amount of free time, a lot of optimism, and even a youthful spirit contributes to starting at an old age to do what you love - dancing.

The older generation often suffers from depression, common diseases of the nervous system, only a favorite pastime saves from such a condition. Some psychologists believe that with age, a person is faced with a certain isolation from life.

After all, not everyone can immediately switch to a calmer and more measured life, this applies especially to those who led a fairly active lifestyle.

To maintain an emotional state and health in general, hobbies for different types of dancing will help.

Varieties of dancing for the elderly

There are a fairly large number of types and directions in dances in the world, but not all of them will be useful for the elderly. Experts have identified the main types of "dancing" that have a beneficial effect on the emotional and physical health of the older generation.

The main directions are:

  • Waltz;
  • Argentine tango;
  • Foxtrot;
  • Belly dance.

Let's consider each direction in more detail in order to understand the prerogative of each style of dance, its influence on the elderly.


The most common waltz is considered. In this form, quite smooth movements that contribute to calming, this type is easy to perform.

The waltz is suitable for any age, everyone can learn how to perform it, the main desire and aspiration.

Grace, posture, smooth turns in this dance, all this helps to improve the general tone of the entire muscular system of a person, which has a beneficial effect on the health of the dancer

Argentine tango

Argentine tango

It is also worth noting the wonderful influence on a person of age such a direction as Argentine tango. The movements are light in execution, rather slow, which is very important in old age.

Of course, for retirees, dancing uses the minimum basic level of elementary movements of the Argentine tango.

In this style, the main thing is to be imbued with music, and when mastering the basic movements, use improvisation, and the dance will be mesmerizing.

Belly dance

To maintain the flexibility of the body, the plasticity of the muscles, oriental dance classes and belly dancing are recommended.

For retirees, not all opportunities in this direction will be available, but this does not prevent them from attending belly dancing classes.

When performing movements, after a while the absence of back pain will become noticeable, the joints will bother less, and for the elderly it is very important.

Smooth and rhythmic movements are combined in belly dance. The health of the dancer will get better every day, and not only emotionally, but also the state of health will show improvement.


Hardly anyone will remain indifferent to the foxtrot. In this form, the movements performed are light and gentle, free and relaxed.

The old man, performing the foxtrot, trains the main muscles of the spine, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition. Mastering this technique will not be difficult.

Other types of dances

There is a wide variety in the choice of the type of dance, everyone chooses something of their own, there are pensioners who cannot live without Latin, and some prefer a twist.

In this case, the main thing is to approach with caution and engage in an amateur, and not give all your best.

There are many different dance schools that provide an opportunity for seniors to practice their favorite dances.

Dancing classes must necessarily take place under the supervision of a professional mentor, coach!


When old age is reached, you should not despair, life is far from over. You should find yourself in any occupation, find yourself a hobby.

Dancing, an adult strengthens the muscular corset of the body, which significantly prolongs life. You can only get pleasure and positive from dancing.

Thanks to classes, a person will receive the missing attention and communication, and at this age, believe me, this is the most important thing.

Dancing prolongs life. It is worth remembering that an active lifestyle, age has never been and will not be a hindrance. Live with pleasure.

The benefits of art therapy for the elderly (rhythmic exercise and creativity)

Many will be surprised, but art therapy for the elderly - performing rhythmoplasty exercises, dancing, singing, playing board games and / or engaging in artistic creativity (drawing, painting, modeling, wood carving, knitting, macrame, playing musical instruments, solving crosswords, writing stories and poetry) are the official form of exercise therapy and psychotherapy.

This statement is not unfounded, but proven by numerous medical studies. Retirement, natural aging of the body and attenuation of all physiological processes negatively affect the state of the psyche and general well-being.

The emerging free time often has nothing to occupy, so the elderly person begins to get hung up on negative thoughts, experience constant negative emotions, he develops a condition that has received the term "retirement illness". The information and video in this article will tell you why it is important for an elderly person to choose an activity that suits their liking and physical capabilities.

This statement is not unfounded, but proven by numerous medical studies. Retirement, natural aging of the body and attenuation of all physiological processes negatively affect the state of the psyche and general well-being.

The emerging free time often has nothing to occupy, so the elderly person begins to get hung up on negative thoughts, experience constant negative emotions, he develops a condition that has received the term "retirement illness". The information and video in this article will tell you why it is important for an elderly person to choose an activity that suits their liking and physical capabilities.

Playing the guitar tones the internal organs

The main condition for art therapy to bring a significant result is the selection of such a set of techniques for self-expression, which will not only bring satisfaction or pleasure, but also require constantly expanding horizons, remembering forgotten ones and learning new skills, forcing to keep the brain and physical body in good shape. ...

It is clear that regular performance of a variety of physical exercises in old age is beneficial, but what can you expect from creative, seemingly sedentary activities?

There is no catch, absolutely everything is proven by doctors:

  1. The active work of the brain has a beneficial effect not only on the functioning of the central nervous system, but also on the heart.
  2. Maintaining fine motor skills of the hands in good shape has a positive effect on internal organs, has an immunostimulating effect, affects the clear pronunciation of sounds, activates the work of the brain, harmonizes the body and mind.
  3. Forced communication with people in an interest group makes you monitor your appearance, and positive emotions from communication in a circle of like-minded people can really extend life for several years.
  4. Singing or playing a wind instrument is a great alternative to breathing exercises for the elderly, which, in addition, has a pronounced antidepressant effect, helps to get rid of irritability and anxiety, and also normalizes the functioning of the vagus nerve and thyroid gland.
  5. The effect of learning to play a string or keyboard musical instrument in old age is akin to medical acupuncture of the fingers.
  6. The activation of the creative zones of the cerebral cortex forces the adrenal glands to produce the so-called creativity hormone or dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), it is assumed that it is he who inhibits the aging process, increasing life expectancy.
  7. Cognitive brain load and the search for solutions to creative problems, in 30% of old people whose brain is affected by Alzheimer's disease, completely blocks the physical and mental manifestations of this pathology.

Agree that the last argument is one of the best and most powerful motivators for older people to make themselves forget about senile ailments and start doing art therapy. The cost of training is incommensurate with the expected result.

Believe me, it's better to check it in practice. The state of health will become much better, sleep will normalize, oppressive thoughts will go away by themselves, giving way to calm philosophical reflections.

Regular rhythmoplasty exercises are the key to high-quality longevity

Rhythmic gymnastics was invented at the beginning of the 20th century by the composer Jacques-Dalcoroz

What is rhythmoplasty?

Rhythmoplastic gymnastics for the elderly is different types of walking, multitasking dance and gymnastic movements, including with objects, performed to music, the tempo-rhythm and tonality of which is selected depending on the functional state of the elderly person, as well as taking into account his type of higher nervous activity , mood and musical preferences. For group lessons in rhythmoplastic exercises with elderly people, a musical accompaniment of a neutral character and at a calm pace is selected.

  • to restore functions in the post-hospital stage with joint diseases or after injuries and fractures;
  • for the treatment of neuroses;
  • to relieve fatigue;
  • as one of the forms of health-improving and supportive physical education.

Group rhythm and dance classes support communication skills

If an elderly person does not like rhythmic gymnastics, experts advise paying attention to the following types of physical training:

  1. Wellness Chinese Gymnastics for Seniors... These can be qigong or tai chi complexes. They are ideal for retirees. Firstly, the exercises are performed at a smooth pace, they require rhythm, coordination with breathing and connection of the imagination. Secondly, for learning, memorizing and actually performing the complex, constant activity of higher nervous activity is required. Thirdly, the number of such complexes is quite large. Having finished with one, finding the next one that is suitable for the elderly should not be difficult.
  2. Dynamic yoga for the elderly with music... It is certainly better to study in a group, and for independent studies, choose another type of physical education, for example, the Bubnovsky gymnastics complex for pensioners and Nordic walking with sticks.
  3. Ballroom dancing... The combination of complexly coordinated movements, music and communication makes this type of pastime an invaluable addition to other types of art therapy for the elderly.
  4. We advise you to pay attention to such a moving street game for pensioners, which is gaining popularity in our country, like petanque. This French traditional pastime for the elderly has already captivated retirees on all continents, and not just retirees. One gets the impression that very little time will pass and petanque, like curling, will become an Olympic sport.
  5. No with whom and with what to play? This is easily fixable. Today, with the help of the Internet, you can easily find partners living nearby, as well as buy game equipment - a set of 6 metal balls. By the way, their price is low, especially if you buy together. The rules of the game are easy, the load when throwing the balls is not high, the technique of movements supports coordination and the eye. You can play anywhere.
  6. And in conclusion, we want to note that in order to overcome the state from the well-known saying "Old age is not joy", you need to use the first part of another statement - "Old is that small." When you retire, feel free to fall into childhood.

Get started with the creativity and exercise that toddlers and teens do. It is this kind of activity that will help prolong life, the body will be vigorous, the memory will be strong, and the thoughts will be bright.

Art therapy for the elderly: creativity as a way to prolong life

Do not think that after 60 years old age begins - creativity can become an excellent stimulus for a new round of life.

Scientists have long found out that creative activity gives older people the most important thing - vitality and the desire to live. For a person doing what he loves, there is no age. Passion for an interesting occupation helps older people to spend their time with benefit, not to think about bad things and, most importantly, to maintain their intellectual and physical shape at a decent level. Therefore, experts agree that creativity is one of the secrets of a long life.

Retirement sickness

It's no secret that after retirement, many elderly people lose their orientation in life, are left alone with their difficulties. This is because they have not been able to compensate for the loss of their professional activity with some kind of intellectual equal to it.

In medicine, there is even a special term "retirement disease", when a previously healthy person, accustomed to measured, constant labor activity, rapidly develops a number of painful conditions. For example, insomnia begins to worry, causeless fatigue appears, nervous irritability increases, morale falls, and chronic diseases worsen. A person finds himself alone with his fears, feels an acute lack of communication, life seems to him aimless.

Hobby as an elixir of youth

At that time, retirees, leading an active social life and engaged in creativity, stay young and healthy longer. Their standard of living is improving qualitatively. Recent studies by scientists prove that doing what you love becomes a kind of adaptation to new living conditions, a way of psychological rehabilitation for the elderly.

Art therapy

In Europe, there are successfully functioning special circles and schools for the creative development of older people. They practice the basics of art therapy (a special area of ​​psychology, where the diagnosis and treatment of diseases occurs with the help of creativity). Recently, similar establishments have appeared in Russia: many people of retirement age have been given the opportunity to start life from a fresh start thanks to creative pursuits such as needlework, singing, literary and artistic activities, etc.


These types of creativity (batik, knitting, embroidery, beading, macrame, sewing, lace weaving, modeling, etc.) train fine motor skills: fingers become more obedient and flexible, and also help to maintain intellectual activity.


Vocal exercises train memory, improve ventilation of the lungs and the entire respiratory system, lift mood and block attacks of depression. In addition, regular choir practice increases the level of special substances - immunoglobulin-A and cortisol, which are signs of good immunity. True, some experts note: regular classes in the choir can have the opposite effect on health, since a constantly elevated level of cortisol provokes suppression of immunity, and being in a large team is an increased threat of catching colds.


This activity gives freedom of expression, helps to deal with stress, relieves of worries, calms the nerves. And again, it trains fine motor skills and memory. It is very good to practice painting outdoors, for example, on the banks of a river or in the forest.


This is not only fun, but also a great opportunity to keep your body in good shape. Light exercise in old age is only beneficial. In addition, dancers have an increased walking speed and sense of balance, which helps prevent serious injury from falls.

Creativity is real

If you look around, you can find many elderly people who pulled themselves together in time and found a way to realize themselves in creativity and active social life. Take, for example, the musical group "Buranovskie Babushki", which won a silver medal at the international song contest "Eurovision-2012". By the way, the average age of the participants in the folklore group is 70 years. However, this fact did not prevent women from learning the song in English and performing it brilliantly.

Many people, retiring, find a new life: they travel, they give themselves up to hobbies and hobbies, for the first time they begin to draw, sing, write poems.

Lyubov Nikolaevna, 63 years old:“While you work, you have a lot of worries, things to do, there is no time to concentrate on something else. And with retirement, everything changes. A lot of free time - you can focus on what you always wanted, but was not able to. And then the creativity just breaks out: that's how I started writing songs. First, poems were born, then melodies, so slowly everything began to spin. My friends got carried away with painting - they just took a brush and paints and decided to try it. And they got a taste. The main thing is this: the taste for life must not be lost at any age. And you can always find it anew. Or start something. I've never thought that I would write poetry, publish books, participate in exhibitions. You just have to not be afraid to return to childhood, when creativity was everywhere. "

Nadezhda Alekseevna, 60 years old: “It seemed to me that I would be young all my life, but the retirement age came up somehow unexpectedly. For a long time I could not come to terms with the fact that I would receive an “old age labor pension”, because I still feel like a young and rather attractive woman. After being fired from work, it seemed to me that life had stopped. There was a huge amount of free time, which there was absolutely nowhere to do. I became noticeably depressed: ailments appeared, chronic diseases worsened. My children and friends saved me. Some gave a little granddaughter, others - the opportunity to be creative. Together with my friends, we have created a small team, within which we help to organize holidays for the elderly - anniversaries, birthdays, meetings of veterans. We select interesting musical accompaniment, think over contests and decoration of halls: draw posters, inflate balloons, glue wall newspapers. On the recent anniversary of "my girls" I was given such a program - any toastmaster would envy! Bad thoughts immediately disappeared somewhere, the lost lightness appeared, I want to dance, laugh and enjoy life again ”.

Creativity hormone

Not so long ago, scientists discovered a special hormone - dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). The hormone is produced by the adrenal glands only in humans and apes. It has not yet been fully studied, but already now experts call it the "hormone of creativity." Studies have shown that the maximum amount of DHEA in the blood is observed in embryos, while its concentration decreases with age. At 70 years of age, DHEA levels are only 10% of previously observed values. It is still unknown whether this is due to aging or other physiological processes. Paradoxically, long-livers still have high DHEA levels.

One pill is enough?

Experts note that not all people have DHEA levels that actively decrease with age. For creative people of 50 years or more, it can be maintained at the same level that they had at 30 and at 40.

The hormone is produced in dosage form, but only a doctor can prescribe it after certain tests. In addition, the lack of experiments with the participation of volunteers does not allow one to draw one hundred percent conclusions about the absolute harmlessness of medical forms of hormonal preparations with DHEA.

Brain renaissance

How does the healing power of creativity work? Doctors say that when a creative task is formulated, a large number of "extra" areas of the brain are activated - those that have not been used before, but which are necessary for creativity. At the same time, other parts of the brain are activated, helping to invigorate not only this organ itself, but also the activity of the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, homeostasis of the body, metabolism and other vital physiological functions and systems.

In this case, it does not matter whether a person starts some new occupations for himself or is trying to revive his former mental activity.

How many famous people of the world have lived? Here are some examples:

  • IV Michurin lived for 80 years;
  • L. N. Tolstoy - 82 years old;
  • Voltaire - 84 years old;
  • I.P. Pavlov - 86 years old;
  • the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates - 104 years old;
  • ND Zelinsky - 92 years old.

"Smart Lives Longer"

Academician Natalya Bekhtereva, the scientific director of the Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences, stated that “it is the involvement of a person in the creative process with all the accompanying rearrangements in the brain and body that leads to a statistically justified, perhaps surprising situation when“ smart people live longer ”. The brain revives, the body revives too. The existing connections between cells and structures of the brain become more active, new connections are formed and, most likely, new cells, neurons. "

Creativity does not promise us immortality, but thanks to it we can quite count on active longevity. And this is already quite good.