Diy kanekalon dreadlocks. How to make dreadlocks. What are dreadlocks

It is believed that dreadlocks are not just a stylish hairstyle that allows you to stand out from the crowd, but a whole philosophy and lifestyle. Those wishing to join the subculture of "dreadlocks" should contact a qualified craftsman, however, with the support of a patient friend, you can braid dreadlocks at home. This lesson, however, will have to spend a couple of days.

How are dreadlocks made?

There are many ways to create dreadlocks, but we will consider the most effective. Its advantage is that the hair looks as it should for dreadlocks from the very first day.

You will need:

  • dreadlocks wax;
  • small elastic bands and hair clips;
  • comb-comb with thick teeth.

The above steps are repeated for each strand - in total, you should get 30-40 dreadlocks. This technology is only applicable to hair longer than 8 cm.

How to care for dreadlocks?

The first month after creating an extraordinary hairstyle, you cannot wash your head. To get rid of itching will help - they rub the skin. Chlorhexidine is an alternative. You can't scratch your head!

After a month, the hair should be washed and be sure to correct it, otherwise the dreadlocks will become shaggy.

Subsequent care consists in washing the hair with tar shampoo or soap. It is useful to rub burdock oil into the scalp with massage movements for 15 minutes. Wash your hair with dreadlocks, as experience shows, is effective in a decoction of hibiscus tea (a pack on a bowl of water) with the addition of cinnamon (1 spoon).

How to undo dreadlocks?

Unbraiding dreadlocks is very painful, and in this case 30-50% of hair is inevitably lost. The remaining hair will require intensive restoration with masks and oils.

You need to start unweaving the dreadlock from the tip - a fork or crochet hook will help with this. If the tourniquet is very tight, you can wet it with hot water and continue combing with a hook or fork. If you don't have enough patience, all you have to do is cut off the dreadlocks: a new hairstyle in the form of a short "hedgehog" is no less interesting experiment!

Dreadlocks, locks or dreadlocks (from the English dreadlocks - frightening curls) is a hairstyle that is long or semi-long hair twisted into curls or braids. Dreadlocks are traditionally associated with Rastafarianism, a modern religious movement, whose adherents are called Rastafarians. However, such a hairstyle is ancient, since for many centuries it was found among many peoples and cultures in completely different parts of the world.

The peoples of Jamaica and Ethiopia have a legend according to which at the moment when the end of the world comes, the god Jah will stretch out his hand from heaven and pull out by the dreadlocks all those faithful to him to heaven.

In ancient times, matted curls symbolized freedom, and this is not surprising, since their owners never used any combs or combs, and never cut a hair in their life.

In our society, this hairstyle can be a sign of belonging to a certain subculture, a way of expressing national pride, religious beliefs, or just a tribute to fashion. Today, as a rule, representatives of the younger generation make dreadlocks to emphasize their own individuality.

How are dreadlocks made?

Today there are two types of locks: artificial and natural.

Natural, in fact, are mats, which are shaped into tubes or braids and fixed with the help of various hairdressing tools. It is believed that it is practically impossible to return the former look to the curls, if for some reason the locks fall out of favor, and when they unravel, you can easily lose from 30 to 50% of the hair.

However, this is partly not so - a qualified hairdresser, using modern cosmetics (balms, masks), will help restore the former beauty to the curls. However, this procedure is quite long, painful and expensive, so before making dreadlocks, think carefully about whether you really need it.

There are many ways to create natural locks. Let's talk about the most popular ones.

Crochet or string weaving

You will need:

  • crochet hook from 1.0 to 1.6 mm;
  • special hair wax designed for weaving locks;
  • rubber bands.

How to do?

Mark the head into equal segments. They can be squares or triangles. It is better to fix each strand with an ordinary small hair tie.

Take a strand, divide it in half (as if tearing it apart) to the base to make a tangle. Then separate it again and repeat the manipulation. The more you pull the curl at the base, the thicker the dreadlocks will be. Using the same principle, separate and twist the curl until one small, tangled ponytail remains from the strand.

Now start crocheting. Pass the hook through the dreadlock along its entire length, wrap it around the protruding end several times and pull it back out in the same way. This will keep the lock in place, making it sturdier and less shaggy.

Do the same manipulation with all the other strands. You can also use a regular guitar string instead of a hook.


You will need:

  • special wax;
  • crest;
  • rubber bands.

How to do?

Divide the area of ​​the scalp into equal sectors of 1-2 cm in size. Secure each strand with elastic bands. Release one strand from the attachment and twist it clockwise. Using a comb, knock down the curled strand and fix it with gel. Twist the tip of the dreadlock with your hands, and then fix it again. Treat each strand this way. Reapply the gel over the hair.

In the first few days, you can use rubber bands at the roots and at the tips of the loks for fixation.


You will need:

  • special wax.

How to do?

Divide your scalp into equal squares, each about an inch wide. Secure the strands with rubber bands. Alternately remove the elastic from each curl and braid a tight pigtail from it, securing the remaining small tail with an elastic band.

After a lot of small braids appear on your head, cover everything with wax and roll each of them for a very long time and intensively between your palms until they are completely formed ("thinning").

Twisting and tearing

You will need:

  • special wax;
  • rubber bands.

How to do?

Lather your hair with shampoo until a rich lather forms. Without rinsing off with water, twist them clockwise. Then rinse in water without brushing or splitting into strands. When the hair is dry, tear the resulting clump into many strands (as many as you wish to have dreadlocks). Twist each strand individually by adding wax. After that, roll each of them intensively between your palms.

For fixation, you can fasten all parts of the hairstyle with elastic bands. It is necessary to repeat rolling every day until the hair falls off completely.

Rubbing with wool

You will need:

  • woolen mittens;
  • special wax.

How to do?

Put on woolen mittens on your hands and rub your hair in a circular motion until you form a huge matted head. Then tear them into equal parts, rub each of them with mittens in the same way several times. Fix everything with wax. This procedure should be repeated every day until the hairstyle is complete.

Safe dreadlocks with kanekalon (artificial hair) have been invented relatively recently. Their main advantage is that they do not spoil the structure of natural curls: they can be easily attached to the strands and removed with the same ease.

In this case, the strands can be small in length - from 6-7 cm. In addition, kanekalon can have different colors (up to fantastic) and length. This hairstyle can last from 2 to 6 months.

The downside of kanekalon is its high cost. It should also be noted that when wet, such artificial strands smell unpleasant.

As a rule, artificial dreadlocks are made in specialized hairdressing salons, where the client can choose a material of a suitable color, length and texture.

However, they can also be made at home.

You will need:

  • ready-made purchased blanks from kanekalon;
  • hair wax;
  • rubber bands.

How to do?

Divide the scalp into equal segments. There should be as many strands as you plan to have dreadlocks. Secure them with rubber bands.

Take the workpiece, secure it on both sides with elastic bands, comb it carefully, wax it, fold it in half and attach it to your own strand of hair using the braiding method. Wax again.

In winter and autumn, gray, joyless everyday life is outside the window. I just want to color and add a little fun to them. Perhaps it's time to change dramatically and braid dreadlocks? This exotic hairstyle is increasingly seen on the streets. In order to build it on your head, you can trust a professional master, or you can try to do everything yourself.

Dreadlocks are artificially matted strands that outwardly should be as close as possible to a natural careless look. Most often, this hairstyle is associated with immigrants from Jamaica who practice Rastafarianism. Many consider dreadlocks to be a kind of antenna for scooping up cosmic energy. If you decide to make dreadlocks, think very well. Firstly, this is a fairly long process that will take more than one day. Secondly, this is a traumatic process for hair, and in order to return your original hairstyle, you may have to lose chic curls and cut your hair very short.

There are many ways to make dreadlocks. Before you start using one of them, study the reviews, advantages and disadvantages of each. One of the deciding factors when choosing a braiding method is the length of the hair. Also an important element is the presence or absence of funds, since some methods require a professional to work with special materials.

Weaving with a hook or string. This is a fairly quick way to keep most of your hair's length. The biggest disadvantage is that the dreadlocks are very tightly pulled for the first few days after braiding, so this method is not suitable for weakened hair. So, you will need a string or a hook and a comb. You can use a regular crochet hook, but some craftsmen prefer to use a crochet hook or a hand-made double crochet hook. You need to take two hooks about 1 mm in size and a ballpoint pen shaft. Connect the hooks with tape or threads facing each other, placing a rod between them.

Divide your hair into strands, secure and start working on each separately. Take a strand, split it in half, twist it and halve it again, twist it and split it again. Do this until the mats appear. Make sure it is tight enough. If a tangle appears - you are doing everything right, continue along the entire length of the hair. Once you have finished the entire strand, take the crochet hook. Gently thread it through the dreadlock, wrap the sticking strand around it and pull out the hook. So you kind of "sew" the dreadlocks with protruding hairs. Another way to make dreadlocks is with bouffant. It can be used on hair longer than 8 cm. The process itself is quite laborious and long, it can take about 10 or more hours, so it is better to do it with four or even six hands. This type of weaving allows you to get dreadlocks of almost any thickness. You will need: a comb, dreadlock wax and elastic bands. Part the hair and secure the strands with elastic bands. Start combing the strands by moving the comb from top to bottom. Start shaping the dreadlocks at a distance of about 2-3 cm from the roots, gradually moving further and further from the head. Try to form the densest "sausage" out of your hair. The tip can be secured with an elastic band using a special wax or hook, just as in the previous method. If you are afraid to ruin your hair or want to try an unusual hairstyle for just a short time, pay attention to the so-called di-dreadlocks or Nepalese dreadlocks. Dee-dreadlocks are synthetic ready-made braids that are attached directly to your hair. Nepalese dreadlocks are made of felt. The fastening principle is similar to the previous method. Both materials are made in a large assortment of colors, you can even choose glowing in the ultraviolet. These dreadlocks are easy to remove as soon as you get tired of the hairstyle, and with almost no damage to your own hair. Felt dreadlocks are softer and more natural to the touch than dreadlocks. Both those and other braids are best done in the salon by a trusted master.

There are several more ways to weave dreadlocks, each has its own disadvantages and a number of advantages. If you decide on such an extravagant hairstyle, be sure to consult a professional!

Nowadays, every person wants to stand out, so girls all over the world are looking for ways to diversify their appearance, to make it as creative and original as possible. With the spread of different subcultures, artificial dreadlocks have become popular - original pigtails that resemble rolled hair. It was with their help that representatives of the Rastafari expressed themselves, and later just brave girls who were not afraid of experiments.

Soft pink dreadlocks

Multi-colored hairstyle

Hairstyles with dreadlocks

History of origin

Many believe that dreadlocks, or dreadlocks (creepy curls), are not just a hairstyle, since they also have a philosophical and religious meaning. This fashion came to civilization from Jamaica in the early 70s, when one of the local sects began to do this hairstyle as a sign of their belonging to the community. Frightening at first, matted hair attracted everyone who is tired of the dullness of the environment.

Original female dreadlocks

The famous Bob Marley

Natural dreadlocks are obtained naturally

If you dig deeper into the history of the emergence of such an extravagant hairstyle, you can stumble upon a religious background. Many Rastafarians wear dreadlocks because they consider this to be the most important vow of Nazareth. They believe that hair like this gives courage and strength, and also helps to maintain a connection with God. That is why dreadlocks were originally created by natural hair felting, after which they were fixed with wax. Then such a hairstyle was already impossible to untangle, the only way out was to shave off the hair to zero. However, now technology allows you to weave dreadlocks in a more gentle way, so those who want to surprise others can try to change their image in this way.

With the growing popularity of dreadlocks, there are a lot of variations of this hairstyle weaving. Many masters offer a wide choice, but the difference between certain names can only be in the difference in material. Therefore, it is rational to distinguish the following types:

Natural dreadlocks

This look is the closest to the traditional hairstyle. They create such dreadlocks from kanekolon and their own hair.


With the help of auxiliary material, the hairstyle is lengthened and made more voluminous, increasing the total number of dreadlocks. When working, only a hook is used, so this hairstyle can be worn all your life. However, once every six months, you will have to adjust the dreadlocks, braid the length with the help of a kanekolon.

There is a myth that real dreadlocks can only be shaved off, like in the past. In fact, when your own hair grows back, it is quite possible to cut off the annoying hairstyle and leave the strands intact. You can even undo the dreadlocks, but this will take a lot of time. In addition, in this case, you will have to take great care of your hair.

As a rule, masters do not undertake to weave natural dreadlocks for short hair - the length of the strands should be at least 10 cm.


To make dreadlocks from his own hair, the craftsman divides the head into square sections and works with a crochet hook. For natural dreadlocks, the hair is combed and felted, after which it is often set with wax.


For the beauty and maximum life of dreadlocks, you should take care of your hair. They should be washed at least once a week. In addition, you should regularly braid your hair with a kanekolon. In this case, the hairstyle will look neat and natural.

Neat braid of dreadlocks

Bulky dreadful tail

Safe dreadlocks

1. Classic safety dreadlocks

They are very similar to natural dreadlocks, however, the kanekolon is woven directly into the strand itself with the help of braids, which are hidden inside. Their service life is 2-3.5 months, after which they can be woven. However, if you start the hairstyle, then at the roots the hair will begin to roll.

Long dreadlocks, gathered in "malvinka"

Dreadlocks for short hair

2. D.E. dreadlocks

Translated means "double end". For this type, kanekalon blanks are braided to the strands using a figure eight. Artificial material can be of any color, however, it will not be possible to completely cover your hair color. Their wear life is the same as that of regular safety dreadlocks. Even short dreadlocks can be created with their help, as the minimum length can be 5 cm.

Weave D.E dread

KATO_Katosha will show you how to make safe D.E. from kanekalon. dreadlocks and braid them.

For this you will need:

  • Iron
  • Kanekalon
  • Spray
  • Comb ponytail
  • Stationery rubber bands
  • Scissors
  • Thread
  • Clamps

Dreadlocks are traditionally associated with Rastafarianism - a religious modern movement, and its adherents are usually called Rastafarians. But such hairstyle (dreadlocks) is considered ancient, since for many years it was found among many cultures and peoples in completely different regions of the world.

The peoples of Ethiopia and Jamaica have one legend that says that when the end of the world comes, the god Jah from heaven will reach out and pull all people to heaven by the dreadlocks that were faithful to him.

In ancient times, matted curls symbolized freedom, and it is not surprising, since their owners never used combs or combs, they never cut a haircut in their entire life.

Nowadays, such a hairstyle can be a sign of belonging to a subculture, a method of displaying national pride, a tribute to fashion and religious beliefs. As a rule, dreadlocks are now done by young people who want to emphasize their individuality.

There are now two types of locks: natural and artificial.

In fact, natural ones are mats made in the form of braids and tubes, fixed with the help of a variety of hairdressing devices. Many believe that it is almost impossible to return the curls to their former appearance, if the locks, for some reason, have fallen out of favor, and after weaving them, you can easily lose from thirty to fifty percent of the hair!

But this is not so in part - a professional hairdresser, using new cosmetics (masks, balms), will be able to restore the former beauty of the curls. This procedure, however, is quite lengthy, expensive and painful, respectively, before making dreadlocks, think carefully whether you really need it.

There are many methods for creating true locks. Let's get acquainted with the most popular ones.

Weaving with a string or crochet

You need to take: rubber bands, wax used to weave dreadlocks, crochet hook.

Mark equal zones on the head in the form of triangles or rhombuses. Secure the strands with a regular hair elastic.

Next, take a strand, divide it in half to the base to make a tangle. Then separate it again and repeat the manipulation. The stronger you pull the curl at the base, the thicker the dreadlocks will be. Also, part and twist the curl until there is a small tangled ponytail from the strand.

Now start crocheting. Pass it all the way through the dreadlock, wrap the protruding end with it several times, pull it back out the same way. So you will fix the lock, make it strong and not so shaggy.

You can do the rest of the dreadlocks with the same manipulation. The hook can also be replaced with a guitar string.


You need to take: rubber bands, comb, special wax.

Divide your hair into equal sizes (one to two centimeters). Secure each section with rubber bands. Free one strand from the fastening and twist it clockwise. Using a comb, knock down the twisted strand and fix it with gel. Twist the tip of the lock with your hands, and then fix it again. So process all the strands. Apply the gel to your hair.

At first, you can use rubber bands for fixing on the tips and at the roots of the dreadlocks.


You need to take: special wax.

Divide your hair into equal squares that are about an inch in size. Secure the strands with elastic bands. Remove the elastic from each curl in turn, weave a strong braid from it, while securing the remaining tail with the elastic.

After a large number of small braids appear on the head, cover everything with wax, roll each of them intensively and for a long time with your palms until the dreadlocks are completely formed.

Ripping and twisting

You need to take: rubber bands and special wax.

Shampoo your hair until lather appears. Twist them clockwise without rinsing. After that, rinse in water without separating or combing. When the hair is dry, tear the resulting clump into strands (the amount depends on your desire). Twist each strand separately, while adding wax. Then roll each of them intensively with your palms.

Use elastic bands to fix each part of the hairstyle. Roll up every day until the hair is completely matted.

Rubbing with wool

You need to take: special wax and woolen mittens.

Put mittens on your hands, rub your hair in a circular motion until you get tangled heaps. After that, tear them into equal parts, rub each part with mittens several times. Fix everything with wax. It is necessary to repeat this procedure every day until you get a hairstyle.

Safe dreadlocks with kanekalon were invented quite recently. Their main advantage is that they do not spoil the structure of natural hair: they can be easily attached to strands and also easily removed.

In this case, the strands can have a length of six to seven centimeters. In addition, dreadlocks can be of various lengths and shades. This hairstyle can last from two to six months.

The disadvantage of such a dread is the high price. Also, it should be noted that such strands, when wet, smell unpleasant.

Faux dreadlocks

Usually I do it in hairdressing salons, where the client himself chooses the material, texture and length of the appropriate color.

However, you can saddle them at home on your own.

You need to take: rubber bands, hair wax and kanekalon blanks.

Divide your hair into equal segments. You should get as many strands as you want to have dreadlocks. Secure them with rubber bands.

Take the workpiece, secure it with elastic bands on both sides, comb it well, wax it, fold it in half and attach it to your own lock of hair with braids. Wax again.

You can also take a shortcut: weave an artificial workpiece into a living strand, then wax each dreadlocked.

Before you start braiding your dreadlocks, wash your hair with regular shampoo. Do not use balms, conditioners, or other products that smooth your hair.

After you have done dreadlocks, within a month it is not allowed to wash your hair.

One month after braiding, use an egg or tar shampoo to wash your hair. After the procedure, rinse your hair with boiled water (one liter), with dissolved sea salt in it (one tablespoon). This will give the hairstyle more tangling and keep the structure of each dreadlocked.