What Orthodox people give for Easter. Gifts for Easter: godchildren, children, parents, other traditions

Easter is one of the biggest church holidays and is eagerly awaited by both adults and young children. Recently, people like to give each other gifts for various holidays and celebrations, so for Easter, many also want to pick up a good present for relatives and friends. Giving colored eggs or Easter cakes is not in vogue today, so you should think about a more modern gift that can cheer you up, remind you about the theme of the holiday.

Is it possible to give icons for Easter?

Many superstitious people believe that icons cannot act as a gift, since they must be acquired by each person independently or passed on from older family members. However, silver icons can be an excellent gift, because they bear in themselves a reminder of the great holiday in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Before buying an icon, you must first find out about the religion of the person for whom the present is being selected. If it turns out that he professes a different faith, a very awkward situation may arise at the time of the presentation of the icon.

Unsuccessful Easter gift options

Easter is a big holiday, so it is better to refuse comic gifts that do not carry a certain semantic load. If such a gift is given to a religious person, it can provoke resentment or even offend. It is also undesirable to give cutting, sharp objects and body care products for Easter. An Easter gift must necessarily evoke a feeling of joy in a person, remind of a great event that took place many centuries ago, when Jesus Christ conquered death.

Gift for a child

For a child, any holiday is associated with fun, an abundance of gifts and various goodies. You can choose a standard gift by presenting a chocolate or soft toy, or you can choose something original.

A small child can be presented with sweets or a toy in the shape of a cute Easter bunny. An excellent gift option can be a chocolate egg, for example, a favorite children's treat with a “kinder surprise” toy inside. Since almost all children of preschool and school age love to engage in different types of needlework, you can donate some kind of set that meets the interests of the child. Girls can be congratulated on Easter with a kit for embroidery or weaving with beads, with which they can create an unusual and very original Easter egg or other themed drawing. Boys can be presented with a set that allows them to brightly paint plastic eggs. There are similar kits for working with plasticine testicles. The child will be able to decorate the plasticine egg with various ribbons, buttons, beads, beads and other decorative elements.

It is always difficult to choose a gift for a teenager, because it is almost impossible to please a child at this time. In this case, it is better to present money, allowing the teenager to choose a present on his own. You can also give a gift certificate. Easter-themed jewelry, clothing, and souvenirs are good options.

Gift for mom

If a small child wants to give a gift to his mother, you can draw a beautiful drawing on the theme of the holiday. Mom will definitely be delighted with a homemade postcard decorated with beautiful sequins, appliqués, beads, ribbons and other decor. To make the postcard more accurate and beautiful, you can ask for help from adults who can suggest many interesting ideas.

Adult children can congratulate their mother with a beautiful adornment, for example, a chain made of silver or gold with a beautiful church pendant depicting a saint or the Mother of God. If mom loves practical gifts more, you can please her with a spacious Easter basket, in which you can bless food for Easter. As an attachment, you can add a towel decorated with different symbols of Easter: painted eggs, Easter cakes, candles or angels to the gift.

Gift for grandma

Grandmother may also be delighted with an Easter basket and an embroidered towel, but it is better to take into account the interest of a loved one, to make a more personal gift. If the grandmother loves to knit, you can present a new knitting kit as a gift, and if she has a lot of embroidered things at home, it is better to give an embroidery kit. The grandmother will certainly appreciate the attention and care shown. Since almost all elderly people honor church holidays and traditions, you can give your grandmother a talisman or a painting depicting some biblical story.

Very soon the most important and important holiday for every Orthodox person will come - Easter .

"Christ is Risen!"- this joyful greeting will accompany us all 40 days after Easter, until. By return greeting "Truly I am Risen!" every Orthodox person confirms his belief that the Lord Jesus Christ took upon himself all the sins of the world, died on the Cross, conquered death and was Resurrected.

It is no coincidence that Easter is called “feast days and triumphs of celebrations,” because by the honest blood of Christ, the entire human race received the opportunity to be saved. The Risen Christ again opened the gates of Paradise for us, the road to the Heavenly Kingdom of the Father.

On Easter, as on any other holiday, people give each other gifts.

What to give a woman for Easter?

Any woman is not indifferent to all kinds of jewelry. For Easter, you can present breast decorations in the form necklace, pendants, foldable made in a special festive style, rings with Easter symbols, bracelets.

Also an appropriate gift would be festive cross with pomegranate... Red stones in such items are like drops of blood that was shed on the Cross for our Salvation.

A good gift for a woman will be candlestick or photo frame.

What to give a man for Easter?

You can also choose jewelry for a man. It could be n ruff, cross or reliquary.

It will be a great gift cabinet icon or car icon.

What to give a child for Easter?

Of course, do not forget about our children on Easter, because they love him so much and are waiting for gifts. With what pleasure our crumbs help and prepare for the main holiday: paint eggs, help knead dough for cake, make various crafts. Wonderful gifts for a child will be easter egg, toy or baby pendant.

Can I give gifts for Easter? Why not? The Resurrection of the Lord is a bright and good holiday, which means that it is not forbidden to show attention and care, and even more so it is not forbidden to give something! As a rule, colored eggs, Easter cakes and other festive sweets are presented for Easter. This is a long established tradition. But what to give a loved one on this day that could remind him of this bright Christian holiday for a long time?

What gifts can you give to your close and dear people? We offer you several options for Easter gifts.

What to give for Easter

Flowers. An Easter bouquet is best made of fresh, spring flowers. You don't have to go to a flower shop to do this. You can make a gift bouquet yourself and branches of pussy willow, willow and other plants, which by this time are dissolving their buds and leaves. The flower arrangement can be made in the shape of a wreath. Such gifts will fill the house with the indescribable aroma of spring and holiday.

Easter souvenirs. By Easter, in many shops and markets you can find thematic gifts, souvenirs - holiday candles, painted dishes, figurines in the form of angels, Easter bunnies (this is a symbol of Catholic Easter). Such necessary things in everyday life with festive symbols will appeal to both young and older generations.

DIY gift. An Easter gift made with my own hands - what could it be? In fact, this is a big enough flight for your creativity. It all depends not even on the level of your skill in this or that handicraft, but on your imagination and desire to create something beautiful that will delight both the soul and the eye. This can be an unusually colored egg, a postcard, Easter-themed embroidery, simple stuffed toys, an Easter basket, etc.

Orthodox calendar. A calendar depicting some biblical story with marked church holidays and fasts will be an invaluable gift for believers.

Religious book. Lives of saints, the Bible, the Gospel, prayer books and other religious books will appeal to deeply religious people.

Whatever your Easter gift is, it must come from a pure heart and the best wishes. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

09.04.2015 09:17

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Easter is a bright and always welcome holiday. It is especially joyful to choose gifts for relatives and friends for this day. And you can, after all, independently make a sincere present for your loved ones. The best Easter gift ideas are worth considering so that everyone can pick the perfect one for themselves.

Giving an Easter basket

A traditional and universal present for this holiday is an Easter gift set in a basket. Both adults and children, and even those who are not used to celebrating Christ's Resurrection every year will be delighted with such a gift. The contents of the beautiful straw basket include colorful dyed eggs and sweet cake. Everything is very festive, aromatic and tasty.

It is necessary to think in advance how to decorate the shell of gift Easter eggs. You can buy ready-made stickers, paint the eggs in different colors, wrap them in colorful foil, or put a little more heart into a gift by painting your own picturesque patterns and ornaments.

If you have children in your family, they will gladly agree to take part in creating crafts for a gift.

Take this wonderful chance, let the children play with paints, paper, plasticine: draw funny faces on the eggs, stick wings and beaks to them, depicting cute chickens.

But if luck has smiled, and you have the desired wicker basket in your hands, we proceed to assembling the gift composition:

  1. Put soft designer straws on the bottom.
  2. Put sweet Easter in the center.
  3. Fill the rest of the space with decorated eggs.

DIY Easter basket - video

10 sweet gifts for Easter

Taking into account the fact how many of us are fans of chocolate and other masterpieces of confectionery art, consider the options for sweet Easter ideas:

Choosing Easter souvenirs

When the gifts of sweets for Easter are already ready, you need to think about something "more serious". We are talking about durable presentations - souvenirs.

So that you do not get confused with their choice on the eve of Bright Resurrection, we offer ideas for Easter gifts:

Preparing Easter surprises for everyone

What to give to your beloved grandparents, children, best friends and everyone else? How to be guaranteed to guess with an Easter gift? Let's try to figure it out.

Our dear grandmothers, mothers, girlfriends and young beautiful daughters will certainly be delighted with Easter-themed jewelry:

They will also be delighted with colorful polymer clay jewelry: bracelets, pendants and earrings with miniature Easter cakes, colorful eggs, sweets and Easter baskets.

Kids who love fashionable things will love the hat with long bunny ears. If there are a lot of kids in the house, give each a mask with the face of a symbolic animal: a rabbit, chicken, lamb, chicken or cockerel. A merry masquerade will be a real treat for children.

It is important to remember that it is not at all necessary to give non-themed gifts on this bright day. By tradition, a basket of gifts will be enough, and everything more is at your discretion.

Gift ideas from different countries

The spring holiday of Resurrection reminds us of the awakening of nature, warmth and future rich harvests. Throughout the Christian world, people are equally rejoicing and rejoicing, but in many countries of the world this day is celebrated in a special way. For example, there are unique holiday characters with whom we will get to know with interest.

For a variety of celebrations, it would be very useful to borrow interesting and unusual traditions from other regions of the world, and at the same time to join their culture, expanding your horizons.

We make gifts ourselves

Today, DIY Easter gifts are of particular value. After all, giving something exclusive and from the heart is worth a lot.

Usually, to implement Easter ideas with your own hands, you need PVA glue, multi-colored paper or cardboard, blanks of eggs made of wood or foam, ribbons, natural or artificial flowers, all kinds of twigs. And then your imagination comes into play.

You can use these interesting ideas for inspiration:

Use ideas for Easter with children, they will be invaluable in making a holiday gift with your own hands.

A homemade basket with paper flowers will look very lush and spring-like:

  1. You will need different shades of green paper to cut the weed. For flowers - any bright colors: pink, red, yellow.
  2. Around the cardboard blank or oval box, glue the cut grass in several layers, and on top, on the cardboard handle of the basket, glue the molds of the buds.
  3. You can even add a brown paper fence. We put the traditional Easter set inside.

Children will also help to arrange greeting cards. Compositions of multi-colored eggs, branches of fluffy willow and the invariable phrase: "Christ is Risen" look beautiful on them. The applications on the postcard also look fun: you can first draw chickens, and then cut them out of colored paper and glue houses for them - shells; decorate the frame in an original way - stick rhinestones of different colors.

A familiar, unremarkable egg stand can be made very festive and presentable:

  1. First of all, paint it in a different color, for example, in a delicate lavender shade.
  2. Then place a white lace napkin in each cell.
  3. And finally, put the eggs wrapped in gold foil into the box. Well, if there is still a cover on the stand, then a heartfelt congratulation is written or pasted on it.

Choosing or preparing gifts for Easter is not at all difficult for those who love to make joyful surprises for relatives, friends, neighbors and colleagues. And there are so many great ideas for Easter presents! So you can involuntarily find yourself among people who love to give more than to receive gifts. But do not forget about yourself: pamper yourself on this spring festive day, preparing a welcome surprise.

DIY decorative Easter egg - video

The bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ is pleasant not only with good weather, pious thoughts and family feasts, but also with lovely presents.

What to give friends and relatives for Easter?

Traditional Easter gifts: eggs and cakes

Coming on this bright day to visit relatives or neighbors, it is customary to bring a couple of colored eggs and a small Easter cake with you.

These are standard gifts for Easter, and their special value lies in the fact that they are prepared with your own hands - with love, in a good mood and in thinking about God.

The brightly colored testicles are important. They personify the beginning of a new life, that is, the Resurrection of Christ.

Therefore, in the evening before the joyous holiday, household members diligently paint: someone in the old fashioned way, with the help of onion peels, someone with modern variegated dyes.

The stores sell special themed stickers and openwork "costumes" for symbolic products, so there should be no problems with decoration.

Why we paint eggs for Easter? The question is quite interesting and there is an exact (almost historical) answer to it. According to legend, Mary Magdalene wished to announce the Resurrection of Christ to the emperor.

Each visitor to the palace was obliged to present a gift, but she only had a chicken egg with her. Having presented Tiberius with a modest offering, she recited the famous "Christ is risen."

At that moment, it was not a traditional Easter greeting, but just incredible news. The emperor, of course, did not believe it, and said sternly: “This is impossible! Like a white egg will never turn red! "

And then a miracle happened. When the egg took on a bloody hue right in front of Tiberius's eyes, he exclaimed: "Indeed he has risen!"

DIY Easter gifts

In addition to eggs and cakes, it is customary to give any gizmos of our own production for Easter - in other words, “hand made”.

These can be style cards, crocheted napkins, cross-stitched paintings, beaded products, paper or straw flowers, as well as other handmade items.

Most often, such crafts are created by children, but adults can also take part in the touching preparation of Easter gifts. The theme, of course, is festive - from decorated eggs to rabbits, kittens, chickens and spring flowers.

Gifts for Easter, like the holiday itself, are distinguished by a special variegation and richness of colors. They bring with them joy, light, sun and the anticipation of the imminent onset of warmth. Therefore, feel free to mix colors and create!

If you are heading to a home with babies, it will be great to bring some sweets with you. Best of all are chocolate eggs in variegated wrappers, marzipans and dessert options for cakes with a variety of candied fruits and nuts.

To complete the Easter gift, fold the treats on a bright napkin, place them in a wicker basket, and place a plush hen or chicken in the center.

Guys of any age will be delighted if you bring small toys with you, even symbolic ones (dolls, model cars, mini-constructors, animal figures, etc.). You can hide the presents in the same basket among the eggs.

Textiles are another popular and practical type of Easter gift. If you are closely related and know the size of the clothes that the child wears, then you can buy a skirt, shirt, fashionable jeans, sneakers or any other wardrobe item for him.

Pajamas with your favorite cartoon characters or a set of bed linen will be relevant. Not only the child, but also his parents will be happy!

What to give your relatives for Easter?

If you are invited to a family dinner, it is customary for the hosts of the feast to present useful household items - dishes, kitchen utensils, small appliances, home textiles.

Tablecloths and towels, as well as plates, salad bowls and sets of glasses will be in demand. Bed linen is always appropriate. Such gifts are considered not only useful, but also truly family gifts.

By the way, for adults, you can also collect a gastronomic "Easter basket" by filling it with delicacies for the common table.

For example, smoked meats, craft cheese, freshly baked bread, honey, wine and fruit. Don't forget to decorate the set with colorful ribbons, bows and painted eggs.

If a lot of guests gather at dinner, prepare a small but warm souvenir for each - a magnet with congratulations, an egg-shaped candle, a mug, a plush chicken, a festive chocolate bar, an original rolled towel or a potholder.

When choosing what to give for Easter, remember: the cost of presents is not so important as the sincere feelings with which you present them!