What to do if 8 month old baby. Child development at the eighth month of life

A child at 8 months already knows how to do quite a lot. His actions are conscious, he is more active. Lying is no longer interesting, a lot of emotions overwhelm. A great variety of sounds arises, the first words may appear. But against the background of such activity, parents wonder if their baby is developing correctly? It is worth remembering that all children are individual, but still there are generally accepted standards by which the level of development is determined.

Physical development

8 months is a period in which many already sit on their own. Even lying on your tummy is extremely uninteresting, the handles that they used to rely on now perform a lot of manipulations. They take toys, knock them against each other, return inverted objects to their original position. Many crawl, stretch from a sitting position. Some activists can slowly get up, holding onto the support. Especially often the back of the crib becomes her. Due to the immaturity of the nervous system, which does not keep pace with physical development, parents often have to normalize their baby's sleep. The thing is that even in a dream, the little one unconsciously tries to get up, crawl, sit in the crib.

At eight months, the baby with interest is included in the game. He hides with pleasure behind small palms, rejoices when the car rolls around, even tries to ride it himself. Awkwardly, he takes the ball with his handles and rolls it on the floor or throws it. Several activities may interest him at the same time. And when the baby is distracted from the game, after a while he will return to her again. This is the period when the child is still looking for support from the parents in case of unexpected events. For example, from strangers. But there is another mass of fidgets who, without letting go of their mother, look at strangers with keen interest. There are fewer of them, and parents for both are the basis.

Psychology crumbs

The variety of their own emotions and understanding of those around them make the baby a participant in the joyful and sad events of relatives. They are able to empathize and cry if a child is crying nearby. But a bad mood can instantly change a smile and laughter, as children quickly switch.

8 month old babies are most afraid of losing their mother. He now realizes a lot and can throw a real scandal if his own mother is absent somewhere. In this case, you cannot set the child up against others, explain patiently. Of course, this may take more than one month, but the result will be if you do something.

In addition to this fear, fear of working household appliances may appear. Even if the baby is not afraid of the vacuum cleaner turned on at home, then the grandmother may be scared. This will happen because the other is making a noisier sound. Therefore, you should not turn on the technique unexpectedly, you need to patiently explain why this object was created. And it's better to turn it on when the child is in your arms, combining it with various jokes. Well, if there is an opportunity to take him to another room and leave him with someone from his family, it is better to do so. This will help avoid unnecessary stress.

The kid is able to distinguish the speech of adults, loves to be sung and read. He looks at the books with curiosity. Looks for a toy with her eyes when she is called. The babbling of an 8 month old baby contains many sounds of the native language. And here you can hear the first long-awaited words. Most often they refer to close people: "ma-ma", "pa-pa", "ba-ba". The grandfather appears a little later, since these letters are more difficult for the perception of the crumbs.


Comparing the skills of your baby with general data, you should not panic if he does not fit some framework. The development of children is individual. And if the little one was born prematurely, then focus on the date when he would have turned 8 months, if he was born on time.

  • Roll over from back to tummy and back.
  • Sit down and lie down on your own.
  • Holding onto the support, stand up. But not everyone is capable of this feat.
  • Of particular interest are games with imitation of adults.
  • They listen to what they are told with great interest. It is important to read poems and fairy tales with active expression, this will attract the attention of the little one.
  • String rings on a rod, so it is good to have a toy called a pyramid. It repeats when an adult rolls the ball, rocks the doll, accompanying it with sounds.
  • Looking at the family album, he knows how to find himself in the photograph. He rejoices when he sees himself in the mirror, realizing that it is him.
  • Returns to unfinished assignment.
  • Produce a large number of sounds and syllables. Perhaps the pronunciation of the first words.
  • Drink it yourself, try to hold a spoon.
  • Cheerful music is very amusing, makes active movements under it.
  • Fulfill the simplest requests, such as a pen.
  • Able to take small parts in a pen.
  • He is happy when he plays the game he liked a few days ago. This indicates the development of memory.

As you can see, there are a lot of skills. Since speech develops, it is imperative to talk often with the baby. Tell about everything that happens around. Show trees and animals on the street, talk about the color of the baby's blouse, etc. You also need to pay attention to the development of fine motor skills of the hands. Ask the little one to give you a nearby one or another thing.

Development assistance

At any age, a tiny creature needs help and support from relatives. It is on this that the correct development of physical skills, mental abilities, mental health largely depends. You need to show and direct.

  1. It is good to give an 8 month old baby a light massage. A professional can only be appointed by a physician. Light touching and stroking is required from parents. It enhances positive emotions and blood circulation.
  2. It is good to develop muscles with walking exercises, but no more than 40 minutes a day. Otherwise, the spine will experience tremendous stress, and this can be harmful.
  3. Show a large number of actions: string rings on a rod, rock the doll, play forty-forty, build a house from cubes. The baby will be happy to try to repeat after you.
  4. It is good to stimulate babies who cannot crawl. Place him on the bed or floor, and put his favorite toy in front. So it will gradually creep. The same exercise can be done for children who are in no hurry to sit down.
  5. If the baby has more than 3 teeth, you can give him soft baby cookies, banana pieces. This is necessary to develop chewing skills.
  6. Be sure to get the simplest children's books. There should be large bright pictures and a minimum of words. Learn a couple of rhymes, this will serve as great entertainment or a distraction when the child is upset about something.

It's time for the baby to be active. He will not warn when he is going to get up and go. Therefore, do not leave him alone, and also take care of securely closed cabinets, bedside tables. There are special latches that do not allow the baby to open the doors. After all, there a child can not only cause damage to things, but also crush a finger inadvertently. The same applies to interior doors. Make sure that the child cannot close them completely, in order to avoid dangerous injuries.

Height and weight

Many parents care about their height and weight at eight months. Of course, this is an important factor, but it is worth remembering that it depends not only on nutrition. It is important here and heredity and the birth of a baby on time. If your baby is born prematurely, general standards are not appropriate. Better keep track of how much he gains monthly, whether he eats well. And the rest of the parents, too, make no sense to be upset if the baby does not fit a little into the generally accepted framework. Just control the mood, general development and satiety of the little one.

According to the norms, the weight of a boy at eight months is from 8.3 to 9.5 kg. Girls at this age weigh an average of 8 - 9 kg. And in terms of growth, the indicators for males are from 69 to 72 cm, while for little princesses 68 - 71 cm.

As you can see, the boys are not much, but overtook the fair half in these values. Although, sometimes the girl may be larger, for example, if she was originally born with a large weight. So, there is no need to despair here. After all, the main indicator has always been and remains health.

Your baby is already eight months old, how much he already knows and can, and how much he still has to learn. At eight months, the baby's curiosity becomes stronger, he actively learns the world and begins to show his character.

Your baby already knows how to ...


65.8-75.6 cm.
7.4-10.9 kg.
42.8-48.4 cm.
42.2-51.1 cm.
64.9-75.5 cm.
7.1-10 kg.
41.6-48.0 cm.

Physical development of the child in the eighth month of life

For the eighth month of life, the child is gaining weight of 500 - 550 grams.

The body length increases by 2 cm during this month.The circumference of the chest and head increases by 0.5 cm during the seventh month.

By the eighth month of life, babies usually erupt about four teeth. These are two lower middle incisors (at 6-7 months) and two upper middle incisors (at 8-9 months). It should be remembered that all children are individual and teething may begin a little earlier in some babies, and a little later in others, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Neuropsychic development of a child at 8 months

Be prepared for the fact that an eight-month-old baby will begin to actively show his character and test his parents for strength.

Motor skills

By the age of eight months, babies are already able to sit down on their own and can sit on their own, without support, for several minutes.

They know how to get up, pulling themselves up on their hands or clinging to the sides of the crib or arena.

With the support of an adult, some toddlers can take several independent steps.

The kid already knows how to crawl well, and thanks to this, many toddlers try to climb stairs and easily overcome small rapids.

A "tweezers grip" appears, that is, the baby can pick up objects with the thumb and forefinger.

Cognitive activity

At 8 months, the child's search activity increases. The kid really likes to throw carved objects out of the stroller or crib on the floor and at the same time observe the reaction of the parents. If you pick up the toy and put it back, next to the child, then most likely it will fly back and rest assured that the child will not get tired of doing it over and over again. So he plays with you and it seems funny to him.

What can a baby do at 8 months?

At this age, the baby knows how to firmly hold objects with both hands, as well as transfer from one hand to another, throw toys and follow their further "fate".

At eight months, you can try to introduce the child to the potty, provided that the baby can sit. Do not expect that the kid will like it right away, all children learn to potty differently. If the child does not like it, then you should not insist at this stage, then the time has not come yet. Set it aside for 2-3 weeks and then try again.

The kid really likes joint games with adults, he enjoys playing hide and seek, nursery rhymes (guli-guli, magpie-white-sided, over bumps, over bumps and others).

He recognizes familiar objects well, even upside down, can find a toy hidden in front of his eyes.

Speech development at 8 months

Your little one is starting to combine sounds into syllables better and better and repeats them in a chain several times (ma-ma-ma, pa-pa-pa, ta-ta-ta and others).

To stimulate the development of speech, talk to your child as much as possible, use short phrases, repeat simple words more often. Tell me how the kosha meows, how the dog barks, how the rain is dripping, how certain sounds sound.

To attract attention, the baby is increasingly using sounds and gestures.


At eight months, the baby develops a sense of attachment to the particular family member who spends the most time with him. The kid wants to be only with this person, starts crying if he loses sight of him. Do not worry too much about this, after a while it will pass and the baby will again willingly communicate with all the relatives whom he considers “his own”. Psychologists call this period "the point of alienation."

With facial expressions, the baby can express surprise, alertness, joy, grief.

Vision and hearing of a child at 8 months

By the age of eight months, visual acuity and hearing improve. The kid begins to notice and collect small crumbs and objects from the surface, from the floor. Binocular vision is improved, that is, the ability to look at an object with two eyes. The kid is getting better at distinguishing colors.

The child raises or lowers his head if the sound source is above or below the level of his eyes.

It responds well to sounds that are at a distance of up to 4 meters from it. When he hears an extraneous sound, he stops playing, if he is not interested in this at the moment, then he continues his occupation again.

Caring for an eighth month baby

At eight months, the baby is interested in everything, including physiological exercises. Children love to do their own thing on the floor, after which they touch the resulting puddles and heaps. Do not scold him for this, this is how he learns the world, try to tell and explain to him where it came from and that it does not need to be touched and even more so to try.

After the baby has learned to sit, you can potty train, but at this stage this procedure is only for informational purposes.

At the eighth month of life, you can start teaching your baby to use a spoon, drink from a cup or from a sippy cup.

The baby's sleep at night is about 11-12 hours, during the day, as a rule, the baby sleeps twice for 2-2.5 hours.

Water procedures are mandatory, they will bring more joy to the little one if they spend them in the form of a game and using toys for the bath. You can bathe a child at this age every day or every other day, for 10-20 minutes.

Since the baby is teething, carefully monitor the oral hygiene.

Baby food at 8 months

If the baby is sitting confidently, you can put the highchair at the table and teach the child to eat on their own.

At the age of eight months, the diet already takes on certain outlines, so breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner can be distinguished.

If mommy still has milk, then it is better to keep breastfeeding, at least up to a year.

The feeding mode is five times a day with a four hour break.

At 7-8 months, a third complementary food can be introduced, while the lunch that the baby received earlier at 18:00 can be transferred to an adult's lunchtime at 14:00.

The third complementary food (which the baby will receive at 18:00) may consist of low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, crackers, cookies, buns. Fermented milk products for children are introduced into the baby's diet gradually, starting from 1 tsp. and with good tolerance, their volume is increased to 150-200 ml per day.

Starting from the 8th month of life, 1-2 times a week, the baby can be given minced fish instead of meat. Self-cooked fish is given to the child with boiled and mashed vegetables.

After all the main product groups have already been introduced, you can pay attention to the variety of the composition of the dishes. New, possibly combined products are being introduced, for example, not only mashed potatoes from various fruits and berries, but also their combinations with cottage cheese, cream, and cereals.

  • Fruit juices - 60-70 ml;
  • Fruit puree - 70 grams;
  • Cottage cheese - 40 grams;
  • Yolk - 1/4
  • Vegetable puree - 170-200 grams;
  • Milk porridge - 150-200 ml;
  • Minced meat - 5-30 grams;
  • Fish puree - 5-20 grams;
  • Liver mince - 5-20 grams;
  • Kefir - 50-150 ml;
  • Crackers, cookies - 5 grams;
  • Bread - 5 grams;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 grams;
  • Butter 3-4 grams.

Approximate diet for a child at 8 months

6:00 - Breast milk or adapted milk formula - 200 ml

10:00 - Porridge (170 grams), chicken yolk 1/4; cottage cheese (15 grams), fruit puree (30 grams), bread (5 grams);

14:00 - Vegetable puree (160 grams), meat puree (40 grams), fruit puree (30 grams);

18:00 - Breast milk (or adapted milk formula) or adapted kefir - 150 ml; cottage cheese (15 grams); cookies (5 grams);

22:00 - Breast milk or adapted milk formula - 200 ml.

Required examinations at 8 months

Visit the pediatrician to assess the child's physical and neuropsychic development. The doctor will weigh the child, measure his height, head and chest circumference. He will check reflexes, evaluate the skills and abilities of the baby.

How to play with your 8 month old baby

Kids at this age are very interested in the contents of cabinets, opening and closing doors, mechanical toys and small things. I like to study the texture of various surfaces (brush, smooth objects, fur, rubber surfaces, and others).

The kid likes to play with real things: the phone, dishes, clothes, shoes.

An eight-month-old baby will be fascinated by bright colorful educational toys. Toys that can be disassembled, assembled, opened, closed are excellent.

The kid really likes to pour out and shake out the contents of boxes, containers and slowly begin to sort through all this, examine.

At this age, parents should be patient, since the baby actively learns the world, and still does not know what to take, what not, where to climb, and where not to. You are faced with a difficult task - on the one hand, make it clear to the kid that not everything is allowed, and on the other hand, do not "drown" the craving for knowledge of the world around him.

Other information on the topic

  • Baby development at 1 year 9 months

  • Child development at 1 year 3 months

The eighth month in the life of a baby is marked by an active knowledge of the world around him, an ever-increasing curiosity, as well as the first manifestations of character. Parents often feel anxiety for their own child, who every day surprises with their new skills and constantly performs various manipulations with available objects. A baby at 8 months is no longer limited by the usual regimen, which consists not only of sleeping and feeding.

Height and weight indicators

In the first six months, parents diligently monitor changes in the weight of the crumbs. This allows you to correct nutritional deficiencies in time. At 8 months of life, weight gain and growth are not as noticeable as before. This is due to the fact that the baby ceases only to sleep and eat, now he devotes more time to studying the world around him and active movements.

Throughout the month, the baby gains about half a kilogram in weight, growth increases by no more than 2 cm.The average weight is 8 - 9 kg, height - 68 - 71 cm.

If the child scored a little less or a little more, there is nothing to worry about, because a lot depends on individual characteristics.

The same rule applies to the appearance of the first teeth. As a rule, by the last days of the month, a couple of incisors are already flaunting on the upper and lower jaws. If they are not there, it's okay. This is especially true for premature babies, which are characterized by somewhat delayed development.

For the development of a child at 8 months, the physical and mental aspects of growing up are very important.

Activity comes first

At this stage, the baby moves a lot, studying the space of the house and all the objects that come to hand. But "wanting", as you know, does not mean "can." Despite the irrepressible desire to learn everything at once, the crumb should be somewhat limited in this process from the standpoint of security. He should not "conquer the tops of cupboards" or fly headfirst off the couch.

So, what can a child do? Both the boy and the girl can do the following.

  • They lie down on their own from a sitting position, and then sit down again.
  • Some babies make their first attempts to stand on their legs next to furniture with the help of a parent's hand or other support.
  • Children at 8 months are already waving a pen "bye-bye" or are happy to play "okay". However, if the baby does not want to do this in any way, you should not force it.
  • Most of the babies at this age crawl perfectly, can turn around.
  • It is during this period that fine motor skills are actively formed. The toddler knows how to lift small objects with two fingers, transfer toys from one hand to another, or throw things on the floor, carefully following the process.
  • At this time, most children are already learning to drink from a cup on their own, bite off and chew non-solid food.
  • Many babies can point with a finger at an object of interest to them, they know how to remove socks from their feet.
  • The little one with great enthusiasm studies toys and available things, shifts them from place to place, shakes or hits various surfaces.

Features of mental development

Child development at 8 months. never ceases to amaze parents. Kids try to actively communicate with adults, using not only screaming for this. Of course, they don't speak yet, but they understand a lot. Gradually, the babbling of children is enriched with new sounds, and then syllables. Consider the basic skills of children that are observed at this stage:

  • Speech becomes more and more understandable for a child, since he is already capable of fulfilling simple requests, for example, to give or pick up an object.
  • The toddler listens attentively to what the adults are saying.
  • An 8-sword child experiences a sense of fear from loud noises. For this reason, it is not recommended to use noisy household appliances near the baby.
  • Many children recognize themselves in the pictures and enjoy looking at their own reflection in the mirror.
  • The baby reaches out to his peers, carefully examines them and tries to "make friends."
  • The development of a child at 8 months is marked by the formation of such a character trait as determination. If the kid manages to carry out his plan, he smiles, if not, he gets upset. Praise and approval of parents are important to him.
  • At this time, the baby realizes that mom and dad can be manipulated. It is necessary to teach the child what he can touch or do, and what not. This is very important, since the established rules will protect the baby from injury, and also will not allow him to violate the interests of adults. The child understands what a prohibition is, and may even be offended, however, one cannot give in and cancel what is prohibited.
  • Correct development at 8 months is very important for a baby. In particular, it necessarily includes a significant improvement in vision and hearing. If the eyes of the newborn are initially slightly squinted, then gradually this deficiency is corrected. Color discrimination is formed. Now the baby recognizes objects, regardless of how they are located: upside down, frontally or in profile. Sounds are well distinguished, the source of which is located at a distance of several meters.
  • As a rule, an 8-month-old child spends more time with his mother, therefore he is very much attached to her, is capricious and begins to panic, finding himself in an unfamiliar room without her.

Methods for checking the skills of the crumbs

What can a baby do? To find out, it is enough to pass a simple test, which includes the following steps:

  • When the baby is lying, it is necessary to show him a bright toy, inviting him to take it. The kid must independently take a sitting position.
  • If a seated baby is covered with a piece of cloth at 8 months, he must take it off himself.
  • When the baby is holding a toy in the pen, give him another one. The child should take the object with his free hand.
  • Ask your child to show you a couple of familiar things. The kid does it with his finger or just looks.
  • If a boy or girl sees how parents roll a ball in front of him or rock the doll, then they begin to repeat the actions they saw.
  • The kid should be able to take small objects with two fingers: invite him to take a small toy or pencil.
  • The baby actively participates in the simplest games: hide and seek, okay.
  • Try to pick up the item the child is holding. At the same time, the toddler shows resistance, pushes the parents' hand away and attracts an interesting thing to itself.
  • In the photographs, the baby recognizes the familiar faces of relatives, as well as himself.

What features should be on the alert for parents?

If the child does not pass all the conditions of the test, you should not panic. However, you should contact a specialist if you have the following symptoms:

  • The kid does not show activity: he does not try to crawl, stand on his legs, does not turn over and does not try to sit down.
  • Does not try to take a toy from the hands of mom or dad, cannot hold it or transfer it to another handle.
  • Doesn't make any sounds.
  • Cannot resist even with reliable support.
  • Does not show emotions during games, walks, various activities.

Feeding features

For an 8 month old baby, development and nutrition are closely related. Breast milk dominates the children's menu. Many mums replace two meals a day with appropriate complementary foods. Immediately after waking up, as well as before going to bed, you still need to breastfeed your baby. In most cases, he continues to eat 5 times a day with an interval of 4 - 4.5 hours.

Vegetables and seasonal fruits should be used as complementary foods. They are perfect for adding to cereals, as well as for making multicomponent purees.

Everything will depend only on individual preferences and desires of the crumbs. It is important to know about highly allergenic food, which is contraindicated in babies. Allowed foods include the following:

  • corn grits, buckwheat, rice;
  • from vegetables: potatoes, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, zucchini, broccoli;
  • from fruits and berries: apricots, gooseberries, pears, green apples, bananas, peaches, white cherries.

A child of 8 months should not eat the following foods:

  • tomatoes;
  • chocolate;
  • red berries;
  • sweets;
  • smoked and salted;
  • citrus.

The development and nutrition of the baby are closely related. If complementary foods are introduced into the feeding mode from six months, then by the beginning of the 9th month the diet will already become quite varied.

The nutrition of premature toddlers will be slightly different, at 6 months their body is not yet ready for complementary foods, it must be introduced a month later. For this reason, the baby should not consume additional food at this stage.

What games are suitable for the baby?

For the normal development of an 8-month-old baby, it is necessary to fill his leisure time with suitable games.

  • Many children are attracted to things that parents use, so you can let them tinker with pots, plastic containers, spoons.
  • When making simple movements in front of your baby, invite him to repeat them. For example, clap your hands. Then repeat after the baby his movements. This simple developmental technique not only diversifies communication with the child, but also expands his physical abilities.
  • Arrange a small home concert with the little one. Place pots and bowls in front of him, give him a spoon or stick and show how you can "play."
  • Together with the baby, build a pyramid of toys or cubes, and then destroy it by throwing a ball.
  • A girl at 8 months old can be offered a doll for play, show how she can be rocked or "fed".
  • Towards the end of the month, the baby will learn to play the ball, rolling it from place to place.
  • Today, there are many interesting toys on sale that help both develop and entertain the baby.

Despite the fact that the toddler crawls well at eight months and is active, it is worth picking him up more often, as this contributes to the normal development of the baby's psyche. It is important to pronounce the words correctly, referring to the child, without lisping and distorting words. It is necessary to take care of the mental development of the crumbs, which is facilitated by talking and reading fairy tales.

Each toddler is a developing personality with its own characteristics and character traits, you should not force him to do what he does not want.

The activity of an eight-month-old baby indicates that he is ready to enter the era of "bumps and falls." This is an inevitable part of growing up. At times, your heart will sink when you see a child hitting something, but now it is very important to take a closer look at how he explores the surroundings and their boundaries.

If you haven't secured your home earlier, now is the time to do it. Crawl at the level of the child, try to detect possible dangers. Remove fragile and sharp objects from the child's field of activity so high that the child cannot reach them. Attach all non-sturdy furniture to the wall. This is especially true of chests of drawers and whatnots.

The child, most likely, has already erupted 2-4 teeth. Many mothers notice that the gaps between the teeth are quite large. Do not worry, they will most likely close closer to two years, when all 20 primary teeth erupt.

Fruit can be added to the diet at 8 months. For a start - in a shabby form, later - in small pieces. The rest of the introduced products - vegetables, cereals, meat - diversify.


The awareness of consistency is important for the child, so keep the rituals created earlier. In addition, your 8-month-old is so attached to you that he starts crying as soon as you leave, even for a minute (for example, to another room). It is normal for your child to be anxious about your leaving. There are many reasons why you sometimes have to leave for a short while.

Brief separation promotes socialization as the child adapts to the other person you are leaving him with. Very soon, the baby will understand that you always come back.

In addition, for mom it is an excellent way to prevent depression and get out of the state of "Groundhog Day": a short walk with a friend, a meeting with a cup of coffee in a cafe, a visit to a manicurist or a beautician. As your toddler gets used to socializing, staying with the other person will help you understand that the sky will not collapse unless you are with your baby 24 hours a day.

Leave the child for this time only with a person he knows. perceived by children as a potential danger. This is a normal reaction.


♦ Knows how to sit for a while, sit down independently.

♦ Crawls on its own (at least, it moves - let it be on its stomach by half a meter).

♦ Holds toys well, easily manipulates them, transfers them from hand to hand, tries to put small toys in a bucket, purposefully throws toys.

♦ Good differentiation between people - friend or foe.

♦ Tries to stand at the support (many children at this age begin not only to stand at the support, but also walk, holding on to the support).

♦ Diversifies the combination of syllables, constantly doubles and triples syllables.

At 8 months, the child begins object play. So, for example, if you show your baby that you can talk on a toy phone by putting it to your ear, then soon he will repeat this action after you.

Initial development of speech

Now and then try to actively use: how the car drives, how a dog or a cat "says", how an airplane flies. The child pays attention to new objects, try to say what they are called each time.

How to play

Introduce your child to soap bubbles. Everyone loves them. He will be happy to catch and burst iridescent balls.

Often the kid starts the game himself. Sitting in a chair or stroller, he begins to throw toys on the floor and waits for you to pick them up. For your child, this is just a game, not his whims. Support her.

The baby is already beginning to memorize his toys and some are beginning to bother him. You can simply put some of the toys away and show them back to him a week later. He will again be happy with the "new" toys.

What does it feel and how it behaves

It is natural for your child to be anxious when you go somewhere and leave him in the care of others. In fact, this is a sign of normal child development.

Help him make goodbye easier:

♦ Affectionately, say goodbye to the child. Do not drag out goodbye, say that you will be back soon.

♦ If he is scared or crying, pause to calm down and calm the baby, but remember that you are helping him develop affection for other people.

♦ After saying goodbye, do not come back and watch how he is there, as this will only complicate the moment of separation for both of you.

♦ If that calms you down, call when you get where you were going. Most likely, he stopped crying right after you left.

♦ After returning, hug and kiss the child. Body contact is important at this point. The child needs to know that his mother is there, his mother did not leave him.

Remember, this is an important part of growing up. All people go through this.

Parents' task

The main task of parents at this age is to create a safe - not only physically, but also psychologically - environment for the child.

The child must be sure that mom and dad love him no matter what, that they always come back, even if they leave for a short time, that if help is needed, the parents will always be there and ready to help. This confidence in loved ones will instill in the child self-confidence.

A child at the age of eight months becomes much more active and mobile, he is more interested in the world around him, shows interest in new people and objects. His daily routine changes slightly. Now it is enough for the baby to sleep twice during the day for one and a half to two hours. The baby continues to consolidate his skills and develops new skills.

There are changes in the physical and psychological development of the child. The baby has grown in height and gained weight, perhaps the first teeth have appeared. Every day the baby learns something new and makes interesting discoveries for himself.

Eight month old baby skills

1. Crawling - is the main way of movement of the child around the apartment. Now he can crawl not only on his bellies, but also on all fours. He can devote a long time to the study of space and territory, because on the way there are so many interesting objects. Parents need to make sure that this path is safe for the crumbs. All kinds of dangerous objects for the child (for example, knives, scissors, glass objects, wires and sockets, extension cords and medicines, bowls for feeding animals and even a trash can) must be out of reach.

2. As soon as the child has well mastered the ability to crawl on all fours, then the next stage is next - independent mastery of the sitting position. A kid who has been crawling around the room for a long time gets tired and sits down for a few minutes (usually 2-5 minutes, no more) to rest, and then continues his journey further.

Such independent training leads to a confident holding of the body in an upright position. It is strongly discouraged to sit your baby in pillows.

3. The mastering of another new skill continues - standing up at the support. Children at this age know how to grasp tightly with their arms and pull themselves up to the railing of a crib, to the arm of a chair or to chairs. The standing position does not last long, as the muscles of the legs and back are not yet sufficiently strong.

Being in an upright position for several minutes at a time, a kind of muscle tissue training takes place. Gradually, the baby will learn to stand more confidently and longer, his legs will get stronger, and his spine will be able to withstand the load. At this time, adults do not need to offer their help to the baby or try to put him more often and longer.

The load on the skeleton, muscles and joints should be done very carefully, gradually and without coercion. Placing a child on their feet at an early age can lead to problems with the musculoskeletal system or the spine in the future.

If the baby diligently continues his exercises, then the task of the parents is to provide the child with access only to reliable, stable and safe support.

4. An indicator of the full development of fine motor skills and psyche at this age is the child's ability to pick up small objects with two fingers. He, like a small tweezers, can grab a bread crumb, a pea, a feather and any other small objects and toys.

5. A developed skill at 8 months is holding and throwing toys. The child understands that first you need to reach the object, take it firmly, and then throw it away (for example, from a crib or stroller). Adults should also "play this game" and put discarded items back in place.

6. The child is smart and can stack toys one on top of the other, collect small objects in a box, string rings on the base of the pyramid, or simply bang one toy against another. This is how the baby develops the ability to correlate objects and actions. It is recommended to gradually complicate such games and encourage the baby for any of his small achievements.

7. There are changes in speech development. The child understands many words, requests, tone of voice and expression of emotions. At this age, kids memorize a lot of words, but they still continue to “express their thoughts” with simple syllables - ma or mom, pa or dad, ba or baba, and others.

You can ask the baby to give a toy, throw it, point a finger at the desired object - and the child will certainly fulfill your request. Children at the age of eight months know what is “no” or “no”, and also distinguish strict and gentle intonations of the voice.

The child is passively accumulating vocabulary, so it is recommended to talk to him as much as possible. Nursery rhymes, songs, fairy tales have a positive effect on the further speech development of the baby. It is recommended not to use lisping when communicating with a baby. It is necessary to immediately teach him to speak words in the correct form, so that later you do not have to retrain.

8. Starting from the age of seven months, children begin to be afraid of all new people. At eight months, this fear not only remains, but also intensifies. The kid should see his mother all the time, and especially in the presence of strangers. And the baby will feel even calmer in her mother's arms. And this is not a whim or a habit. Since the baby is with the mother most of the time, a feeling of affection for her develops. Mom is not only warmth, affection and tenderness, but also reliability, protection and protection from everything and everyone.

Left alone in his crib, the child feels defenseless, he becomes restless and scared. Unfamiliar people who want to take the baby in their arms only cause negative emotions in the child. It is necessary to introduce the baby to new people only in the presence of the closest person. The kid should feel safe in any situation. Parents should be able to understand their child without words and support and encourage him in time.

9 An inquisitive kid needs to be offered various educational games. Take advantage of the fact that your baby is a blank sheet of paper. Everything is interesting and new to him. For exercises to develop fine motor skills and creativity, invite your baby to paint with finger paints or crayons. Children love this rewarding activity.

Having mastered many skills, the baby next month will move on to mastering new and more difficult actions and skills for him.

Baby development at 8 months (video)