What to give your best friend for a new one. Gift for a pregnant friend. Win-win gift options

As a rule, it is easiest to give gifts to friends. Especially girls, especially best friend. After all, you've known her for so many years! How much have you been through together? She tells you about her experiences, dreams, plans. Of course, you simply have to know what she wants to receive as a gift for the New Year 2018, because she probably has a lot of things planned for the coming year, and your present can push her dreams to come true or be a great addition. We have a lot of ideas that we tried to fit in this article.

So, what to give a friend for the New Year? First, figure out the material size of the gift, even if the planned amount is small, you can always pick up a sincere, cute and desired present. Let's start by identifying her interests, it's always easier to narrow down the possibilities.

She is a dreamer

She always has her head in the clouds and would rather go to the cinema to see a new romantic movie or a new book by her favorite author. And instead of another dress and a pair of shoes, he will choose a plane ticket and a spontaneous weekend. Suitable here:

  • Passport cover, suitcase cover and bright tag, travel pillow. These little things will please the travel lover.
  • Mug-thermos with New Year's design.
  • Bookshop certificate. If you don’t know which new books she hasn’t read yet, then it’s better to give money. Let her choose what she wants.
  • Concert ticket, theater ticket, cinema ticket.
  • Tickets for a short trip or weekend tour. Better take open dates, even if you know the dates of her vacation.

She is a creative person

Does she love paints, canvases and brushes, does scrapbooking, makes jewelry, sews great things, draws sketches, photographs everything and everyone, writes a dream book? She has golden hands and a kind heart. And her hobbies bring her peace of mind and joy from the process and results. Among the gift ideas for the New Year 2018 may be:

  • Artist's kit: If she draws with markers, then choose a stylish sketchbook and high-quality markers in shades that she does not already have. Painters always need canvases and brushes.
  • Little things for scrapbooking / decoupage and other types of creativity.
  • A sewing machine or overlocker, if she is just starting out as a designer.
  • Courses or master classes that will be useful to her or may be of interest.

She is the homemaker

She prefers an evening at home in comfortable pajamas with a new series to a nightclub, she cooks more often than you go to the store, and her finds in the form of recipes undoubtedly please her more than pizza ordered on the Internet. In this case, win-win will be:

  • Cozy Christmas pajamas.
  • Funny socks with a picture of a dog.
  • Warm blanket and bright pillows for the interior.
  • Cooking supplies, such as a set of cookie cutters, a waffle iron or a mixer, which she misses so much.
  • Recipe book or themed notebook to write your own.
  • Apron.
  • Slippers.
  • A set of bed linen.

She is in love with food

She loves food, it's her passion. And she doesn't necessarily like to cook. Maybe she has a passion for collecting chocolate or coffee beans from all over the world. This is definitely a win-win option - to give something that you can eat.

  • Grocery basket with an abundance of sweets and tangerines.
  • Christmas cookies in a beautiful box.
  • A certificate for her favorite restaurant.
  • Coffee card.
  • Collection chocolate.
  • A recipe book and a set of ingredients for preparing a particular dish.
  • A bottle of good drink.

She is a princess

Your friend will not leave the house without hair and makeup, her clothes are always in trend, and she has new beauty industry news more often than you know about them.

  • Equipment: new powerful hair dryer, hair straightener, electric toothbrush, mini tanning bed, etc.
  • Beauty box from the latest innovations that she has not yet had time to purchase.
  • Certificate for a beauty salon.
  • SPA certificate.
  • A stylish accessory (bag, belt, scarf, purse) or decoration (don't forget that the Yellow Dog loves gold).
  • Stylish phone case with the symbol of 2018.

She is an athlete and a Komsomol member

She cannot imagine her life without sports, eats right and monitors her weight. After all, a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. There are also many options for what to give a friend for the New Year:

  • Subscription to a fitness or dance studio.
  • Clothing and accessories for sports or a subscription to a sports store.
  • Electronic scales that will determine not only the weight, but also other important parameters.
  • Convenient backpack or sports bag.
  • Mat for yoga and stretching.
  • Stylish water bottle.

She is a practical lady

She doesn't like unnecessary things. She definitely should not give souvenirs, perfumes that she will not like and, God forbid, a set of dishes that will not match the color scheme of her kitchen. She has everything clearly planned, and here you need to be careful in choosing a gift.

  • Household utensils, appliances or home accessories that she mentioned, and preferably a certificate.
  • A certificate for a SPA or a massage so that she finally relaxes.
  • An external battery for the phone, if she doesn't have one.
  • Glider so that she writes down even more plans.
  • That dress, which she looked after a long time ago, tried on and still has not bought.

Let the gift for the New Year 2018 to your girlfriend be bright and memorable, like your long female friendship. Surely you already know what to give, then do not hesitate, do not forget about bright wrapping paper and a postcard: you can print your joint photo and supplement your wishes with funny comments. Give emotions, even if your friend is from the "Practical lady" category.

As a rule, inexpensive symbolic gifts are given to girlfriends for the New Year, this is especially true in cases where there are many friends. If the gifts will be given in one place, then it is advisable to buy things in the same price category, even better - choose one direction and give similar items to all your friends.

Ideas for Inexpensive Christmas Gifts

Girlfriends who develop a trusting relationship can even give each other things that are on the list of indecent gifts, for example, deodorants, wrinkle creams, acne lotions, wax strips for hair removal. Knowing the girl's favorite colors and fragrances, you can buy eye shadow, eau de toilette, gloss or lipstick. Shampoo, hair spray, shower gel, body scrub, makeup remover milk, face mask or hair mask are suitable as a gift. For the New Year, you can give Christmas toys, garlands, decorative candles of a suitable theme, champagne, sweets, souvenir gingerbread and other long-term storage pastries. Figurines corresponding to the symbol of the year and beautiful calendars for the coming year look symbolic.

A classmate friend will need a stand or a decorative phone sticker, a glamorous passport cover, a lipstick-shaped pen, or a fun keychain. A girl can be given a folding hairbrush with a mirror, a small clothes brush to carry in a bag, a blush brush or a lipstick case. Your grown-up friend who loves to cook will love a recipe notebook, a silicone spatula for a Teflon pan, an oven bag set, a silicone baking mat, a salt and pepper shaker set, a dumpling machine, an egg slicing tool, or a juicer. for citrus.

What to give your best friend for Christmas

If the budget is for a more expensive gift, then your best friend can buy a beautiful box for the New Year or a decorative stand for her jewelry collection, a piggy bank in the form of a Christmas tree or Santa Claus, or an LED candle that can be safely placed under the Christmas tree and forgotten to blow out before bedtime. If a friend's wallet is full of plastic cards, then she will definitely be delighted with a beautiful business card holder, and a woman complaining about a heavy umbrella will be happy to receive a compact and lightweight umbrella for her bag as a gift. A close friend can put beautiful tights or stockings, a T-shirt or leggings, a nightgown or lace panties under the Christmas tree. Champagne glasses or vodka glasses, bottle holders and souvenir corkscrews look quite New Year's. A lover of Japanese cuisine will love the sushi sets, and a lady who prefers French dishes will love the fondue set. If a friend is going on a trip for the New Year holidays, then a gift in the form of a set consisting of mini versions of face creams and body care products will be very useful for her. For a woman planning the whole holiday and spending at home, it is appropriate to give a book or a needlework kit.

If a girlfriend drives a car, then it’s nice to please her with a gift for an iron friend. There are many options here: useless but cute pillows and soft toys, air fresheners, trunk organizers, clothes hangers, cigarette lighter coffee makers and kettles, a miniature car wash device, a neck or seat pillow, a breathalyzer or playful inscriptions on suckers. The most practical gift for a car enthusiast is a certificate for washing or waxing the body.

On the eve of the winter holidays, representatives of the strong half of the Russian population are racking their brains over the eternal question: “What to give a friend for the New Year?”. But the problem, on closer examination, is not even worth a damn. There are a lot of options to please your soulmate.

Gift for a girl for the New Year

Consider the criteria by which you should choose a present for your soulmate:

  1. Originality. Away with template solutions, give your unique ideas;
  2. exclusivity. Something unique, personal, unlike anything else in the world. As a rule, such gizmos are made by hand. Or ask them to make recognized masters of hand-made;
  3. Relevance. Give her what's trending right now. If at the beginning of the year everyone was crazy about the spinner, then towards the end a new hero appeared -;
  4. Love and warmth. It is most important. Without these two components, everything else makes no sense.

In this video, Roman and Nastya will tell you what an inexpensive gift (up to 5,000 rubles) can be given to a girl on New Year's Eve:


“A girl's best friend is diamonds,” reads a line from one famous hit. And the truth of life says: few of the fair sex will refuse an elegant and expensive gift in honor of the holiday. True, it is worth approaching this enterprise with caution and it is better to refrain from buying rings: such a sign of attention will be perceived very wrong.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, it is worth dwelling on more familiar things:

  • Pendant;
  • Bracelet;
  • Chain;
  • Earrings.


She is generally not considered the best way to please a woman. Beauty care products allude too clearly to appearance (and thus the need to improve it).

It is worth taking such a step only with a very long-standing trusting relationship. Or in the case when the donee herself made an unambiguous allusion to this. Solomon's decision give her a gift certificate for the New Year in an expensive store.

Mobile phone

Recently, smartphones have become a universal gift. They are equally suitable for any festive occasion, and the New Year is no exception. An expensive present from the famous "apple" company will best emphasize the seriousness of the boyfriend's intentions.

With a modest budget, it is worth stopping at less prestigious, but high-quality brands:

  • "Xiaomi";
  • Meizu;
  • "LG", etc.

Too cheap devices should not be given: it is better then to think about another gift, which will take its originality. More on this in the next section.

Other gadgets

If we are talking about a young girl, then she, like all representatives of the modern generation, will be delighted with all kinds of high-tech devices. Even if they are much cheaper than the top iPhone. Fantasies have a place to turn around:

  • Stylish wireless headphones;
  • A flash drive with an unusual design,
  • Fancy keyboard.

Whenever a friend uses all these gadgets, she will remember you. So think practical.

Decorative accessories

This is where the imagination can run its course! A caring young man can choose for his passion whatever his heart tells him:

  • Handmade knitted blanket that will keep your beloved warm in the winter cold;
  • Mat for yoga or fitness classes;
  • Clothes with heart prints, interesting quote, etc.;
  • Designer night lamp on the bedside table;
  • A diary with a colorfully painted cover;
  • Phone case.

This option is suitable for any wallet, but requires some ingenuity.

How to please an autolady?

Emancipation has done its job, and now the woman behind the wheel is turning from a constant hero of jokes into an everyday routine that does not surprise anyone. However, this is even better for the donor: the presence of an “iron horse” greatly simplifies the process of choosing a present.

The latter may include:

  • Portable equipment: portable refrigerator, mini-bar, car vacuum cleaner, coffee maker (specially sharpened for this application);
  • Overlays for shoes with high heels;
  • Smartphone holder. With all his being, he must talk about what is intended for the fair sex;
  • Car hanger.

New Year's adventure is the best gift for the New Year

Who said that a gift must be in a material form? New Year's Eve is doubly fun if it's a great pastime:

  • If you have money, go with your soul mate to the other side of the world, where there is never snow and cold;
  • If a personal BMW is not parked under the window, you can choose a more affordable trip around Russia. For example, Moscow and St. Petersburg annually attract tourists at the end of the year. Both capitals at this time are decorated no worse than the largest global cities on the planet;
  • Finally, you can just take the girl to a restaurant, cafe or cinema.

If a woman is used to being the boss

To please a strong woman is much more difficult than to please a silly handsome man. If the latter is delighted with a large plush toy or a heart-shaped pillow, then you need to please a business woman with something really special. The main thing is not to hint at the stereotypical “weakness” or the need to be necessarily beautiful. The search circle narrows down to the following options:

  • Expensive wallet made of genuine leather;
  • Portfolio for business papers;
  • Decorative handle in strict execution;
  • Works of visual art (paintings or sculptures).

Exclusive gifts

Every person loves increased attention to his person. You can do this in one of the following ways:

  • Sweets with the name of the lucky girl on the package;
  • A pair of T-shirts with images of lovers;
  • Nominal coffee mug;
  • Photo magnet or photo keychain in festive decoration;
  • Cake with personal congratulations;
  • Embroidery (the price for it can be quite high).

Such a move can touch almost any girl.

Gifts from "Aliexpress"

The world's largest online retailer has made life easier for the strong half of humanity, eliminating the need to roam around the shops:

  • Fitness bracelet. A multifunctional device that not only determines the number of calories burned, but is also the best alarm clock. Price: from a thousand rubles;
  • Action camera. Let her be of little use in winter, but as soon as spring comes, she will find a use for herself. The price tag starts from 2500 rubles;
  • External battery. Perfect for lovers of constant travel;
  • Quadcopter. A small aircraft will appeal not only to guys, but also to their lovers. They cost from 2000 rubles.

But if less than a month is left before the winter holiday, it is better not to risk it. Please note that before December 31, post offices are loaded to the maximum. There is a risk of not waiting for the goods and leaving a friend without a gift on the day of the celebration.

Do-it-yourself gift for a girl for the New Year

Each of us is tired of the same type of poems in purchased postcards and template virtual congratulations on VKontakte. A handmade thing speaks much more about caring.

Here are some examples what can make you happy your soul mate:

  1. Melted chocolate figurines. Your beloved will be extremely happy with sweets in the form of your favorite cartoon character;
  2. Make a unique gift wrap. To do this, you will need a set of high-quality colored paper, a photograph of the donee, scissors and glue. The classic version is a heart-shaped box;
  3. Bouquet of sweets. In a flower pot, glue a few skewers with superglue. Attach sweets to them - so that everything looks aesthetically pleasing.

This is not a complete list of what to give a friend for the New Year. You need to draw inspiration in the search for that very present from the habits of your beloved (maybe she just needs a book) and your own imagination. The main thing is not to slide down to meaningless gray solutions of the same type, just “for show”.

Video: the best Christmas gifts for family and friends

In this video, Marina Rokokovskaya will tell you what gifts you can please your loved ones for the New Year:

A great gift for almost any girl will be cosmetics. It can be lipstick, eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, powder, etc. Even if your girlfriend has enough of all this goodness, she, like any other representative of the fair sex, will be delighted with the new thing. The main thing is that the cosmetics are of high quality, you don’t want your dear little man to have skin problems because of your gift, do you?

If you have long and well known the tastes of a girlfriend, give her a perfume. It should be selected depending on the character of the girl. If she is tender and feminine - give her a subtle, soft fragrance, if she is very energetic - pick up a sharper, sweeter perfume.


An album with photographs will be a chic gift for a girl. Recently, few people print their photographs. As a rule, all of them are stored on the computer. Buy a beautiful album, print your group pictures. Beautifully design the album, if there are empty lines near the photos, fill them with warm words. With such a gift, you can spend an unforgettable evening full of nostalgia and pleasant memories.


If your girlfriend loves to read, you can consider that choosing a gift for you is not a problem. Believe me, a connoisseur of literature will be delighted with an interesting book in a beautiful binding. Find out only which genre she prefers, so as not to be mistaken.


If you want her to sincerely thank you one day, give her a subscription, for example, to dance, fitness, aerobics, aqua aerobics, to the gym or even to strip plastic. If it seems to you that your girlfriend has absolutely no time to go in for sports, be sure she will find it: the subscription will not disappear. Having taken up a new occupation for herself, the girl will be able to find her hobby, improve her health, and create a beautiful figure. In the end, she may be able to find her soul mate if she is still single.


It's a good idea to give tickets to a concert. If her favorite musical group is coming to town, don't doubt your choice at all. By purchasing two tickets, you will soon have a great time together.

Gift with soul

If you know how to do something with your own hands, do not be too lazy to do it for a friend. For example, if you have the talent of an artist, paint her a picture. This is a wonderful gift, a memory for a lifetime. If you know how to weave from beads, you can embroider an icon with beads or weave a magnificent bouquet from it.

The main thing is to give gifts with love. Then any surprise will be unforgettable for your loved one.