Touching congratulations to tears. Touching birthday greetings. A touching verse-congratulations on your daughter's birthday

I wish you support
For years to give happiness
To keep loved ones healthy
We have always been with you.

So that luck smiles at you
So that friends are near in trouble,
So that sadness does not touch the soul,
I wish you good days.

So that desires and songs come true,
Sing to the guitar by the fire
To make life easy, like in childhood,
When my mother called for dinner.

So as not to know you grief, loss,
So that love lives in your heart,
I wish you good days and patience,
Long years, happy birthday to you!

No sun ray, no wind rustle
They will not be able to tell in all their glory:
You are a person who is dear to all of us,
You cannot find more responsive in the world!

Your birthday is a great occasion
To tell how we value you.
We wish you long years and a blue sky,
Happy life! - we will repeat it many times!

Happy birthday! Let this date not take away another year of life, but only add a year of happy smiles and meetings. And if a rain of failure suddenly begins in your life, let an umbrella from the faithful support of friends be at hand, and if you have to fall into a hole, then let your family, like a powerful excavator, immediately pull you out of there! Whatever happens in life, I want to remember that there is happiness, you just need to be able to find it even in simple little things. So let your life have as many warm hugs, gentle words, welcome meetings, delicious dinners, bright holidays, inspiring songs, loved ones, colorful walks, unique pictures, fulfilled desires in your life!

I wish you peace, kindness,
In the soul of harmony, warmth!
May all dreams come true
So that life is wonderful!

Let good luck day after day
Your world, like the sun, illuminates!
Let success wait for you in everything
What your soul desires!

Let love burn in your soul
And the ocean gives happiness!
Let the heart beat merrily
Let the fountain of joy pour!

In childhood we are looking forward to
When the birthday comes
All year counting day by day
We live and breathe inspiration.

But every year it gets sadder
We meet a new year of life,
We are already raising our children
And time keeps running forward.

But I want to tell you:
You should never be sad!
And wish on your birthday:
Don't count your years.

Save beautiful moments
Smiles, kind words.
And every day and on your birthday
Let your head spin.

From happiness, from great love,
Let success always be in full swing.
So that we are close to you
It sounded so that children's laughter in the house.

You are one of those who in life will not betray
And to whom they rush when it's so hard
Who in trouble will help and give
Middle last shirt.

Happy birthday, kind person!
And a tear sparkles in my eyes,
Life will give you a long century
And fate will reward you a hundredfold!

Happy birthday!
There are so many important things I want to say.
I wish you to be a happy person
Appreciating beauty in simple things.

May happiness last forever
Strong health will settle forever,
A dream rushes to you on its wings
To come true now.

Let youth rage in the heart
Do not worry about sadness and sadness.
Just for a moment, slightly
The avaricious tear will roll down.

I want to wish you a happy birthday
Wish you great happiness
So that there is a large supply of patience,
So as not to lose optimism!

I wish you a gentle look
So that he warms your life,
So that someone is next to you,
Who tenderly says: "I love you."

Coming to this world is a great gift,
Not everyone is destined to be born.
If God has given you life -
So, only the best will happen!

Take care of yourself, your family,
Appreciate every day, live to the fullest.
Rejoice, dream and be merry
Give everyone your love.

Happy birthday! Happiness - from the heart!
And love, hope and believe,
So much more to come
What else are the doors wide open!

It's a pity that life is a short moment
It is important to enjoy the best in life.
You live to burn with the sun
So that the soul flutters like a bird.

Infrequently the case falls out
To you all tender to say
But today I wish:
How to live in a fairy tale, do not lose heart!

So that if tears are from happiness,
If you love - then with all your soul,
And all the problems overnight
Let them melt like snow in spring!

Everyone sees their life differently:
Someone approaches problems jokingly
Someone around all people hates,
Someone like you lives in love.

Life is difficult and difficult
Only you I want to wish
Making everything impossible possible
And do not lose yourself in every act.

There is nothing in life just like that! Today I want to wish you that you do not despair when something goes wrong as you intended! So that you do not stop when it seems that the road is leaving under your feet! In our life, God will allow different circumstances to temper our character, but we must be firm and unshakable, otherwise, problems will crush us! Wipe away your tears, smile, and forward and with the song! Happy Birthday to You!

Happy birthday girlfriend. I wish you to plunge into only good stories, to be in a state of passion only from happiness and love. Do not waste your nerves, take care of your health, believe in your luck, do not deny yourself anything and never and always remain a beautiful girl.

Happy birthday! It is always pleasant to congratulate good people, but it is doubly pleasant to congratulate such a wonderful person like you. I sincerely wish you always had enough: smiles, sunny days, successful situations, success, admiration, love, congratulations, support, true friends, brilliant ideas, interesting ideas, only important people, money, feelings and emotions, strength, courage ... But, the main thing is that at the right moment you would always have what you need.

Health, Happiness, Happy Birthday! I wish your dreams come true, your luck is always there, showing the path of life, may this path be brighter with fulfilled dreams, with fulfilled hopes, and may well-being always stay in your soul.

Birthday is wonderful because on this day you can feel how much you are loved. We sincerely hasten to express our warmest feelings to you. Today is exactly the case when you can not restrain yourself in expressing your emotions and have fun from the heart! We wish you the very best experiences imaginable! Happy birthday! Hooray! !

Beautiful touching birthday greetings to tears for birthday people

Let life bring the most wonderful news, pleasant surprises, bright events, positive and optimistic! Be strong, be healthy, be happy. I wish you to live brightly and enjoy the joys more often!

The kindest, sincere and brightest person who has ever met on my path in life, I want to wish you a Happy Birthday! Our acquaintance is priceless for me! And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your sensitivity, understanding and strength that you give me in moments of weakness. I wish you happiness, health, good luck and just all the best!

The nightingale trill is like your voice. Your skin is softer than rose petals. You are a kind and gentle woman, with whom it is always pleasant to talk heart to heart. On your birthday, I want to wish you to remain as chaste, attractive, stylish and charming. I wish you a feeling of flight, not boring people and many ideas that will make you wake up in the morning with ease!

Birthday is like a personal New Year. Children expect miracles and gifts, adults take stock and make plans for the future. But the main thing is that the birthday person is in the center of attention, he is the most important in the circle of loved ones on this day. It is obligatory! Obliges to be happy! Happy birthday! Happiness to you, in all the fullness of this concept!

It is with great joy that we hasten to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you everything that your cherished dreams keep. Go forward, all doors are open in front of you, reach new heights, preserve in life, the most important wealth, which is called happiness. Huge success in work, optimism, sparkle and enthusiasm! Happy birthday!

Let kindness, care, love and understanding surround you! They say that a person learns the truth alone. So I wish you never know what loneliness is. Let the truth come with wisdom, but without this depressing feeling! May there always be a whirlpool of events around you, a holiday, joy, loved ones. Let kindness, care, love and understanding surround you! Happy Birthday!!!

Happy birthday! I wish you goodness, light, peace, smiles, excellent mood. Let all bad things pass by, life's adversities are overcome with ease, and every day will be filled with joy and happiness. And of course, bright faith, great hope, endless love.

At birth, we are handed into the hands of a guardian angel who carries us through life, protects and helps. I wish your angel a lot of strength and patience so that he can carry you in his arms where, it would seem, there are no roads. So that he can protect you from any trouble that may break out in your life. So that he helps build happiness and prosperity in your destiny. Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday, my dear soul! Congratulations and wish you easily achieve everything that you dream of! One can envy your desire, and I really want to see you always happy! You are my pride, you are my great happiness! It is a great pleasure to be your girlfriend! You can only dream of a guy like you! Thank you for making me happy every day, surprise and delight! You are my joy! I love you very much! Be happy! I am sure that everyone present on this wonderful, festive day will support me. Only you could bring such people together, because your charisma and love is enough for everyone! I wish you to spend your whole life surrounded by loving people, enjoy new acquaintances, events and your own successes! And may it not be difficult for you to achieve what you want yourself! After all, you are a real man!

Wonderful, sunny man, I wish you a happy birthday! May everything be wonderful with you on any day and in any weather, may there always be those to whom you can give your strong hugs, may there always be those who will fill your life with the light of happiness.

Festive beautiful touching words on your birthday - I wish you happiness

I wish you good luck on your birthday, so that there is no screaming or crying in the house ...
I also wish you to live in peace with all your friends and all your relatives!
Smile more often, let your smile drive away all the sorrows from the hearts of those with whom you communicate! And in response to your smile, let thousands of others light up, who will drive away all your adversities, and forever reign in their place with joy and happiness!

A wonderful day has come, which will once again sum up everything that has been experienced over the past year. Accept from me the brightest and warmest congratulations on your birthday as soon as possible. At this hour, all those people who are dear to you, who are close to your heart, who have been tested by time, happiness and sorrow, gathered at a rich table. All those who can be proudly and confidently called relatives. And in this high concentration of friendship and love, I am especially pleased to say how much I value you, how important it is for me that we once met in this vast world. I hasten to wish you to live a rich, interesting, active life. So that every day, with its freshness, beauty, brings you the novelty of impressions, sensations, events, good news and memorable meetings. I wish that all those people who surround you on your special holiday were always next to you, surrounded by care and support. Congratulations!

Dear friend, on her birthday, I wish you all the best! Let camel caravans loaded with gold and diamonds come to you from abroad. Let the Arab sheikh himself be your admirer and give you a flying carpet and a self-assembled tablecloth. So that there are fewer household chores and not spoil your hands from cleaning and cooking.

Happy Birthday, my dear! On this special day, there will be many wishes in your address: someone will wish you health, someone - happiness, success, good luck, money and, of course, love. I want to wish you to be understood and appreciated for your delicate soul and warmth, for your ability to listen and hear everyone who demands you. I hug you tightly and congratulations!

My dear, I wish you a happy birthday! I wish you well, prosperity, success, health, loyal friends. You are strong, smart, beautiful, affectionate. I am so happy to have you in my life. May everything work out for you, all your dreams come true. I love you!

I love you as a dear, I wish you long, long years! And so that life gives joy and brings only success! I want to congratulate you, my friend, with your birthday! Always be smart, strong and lucky! I want you to be always lucky in everything and to always be cheerful, happy, joyful in everything! Congratulations from the bottom of my heart, my best friend!

On your birthday, we wish you that the people around you are sincere, the relationship is real, the friendship is strong, the family is happy! Let the heart believe in goodness, and the soul radiate joy! Interesting ideas, vivid impressions, dizzying successes and successes! May every moment bring inspiration and smile. Let incredible events and miracles happen in life!

Happy birthday to a good girl and a great beauty and clever girl. I wish you never to grow old either in body or soul, but to always remain the same sweet, attractive, light and cheerful. May every day give you something new, and fate will prepare many incredible surprises.

Dear, many thanks to your mom for raising you, bringing you up, making you what you are now. You are a real man, of whom, in fact, there are very few. Stay the same!

Happy Birthday! Life is a series of events, good and bright events, and such when it is sad. I wish that in life there were people who are ready to give a hand and substitute a reliable shoulder at any moment! Appreciate every minute you live, because minutes add up to eternity!

Happy Birthday - beautiful wishes to tears

Let everything turn out in your fate, as in an old children's fairy tale: good always overcomes evil, all efforts are rewarded with half of the kingdom, and dreams, even the most fantastic, come true. Happy birthday!

Dear son! On your birthday, if I could give you a million, it would be a million opportunities! If I could give you a kingdom, it would be a kingdom of beauty. But I gave you life. Take all the possibilities from her and make this world a little more beautiful and kinder!

Stronger health, fighting mood, energy! Even today, she celebrated her birthday in her spirit - she walked, sang and danced until the morning! Beloved friend, live happily, do not know any worries except pleasant ones, and let all problems with diseases pass away. Keep the hearth, reach the set peaks, remember: you can do absolutely everything! Charge everyone with inexhaustible, strong positive, keep wisdom, share your experience. Love and dream.

I congratulate you on a happy holiday - on a unique birthday! I wish you to spend a long and joyful life in the circle of close and devoted people. Let your eyes shine with joyful shine, and tears cause only exorbitant happiness.

How fleeting are the moments, minutes and years! .. Behind you, dear birthday boy, are kilometers of well-trodden paths and paths! Errors? But who doesn't have them! .. Sorrows and losses? They are familiar to everyone! .. So let the sorrows in your life be as little as possible, and joy will be a frequent guest in your house!

Life goes on, years go by
Night will change day, winter - spring,
Stop b for a moment ...
To be captive in dreams.

But no, you can't! We're hustling
Trying to do everything in life,
Let your holiday - birthday -
Will give a chance to succeed in life.

Let time freeze for you
Capturing smiles, laughter,
Only one joy and luck,
Hug friends, your success

May your youth not fade
Glitter in the eyes will be happy
One that perfectly complements
A beautiful smile on the lips.

May your life be from a billion
Will be one hundred percent happy
After all, there is no more worthy you in the world,
Goodness reigns in your soul.

I know you hide somewhere in your heart
A dream from the eyes for a long time
I know you can achieve
What is not given to people!

Let the soul fill with warmth
And it will sing like a nightingale!
Let everything be: love, a cozy home,
Favorite job, one hundred friends!

So that life is insanely good
Take only pleasure from her,
Live, tasting happiness slowly,
So that every moment is sweet!

I wish you support
For years to give happiness
To keep loved ones healthy
We have always been with you.

So that luck smiles at you
So that friends are near in trouble,
So that sadness does not touch the soul,
I wish you good days.

So that desires and songs come true,
Sing to the guitar by the fire
To make life easy, like in childhood,
When my mother called for food.

So as not to know you grief, loss,
So that love lives in your heart,
I wish you good days and patience,
Happy Birthday to You!

What to wish you today?
Maybe many long years?
Perhaps health and happiness?
So that life lasts a whole century?

No, I wish today
So that you are always close
With you next to the soul
The trouble did not disturb.

I wish you only pleasant minutes
More delight, smiles and jokes,
Wonderful moments, sunrises with dew,
In the middle of a hot day, a light rain with a thunderstorm,
Sandy beach, salty sea
Cool forest with fragrant grass,
A beautiful house with a large estate,
Impeccable love with a gorgeous wedding,
A car that you need, with a barbecue gazebo,
Health and money to travel around the world,
Comfort without hardships, harmony, affection,
So that your birthday becomes a kind fairy tale!

Happy birthday wishes to a woman to tears

What to wish you on your birthday? -
Of course, peace, kindness,
I wish you a lot of strength, patience,
Health, happiness and love,
So that warmth reigns in the family,
So that everything goes well
To go to work - like a holiday,
I wish you different impressions,
Do not be discouraged and do not be sad
Always, always be loved!

I wish you happiness, long years,
Huge achievements in life.
So that in happiness you do not know troubles;
Resentment, adversity and defeat.

Let your whole life go on like this
As you yourself would wish;
So that every day is for you
Nice, warm and lovely.

So that everything in life is the way:
Beloved, home, friends, relatives,
To just beat life with a key,
And your eyes would shine with happiness!

I wish to live and be loved
Do not grieve, do not lose heart
And along the road of life long
It's fun to walk with a smile.
Let the sea of ​​bouquets on this day
Friends will present you
Sadness will not touch the beautiful eyes
And your life will be easy!
Shine like a ray of sunshine
Always be gentle, affectionate.
And may happiness be the reward
For all the coming years!

They do not ask how old the woman is.
She is always beautiful, young
Although gray with wrinkles are marked
The years passed so imperceptibly
Everything was in them - stagnation and changes,
And you live with a light character,
Survived adversity, change,
She raised two children to their feet.
What more could you wish for?
With all my heart, from us:
Live, work, do not hurt,
To celebrate the hundredth anniversary!

Happy birthday,
Wish you health, happiness,
With a smile, good mood
Continue your path through life.

May your every ordinary day
It will turn into a wonderful holiday
And never a shadow of sorrow
Will not be reflected in your eyes!

There are no miracles in the world
And youth cannot be brought back.
And the years, like ice floes, melt,
But is it worth sighing for them?
Over the years, a woman is wiser
And there is another beauty in her,
And proud tread, and stateliness
Full of charm.
To keep it longer
I wish you a happy life
Don't worry, don't be sad
And the main thing is to be healthy.

Our lady has a birthday party,
Take and accept congratulations,
Let the beautiful light envelop you from the candles,
And the silhouette will be bright and wonderful.
You will receive gifts from us on the holiday,
And, as before, rejoice, live,
Do not forget that there is happiness and love,
We will remind you of them on the holiday again.

We wish you good luck, dreams come true,
Good health, good friends,
Happy to be for a long time and seriously
On a rainy day and a fine day.
Live in abundance, luxury, love,
Eat high in calories and plentifully
Renew your apartment as soon as possible,
Making it cozy and stylish.
Stay fashionable, bright, young,
With an open soul and a generous heart,
Hospitable, smart, unearthly,
Half with sugar and pepper.

We wish you health and vigor.
We wish you to live a hundred years
And be as energetic
Happy, forever young
Cheerful, cheerful, pretty,
A bit, even naughty!
Do not lose heart, do not hang your nose,
Don't worry, don't get sick
To live happily, calmly, firmly,
And, by the way, don't get old!
Don't think in vain
Let the year run after the year,
If the sun shines in the clear sky,
Then there is no trouble in life!

I want to congratulate you on your birthday!
Over the years, you are more and more beautiful and sweeter,
And let the heartbeat increase
From the kind words of all devoted friends.

I wish you joy and happiness,
May every day only bring success
And warm embraces await you at home,
And let laughter replace all sorrows.

Congratulate touching woman happy birthday

I wish you life is infinitely bright
And the eternal sun overhead.
So that vacation - in hot resorts,
And next to him is the closest and dearest.

Let the green light loom
At the crossroads of your path
Let the road be only smooth
Let there be tons of happiness ahead.

Happy birthday to you!
Be cheerful, happy always.
And I also wish with all my heart
So that she never knows trouble

So that happiness shines like the sun
So that you bloom under him, like spring,
So that you always go cheerful
So that you are always young.

A woman is a beautiful flower.
Woman is the muse of poets.
A woman is a heady breath of happiness.
Women blind us with light.
A woman should be gratified on a holiday
And illuminate with attention
And wish you happiness on your birthday
With a quivering kiss.
Woman, dear, protected by God,
Happy Holidays - Happy Birthday!
Be you brave, invincible,
Worthy of admiration !!!

What to wish you on your birthday?
Success in life and work,
Good friends and fun
Well-being in the family,

So that the soul does not know the cold
Like a May day, like a garden in bloom,
So that the heart is forever young
Good meeting kindness!

My dear friend,
What can I wish you?
I'm counting minutes, seconds
Before I can see you.

You and I were separated for years
How many years have passed? - I'm already at a loss.
But now, finally, today
I can see you again.

Let it be not only on your birthday
You will dress beautifully.
And eat cake in the mood
Not afraid to get better!
Wear a smile instead of a mask
Not to please
And you will have a lot of affection in life
And get pleasure!

May your life forever laugh
Flowers bloom in my soul
And let the heart beat with joy
Not knowing the hardships and troubles!
We wish you happiness and good
And eternal youth of bloom,
Love, smiles and warmth,
On your bright holiday
Happy birthday!

The birthday is coming -
Day of gifts and miracles,
On this day, a magic angel
Descending from heaven to you.

He will listen to the heart
He will look into your eyes
Maybe lurking somewhere
Loneliness is a tear?

May the good angel heal
All the scars in the heart
He will resolve the troubles, doubts,
Which in my soul is countless.

Let him plant hope
Faith, joy and love,
To make a bright paint color
Played in life again.

Happy birthday!
Of course, we wish you successful
Career progressed,
And faith reigned in the heart,
So that luck does not end,
Clearly happiness smiled
Close people loved
And friends were all around!

What to wish you on your birthday?
Of course, happiness, let it be huge.
And next to be loved ones,
That you can always trust.
I wish you a happy mutual love,
And loyalty, tenderness, and understanding,
Warmth and comfort, beautiful confessions!
May happiness fill all nights and days!
The strongest health - how without it?
So that every day pleases - and not otherwise.
In your ideas, deeds, plans - good luck!
And the best in the world of everything!

Happy birthday wishes

Happy Birthday. I wish you all the blessings of the world, material and non-material. Let as few bosses be over you as possible at work, and your colleagues love you. Let there be no career ladder, but only a direct road to success. May your work bring pleasure to you and to all people close to you.

Happy Birthday! In life, like in a movie,
And love should be, and a tie,
And the plot is original, but
Let it be a little like a fairy tale!
Magic - to meet the dawn in the mountains,
See only joyful faces
Long awaited answer
And fall in love with each other forever,
The whole script is written by you
Make adjustments to it for yourself,
You are the main character, hero,
Well, I wish you a miracle to seed!

I congratulate you today
With an open heart and soul.
I wish you happiness
Sometimes I want it so badly.
I wish to live in time
Not easy, but tasteful,
Rejoice and love the world,
Take only pluses from him!

Of such spiritual beauty
It is not often possible to meet.
We are happy that you are near
What a trembling heart beats!
The eyes are beautiful and sad
They look at us with affection,
And we confess on our birthday:
We love you, dear!

Happy birthday to you!
I wish you a good mood
If you like sweets, then a jar of jam,
If you like to laugh - a good cartoon!
Let the Funtik piglet make you laugh
Happy birthday to the fox Alice,
Will bake a pie of fish and rice -
Rice and fish are wealth,
In short, I wish you to smile !! !

How good it is to wake up in the morning
Everyone starts to congratulate
Gifts will smile sweetly
Everyone will please you!

Let it be like this, about weekdays,
Rock will fulfill desires
People will become kinder around
Luck will cross the threshold!

Congratulations on your day. Always be positive, smile as often as possible, enjoy the little things for no reason. Let life play with bright colors, radiating only good, love, joy and positive. And let it all add up like a puzzle!

Touching birthday greetings for those who have a birthday

You can live in life in different ways, you can live in sorrow and in joy. Eat on time and drink on time and do nasty things on time. Or you can do this: get up early in the morning and, thinking of a miracle, reach out the burnt sun with your hand and give it to people! Give!

You know how to love - so love!
This is how I begin my congratulations.
Don't follow happiness
Grab it without delay!
We sat down in their home success,
Do not try to share it with anyone.
Ahead in everything and everyone,
Be the first to be the favorite of fate!

Let the light of the warmest smiles
And the best wishes
Will fill every moment
On this wonderful birthday!
May years of happiness wait
Love and joy inspire.
Everything that is in dreams, that you really want -
Let it come true!

I dedicate congratulations to you,
I wish you do not know sorrow.
And let my poem fly
Happy birthday to you.

Be the funniest and happiest
Good and gentle and the most beautiful
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let troubles go out of the way in powerlessness.
May everything that you want come true.
Love you, faith, hope, good!

I wish you that everything that you conceive can be easy for you, that fate will always be favorable to you. Let all your dreams come true as soon as possible. May every day be filled with joy, laughter, smiles. May Lady Luck accompany you in all matters. And I also wish you endless personal happiness, so that your heart burns and warms with the fire of love! Happy birthday to you, and may this day be fabulously bright, filled with good wishes, the attention of people close and dear to you!

Festive touching words for birthday

We congratulate you on your birthday and want to wish everything in life to turn out in the best possible way. May luck and success accompany your life path and illuminate the path forward leading to the achievement of harmony, happiness and joy!

Let the soul fill with warmth
And it will sing like a nightingale!
Let everything be: love, a cozy home,
Favorite job, one hundred friends!

So that life is insanely good
Take only pleasure from her,
Live, tasting happiness slowly,
So that every moment is sweet!

Enjoy every moment you live, it’s not for nothing that they say “happy moment” - I wish that this moment would be a lifetime, and life was so long that you could see the children of your grandchildren. Let your health be so strong that you can hold a glass of champagne in your hands, poured to the brim and not spill it for many, many years.

Harmony, peace, love, understanding
And the fulfillment of any desire,
To go with a joyful step through life,
Without losing your way.

Nearby good and loyal people.
And never, never hurt.
Happy appearance on our white light.
Life tells you: "Hello!"

This holiday is so touching
That my heart just stops ...
I want to hug you so tenderly
Breathe hope into your dreams.
Let the soul tremble now
And the blood from happiness in the veins gushes.
When you are so needed, loved -
Problems all pass by!

Happy Birthday! Let the look burn with goodness.
And the Lord protects you from adversity,
From sadness and unexpected grievances.
Let the good angel lead to dreams.
May faith help you to overcome
All obstacles in life.
We wish you to succeed in every business
And to find the conceived happiness.

Happy Birthday - touching wishes in verse

Sky, sun and flowers
I give you
You and I will blow up bridges
Steal the dawn
Ride the seas with you
Let's go around the whole world
Happy Birthday to You
And a big hello

Let the years fly like a wedge of cranes
Exposing gray hair with a wing.
There are no more people like that in the world,
As our birthday boy - we know!
Let the splash of emotions like a waterfall
Rumble with violent force.
Let there be so many awards on the account
So that the society extolled.

We wish you health for a hundred years to come,
Inside an unbreakable spirit
Let the gladiator live in your heart.
Good luck! No feathers or fluff!

I wish you to live easily
And the blessings to get yourself in abundance.
Leave all problems far away
And in complete order to keep yourself.
And add income to this,
Which will increase over the years.
May every friend come to the house today
To celebrate your birthday with you!

Happy Birthday! I wish you happiness
To become twice as successful in your career,
Feel the taste of victory more often
Remaining always yourself!
Be an expert in matters of importance,
Do what you love
Enjoy every moment
Every step ... and life in general!

Happy birthday, I congratulate you
The closest, dearest person,
And I wish you health
Not for a year, but for your long life!

In the midst of intense heat, bad weather,
Among grief, deceit and lies
We wish you only happiness
Only devotion and love!

Birthday is the best reason
To honestly say:
Satisfy your love hunger
Let yourself be fettered with happiness!
Don't mind gossip -
Let them envy you.
Part your lips in a smile
Present it to fate!

On your birthday, I wish you all the best and brightest! Let love burn brightly in your heart, children make you happy, health does not fail, everything goes well at work, and happiness, luck and prosperity always live in the house!

Let it be not only on your birthday
You will dress beautifully.
And eat cake in the mood
Not afraid to get better!
Wear a smile instead of a mask
Not to please
And you will have a lot of affection in life
And get pleasure!

May your life forever laugh
Flowers bloom in my soul
And let the heart beat with joy
Not knowing the hardships and troubles!
We wish you happiness and good
And eternal youth of bloom,
Love, smiles and warmth,
On your bright holiday
Happy birthday!

The birthday is coming -
Day of gifts and miracles,
On this day, a magic angel
Descending from heaven to you.

He will listen to the heart
He will look into your eyes
Maybe lurking somewhere
Loneliness is a tear?

May the good angel heal
All the scars in the heart
He will resolve the troubles, doubts,
Which in my soul is countless.

Let him plant hope
Faith, joy and love,
To make a bright paint color
Played in life again.

Happy birthday!
Of course, we wish you successful
Career progressed,
And faith reigned in the heart,
So that luck does not end,
Clearly happiness smiled
Close people loved
And friends were all around!

What to wish you on your birthday?
Of course, happiness, let it be huge.
And next to be loved ones,
That you can always trust.
I wish you a happy mutual love,
And loyalty, tenderness, and understanding,
Warmth and comfort, beautiful confessions!
May happiness fill all nights and days!
The strongest health - how without it?
So that every day pleases - and not otherwise.
In your ideas, deeds, plans - good luck!
And the best in the world of everything!

Touching birthday greetings to tears for birthday people

Happy Birthday. I wish you all the blessings of the world, material and non-material. Let as few bosses be over you as possible at work, and your colleagues love you. Let there be no career ladder, but only a direct road to success. May your work bring pleasure to you and to all people close to you.

Happy Birthday! In life, like in a movie,
And love should be, and a tie,
And the plot is original, but
Let it be a little like a fairy tale!
Magic - to meet the dawn in the mountains,
See only joyful faces
Long awaited answer
And fall in love with each other forever,
The whole script is written by you
Make adjustments to it for yourself,
You are the main character, hero,
Well, I wish you a miracle to seed!

I congratulate you today
With an open heart and soul.
I wish you happiness
Sometimes I want it so badly.
I wish to live in time
Not easy, but tasteful,
Rejoice and love the world,
Take only pluses from him!

Of such spiritual beauty
It is not often possible to meet.
We are happy that you are near
What a trembling heart beats!
The eyes are beautiful and sad
They look at us with affection,
And we confess on our birthday:
We love you, dear!

Happy birthday to you!
I wish you a good mood
If you like sweets, then a jar of jam,
If you like to laugh - a good cartoon!
Let the Funtik piglet make you laugh
Happy birthday to the fox Alice,
Will bake a pie of fish and rice -
Rice and fish are wealth,
In short, I wish you to smile !! !

How good it is to wake up in the morning
Everyone starts to congratulate
Gifts will smile sweetly
Everyone will please you!

Let it be like this, about weekdays,
Rock will fulfill desires
People will become kinder around
Luck will cross the threshold!

Congratulations on your day. Always be positive, smile as often as possible, enjoy the little things for no reason. Let life play with bright colors, radiating only good, love, joy and positive. And let it all add up like a puzzle!

You can live in life in different ways, you can live in sorrow and in joy. Eat on time and drink on time and do nasty things on time. Or you can do this: get up early in the morning and, thinking of a miracle, reach out the burnt sun with your hand and give it to people! Give!

You know how to love - so love!
This is how I begin my congratulations.
Don't follow happiness
Grab it without delay!
We sat down in their home success,
Do not try to share it with anyone.
Ahead in everything and everyone,
Be the first to be the favorite of fate!

Let the light of the warmest smiles
And the best wishes
Will fill every moment
On this wonderful birthday!
May years of happiness wait
Love and joy inspire.
Everything that is in dreams, that you really want -
Let it come true!

Festive touching words to tears on your birthday

I dedicate congratulations to you,
I wish you do not know sorrow.
And let my poem fly
Happy birthday to you.

Be the funniest and happiest
Good and gentle and the most beautiful
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let troubles go out of the way in powerlessness.
May everything that you want come true.
Love you, faith, hope, good!

I wish you that everything that you conceive can be easy for you, that fate will always be favorable to you. Let all your dreams come true as soon as possible. May every day be filled with joy, laughter, smiles. May Lady Luck accompany you in all matters. And I also wish you endless personal happiness, so that your heart burns and warms with the fire of love! Happy birthday to you, and may this day be fabulously bright, filled with good wishes, the attention of people close and dear to you!

We congratulate you on your birthday and want to wish everything in life to turn out in the best possible way. May luck and success accompany your life path and illuminate the path forward leading to the achievement of harmony, happiness and joy!

Let the soul fill with warmth
And it will sing like a nightingale!
Let everything be: love, a cozy home,
Favorite job, one hundred friends!

So that life is insanely good
Take only pleasure from her,
Live, tasting happiness slowly,
So that every moment is sweet!

Enjoy every moment you live, it’s not for nothing that they say “happy moment” - I wish that this moment would be a lifetime, and life was so long that you could see the children of your grandchildren. Let your health be so strong that you can hold a glass of champagne in your hands, poured to the brim and not spill it for many, many years.

Harmony, peace, love, understanding
And the fulfillment of any desire,
To go with a joyful step through life,
Without losing your way.

Nearby good and loyal people.
And never, never hurt.
Happy appearance on our white light.
Life tells you: "Hello!"

This holiday is so touching
That my heart just stops ...
I want to hug you so tenderly
Breathe hope into your dreams.
Let the soul tremble now
And the blood from happiness in the veins gushes.
When you are so needed, loved -
Problems all pass by!

Happy Birthday! Let the look burn with goodness.
And the Lord protects you from adversity,
From sadness and unexpected grievances.
Let the good angel lead to dreams.
May faith help you to overcome
All obstacles in life.
We wish you to succeed in every business
And to find the conceived happiness.

Sky, sun and flowers
I give you
You and I will blow up bridges
Steal the dawn
Ride the seas with you
Let's go around the whole world
Happy Birthday to You
And a big hello

Happy Birthday - touching wishes to tears in verse

Let the years fly like a wedge of cranes
Exposing gray hair with a wing.
There are no more people like that in the world,
As our birthday boy - we know!
Let the splash of emotions like a waterfall
Rumble with violent force.
Let there be so many awards on the account
So that the society extolled.

We wish you health for a hundred years to come,
Inside an unbreakable spirit
Let the gladiator live in your heart.
Good luck! No feathers or fluff!

I wish you to live easily
And the blessings to get yourself in abundance.
Leave all problems far away
And in complete order to keep yourself.
And add income to this,
Which will increase over the years.
May every friend come to the house today
To celebrate your birthday with you!

Happy Birthday! I wish you happiness
To become twice as successful in your career,
Feel the taste of victory more often
Remaining always yourself!
Be an expert in matters of importance,
Do what you love
Enjoy every moment
Every step ... and life in general!

Happy birthday, I congratulate you
The closest, dearest person,
And I wish you health
Not for a year, but for your long life!

In the midst of intense heat, bad weather,
Among grief, deceit and lies
We wish you only happiness
Only devotion and love!

Birthday is the best reason
To honestly say:
Satisfy your love hunger
Let yourself be fettered with happiness!
Don't mind gossip -
Let them envy you.
Part your lips in a smile
Present it to fate!