Baby vegetable puree in jars - looking for the best for the baby. Vegetable puree frutonyanya price Children's vegetable puree fruto nyanya

The baby is a small, very fragile, vulnerable and susceptible creature to the most insignificant changes for an adult eye. That is why caring mothers try to do everything in the best possible way for their little one.

You have to be very careful when choosing food for your baby.

This statement also applies to food for the baby, especially the first complementary foods. According to the rules, it starts with a one-component vegetable puree. Since children, like their parents, are all completely different, the issue of baby food for babies can be solved in two ways:

  • Self-preparation of food for the baby;
  • Canned vegetable puree.

Arguments in favor of canned puree

Cooking by yourself may be better, but only when there is a firm belief that the products, in particular vegetables, do not contain elements that negatively affect the growing and actively developing children's body. Yes, it is still quite burdensome to grow vegetables recommended for the first baby food (cauliflower, broccoli) on your plot or balcony. It is much easier and more reliable to use canned baby vegetable puree.

Are you sure that the vegetables used for homemade puree are completely safe for crumbs.

Canned because its recipe is developed by specialists in the field of nutrition of precisely the little inhabitants of our green Planet. Scientists and nutritionists take into account a huge number of factors that affect not only the correct physical “maturation” of an infant, but also its mental, somatic and other important functions.

The most selected products go to ingredients in baby puree.

Below is a brief overview of the most famous, high-quality and credible brands of children's vegetable puree.

Popular domestic brands

"Frutonyanya" is a time-tested brand.

"Frutonyanya"- the most famous, demanded, competitive domestic brand. The company produces a huge line of products for the smallest children and older children. Baby vegetable puree to start complementary foods is presented in 4 variations (broccoli, pumpkin, cauliflower, carrots) - all this is a monocomponent food containing only the vegetable itself and water. For those who have mastered the first dish in their life, the company offers 6 options for different vegetable mixes, which also do not have by-products (salt, starch). Care is shown "Frutonani" and in the way of packaging each children's meal: in addition to the hermetic lid, which is closed at the factory under pressure, the company has provided additional protection in the form of a dense, environmentally friendly polyethylene film from dirt getting under the lid of the jar. It is convenient that divisions in grams (25, 50 and 75) are applied on the film.

All Frutonyanya products are tested, approved and recommended for nutrition of infants by the Union of Pediatricians of Russia. The price for one 100 gram jar of vegetable puree does not exceed 28 rubles.

Larisa shares her experience of feeding her child « fruit nanny »:

“Almost every mom tries canned food, which she gives to her young child. At the same time, her personal opinion boils down to the fact that it is impossible to eat this incomprehensible substance of a greenish or color that does not inspire confidence at all. So I thought so, until my girlfriends (also young mothers) advised me to try vegetables from Frutonyanya. Having overcome doubts, I bought one jar for testing. Expectations, both mine and the baby were fully justified: both the smell and taste were appetizing, so my daughter ate the whole jar at once and very quickly. Now we are only sitting on Frutonyan.

Economic option

"Grandma's basket"- the most affordable, but no less high-quality Russian brand. The line of one-component vegetable purees of the company consists of:

  • cauliflower;
  • Broccoli;
  • zucchini;
  • Pumpkins.

This is a great selection, with the exception of the last vegetable on the list, for children on IV with allergies. A jar of vegetable puree, with a volume of 100 grams, can be purchased from 23 rubles.

"Grandma's basket" has won the trust of many mothers.

The assortment of fruit one-component treats for the smallest children is quite diverse. In addition to water and, in fact, the vegetable or fruit itself, nothing else can be found in mashed potatoes.

special treat

For older kids, the company offers cod, pink salmon and salmon puree, which is extremely rare for sale from other manufacturers.

Violetta talks about her impressions of the vegetable puree "Grandmother's Basket":

“During a planned visit to the pediatrician, the latter recommended that I start introducing complementary foods to my son. The doctor offered 2 brands to choose from: "Gerber" and "Grandmother's Basket". I didn’t find a single-component Gerber in the store, so I bought a basket, especially since I heard a lot of flattering things about this brand.

I will say that the product pleased me with its consistency, quantity, and price. I really like that the lid is easy to open. What confused - the smell, not the most pleasant, but the child eats both cheeks, without any whims. We have been eating for half a month - everything is wonderful! I advise!

Popular and in demand

"Subject"- a domestic brand that has gained popularity with many moms and dads (although you can also find Hungarian production). branded "Subject" mainly dairy products are produced, but manufacturers and children, who are just starting to get acquainted with the huge world of new taste sensations, did not ignore. Zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli - this is an assortment for the first complementary foods. Puree contains only vegetables and water. The price scale starts from 28 rubles for a 130 gram jar.

Puree "Tyoma" does not lag behind in popularity from other brands.

Nadezhda shares about her baby's acquaintance with this brand:

“We really liked it, and the fact that it is liquid is a confirmation of what is written on the package “zucchini and water”. Other manufacturers often add all sorts of thickeners. My opinion: thickeners have no place in baby food. Everything must be natural!

Famous import brands

Gerber- its manufacturer is the Swiss company Nestle. At the first stage of complementary foods, the company offers 4 types of one-component vegetable purees and 2 fruit purees. As part of vegetable puree, you can find only 2 components:

Jars contain 80 grams of product. The company specializes not only in the production of baby food. Nestlé produces a huge range of gastronomic products from baby milk formulas to chocolate. Nestlé has been confidently holding its leading positions in the world market for over 140 years. An 80 gram jar costs a little more than the popular brands described above. About 35 rubles you have to pay for it at the store.

The driver must observe the utmost safety on the road, especially if there is a small child in the car. In order for the baby to feel comfortable and safe, you need to take care of, the choice of which should be approached with all responsibility.

Every mother has a question: “How much should a child gain in weight in the first year of life?” On you will find summary tables where the rate of weight gain in infants is fully described.

Are quality and price comparable?

hipp- a German brand of baby food products competing with Nestlé. It has been known in the world for more than 100 years. As a first food, the company recommends vegetables grown by organic farming (without the use of artificial fertilizers). For toddlers, Hipp offers:

  • cauliflower;
  • Carrot;
  • Potato;
  • zucchini;
  • Parsnip;
  • Broccoli.

Long existence in the market speaks for itself.

A little later, according to the company, you can try corn and pumpkin. Hipp sometimes adds rice flour to some baby one-ingredient meals. Minimum price per jar 80 grams - 45 rubles, and for 125 grams - from 60 rubles.

Natalia says:

“It is important to me what is written on the jar in the composition because my baby’s stool is irregular. Complementary foods were started to improve digestion. With rice or any other flour, I would not take it because it strengthens the intestines of babies. The manufacturer adds flour to make the puree thicker. From this it can be inferred that it was originally liquid. And why? Because they save on ingredients.

Expensive - not always good

brand Semper represents Sweden. The company offers vegetable products enriched with vitamins, minerals and vegetable oils:

  • Broccoli;
  • Zucchini with potatoes;
  • Cauliflower;
  • Zucchini with potatoes are wonderful options for the first hypoallergenic complementary foods.

Safe complementary foods are guaranteed with Semper.

Preservatives and any flavors, however, as well as other unnecessary components, except for rice flour, mashed potatoes do not contain. Price for one A 125 gram jar starts from 55 rubles.

The problem of sleepless nights in parents will help to solve. This design allows you to rock the baby without getting out of bed. You save energy to wake up cheerful and in a good mood in the morning.

Diathesis is bright red spots that appear on the cheeks of a child. A red rash can be caused by many different reasons. We'll talk more about them in.

European standards

Company "Heinz" based in the USA. Production and deliveries to different countries are established in Italy. The manufacturer offers a standard set for the first feeding. In the composition of vegetable purees, you can see cornmeal. As the manufacturer explains "for consistency." serving per 80 grams can be bought for at least 36 rubles.

So delicious you can't stop eating!

Tastier means healthier?

"Bebivita"- one of the brightest German representatives of baby food products. The Germans offer the smallest citizens of our country to start acquaintance with new food with:

  • cauliflower;
  • Broccoli;
  • zucchini;
  • carrots.

"Bebivita" confirms the stereotype of German quality.

In addition to water and the vegetables themselves, the puree includes:

  • Corn oil is a recognized source of unsaturated fatty acids;
  • Coarse rice flour.

Alena about extreme cases of using Bebivita vegetable puree:

“We tried “broccoli” from the “complementary start” series. "Bebivita" is not the best option for canned food, but still at least some option. My advice: if there is such an opportunity - to feed the child with a different brand of puree, then it is better to use it. "Bebivita" is an extreme case where there are no other variations, such as on the road."

h2> Who suits what

Nutricia- a Dutch company that produces a rather impressive list of products for babies and adults. Nutricia known in the world for more than 110 years. It has several branches in Russia. For the first complementary foods, it produces jars with:

  • Broccoli;
  • carrots;
  • Cauliflower.

Puree "Nutricia" goes with a bang!

A little later, you can try zucchini with cauliflower. In the composition of vegetable puree, wheat starch or rice flour can be seen. 125 grams of vegetable puree cost about 43 rubles.

Alla talks about her acquaintance with the company's products:

“First I bought cauliflower and broccoli from Grandma's Basket - it turned out economically. I started with a "bast basket" because they had already tried an apple and a pear. My child liked everything. However, those vegetable purees that I bought are terrible. The kid refused to eat them. With "Nutricia" both cabbages were eaten with a bang, although they have apple juice in them.

Quality is the main thing!

Company "Bellakt"- the only representative of baby food from Belarus. For babies, the manufacturer offers the usual list of vegetable purees for the first feeding. There is no flour or starch in these jars. The price for a 100 gram jar is very economical: from 25 rubles.

Quality and excellent taste in one jar.

Your child is your everything. Carefully and joyfully perceive every moment spent with him. Choose only healthy jar food for your kids!

Canned baby vegetable puree is mom's helper in any situation.

Hello dear mothers!

When you encounter complementary foods for the first time, your head is spinning from the abundance of baby products, and at the same time, you feel helpless, because information about How And why start, not so much. Now that I have my own experience behind me, I feel like a fish in water in this matter and feel free to give out advice 😉.

The review is built in the form of a HowTo for young mothers. Those who are not interested in the theoretical part can skip it and go straight to my summary about Frutonyanya puree.

So, the first question that a young mother must decide for herself is WHEN start feeding?

The world's leading pediatricians agree that complementary foods should be introduced not earlier than 6 months . You should not be guided by the numbers on the labels - this is beneficial for manufacturers. Do not listen to the opinion of the past generation - medicine has since gone far ahead. Rely on scientific facts and common sense:

Complementary foods should be introduced at about 6 months of age. Some infants may need complementary foods earlier, but not before 4 months of age.

Breast milk is the ideal food for newborns and infants. It contains all the nutrients children need for healthy development. Breast milk is more than 80% water, especially the milk that comes at the start of each feed. Babies under 6 months of age do not need water, even in hot climates.

The adapted mixture is also able to satisfy the nutritional needs of the baby in the first 6 months of his life, since manufacturers enrich it with vitamins and microelements.

Around the age of six months, a baby's energy and nutrient needs begin to exceed the level at which they can be met by breast milk, and complementary foods become necessary.

At this age, the child is ready to eat other foods and in his development. By 6 months, the production of enzymes in the digestive system of the child increases.

It is also not necessary to postpone the start of complementary foods, since its late introduction can lead to the development of iron deficiency anemia, various vitamin deficiencies and growth retardation.

It is up to the pediatrician to decide when your baby is physiologically ready for complementary foods. I introduced complementary foods to my children at the age of 5 - 5.5 months, I could not reach six. Both babies at 5 months began to ask for breasts more often, frequent night feedings returned. I stopped keeping up with their appetites. The kids were always hungry.

Remember: if the child is sick, if it is hot outside, or if you are vaccinating the child, the introduction of complementary foods should be postponed.

The second question is with WHAT DISH start feeding? Everything is simple here:

For children with reduced body weight, unstable stools, industrial-made cereals are introduced as the first complementary foods; children with overweight, a tendency to constipation - vegetable puree.

In fact, these are two extremes. If your child is healthy, with good stools and normal weight, then it does not matter where to start. It's a matter of taste. I started in both cases with cereals due to the fact that I needed to increase the nutritional value of the diet (so that the kids would eat up).

Most prefer to start from vegetables . And Frutonyanya purees are ideal for this:

They are made in the Lipetsk region, a wide selection of vegetables, there is nothing superfluous in the composition - no salt, no sugar , as the saying goes. No thickeners in the form of potato, cornstarch or rice flour:

The only thing that can be added is water if the product is dry. If the vegetable contains enough of its water, it is not evaporated during processing. Therefore, purees are quite liquid, which may seem uncomfortable at first. But this indicates the absence of thickeners. Remember, if a spoon is in mashed potatoes, it contains starch or rice flour (this rule does not apply to potatoes, because they contain natural starch).

The third and most interesting question is WHAT which product to start with?

Start feeding always with products of low allergenicity . Puree and porridge should be one-component , i.e. contain at first only one vegetable, fruit or cereal, only one kind of meat. This is the only way to track the tolerance of a new product (stool, regurgitation, skin integuments). It would be nice to keep a food diary.

Foods with a low degree of allergenicity:

zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, green apple, pear, rice, buckwheat, corn grits, turkey, rabbit.

Foods with a high degree of allergenicity:

whole cow's milk, eggs, fish and seafood, nuts, soybeans, wheat (gluten), honey, citrus fruits, chocolate, strawberries and berries in general (raspberries, black currants), tomatoes.

Giving a baby up to a year and a half "adult" products, for example, ice cream, is a crime against your own child.

Infants do not have the physiological maturity to move from exclusive breastfeeding directly to food from the family table. Therefore, to bridge this gap between needs and opportunities, specially adapted foods (transitional foods) are needed, and the need for them lasts up to about 1 year, until the child is mature enough to consume ordinary homemade food.

In the old line of vegetable purees "Frutonyanya" there was not just zucchini. There was zucchini with potatoes, zucchini with broccoli, zucchini with cauliflower. Gerber had a clean zucchini, so I started vegetable complementary foods with it for my first child. Pure zucchini appeared in the new Frutonyanya vegetable series, which I am very happy about:

I'm glad not because I was somehow not satisfied with the quality of Gerber, no. Gerber purees are wonderful. But I was looking for a product whose quality would be no worse, and the price would be lower. The difference between them is from 5 to 15 rubles per jar. When you have to buy a whole battery of jars, this difference becomes significant. The composition and consistency of Frutonyanya puree suits me. Zucchini smells like zucchini, and cabbage smells like cabbage. Vegetables have natural colors. By the way, Gerber puree has very rich colors. Take, for example, mashed carrots. It is bright red-orange. Have you tried boiled carrots? The color is brighter than raw, but not as much. What varieties do they use? This confuses me a little.

Unfortunately, Frutonyan still does not have green peas. But Gerber has it.

Fourth question: PREPARE puree itself OR BUY ?

For me, there is a clear answer here: buy. We live in the modern world, enjoying the benefits of technological progress and thus making life easier for ourselves. Not to mention the fact that we free up personal time that a young mother can spend with no less benefit. For communication and games with your baby, for example. And besides, I very much doubt the environmental friendliness of products in the markets and in stores my city . Expert opinion:

It is preferable to use industrial products for complementary foods, which are made from controlled raw materials. Such products are safe, they are enriched with vitamins and minerals that cannot be fully preserved by home cooking.

"Frutonyanya" I buy in the "Ship". In my area and, perhaps, in all of Moscow, this is the best retail store for children. The price for an 80-gram jar of vegetable puree in the online store is 34 rubles. Jars are packed in a protective film with a lock, there is one division (40 gr.), The date of manufacture is indicated on the lid:

The protective film at Frutonyan is correct. It closes the junction of the lid and the jar, which means that dirt will not get there, the jar is more airtight. And if it breaks in a bag on the way out of the store, then the film will hold the fragments and prevent the puree from flowing out (checked).

And the last, burning question. HOW start feeding?

On the Internet or in manuals for expectant mothers, you can find a table like this with WHO recommended daily allowances:

I hung it on the refrigerator. In addition to this table, you will need the following:

A bowl or plate with a high rim. The baby should have its own dishes for hygiene and safety reasons: no one should use it except the baby; it must not break; it should not contain "adult" detergents. The high edges will help keep the temperature longer: while the baby is eating, the puree cools down quickly.

Beaker. I like to use Philips AVENT containers.

Spoon with silicone tip. The baby’s spoon should also have its own and be made of safe materials. Ideally, the tip has a plastic core coated with silicone. The core gives such a spoon the necessary rigidity, and the silicone will protect the baby's delicate gums.

Fork. It is convenient to stir the products until smooth.

Grater. I use it to grind additional products (egg yolk, for example).

Blender. It can be useful for chopping foods, bringing them to homogeneity and when preparing homemade purees.

Chair for babies. An indispensable household item. The high chair should securely hold the baby, it is desirable that he has seat belts. It is convenient if the chair has a table. An alternative could be a car seat in the car, a stroller, daddy's knees 😊. I saw mobile options made of fabric, which are hung on a regular chair and which are convenient to take on a trip.

Bib or bib. Preferably with a pocket - it makes it very easy for mom to clean up after feeding. It is better if it is not made of fabric, but entirely of oilcloth so that it can be washed immediately.

Drinker. From 6 months, liquids are gradually introduced into the child's diet in addition to breast milk or a mixture (water, juices, later - kefir). It should be comfortable, hygienic and safe. I use a Lubby cup with a soft, flat silicone tip, side handles, graduations and cap.

Means for washing children's dishes. Children's dishes, if they are not heavily soiled, can be rinsed with water. For special cases, you need a special tool designed for babies. I liked the brand Aqa Baby.

Wet wipes to wipe the baby's face and hands.

Thermometer. At first, it helps to control the temperature of the food. My choice is the Sensitec non-contact thermometer. The most comfortable temperature for a baby's stomach is 40°C. If the temperature of the puree is lower, the baby's body will spend additional energy on heating it. Food with temperatures above 40°C can burn your baby.

Notebook to keep a food diary.

So, armed, we can begin.

Let's look at the table above. It is advisory in nature. Of course, pharmacy accuracy is not needed here. It lists the daily intake. This does not mean that on the first day you need to "bang" the baby a 150-gram serving of zucchini. Any new product start with ½ - 1 standard teaspoon. For its introduction 4 to 7 days , every day the dose is doubled . All this time, evaluate the reaction of the baby, make notes in the "food diary". New product is better to offer since morning to track the reaction to it throughout the day. Vegetable oil (sunflower or olive) is introduced into vegetable puree when the portion size is not less than 100 grams . Butter is introduced after vegetable adding it to porridge .

After the successful introduction of one product, another is introduced by replacing the first.

For example, you have introduced broccoli for seven days. On the eighth day, offer ½ teaspoon of cauliflower separately (introduce the new taste to your baby), and then give a serving of the main puree (broccoli). On the ninth day, before serving broccoli, give 1 tsp. cauliflower again separately to consolidate the taste sensations. For the next 5 days, mix both purees, reducing the volume of broccoli and increasing the volume of cauliflower.

If something went wrong (the stool broke, an allergy appeared), the introduction of the product should be stopped and try to introduce it again in a week, making the appropriate notes in the "food diary". In case of a repeated negative reaction, the product should be discarded.

The use of a 7-day scheme is justified only in special cases, with a child's tendency to allergies, when special care is needed. I introduced complementary foods to my children according to a 4-day scheme, based on my own experience: allergic reactions to a product, if any, appear already in the first 3 days of introducing a new product.

In conclusion, I offer you a 5-day version of the start of complementary foods for the first month that I compiled (I will send the full version on request):

Thus, the baby will have a full breakfast and lunch by 7 months. By 8 months, you can expand the diet with the introduction of green peas, pumpkins, carrots, add a dinner of fruit puree with cookies and cottage cheese. By 9 months, you can add finely chopped fresh herbs, a crumb of white bread to vegetables.


Little trick: after your baby has mastered 2-3 vegetables, enter “zucchini and potatoes” puree in his menu. Form each of his subsequent meals with 1 part potatoes + 1 part any other vegetables. For example, a jar of "my first salad" + a jar of "zucchini and potatoes." Or a jar of "carrots" + a jar of "zucchini and potatoes". Firstly, it will increase the energy value of dinner, because potatoes are rich in starch - the baby's stomach is so small, and each bite should bring maximum benefit. Secondly, it neutralizes the laxative properties of some vegetables. Thirdly, it will improve the taste of lunch - the baby will eat with more appetite!

SUMMARY: Frutonyanya vegetable purees, in my deep conviction, are an excellent option for starting complementary foods. They have the correct homogeneous (homogeneous), rather liquid consistency - it is convenient for the baby to switch from liquid breast milk to more “solid” food. Natural color and smell. Zucchini smells like zucchini, and cabbage smells like cabbage. Carrots look like carrots. There is nothing superfluous in the composition - no salt, no sugar, no thickenersin the form of potato, corn starch or rice flour. A good selection of vegetables (not only green peas), there are one-component purees and mixes (salads). Eco-friendly, reliable, convenient packaging - dirt will not get under the lid, a jar, broken, will not surprise you in your bag. Affordable price - a jar of 80 g will cost you 34 rubles in the Korablik store.

And “for dessert” photos of all the vegetable purees that I can get to (I will add as they are exterminated).

In our dairy kitchen, we have fixed sets for different ages. With breastfeeding, one of 3 sets is prescribed to the mother: pure milk for pregnant women and lactating women, pure juice for pregnant women and nursing women, half of that and that (as for pregnant women, only in a larger volume). And my sister lives in another city. You come to them for milk and from the availability of goods you choose what you want for a certain amount. If you don't have enough, you pay extra in cash. The prices are sooooo democratic, much cheaper than the store ones. While the second baby was very tiny, the sister of the eldest ...

Read completely...

Flight, sea and twins in 1.8

In November last year, a spontaneous decision was made to fly to Egypt after the New Year, but in our family a lot is decided and done spontaneously, even children are born spontaneously :) In Egypt in "winter" there are many weather nuances, the main of which are gusty winds discarded the idea of ​​flying to Hurghada, considered Sharm, there are mostly rocky and high coasts - the second nuance, i.e. with our small ones it is also dangerous, but after some discussion and negotiations with my tourist friend, I was chosen ...

In the first days of a child's life, all the necessary components enter his body with mother's milk. Time passes, and the baby begins to need additional vitamins, which are found in fruits, vegetables, meat and cottage cheese. FrutoNyanya products are most adapted for children of all age categories, so mothers safely trust them with the health of their child.

The benefits of puree for children

Experienced nutritionists assure about the benefits of fruit for babies, but cautious mothers do not always trust the leading manufacturers of baby products and think that they can cause a rash. can occur in a child with almost any product, so it would be wrong to attribute blame to food from jars.

Baby food "FrutoNyanya" does not contain sugar, which reduces the likelihood of developing a rash on the baby's body. Puree for the first feeding should consist of one vegetable or fruit. Cabbage and peas can cause flatulence in a baby, so it's best to start with carrots or zucchini. After mother's milk, the child needs to receive more vitamins and nutrients that are found in fruits and vegetables, which is why puree mixtures are so necessary for babies.

What should be the right nutrition for the baby?

During the first six months of life, the first teeth appear in children, with which they make attempts to chew food. The mother may not wean the child from the breast and at the same time give him vegetable and fruit mixes, chopped chicken or turkey meat. Together with "FrutoNyanya", the nutrition in the baby's body comes in the right amount. By the age of six months, the child should eat 50 g of the mixture at one meal, and by the year - twice as much. When the baby reaches the age of eight months, offer him meat puree, which is also available in the FrutoNyanya assortment. If you wish, you can combine vegetables and fruits, choosing, for example, a mixture of apple and pumpkin, carrots and pears. Watch your child's reaction to a new kind of puree and gradually increase the dose, starting with a teaspoon. If he doesn't eat the new formula, try offering a similar formula a few days later. It is important to store an open jar of puree in the refrigerator for no more than two hours.

Parents about nutrition "FrutoNyanya". Reviews and wishes

Young mothers, having bought store-bought puree once, are happy to continue to feed their child with a mixture every day. The combination of several types of fruits and vegetables is pleasant to the taste of all little gourmets, and they eat the contents with pleasure, delighting their parents with a good appetite.

According to the numerous reviews of mothers and fathers of babies, it can be revealed that in Russia they approve of FrutoNyanya products. The assortment is represented by fruit, vegetable and meat purees, cereals and juices. The products do not contain food dyes, artificial thickeners and harmful additives, therefore they do not cause allergies and irritation of the digestive tract in children. With proper storage, the baby does not run the risk of poisoning, and the instructions and recommendations for use tell young mothers at what time it is worth giving this or that mixture. The volume of each jar is designed for one meal, but according to the feedback of parents, it can be revealed that they expect an increase in the amount of content.

Brand success story

The FrutoNyanya brand has been known on the Russian market since 2000. All products are manufactured at the Progress plant in the Lipetsk region using modern equipment.

Over the years of success, more than 100 items suitable for consumption from the first days of life have been released. Experienced nutritionists who have studied the child's body select complex nutrition from the most essential vitamins and components. Every year the assortment is replenished with new products recommended for the baby and his mother. As a result of the survey, it was revealed that over 90% of Russians had heard about the brand, and many chose FrutoNyanya for the first complementary foods and subsequent meals. The water that the baby and his mother drink must be purified and filtered, so the brand produces non-carbonated water in compact bottles that can be taken for a walk with a child or consumed at home.

Product range

"FrutoNyanya" is not only vegetable and fruit purees, juices, but also cereals, puddings and compotes. In the first months of life, the baby should receive the best nutrition that promotes healthy development. After the child has tried chopped meat and chicken, the mother can buy him mashed potatoes with offal, which is recommended to be included in the diet from eight months. A little later, the child will try his first desserts - milk chocolate and berry mixes. Functional drinks with extracts of medicinal herbs will fill the body of babies with useful components, and FrutoNyanya juice will allow you to experience the full taste of an apple or carrot in one bottle. Manufacturers have developed mixtures with cream and cottage cheese so that calcium enters the child's body; Compote and jelly made from natural bananas, strawberries and other berries will perfectly complement your breakfast or afternoon snack. A separate category of products is produced for pregnant and lactating women.

Why "FrutoNyanya" puree is more useful than homemade mixture

With the current shortage of organic fruits and vegetables, it is very difficult to find in a supermarket from sunny Uzbekistan, and not China, where everything is treated with chemicals for rapid growth. Coming to the store, buyers first of all pay attention to the appearance of the goods, but in the case of berries or vegetables, this is unacceptable. A crushed side of an apple or a small hole made by a worm indicates the naturalness of the product, and before taking a perfectly even fruit, you should consider how natural it is. From imported fruits, allergies occur even in adults, and kids can be seriously poisoned by them. "FrutoNyanya" mixtures are made only from the highest quality products, therefore, by buying another jar, you protect your child from toxic substances that may be contained in low-quality fruits.

View of business mothers on "Frutonyanya"

The main advantage of baby food is that it significantly saves the time and effort of parents, who sometimes spend all day at the stove to cook dinner for the whole family, and separately for their little pet. Products for the child should always be fresh, so purees and juices will have to be prepared several times a day. Business mothers do not have enough time to peel the fruit, remove the stone and chop the fruit with a sieve or blender, so they prefer to buy FrutoNyanya baby food - reviews about this manufacturer are always the best.

Juices and purees are made in compact jars, which are enough for the baby for one meal. All industrial products are balanced, so the child receives vitamins and nutrients necessary for healthy development. A little hungry, the baby immediately begins to cry, which can irritate the young mother if at that moment she is with him in the hospital, for a walk or at a party. Compact jars with baby food fit even in a cosmetic bag, so they will always be at hand and soothe the baby at any time.

What you need to keep your baby from refusing to eat

Feeding should be comfortable for the baby and mother, so that it does not look like food abuse. If the baby is naughty and does not want to try a new menu, do not try to raise your voice or eat all the mixture for him. In order for the baby to eat well, food intake must be diversified with elements of the game. Before you give your pet a new puree or cottage cheese, eat the first spoonful yourself: the baby will see with what pleasure mommy tries his new dish, and will immediately reach for the supplement. Children love FrutoNyanya products, the reviews of admiring parents confirm this. Jars with stickers, cardboard boxes with bright patterns distract the attention of the kids, and during the game, food intake is accelerated.

Making your own fruit puree

Experts recommend feeding babies up to the age of eight months with fruit and vegetable mixtures. If you independently grow apples, pears and carrots in the country, you can be sure that the fruits are absolutely harmless and will benefit the child's body.

Young mothers often take FrutoNyanya products to their babies, the reviews confirm the high quality of the mixtures and juices produced. However, not every family can afford to buy a child a day for several jars of expensive food. To cook on your own, the kitchen should have the following household appliances: a blender, a juicer, a double boiler.

It is important to start with vegetable puree, otherwise the baby will get so used to sweet fruits that he will refuse everything else. The fruits must be peeled, seeds and partitions removed, and then boiled in boiling water or steamed. Place the pulp in a blender, grind until smooth and add a little water if the pulp is too thick. Feed your baby not very hot fresh puree, and by nine months, start giving two- and three-component mixtures. Proper nutrition will ensure your child develops healthy, and you will be proud of his first successes. "FrutoNyanya" will delight little pranksters with a variety of tastes, and their parents with a pleasant price.

Among the huge selection of ready-made meals for children today, young mothers most often prefer domestic brands. According to statistics, 88% of mothers purchase various FrutoNyanya purees to feed their children. Reviews about them are almost always positive, among the minuses only the individual interests of each consumer are noted.

Popularity Factors

The main criterion for choosing baby food today is its environmental friendliness. Among all the FrutoNyanya baby purees offered to consumers today, reviews are received very often and mostly positive.

The main factor for this is the exceptional naturalness of the products. Raw materials for production are selected according to a special control system, and finished products are tested in independent laboratories. You can not find dyes, preservatives or other synthetic additives in the composition of baby food.

The second factor in the popularity of FrutoNyanya puree, according to consumer reviews, is experience. The fact is that these products are produced by factories that have been specializing in baby food for three decades. Here, as an additional argument, we can add the fact that all the facilities of the enterprise are located in an ecologically clean region of our country. The quality of the brand's products is confirmed by international certificates.

Of course, among the advantages it should be noted that FrutoNyanya puree (there are reviews on many resources) has a relatively low cost due to domestic production.

Specialization and features of production

The FrutoNyanya brand offers consumers its products in a wide range. Baby food lines include:

  • fruit, vegetable, meat purees;
  • baby juices and nectars;
  • fruit mixtures with the addition of cream or cottage cheese;
  • fruit cocktails;
  • children's drinking water;
  • various drinking desserts;
  • porridge.

An important feature is that absolutely all the company's products are hypoallergenic and are made from specially selected varieties of fruits and vegetables. In addition to the children's range, the company also produces specially enriched juices for pregnant and lactating mothers.

The uniqueness of FrutoNyanya applesauce, according to experts, is that the basis is the Lipetsk varieties of this fruit, famous throughout the country for the content of pectin, iron and organic acids. By the way, Lipetsk apples are widely used in the manufacture of many juices and other fruit purees.

Packaging Features

The quality of its fruit and vegetable purees "FrutoNyanya" (reviews testify to this) took care very well. Each jar is hermetically sealed and, when opened, it necessarily gives out a characteristic cotton. In addition, the contents of each container are protected from light exposure due to a dense film covering all the walls of the jar. It contains all the information the buyer needs about the product. To see the contents of the puree container, just look at the bottom of the jar, which is not protected by a film. Everything is done for the convenience of consumers.

Brand recognition

As an additional argument from mothers in favor of the manufacturer, it should be noted that it is not difficult to find the right product on the shelf thanks to a unique recognizable logo. Also, for the comfort of its consumers, the company labels products in different colors:

  • blue - dairy;
  • red - meat;
  • green - vegetable;
  • orange - fruits and cereals.

Assortment of vegetable purees

Among vegetable purees for the first feeding of children, one-component ones are recommended. A special place among them is given to FrutoNyanya puree from zucchini. Reviews about it can be found in almost every forum. Moms note the ability of the composition to remove cholesterol from the body, normalize digestion and enrich the baby's diet with vitamins, trace elements, folic and nicotinic acid.

In addition to zucchini, the manufacturer offers to try mashed potatoes from broccoli, carrots, cauliflower and pumpkin.

Multi-component vegetable purees are recommended for feeding children at 5 months. They also do not contain salt and sugar, but already contain several vegetables or their mixture with fruits:

  • vegetable mix;
  • apple-pumpkin;
  • zucchini potatoes;
  • broccoli-zucchini;
  • carrot-apple;
  • zucchini-cauliflower;
  • zucchini apple.

Assortment of fruit purees

The delicate texture and pleasant taste of these products will undoubtedly please the baby more than simple broccoli. Reviews about FrutoNyanya puree from mommy fruits also leave only positive ones. In their composition there will never be starch and preservatives, but only pure water and fruits. In the assortment of goods you can find purees from:

  • banana
  • plums;
  • prunes;
  • apples
  • peach.

Also, for children from six months, multi-component fruit and berry purees are offered:

  • berry, vitamin or fruit salad;
  • salad with cream;
  • apple-apricot with cream;
  • prune apple;
  • peach-apple;
  • apple with cream;
  • apple with red currants, apricots or pears.

Assortment of meat products

Meat puree "FrutoNyanya", according to mothers, has a drawback - it is starch in the composition. In addition to it, mashed potatoes may contain some water; the basis for the product is beef, veal, pork, chicken, turkey, rabbit or lamb. There are no spices, oils or salt in the composition of meat purees, but even one-component formulations should be offered to children no earlier than six months.

According to parents, meat puree for children of this brand is very tasty and becomes a real salvation when kids refuse to eat other brands of food rich in proteins necessary for growth. Among the minuses, many note only an excessively dense consistency, which is most likely due to the content of starch in the composition. According to experts, puree of this brand fully meets all quality requirements and can be used to feed young children. The range of FrutoNyanya one-component meat purees is complemented by multi-component mixtures of beef and liver meat and beef meat with tongue and heart.