Free cards and congratulations on Tatiana's day. Congratulations on Tatyana's Day to a woman - poetry, prose, sms History of the holiday Tatyana's day

Every year on January 25, we celebrate two holidays - Student's Day and Tatyana's Day. What is the relationship between these two dates? The history of the holiday is rooted in the depths of centuries, in Ancient Rome. Tatiana was born into a wealthy family and received a Christian upbringing, devoting her life from childhood to helping the disadvantaged and sick. However, in those pagan times, cruel morals reigned - Christians were persecuted and put to death for their beliefs and the spread of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Tatiana was once captured and, facing the Roman ruler, was charged with witchcraft. The girl was subjected to severe torture, during which she did not stop praying to God and asking for forgiveness from Him to her tormentors. The ruler did not manage to force Tatyana to renounce the Christian faith, and he betrayed the staunch girl to death by chopping off her head. Over time, for her righteous lifestyle and martyrdom for her faith, Tatyana was canonized. Since then, every year on January 25, all Orthodox Christians commemorate the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana of Rome. By a happy coincidence, the opening of the university in St. Petersburg took place on the same date - on the basis of the order of the Great Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. So Tatiana's Day became a holiday for students. In the old days, Moscow students ordered solemn prayer services in churches, and commemorated the holy martyr in prayers. Today, Tatyana's Day in Russia is considered an official holiday and is celebrated on a truly student scale. Beautiful congratulations on Tatyana's day are received not only by students and teachers, but also by all Tatyana - after all, this is their name day! We have put together a wonderful "collection" of congratulations on Tatiana's day: in poetry and prose, cool, short SMS. An excellent gift and a sign of attention will be a colorful card with congratulations on Tatyana's Day. Let this cheerful youth holiday bring you a lot of positive emotions and impressions!

Short funny congratulations on Tatyana's day on January 25, 2017 - with cheerful wishes to students

For a long time, students were happy to have fun for any reason, and even on Tatiana's day - and even more so! They usually carefully prepare for this significant day, because on January 25, even for the most "exemplary" students, it is time for merry entertainment and festivities. Divided into groups, students wander the evening streets - "frighten" passers-by with loud laughter, sing songs and drink alcoholic beverages. The traditional gathering place for Moscow students on Tatyana's Day is Nikitsky and Tverskoy boulevards, as well as metropolitan squares. In ancient times, on Tatyana's Day, such massive student festivities were treated with touching understanding - often the police themselves provided the "delivery" home of the heroes of the occasion, who sipped alcoholic beverages. Today, students of all educational institutions exchange cheerful congratulations on Tatiana's day, with wishes of good luck in their studies and personal life, loyal friends and all the best. On our pages you will find the coolest short congratulations on Tatiana's day, which can also be dedicated to your acquaintances Tanya - relatives, girlfriends, work colleagues.

May Tatyana's Day bring you

With love and luck, a big round dance,

Smiles from friends and love from enemies

So that everyone in the family is happy and healthy.

On this wonderful January day
Tatyana celebrate the holiday
And I'm not too lazy to congratulate them
And wish them a lot of happiness!
Smiles, loyal friends,
To be happy with everything in life,
Keep warm in the chest of a lover
And be loved by him alone.

With all my heart, I want to wish you, Tanya, on your Angel Day, so that your dreams come true. Never be discouraged and treat life as positively as you can.

A selection of short SMS congratulations for Tatyana's day - original congratulatory verses for Tatyana on January 25

On the eve of Tatiana's day, many begin to "urgently" remember all of Tanya's acquaintances, reviewing contacts on the phone - do not forget to congratulate everyone! After all, on January 25, Tatyana celebrates their Angel Day, which means that you need to have time to prepare beautiful sincere congratulations - for mothers, grandmothers, girlfriends and work colleagues. Translated from ancient Greek, the name Tatiana means "organizer", "founder". Indeed, the bearer of this name often has leadership qualities, is extremely energetic and persistent in achieving goals. An excellent leader and manager, Tatiana can achieve success in any career path, because she loves and knows how to work with people. In honor of all Tatyans, we have prepared the most beautiful short SMS congratulations for January 25 - you just have to choose the appropriate options. Our selection of congratulations on Tatyana's day contains poems that can be sent in the form of SMS to a friend of Tatyana. Happy Angel Day, dear Tanya!

Happy Tatiana's day, dear sister,
Since childhood, I remember your sonorous voice,
I even envy a little at all
That there is such a holiday for all Tanechek!

Congratulations, Tanyusha,
After all, your holiday has come today
I think you are the best
I raise a glass to you.
I wish you strong love
And as pure as the snow outside the window
Let the smile on your cheeks shine
And luck will rush to your home.

For Tatyana, I write congratulations

And I wish her a wonderful mood today.

I wish all friends to smile, to give laughter.

Beautiful congratulations on Tatyana's day - with words of good wishes to Tatyana on her name day

Tatiana's day traditionally occurs at the height of winter, on January 25. However, Tatyan receives the warmest congratulations that can melt snow and ice - such words carry a particle of goodness and light. After all, this very day is dedicated to the holy Great Martyr Tatiana, who died for the Christian faith many centuries ago. Therefore, all birthday girls can prepare beautiful congratulations and say on Tatiana's day in person. Alternatively, your beloved mother Tanya or colleague Tanya can be congratulated by phone, giving the best wishes. If your boss's name is Tatiana, it would be appropriate to say congratulations on behalf of the entire work collective or to issue a beautiful greeting card. We are sure that birthday girls will be pleased with such signs of attention on their Angel day.

On a bright, quiet and winter day
I will open the lock from the house,
To congratulate Tatiana's day zealously ...
Have you guessed? Of course, Tatiana!

You are sweet and beautiful, lovely,
And your gait is so wonderful!
You are all perfect, without a flaw -
I adore Tatiana!

Tanya, Tanechka, Tanyusha,
Accept congratulations.
Stay the best
Don't be sad and don't be bored.

On a winter holiday, on Tatyana's day
Everyone is drunk from love for you.
Only he is not drunk yet,
Who has not heard about Tatyan.

Congratulations on Tatyana's day!
Let all failures be forgotten.
May success come in everything
So that any tasks are solved.

Happiness will come, health will come.
Fulfillment of cherished desires
Hurry up, let it bring you
Wonderful holiday Tatiana!

Tatyana's day January 25 - touching congratulations in prose for women and girls

Every year, Tatyana's Day ends the series of New Year and Christmas holidays and is an additional reason to have fun with friends. Therefore, by January 25, it is customary to prepare beautiful congratulatory speeches in prose or touching poems. Of course, it is best to congratulate the birthday girls Tatyan in your own words, putting the warmest feelings in the wishes. However, not everyone is able to beautifully express their thoughts and clothe them in suitable words. In connection with the upcoming holiday, we have prepared the most touching congratulations on Tatiana's day in prose for women and girls with this beautiful name. Undoubtedly, such a congratulation on Tatyana's day will cause a lot of pleasant emotions and provide a festive mood.

There would be more kindness, happiness, warmth, smiles, love, beauty in the world if there were more such wonderful, sweet and gentle people like you, Tanyusha. Happy birthday to you!

Charming Tatiana! I congratulate you on a magical winter holiday - your name day! It is truly wonderful that you have been given this beautiful Russian name. It suits you so well. After all, you are the very femininity and tenderness, modesty and charm, kindness and spirituality! May God give you all the best! Happy birthday, Tanechka!

Dear aunt, how lucky you are that you have such a noble and beautiful name Tatiana. With this name you can seduce men's hearts without problems, as you do. Stay as attractive and charming. Happy Holidays!

Kind congratulations on Tatyana's day in verse - friend, sister, colleague

Tatyana's Day has always been considered one of the most revered events, and also the main holiday of Russian students. It is known that Tatiana's day "divides" the academic year into two parts, marking the onset of the long-awaited winter holidays after hard studies. So, on January 25, students arrange parties, fun contests, skiing and public festivities. Especially on such a day, students named Tanya are "lucky" because they receive "double" congratulations from relatives and friends. However, other Tatyana also do not have to complain about the lack of attention - on Tatyana's day it is customary to congratulate all the owners of this beautiful and ancient name. Here you will find the kindest congratulations in verses that you can dedicate to your best friend, sister or work colleague on Tatyana's day.

So, your name is Tatiana.

You are so beautiful and desired

You are so beautiful and kind

And you are always full of happiness.

On Tatyana's day I wish you

Good luck, joy, warmth.

And so that the light of a sweet smile

Brought everyone a little good.

Always in a good mood

I wish you to be.

To look at the world with an open heart

And appreciate all your friends.

Tanya, Tanechka, Tatiana,
Your bright day has come.
I wish you happiness
On this clear winter day

Let your eyes shine
From secret tender words
May your love not melt
Let Love be eternal.

Today Tanya is not too lazy to get up,
After all, she has Tatyana's day,
Willingly pick up an outfit
To do hair, make-up.

Meet, Tatyana, all the guests,
Accept gifts soon!
January is not in vain in love with you
Tatyana's day is winter's law.

Beautiful greeting cards with Tatyana's day

As for any other holiday, on Tatyana's day it is pleasant to receive a touching sign of attention from a loved one - a greeting card with wishes in verse or prose. Our collection contains the most beautiful postcards and pictures with Tatiana's day, which will be an excellent gift for mom, friend, colleague with the amazing name Tanya. Send such a colorful postcard on January 25 by mail or email - Tatiana will definitely be delighted and pleasantly surprised!

What congratulations to choose on Tatyana's day? Here are beautiful congratulations on Tatiana's day in verse and prose - cool and touching, short SMS, in bright postcards and pictures. Choose the best congratulations for Tatiana on January 25, with the kindest wishes - and please the birthday girl!

Completely free of this material, you can download stylish and cool, fashionable, original and interesting postcards with Tatyana's day on January 25. You can find an explanation of why this holiday is celebrated on January 25 in the Orthodox Church calendar. The fact is that on this day the church celebrates the day of memory of the Holy Martyr Tatiana. That's all girls and girls with that name, regardless of age, celebrate name days.

But many are also interested in the fact how it happened that the postcard for January 25th can be dedicated not only to beautiful ladies with this name, but also to students. The fact is that in our country it is Saint Tatiana who is considered the patroness of students and the intercessor of all students. On the territory of Moscow State University, and this is the first higher educational institution that was opened in the Russian Empire, there is a temple consecrated precisely in honor of Tatiana.

But still, it is not completely clear why students, too, accept congratulations on January 25. The fact is that Moscow State University was opened by Elizabeth the First on January 25th. True, the first 35 years were considered the date of foundation of the university on April 26, but it was far-fetched to please the empress. In fact, the opening day of Moscow State University was precisely January 25th. When historical justice and date returned, a temple was opened on the territory of Moscow State University and consecrated precisely in honor of St. Tatiana. Since those very old times, and this happened in 1791, Tatyana's Day in our country coincides with Student's Day. Since 2005, Russian students have been receiving congratulations at the official level in Russia since 2005. Then Putin, being president, signed the corresponding decree.

In honor of January 25, we offer to download the greeting version of the postcard for free. They can be downloaded from this material or by the blocks given in this article. There, too, you do not have to additionally register or pay, all congratulations and specific wishes will be available to every interested user.

Postcards on Tatiana's Day on January 25 will help to congratulate all Tatyans, as well as students on their day. In conclusion of this material, I would like to remind you that the date of this holiday does not change from year to year and always falls on this number. Therefore, in the calendar for next year, the date can already be made festive and in advance, perhaps, some postcards downloaded today can be left for next year in the folder prepared for this.

From the editorial staff of our site I would also like to congratulate Tatyan on their angel day. We wish you good health so that every lady with this name would feel her guardian angel over her shoulder and correctly understand the signs he sends in time. I would also like to congratulate all students who are still in this wonderful young time: enjoy the free student life, live fun from session to session.

The 25th of January- a festive date for Russian students and women with the beautiful name Tatiana. Tatiana's Day is a church holiday honoring the Roman martyr Tatiana - a girl who gave her life for faith in the name of Christ.

In 1755, on January 12, according to the old style (which corresponds to January 25), Empress Elizabeth put her imperial signature under a decree on the founding of the very first Moscow University, which later became the center of Russian advanced culture and social thought in Russia. In 1791, a student house church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana was opened in a small wing of the educational institution, and the saint herself was declared the patroness of all Russian students. There is an opinion that the day of such an important event was recommended by her favorite Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov, whose mother was called Tatiana.
A confluence of random circumstances led to the fact that January 25 first became the University Foundation Day, and a little later - the student's Day celebrated in the capital on a grand scale.

In 1791, on Easter, a small church of Tatiana Martyr was opened in one of the buildings of the university, and a little later Nicholas 1 ordered to cancel the celebration of the opening of the university and establish a holiday on the date of signing the document on its foundation. So a new holiday suddenly appeared in the capital - the Day of the Foundation of Moscow University. By the will of fate, his date coincided with Tatiana's church day. At first, the holiday was celebrated only in Moscow, but everyone involved in the students had fun to the fullest!

With the advent of Soviet power, a cheerful youth holiday for students was banned. He returned to Russia only in 1992, and in 2005, by decree of the President of the country, Student's Day was included in the register of public holidays.

Tatiana's day is celebrated not only by women named by this sonorous name, but also by all people involved in the student body. This holiday warms frosty January and brightens cold winter evenings. Where did the tradition of celebrating Students' Day come from and why is the name Tatiana closely related to it?

History of the holiday Tatiana's Day

Tatiana of Rome lived at the turn of the second and third millennia in Rome, in the era of the birth of Christianity. She was brought up in a Christian family in an atmosphere of kindness and love. From childhood, the girl said that she loved the Lord and wanted to devote her whole life to him. Having matured, the girl believed in Christ even more and became a deaconess in the Roman community. She helped the believers and took care of the sick and the poor.

The new council of state that came to power forced Christians to worship pagan gods, threatening them with the death penalty. Tatiana of Rome could not betray Jesus and, despite threats, continued to believe in her God. According to legend, the pagans cruelly mocked the girl and subjected her to all kinds of torture, but the next day her wounds always healed, and the offenders were severely punished by unknown forces.

On January 12, 226, Tatiana and her father were executed. The death of a young Christian woman and the miracles that surrounded the girl during her lifetime and after death brought many doubting people into faith. Later, Tatiana of Rome was proclaimed a saint, and the day of her death became Tatiana's day.

On January 25, all the women named Tatyana celebrate their name days. On this day, it is customary to give ladies symbolic gifts and flowers. It is noteworthy that no other name days are celebrated as magnificently and massively as Tatiana's day. The date owes its popularity to the noisy and cheerful students who celebrate their holiday on this day.

Tatyana's day 2020 congratulations in verse

January is rich for the holidays
And among them is Tatiana's day.
Known as Students' Day
And everyone to whom learning is light is not lazy.

Tatyana's Day brings everyone together,
The holiday is united by kindness.
All Tatyans heartily glorify
Saint Tatiana's generosity, purity.

Congratulations to everyone on Tatyana's day!
May success be with you
So that you study and try,
So that they are never wrong.

The whole life of study is so full
She teaches us every day;
So let everything that we learned
It will certainly come in handy!

We offer you to download postcards with Tatiana's day on January 25, as well as bright and unusual congratulations. It so happened in our history, and this is not a trend of modernity, but a centuries-old tradition, that Tatiana's Day on January 25 is also the All-Russian Day of the Student. In the old days, Student's Day in January was very common, but not officially fixed. However, since 2005, the presidents of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, signed a decree according to which students, too, should officially congratulate on January 25th.

A greeting card is a classic and traditional option to congratulate a person on the holiday, but at the same time it is not easy to say some of your wishes in words, but also to try to express with feelings and emotions what has accumulated in your soul. It often happens that it is impossible to express a large number of feelings in your own words and the congratulatory option may be lost. However, this will definitely not happen with our postcards.

Do you know why these two seemingly completely different holidays are celebrated all over the country on the same day? History takes us back to the distant year 1755, when the first university and higher educational institution was opened in the Russian Empire, a scientific society was formed within the walls of an important building. The university was officially opened on January 25th. But the paradox is that for the first 35 years, the opening was celebrated on April 26, the day of the coronation of Empress Elizabeth the First. There is nothing unusual in this, they just wanted to please the Empress, so the date was postponed a few months later.

But when Nicholas I became emperor, historical justice was restored. In order to somehow make amends for the past three decades, a temple for students and teachers was built on the territory of Moscow State University, the temple was consecrated in honor of St. Tatiana. And this was not accidental, because it is on the day of January 25 in the church Orthodox calendar that the day of St. Tatiana is celebrated. This is how both holidays seemed to be connected, and today it is no longer possible to imagine that on January 25 they would like to download only postcards for free, for example, for Student's Day, but they would not want to on Tatyana's Day.

In our time, there are a lot of some primordially Russian holidays, the traditions of which are woven and tangled, like the consciousness of the Russian people. Probably, in other cultures it is definitely not possible to meet the Old New Year or Tatyana's Day, which harmoniously and quite logically combines with the All-Russian Student's Day.

Congratulations and cards on Tatiana's day on January 25 in a wide variety, each reader will find in this material. In addition, from all the employees of our site, I would like to congratulate the lovely Tatyans on Angel Day, and the students on their important day during the year. Let the angel always be there, and all sessions, not only student, but also life, surrender quickly and easily.