What develops at 11 weeks of gestation. When to see a doctor. What does the belly look like?

At the stage of its completion, the first trimester, toxicosis manifests itself less and less, and the woman's uterus is increasing in size more and more. This is 11 weeks pregnant. Outwardly, this period manifests itself weakly, but internally, the woman's body has already practically adapted to its new position. Fears associated with the onset of pregnancy are left behind, the woman becomes more stable emotionally.

New sensations of slight discomfort in the abdomen appear with the onset of the 11th week of pregnancy. This is evidence of an enlarged uterus. It is uncomfortable for a pregnant woman to lie on her stomach because of the feeling that something is in the way. The fetus in the 11th week of pregnancy is growing rapidly and the uterus can already be easily felt. In some women, at the 11th week of pregnancy, the belly is still weakly distinguished, while in others, a noticeable tubercle already appears by this time.

In the gynecologist's calendar, there are 11 obstetric weeks of pregnancy - this is the 9th week from conception, which means that the third month is coming to an end. In this case, the countdown starts from the first day of the last menstruation. Consequently, the age of the embryo in the mother's abdomen is 9 weeks.

The fruit begins to move more clearly and actively. Touching the uterine wall, he tries to push off. At this "age" the baby already reacts to the mother's cough, sudden movements and jumping. When amniotic fluid enters the baby's nasal passages, he perceives odors and changes in the mother's diet. Vessels are visible through its thin and transparent skin. The arms and palms develop at an active pace - the fingers are formed and separated. The digestive system was almost improved, the rectum appeared. At the 11th week, the baby begins to yawn and more often swallows the amniotic fluid in which it is located. The small heart beats at a rate of 120 to 160 beats per minute.

Medical examination at the 11th week of pregnancy

By the beginning of this period, a woman should already be registered with her gynecologist. And in the future, in the event of complaints of general malaise, it is necessary to seek the advice of a specialist.

The list of tests that a pregnant woman must pass in the 11th week of the first trimester:

  1. Prenatal and biochemical screening, which will identify possible defects in the development of the fetus. These are mandatory tests, the doctor gives a referral for their delivery, starting from the 11th week of pregnancy. At this time, the collar zone of the child is clearly visible. By its thickness, the doctor determines the risks for the development of Down syndrome. Having received certain indicators in the course of the study, they are compared with the standards, determining the level of risk. Exceeding the established norm is not necessarily a deviation in the child; in some cases, this may indicate a tendency to illness. Screening analysis is ultrasound and biochemical.
  2. Blood is taken from a vein to determine the amount of chorionic hormone (hCG) and PAPP-A protein in it. During the first trimester, this test should be taken almost every week. This hormone is produced by the woman's body on the 8th day after conception, and it is synthesized by the chorion (shell of the embryo). Hence the name - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Its task is to control the activity of the corpus luteum, under the influence of which the mother's body produces other important hormones - estrogen and progesterone.

To get the correct indicators, it is necessary to donate blood from a vein in the morning and always on an empty stomach. This method for determining the level of gonadotropin in the blood serum is more reliable than urinalysis.

For 11 weeks of pregnancy, the norm for hCG is from 20,900 to 291,000 mIU / ml. If your indicator exceeds the permissible standards, then this may indicate possible abnormalities in the development of the fetus, Down's syndromes, etc. However, this is not a regularity, you should not worry prematurely. Elevated hCG can also be an indicator of twins or triplets, diabetes in a pregnant woman, and hormone supplementation.

On the contrary, a low hCG content indicates a threat of miscarriage, pathologies of the placenta, intrauterine death of the fetus, as well as its growth retardation.

In cases where this hormone was not detected at all at the 11th week of pregnancy, this may be evidence of an ectopic pregnancy.

  1. Examination on an ultrasound machine.

If an ultrasound has not yet been done by week 11, now is the time to do it. During the examination, the doctor finds out the correspondence of the development and size of the fetus to the current date, assesses the state of its organs, determines the place of fixation of the future placenta (chorion).

When a woman is tested for Down's syndrome, she should first be offered an ultrasound examination in order to establish the gestational age and have more accurate figures about the expected date of birth.

In addition, ultrasound helps to establish the heart rate of the baby, and when measuring the collar space, it gives more real indicators. An ultrasound scan gives the doctor an idea of ​​how the 11th week of pregnancy in a woman is going on, and what happens to the baby. The specialist determines whether this is a multiple pregnancy or singleton, because if a woman decides to determine Down syndrome with twins, then the indicators will not be accurate.

After passing your first examination with an ultrasound specialist in the 11th week of pregnancy, you will see the first photo of your baby.

Many women look forward to this procedure because of the opportunity to look at their baby. And even if at this stage it looks only the size of a date, but this is your unborn child, who already has a small heart beating.

After examining the ultrasound machine, the 11th week of pregnancy in the photo of the fetus looks like this:

The baby, surrounded by amniotic fluid, lies on its back. The head is still large in comparison with the body, its size is about 18 mm. The baby's face is already outlined, you can see the eyes, lips, nose and mouth. The dark spot in the picture is a heart that beats at a rate of 120 to 160 beats per minute.

Signs of the 11th week of pregnancy

The third month of pregnancy should no longer cause a woman to doubt her position. In addition to internal rearrangements, outwardly the 11th week of pregnancy also makes itself felt, and you can see obvious changes in the photo.

At the 11th week of pregnancy, only a doctor can reliably know what is happening to the expectant mother and whether these signs are characteristic of the first trimester. Among the main manifestations accompanying a woman at this time, the following can be distinguished:

  1. The metabolism is accelerated by more than 20%, due to this, the consumed calories are burned more intensively.
  2. Blood begins to circulate faster, causing the woman to sweat profusely and become thirsty.
  3. A sharp change in mood. The emotional background is also unstable. A woman can be irritable, restless, and whiny. During this period, moral support is important for a pregnant woman, she cannot be left alone for a long time, however, if psychological problems cannot be eliminated, you need to seek the help of a professional psychologist.

11 week of pregnancy: sensations of a pregnant woman

Pregnancy at the stage of the 11th week already brings significant relief, the sensations become more pleasant. The main manifestations of pregnancy in the 11th week:

  1. Some women may still have toxicosis in the morning, but this is rather an exception.
  2. Any discomfort should be alarming and a reason for seeking medical attention. In no case should you endure pain, otherwise you risk the health of your baby.
  3. Vaginal discharge, white with a sourish odor, is the norm.
  4. By the end of the first trimester, the breast increases by 1 size. She is still very sensitive and may have discharge from her nipples. They are called colostrum and will show up right before delivery.
  5. It is at the 11th week of pregnancy that constipation and heartburn can occur as a result of changes in hormonal levels.
  6. A woman may complain of absent-mindedness and memory lapses. And this is also possible, because constant thoughts about a child, the anticipation of his birth can contribute to forgetfulness and lack of composure.

Fetal development in the 11th week of pregnancy

The child grows by leaps and bounds. Extremities and internal organs are rapidly developing, already by the 11th week of pregnancy, the size of the baby is about 6-8 cm.The weight of the fetus can vary from 10 to 15 g.

At this time, the following processes take place:

  1. The spine straightened, the neck appeared. Thanks to this, the child can raise his head.
  2. On the legs and arms, fingers are formed and separated, while the arms are still longer than the legs.
  3. The baby is learning to move more and more actively, now he is already gently pushing off the wall of the uterus.
  4. Erythrocytes have already begun to form in the spinal cord.
  5. At the stage of its formation, the baby's liver. It forms the proteins needed to build a small organism.
  6. Bile is produced in the gallbladder, and hormones are produced by the pituitary gland.
  7. The main parts of the brain have already appeared and new nerve cells are being formed every minute.
  8. Muscle work begins to be coordinated by the nervous system.
  9. The rudiments of milk teeth begin to appear, and cilia and eyebrows are visible in the picture.
  10. The genitals are at the stage of formation, it is still impossible to clearly determine the sex of the baby. However, experienced obstetricians with their professional eyes can distinguish between boys and girls in the early stages.

  1. If you notice brown discharge or bleeding, see your doctor immediately.
  2. Protect yourself from the possibility of catching any cold infection.
  3. As the fetus grows, your weight will grow, so it will not be superfluous to purchase anti-varicose tights to reduce stress on your legs. After each walk, it is advisable to lie down and relax your legs.
  4. Avoid anesthesia and anesthesia. This also applies to dental treatment with pain relievers.
  5. Avoid deep penetration positions when having sex, otherwise you will feel uncomfortable.
  6. For constipation, eat fruits, beets, radishes, turnips. Drink fruit drinks and compotes made from natural products.
  7. If you suffer from heartburn, exclude fried, pickled and smoked foods with spices. Sour foods and drinks should also be limited.
  8. Bloating can be provoked by fresh soft bread, sweets, grapes, cabbage. If symptoms persist after you stop using these products, see your doctor.
  9. If you sweat profusely, it is recommended to wear clothes made from natural materials. When the skin begins to breathe, sweating will decrease.
  10. If you experience any discomfort while urinating, see your doctor as it could be symptoms of cystitis.

Possible problems in the 11th week of pregnancy

A pregnant woman may face such problems:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. Pain in the 11th week of pregnancy can sometimes indicate an enlarging uterus, but pain together with brown discharge is a threat of miscarriage. In this case, you need to urgently seek the help of a doctor who should refer you to an ultrasound scan and determine the nature of the problem.
  2. In addition to brown and bloody discharge, discharge of gray and greenish shades is also considered pathological. They may be accompanied by swelling, redness, itching and burning. A symptom of candidiasis is a cheesy and foul-smelling discharge.
  3. At the final stage of the first trimester, the body temperature of the pregnant woman rises. Normal indicators for this week are 37-37.2 degrees, this temperature does not need to be brought down, you can only lower it with a plentiful warm drink.
  4. Infection. Despite the fact that the placenta performs its functions and protects the baby from all kinds of infections, the risk of harm to the baby is still great. At this stage of pregnancy, a woman should be wary of rubella, which causes pathologies in the development of the fetus. Medicines, antibiotics and strong antipyretic drugs cannot be used, which means that one cannot catch a cold. Do not stay in crowded places for a long time, wash your hands and follow all the rules of hygiene. If the disease has overcome you, resort to treatment with folk remedies: inhalation, brewed herbs, rinsing the nose and mouth.

11 week of pregnancy: diet of a pregnant woman

The key to good health of the mother and the full development of the baby is proper nutrition. For a period of 11 weeks, a woman's diet should consist of high-calorie and high-protein foods that satisfy the body's needs for calcium, iron and other vitamins. It is useful to eat beef, cottage cheese, vegetable oil, any cereals, vegetables, fruits.

Get used to fractional meals, as this will help avoid constipation. Do not get carried away with fried foods, spicy and fatty. The main components of your diet at 11 weeks should be cereals, lean meat, herbs, nuts, vegetables, fruits and a lot of water. Fluid is especially needed now by your body, as it is involved in the process of updating the amniotic fluid in which the baby is located.

The following foods should be avoided:

  • raw fish (stroganina, sushi);
  • cottage cheese from the market;
  • medium-rare meat;
  • raw eggs;
  • alcohol.

Things to Avoid in 11 Weeks of Pregnancy

Any adequate woman should be aware that during pregnancy she must protect herself and her child by all means from negative influences, which are very numerous in the environment.

So, the list of negatively influencing factors includes the following:

  • X-ray radiation;
  • narcotic drugs;
  • radioactive radiation;
  • active and passive smoking;
  • antibiotics, hormonal drugs;
  • taking hot baths;
  • contact with cat urine and feces (due to the fact that cats are carriers of toxoplasmosis);
  • jumping, push-ups, pull-ups on the bar;
  • viewing negative films, horrors, bloody scenes. Books with scenes of violence;
  • constipation.

Try to completely eliminate:

  • stress;
  • physical exercise;
  • loud and unnerving music;
  • vibrations affecting the body;
  • coffee, black tea;
  • contact with sick and infected people;
  • contacts with chemistry (perfumery, detergents and detergents);
  • inhalation of smells of paint, varnish and other chemicals;
  • refined sugar intake should be minimal.

Beauty and health in the 11th week of pregnancy

Try to relax more often and disconnect from all worries. You can, because you will soon become a mother, and now a new life is being formed inside you. Start delighting yourself with small pleasures for which soon you will not have time after the birth of your baby.

Go shopping with your friends, go to an art gallery, or watch a positive film. Spa treatments are also not prohibited, so feel free to sign up for your next session.

Swimming is considered especially beneficial for pregnant women. Water procedures help to strengthen the muscles of the arms and legs, the cardiovascular system. The load on the ligaments and joints is reduced, and therefore in the water you can relax and rest well.

At the same time, do not forget that in your position, it is recommended to rest every 2-3 hours.

11 weeks pregnant: exercise and side effects

Exercise during pregnancy is beneficial in that it allows you to maintain muscle tone and body flexibility. Sports can be used to treat many of the ailments that occur during pregnancy. Light bends, stretching of the legs and arms are always useful, but you also cannot overdo it and you always need to listen to your body.

You should immediately consult a doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • a sharp rise in temperature;
  • swelling of the arms and legs more severe than usual;
  • pain in the calf muscles;
  • blurred vision and double vision;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • acute abdominal pain;
  • bleeding.

11 week of pregnancy. Video


On 11 weeks pregnant the number of blood vessels in the placenta has increased significantly, because the future baby needs more nutrients every day.

Everyone can also disrupt the usual "pre-pregnant" rhythm of life drowsiness and fatigue, in this case, you should not deny yourself additional rest, and do not forget that now it is important to get as much sleep as possible.

It's time to get to know the department underwear for pregnant women, your breasts may enlarge enough to require a new comfortable bra.

Mood swings the future mother should not be a reason for her loved ones to suffer. Try to talk more with the dad of the future baby so that he understands what is happening to you. Tell him about your feelings, sensations, ask for help if you need help with any issue. Pregnancy is a difficult period for all family members, so it should be experienced together, being as attentive and patient as possible to each other.

During pregnancy, in order to control the process of fetal development, a woman must undergo laboratory and other diagnostic tests. Ultrasound examination is the most informative and reliable. It is included in the planned comprehensive examination - prenatal screening. An ultrasound scan at 10-11 weeks of gestation is usually prescribed as part of the first screening. During this period, you can track how the embryo develops, determine the presence or absence of defects, deviations and pathologies. In addition, thanks to ultrasound, it is possible to assess the state of the reproductive organs of the expectant mother - the uterus, placenta, ovaries.

With each next week, changes occur in the child's body: functional systems are formed, organs are laid and developed, the first skills appear.

An ultrasound scan at 10 weeks gestation can tell about:

  • Exact timing of pregnancy
  • The number of fetal eggs in the uterine cavity
  • Size, height and weight of the fetus
  • Bookmark organs
  • Genetic abnormalities
  • Indications for termination of pregnancy
  • Functionality of the female reproductive organs

And although developmental progress occurs weekly, the difference in ultrasound results at 11 weeks of gestation will not be significant. With the help of diagnostics at this time, you can find out about the same parameters as at week 10.

It is not yet possible to determine the sex of the child, both at 10 and 11 weeks. An experienced doctor can guess gender, but there is a high likelihood of error.

How the procedure works

In the first trimester of pregnancy, which includes both 10 and 11 weeks, ultrasound can be performed in 2 ways: transvaginal and transabdominal. The preparation for the procedure and its process will be different.

Transvaginal examination. This ultrasound method is more often used in the period of 10-11 weeks. This is due to the fact that the uterine cavity is not yet located close to the abdominal wall. The study is done with a probe, which is inserted into the vagina in a sterile condom. The position of a woman on the couch is lying on her back, legs bent at the knees. On the eve of the procedure, it is advisable to empty the intestines, and immediately before it, it is imperative to empty the bladder. It is not advisable to eat food on the day of the procedure, which leads to gas formation.

Transabdominal study. This method is carried out in such a way that a special gel is applied to the abdomen and a sensor is guided over it. The woman is on the couch in a supine position. It will be appropriate to drink 1-2 glasses of water 30-40 minutes before the procedure. This method does not need any other specific preparation.

Both ultrasound options are painless and harmless. You can eat food in front of them.

It is not forbidden to take an ultrasound scan - you can take a picture of a screen with a picture of a baby, or you can ask a diagnostician to print a photo.

Parameters of the rate of fetal development at 10-11 weeks of pregnancy

Every woman is interested in tracking the process of intrauterine evolution. Thanks to the detailed ultrasound protocol, it is possible to compare the studied parameters with the norms corresponding to a particular period.

Fetal development rates at 10 weeks of gestation:

  • Presentation of the fetus - any, it will change many times
  • Heart rate - 150-180 beats / min
  • Height - 28-42 mm
  • Weight - 5-7 gr
  • Neck zone thickness - 0.8-2.2 mm
  • Biparietal head size - 14 mm
  • Coccyx-parietal size - 33-49 mm
  • Fetal presentation - similar to 10 weeks
  • Heart rate - 120-160 beats / min
  • Height - 40-68 mm
  • Weight - 8-1 gr
  • Nasal bone - visible
  • The thickness of the collar zone - 0.8-2.4 mm
  • Biparietal head size - 17 mm
  • Coccyx-parietal size - 42-58 mm

Fetal development rates at 11 weeks of gestation:

What indicators are given priority attention

Coccyx-parietal size Is a very important parameter. It represents the distance from the crown of the head to the coccyx of the embryo. Deviations of CTE from the norm at 10-11 weeks of gestation may indicate: non-developing pregnancy, infections, hormonal deficiency, genetic pathologies.

Nasal bone size- a parameter by which it is possible to find out whether the fetus is developing normally. With reduced or no bone length, chromosomal abnormalities and abnormalities can be detected. The norm of the nasal bone at 10-11 weeks is determined not by its size, but by its presence.

In case of deviations from the average indicators of the norm of the above parameters, a decision can be made to terminate the pregnancy.

Norms of indicators of the reproductive organs of the mother:

  • Placenta - may not have formed yet
  • Chorion (predecessor of the placenta) - location no closer than 5-7 mm from the internal os of the uterus, it should not overlap the pharynx; absence of calcifications and heart attacks on it; maturity degree - 0
  • Amniotic fluid - amount - 20 ml; the absence of impurities and suspensions in them; color - not cloudy
  • Cervix - length - at least 3 cm; both pharynx (internal and external) of the uterus - closed
  • Uterus - tone - not increased
  • Fallopian tubes and ovaries - no concomitant diseases

What do poor ultrasound results say?

Deviations from the norm can be caused by a number of diseases, primarily of a genetic nature. Possible pathologies:

  • Down Syndrome
  • Patau syndrome
  • Cornelia de Lange syndrome
  • Edwards syndrome
  • Smith-Opitz Syndrome
  • Omphalocele
  • Anomaly of the structure of the central nervous system
  • Chromosome number abnormality

Most of these conditions are characterized by mental retardation, developmental defects, autism, and reduced life expectancy. Patients who are suspected of any of the above abnormalities are sent to the genetic center for examination.

What happens to a woman at 10-11 weeks

The first thing a pregnant woman is associated with is a characteristic rounded tummy. The abdomen for a period of 10-11 weeks with a singleton pregnancy looks like after a heavy meal.

Due to the active growth of the fetus, the uterus begins to grow rapidly, and already reaches the size of a rather large apple or orange. She already becomes cramped in the pelvic area and she shifts into the abdominal cavity. This is what causes the abdomen to round.

If a woman is expecting not one child, but twins or triplets, then the belly will be significantly increased in volume. At 11 weeks of pregnancy, a woman has a desire and need for some amendments to her wardrobe. Clothes are getting tighter every day.

With the onset of obstetric week 10, a woman may notice weight gain. 2-3 kg from the moment of conception can already be added.

Most often, toxicosis still worries the expectant mother a little.

There may be pain and tenderness in the chest.

The cost of ultrasound diagnostics

An ultrasound scan at 10-11 weeks refers to a routine screening, in many antenatal clinics it can be done free of charge.

If you want to be examined in another clinic, on average you will have to pay 700-800 rubles for the procedure. On an ultrasound scan, you can purchase a photo of the fetus within 100-300 rubles.

Ultrasound diagnostics at 10-11 weeks of pregnancy informs about the presence of gross malformations of intrauterine development, pathologies of the reproductive organs. When the results are in doubt, it is vital to undergo a comprehensive examination. Based on its results, it is necessary to make a rational decision - to try to eliminate the factors that have a detrimental effect on the fetus, and to preserve the pregnancy, or resort to drug termination - in case of irreversible pathological processes.

The 11th week of pregnancy is the penultimate one in the first trimester. This is the period when the first worries are over: the fetus is firmly entrenched in the uterine cavity, is growing and developing confidently, and the expectant mother herself has finally gotten a little used to the idea of ​​what is under the baby's heart. And although outwardly this may still be imperceptible, the most important changes are constantly taking place inside her body. Let's find out which ones.

How the fetus develops at 11 weeks

At this time, pregnant women are most often interested in what happens to the baby at 11 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, the fetus is experiencing a sharp leap in development. It is after 11 weeks that the embryo becomes a fetus and begins to look like a little man.

The 11th obstetric week of pregnancy is a time when many important changes take place in the baby. The size of the fetus at the 11th week of pregnancy is only 5-6 cm, and the weight is about 8 g. Despite the fact that the baby is still very small, he is already finishing the formation of the main systems and organs, and reflexes appear.

The expectant mother will be interested to know the following facts related to the development of her child during this period:

  • at 11 weeks of pregnancy, the formation of the brain is completed, the division into the left and right hemispheres is clearly visible in it, and the cerebellum is already determined;
  • the genitals begin to take shape, but if you spend an ultrasound scan at 11 weeks of pregnancy, it will be very difficult to see the baby's gender. Even if the doctor conducting the research makes public his assumptions about the sex of the fetus, they are likely to be wrong;
  • internal organs continue to develop intensively - liver, gastrointestinal tract, heart;
  • future milk teeth begin to form in the baby's gums;
  • the fetus has grasping and sucking reflexes;
  • the neck muscles are strengthened, and the child begins to turn his head at 11 weeks;
  • hair follicles appear in the crumbs, the development of hair and nails begins;
  • the baby moves freely in the uterine cavity and even touches its walls, but the mother herself will not feel this yet: at 11 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus is still too small.

A future mother who wants to understand what her baby looks like at 11 weeks of pregnancy should know that his body is still disproportionately folded: in relation to the body, the head seems very large, and the legs are much shorter than the arms. By the way, the membranes that the embryo had between the fingers already disappear at this time.

In general, we can say that the gestation period of 11 weeks is a special stage in carrying a child, in some way it is considered an important milestone: at this time the risk of spontaneous termination of pregnancy passes and the laying of all vital systems is gradually completed.

What does the expectant mother feel?

What are the feelings of a woman during pregnancy at 11 weeks? 11 weeks can be for the expectant mother suffering from toxicosis, the very moment when this unpleasant symptom finally ceases to appear.

Of course, for some, it can persist up to 14 weeks, but still, usually by the end of 11-12 weeks, the woman's well-being is normalized, in connection with which she often has a surge of strength and a desire to redo a lot of things.

A cheerful mood in the expectant mother is, of course, great, but do not forget that overstrain can cause a threat of miscarriage, so at this time you need to be careful not less than in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Due to the characteristic changes occurring in the body, a woman may feel the following signs of pregnancy at 11 weeks:

  • constipation and flatulence;
  • excessive sweating;
  • deterioration or, conversely, improvement of the condition of the skin, hair and nails (depending on the individual characteristics of the organism);
  • breast augmentation;
  • headache;
  • a change in figure due to the growth of the uterus and an increase in body weight.

Some symptoms may not be very pleasant for the expectant mother (for example, increased gas production or the appearance of skin problems), while others will delight. So, at the 11th week of pregnancy, the breasts finally stop hurting, and the sensitivity of the nipples decreases. Already at this time, one can see that liquid is released from the milk ducts: this is colostrum, a harbinger of milk, and its appearance is absolutely normal, so nothing needs to be done here. The sensations concerning the bladder also change at the 11th week of pregnancy: the uterus begins to rise into the abdominal region, therefore, it somewhat reduces its pressure on the nearby organ, and the amount of urination decreases.

Proper nutrition at 11 weeks of gestation is one of the conditions for the well-being and full development of the fetus. As well as throughout the entire gestational period, the following should be present in sufficient quantities on the table of a pregnant woman:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • lean meat;
  • lean fish;
  • dairy products.

But food that causes constipation and bloating is best avoided. This includes:

  • White cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • rich pastries;
  • fatty and smoked dishes.

The eleventh week of pregnancy is the time when the expectant mother should think about buying special clothes for pregnant women, because very soon her tummy will begin to noticeably round. Even if visible changes in the waist area have not yet been observed, excessive tissue pressure can cause discomfort to the woman herself and not in the best way affect the state of the uterus, therefore, it is better to refuse from tight things in favor of comfortable and loose wardrobe items.

What you should pay attention to

You should know that the 11th week of pregnancy also has features. Its onset may carry some possibility of complications, although it is characterized by a decrease in the risk of miscarriage, so a pregnant woman should still be careful about her condition in order to seek medical help on time if necessary.

Severe sharp pain in the abdomen should be the reason for an immediate call for an ambulance. One cannot hesitate if such sensations of a woman are also accompanied by bloody discharge.

This can be a sign of an incipient miscarriage, and in this case, hours go by. It must be remembered that it is often possible to maintain a pregnancy at 11 weeks only thanks to the timely intervention of qualified specialists.

It is imperative to monitor vaginal discharge. Normally, week 11 is accompanied by thick, abundant discharge of a light color (leucorrhoea). But if the nature of the leucorrhoea changes, an admixture of pus, an unpleasant odor or a cheesy consistency appears, this may indicate the development of an infection that must be treated immediately so that it does not get to the fetus. Otherwise, unforeseen complications may occur.

In general, any unpleasant symptoms, especially those associated with the work of the uterus and other internal organs, should prompt a pregnant woman to see a doctor as soon as possible. Treatment of any diseases during this period must be carried out in a timely and effective manner in order to avoid pathologies of fetal development.

What happens to the belly

Many women may notice that the belly at 11 weeks of gestation

is already starting to protrude a little forward. Of course, the point is not at all that the child at 11 weeks has already grown so much that it makes itself known in this way. The growth of the tummy during this period is most influenced by the uterus, which has already risen somewhat from the small pelvis upward and has increased, adjusting to the growing fetus and the increasing volume of amniotic fluid. The size of the uterus at 11 weeks of gestation is 10 to 12 cm.

In slender women, the grown uterus can already be seen as a small mound above the pubis.

However, this is not at all necessary: ​​some expectant mothers, being already at a long stage of pregnancy, admit that they did not see any "hillocks" and "bumps", and the stomach immediately began to protrude forward. True, a few weeks later. If a woman is expecting twins, her tummy at 11 weeks is already impressively rounded.

In fact, both the complete absence of abdominal growth and the slightly increased volume in this area are completely normal phenomena that depend on the individual characteristics of the course of pregnancy and the body of the expectant mother. It should be borne in mind that if the fetus is attached to the front wall of the uterus, then the tummy begins to grow earlier.

It is still impossible to feel any movements at this time. Everything that a woman takes for fetal movements is actually due to the work of the gastrointestinal tract and increased gas production.

Since the belly at the 11th week of pregnancy is already beginning to increase, it is time to take care of the prevention of stretch marks. To do this, you need to use special moisturizing and nourishing cosmetics for expectant mothers. Do not forget that not only the belly grows, but also the buttocks, hips and chest, so these areas also need to be regularly applied.

Examinations at 11 weeks

The gestation period of 11 weeks is the time when the expectant mother can be sent for a special comprehensive examination designed for early detection of fetal malformations - the first screening. To do this, a woman will have to go through 2 stages: go for an ultrasound scan and donate blood from a vein for biochemistry.

The first screening allows you to identify pathologies such as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, neural tube malformations and a number of other serious disorders in the development of the baby.

An ultrasound scan at 11 weeks is necessary in order to assess how the fetus is developing. The specialist will evaluate several indicators at once.

  1. First, the physique of the baby, his height and weight, as well as the presence and location of organs are considered.
  2. Second, the blood supply to the uterus and placenta is assessed.
  3. And, finally, thirdly, ultrasound calculates the thickness of the collar space (cervical fold). If this parameter does not meet the standards, there is a risk that the baby may be born with chromosomal abnormalities.

In a blood test, specialists will be interested in 2 indicators: the amount of plasma protein and the level of hCG. Low hCG levels can be a sign of abnormalities in the work of the placenta, and high levels are characterized by the presence of genetic abnormalities in the fetus. A large amount of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood of a pregnant woman may also be evidence of multiple pregnancy. A lowered plasma protein level is a signal of the risk of developing congenital malformations.

It should be borne in mind that according to the results of the first screening, no one will make terrible diagnoses to a pregnant woman. To confirm the presence of pathology, as prescribed by a doctor, additional studies will be carried out (most often - amniocentesis, that is, a study of amniotic fluid). In addition, it will be necessary to visit genetics.

Week 11 is an important stage in the formation of the baby and in the course of the entire pregnancy. The second trimester is just around the corner - the quietest period in the life of the expectant mother. In the meantime, she should make sure that her child receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and fresh air and is as protected as possible from the effects of harmful substances, because his further development largely depends on these factors.

The 11th week of pregnancy occurs in the third month. The period is not easy, but important. The child is growing, the female body is preparing for the next, second trimester. But most of these changes go unnoticed. Let's lift the veil of secrecy and tell you what happens to the baby and your body.

What happens to the baby

At the 11th week of pregnancy, the baby is no longer an embryo, but a fetus! His heart works, the liver, endocrine glands and kidneys continue to develop.

Outwardly, he does not yet look like a child, but gradually takes the form familiar to the human eye:

  • the neck is straightened, the head is now set almost straight;
  • the external genitals are formed, but it is still difficult to identify the sex - they are too small;
  • pupils are pigmented;
  • a vascular network that permeates the body develops;
  • hair follicles are laid, but the hairs will begin to grow only after 10-14 days;
  • the fingers are lengthened, and the palm can be compressed into a fist;
  • the auricles are already there, but they are still low.

In addition to the baby, the placenta develops in the uterus. At 7-9 weeks, the fetus "connected" to the placental circulation, but this process will be completed only at 4 months of gestation. The placental circulation is not yet fully ready, but the placenta is already performing most of its endocrine functions: it produces hypothalamic, pituitary-like and growth hormones, cytokines, and specific pregnancy hormones. Everything a growing body needs.

Fruit length and weight

The length of the small body is now 4-6 cm, and the weight is 8-11 grams. This is slightly larger than the average plum. The main organs are laid and formed, so the child begins to actively grow in length. Legs, arms, fingers grow. Calcium is needed for limb growth. And its main source is the mother's body!

What's going on with mom

The uterus grows ahead of the fetus in the rate of development. Thanks to this baby, it is spacious and free. If desired, he can perform a somersault 360 degrees without touching the walls of the uterus.

The growing uterus fills almost the entire pelvis. The neighboring organs are very uncomfortable because of her. The bladder is especially affected. You can feel it by going to the toilet 1.5-2 times more often than usual. The intestines are also uncomfortable. But it is also exposed to the action of progesterone, which relaxes the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and delays the movement of feces through the colon. In the expectant mother, this is manifested by flatulence and constipation.

Oddly enough, but it is the increased gas production at this time that causes a slight increase in the abdomen. The actual belly will begin to grow when the uterus rises completely above the pubic bone. This will happen at the beginning of the fourth month.

What happens to your health? Everyone has it differently! Those who have not had to deal with toxicosis can feel it now or continue to enjoy life without nausea and morning vomiting. But expectant mothers with strongly pronounced early preeclampsia will have to endure a little more. By the end of the trimester, nausea, vomiting, constant fatigue and drowsiness will subside. In the meantime, rest, long sleep and rest are most important. Outwardly, a woman practically does not change at this time. Everything is ahead. However, with hypovitaminosis, you may notice dry skin, brittle nails and hair loss. Complex vitamin and mineral preparations and correction of the diet will improve matters.

Analyzes and examinations

According to the obstetric plan, pregnant women take the main block of tests for the first trimester before the end of the month. If you registered earlier, perhaps most of it has already been submitted. If not, it's time to start. The basic tests for all pregnant women are the same:

  • Urine (general and for bacterial culture);
  • Blood (total, group and Rh factor, HIV, hepatitis and syphilis);
  • Vaginal discharge smear (cytology and flora).

As a rule, the list of tests for the first trimester is not limited to basic studies. Focusing on the anamnesis and complaints of the pregnant woman, the gynecologist can prescribe: coagulogram, blood sugar test, TORCH infections (cytomegalovirus, herpes, toxoplasmosis, etc.).

But analyzes and tests are not exactly what the expectant mother is looking forward to. The most anticipated study of this period is ultrasound, the so-called first routine screening. It is carried out simultaneously with a double biochemical test of hCG and PAPP A. The biochemical test has one task - to assess the risk of having an infant with Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome and a number of other congenital anomalies. Ultrasound screening also evaluates markers of chromosomal pathologies (nasal bone, collar thickness, head size, etc.), but in addition to them, the doctor determines the general condition and degree of development of the fetus, the position of the placenta, and the amount of amniotic fluid.

The fetus of the first third of gestation has such a feature as spasmodic growth. That is, the parameters of the baby's body at 10-12 weeks may lag behind the normalized coccygeal-parietal and biparietal sizes by 10-30%. Do not panic and be afraid of pathology. Ask your obstetrician-gynecologist to prescribe a second ultrasound scan in 2-3 weeks. As a rule, during this period of time the weight-height characteristics equalize.

Dangers and complications

The eleventh week of pregnancy should not be accompanied by pain and pulling sensations in the lower abdomen and lower back. But that's okay. In fact, many pregnant women complain of a feeling of tension in the pelvic area. Irregular and weak, these sensations, most likely, indicate a gradual stretching of the ligamentous apparatus that supports the uterus and ovaries. At the same time, constant or intense pain / pulling sensations are a sign of an unfavorable course of pregnancy. It is imperative to inform your doctor about such symptoms.

At 11 weeks of gestation, the risk of spontaneous abortion is still high, so watch your discharge. Anything that is not reddish-pink or brown is a variant of the norm. If there is any trace of blood, fresh or not, be sure to seek medical attention. At such times, a miscarriage often begins with a small placental abruption, in which spotting is scarce and hardly noticeable. At this stage, the fetus can be saved if drug therapy is started in a timely manner and go to bed rest.

Pregnancy is not a disease, but even with a normally proceeding gestation, it is worth taking care of yourself and the child by eliminating as many danger factors as possible. These include:

  • alcohol, energy drinks and nicotine, including secondhand smoke;
  • extreme physical and psychological stress;
  • medicines and phytopreparations with embryotoxic effect;
  • sex and any, even medical manipulation of the pelvic organs;
  • thermal and ionizing effects.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!