Urine color in newborns. Concentrated urine in infants

waste productsit is urine that is an indicator of human health. By the color, the degree of transparency and the presence of impurities, a preliminary diagnosis can be made by identifying possible diseases of the urinary system and not only. It is especially important to track the color of urine in young children, who, due to their age, cannot explain their condition in words.

Why does the child dark urine ? This question worries all parents who saw that their urine crumbs darker than usual. Causes darkening of urine can be very diverse, ranging from non-pathological, medication or dietary habits, to serious, various diseases of the urinary system.

The child's urine darkened, what does this mean?

Darkening in the morning urines if the child feels good, he does not have any accompanying symptoms, it is considered the norm. In the morning, the urine accumulated overnight in the bladder always has a more intense color than during the day. And this applies to both children and adults. If the urine is dark throughout the day, and such a picture is observed for several days, it is worth taking a closer look at the child.

When the baby's behavior is without visible changes, he does not become capricious anymore, his body temperature does not rise, and there are no signs indicating painful sensations, with a high degree of probability it can be argued that a change in the color of urine is the intake of certain foods that stain urine.

For parents , however, you need to be on the lookout if the child's urine suddenly darkens. Many diseases can proceed without a pronounced symptomatic picture in the early stages, and even if nothing changes in the general condition of the child, urine will be the first to indicate the presence of pathology, changing its color and, often, smell.

Analysis of urine

To be sure that the discoloration of the urine is caused by the use of for food certain products, and not some pathology, it is necessary to pass a urine test. To diagnose diseases of the organs of the urinary system, a general analysis of urine is carried out.

Rules for preparing a child for analysis

No special preparation is required for the laboratory test. The day before collecting biological fluid, it is necessary to stop giving the child sweets and a number of products which may affect the color of the urine. it beet , carrot. If the analysis is required to pass baby at the age of 3 years and older, who eats from the common table, you need to remove salty foods from the diet, for example, herring, pickled cucumbers, from the diet the day before urine collection.

When urine testing is to be performed on a breastfed infant, the mother must comply with dietary restrictions.

Only the first daily urine is suitable for analysis, which means that urine must be collected immediately after waking up in the morning. Before collecting biological material, the child must be washed with water, without soap and gels. Urine is collected in a special container, or any washed, sterilized container. To collect urine from baby a special urine bag is used.

Normal color of baby urine and abnormal

Fine in a child, the color of urine should be light, having a straw shade ... Availability is allowed brown shade with an increase in the concentration of pigments and salts, which is observed with the use of certain foods. This is especially often observed when the baby changes from breastfeeding to complementary foods. There should be no mucus, flakes and other pathological inclusions in the urine.

Pathological shades of urine are red, constantly dark brown. The urine should not be bright yellow.

Non-pathological factor of darkening of urine in a child

Where does the coloring come from the child's urine becomes dark or reddish - the disease is not always the cause of this condition urinary tract , kidneys or organs of the reproductive system. Influence on the color of urine has a child's nutrition, medication, or psychological and emotional state.

Features of baby food

The peculiarity of such a biological liquids , like urine, in that along with it, by-products of vital activity, food debris, are excreted from the body. Beets, fortifiedred pigments, will certainly leave a mark in the urine, giving it Orange color , or even red if a lot of beets were eaten.

The following foods can affect the color of urine:

  • beef;
  • certain types of fish;
  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • rhubarb;
  • blueberry;
  • blackberries (stains waste products in black).

Enough to change diet food, excluding foods with a high content of pigments from it, and the urine will acquire a normal color. Dark urine may be due to consumption of large amounts of black tea , carbonated water with food additives.

Consequences of taking medication

The color of urine in a child often changes due to the intake of certain drugs - vitamins, some antibacterial drugs, such as Metronidazole. Antimicrobial drugs of the nitrofuran group can change the shade of urine. How some drugs affect urine:

  • antibiotic Rifampicin, Analgin - red urine;
  • Aspirin - pink tint;
  • Activated carbon - dark brown;
  • Senadexin is a lilac shade of urine;
  • Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin - yellow orange-tinged urine.

As soon as the medication is stopped, the urine will return to its normal color.

Hygiene in girls

Due to the peculiarities of the anatomy of the urinary system, girls are more likely to be susceptible to infectious and inflammatory diseases. Bladder ... The short length of the ureter opens the door for pathogenic bacteria to the organs of the urinary system. Parents need to especially carefully monitor the hygiene of the little girl's genitals, and if signs such as a change in the color of urine are found, even in the absence of concomitant symptoms, immediately consult a doctor.

Pathological causes of dark urine in a child

The color of urine changes not only due to the use of certain foods and medicines, but also due to the development of diseases of the internal organs. In addition to changing the color of urine, with inflammatory and infectious diseases, not only does the color of urine change, but also concomitant symptoms.


An allergic reaction to food is manifested in a change in the color of urine. The body fluid becomes darker, the child has signs such as a rash and redness of the skin.

Infectious diseases

Development kidney inflammationand the bladder may not have severe symptoms in the early stages of development in the form of pain and deterioration of the general condition. But urine immediately reacts to the first changes in the state of internal organs. The urine darkens, acquires an unpleasant, pungent odor. As the disease progresses in the urine, you can see impurities of mucus and light flakes.

Concomitant symptoms:

  • back pain;
  • in infants - moodiness, poor sleep;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain when urinating;
  • decrease or complete lack of appetite.

Treatment infectious diseases must be started immediately, as they quickly lead to serious complications.

Urolithiasis disease

Urine in the presence of kidney stones is much darker and exudes a very sharp, specific odor. There is a painful symptomatic picture, similar in nature to manifestations in infectious diseases. An accurate diagnosis can only be made through laboratory analysis of urine,additional analyzes- blood test, ultrasound, rarely - MRI.

Development of neoplasms

In the early stages of the formation of oncological neoplasms, there is no symptomatic picture. The only thing that can be alarming is the darkening of the urine, or its acquisition of an atypical bright color.


Food, drug and other types of poisoning always lead to severe intoxication of internal organs. Trying to get rid of toxic substances on its own, the body removes them with by-products of vital activity - urine and feces, which makes urine dark in color. In case of poisoning, the following symptoms are present:

  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased body temperature;
  • general weakness and lethargy.

The color of urine also changes when dehydration , which always occurs with poisoning due to diarrhea and vomiting.

Other reasons

Darkening of urine can be caused by diseases gallbladder , jaundice due to an increase in the concentration of bilirubin.

The emotional state of the child is of great importance to the color of urine.Psychology of childrenarranged in such a way that they have a very pronounced psychosomatics and any emotional shock affects the condition and function of internal organs. The impact of divorce parents when it breaks up a family or subsequent pregnancy mothers, when an older child has the first jealousy, all this can cause dark urine due to stress. If the child's emotional state is not leveling out, it may be necessary to correct the state psychologist .

Keeping children healthy is an important task for a mother. In the stream of daily worries, we manage to track the slightest changes in the mood and well-being of our children. One of the harbingers of impending danger is yellow urine in a child.

Urine or urine is a biological fluid secreted by the body. Through urine, processed and, including, harmful substances are removed from the body.

Normally, about two liters of fluid are excreted from the body during the day. The composition and amount of urine excreted may vary. It depends on many internal and external factors (diet, fluid intake, climate, physical and nervous stress, the work of internal organs).

The chemical composition of urine indicates metabolic processes and the work of several organs and systems at once. Since ancient times, doctors have learned to diagnose diseases by the composition of urine (color, smell, additional inclusions). Diagnostic tools are perfect today. And in the laboratory, with the help of special equipment, the exact chemical composition of the biological fluid is measured. This facilitates the diagnosis and improves the accuracy of the diagnosis.

Meanwhile, we still focus on the most basic indicators - the bloom and smell of urine. And attentive parents keep track of them. Since a change in these indicators may indicate possible violations in the work of internal organs.

What shade of urine is normal?

The state of the biological fluid (urine) secreted by us is a full-fledged source of information about the processes occurring in the body. Changes in its composition, pigment, density, odor, additional inclusions may indicate both serious violations and improper nutrition, drinking, and natural processes.

At an early age, when the baby is still feeding on breast milk, the color of urine can be pale yellow and even colorless. Gradually, with the introduction of complementary foods, the shade becomes saturated, the smell is sharper.

Normally, an older baby has a color of urine from light yellow to yellow. The shade may vary depending on the diet and time of day. After a night's sleep, it is brighter.

Natural causes of urine discoloration

The color of urine can tell a lot to an experienced doctor and help an attentive parent to prevent the possible development of a serious illness. However, a change in the color of urine may not always indicate an impending threat.

If you notice that your urine has turned a deep yellow or light brown color, answer the following questions:

  • whether there have been changes in the usual diet;
  • how much liquid the child drinks per day.

The amount of liquid that a person drinks significantly affects the internal processes in the body. Adequate amount of fluid creates the necessary balance in the body. Lack of water can cause dehydration, which affects overall well-being. And including, on the color of urine (becomes bright orange). Wastes and toxins are eliminated along with urine. With a lack of fluid, the genitourinary system cannot cope with the task. Some of the harmful substances can enter the body.

Medication can also cause discoloration. Vitamins, antibiotics or antimicrobial agents affect the shade of the fluid removed. It becomes a deep yellow-orange or bright yellow color. Vitamins and dietary supplements have the same effect.

Foods with a bright color also affect the shade of urine (carrots, beets, colored soda, etc.) Excess salt and seasonings affect the digestion of food and, accordingly, the color of urine.

The color of urine changes during the day. In the morning it has a rich color, as the substances accumulated during the night are removed. By the evening, especially with a heavy drink, it becomes lighter.

So, there are four reasons that lead to a natural change in shade:

  • dehydration (especially during a hot period with profuse sweating);
  • the use of certain substances or products;
  • excessive salt intake;
  • the morning portion of urine is always more saturated in color, since metabolic products accumulate in it during the night.

If the cause of the bright yellow urine is natural, the color will return within 24 hours.

What affects the change in urine pigment?

The composition of urine indicates the metabolism of the body. If it is very active, the color and smell will be pronounced. Physical activity, increased loads affect the metabolic process, give an additional load on the kidneys.

There is such a substance - bilirubin. It is a pigment. It stains the urine yellow. Bilirubin is formed as a result of the breakdown of red blood cells. The metabolism of bilirubin is associated with the work of many systems and organs, which is why urine analysis is so often used in diagnostics. If the functions of organs are impaired, a larger amount of substance enters the biological fluid, this affects the color of urine - from bright yellow to deep brown.

Indicators of content in urine in people of different ages differ. In newborns, an increased content of the substance is considered the norm. This is due to adaptation to new conditions. The so-called jaundice of newborns usually goes away on its own, without additional intervention.

In infants up to one month old, the concentration of a substance from 2 to 20 μmol per liter is considered the norm. Older than one month, the indicator changes - from 3 to 20 μmol per liter. In older children, a concentration of 3.4 to 17.1 is considered the norm. With increased rates, additional tests are taken, including a blood test. It is important to pay attention to the collection of analysis and its storage. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of foreign substances entering the container. To do this, it is good to wash the child, take a sterile jar.

What color can urine be in a newborn

Normally, newborns have yellow or straw colored urine. By the second week, it may change to brick. This is a natural process and should not be alarming for parents. At this moment, the adapting body of the baby removes a large concentration of urine.

The jaundice of a newborn can provoke a pigment that is greenish or deep yellow. This is due to the restructuring of the kidneys during the transition from intrauterine development. The color should change within a week.

The pink color can be caused by increased secretion of urine crystals. This is not a deviation. And not dangerous to life.

A dangerous symptom is pigmentation with a reddish tint. This could be a sign of impaired kidney function or a cardiovascular problem.

When does urine turn bright yellow

  • dehydration;
  • hemolytic disease;
  • intestinal infections;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • physiological jaundice in an infant;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

As a rule, these diseases are accompanied by additional symptoms: changes in stool, nausea or vomiting, the smell of acetone, the presence of blood in the urine, a sharp rise in temperature, lethargy and decreased appetite, discoloration of the skin, cramps during urination, frequent urination, stabbing pain in the sides.

Poisoning causes increased liver and kidney function. Harmful substances are removed from the body and organs work hard. This also affects the pigment of the excreted biological fluid.

If the liver is dysfunctional, the child may also complain of painful sensations in the back, sides, cutting and stabbing when urinating. Also, babies more often than usual ask for a potty or, conversely, refuse to write with crying, as this causes unpleasant painful sensations. May leak droplets of urine into panties.

Also, violations of the urinary system are indicated by increased sweating and high fever, the smell of acetone from the child.

Note. The smell of acetone and discoloration of urine may also be associated with a lack of glucose in the child's body during the period of illness. When the temperature rises, the body expends a lot of energy. At this point, glucose plays a crucial role. With its lack, the body begins to consume other substances, which affects the functioning of the kidneys. The way out of the situation is an abundant sweet drink.

When urine discoloration is a dangerous symptom

If the color of urine does not change during the day, a pungent odor appears, sometimes the smell of acetone, you should make an appointment with a doctor.

Discoloration of urine may be associated with the development of the following diseases:

  • poisoning (vomiting and nausea);
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • pancreas cancer;
  • urolithiasis disease.

These diseases are very serious and can be fatal. Therefore, it is important to get diagnosed by a specialist. A complete list of tests will be prescribed by a doctor. The main analysis will be urine analysis.

Cloudy urine in a child

Along with pronounced pigmentation, another dangerous symptom is the clouding of the biological fluid. Also, protein flakes, bloody discharge or mucus may be present in the secretions. All these manifestations indicate a malfunction of individual organs and systems of the body, and require additional diagnostics to detect the disease.

Inflammatory diseases are a common cause of these manifestations. In young children - kidney and bladder disease. As a rule, they are accompanied by concomitant symptoms - pain and cramps in the lower abdomen, in the sides, on the back on the sides, cramps when the baby pees, frequent urge to go to the toilet, fever, profuse sweating (with kidney disease).

What to do?

The first step is to exclude the natural causes of discoloration of urine. If during the day the secreted liquid has retained its rich shade, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Self-medication is extremely dangerous, since the causes of violations can be very different. Important spot treatment and medication appropriate to the case.

How to properly collect a urine test

Urine is a good material for diagnosing changes in the body. It is very important to collect the analysis correctly. This will avoid mistakes in the diagnosis.

  1. Prepare a sterile jar (you can buy it at the pharmacy).
  2. Rinse the baby with warm lukewarm water.
  3. Collect the middle portion (some tests require you to collect the entire portion, in which case the doctor will give appropriate recommendations).

Please note that if kidney disease is suspected, it is recommended to get tested for three days in a row. In this case, you can very clearly trace the change in the protein index in the body and make the correct diagnosis.

Preventive measures for the normal functioning of the genitourinary system

Prevention can save parents from unnecessary anxiety. For good body work, proper metabolism, the child needs sufficient drinking.

Changes in the color of urine can tell a lot, for example, about a baby's diet, little medications, or various diseases. But what if the baby's urine suddenly becomes discolored and looks like water? Is it dangerous and is it a sign of illness?

What color should be normal?

The color of urine is affected by the content of pigments called urochromes. The color of urine in healthy babies is yellow, while the color intensity can be from a very light yellow hue to very saturated. The more pigments in the child's urine, the more intense the color of the liquid will be. At the same time, in the morning, the baby's urine will be darker, as it is concentrated during the night's sleep.

Urine in children should normally be yellow.

Possible reasons

The appearance of discolored urine in a child can be caused by:

  • Drinking a lot of fluids, as well as foods that have a lot of water (for example, watermelon). The kidneys have to excrete the resulting fluid in greater quantities, which becomes the reason for the clarification of urine.
  • Diabetes insipidus. One of its symptoms is increased thirst, and since water enters the body in excess, it is excreted in more quantities, and there are fewer pigments in the urine.
  • Diabetes mellitus. Such a disease is also characterized by constant thirst, and the kidneys are trying to help in the elimination of glucose, therefore they work more actively.
  • Renal failure. As a result of the disease, the kidney function is impaired, so the fluid that the body needs is not absorbed back in the kidneys, which threatens dehydration.
  • The use of diuretics. The urine leaves the bladder faster than it is saturated with pigments.

If you are sure that urine clarification is not associated with high fluid intake, you should consult a doctor.

When is it worth going to the doctor?

If the child's urine has become very pale, almost transparent, like water, and the volume of urine excreted has increased, the child must be shown to a specialist.

It should be noted that for the urine of an infant, a pale color is a variant of the norm, because in the first months after birth, the kidney function is just being formed, and the baby only receives mother's milk or a mixture for food.

If the child excreted yellow urine, and then it suddenly brightened, it is worth going with the baby to the pediatrician. The doctor will send the baby for clinical blood and urine tests, and, if necessary, for other studies, as well as examination by a nephrologist or endocrinologist.

SAVE YOURSELF always come in handy!

A very interesting activity for young parents is the study of the child's analyzes, with their interpretation according to the norms given in the form. Dear, these are the norms, firstly, for adults, and in children, the normal indicators sometimes differ very much. And secondly, the forms printed a hundred years ago under Tsar Pea and since then have not been edited. Therefore, before dragging your obstinate child through all sorts of doctors, let's figure out if there is any pathology in the analyzes.

See our tables and their transcripts!

Urine analysis - what to look for and decoding: Urine analysis in children. How to collect, what to look for

Urine is an aqueous solution of electrolytes and organic matter. The main component of urine is water (92-99%), in which about a thousand different components are dissolved, many of which have not yet been fully characterized. Every day, about 50 - 70 dry substances are removed from the body with urine, most of which are urea and sodium chloride. The composition of urine varies significantly even in healthy children, so urinalysis is complicated and makes one be very careful when interpreting the results.

The daily volume of urine and the concentration of certain components in it depends on the intensity of glomerular (in the glomeruli of the kidneys) filtration, the degree of tubular reabsorption and / or excretion.
Indications for the appointment of a urine test:

Diseases of the urinary system;
Screening examination during medical examinations;
Assessment of the course of the disease, control of the development of complications and the effectiveness of the treatment;
Persons who have had streptococcal infection (tonsillitis, scarlet fever) are recommended to have a urine test 1-2 weeks after recovery.
Healthy children are encouraged to perform this test 1-2 times a year.
Urine collection rules

In order for the results of the analysis of urine to be reliable, it is necessary to collect it correctly. Only morning urine is suitable for analysis.

First, we prepare the container. Wash a small jar with a wide neck and dry it. You can also use special bags-urinals (put on the genitals, glued, put on a diaper on top), they are sold in the pharmacy.

The child's genitals must be clean, the baby must be washed in preparation for urine collection - do not overdo it, wash it as you usually do. Do not use potassium permanganate, herbal infusions, or other antiseptics.

It is quite difficult to catch the moment of urination in a child under one year old, but many parents know the signs by which one can determine that the child wants to write - the baby is worried, screams, or, conversely, freezes. All that remains is to bring the urine bag under the stream. It is preferable to collect the middle portion of urine.

You cannot pour urine from the pot, no matter how well it is washed, it is better to put a clean container in the pot to collect urine. You cannot squeeze urine out of a diaper or diaper, or even sterile gauze - all this distorts the analysis results.

If the child does not want to "pass urine for analysis" in any way, stimulate him to urinate by stroking his abdomen clockwise, or by the noise of pouring water.

In older children, urine is collected in the same way as in adults: wash, collect the middle portion of urine in a clean, dry container.

Decoding urine analysis

When conducting a general analysis, the amount of the collected morning urine portion has no practical value (well, unless you bring 1 ml of course). The normal amount of urine excreted during the day is highly dependent on age. The amount of urine excreted during the day in children can be approximately calculated using the formula:
600 + 100 (A - 1) = ml of urine in 24 hours, where A is the number of years of the child.

Diuresis increases with the intake of large amounts of fluids, the consumption of foods that increase the excretion of urine (melon, watermelon), decreases with restriction of fluid intake, increased sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, and in premature babies. Oliguria or anuria in newborns can be suspected if dry diapers are present for 12 to 18 hours.

The main indicators studied in urine:

1. The clarity of urine is determined by examining the urine in transmitted light. Normal urine is clear. Turbid urine can be with pyelonephritis or cystitis if it contains a large amount of mucus, cells, bacteria and / or salts.

2. Color of urine. Normally, young children have straw-yellow urine. At an older age, it becomes amber yellow. Children with pyelonephritis may have a more intense color of urine because this condition often causes a decrease in urine volume due to fever, vomiting, loose stools, and increased sweating. The color of urine may change with certain medications and foods. Rhubarb produces a greenish tint to urine. When taking riboflavin (vitamin B2), the urine becomes intense yellow. The urine darkens on standing if the child receives nitrofuran preparations (furagin, furadonin, etc.).

3. Reaction of urine. In a healthy child, the normal reaction of urine is slightly acidic, and it can change depending on the nature of the food. An alkaline reaction is observed when eating plant foods, and an acidic reaction is observed when eating meat. A child's ability to excrete both acidic and alkaline urine can be a confirmation of the normal functioning of his kidneys. Acidic urine (pH 5.5) is often observed in acute diseases of various origins, and neutral and alkaline (pH 5.5) in urinary tract and kidney infections due to the decomposition of urea by bacteria with the formation of ammonia.

4. Relative density (specific gravity). The specific gravity is determined by the content of solutes in the urine, primarily salts and urea. Under normal conditions, the relative density of urine during the day varies from 1008 to 1025, depending on the nature of the food, the amount of fluid drunk and excreted, and the child's age. This indicator characterizes the work of the kidneys for the dilution and concentration of urine. In chronic pyelonephritis, the specific gravity of urine may remain low and monotonous during the day, which will indicate a violation of the kidneys.

5. Protein in urine (proteinuria). Healthy children do not have protein in urine when it is determined by conventional methods. Sensitive studies show that protein is excreted in the urine and in single portions its concentration is not more than 0.033 g / l. In a child with pyelonephritis, protein may be present in the urine, reflecting damage to kidney tissue (renal proteinuria). Protein can enter the urine from the mucous membranes of the urinary tract or vagina - this is extrarenal proteinuria.

6. Leukocytes in urine (leukocyturia, pyuria or pus in urine). Pus in the urine comes from the bursting small pustules that form in the kidney or urinary tract during inflammation. It mainly consists of white blood cells - leukocytes. Leukocytes "eat" microbes (this process is called phagocytosis) and save a person. An increase in the number of leukocytes in the urine indicates an inflammatory process in the kidneys or urinary tract. In the urine of a healthy child, when examined in the field of view of a microscope, single leukocytes can be found.

The detection of more than 5-7 leukocytes in the urine in boys and 8-10 in girls may indicate an inflammatory process in the urinary tract and kidneys. However, leukocytes can enter the urine from the external genital organs, which is possible in boys with narrowing and inflammation of the foreskin (phimosis with balanoposthitis), and in girls with inflammation of the external genital organs (vulvovaginitis). Inflammation of the external genital organs is manifested by local redness, leucorrhoea and other secretions that stain linen. Suspicion of this process can be resolved by the doctor when examining the external genital organs. If necessary, a urologist is involved in the examination of boys (elimination of phimosis), and girls - a gynecologist, who conducts not only an examination, but also a special study (a smear from the vaginal mucosa) and treatment of vulvovaginitis. With prolonged leukocyturia, the doctor also excludes renal and urinary tract tuberculosis.

7. Erythrocytes (red blood cells). Erythrocytes in the urine of a healthy child are absent or are found in a single number (1-2 in the field of view of the microscope). When red blood cells appear in the urine in excess of the norm, they speak of "hematuria" (blood in the urine). The term "gross hematuria" is used when blood is secreted in such an amount that the color of urine changes, it becomes dark red, the color of "meat slops" or "strong coffee". With "microhematuria", the color of urine does not change, and erythrocytes are detected by examining urine under a microscope. More than 100 congenital and acquired diseases can cause hematuria. Pyelonephritis, cystitis and reflux are on this list. Parents can help the doctor decipher the reasons that change the color of urine, since some food plants (beets, blueberries, etc.) or medications can stain it.

8. Cylinders in urine. The cylinders are casts of the renal tubules, the base of which is coagulated protein, so they appear in the urine with protein. Another condition for the formation of cylinders is the presence of an acidic urine reaction. They do not form in alkaline urine or dissolve quickly.

9. Salts. By the presence of salts in the general analysis of urine, one can judge its colloidal state, acidity and other properties. Depending on the acidity of urine, various salts can precipitate: in an acidic environment - uric acid, uric acid and calcium phosphate, calcium sulfate, calcium oxalate; in alkaline urine - triple phosphates, ammonium urate, amorphous phosphates, calcium carbonate and calcium oxalate. The amount of excreted salts can be determined only in daily urine. Uric acid precipitate is observed with excessive consumption of meat, strenuous exercise, fever, fasting, or taking hormones (prednisolone).

Oxalates are present in the urine of children who eat foods high in oxalic acid - coffee, tea, nuts, strawberries, black currants, spinach, rhubarb, lettuce. Oxalate crystals can appear with prolonged standing of urine. Triple phosphates and amorphous phosphates are often found in urine sediment in pyelonephritis and cystitis. For this reason, the presence of salts in the urine does not allow the conclusion about the violation of salt metabolism.

The doctor, not the parents, should deal with the decoding of the urine test.

Clinical blood test in a child. What to look for and decryption:

Hemoglobin (Hb) is a protein that transports oxygen to tissues and carbon dioxide to the lungs.

Red blood cells (RBC - Red Blood Cells) are the main blood cells, the "containers" of hemoglobin. The size of the containers is determined by the "Average amount of hemoglobin in one erythrocyte" parameter. Color indicator - the ratio of the obtained values ​​of the amount of hemoglobin and erythrocytes to normal.

Hematocrit (Hct, PCV - Packed Cell Volume) - characterizes the ratio of plasma volumes and formed elements (blood density)

Reticulocytes - young erythrocytes are always present in the blood, the amount depends on the body's need for new erythrocytes.

Platelets - the main cells of blood coagulation, are not of interest in the treatment of acute respiratory infections.

Thickening of the blood (lack of fluid) is manifested by an increase in hematocrit and the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.

Leukocytes (WBC - White Blood Cells) are uniform blood cells that represent the immune system. The study of leukocytes allows you to understand the cause of the disease (bacterial, viral or allergic)

An important feature of the child's body is that the number of leukocytes in a child is, on average, much higher than that of an adult (since the immune system is just being formed).

Leukocytosis - an increase in the level of leukocytes above normal. It occurs during acute (especially bacterial) infections, purulent inflammatory processes, oxygen deficiency, etc.

Leukopenia - a decrease in the level of leukocytes below normal. It occurs with viral infections, with severe toxic and infectious conditions, accompanied by bone marrow suppression, with some bacterial diseases, radiation sickness, etc.

Leukocytes are divided into the following 9 types:

Neutrophils (myelocytes, metamyelocytes, stab, segmented) - 4 types;





Plasma cells.

The ratio of different types of leukocytes (in%) forms a leukocyte formula.

Neutrophils - are especially active against bacteria. The more pronounced the bacterial inflammatory process, the greater their ratio in the formula. Matured neutrophils are called. segmented (a kind of special forces), immature - stab, young - metamyelocytes, and the smallest - myelocytes.

The more active the fight in bacteria, the more stab neutrophils in the blood ("all to the front"). Metamyelocytes and myelocytes appear only in the most critical cases, when the body is struggling with its last strength.

Basophils - have nothing to do with acute respiratory infections (normally no more than 1%)

Lymphocytes - participate in immune, are responsible for general and local immunity (detection, recognition and destruction of antigens, synthesis of antibodies, etc.). The main and most common type of leukocyte in the blood. Lymphocytosis is primarily a symptom of a viral infection.

Monocytes - are engaged in phagocytosis (absorption and digestion of bacteria, dead cells, etc.). Lives in the blood for about 30 hours, after which it passes into tissues, where it matures to a macrophage (from ancient Greek - a big devourer).

Plasma cells - are responsible for the formation of antibodies (normally 1 in 200-400 leukocytes in children, absent in adults). The number increases primarily with viral infections with damage to lymphoid tissue (infectious mononucleosis, measles, rubella, chickenpox, etc.)

The sedimentation rate of erythrocytes, ESR - the size of the column of settled erythrocytes per hour (mm / h). An increase in ESR indicates an inflammatory process in the body (in children, it is normal from 2 to 10 mm / h)

How is a complete blood count performed?
A general blood test does not require special preparation. As a rule, the analysis is carried out in the morning, on an empty stomach (or 2 hours after a meal). Blood for general analysis is taken from a finger (usually from a ring finger) using a special sterile instrument - a scarifier. With a quick movement of the hand, the doctor makes a small puncture of the skin of the finger, from which a drop of blood soon appears. The blood is collected with a small pipette into a vessel that resembles a thin tube. Less commonly, blood for a general blood test is taken from a vein.

Biochemical analysis of blood in children. What to look for, decryption.

As a rule, the decoding of a biochemical blood test of a child includes eight main indicators.
blood sugar (glucose) and calcium levels;
kidney function test;
balance of electrolytes and body fluids.
When is this analysis done?

This set of indicators is often determined to assess the general condition of the body or for diagnostic purposes. It should also be performed in patients admitted to the emergency department, as it allows you to quickly get information about the possible cause of the problem and provide adequate assistance.

Decoding a biochemical blood test of a child:

Glucose is a sugar that constantly circulates in the blood and is needed to provide the body with energy. Deviations of this indicator from the norm indicate the presence of diabetes or hypoglycemia (low sugar level).

Calcium - plays an important role in the processes of muscle contraction, transmission of nerve impulses, hormone secretion. A decrease or increase in calcium levels may indicate hormonal imbalances or problems with the liver, bone, or pancreas.

Sodium, potassium, carbonates and chlorides (electrolytes) help maintain the fluid balance in organisms, as well as the acid-base environment. They are important for the regulation of heart rate, muscle and brain function. The deviation of electrolyte levels from the norm occurs with the development of heart disease, kidney disease, or severe dehydration.

Urea in the blood and creatinine are end products of metabolism and are excreted from the body through the kidneys. An increase in their concentration is a signal of possible problems in the functioning of the kidneys.
Preparation for analysis

In case of urgent need, the analysis of basic biochemical parameters can be performed without preliminary preparation. But in order for the results to give more objective information, the child should refrain from eating and drinking 8-12 hours before the analysis. When going to the doctor, choose clothes for your child that will not obstruct access to the ulnar vein.

Blood sampling is carried out from the cubital vein by trained health professionals. In infants, blood for biochemical analysis is taken from the heel using a thin needle. The place where the needle is inserted is treated with an antiseptic. The section of the arm above the vein is compressed in order to increase the pressure in the vein and achieve strong filling. Then a needle is inserted into the vein, through which the blood enters a special vessel or test tube.

At the end of the blood collection procedure, the pressure bandage is removed. The needle is removed after the required volume of blood has been collected. A piece of cotton wool is applied to the puncture site in order to stop the bleeding. The procedure takes no more than a few minutes.

Taking blood from a vein causes temporary inconvenience, the child will feel an unpleasant injection, but there is no strong pain during this procedure. Most children are afraid of this procedure. Help them. Explain the course of the analysis and its purpose, explain why the doctor performs this analysis and how the child's well-being will improve after undergoing the correct treatment. Let him ask any questions that interest him to the medical staff. Help your child relax during the procedure. The tension makes it more painful. Take your attention away from the needle, especially when inserting it into a vein.

In modern medical institutions, a biochemical blood test is performed using special equipment. It allows you to get the result within an hour, but usually there is no need for such a rush and you will have to wait about a day. If deviations from the norm in the analysis results are detected, a re-examination is prescribed.

In general, the analysis of blood biochemical parameters is a safe procedure, but in some cases minor complications may arise:
fainting or dizziness;
hematomas (accumulations of blood under the skin in the area of ​​a puncture of a vein).

Order of tables:
1. Clinical blood test in children
2. The main indicators of the biochemical blood test in children
3. The main indicators of biochemical analysis of urine in children

Urine is a liquid that the body secretes and with it removes the products of internal metabolic processes, etc. These products are the sources of urine color. Such as urobilin, urochrome, uroserin, uroerythrin color the liquid in various shades of yellow. Under normal conditions, urine should not be outside the yellow range., but sometimes there are exceptions to the rule. Vitamins and their absorption by the body can saturate urine with a bright green hue, etc.

  • directly from the quality of metabolism and the amount of fluid that is excreted from the body;
  • age also has an impact on this issue. In children, the color of urine is always weaker than that of an adult: in newborns, urine has an almost transparent color, in infants it is light yellow. But sometimes a slight reddish tint may be observed due to an increase in the level of uric acid;
  • finally, on what products or drugs are used. It is quite common for the urine to change color during illness and medication.

But it is also worth noting the fact that a change in the color of urine is most often evidence of pathological changes and diseases.

Golden yellow urine is normal

Why does orange urine appear?

Urine is orange or reddish in color if the following conditions exist:

  • a large amount of pigment that creates a yellow urine color: urochrome, urobilinogen, etc.;
  • consumption of foods with a high content of dye, by the way, not necessarily yellow. Any colorant can give an orange color when cleaved;
  • diseases of the urinary tract and taking medications.

All people excrete deep red urine in the morning, especially if the bladder has not been emptied before going to bed. In this case, the reason lies in the prerequisites of a hormonal nature.

Another reason for the appearance of orange urine is. Dehydration, that is, a deficiency of metabolic water, can be caused by intense physical exertion, prolonged lack of moisture intake, heat, etc. Urine of increased concentration occurs due to the fact that the kidneys are trying to compensate for the lack of moisture.

Abnormal shades of urine

Urine color is red

Absolutely any person will be surprised and even scared if the urine turns red, especially if the color is saturated. As a rule, such a phenomenon is a sign of a disease in which blood or hemoglobin has entered the urine. Such diseases include:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • the appearance of kidney stones;
  • oncology of the bladder or kidneys;
  • hemoglobinuria;
  • hemophilia;
  • bruises of the lower back or penis.

Glomerulonephritis can be an independent disease or one of the complications that causes lupus erythematosus. In the acute form, vascular permeability occurs to a large extent, the result of this is a deterioration in filtration and the ingress of red blood cells into the urine. In this case, urine can be either red or raw meat.

One of the manifestations urolithiasis- formation of calculi in the kidneys. Very often they can enter the bladder or ureter through the blood supply pathways. If calculi (stones) have a sharp surface, then it injures the mucous membrane, and blood particles will get into the urine. Often, the appearance of a symptom of rapid renal colic.

Bladder cancer for a considerable time, it may not cause any symptoms at all. When the upper films of the tumor decompose, blood can enter the urine. Symptoms that accompany this case are fever, weight loss and difficulty urinating.

Important:if you notice your urine is red, it’s better to see a therapist as soon as possible, who will prescribe additional examinations and tests.

Dark colored urine

As a rule, the lightness or dark color is influenced by the amount of liquid consumed: the more there is, the lighter the color. In addition, the dark color can be caused by exposure to toxins and the cause of some diseases.

Diseases and conditions causing dark urine:

  • an increase in the number of urochromates, which give a dark color as a result of dehydration;
  • consumption of pharmacological drugs such as quinine, rifampicin, nitrofurantoin and metronidazole;
  • additional or increased intake of vitamins C and B;
  • cholelithiasis complicated by hepatitis;
  • excess of the normal number of red blood cells;
  • poisoning with mercury vapor;
  • tyrosinemia;
  • infection of the urinary tract;
  • cancer of the urinary cavity;
  • calculi in the gallbladder;
  • kidney disease, including kidney stones and cancers;
  • hemochromatosis due to excess iron;
  • liver and pancreatic cancer;
  • vasculitis;
  • alcoholic and viral hepatitis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • bile duct cancer;
  • Goodpasture syndrome;
  • dietary factors;
  • schistosomiasis.

In addition, the color of urine is black, it can occur with mechanical damage to the liver.

Cloudiness in dark urine

If the dark color of urine is accompanied by the presence of turbidity, then this most likely indicates a kidney stone. If there is such a symptom, then it is necessary to consult a nephrologist as soon as possible. If a sharp change in the color of urine was of a short-term nature, then this fact should not be a cause for concern. But a prophylactic urine test in the clinic will not be superfluous.

The main thing is to ensure that the color change is not accompanied by the following processes:

  • constant desire to "go small";
  • fever, increased sweating;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • urine has a pungent acetone odor.

If there is at least one similar symptom, then you should not self-medicate and wait until the symptoms go away by themselves. Timely started therapy will identify possible prerequisites and begin measures to effectively eliminate them.

Dark urine during pregnancy

Pregnant girls should not immediately panic if the color of their urine turns dark. During pregnancy, even the most harmless factor can lead to this effect. Very often, dark urine in pregnant women is noticed after sleep, when the morning bladder emptying occurs. The color change in this case occurs with increasing concentration. The next urination decreases the concentration and, as a rule, the urine brightens significantly. If the urine does not change color to a lighter color, then it is better to consult a visiting specialist.

Brown urine

Brown-colored urine may appear as a result of eating a lot of beans or rhubarb. The same effect can be caused by the use of most drugs against malaria, as well as inflammation in the urinary tract itself. Sulfur or cascara, which are found in antibiotics or laxatives, give a persistent brown color to the urine.

The saturated brown color of urine can occur in diseases that are associated with liver damage: cirrhosis or hepatitis, and it also indicates that they cannot cope with the elimination of toxins.

Pink urine

Pink urine saturation in a healthy person can occur with the following foods:

  • Red beetroot,
  • black currant (if there is an acidic urine reaction),
  • rhubarb (alkaline reaction),
  • carrots in very large quantities,
  • blackberry,
  • Cherry,
  • products with the addition of red food coloring (lemonade, lollipops, etc.).

In addition, the urine may turn pink after the use of pharmacological drugs, which include:

  • aspiric acid;
  • ibuprofen;
  • purgen or phenolphthalein drugs;
  • aminophenazone;
  • rifampicin, etc.

Pathologies of the urinary tract, which are characterized by the appearance of pink urine:

  • cystitis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • vasculitis with kidney damage;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • oncological diseases of the bladder, ureters, kidneys;

A pink tint in urine is caused by a small amount of blood, similar to a red color. Saturation depends on the amount of blood that is present in the urine. Cystitis, the reason women suffer from, is very common. The hemorrhagic form of the disease, in addition to the pink color of urine, is accompanied by a strong increase in temperature, pain from the kidneys and lower abdomen. In addition to blood, the urine may contain clots of mucus, pus, or films.

Pyelonephritis is a disease in which inflammation of the urinary canal occurs, vascular permeability increases, and blood cells enter the urine. The pink color of urine is accompanied by the usual symptoms of toxic damage: general inflammation of the mucous membranes, headaches, fever, etc. Also, with the disease, high blood pressure is diagnosed, as a result of which swelling occurs.

Important: if there are any signs of inflammatory processes, then it is advisable to consult a doctor who will identify all the causes of the disease and methods of dealing with them. Self-medication in this case can lead to serious complications and longer treatment.

Products that stain urine pink

Blue urine

A greenish or blue tinge of urine is a very interesting and rare case. The appearance of this color is mainly associated not with damage to the genitals or urinary organs, but with the presence of infections or internal metabolism. A striking example would be a violation of the metabolic processes of tryptophan or the presence of a pseudomonas infection. Tryptophan is an amino acid compound that is present in large quantities in salmon, tuna, chicken breast, turkey, shrimp, and beef. Bluish urine is a rare pathology, but it should not cause excitement, as a rule, this phenomenon goes away on its own.

Other reasons include:

  • The contrast media used to detect kidney stones can stain the urine blue or light blue. Plus, consuming food coloring will do the same thing.
  • The use of the tetracycline group of antibiotics can cause a similar reaction in diabetics.
  • Pseudomanade disease (Pseudomonas - lat.)

If there is a change in the color of urine, then in order to determine the cause, it is first necessary to exclude all possible prerequisites of an external and physiological nature. For a more accurate determination of the causes, it will be necessary to conduct a urinalysis in a clinical setting using specific chemicals. The cumulative study will make it possible with great confidence to draw conclusions about a person's health based on the color of urine.

Urine collection containers

Video about the analysis and color of urine with Elena Malysheva