Integrated lesson for the 2 ml group. Complex lesson in mathematics in the second junior group "Plan - map of travel

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the 2nd junior group. "Mashenka and the Bear"

Educational areas:
Cognition (FEMP, natural science)
Society (fundamentals of ecology)
To develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of the forest and its inhabitants;
Enrich vocabulary, develop oral speech, fine motor skills of hands, memory, thinking, attention;
To consolidate in children knowledge about vegetables and fruits and berries, to name them correctly, classify them and use the generalizing concepts of "vegetables", "fruits" or "berries";
Form an idea about the features of the appearance, about where they grow;
Continue to teach children to establish equality and inequality between objects, using expressions in speech: more, less, equally;
Expand the horizons and ideas of children about the profession of a doctor.
Toys: doll Masha, stuffed toys of a bear, bunny, squirrel, wolf, a doctor's suitcase, pictures of a vegetable garden and a garden and object pictures (or dummies) of vegetables and fruits, models of pots "Borsch" and "Kompot", nuts for a squirrel.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: The guys have come to visit us today Mashenka and the bear. Let's say hello to them.
The toys bear and doll Masha come out. Greet children.
Educator: The bear lives in a house, and near the house he has a garden and a vegetable garden. He was about to plant a garden and does not remember what is growing in the garden and what is in the garden? Let's help him.

D / Game "What grows where"
Children are divided into two teams: gardeners and vegetable growers. At the signal, each team must collect their items.
Educator: Mishka was so happy guys that you helped him.

Look at what kind of carrots the bear has grown in the garden. A toy bunny appears. Oh look, a bunny has come running, let's jump like bunnies. What does the bunny like to eat? Correctly carrots. Let's treat a bunny. The bear is kind and not greedy at all, he allowed the bunny to take three large carrots. But the bunny cannot count and cannot distinguish a large carrot from a small one. He asks us to help him collect the largest carrot.
One of the children collects at will and all together counts that there should be 3 carrots. Equipment: Imitation of beds and carrots made of cardboard of different sizes. Bunny thanks the children for their help and runs away.
Educator: The vegetables are ripe in the garden, and the berries are ripe in the garden. Mashenka decided to cook dinner for the bear and got it all mixed up. Now she needs to help her figure out from what to cook borscht, and from what compote.

D / game "Cook borsch and compote"
At the request of the children or at the choice of the educator, 2 children are selected. One prepares borsch, the other compote. They tell what they cook from and why.
Educator: After a delicious lunch, Mishka and Masha love to play. Do you want to play with the bear too?

An outdoor game "Teddy bear walked through the woods"
Children sit on high chairs. One child depicts a bear.
The bear walked through the forest, The bear child walks, collects
The bear collected cones. bumps and then sits on a chair
Our bear walked for a long time. and falls asleep.
Mishutka sat down, dozed off. The teacher and the children quietly approach the bear.
The children began to approach
Wake Mishenka yourself:
"Misha, Mishenka, get up
And catch up with the guys. " Children run away to their places, and the bear catches up with them.
Educator: A squirrel lives with a bear in the forest. A toy squirrel appears. Do you know where the squirrel lives?
Children's answers: on a tree.
Educator: And what does the squirrel like to eat? Correctly nuts. Let's tell you a rhyme about a squirrel.

Finger gymnastics.
A squirrel is sitting on a cart
She sells nuts:
(bend our fingers)
Little fox sister,
Sparrow, titmouse,
To the fat-headed bear,
Zainke mustache.
Educator: Look guys, how many nuts does a squirrel have?
Children's answers: a lot. And how much does the bear have? Children's answers: none. The squirrel shared with the bear and gave him one nut. Who has more nuts? Children's answers: at the bear. The squirrel gives the bear one more nut, and now how many nuts does he have? The answers of the children: the same number as the squirrel, equally.
The squirrel says goodbye and leaves.
Educator: Guys Masha wants to introduce us to someone.
The appearance of a wolf toy with a suitcase.
Educator: Do you know who the wolf works in the forest? He is a doctor, heals forest animals. The wolf asks us for help, we need to sort through his things in the suitcase and put there only those things that he needs to heal the animals.
The things from the suitcase are spread out on the table. Children choose the necessary items one by one. The wolf thanks everyone for their help and says goodbye.
Masha and the bear recall that they still have a lot to do in the forest. They say goodbye to the children and leave.
Educator: Guys who came to visit us today? Children list animals. You enjoyed playing with them and helping them. Children remember how and to whom they helped.

1. Development of speech:

2. Acquaintance with others:

  • list the signs of spring;
  • to consolidate the concept of "fruits - vegetables"; teach to classify products on these grounds;
  • to fix with children the name of adult wild animals and their cubs, their habitat (bear-bear cub, den, she-wolf cub, fox-fox, hedgehog - hedgehog, burrow, squirrel - squirrel, hollow)
  • fix the names of migratory and wintering birds.

3. Mathematics:

  • to consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes: rectangle, circle, square, triangle, oval;
  • improve the ability of children to compare objects in size (large - small): in length (short - long).
  • to consolidate knowledge of primary colors, the ability to select objects for a specific color.
  • Fix the account to 5.


  • 2 paper or cloth tracks, different in length;
  • 3 bears (soft toys), Masha doll (puppet theater);
  • cardboard stencils for cars and geometric shapes: rectangle, circle, square, triangle, oval;
  • pictures of adult animals and their babies;
  • 2 pots;
  • 2 baskets;
  • cardboard mushrooms (large and small);
  • color layouts (red, yellow, blue, white);
  • paper butterflies of the same colors;
  • tree models;
  • bird models;


  • 1. The youngest preschooler in kindergarten. How to work under the Childhood program, T.I. Babaeva.
  • 2. "Complex lessons in the II junior group of kindergarten" T.I. Bondarenko.
  • 3. “We develop perception (3-4 years)” by A. Levin.

Course of the lesson:
Children enter the group. They are greeted by a teacher, on her hand with a doll, Masha (puppet theater).
Masha greets the children and meets the children by name.
Masha says that she would like to get into the forest, is it possible to do this now? Children answer: "Of course you can, because spring has come."
One of the children reads a poem:
Spring is striding towards us with quick steps,
And the drifts are melting under her feet.
Black thawed patches on the ground are visible
Very warm feet are visible in the spring.
Educator: guys, let's call the signs of spring:
The snow has melted; the kidneys swell;
The sun is bright and warm;
Insects appeared;
Leaves are blooming;
People changed their warm clothes to lighter ones;
The grass turns green; birds come from the south.

Masha wants to know what we are going to take to the forest?
The teacher replies that he is on the train.
1. task.
Children assemble train cars from geometric shapes, rectangle, square, circle, triangle, oval. Together with the children, the teacher makes the locomotive himself.
After completing the assignment, the children, led by the teacher, get on the "train".
The locomotive yells:
"Chukh-chukh, chug-chuh, puff, grumble,

I don’t want to stand still, I knock with wheels, twirl,

Sit down quickly, I'll pump it. "
Stop "Veselaya Polyana"
Educator: "Masha, who have we come to visit?"

Masha: Now I'm going to give you a riddle, and you yourself will guess who we came to.

Near the forest, at the edge, three of them live in a hut, there are three chairs and three mugs, three beds, three pillows, guess without a hint who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
Children: "three bears".
Educator: “Guys, do you remember the tale about three bears? What were their names? "
Children: "Mikhailo Ivanovich, Nastasya Petrovna and Mishutka."
Educator: "What did the bears want to do with Mashenka?"
Children: "Catch and eat." The teacher and the children are afraid.
Masha: “No, no. In our tale, the opposite is true. Our bears are my friends and they are waiting for us to visit ”.
2. task
The teacher notices that there are two roads leading to the bears' house. Children determine by eye that one is short and the other is long.
Educator: guys, which road will we get to the bears faster - along the long or the short. (On short)
The guests come to the house, they are greeted by the big bear Mikhailo Ivanovich. Greets children. The bear boasts that he and Nastasya Petrovna had a bear in the spring.
Bear: "Do you know what the cubs of forest animals are called?"
Pictures showing adult animals and their babies are shown. It is necessary to combine them in pairs, name their habitat (squirrel - squirrel, hollow; bear - bear cub, den; she-wolf - wolf cub, fox - fox cub, burrow; hedgehog - hedgehog, etc.)

Each animal has its own character, its own characteristics and appearance. And how can you say about people if you compare them with animals? I will call the sentence, and you finish: Angry, how ... Wolf. Cowardly as ... a hare. Sly. Like ... a fox ... Clubfoot, like ... bear ... Toothy like ... Wolf . Jumping like ... a squirrel. Thorny like ... a hedgehog. Gray, like ... a mouse.


Birds are sitting on the trees, look and name them (name each bird), call them in one word (migratory and wintering), count them on each tree.

Children enter the house. There Nastasya Petrovna is going to cook dinner - borscht and compote.
Children should sort products according to their purpose - vegetables into borscht, fruits into compote. At the end, the children list what is in both pots.

Little Mishutka appears. He loves to play very much.

Physical minute: Three bears were walking home

Daddy was big - big

Mom is a little smaller

And my son is just a baby.

He was very small,

I went with rattles:

Dzin - dzin, dzin - dzin!

Invites the children to complete the following task.
"Help the butterflies to sit on the flowers." In the meadow there are models of flowers in red, white, blue and yellow.
Each child has a butterfly of a certain color.
To the words: "One, two, three - fly butterfly!" children plant a butterfly on a flower of the same color.
Large and small mushrooms grow in the forest. Children collect large mushrooms in a large basket, and small ones in a small one. After completing the assignment, a summary is made of which mushrooms are few and which are many.
The bears really liked the guys (how smart, quick-witted they are). They thank Masha for bringing the guys to visit them. The bears give the children treats and say goodbye to them. The train leaves for kindergarten. To summarize:

Guys, where were we today? (in the forest)

Who's visiting? (three bears)

Who else went to the forest with us? (Masha)

What did we see in the clearing near the house of the three bears? (animals, birds, flowers, mushrooms).

Well done boys! That's right, you answered!

Organization: MBDOU Balakhta kindergarten No. 5 "Sun"

Settlement: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Balakhta village

Integrated lesson "Autumn-sorceress!"

Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children about autumn, to teach to recognize the autumn phenomena of nature. Form an idea of ​​the forest and its inhabitants. Promote the development of phonemic hearing, the development of an air stream, speech breathing, dialogical speech. Fix colors (red, yellow, green). Generate interest in creativity. Arouse positive emotions in children throughout the GCD.

Materials and equipment: Music Center, a package containing a disc with an audio recording (howling wind, raindrops), bushes, leaves (yellow, red, green); mushrooms; toys (bear, hare, hedgehog), a road made of leaves, a poster for drawing rain, blue gouache, brushes, a poster with pictures.

Characters: wind, rain, autumn (children of the preparatory group).

Educator: Good morning children, today I went to the kindergarten and saw a lot of leaves lying near the kindergarten, the trees are almost all without leaves, the street is mud and damp. Have you seen anyone? Maybe someone ran by? Who could have done all this?

Children's answers

(A knock on the door, the postman brings a parcel in which the teacher and the children find a disk).

Children listen to the recording, unravel the sound of rain and wind.

Guys, now you guessed who took the leaves from the trees? And who made the slush and mud on the street?

Children: Wind, rain.

Educator: If we saw that a strong wind blew and it started to rain, then autumn came to us - a sorceress.

Do you guys want to see real autumn? Then we need to go to the forest, and faithful friends, rain and wind, will help us in this autumn.

The rain is dripping in the morning (children knock on their knees with their fingers)

Get together kids, (imitation dressing)

There is slush on the street (they raise one leg then the other)

But we won't cry (wiping their eyes with their fists)

We will take umbrellas with us (raise one hand, as if holding an umbrella).

Let's go along the path to the forest (walking in place)

Maybe we'll find autumn there. (children go to the forest for the teacher)

Where did we come from?

Children: In the forest

Educator: How did you know that we are in the forest?

Children: Lots of leaves, trees, mushrooms, etc.

(Howling wind)

Educator: What do you think it makes a lot of noise?

Children: Wind

Educator. Let's make some noise like the wind (children say oo-oo-oo)

(the wind blows on a bush with leaves, the children and the teacher come up to the wind and ask him to help find autumn.)

Educator: Hello, wind-breeze, tell us, please, where autumn lives, children really want to see it.

  • Hello dear guests, you need to blow off the leaves from the bush, they will lead you to the rain, ask him where autumn lives, he knows everything, it happens everywhere. (Children blow leaves off the bush). Follow the path straight along the leaves.

(The rain is hidden under a blue cloth, the children come up to the rain, cause it).

Rain come out soon

To make it more fun! (children repeat 3 times, after which the rain is shown to the children)

Rain: Hello dear children, why did they come to me?

Educator : Hello rain, tell us, please, where autumn lives, children really want to see it.

Rain: You need to draw drops, then the autumn magician will come.

(Children, together with the rain, draw drops on the poster).

Autumn appears to the music.

Autumn: Hello dear children, I am very glad to see you in my beautiful forest. I have a lot to do and trouble, my friend the wind helps me to remove leaves from the trees, the rain shows the way to the trees, and I paint the trees. Now I am preparing gifts - leaves for forest dwellers: hedgehog, bear cub, hare. The hedgehog loves yellow leaves, the bear cubs are red, and the bunny prefers green ones. Guys, help me put the gifts in the baskets, otherwise I won't be able to cope with it until winter.

(Children collect leaves in baskets by color)

  • Thank you guys for helping me make a gift for the animals. I have for you a magic box with a task. After you complete the task, the magic box will open.

Educator: Thank you, autumn sorceress. Well, it's time for us to go to kindergarten.

We will go along the path, we will come to the kindergarten. (children walk along a path made of leaves one after another, sit on chairs).


Educator: Do you guys remember what autumn told us? What needs to be done for the box to open?

Children: Complete the assignment.

The poster contains pictures (trees, a girl in an autumn dress, wind, rain, bunny, hedgehog, bear cub).

Children take turns answering questions, showing the desired image.

Where have we been with you now? (in the forest)

Whom did we go to look for? (autumn)

Who did we meet on the way to the forest? (wind, rain)

What tasks did we have to complete to find autumn? (blow off the leaves from the bush, draw rain)

For whom did autumn prepare gifts? (for a bunny, for a hedgehog, for a bear).

Educator: We have completed the task, now we will try to open the magic box!

(Children and caregiver open the treat box)

Synopsis of the COMPLEX lesson

for the YOUNGER kindergarten group

direction : COGNITIVE, artistic and aesthetic development


"Fabulous guests"

Prepared and conducted

educator Kozhevnikova E.A.

Complex acquaintance lesson
with the outside world and drawing in 2 ml. gr.

Target: diagnostics of knowledge, abilities, skills of children in the sections "Animal world", "Plant world", "Drawing technique"


Educational: to consolidate and clarify the knowledge and ideas of children about wild animals, vegetables and fruits; to reveal in children the ability to draw long straight lines, to reveal the skills of working with a brush and paints.

Developing: develop auditory and visual attention, memory, thinking;

Educational: to educate accuracy in working with paints, to make children want to help heroes in difficult situations.

Material for the lesson: Figurines of Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother, a wolf from the tabletop theater; drawn house, 5-6 trees, 2 white and gray bunnies, a wonderful bag, pictures of vegetables and fruits. Gouache paints, jars, brushes, blanks for aprons, samples of aprons, refreshments.

Course of the lesson:

Guys, look who came to our class?(Little Red Riding Hood)

And today my grandmother invited Little Red Riding Hood to her place. Let's, guys, help Little Red Riding Hood so that trouble doesn't happen to her?(Yes, we will)

Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother lives in this house in a clearing behind the forest.

(I hang the house on the board and a few Christmas trees)

Little Red Riding Hood came up to the forest. And different animals live in the forest. Who knows which ones?(guys list)

What are they called?(wild, forest)

And then a wolf was meeting Little Red Riding Hood. He says, if you guess my riddles, then I will let you go to your grandmother, and if you don’t guess, then I will eat. Can we help Little Red Riding Hood?

In the summer he walks without a road

Near pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a den-

He hides his nose from the frost.(bear)

He looks like a dog.

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs with his jaws bared,

The sheep is ready to attack.(Wolf)

There are needles on the back

Long and piercing

And he will curl up into a ball,

There is no head or legs.(hedgehog)

What a forest beast

Got up like a post under a pine tree

And stands among the grass -

Are the ears bigger than the head?(Hare)

Sly cheat

Red head,

The fluffy tail is a beauty.

Who is this ?. ... (Fox)

Wolf: Well done, guys, they helped Little Red Riding Hood. Letting her go to her grandmother.

Little Red Riding Hood is walking through the forest, and two hares are carrying a sack towards her.(pictures of bunnies are posted)

Children take turns taking out a card with a vegetable or fruit from a bag, name it, highlight properties and say where they grow.(cards are hung on an easel)

The bunnies are asking: help us separate the vegetables and fruits. The gray hare has vegetables, and the white hare has fruits.

(Children help to distribute)

Bunnies: Thank you guys and Little Red Riding Hood for helping us. Now let's play together.

Every day in the morning

Doing exercises (walking in place)

We like it very much

To do in order:

Have fun walking (walking)

Raise your hands (hands up)

Squat and stand up(squat)

Jump and jump(jumping)

One, two, three, four, five!

The zainka began to ride.

Jump is a lot of fun.

He jumped 10 times.

The bunnies played with us and ran away into the forest.

And Little Red Riding Hood came up to her grandmother's house. Grandma meets Little Red Riding Hood and the guys.

Granny: Hello guys! Thank you for helping Little Red Riding Hood. Who did you meet in the forest?

Guys, let's give grandmother a striped apron as a present. And then my grandmother's apron became very old.

(Children sit at tables where everything is prepared for drawing)

Look, my apron is ugly, without patterns. To make it elegant, bright, we will decorate it with stripes. The stripes can be multi-colored.(showing)

The teacher invites children to draw striped aprons. Children choose a paint color and start painting.

At the end of the lesson, we lay out all the aprons on the table in front of the grandmother. Grandma praises every child and treats all children with sweets.

Tatiana Pozdnyakova
Integrated lesson in the second junior group "Travel to the toy store"

INTEGRATED LESSON IN THE 2ND YOUNGER GROUP« Travel to toy store» (FEMP, application, physical education).


1. To consolidate the ability to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, to use words one, many.

2. Continue to learn to distinguish and name a circle and a square.

3. To learn how to use a brush and glue correctly, to consolidate the ability to use a napkin.

4. Strengthen the ability to line up in a column one by one and move one after another.

Demo material: the setting is used groups - play corner(dolls, cars, book corner (books: big and small); garage (several small cars and one big one); silhouette of a train.

Handout: "Tickets" with the image of circles, squares, triangles in red, yellow, green; chest images of trailers with windows - geometric shapes on A5 cardboard; multi-colored chairs, boxes of different colors and sizes; black circles, chest images of trailers with windows - geometric shapes on A5 cardboard without wheels, glue, brushes, napkins.

Educator: Hello children!

Children: Hello!

Educator: How do you live?

Children: Good!

Educator: How is your tummy?

Children are stroking their tummies.

Educator: Does your head hurt?

Children: No!

Educator: So everything is all right with you?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Guys, but guests came to us today, I think that they are also all right. And we wish them health, which means we will tell our guests "Hello!".

Educator: Children, do you like to go to shop? And in what shop do you like walking the most? Do you want me to guess? I think it's a toy shop! Did you guess right?

I propose today to take an excursion to a toy shop... What is a guided tour? This means, toys can be viewed, touch, but we cannot buy them, because our store is not real.

Educator: Guys, go to shop I suggest the train. But in order for the driver to take us, we need to buy tickets. Get train tickets, note that the tickets are drawn with geometric shapes. (Ask the children what shapes are drawn on the tickets)... And now you need to find a trailer with the same window as your ticket. (When everyone found their wagons and put them on their chest, the hum of a steam locomotive sounds).

Educator: Well, are all the trailers ready? One, two, three we spun and turned into trailers. I will be a train driver. We prepared the wheels and drove off, the wagons follow each other, do not overtake anyone, otherwise there will be an accident.

The locomotive hummed

And I drove the trailers

Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu,

I will rock you far!

Educator: How does the train give a signal?

Children: That! That! That!

Educator: Guys, we have a stop "Book"... Oh, what do we have here? (Answers of children) What books? (Children's answers - big and small)... Well done!

Educator: - How many big books? (Answers of children - many) And the little ones?

Children: One!

Educator: Right! Go farther: chug-chug…. Guys, here we have a stop "Garage"... What do we have here?

Children: Cars

Educator: And what are they?

Children: Big and small.

Educator: How many little ones?

Children: Few.

Educator: And the big ones?

Children: Many.

Educator: Our train continues to move…. And our next stop "Puppet"... What do we have here?

Children: Dolls.

Educator: How many dolls?

Children: Many.

Educator: Oh, and who else we have here?

Children: Bear.

Educator: How many cubs?

Children: One.

Educator: What good fellows you are!

Now stop "Game"... We will all be children again. One, two, three we spun and we turned into children. Put your wagons on the table. (Children put the wagons on the table, during physical education, change the wagons to "Broken").

Physical minute.

Girls and boys: clap, clap, clap,

Jump like balls: jump-jump, jump-jump.

Foot trample: top-top-top!

Have fun laughing: ha, ha, ha!

Blinking their eyes (rhythmic shutting their eyes,

After rest (squat, hands free).

Educator: Right, we are going to repair it now. And what are the wheels of the train?

Children: Round.

Educator: Right! But where do we get the wheels? Oh, what is it? Letter! Now we will read, is it for us? (The teacher reads the address and asks the children for whom the letter is)... Guys, this letter says that the wheels are in a large red box under a yellow chair near the mirror.

(Children are looking for a yellow chair and a red box. Put some chairs and different boxes).

Educator: Well done! Found the wheels! Now we will repair the train. We need glue, brushes, napkins.

(Children are repairing a train).

Guys, look what a beautiful train we've got, and now it can hit the road. Guys, what did we do with you today? (Answers of children).

Let's say goodbye to our guests, attach the trailers and go to group... (To the music "Blue carriage").

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