Games with parents material on the topic. Formation of group traditions is an effective form of work with parents We play with parents in kindergarten

Equipment: children's noise instruments: tambourines, spoons, rattles; large sheet of white paper, gouache.

Preparation plan: learn the song “About the Forest” music by V. Vitlin, words by Koganova, a musical game to the music of I. Gayden “A walk in the enchanted forest” (N. Alparova, A. Nikolaev, I. Susidko from the collection “Musical game material for preschoolers and younger students “In the Meadow”), the song “We are Flowers” ​​music and lyrics by N. Alparova.)

(The hall is decorated with paper flowers, balls, children sit on chairs.)


Like ours, at the gate,

It's all the other way around.

We won't study here

Let's sing and have fun.

Let's play games

Dance and draw.

Guys, do you want to play? But for the games you need to choose a suitable place. Let's come up with our own city and call it "Play City". It will include streets, lanes, squares, gardens and parks. Unlike an ordinary city, it can be played everywhere and by everyone: both children and adults. Well, do you agree to go to such a city? (Answers of children.). The only way to get there is by flying carpet. Close your eyes, sit back. Let's fly! We land in the forest that surrounds our city.

(Children sing the song "About the Forest" music by V. Vitlin, lyrics by A. Koganova.)

Our forest is not simple, it is enchanted.

(A musical game to the music of I. Haydn “A walk in the enchanted forest” (N. Alparova, A. Nikolaev, I. Susidko from the collection “Musical game material for preschoolers and younger schoolchildren “On the Meadow”). Held with children, then with children and parents.)

You did a good job, disenchanted all the animals and birds, but there was one bird left that wants to play with you.

Game "Funny Crow"

A merry crow sat on a pine tree,

A cheerful crow dreamed of me in a dream.

She said, "Meow," then she said, "Oink."

Then she said: "I speak beautifully."

Then she rang like a thousand bells.

Then she buzzed like a thousand horns.

Then it creaked like a thousand gates.

Then she flew backwards with her tail.

And then it turned into a beautiful red ball,

She sank to the ground and screamed: “Karrr.”

(Children expressively recite the poem intonation, clearly pronouncing the sounds and accompanying each phrase with plastic hand movements.)

Leading: So we came to the gates of our city. On the streets of the city you have to be very careful.

(The game "Be careful." Children repeat the movements after the teacher, focusing on voice commands.)

Let's ride in the magic bus. Sit up straight with your hands on your knees. Let's hit the road. Look to the right, what a tall building. Look to the left, what a wide river, and on the right above the bright sun shines, on the left below beautiful flowers grow. Where we have arrived, guess for yourself.

Game with the word "Say the word"

Not a bird on the branch

The animal is small.

The fur is warm, like a heating pad,

Who is this? (Squirrel.)

He slept in a fur coat all winter,

He sucked his brown paw,

And when he woke up, he began to cry.

This is a forest animal - ... (bear).

lives in the rivers of Africa

An evil, green ship.

Who would not swim towards,

It will swallow everyone ... (crocodile).

The trunk is long, the mouth with fangs

The legs look like pillars.

Like a mountain, it's huge.

Did you find out who it is? (Elephant.)

Leading: Have you guessed where you can meet all these animals in our city? Of course it's a zoo.

(An outdoor game with the participation of parents "Birds in the nest" (See S.N. Chistyakova "Psycho-gymnastics").)

There is a large flower bed in our zoo in the very center, and there are so many beautiful flowers on it. Do you want to see them?

(The song “We are flowers” ​​is performed, music and lyrics by N. Alparova.) Elephants live in this house and they move all the time. We need to count them. Let's ask our parents to help us.

(A game with parents “Count the elephants.” The host reads a poem by M. Plyatskovsky.)

An elephant roamed the jungle for a long time,

Breaking the thicket barrier.

The poor thing is tired

And leaned against a palm tree.

How many elephants are hidden in this poem? (Answers of parents.) Now we will walk along Attention Street, where residents are very fond of playing various games, one of them is called "Catch your palm."

(The game “Catch the palm is being played. Children stand in a circle, leading in the center.)

Children(in chorus):

We made cakes

The rooks came to us.

(Ha each phrase, the children alternately show their palms.)

The first rook baked a pie,

The second one helped him.

The third rook set the table,

And the fourth washed the floor.

Well, the fifth did not yawn

And he stole the cake from them.

(The driver must catch one participant in the game who takes his place.)

Leading: Now we will go to the concert and you will hear the polka to the music of Alexandrov performed by the children's noise orchestra.

(Performance by a noise orchestra.)

We have a wonderful city, but it can be made even more beautiful. Let's draw beautiful trees in it.

(Children draw leaves on trees by applying their palms.)

Unfortunately, our journey is coming to an end and it is time for us to return home. Did you enjoy our trip? What did you like the most? Yes, during our trip we played very well, and we succeeded. Can you guess why? Because we did everything together.

General educational game "Is this my child?!"

Target: To promote the development of communication skills, harmonization of parent-child relationships.

1. Introduce one of the forms of work with parents.
2. To develop the creative, acting abilities of children.
3. Cultivate a relationship, a friendly attitude towards each other.

Caretaker 1. Hello dear friends!

Educator 2. Hello dear viewers! You and I are on a TV show called "This is my baby." As you know, there are presenters on every TV show. Let's welcome our presenters: Galina Vladimirovna and Svetlana Alekseevna.

Educator 2. And now it's time to introduce the main characters - our participants. (participants enter the room one at a time). Family XXX1: mother Ekaterina Alexandrovna and her son Matvey, family XXX2: mother Elena Nikolaevna and her daughter Arina.

Educator 1. Family XXX3: mother Yana Andreevna and her son Daniel, family XXX4: mother Yulia Nikolaevna and her daughter Victoria.

Caretaker 2. Dear parents, your children are very fond of going to kindergarten and therefore for the first competition they have prepared for you a video task called “Finish the thought”. So, attention to the screen, the parent whose child appears on the screen answers (videos appear on the screen in turn)

Matvey appears on the screen: “My name is Matvey, I am 4 years old. In kindergarten, my favorite things are to play, eat and sleep. This is our bedroom and this is my bed. Before going to bed, I like to listen to ... ”(fairy tales).

Arina appears on the screen: “Hello, my name is Arina, I am 4 years old, I love going to kindergarten, this is our group, these are our toys, we play with dolls, cars, build houses from cubes, build houses from cubes, my favorite toy ... "(laptop)

Daniil appears on the screen: “Hello, my name is Daniil, I am 4 years old, I love going to kindergarten, this is our group, these are our toys, we are. I really like going to kindergarten. We play here, draw, sculpt. I really like to play board games. I have a designer, a mosaic, dominoes on my desk. My favorite board game…” (puzzles).

Victoria appears on the screen: “Hello, my name is Victoria, I am 4 years old. I love mom and dad. I like going to kindergarten. This is our locker room, and this is my locker, it contains my things - a jacket, hat, scarf, boots. And in the locker there is such a package in which there is ... ”(physical education)

Based on the results of the first competition, the jury sums up the results.

Caregivers 1. All great fellows, we continue our competition. Attention the second competition "Mom, dad, I am a sports family"

The facilitator addresses the participants and asks: “Do you like to play sports?” "Yes"

Educator 2. Dear parents, your children have told us about their sport, now we will check if you know your child's favorite sport.

The competition is as follows, the child goes behind the screen and chooses the attribute necessary for his favorite sport.

Matvey loves swimming and takes a swimming cap, goggles and a towel. Vika takes the skates. Daniil takes a soccer ball, Arina takes a ribbon for dancing.

Children take turns coming out from behind the screen and showing off their favorite sport.

The jury summed up the results of the second competition.

Third competition: "Guess the picture". Children draw their family, turning their backs to their parents, after a while the drawings are hung on the board at numbers from one to four, parents raise a card with the number under which they believe that the child depicted their family.

The jury sums up.

The final competition for parents and children is called "The Magical World of Fairy Tales".

Caretaker 1. Dear participants, your task is to guess what kind of fairy tale or what kind of fairy-tale hero is in question. A hint sounds, and if you know the answer, then ring the bell loudly.
1. What princess lived in the ocean (mermaid).
2. Who delivered gifts to grandmother (little red riding hood).
3. Which duckling turned into a swan (ugly duckling).
4. Who delivered gifts to grandparents in a basket (bear).
5. Who froze the tail in the pond (wolf).
6. In what house did many animals live (teremok).

The jury summarizes the results of the final competition and the game as a whole.

Educator 2. We thank our participants, congratulate the winner and present prizes to all our participants.

See you soon!

In our group, within the framework of the Partnership program, it has become a tradition to hold Parent Fridays in order to unite the team of children and, at the same time, parents. As part of Parent Friday, we have developed a program for two years. Our group is speech therapy and has been working for two years.

It is important that parents take an active part in the preparation of the program. At the parent committee, we discussed and decided on the need for such a program, and together with the parents, we determined the goals, objectives and content of Parent Fridays.

The purpose of our work: To direct the attention of parents to the awareness of the need to increase their role in the social and moral upbringing of the child during preschool age, to make them active participants and assistants in educational activities.

Program objectives:

To acquaint parents with the general characteristics of social and moral education.

Make accessible all the entertaining material on social and moral education available in the group.

· To acquaint with different types of theaters, ways of their production.

· To reveal the role of games - dramatizations in social and moral education.

· To teach the technique of conducting games-dramatizations at home.

Make it a motive to participate in joint evenings of "Parents' Friday"

Predicted result:

When these conditions are met, practical communication skills, moral motives of behavior will be formed.

I will introduce our work on the example of one "Parent Friday" in the form of a joint play-dramatization of a fairy tale. Why, exactly, we turned to fairy tales, because this is a very close and accessible material for parents and children. Because we saw a good result through dramatization games, through playing out fairy tales. By working with a fairy tale, many problems can be solved.

In order to organize this work more successfully, we conducted a survey of parents, in which we turned to parents with questions in order to see their attitude to fairy tales. It turned out from the questionnaires that parents do have a certain amount of knowledge, but this work is limited only to reading fairy tales in the family.

And we have developed a methodology for working with dramatization games and we saw that through this system it is possible to solve the problem of communication between parents and children and developed a program, outlined a work plan, outlined goals and are already implementing it in practice.

Our goal - involve parents in the educational process. Develop partnerships with them. Show parents the possibilities of communicating with children using oral folk art, in particular fairy tales. The ultimate goal is communication with parents.

We showed a game-dramatization of the Russian folk tale "Geese-Swans".

Involve parents in the game. The roles of mom and dad were taken over by Boris Zakharov's parents. Wishing parents created an "image of the forest" through which the girl was afraid to walk.

Then the parents got acquainted with the method of preparing for such a game. Games for both parents and children.

What is the method of such a game.

Stage 1 - Reading a fairy tale. Acquaintance with the heroes of the fairy tale and characterization of the heroes.

Stage 2 - Distribution of roles. At this stage, the opportunity for creativity is offered. This is the production of masks, costumes of characters at home from various improvised materials. These were boxes, threads, plastic bottles, paper, etc.

Also making characters from cones, cylinders with children in the classroom and in free activities. The characteristics of the character were played out and fixed in the process of verbal communication (for example, a hare is young or old, what costume we will wear, what emotions the hare will have, what mood the character will have, what face we will draw).

Next, we discussed each character, each action of our fairy tale: Geese - which swans, which boy, which girl, Baba Yaga is good or evil, which mouse, etc. We prepared scenery, discussed which trees - high or low, which stove, which house the boy and girl have, which house Baba Yaga has.

Stage 3 - Performance staging.

This technique makes it easy for children to master the image of a hero, passing through their life experience to embody (depict).

Thanks to this technique, you do not need to memorize roles. The child chooses a role for himself according to his desire, mood, and the game remains a game for children, and not memorization of the text.

After the fairy tale, the parents went to the museum of fairy tales, which we created at the beginning of the year with the help of parents and children. We introduced them to the experience of families in creating characters based on Russian folk tales at home.

So: such a meeting interested the parents, their participation was very lively. And the approach to problem solving is effective.

This event made a huge impression on the children. They rejoiced at their own participation in the production of the play, and the fact that their parents participated.

After the game - dramatization in the group, the children and I drew the plots of the fairy tale that we liked, discussed our event and planned the next one.

The children themselves chose the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" and distributed the roles between themselves and their parents.

Organization of associations taking into account the interests of parents and

children in kindergarten. "Creative living room" and "Parental

senior teacher Panova T.N. MBDOU Kindergarten No. 19 Velikiye Luki. “Each of us, teachers and parents, bears our share of responsibility for the treasure called Childhood” - these are the words of E.P. Arnautova determine the meaning of the joint work of a preschool educational institution (hereinafter - preschool educational institution) and the family. It is from adults, their coordinated actions, the ability to agree, to help each other in the upbringing of children, that the personal development of the child and his mental health depend. The effectiveness of such cooperation is determined by the degree of mutual understanding, trust and mutual assistance to each other. In accordance with the Concept of Preschool Education, the approach to cooperation with parents is based on the relationship between the family and the preschool educational institution. The essence of this approach is to combine the efforts of the preschool educational institution and the family for the purpose of the personal development of the child together with adults, taking into account the interests and characteristics of each member of the community, his rights and characteristics. The understanding of cooperation has also changed:  from a simple exchange of information to an interpersonal dialogue between a teacher and parents;  partnership relations with the family of each pupil, joining efforts in the development and upbringing of children;  Atmosphere of common interests.
One of the effective ways of working with parents is the club


"Club of parents of future schoolchildren"
, the purpose of which is to help parents prepare for school, prepare for possible difficulties that their child may encounter at school, and the ABC of Family Happiness club. The name itself suggests that a family can be truly happy only when everyone is happy in it: mom, dad and, of course, a child who is waiting for adults to become his friends, a true support in life.
In the club work, several tasks are solved at once:
 Establishing partnership relations with the families of pupils;  unification of efforts for development and upbringing of children;  creation of an atmosphere of common interests, which contributes to the rallying of the parent team and other participants in the pedagogical process;  activation and enrichment of parenting skills of parents;  their awareness of their educational role in the family, their experience of relationships with the child.
The basic principles of the club:
 acceptance of any points of view of parents, teachers and other participants of the meetings;
 recognition of the competence of cooperating parties;  Confidentiality of communication.
Sample meeting topics:
 Overcoming rigid stereotypes of upbringing and development of parental competence (for example, meetings on the topics: “What kind of mother am I?”, “We are raising a real man”, “Punish or ...?” “Role-playing a role-playing game in a child’s life”);  topical problems for a certain group of parents (parents of children from different age groups are invited, united by a common problem. These are meetings on the topics: “The child who is not heard”, “And fears are also childhood steps”);  discussion of the requests of parents of one age group (for example, a meeting in a club on the topic “First time in first grade” seemed to be the most significant for parents of children in the preparatory group for school);  psychological problems of children of different age groups (for example, the theme of the meeting “Little bullies” was determined in connection with the increase in cases of manifestation of aggressiveness in children of the older age group). Of interest to parents are meetings in
"Ecological club"
, whose work is built on the principle of combining a theoretical lesson and a practical (educational and entertaining) lesson. Classes in this club contribute to the expansion of cooperation with parents on the environmental education of children, unite parents, imagine the possibility of self-expression (reading poetry, singing, staging, dramatization of gaming activities, etc.) and meetings in
"Creative living room"
, which was created to develop the creative pedagogical potential of parents. In order to determine the conditions conducive to the development of a positive attitude towards life in children, parents were asked to answer the following questions:  “What events make children happy?”,  “What, in your opinion, is the influence of kindergarten teachers on the child’s mood?” ,  “Does the involvement of parents in activities held in kindergarten affect the formation of a positive mood in a child?”. Most parents consider joint events (playgrounds for children, teachers and parents "Parent Fridays", meetings in the "Creative Living Room", holidays, matinees, competitive programs, etc.) as
make children happy
. Kindergarten teachers, according to parents, with their participation, indifference, ability to interest, include the child in the game can and should change the mood and well-being of the child in a positive direction. And nothing can replace a child's joy and pride in their parents, who play together with everyone, and everyone sees how smart, kind and beautiful they are.
Holidays in kindergarten not only leave an emotional trace in the heart of the child, but also enrich it with moral content. The performing activity of children, combined with the active participation of adults, surprises and games, woven into the general chain of emotional impressions, makes the holiday a bright event in the life of a child and remains in his memory for a long time. For parents, this is a unique opportunity to get into the world of childhood and become “equal” to the child in the game.
Planning and organizing meetings in the "Creative

living room" is engaged in the artistic council, which includes:
 head of preschool educational institution,  deputy head for teaching and educational work,  music director,  parents. The Artistic Council coordinates the activities of the "Creative Living Room", resolves financial issues, and establishes contacts with social institutions of childhood. The Council issues its own press organ -
newspaper "Theater + I"
which comes out once a month. The "Regulations on the newspaper" reflects the organizational and pedagogical foundations, rights and obligations of publishers. Each issue is dedicated to the topic of the last meeting and information about the upcoming meeting. Authors can be parents, administration, educators and, of course, children. “Children's” material (statements about the holiday, games of wishes to each other and adults, answers to questionnaire questions, etc.) are the most interesting. Meetings reflect and
thematic photos on the stand

"Happy together"
Each of the members of the artistic council performs its own


Kindergarten manager:
 carries out general management of the event;  together with parents, teachers determines the topics of creative meetings; room design and costumes.

 determines the topics of creative meetings, the main focus of events;  edits the script;  responsible for organizing work with parents;  supervise the event.
Teacher of additional education:
 determines the topics of creative meetings;  develops scenarios for upcoming meetings;  conducts preparatory work with parents, educators and children on the upcoming events;  searches for literary material;
 conducts rehearsals with parents and children;  Participates in the organization and holding of holidays.
Musical director:
 assists in scenario development;  selects musical material;  learns dances and songs with children and parents.
 conduct preparatory work with parents;  carry out organizational collection;  prepare visual information;  Participate in the event.
 make proposals to the scenario of creative meetings (each group has a “Box of creative ideas”, where parents put their ideas, suggestions, ideas for organizing and holding the upcoming event);  provide assistance in organizing the event, making costumes, attributes, gifts, decorating the premises;  Participate in the event.
Stages of creative meetings:

1. Organizational:
 familiarization with the scenario of the upcoming holiday, exchange of ideas;  distribution of roles and responsibilities;  selection and refinement of artistic means to reveal the image;  Discussion of homework.
2. Preparatory.
 search for literary and musical material;  doing homework;  work on the role;  production of invitation cards, gifts, costumes and attributes for the holiday;  rehearsals;  Purchase of prizes, etc.
3. Holding a holiday.

4. Summing up, exchange of impressions, issue of the newspaper "Theater + I".

Forms of holding "Creative meetings":
 theatrical performances,  thematic days (“Day of the Elderly”, “Day of Surprises”, “Day of the Bow”, “Day of Clowns”, etc.),  quizzes on fairy tales,  competitive programs,  literary evenings,  intellectual and entertainment show ,
 Game activities (role-playing, didactic, sports, outdoor games). Of the practical variety of types and forms of work with parents, the most effective are
active forms of interaction
when parents are not only spectators, but also participants in meetings and events. One of these forms was the joint game library of children, teachers and parents "Parent Fridays", the theme and content of which parents help to determine. They also hold games in kindergarten with children. "Parental Fridays" help parents form a correct understanding of the game in the life of a child as a leading activity. But the saturation of children's play is determined by the attitude of an adult towards it. Children play with interest, excitingly with those who themselves have not lost the ability to play, invent and fantasize, love children.
"Parent Fridays" help to solve various problems,

 organizational – creation and consolidation of the parent team;  personality-oriented - associated with self-determination, actualization of personal responsibility, removal of restrictions and disclosure of parents' resources;  meaningful – solving current problems;  instrumental - allow you to develop the skills of analyzing real pedagogical situations and ways to solve them.
"Parent Fridays" aims to unite

efforts of educators and parents and ensure:

 protection, emotional comfort;  interesting and meaningful life in kindergarten and at home;  development of basic abilities;  ability to communicate with peers, treat each other with understanding;  Build confidence in yourself and your abilities;
 personal communication with children;  Active participation in the affairs of the group;  experience of pedagogical cooperation, both with your child and with the teaching staff;  view of the world from the perspective of a child;  treating your child as an equal, understanding that it is unacceptable to compare him with other children;  the ability to model options for their behavior in a game environment;
 manifestation of sincere interest in the actions of the child, readiness for emotional support;
 involvement of parents in the life of the group;  education in children of love and respect for parents;  taking into account the wishes and suggestions of parents. The results of such joint activities can be:  Prevention of neurosis and neurotic reactions in children, behavioral disorders and other psychological problems;  correction of emotional well-being, removal of emotional tension, reduction of the index of aggressiveness and destructive forms of behavior;  development of the child's creative potential, creation of a positive attitude, strengthening of constructive behavior.
Each of the participants in the joint activity performs

their functions.

Deputy head for teaching and educational work:
 carries out general management of the event;  Together with educators, a teacher-psychologist, parents determines the theme of "Parents' Fridays", which is associated with the main types of children's activities and the problems of parents on a particular issue;  determines the content of the game libraries;  determines the issues of subject-spatial design of "Fridays".
Educational psychologist:
 monitors the interaction of children and all participants of the event;  consults parents and teachers on the issues of preparation for the game libraries.
 are responsible in their subgroup of children and parents;  take part in determining the theme of "Parents' Fridays";  select games, attributes and materials for them;  carry out preparatory work with parents, organizational collection, distribute games among parents.
 make suggestions on the subject and content of "Parents' Fridays";  assist in the preparation of the event: the production of attributes for games, the design of the subject environment;  play games.
Stages of Parent Fridays.

1. Preparatory
(determination of theoretical issues, practical part of the event).
2. Organizational
(choosing those responsible for holding games, designing the subject environment of the group, selecting materials and attributes for games).
3. Holding an event.

4. Summing up
(analysis of the event by all participants). Conduct structure. 1 part of the event - theoretical (performance by a responsible teacher). Further, children are offered games that parents conduct: didactic, developing, mobile, health-improving (breathing exercises, corrective exercises, finger gymnastics, physical training minutes, etc.). In conclusion - summing up. The definition of the topics of "Fridays" is associated with the main types of children's activities in a preschool institution: "Environmental education", "Mathematical development", "Artistic and creative activity", "Social and moral education", "Physical development", as well as what worries parents, for example: preparing a child for sleep, organizing and holding a family holiday, home theater; issues of social and moral behavior of the child, environmental culture of children and adults, etc. (revealed during regular parental surveys). Every month, a common theme is planned for all groups of the preschool educational institution, for example: “Magic colors”, “Fairy tale workshop”, “Health Friday”, “We celebrate the holiday cheerfully”, “Environmental signs”. The form of interaction between children and adults on "Parents' Fridays" can be different:  joint participation in games, dramatizations, etc. in the younger groups;  Doing homework by children and parents and defending the project on the relevant topic, participation in the game-dispute of adults and children, organization of team competitive games of ecological content at senior preschool age.

(younger age)

The game is not empty fun. It is necessary for the happiness of children,

for their health and proper development.

D.V. Mendzheritskaya

Target: increasing the pedagogical competence of parents on the problem of activating the gaming activity of younger preschoolers in a family setting.


1. To develop an active interest among parents in the upbringing of their child.

2. Expand the pedagogical knowledge of parents on the upbringing and development of children in games.

3. Discuss the issue of organizing a play environment in a family setting.

Conduct form: round table

Members: educators, parents

Preparatory work: survey of parents (Attachment 1), individual invitations (appendix 2) reminders for parents (Appendix 3.4), fun game "Doll Masha" (Annex 5), hall decoration, musical accompaniment, materials for creative work (Annex 6).


The tables are arranged in a circle, on the tables there are blanks for business cards, felt-tip pens, "Instructions for parents" on the game;

On a separate table - cards and equipment for the creative work of parents;

Low-growing indoor flowers for decorating the hall;

Beautiful doll;

Musical toy;

Soft toy - the sun;

Record player.

Event progress

I. Introductory part

- Good evening, dear parents! We are glad to meet you at our round table. We bring to your attention the following topic for discussion: “Is the game fun?”. Today we will share the experience of arranging a children's corner, talk about the types of toys, and at the end you will find a "spicy dish".

Psychological warm-up "Smile"

But first I would like to know: are you in a good mood? How to give it to other people without words at a meeting? How to express your good mood without words? Of course, with a smile. A smile can warm with its warmth, show your friendliness and improve your mood. And so that we all want to smile now, I will introduce you to this cute bunny. (The bunny sings a cheerful couplet).

II. "Let's Get Acquainted"

Filling out business cards

In order for our conversation to be sincere and frank, so that you get to know each other better, let's get to know each other. I suggest you fill out a business card on which write your name and draw a picture that matches your mood (sun, cloud, etc.)

III. Analysis of microstudy results(Attachment 1)

In preparation for our meeting, we conducted a survey of parents. All parents in their answers to the question “Does the child have a play corner?” answered positively. Among the favorite toys of children, you highlight the following: ... etc. (Statements of the educator on the analysis of questionnaires.)

Now we will discuss in more detail questions about the organization of the gaming environment in a family setting.

IV. Discussion

The game is the leading activity in preschool age, an activity that determines the development of the intellectual, physical and moral strength of the child.

The game is not empty fun. It is necessary for the happiness of children, for their health and proper development. The game pleases children, makes them cheerful and cheerful. While playing, children move a lot: run, jump, make buildings. Thanks to this, children grow strong, strong, dexterous. The game develops children's ingenuity, imagination. Playing together, children learn to live together, give in to each other, take care of their comrades.

The educational value of the game, its influence on the development of the personality of the child is difficult to overestimate. Like a magic wand, play can change the way children feel about everything. The game can rally the children's team, include closed and shy children in active activities, instill conscious discipline in the game ( D.V. Mendzheritskaya).

How and what do our children play at home? What does it depend on? First of all, let's talk about the gaming corner. It’s good when living conditions allow and the baby has a separate room. But if there is no separate room, do you need a separate play area for the child?

(parents' answers)

A child of the first half of an early age from birth to 2 years old exists in close connection with a close adult, his independent studies are very short-lived, he always attracts an adult to them. At the same time, the expanding possibilities of walking and speech tear him away from the adult and lead him to mastering the home space. What is happening?

(parents' answers)

Yes, of course, it turns out that the child is everywhere, his toys move with the child to where the adult is, and you can observe such a picture - for example, in the living room the baby played with one - he threw it, he played with the other - he threw it, and the whole room was strewn with toys, and adult and child bump into them and stumble over them. And now, after 2 years, the time comes when the child should have a play corner - a place where he can play or engage in any activity.

What do you think should or should be in a child's play area?

(parents' answers)

First of all, a children's table with a smooth surface without drawings measuring 50 by 70 cm, as well as a high chair. Is it possible to “give” a desk to a child at this age?

(parents' answers)

Of course, you don't need to do this. The desk is high, it is impossible to approach it from different sides and do something just standing behind it. At best, a desk becomes the equivalent of a shelf for toys.

What else can be in the child's play corner?

(parents' answers)

Mandatory elements of the play corner are an open low rack or a bookcase of 2-3 shelves accessible by the height of the baby’s hand, several large plastic or cardboard containers (containers) for playing material.

If the corner occupies part of the room, can you somehow mark the boundaries of the site?

(parents' answers)

It is advisable to provide a rug 70 by 70 cm in this place, where the child can arrange toy furniture, build a building out of cubes and leave it there for a while without disturbing others.

During a joint discussion, we determined what kind of children's corner should be. Thus, now you can bring your baby's corner into proper shape, because. this is essential for its full development.

v. Sharing family experience on choosing toys.(work with memo, Appendix 3)

So, the space of the play corner is marked. What to fill it with? Let's talk about toys. You have memos on the tables that describe different types of toys. For convenience, I have numbered them. I propose to read out in turn, and we will discuss everything together.

1. Real life toys - dolls, animal figurines, furniture, dishes, household items, strollers, etc.

Why does the child need these toys?

(parents' answers)

Of course, while playing with these toys, the baby displays the real world. Psychologists believe that toys are an important part of any culture. Society transmits to the child in a special "folded form" - through a toy, as a cultural tool, the main spiritual landmarks, the direction of the movement of society.

2. Technical toys - various types of transport, constructors.

Can we attribute these toys to the previous group as plot and display toys?

(answers of parents).

- Of course, especially transport. Nevertheless, I still divided them into different subgroups. Why?

(answers of parents).

- That's right, mostly girls play with dolls, strollers, mostly boys play with transport and constructor. I said “mostly”, because you can see how girls in a group can ride a car with pleasure, and boys sometimes enthusiastically play with dishes - “eat” at the table, and also roll strollers with dolls sitting in them.

3. Toys - fun: funny figurines of animals, animals, men. For example: A bunny playing a drum, a jumping cockerel, a crawling and buzzing bug.

What is the purpose of these toys?

(parents' answers)

- Quite right, to amuse children, to cause laughter, empathy, joy, to cultivate a sense of humor.

4. Sports and motor toys: balls, skittles, ring throws, various wheelchairs, hoops, jump ropes, bicycles.

What do these toys develop?

(parents' answers)

These toys contribute to the development of motor activity of children, the development of coordination of movements, orientation in space.

5. Didactic toys - multi-colored inserts, cubes with slots, pyramids, nesting dolls, mosaics, puzzles, lotto, etc.

What do children learn by playing with them?

(parents' answers)

- Children learn to distinguish color, shape, get acquainted with the size of objects, classes with these toys educate children in concentration, perseverance, determination, the ability to bring things to the end, and also contributes to the development of fine motor skills of hands.

6. Musical toys - rattles, bells, bells, pipes, metallophones, toys depicting pianos, balalaikas and other musical instruments.

What can musical toys develop in a child?

Which of the toys is very important for young children? An important role among musical toys is given to the pipe - primarily because exercises with the pipe contribute to the development of speech breathing, which is very important for the development of children's speech at this age. Also, musical toys contribute to the development of pitch hearing.

7. Theatrical toys - bi-ba-bo dolls, finger theater, table theater.

Do children need these toys?

(parents' answers)

Of course, these toys develop speech, imagination, teach the child to take on a role.

8. Military toys: swords, pistols, machine guns and others.

Let me know what you think of these toys.

(parents' answers)

All over the world there is no unambiguous attitude towards these toys. Some see only a negative impact on children, others are supporters of a positive impact. On the one hand, we want to raise the defenders of the Motherland from boys, on the other hand, how to do it correctly so as not to educate overly aggressive members of society.

9. Toys for the development of creative imagination and self-expression: pencils, paints, plasticine, various sets for manual labor, colored paper, glue, etc..

What should a parent be guided by when purchasing these toys for a child 2-2.5 years old?

(parents' answers)

Of course, first of all, according to age. Plasticine, pencils, gouache paints - a must! After 3 years - scissors with rounded ends, colored paper, pieces of fabric, needlework kits, etc.

What parents should be guided by when choosing toys for the baby?

(parents' answers)

- Any toy should be:

1. aesthetic;

2. safe (in terms of paint, material quality);

3. develop;

4. entertain the child.

Based on the analysis of the questionnaires, it can be concluded that most often parents acquire plot-display and didactic toys. Now, after a joint discussion of the types of toys, you yourself can determine which toys you have a lot of and which ones you don’t have at all and diversify the composition of toys that your child has.

VI. Game pause.

Your kids love to play. I suggest you now take a little rest and take part in their favorite fun game "Doll Masha" (Annex 5).

VII. "Spicy Dish" - games in the kitchen

And now we'll play a little more. I ask everyone to take part. For you, we have prepared a "spicy dish", i.e. sharp question from the pepper-list. (There are papers with questions in the pepper-box.)

Just because you get a list of questions doesn't mean you have to answer them. If you don't know the answer or don't want to speak up, you can pass the list down the circle. Those interested can add to the answer. (Music sounds, the pepperbox moves in a circle. The music stops, the person in whose hands the pepperbox was in the hands answers.)

The whole family spends a lot of time in the kitchen, especially women. What do you think, is it possible for a child to find something to do there? What can a child do with the following materials? (parents pull notes from the pepperbox)

1. "Eggshell"

Crush the shell into pieces that the child can easily pick up with his fingers. Apply a thin layer of plasticine to the cardboard - this is the background, and then invite the child to lay out a pattern or pattern from the shell.

2. "Dough"

Sculpt whatever you want.

3. "Pasta"

Spread bizarre patterns on a table or sheet of paper, simultaneously studying shapes and colors.

4. "Semolina and beans"

Mix a certain amount, offer to choose beans from semolina.

5. Peas

Pour the peas from one cup to another.

6. "Hercules"

Pour the cereal into a bowl and bury small toys in it. Let him find.

7. "Various small grains"

Invite the child to draw grits pictures. For very small ones, pour the cereal from bowl to bowl with a spoon.

8. "Whipping whisk"

Pour water into a bowl, a little shampoo and put in the sink. Place the child on a chair near the sink and let him whip up soapy lather.

9. "Disposable cups"

You can insert one into the other, make pyramids of various heights.

10. Dry breakfast rings, etc.

Offer to lay out drawings from them or string them on strings - beads and bracelets.

VIII. Creative work of parents(Annex 6).

We have now made sure that in the kitchen you can play with your child. I suggest that you make an artistic application from plasticine and various cereals yourself so that you can do it at home with your kids. Go to the table and take all the materials you need for work (parents perform the application to the music).

Be sure to show the kids your work at home and make it even better with them!

IX. Final part.

The meeting is coming to an end. I would like to thank you for your participation, for taking the time to come to our round table meeting. I think that now each of you will be able to answer the question of our meeting “Is the game fun?” And in conclusion, I want to offer you the game "Sunshine".

All people love the sun, miss it when it is not shown for a long time on cloudy autumn or winter days. Today it is already dark outside, and we have such a pretty sun. It is so hot that it can warm you all with its warmth. Perhaps the warmth of this sun will warm you for the rest of the day. I would like to hope that those who had a good mood, it improved even more, and those who were sad or indifferent became a little more joyful. Tell us what mood you have after our meeting, passing the sun to each other.

A. de Saint-Exupery wrote: “I came from childhood, as from a country. We, adults, should think more often with what colors we painted the country of childhood for our kids who came there. This country is still completely in our hands, and we are truly responsible for it. For the original - not for the reflection!

Let's play together with our children as often as possible. Remember, the game is a great source of strengthening the physical, spiritual and emotional well-being of the child. The joint game of a child with an adult is not only the main means of development of a small person, but also a tool that promotes mutual understanding of different generations. Explore the world with your child! Bright and exciting toys are specially designed to encourage your child's curiosity. See you soon!

Attachment 1.

Questionnaire for parents

1. What conditions are created in the family for the child to play? (the presence of a play corner, a place and time for games, a set of toys, according to their age of the child)

2. Does the child have favorite toys among toys? What are these toys?

3. Who buys toys and how often? On what basis is the choice of toys made?

4. Does the child often break toys, and what do you do in such cases?

5. Which member of the family plays with the child the most? What causes difficulties?

6. If there is an older brother or sister in the family, do you watch what children play, do older children organize games?

7. What games does the child play most often?

Appendix 2

Meeting invitation.

Dear moms and dads!

March in ________

We invite you to the Round Table.

We invite, we invite

Let's play with you

We learn a lot of new things.

About games and toys

Boys and girls!

Looking forward to the meeting!


Appendix 3

Reminder for parents. Types of toys.

1. Toys that reflect real life - dolls, animal figurines, furniture, household items, strollers, etc.

2. Technical toys - various types of transport, various types of constructor.

3. Toys are fun. Funny figurines of animals, animals, men. For example, a bunny playing a drum, or a galloping cockerel.

4. Sports and motor toys: balls, skittles, ring tosses, various wheelchairs, hoops, skipping ropes, bicycles.

5. Didactic toys - multi-colored inserts, cubes with slots, pyramids, nesting dolls, mosaics, puzzles, lotto, etc.

6. Musical toys - rattles, bells, bells, pipes depicting pianos, balalaikas and other musical instruments.

7. Theatrical toys - bi-ba-bo dolls, finger theater, table theater.

8. Military toys: swords, pistols, machine guns, etc.

9. Toys for the development of creative imagination and self-expression: pencils, paints, plasticine, various sets for manual labor, threads, colored paper, glue, etc.

Appendix 4

Game Reminders

What does a child learn through play?

1. Emotionally get used to, grow into the complex social world of adults.

2. Experience other people's life situations as your own.

3. Be aware of your real place among other people.

4. Make a discovery for yourself: the desires and aspirations of other people do not always coincide with mine.

5. Respect yourself and believe in yourself.

6. Rely on your own strength when faced with problems.

7. Freely express your feelings.

8. Talk to yourself, intuitively know yourself.

9. Experience your anger, envy, anxiety and worry.

10. Make a choice.

Tips for adults

1. Practice is important for the game. Play with your children as often as possible!

2. Welcome the display of any feelings, but not any behavior.

4. Pay special attention to non-playing children.

5. Playing with a child will teach us:

  • Speak to the child in his language;
  • To overcome the feeling of superiority over the child, their authoritarian position (and hence egocentrism);
  • Revive childish traits in yourself: spontaneity, sincerity, freshness of emotions;
  • Discover the way of learning through imitation of patterns, through emotional feeling, experience;
  • Love children for who they are!

Appendix 5

Game-fun "Doll Masha".

Children sit on chairs (or stand) arranged in a semicircle. Nearby stands a doll behind a chair. The teacher sings:

I'll hide the doll Masha,

I'll hide our doll.

(Name) will go to the doll, the Child, who was named after

(Name) will find the doll. name, approaches and takes the doll.

With a doll Masha (name) will dance. The children and the teacher clap

Clap your hands, clap your hands and sing. child holding

Let the legs dance. doll in hands, performs

simple dance moves

Then the teacher begins to sing again, naming another baby.

Appendix 6

Materials for the creative work of parents.

1. Eggshell.

2. Pasta.

3. Semolina and beans.

5. Hercules.

6. Various small cereals.

7. Dry breakfasts "Rings", etc.

8. Plasticine.

9. Cardboard blanks (circle, oval, square)


1. Zvereva O.L., Krotova T.V. Parent meetings in preschool. – M.: Iris-press, 2006.

2. Chirkova S.V. Parent meetings in kindergarten. – M.: VAKO, 2011.