Hygiene of educational activity. Hygienic organization of walks and excursions during the day

  • 4. The concept of health. Basic definitions and principles for assessing the health status of children.
  • 5. Factors that determine health
  • 6. Public health. Public Health Assessment Indicators
  • 7. Physical development of the child. Indicators of physical development. Children's health groups
  • 8. The concept of the microclimate and its most important indicators, the impact on children's health
  • 9.Basic principles for building a daily regimen in various age groups
  • 10. The value of games and activities for the health and development of children. Requirements for items and equipment for games, toys
  • 11. Features of the admission of new children to a preschool institution
  • 12. Hygiene of educational activities: types of classes, duration. Labor activity hygiene: originality and types of labor activity, hygienic requirements for labor tools
  • 13. Requirements for walking and excursions
  • 14. The concept of rational nutrition. Basic food ingredients and their meaning
  • 15. The role of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. The role of vitamins in health. The role of minerals for the child's body
  • 16. Natural feeding and its importance for the health of the child
  • 17. Artificial and mixed feeding. Lure
  • 19. Education of correct posture, prevention of its violations
  • 20. Hygienic requirements for equipment and inventory in preschool institutions
  • 21.Organization of the hardening system in preschool institutions
  • 22. Principles of hardening. Hardening with air and water. The value of solar radiation for hardening
  • 23. Hygiene of linen, clothing and footwear
  • 24. Readiness of children to study at school.
  • 25. Epidemic process and its links
  • 26. The concept of disinfection (current, final, preventive)
  • 27. The concept of immunity
  • 28. Immunoprophylaxis in childhood. Types of complications in the introduction of vaccinations.
  • 29. Measures to prevent the spread of infection in a preschool institution
  • 30. Prevention of infectious diseases.
  • 31. Tuberculosis, signs, basics of diagnosis
  • 32. Prevention of tuberculosis
  • 33. Rickets and its prevention
  • 34. Worm infestations. Ascariasis, Enterobiasis, Trichuriasis. Prevention
  • 35. Angina, causes, signs, complications, prevention.
  • 36. Signs and types of posture disorders in children.
  • 37. Scoliosis, signs, prevention
  • 38. Flat feet, signs, prevention
  • 40. Acute laryngitis, causes, signs, first aid
  • 41. Acute bronchitis, causes, signs, first aid.
  • 42. Acute pneumonia, causes, signs, first aid
  • 43. Bronchial asthma, causes, signs, first aid
  • 44. Fainting, causes, signs, first aid
  • 45. Anemia in children, causes, signs.
  • 46. ​​Allergic skin diseases in children, causes, signs, first aid
  • 47. Burns, causes, signs, first aid.
  • 48. Frostbite, causes, signs, first aid.
  • 49. Bites and stings, causes, signs, first aid.
  • 13. Requirements for walking and excursions

    Children of preschool age who do not have contraindications for health reasons are allowed to walks, excursions.

    When conducting walks, excursions, it is necessary to follow the rules of conduct, established modes of movement and rest.

    A group of pupils must be accompanied by two adults, be sure to have a medical kit with a set of necessary medicines and dressings.

    Participants of the walk, excursion should wear comfortable clothes and shoes that do not restrict movement and are appropriate for the season and weather. Wear trousers or stockings to prevent injury and leg bites.

    Observe discipline, follow all instructions of the head.

    The total duration of the walk, excursion is 1-3 hours.

    During halts, in order to avoid burns and forest fires, do not make fires.

    Do not taste any plants, fruits and mushrooms.

    Do not touch poisonous and dangerous animals, reptiles, insects, plants and fungi, as well as thorny plants and shrubs.

    When walking, do not take off your shoes and do not walk barefoot.

    In order to avoid infection with gastrointestinal diseases, do not drink water from open untested reservoirs, use drinking water that you need to take with you, or boiled water. Observe the rules of personal hygiene, promptly inform the leader of the walk, excursion about the deterioration of health or injuries.

    Respect local traditions and customs, take care of nature, historical and cultural monuments, personal and group property.

    at the end of the walk, the excursion must be checked according to the list for the presence of pupils in the group.

    14. The concept of rational nutrition. Basic food ingredients and their meaning

    Rational nutrition is characterized by 2 sides:

    1. quantitative composition of food;

    2. qualitative composition of food (ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates).

    Food in the body of a child performs both a building (plastic) and energy function.

    The food of a child in its quantity and quality must meet the characteristics of the digestive tract, satisfy its need for plastic substances and energy (contain a sufficient number of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, water and vitamins necessary for the child). ).

    The rapid growth of a child requires a relatively large amount of protein. With a lack of protein in food, the child loses his appetite, weakness appears, and then a disease (nutritional dystrophy). Proper metabolism of proteins is possible with the proper ratio of them with other nutrients (fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts).

    Fats are also involved in the structure of body cells, being a source of energy, as well as carriers of a number of vitamins.

    The need for carbohydrates is individual. Some children develop rashes from excess carbohydrates.

    Every day in the menu you need to enter a certain number of BJU. Breakfast 20-25% of daily calories; Lunch 30-35%; afternoon snack 15-20%; dinner 20-25%.

    The main elements necessary for human life are calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus - they are involved in the structure of cells and tissues; Iron is part of hemoglobin. Preschool children need 15 micrograms of iron per day. Also, a child needs copper, bromine, iodine, zinc, fluorine and other trace elements. They serve as an integral part of many enzymes, hormones, vitamins and have a great influence on the metabolism, growth and development of the body.

    Water, together with minerals dissolved in it, makes up the internal environment of the body, being the main part of plasma, lymph, and tissue fluid. 5 meals in a preschooler's daily diet should be liquid.

    For the normal development of the body in the food of children should be included in a sufficient number of vitamins. Vitamins play an important role in maintaining the immunobiological properties of the body and high resistance to adverse environmental factors.

    Perhaps it is difficult to overestimate the importance of a walk in kindergarten. On a walk, children actively move, breathe fresh air, learn about the world around them, and get used to work. All this is beneficial for the health, physical and mental development of children.

    Sanitary standards (SanPiN dated May 15, 2013 N 26 ON THE APPROVAL OF SANPIN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the work regime in preschool organizations) determine that the daily duration of a walk for children is at least 3-4 hours.

    The walk is organized 2 times a day: in the first half - before lunch and in the second half - after daytime sleep or before the children go home. When the air temperature is below -15°C and the wind speed is more than 7 m/s, the duration of the walk is reduced. No walk at air temperature below -15 °С and wind speed over 15 m/s for children under 4 years old, and for children aged 5–7 years – at air temperature below minus 20 °С and wind speed over 15 m/s;

    During the walk, the pupils are provided with physical activity and rational clothing, depending on weather conditions, including in winter.

    The reason for the frequent morbidity of a child cannot be directly dependent on the conduct of walks in kindergarten. On the contrary, the kindergarten implements sports and recreational activities aimed at strengthening the health of each child.

    Requirements for equipping the territory of the kindergarten: 1. It is necessary to inspect the sites daily before the walk: all equipment on the site must be in good condition (without sharp protrusions of corners, nails, roughness and protruding bolts), small game forms, physical education aids, etc. must meet the age of children and the requirements of SanPiN; 2. Remote and didactic material for children's games, should correspond to the autumn-winter period. Toys must be hygienic, not broken, for different types of play activities, allowing you to balance the motor load in accordance with the season of the year and the age of the children; 3. The fences of the kindergarten should not have holes, openings to prevent the penetration of stray dogs and unauthorized leaving of children; 4. Pits in the territory must be filled up, wells are closed with heavy covers; 5. If dangerous and suspicious objects are found on the site, immediately inform the administration (guard), take the children to another site or to a room; 6. The gates of the kindergarten must be bolted; 7. In case of unauthorized departure of a child, immediately send an employee to search for him and report the incident to the nearest police station; 8. The requirements for the manufacture of snow structures (slides, slides, snow, etc.) must be met.
    When organizing walks in the autumn - winter period, you should: 1. Dress children in accordance with temperature conditions, prevent: - frostbite, hypothermia or overheating of the child's body; - getting wet children's clothes, shoes; 2. Protect children from the impact of the following hazards, typical for the autumn-winter period: - injuries during games on the ground not cleared of snow and ice; - injuries from icicles falling from roofs, hanging blocks of snow during the thaw period; - falling from the slides, in cases of lack of insurance of the educator (provide control and direct insurance by the educator while sliding down the hill, climbing, jumping off a hill, sports equipment, throwing); - injury: metal or wooden racks of objects sticking out of the ground, low stumps on playgrounds for outdoor games, injections with broken glass, dry branches, knots on trees, shrubs, splinters from sticks, boards, wooden toys, etc .; - injuries to the pupils' legs: in the presence of pits and potholes on the site, when jumping from stationary equipment without the teacher's insurance; - Injuries when sliding on an ice track; - when organizing the work of preschoolers; - injuries, bruises during games with sports elements; - injuries, bruises during games on a wet and slippery ground; - injuries, bruises when riding on the feet from ice slides, on sleds, while moving into icy conditions on slippery paths, outdoor steps, areas not cleared of snow, ice and not sprinkled with sand; - injuries from touching metal structures on a frosty day with open parts of the body (face, hands, tongue, lips); To not allow:- infection with gastrointestinal diseases, acute respiratory infections, if the child takes dirty and cold snow, icicles into his mouth. - clean the roofs of all buildings from snow, sprinkle icicles with sand.
    Each educator and all teachers replacing him should teach children to recognize dangerous situations in illustrations, explain to children. Coordinate with the senior nurse, head of the possibility of going for a walk, depending on the state of weather conditions, air temperature. The teacher should inspect the clothes, shoes of pupils for compliance with weather conditions. Children should always be provided with spare clothes in case of bad weather, which parents bring in advance for this;

    Safety requirements while walking 1. It is not allowed to organize walks, work on the same playing area at the same time for 2 groups of pupils, the presence of parents on an evening walk on the 2nd floor, hold on to the railing, do not carry large toys and objects in front of you that block the view of the path, etc. Additional safety requirements during a walk in winter: sled; 2. Make sure that when sledding, the next child patiently waits until the child sliding in front of him reaches the end of the slope, slide; 3. Do not allow children to sit with their backs to the slope when sliding down the hill on a sled; 4. Make sure that children do not take dirty snow, icicles into their mouths; 5. When frost and wind increase, take the children to the kindergarten;
    Safety requirements in situations during the walk: 1. All employees who temporarily replace the teacher in the group take on the functions of saving children. 2. In the event of unforeseen situations, it is necessary: ​​- to ensure the safety of children; - make sure that there is no dangerous situation; - inform the administration about the incident, provide first aid in case of an accident; - inform the rescue service by phone, if the situation requires it.
    Safety requirements at the end of the walk 1. Organize a calm entry of pupils into the kindergarten (the 1st subgroup passes and undresses under the supervision of an assistant teacher, the 2nd - under the supervision of a teacher). 2. Clean the pupils' outerwear, shoes from snow, dirt, sand. 3. Check how the pupils put their clothes in the lockers. If necessary, change the pupils into dry clothes, underwear. 4. Organize the implementation of hygiene procedures: going to the toilet, washing hands with soap. 5. Ensure drying of wet clothes, shoes after rain or in winter

    Types of walks in kindergarten

    1. Venue:
    • on the territory of the kindergarten;
    • outside the territory of the kindergarten (possible in older groups, for short distances).
    1. By content:
    • traditional, which includes the labor activity of children (cleaning leaves, snow, etc.), outdoor and quiet games, etc .;
    • thematic: consisting of observations and conversations on a specific topic (animals, clouds, trees, city transport, etc.), it can be a street theatrical performance, a quest with overcoming simple obstacles - requires a pre-prepared script;
    • target: organized exit outside the territory of the kindergarten, for a short distance (up to 2 km);
    • excursion (as a rule, museum): 1 time per month, starting from the middle group;
    • hike: can be held 1-2 times a year in older groups.

    Often, the editors of the site are contacted with questions about the sanitary standards that must be observed in kindergarten. Today we are publishing the most important excerpts from the document, which obliges us to maintain certain norms in kindergartens.

    ASK YOUR QUESTION — In addition to reading this document, you can contact our editorial office with a question, the answer to which we will try to find for you with experts in this field and publish it on the pages of the site. Write us questions about sanitary standards in kindergarten to the address - [email protected]


    Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of March 26, 2003 N 24 "On the Enactment of Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and SanPiN"

    On the basis of the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 14, art. Federation of July 24, 2000 N 554 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 31, Art. 3295), I decide:

    1. Enact sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational institutions. SanPiN", approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on March 25, 2003, from June 20, 2003 G.G. Onishchenko

    2.4.1. Hygiene of children and adolescents

    Children's preschool institutions

    Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN

    "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the mode of operation of preschool educational institutions"
    (approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on March 25, 2003)
    Date of introduction: June 20, 2003

    1. General provisions and scope

    1.1. These Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Regulations (hereinafter referred to as Sanitary Rules) are developed in accordance with the Federal Law of March 30, 1999, N 52-FZ "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population", the Law of the Russian Federation of January 13, 1996 N 12- Federal Law “On Education” (with amendments and additions, Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation 2002, N 7, Art. 631), Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07/01/1995, N 677 (as amended on 12/23/2002) “On Approval of the Model Regulation on preschool educational institution” (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1995, N 28, item 2694).

    1.2. Sanitary rules establish sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the placement, arrangement, maintenance and organization of the operating mode in preschool educational institutions (hereinafter - PEI), regardless of the form of ownership and their subordination.

    1.3. These sanitary rules are binding on all legal entities and individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to the design, construction, reconstruction, operation of preschool educational institutions, the upbringing and education of children, as well as for bodies and institutions exercising state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

    1.4. Sanitary rules apply to all types of preschool educational institutions, except for the compensating type.

    1.5. The capacity of newly built preschool educational institutions should not exceed 350 seats; the capacity of preschool educational institutions attached to the ends of residential buildings and built into residential buildings is no more than 150 places. The capacity of preschool educational institutions for rural settlements and urban-type settlements - no more than 140 places are recommended.

    1.6. Preschools are designed for children aged 2 months to 7 years. The selection of a contingent of a mixed-age (mixed) group should take into account the possibility of organizing a daily routine in it that best corresponds to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of each age group.

    When recruiting groups in small preschool educational institutions, the optimal is:
    — two mixed groups of children of adjacent age (nursery, preschool);
    - two mixed groups of children of adjacent ages and one preparatory group.

    1.7. The number and ratio of age groups of preschool children in newly built preschools is determined by the design task based on their maximum occupancy:

    for toddlers
    - from 2 months to 1 year - no more than 10 people;
    - from 1 to 3 years - no more than 15 people;
    - if there are children of two ages in the group (from 2 months to 3 years) - 8 people;

    for preschool age
    - for children 3-7 years old - no more than 20 people (optimal 15 people);
    - in groups of different ages, if there are children of any three ages (3-7 years old) in the group - no more than 10 people;
    - if there are children of any two ages (3-7 years) in the group - no more than 20 people (optimal - 15 people).

    1.8. During the construction, reconstruction and repair of preschool educational institutions, building and finishing materials should be used that have a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on their compliance with the requirements for children's institutions.

    1.9. The commissioning of built or reconstructed preschool educational institutions, as well as the operation of existing preschool educational institutions, is allowed if there is a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on compliance with sanitary rules and regulations.
    1.10. Play and sports equipment on the site and in the building of the preschool educational institution, furniture, computer equipment, games, toys, publishing products, hygiene and child care items, detergents and disinfectants must have a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on compliance with sanitary rules.

    2.12. Requirements for the organization of the daily routine and training sessions

    2.12.1. The daily regimen should correspond to the age characteristics of children and contribute to their harmonious development. The maximum duration of continuous wakefulness of children aged 3-7 years is 5.5-6 hours. The established meal times must be strictly observed in accordance with paragraph 2.10.14 of these rules.

    In groups of different ages, general regime moments should begin 5-10 minutes earlier with younger children. The daily regimen in a multi-age nursery group should be differentiated: for children under 1 year old, for children from 1 to 1.5 years old and from 1.5 to 3 years old.

    2.12.2. The daily duration of a walk for children is at least 4-4.5 hours. The walk is organized 2 times a day: in the first half - before lunch and in the second half - after daytime sleep or before the children go home. When the air temperature is below -15°C and the wind speed is more than 7 m/s, the duration of the walk is reduced. The walk is not carried out at air temperatures below -15°C and wind speeds over 15 m/s for children under 4 years old, and for children 5-7 years old at air temperatures below -20°C and wind speeds over 15 m/s (for mid lane).

    2.12.3. While walking with children, it is necessary to conduct games and physical exercises. Outdoor games are carried out at the end of the walk before the children return to the preschool educational institution.

    2.12.4. The total duration of daily sleep for preschool children is 12-12.5 hours, of which 2.0-2.5 is devoted to daytime sleep. For children from 1 year to 1.5 years, daytime sleep is organized twice in the first and second half of the day for a total duration of up to 3.5 hours. The best is the organization of daytime sleep in the air (on the veranda). For children from 1.5 to 3 years, daytime sleep is organized once for at least 3 hours. Before going to bed, it is not recommended to conduct mobile emotional games.

    Children with difficulty falling asleep and light sleep are recommended to be put to bed first and wake up last. In age groups, older children wake up earlier after sleep. During the sleep of children, the presence of a teacher (or his assistant) in the bedroom is mandatory.

    2.12.5. Independent activity of children aged 3-7 years (games, preparation for classes, personal hygiene, etc.) takes at least 3-4 hours in the daily routine.

    2.12.6. The administration of the preschool educational institution is responsible for the compliance of the programs and technologies of education and upbringing, methods and organization of the educational process with the age and psychophysiological capabilities of children.

    Programs, methods and modes of education and training in terms of hygienic requirements are allowed to be used if there is a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on compliance with their sanitary rules.

    2.12.7. For toddlers from 1.5 to 3 years old, no more than 10 lessons per week are planned (speech development, didactic games, movement development, musical, etc.) lasting no more than 8-10 minutes. It is allowed to conduct one lesson in the first and one lesson in the second half of the day. In the warm season, the maximum number of classes is carried out on the site during a walk. It is not advisable to conduct classes with a group of more than 5-6 children at the same time.

    The maximum allowable weekly educational load, including additional education classes, for preschool children is: in the younger group (children of the fourth year of life) - 11 lessons, in the middle group (children of the fifth year of life) - 12, in the older group (children of the sixth year of life) years of life) - 15, in the preparatory (children of the seventh year of life) - 17 lessons.

    With a 6-day school week on Saturday, it is advisable to conduct only aesthetic and health-improving classes, sports holidays, competitions, and increase the duration of the walk.

    The maximum allowable number of classes in the first half of the day in the junior and middle groups does not exceed two, and in the senior and preparatory groups three. Their duration for children of 4 years of age is no more than 15 minutes, for children of 5 years of age - no more than 20 minutes, for children of 6 years of age - no more than 25 minutes, and for children of 7 years of age - no more than 30 minutes. In the middle of the lesson, a physical education session is held. Breaks between classes are at least 10 minutes. Classes for older preschool children can be held in the afternoon after daytime sleep, but not more than 2-3 times a week. The duration of these classes is no more than 25-30 minutes. In the middle of a static class, a physical education session is held.

    When conducting classes using computers, it is recommended to divide the group into subgroups in a foreign language.

    Classes in additional education (studios, circles, sections, etc.) for preschool children are unacceptable at the expense of the time allotted for a walk and daytime sleep. They are carried out:
    - for children 4 years of age - no more than 1 time per week for no more than 15 minutes;
    - for children 5 years of age - no more than 2 times a week for no more than 25 minutes;
    - for children 6 years of age - no more than 2 times a week for no more than 25 minutes;
    - for children 7 years of age - no more than 3 times a week for no more than 30 minutes.

    2.12.8. Classes of physical culture and health and aesthetic cycle should take at least 50% of the total time of classes.

    2.12.9. Classes that require increased cognitive activity and mental stress of children should be carried out in the first half of the day and on the days of the highest working capacity of children (Tuesday, Wednesday). To prevent fatigue in children, it is recommended to combine these activities with physical education, music, rhythm, etc.

    2.12.10. Classes using computers for children 5-7 years old should be carried out no more than once during the day and no more than three times a week on the days of the highest performance: on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. After classes with children, gymnastics for the eyes is carried out. The continuous duration of working with a computer in developing game classes for children 5 years old should not exceed 10 minutes and for children 6-7 years old - 15 minutes. For children with chronic pathology, often ill (more than 4 times a year), after suffering illnesses for 2 weeks, the duration of classes with a computer should be reduced for children of 5 years old to 7 minutes, for children of 6 years old - up to 10 minutes.

    To reduce the tediousness of computer classes, it is necessary to ensure a hygienically rational organization of the workplace: furniture matching the height of the child, a sufficient level of illumination. The screen of the video monitor should be at eye level or slightly lower, at a distance of no closer than 50 cm. A child wearing glasses should work at a computer in them. It is unacceptable to use one computer for the simultaneous occupation of two or more children. Classes for children with a computer are carried out in the presence of a teacher or educator (methodist).

    2.12.11. Homework is not assigned to pupils of the preschool educational institution.

    2.12.12. The requirements set out in paragraphs 2.12.7-2.12.11 must also be met when organizing classes in groups of short stays for children.

    2.12.13. In groups of different ages, the duration of training sessions should be differentiated depending on the age of the child. In order to comply with the age regulations for the duration of classes, they should be started with older children, gradually connecting younger children to the lesson.

    2.12.14. In the middle of the school year (January-February), a week-long vacation is organized for pupils of preschool groups, during which they conduct classes only in the aesthetic and health cycle (musical, sports, fine arts).

    During the holidays and during the summer period, classes are not held. It is recommended to hold sports and outdoor games, sports holidays, excursions, etc., as well as increase the duration of walks.

    2.12.15. The continuous duration of watching TV shows and filmstrips in the younger and middle groups is no more than 20 minutes, in the older and preparatory groups - no more than 30 minutes. Watching TV shows for preschool children is allowed no more than 2 times a day (in the first and second half of the day). The TV screen should be at the eye level of the seated child or slightly lower. If the child wears glasses, they must be worn during the transfer.

    Watching TV shows in the evening is carried out under artificial lighting with a group overhead light or a local light source (sconce or table lamp) placed out of sight of children. In order to avoid reflecting sunlight on the screen during the daytime, windows should be covered with light, light-colored curtains.

    2.12.16. Socially useful work of children of the senior and preparatory groups is carried out in the form of self-service (canteen duty, table setting, assistance in preparing for classes, caring for indoor plants, etc.). Its duration should not exceed 20 minutes a day.

    2.13. Requirements for the organization of physical education

    2.13.1. Physical education of children should be aimed at improving the state of health and physical development, expanding the functional capabilities of the growing organism, the formation of motor skills and motor qualities.

    2.13.2. A rational motor regimen, physical exercises and hardening measures should be carried out taking into account the state of health, age and sex capabilities of children and the season of the year.

    Organized forms of motor activity should include: morning exercises, physical education indoors and outdoors, physical training minutes, outdoor games, sports exercises, rhythmic gymnastics, training on simulators, swimming, etc.

    It is necessary to provide for the volume of physical activity of pupils aged 5-7 years in organized forms of recreational and educational activities up to 6-8 hours a week, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children, the time of year and the mode of operation of the preschool educational institution.

    To implement the motor activity of children, it is necessary to use the equipment and inventory of the gym and sports grounds.

    2.13.3. Physical education of children of the first year of life is organized in the form of individual lessons, including massage and gymnastics complexes. The doctor prescribes the complexes strictly individually, taking into account the age of the child, his state of health, physical and neuropsychic development.

    Medical appointments must be recorded in the child's medical record.

    Classes with children of the first year of life are carried out with each child individually in a group room daily no earlier than 45 minutes after eating.

    The duration of the lesson with each child is 6-10 minutes.

    Starting from 9 months, in addition to gymnastics and massage complexes, a variety of outdoor games are held with children on an individual basis. It is allowed to unite children in small groups (2-3 children each).

    For individual lessons, a table is used with a height of 72-75 cm, a width of 80 cm, a length of 90-100 cm, covered with a thin layer of cotton wool, lined with oilcloth; the table is covered with a diaper on top, which is changed after each child.

    If necessary, the table can be replaced by a wooden or plywood board placed across the cot on the raised fixed side walls.

    2.13.4. With children of the second and third years of life, physical exercises are carried out by educators in subgroups 2-3 times a week. Classes with children of the second year of life are carried out in a group room, with children of the third year of life - in a group room or in a gym.

    2.13.5. Physical education classes for preschoolers are held at least 3 times a week. The duration of the lesson depends on the age of the children and is:
    - in the younger group - 15 minutes,
    - in the middle group - 20 minutes,
    - in the senior group - 25 minutes,
    - in the preparatory group - 30 min.

    One of the three physical education classes for children 5-7 years old should be held outdoors all year round. It is carried out only if the children have no medical contraindications and the children have sportswear that matches the weather conditions.

    Outdoor activities are organized taking into account local climatic conditions. In the middle lane, classes are held at air temperatures down to -15 ° C in calm weather.

    On rainy, windy and frosty days, physical education classes are held in the hall.

    In the warm season, under favorable meteorological conditions, the maximum number of physical education classes is carried out outdoors.

    2.13.6. Evaluation of the effectiveness of physical education for preschoolers is carried out in terms of motor density and the average level of heart rate (HR) in children.

    The motor density of classes in the hall (the ratio of the time spent by the child on movements to the total duration of the lesson, expressed as a percentage) should be at least 70%; in air - not less than 80%.

    To ensure the training effect in the classroom, the average heart rate in children 3-4 years old is 130-140 beats / min, in the air - 140-160 beats / min; in children 5-7 years old - in the hall 140-150 beats / min; in air - 150-160 beats / min.

    2.13.7. Evaluation of the effectiveness of physical education is carried out on the basis of the dynamics of the state of health of children, the development of motor qualities and skills in each year of life.

    Testing the physical fitness of preschoolers is carried out by a physical education teacher at the beginning of the school year (September-October) and at the end of it (April-May) and is supervised by a methodologist (senior teacher) of the preschool educational institution. The nurse makes an assessment of the level of physical fitness in the "Medical record".

    Permission to test the physical fitness of children is given by the medical staff of the preschool educational institution.

    2.13.8. Hardening of children includes a system of activities:

    - hardening elements in everyday life: washing with cool water, wide aeration of the premises, a properly organized walk, physical exercises carried out in light sportswear indoors and outdoors;

    – special events: water, air and solar.

    2.13.9. To harden children, the main natural factors (sun, air and water) are used differentially depending on the age of the children, their state of health, taking into account the preparedness of the staff and the material base of the preschool educational institution, with strict adherence to methodological recommendations.

    Hardening measures vary in strength and duration depending on the season of the year, air temperature in group rooms, and the epidemiological situation.

    2.13.10. To carry out hardening activities in each group cell, you must have available:
    — marked lightweight polyethylene tanks (2 pcs.);
    - a ladle for 0.5 liters of water for contrasting douches;
    - jugs or watering cans for 2-2.5 liters of water for general douche;
    - polyethylene basin, deep with two handles for local hardening (trampling in the pelvis);
    - individual labeled towels;
    - wooden bridges;
    - terry mittens for dry and wet wiping (after each wiping, the mittens are boiled, dried and stored in a closed container);
    - sheets, bedspreads - for massage mats.
    2.13.11. To organize the swimming of children in the pool, it is necessary to provide a rational set of equipment and inventory

    2.13.12. In the cold season, classes in the pool are preferably carried out after a walk. When conducting classes in the pool before a walk, to prevent hypothermia of children, it is necessary to provide a time interval between them for at least 50 minutes.

    The water temperature in the pool is +30° +-1°С, the air temperature in the hall with a bath is +29° +-1°С, in the locker room with a shower +25-+26°С.

    Before and after classes in the pool, children are washed in the shower. To prevent hypothermia in children, classes in the pool should not end with a cold load (cold shower, swimming under a cold stream, trampling in a bath with cold water).

    2.13.13. The duration of the lesson in the pool, depending on the age of the children, is:
    - in the younger group - 15-20 minutes,
    - in the middle - 20-25 minutes,
    - in the senior - 25-30 minutes,
    - in preparatory - 25-30 minutes.

    2.13.14. When using a sauna for the purpose of hardening and healing children, the following requirements must be observed:

    — the area of ​​the heat chamber must be at least 9.0 m2;

    - in the heat chamber, the air temperature should be maintained within 60-70 ° C, with a relative humidity of 15-20%;

    - during the procedures, it is necessary to avoid the direct effect of the heat flux from the air heater on children;

    - heaters are installed in a special recess and be sure to use wooden fences to partially enclose the heat flow;

    - when placing a heat chamber in the pool room, it is necessary to provide a vestibule with an area of ​​at least 6 m2 in order to exclude the influence of the wet conditions of the pool on the temperature and humidity conditions of the heat chamber;

    - the duration of the first visit to the sauna by a child should not exceed more than 3 minutes;

    - after a stay in the sauna, the child should be provided with rest in a special room and drinking (tea, juices, mineral water).

    The presence of medical personnel during classes in the pool and when children take procedures in the sauna is mandatory.

    2.13.15. Children can use the pool and sauna only with the permission of a pediatrician.

    2.13.16. Improving work with children in the summer is an integral part of the system of therapeutic and preventive measures.

    In order to achieve a health-improving effect during the summer period, the day regimen provides for the maximum stay of children in the open air, the duration of sleep and other types of recreation corresponding to their age.

    Motor activity in organized forms of activity should be at least 50% of the total daily motor activity, and during walks outside the territory of the preschool educational institution - 35-40%.

    To achieve a sufficient amount of motor activity of children, it is necessary to use all organized forms of physical exercise with a wide inclusion of outdoor games, sports exercises with elements of competition, as well as walking, excursions, walking along the route (the simplest tourism).

    2.13.17. All work on physical education is carried out taking into account the state of health of children and is carried out by a physical education teacher and group educators with regular supervision by medical workers, a methodologist (senior educator) and the head of the preschool educational institution.

    2.13.18. Medical and pedagogical control over the organization of physical education of preschoolers includes:

    - dynamic monitoring of the health and physical development of children, physical fitness, functional capabilities of the child's body;

    – medical and pedagogical observations of the organization of the motor regime, the methodology for conducting various forms of physical exercise and their impact on the child's body, monitoring the implementation of the hardening system;

    - control over the sanitary and hygienic condition of the places where classes are held (room, site), sports equipment, clothes and shoes for children;

    – hygienic training and education on the issues of physical education of preschoolers, the formation of motivation for regular physical education;

    - Injury prevention.

    2.14. Requirements for the admission of children to preschool educational institutions

    2.14.1. Before a child enters a preschool educational institution, including short-stay groups, a preventive examination of the child is carried out in the health care facility in accordance with the current regulatory documents.

    2.14.2. When a child enters a preschool educational institution, the doctor collects additional information from the parents about the features of the development and behavior of the child; gives an assessment of the state of health, physical, neuropsychic development, which is entered into the child's medical record and brought to the attention of group educators.

    The doctor monitors the child during the adaptation period and gives individual recommendations on the daily routine, nutrition and recreational activities.

    2.14.3. The daily morning reception of preschoolers in the institution is carried out by educators who interview parents about the state of health of children. The nurse, according to indications, examines the pharynx, skin and measures the temperature of the child's body. Admission of children to nursery groups is carried out by a person with a medical education. The pharynx, skin integuments are examined daily, temperature is measured. Identified during the morning filter, patients and children with suspected illness are not admitted to preschool; sick people identified during the day are isolated. Depending on the condition, the child remains in the isolation ward until the arrival of the parents or is hospitalized.

    2.14.4. Once a week, medical workers examine children for pediculosis. The results of the inspection are recorded in a special journal. In case of detection of children affected by pediculosis, they are sent home (for sanitation).

    2.14.5. After the disease, as well as the absence of more than 3 days, children are admitted to preschool only if there is a certificate from the local pediatrician indicating the diagnosis, duration of the disease, treatment performed, information about the absence of contact with infectious patients, as well as recommendations on the individual regimen of the convalescent child for the first 10-14 days.

    2.14.6. When a child is transferred from one preschool institution to another, the doctor of the institution he attended, or the local pediatrician, draws up an extract from the child's medical record.

    2.17. Requirements for compliance with sanitary rules

    2.17.1. The head of the institution provides:
    - the presence in the institution of these sanitary rules and norms and bringing their content to the staff of the institution;
    - compliance with the requirements of sanitary rules and regulations by all employees of the institution;
    — organization of production and laboratory control;
    - the necessary conditions for compliance with sanitary rules and regulations;
    – employment of persons with a permit for health reasons, who have undergone professional hygienic training and certification;
    - availability of personal medical books for each employee;
    - timely passage of periodic medical examinations by all employees of preschool educational institutions;
    – organization of course hygienic training and retraining under the hygienic training program at least 1 time in 2 years;
    — implementation of resolutions, instructions of the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision;
    – working conditions of employees in accordance with the current legislation, sanitary rules and hygienic standards;
    - corrected operation of technological, refrigeration and other equipment of the institution;
    - carrying out, if necessary, measures for disinfection, disinfestation and deratization;
    - availability of first aid kits for first aid and their timely replenishment;
    - organization of sanitary and hygienic work with personnel through seminars, conversations, lectures.

    2.17.2. The medical staff of the preschool educational institution carries out daily monitoring of compliance with the requirements of sanitary rules.
    2.17.3. For violation of sanitary legislation, the head of the preschool educational institution is responsible in the manner established by the federal law of March 30, 1999 N 52-ФЗ “On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population”.

    ON A NOTE. Educational toys at low prices in the specialized store "Kindergarten" - detsad-shop.ru.

    Children's tourism and excursions, being a significant upbringing and educational factor, with their proper formulation, can be at the same time one of the most effective means of improving the health of children and adolescents.

    When conducting excursions, you must have a small first-aid kit with you, which should contain dressings, a tourniquet, iodine tincture, ammonia, etc.

    Particular attention during the preparation for the excursion should be given to the hygiene of shoes and clothing. Shoes should be loose, easy to put on and take off, as tight shoes impede blood circulation. However, shoes should be moderately loose so that they fit the foot and do not rub the foot. In the summer, sandals are the most hygienic footwear for excursions.

    Clothing should be equally loose and light. The most hygienic clothing during excursions in the summer should be recognized as high-quality sports suits.

    In order to prevent impregnation of the shirt, then it is advisable to wear a thin mesh on the body. Headgear during the tour should be with fields that are necessary to protect the eyes from the harsh effects of the sun's rays. Headgear should be light and breathable. Skullcaps that do not have a margin are unsuitable, especially since they are mostly impervious to air.

    Of particular great hygienic importance are the walks of children and adolescents associated with useful and interesting activities for them, for example, picking up berries and mushrooms, various plants and insects, exploring the area and holding paramilitary games, etc. Tours and walks cannot be carried out if The kids haven't had breakfast yet. Equally, you should not go on a tour immediately after a hearty meal.

    Walking during the tour should be leisurely, at a slow pace, thereby saving the strength of children and adolescents. It must be borne in mind that almost all the skeletal muscles of the body work when walking. Too fast walking is tiring and can adversely affect the heart.

    A walking tour must necessarily have rest breaks - halts. After every 30-45 minutes of movement, it is imperative to set a halt. A place for a halt should be chosen somewhat away from the road, in a shaded, but always dry area. During a halt, children can lie down, and for relatively long excursions, during a long halt, the duration of which should be at least 30-45 minutes, a meal is required.

    During the tour, it is necessary to ensure that children and adolescents do not crowd one close to the other. Such walking contributes to the rise of dust that irritates the eyes, respiratory tract and skin.

    In order to prevent the harmful effects of dust, it is best to conduct excursions early in the morning, when the sun's rays are not so hot and the earth has not warmed up too much. If the tour is held during the day, then you need to walk along the edges of the road, on the grass, avoiding the middle of the road, as the most dusty.

    To quench your thirst during the tour, you can drink only well-boiled water, and therefore each excursionist must have a flask with him or, if not, a bottle. Water should be drunk only during a halt and in small sips. The flask must be individual, and only the person to whom it belongs can use it. You should not drink cold water in a hot state, as this can cause diseases. It is not allowed to use local water sources, such as river water, water from an unexplored well, as such water may contain pathogenic microorganisms (causative agents of typhoid fever, dysentery, etc.).

    The hygiene requirements outlined above apply not only to out-of-school excursions, but also to excursions of an educational nature.

    Read more about the organization of tourist trips in the section


    Perhaps it is difficult to overestimate the importance of a walk in kindergarten. On a walk, children actively move, breathe fresh air, learn about the world around them, and get used to work. All this is beneficial for the health, physical and mental development of children.

    Sanitary standards (SanPiN dated May 15, 2013 N 26 ON THE APPROVAL OF SANPIN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the arrangement, maintenance and organization of the work regime in preschool organizations) determine that the daily duration of a walk for children is at least 3-4 hours.

    The walk is organized 2 times a day: in the first half - before lunch and in the second half - after daytime sleep or before the children go home. When the air temperature is below -15°C and the wind speed is more than 7 m/s, the duration of the walk is reduced. The walk is not carried out at an air temperature below -15 ° C and a wind speed of more than 15 m / s for children under 4 years old, and for children 5-7 years old - at an air temperature below minus 20 ° C and a wind speed of more than 15 m / s;

    During the walk, the pupils are provided with physical activity and rational clothing, depending on weather conditions, including in winter.

    The reason for the frequent morbidity of a child cannot be directly dependent on the conduct of walks in kindergarten. On the contrary, the kindergarten implements sports and recreational activities aimed at strengthening the health of each child.

    Requirements for equipping the territory of the kindergarten:
    1. It is necessary to inspect the areas daily before the walk:
    all equipment on the site must be in good condition (no sharp protrusions of corners, nails, roughness and protruding bolts),
    small game forms, physical education aids, etc. must meet the age of children and the requirements of SanPiN;
    2. Remote and didactic material for children's games, should correspond to the autumn-winter period. Toys must be hygienic, not broken, for different types of play activities, allowing you to balance the motor load in accordance with the season of the year and the age of the children;
    3. The fences of the kindergarten should not have holes, openings to prevent the penetration of stray dogs and unauthorized leaving of children;
    4. Pits in the territory must be filled up, wells are closed with heavy covers;
    5. If dangerous and suspicious objects are found on the site, immediately inform the administration (guard), take the children to another site or to a room;
    6. The gates of the kindergarten must be bolted;
    7. In case of unauthorized departure of a child, immediately send an employee to search for him and report the incident to the nearest police station;
    8. The requirements for the manufacture of snow structures (slides, slides, snow, etc.) must be met.

    When organizing walks in the autumn - winter period, you should:
    1. Dress children in accordance with temperature conditions, do not allow:
    - frostbite, hypothermia or overheating of the child's body;
    - getting wet children's clothes, shoes;
    2. Protect children from exposure to the following hazards typical for the autumn-winter period:
    - injuries during games on the grounds not cleared of snow and ice;
    - injuries from icicles falling from roofs, hanging blocks of snow during the thaw period;
    - falling from slides, in cases of lack of caregiver's insurance
    (provide control and direct insurance by the educator while sliding down the hill, climbing, jumping off a hill, sports equipment, throwing);
    - injury: metal or wooden racks of objects sticking out of the ground, low stumps on playgrounds for outdoor games, injections with broken glass, dry branches, knots on trees, shrubs, splinters from sticks, boards, wooden toys, etc .;
    - Injury to the pupils' legs: in the presence of pits and potholes on the site, when jumping from stationary equipment without the teacher's insurance;
    - Injuries when sliding on an ice track;
    - when organizing the work of preschoolers;
    - injuries, bruises during games with sports elements;
    - injuries, bruises during games on a wet and slippery ground;
    - injuries, bruises when riding on the feet from ice slides, on sleds, while moving into icy conditions on slippery paths, outdoor steps, areas not cleared of snow, ice and not sprinkled with sand;
    - injuries from touching metal structures on a frosty day with open parts of the body (face, hands, tongue, lips);
    To not allow:
    - infection with gastrointestinal diseases, acute respiratory infections, if the child takes dirty and cold snow, icicles into his mouth.
    - clean the roofs of all buildings from snow, sprinkle icicles with sand.

    Each educator and all teachers replacing him should teach children to recognize dangerous situations in illustrations, explain to children.
    Coordinate with the senior nurse, head of the possibility of going for a walk, depending on the state of weather conditions, air temperature.
    The teacher should inspect the clothes, shoes of pupils for compliance with weather conditions.
    Children should always be provided with spare clothes in case of bad weather, which parents bring in advance for this;

    Safety requirements while walking
    1. It is not allowed to organize a walk, work on the same playing area at the same time 2 groups of pupils, the presence of parents on an evening walk
    2. The teacher provides supervision, control over the calm exit of the pupils from the premises and descent from the porch, do not run, do not push, when descending and ascending to the 2nd floor, hold on to the railing, do not carry large toys and objects in front of you that block the view of the path and others
    Additional safety requirements when walking in winter:
    1. Provide control and direct insurance by the educator of pupils while sliding along the ice paths, sledding;
    2. Make sure that when sledding, the next child patiently waits until the child sliding in front of him reaches the end of the slope, slide;
    3. Do not allow children to sit with their backs to the slope when sliding down the hill on a sled;
    4. Make sure that children do not take dirty snow, icicles into their mouths;
    5. When frost and wind increase, take the children to the kindergarten;

    Safety requirements in situations during the walk:
    1. All employees temporarily replacing the teacher in the group take on the functions of saving children.
    2. In the event of unforeseen situations, it is necessary:
    - ensure the safety of children;
    - make sure that there is no dangerous situation;
    - inform the administration about the incident, provide first aid in case of an accident;
    - inform the rescue service by phone, if the situation requires it.

    Safety requirements at the end of the walk
    1. Organize a calm entry of pupils into the kindergarten (the 1st subgroup passes and undresses under the supervision of an assistant teacher, the 2nd - under the supervision of a teacher).
    2. Clean the pupils' outerwear, shoes from snow, dirt, sand.
    3. Check how the pupils put their clothes in the lockers. If necessary, change the pupils into dry clothes, underwear.
    4. Organize the implementation of hygiene procedures: going to the toilet, washing hands with soap.
    5. Provide drying of wet clothes, shoes after rain or in winter