Sexual intercourse schedule for conceiving a girl. The best ways to conceive a daughter

Of course, no method can provide a 100% guarantee that a girl will be born in the future. However, by following certain rules, the likelihood of conceiving a daughter can actually be increased quite well.

Scientific methods

So how do you give birth to a daughter? People have been trying to plan the sex of future children since ancient times. And of course, doctors, too, paid attention to this. Of course, experts have conducted many different types of research on this topic.

Actually, the scientific method of planning the gender of a child is based on the characteristics of sperm carrying Y and X chromosomes. Doctors accurately determined that the former are more mobile, but less durable and tenacious. In addition, sperm contains much more of them.

Sperm with an X chromosome are much more resilient than their Y counterparts. However, they also move much slower. Therefore, during ovulation, sperm with an X chromosome, unfortunately, have virtually no chance of overtaking their Y rivals.

Therefore, in order to give birth to a girl, the expectant mother and father need to plan conception in the period 3-5 days before ovulation. In this case, by the right time, many of the Y sperm will most likely have died. And this, in turn, will significantly increase the likelihood of the “victory” of their X-brothers, and, consequently, the conception of a girl.

The most famous folk methods

Of course, over the centuries, various folk methods of planning the sex of an unborn child have been developed. The most famous such techniques are:

  • conception by blood;
  • Chinese calendar;
  • Japanese table.

How to give birth to a girl: planning by blood

As you know, blood in women is renewed once every 4 years, and in men - every 3 years. It is believed that the parent whose blood is currently “younger” will determine the sex of the unborn child. In order to find out whose blood is younger and more active, you need to divide mom's age by 4, and dad's by 3. Then the whole part of the resulting number should be multiplied again by 4 or 3, respectively. In this way, you can find out the age when each parent’s blood was renewed. If the division turns out to be an integer, then it happened in the same year.

Japanese table

This technique is also a good answer to the question of how to give birth to a girl by calculating the time of conception. In this case, two tables are used. In the first, you need to find the months of birth of the mother and father and look at the number at the intersection.

Chinese calendar

This technique uses the principles of one of the most ancient sciences in the world - numerology. In this case, planning the sex of the child is based on the age of the expectant mother. Depending on this, the month of conception is determined.

It is believed that this method, although it does not give a 100% result, is still reliable in most cases.


So, how to give birth to a girl? The methods described above can be quite effective. But there are also various kinds of folk signs that make it possible to determine the gender of the planned child, depending on a particular situation. For example, it was noted that:

  • the older the parents, the more likely they are to have a daughter;
  • girls dominate the offspring of people with gout;
  • Bald parents are less likely to have girls than sons.

In addition, it is believed that children of the same age are usually the same gender. Therefore, if a son has already been born in a family, if you also want to have a girl, you should plan to conceive a second child, according to popular belief, no earlier than after 3 years.

Conceiving a child is a great miracle, a mystery. But I really want to take control of everything and plan the sex of the future baby by any means, even if not entirely scientific. What do those who dream of having a daughter need to know? Here are five ways to conceive a girl—scientific and not so scientific.

When is ovulation?

The method of choosing the sex of an unborn baby depending on the phases of ovulation was developed by American scientists Lendrum Shettles and David Rorvik. The process involves a sperm and an egg. One half of the sperm carries the female X chromosome, the other half carries the Y chromosome. The egg always contains the X chromosome. The result of their fusion is either a girl (XX) or a boy (XY). Sperm with a Y chromosome are more mobile and reach the egg first. But when they get into the acidic environment of the vagina, they die much faster, opening the way for a more resistant type of chromosomes.

The closer the day of ovulation, the higher the likelihood of Y chromosome survival. That is why doctors advise a couple dreaming of a daughter to conceive no later than two to three days before ovulation, since the environment in the vagina is more acidic at this time. Shallow penetration during sexual intercourse again contributes to the appearance of a girl.

To determine the days of ovulation, you can keep a chart for two to three months or use special tests that are sold in pharmacies. They come in three types: test strips with a reagent, tablet tests - plastic cases with a window, and inkjet tests. The most economical is the first option. The most reliable and convenient is the third. But its cost is much higher.

The method was supported by scientist J. Martin Young. He does not advise conceiving a child later than 24 hours after ovulation, explaining this by aging of the egg, increasing the likelihood of miscarriage and birth defects.

Age of man and woman

The age of a couple planning to have a baby also matters. Every person undergoes a genetically determined restructuring of the body after a certain period of time: for women - once every three years, for men - once every four. Having divided the age of a woman by three, a man by four, it is necessary to compare the results obtained. The gender of the child will be influenced by the parent whose body was last updated.

British scientists also advise paying attention to the ratio of the age of the wife and husband. In families where the wife is older, daughters are often the first-born.

Diet for conceiving a girl

A group of scientists from the University of Missouri found that the sex of the child is directly affected by the nutrition of the expectant mother during the period that precedes conception. To increase the likelihood of having a girl, a woman’s body must have sufficient amounts of calcium and magnesium.

These elements are found in coffee, tea, and still mineral water with potassium. Unlimited quantities of fish and baked goods are recommended, but without salt and yeast. Eggplants, beets, carrots, cucumbers, onions. Fresh fruits, dried fruits, natural juices. Sugar, honey, jam, eggs (white). Meat and potatoes should be kept to a minimum. Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, green beans, olives, corn, tomatoes, melons will have to be excluded.

Conception strictly according to science

Most experts in many ways floor planning The baby is very skeptical. The only 100% working method of planning the sex of a child is preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PDG). But it is used only for in vitro fertilization (IVF) for medical reasons, if there is a risk of transmission of a sex-linked disease from parents.

In a special container, the egg is fertilized with a sperm. In a few days it is already known who will be born. At the same time, the embryo will be checked for pathologies.

Many future and potential parents have a question: why not plan the gender of the child, if possible? But in many countries, conducting PDH without a medical reason is considered unethical.

A method of sorting spermatozoa is also practiced. In a centrifuge or by filtration, the X chromosomes are separated from the Y. Then artificial or. But this also requires medical indications.

The gender of the child can be determined through invasive diagnostics. It is performed for women at high risk for chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus: chorionic villus biopsy, amniocentesis, cordocentesis. Also, from 7 weeks of pregnancy, free fetal DNA of the fetus can be detected in the mother’s blood. This allows you to diagnose the chromosomal pathology of the fetus and find out the gender. The procedure is non-invasive, effectiveness is 97%.

Intimate question

There is a version: the less often a couple has sex, the greater the likelihood of having a girl. From a scientific point of view, this is explained as follows. When not secreted for a long period of time (about a month), antibodies are formed to sperm containing Y chromosomes. Sperm with an X chromosome have a better chance of fertilizing an egg to produce a girl.


I have 3 boys, now still pregnant, 4 also on ultrasound, the boy said my husband too, 1982, me too, we are the same age

01/24/2019 09:43:18, SAHIBA

I want a girl

08/30/2018 12:30:25, Gulnaz

Dear readers, the gender of the unborn child depends only on the man!!! Because a woman only has one X chromosome...
Therefore, what a woman eats or how old she is does not matter! It is especially surprising to read such articles where it is signed that the author is a gynecologist...
I am older than my husband, I love and eat the foods that are indicated in the list, age and month of conception were also added up... The result is two sons. And according to the description in this article, there should be only girls...
It also happens that a man, due to health problems, has certain chromosomes that are not active, and then in general there will be either only boys or only girls!
If you already have beautiful children of the same sex, and you want more, but of a different sex, then let the man donate sperm for analysis, and you will understand whether it is possible for you to have a child of a different sex. Good luck everyone!

03/15/2017 18:45:31, Marina

hmm... by all indications we were supposed to have a girl! but it turned out to be a son, which I’m very happy about) so in our case, all these methods and signs have nothing to do with reality

06/28/2016 12:13:47, Olga27

We are planning to get pregnant, but so far it’s not working out very well ((. Who can tell me what foods and diets we should stick to. I looked at many sites, but found a more or less normal one (chto-nado-est-chtobyi-zaberemenet .ru) and still have I have a lot of questions. If anyone can suggest a good diet, I will be very grateful.

04/27/2016 17:47:16, Anna23123

Good article!

The main thing is that the baby is healthy

Good article, but I don’t believe it either)

Once I was in Svyatogorsk, and a couple from Moscow was vacationing with us; they had been wanting to have a child for 5 years and couldn’t. Their last hope was God. Therefore, folk signs or superstitions are individual for everyone. As for the gender of the child, we will love both a boy and a girl. Girls - you don’t choose goods in a supermarket.

We already have two girls), but my husband still hopes that there will also be a boy. How to get pregnant with a boy, maybe there are some ways too?
p.s. By the way, I found ways to get pregnant with a boy [link-1] we will try :)

We didn’t refrain and didn’t plan, but the first one turned out to be a girl!)

Nina, I really wanted a boy, or rather, I even had some inner feeling that I was going to give birth to a boy. So, I read somewhere that in order to give birth to a boy, you need to eat the grains from apples, they supposedly contain a lot of iron, and this affects the sex. It may be nonsense, but I gave birth to a boy.

It’s hard to believe that you can deliberately conceive a child with a certain gender.

What if you already have a girl and need a boy? Where can I read how to conceive a boy?

Comment on the article "Gender of the child: how to conceive a girl? Rare sex and 4 more ways"

Gender of the child: how to conceive a girl? Rare sex and 4 more ways. We are planning to get pregnant, but so far it’s not working out very well((. How I planned the gender of the child. Having studied all these Chinese and Japanese calendars for planning the gender of the child, I realized that the probability...

Gender of the child: how to conceive a girl? Rare sex and 4 more ways. Conceiving a child is a great miracle, a sacrament. But you really want to take control of everything and plan your sex. The closer the day of ovulation is, the higher the probability of survival of the Y chromosomes.

I will help a socially and financially stable woman conceive a child. without mutual obligations. I want a child, my child, in my version also my beloved husband, and that the conception will be in the clinic, and that the sperm is from a test tube, and that it came into the tube from a donor...

Gender of the child: how to conceive a girl? Rare sex and 4 more ways. Section: Gender planning (an effective way to calculate the sex of a child). A friend calculated the age of the mother for herself and her two friends using a sign - the month the child was born, I can’t find the link now...

Gender of the child: how to conceive a girl? Rare sex and 4 more ways. Girls - you don’t choose goods in a supermarket. We already have two girls), but my husband still hopes that there will also be a boy. Is it possible... - an information project on family issues...

Gender of the child: how to conceive a girl? Rare sex and 4 more ways. Conceiving a child is a great miracle, a sacrament. But I really want to take control of everything and plan the sex of the future baby by any means, even if not entirely scientific.

2. The second lunar day is especially successful for conceiving a girl. The conception of girls usually occurs in July, September, October, December, January, February. (!) The diet is followed from the beginning of the menstrual cycle until the expected conception. http...

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, birth. In particular, to conceive a boy, you need to do this in a classic position. So that fast boys' sperm are more likely to overtake girls' sperm.

Gender of the child: how to conceive a girl? Rare sex and 4 more ways. There is a version: the less often a couple has sex, the greater the likelihood of having a girl. Ovulation does not happen during menstruation - these are all fairy tales. Having sex during your period is really like...

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, birth. It was following this physiological method that we made a girl. Everything worked out! And how to plan the gender (we want a girl), etc. Besides the days before ovulation, diet, all sorts of signs, etc. And...

girls, tell me, plz, who knows the formula for determining the sex of an unborn child - it definitely contains the age of the mother at the time of conception (even rare sex and 4 more methods. Child development calendar. Planning and determining sex - diagnosis before IVF and during...

Pregnancy planning: analysis and examinations, conception, infertility, miscarriage, treatment I really want a girl. Maybe there are some ways to help plan your gender. You can, of course, create a bunch of tables, diets, calculate ovulation, etc. As a result...

girl planning :). - gatherings. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one year to 3. According to the theory of an American scientist (he patented his method) - in order to conceive a girl, the woman needs to receive the gender of the child: how to conceive a girl? Rare sex and 4 more ways.

Those. before conceiving a girl, you and your husband need to live on protection, like, and when the very moment comes, then there is no need for it. In addition to the days before ovulation, a diet, all sorts of tablets, etc. and so on. I can give links. There is another sadistic method that I think will suit you...

Gender of the child: how to conceive a girl? Rare sex and 4 more ways. What do those who dream of having a daughter need to know? Sperm with an X chromosome have a better chance of fertilizing an egg to produce a girl.

Conception according to Anastasia. Preparing for conception. Pregnancy planning. Conception according to Anastasia. Girls, good afternoon! Take planners into the team. Diet for conceiving a girl. A group of scientists from the University of Missouri has found that the sex of a child directly...

Diet for conceiving a girl. What affects conceiving a child? Probability of getting pregnant: 7 “impossible”. A quick way to get pregnant! Probably many girls, just like me, have faced the question of How to Get Pregnant Quickly.

Diet is important from the 4th month, when organs are formed, and in the early stages, if something goes wrong, then pregnancy simply will not happen. I wrote it out for myself, here: “Basic recommendations for conceiving a girl: Keeping the male genitals warm (warm, thick underpants) - this reduces...

Gender of the child: how to conceive a girl? Rare sex and 4 more ways. I absolutely don’t believe in these tables and all sorts of fortune-telling, but curiosity got the better of me)) During my first pregnancy, I calculated a boy using this table - a boy was born. How to get pregnant after 35 years?

Read about the diet for conceiving a boy >. Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, birth. It is known that there are even more conceptions by boys, but these pregnancies, unfortunately, are more common. Tell me the secret: when you haven’t had children yet, you...

For several months ahead, use our calculator! You can include a prediction of the gender of the unborn child in order to additionally highlight in the calculation results the days on which the likelihood of conceiving a boy or girl is higher.

Ovulation calculator with baby gender prediction

Calculation option:

Prediction of baby's gender:

Start date of last menstruation:

Start date of penultimate menstruation:

Cycle duration:

The duration of the cycle is from 21 to 35 days. On average 28 days.

28 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 days

Duration of menstruation:

The duration of menstruation is from 2 to 7 days. On average 5 days.

5 2 3 4 5 6 7 days

Number of months for calculation:

6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 months

The release of a mature cell into the female reproductive tract is called ovulation, which our online calculator will help you calculate. But being able to determine these moments herself is very important for a woman, because it helps to plan her life and control the normal course of internal processes.

Observations of the body

First, let's look at what a calendar and ovulation calculator are. Often these are the days of expected ovulation marked on a monthly calendar. It is often called a calculator because of the need to calculate date data. Typically, an existing menstrual calendar is used for this to make it easier to control cycles. There are also online calculators, the operating principles and actions of which we will discuss below.

To determine ovulation, a calculator and a calendar are our first assistants. When preparing for a happy event, a girl needs to start a calendar in advance in which to color in the first days of her period.

Based on this information, you can make calculations, obtain important indicators and even conclusions regarding the normality of current processes:

  • Cycle length. By calculating the number of days between the marked numbers, you can calculate this important indicator. It should be in the range of 25-30 days. For other values, you should consult your gynecologist. Perhaps some problems or disturbances occurred in the body, which affected the length of the cycle. The ideal standard is 28 days.
  • Regularity. It is necessary to compare the indicators for different months. Normally they should be equal. A deviation of 1 day is possible. If a failure occurs once (no more than once a year), this does not cause concern if after this the cyclicity returns to normal. With different values ​​in each period, the cycle is considered irregular. This does not always indicate health problems, but getting tested and getting the opinion of your doctor will not hurt. The inconvenience of such a rhythm is the difficulty in detecting ovulation, which is not easy to calculate on a calculator in case of an irregular cycle. This often requires more serious observations and methods.
  • Duration of bleeding. Typically, 3-7 days is normal, provided that it does not change monthly. The same degree of shade, density and abundance throughout the day is also considered confirmation of the normality of reproductive function.

Ovulation period calculations

Having preliminary indicators, creating an ovulation and conception calculator and calculating the best moments for it is quite simple. There is a special formula developed by specialists based on observations of the processes of cell generation. To understand where the numbers in the formula come from, you need to understand the phases and their length.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

Each time a woman’s cycle includes three periods:

  • Follicular. A follicle forms in the ovary, significantly increasing in growth from 5-9 days after menstruation. A cell is born in it, which, when it reaches a size of 22-24 mm, is considered mature. The time of growth and ripening is different for each and depends on the level of estrogen and the rate of its increase as the cell develops. The average is 11-16 days.
  • Ovulation. Having reached the peak of maturity, the cell breaks the walls of the follicle and passes into the fallopian tube. Her path lies towards the uterus and it is advisable for her to meet sperm at this time for fertilization to occur. The phase depends on the lifespan of the cell - 24-36 hours.
  • Luteal. It is characterized by the growth of the corpus luteum at the site of rupture of the membrane. It produces a hormone that prepares the uterus to accept an embryo. In the absence of fertilization, the cell dies and the corpus luteum is structurally destroyed. The duration of the period is 14 days.

That is why such an accurate calculation of ovulation and a calculator or a well-designed calendar is necessary - after all, the cell lives only for a day and a delay will lead to the need to expect conception as early as the next month.

So, we found out the length of each period. It can be seen that only the last one is identical for all girls. There are, of course, exceptions when the luteal phase lasts 11 or 12 days, but this phenomenon is very rare.

Formula for calculating the day of ovulation

Therefore, the formula sounds like this: you need to subtract 14 days from the length of the cycle. The resulting indicator indicates the size of the first stage and helps to understand the moment of ovulation. Let's consider an example of a calculation algorithm:

  • If a girl’s last bleeding occurred on the 12th, and the normal length corresponds to 29 days, then the calculation is as follows: 29-14=15.
  • Now you need to count 15 days from the 12th (the value of the calculated first period). That turns out to be 27.
  • The calculator shows the expected day of ovulation on the 27th of the current month.
  • It is necessary to plan your sex life taking into account the reserve: every day in the period 25-28.

The margin is required not only to take into account some errors. It is associated with the life of cells. Since a woman lives for 24 hours, fertilization is possible even after she leaves the follicle. And some male cells live up to 3 days, i.e. can function normally for a couple of days until the follicle ruptures and the cell appears in the fallopian tube.

The video talks about the most common and reliable ways to determine ovulation

Irregular cycles - how to confirm ovulation

If a girl’s rhythms are irregular, a mathematical calculation can be carried out according to the following principle:

  • Compare cycle values ​​over several months.
  • Select the minimum value.
  • Take it into account in the formula.

It is clear that in this situation, calculating the days of ovulation on a calculator and drawing up a calendar for several months is problematic. The calculation occurs only for one month, after which you need to confirm it with additional methods or based on your feelings.

The structure of discharge during ovulation

The day the follicle ruptures is best characterized by discharge from the cervix - thick, profuse, viscous. They are compared to egg white due to their external and structural similarity. It is not possible to confuse them with other types of mucus, since they are practically absent from the beginning of menstruation. Let us recall how the structure of mucus changes at different moments:

  • Follicular period. The mucus thickens due to the influence of estrogen. It does not appear outwardly, which is why this time is called “dry”. The function of mucus in this phase is to protect the uterus from the effects of microbes, because it forms a kind of “plug.” This also makes it difficult for sperm to advance, since now they are not needed due to the absence of a cell. By the time the bubble matures, the secretions liquefy and slightly leak out.
  • Ovulation. A certain hormonal balance is created: estrogen is reduced, progesterone increases, luteinizing hormone splashes out when the follicle ruptures. This changes the discharge to "egg white". This structure is most favorable for the movement of sperm. Even if the ovulation calculator for conception failed, then having noticed such discharge, you can safely diagnose the imminent release of the cell. The period lasts 1-3 days, i.e. both before and after the breakup.
  • Luteal phase. The concentration of progesterone increases, the mucus thickens again. It does not differ in abundance and practically remains unnoticed. Before menstruation, there may be slight liquefaction and a watery texture.

Changes in the mammary glands after ovulation

After the cell exits, when progesterone intensifies its effect in order to prepare the uterus for receiving an embryo and the breast for feeding, a slight enlargement of the mammary glands is observed. The breasts may become tender and slightly painful. This will also indicate the presence of a cell in the genital tract.

Tests, measurements and medical procedures to confirm ovulation

Additionally, girls with irregular processes can use tests, rectal temperature measurement (keeping a chart) and be observed with an ultrasound.

The last option is the most reliable in this situation, since the doctor will inform you in advance about the moment of follicle rupture.

Online payments - features and capabilities

Having the calculated indicators at hand, you will need to enter them into the columns of the calculator:

  • Last date of menstruation
  • Cycle duration
  • Number of days of bleeding
  • Set months for calculation

As a result, the girl has calendars for the number of months she ordered with the dates already marked: menstruation and expected ovulation. The convenience of the service is undeniable. By saving or printing the result, you can easily control your life and plan important activities for conception. Of course, one should not forget about the error when confirming the marked dates.

If the girl did not make observations, nothing will prevent her from making calculations if she remembers the dates of two menstruation. Having chosen this ovulation calculation, you only need to enter two numbers into the online calculator. Having received the result, you can already conduct analytics and note discrepancies. This way you can identify deviations, recalculate cycles and make a new calculation using current data.

Calculating ovulation using an online calculator for irregular cycles

If the cycle is not regular, you need to enter its shortest length. In this situation, you need to be prepared for a large degree of error in the received calendars. Since calculations are not relevant for a girl with a lack of regularity, she should use the basal schedule method, guided by the following rules:

  • Take your temperature rectally every morning.
  • Mark it as a point on the graph.
  • After the period has passed, connect the dots.
  • The moment when the curve drops sharply indicates that the moment of follicle rupture is approaching.
  • Almost immediately after this, a sharp “peak” occurs, indicating the release of the egg.

Starting next month, the girl will be able to accurately identify these “peaks” and plan sexual intercourse. You need to be prepared that any external factor can affect the temperature. Therefore, it is recommended to take measurements first, without even leaving the bed. When consuming alcohol or taking medications, you need to make a note if the indicators differ in order to understand what caused the change.

This graph can confirm or refute the calculation data of the online ovulation calculator. By the way, you can even see on it the moment of attachment of the embryo to the uterus. But changes in values ​​occur in tenths of a degree, which makes it difficult to recognize the result from the graph.

Calculating the sex of the child by ovulation date using a calculator

Our calculator offers girls an additional opportunity to calculate the sex of the child based on the date of ovulation.

The following numbers are marked on calendars:

  • Three days when you are most likely to conceive a daughter.
  • Two days are optimal for my son;
  • The day of ovulation is the probability of having a son.

These parameters are scientifically substantiated and depend on the characteristics of male cells that affect the sex of the embryo. But it is worth understanding that mathematical data is subject to error and does not take into account some additional factors.

Predicting the baby's gender - what you need to know

If you want to influence the gender of your child, it is better to do the calculation yourself by adjusting the indicators of the online advisor. So, first you need to remember which chromosomes determine the sex of the embryo and their main characteristics:

  • XY is a male embryo, obtained by fertilization of a female cell (X) with male cells that are endowed with Y chromosomes.
  • XX – female embryo, when fertilized by male X-type cells.

To correctly use an online ovulation calculator to conceive a girl or boy, you need to remember a few simple characteristics inherent in each type of male cell:

  • Y: active, fast, mobile. Under equal conditions, X-cells will be much ahead and will reach the goal sooner. They live extremely short lives - up to 24 hours.
  • X: do not differ in speed, move through the genital tract slowly. They are distinguished by great vitality - up to 3 days. Sometimes – up to 5 days.

So we know all the information needed to make a forecast. Now it is important to figure out at what point it is better to plan sexual intercourse in order to get the desired effect.

Conception of a boy

Experts recommend that we use an ovulation calculator to conceive a boy, prescribing sexual intercourse precisely at the moment the cell is released, or when it is already in the sexual tract. Let's look at what happens:

  • The cell is already in the desired position or is about to approach it.
  • Y cells quickly overtake her, leaving X far behind.
  • Fertilization occurs.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. We are offered to carry out the act on the day before and immediately after. In the second case, there is no need to refuse the act in order to confirm the result. But it should not be considered the main date, because the female cell may already disappear, since it only lives for 24 hours. If you choose the day before, you need to be clearly sure that the cage will come out. For example, if tests have confirmed a rupture or specific discharge has already appeared. If there is no indirect evidence, it is not worth the risk, otherwise the Y-cells may not wait for the female one (they live 24 hours, as we remember).

Conception of a girl

To conceive a girl based on the date of ovulation, the online calculator advises us a few days before. Ideally, choose a date 2 days before the expected appearance of the cell and not repeat the acts later. In this case, the following processes occur:

  • A day after the act, Y-type cells die. At this time, there is no woman yet, so the conception of a son is excluded.
  • A day later, a cell appears in the reproductive tract, where slow X-cells have long since reached and are waiting.
  • Fertilization occurs with the predestination of the female gender.

All days that the online forecast offers can be used in this situation. It’s just that you shouldn’t expect a significant effect from earlier acts. Most likely, X-cells will not be able to last that long, because their maximum lifespan, 5 days, is extremely rare.

How to increase the likelihood of gender prediction

The whole difficulty is that you need to very clearly understand when ovulation occurs in order to calculate a favorable day for conceiving a girl using a calculator. Indeed, in this situation, neither tests nor observations will help - they show the day before, but 10-24 hours in advance, and we need a larger reserve of time. Therefore, here it is worth contacting specialists to trace your processes on an ultrasound. 2-3 days before the rupture, the doctor will already know the moment, based on the speed of follicle growth.

You can also use microscope devices that analyze saliva. They are able to show changes in salt crystals the day before and on the day of ovulation. It is enough to follow the crystal patterns for one month every day before ovulation in order to unmistakably understand in the next month which pattern occurs 2 days before it.


Knowing how to make a calendar and correctly calculate the moment of cell appearance, you can safely predict the best periods for conception, even having the opportunity to predetermine the gender of your baby. In general, an online ovulation calculator helps you monitor your health by monitoring the timeliness of normal processes.

For many couples, the gender of the future baby is of great importance. Someone wants a first-born heir, someone already has a boy and therefore definitely needs to give birth to a girl. In some cases, the baby's gender is important for medical reasons, since many incurable diseases have more severe consequences in male children. How to conceive a girl?


As practice shows, the conception of a boy is most likely during sexual intercourse exactly on the day of ovulation or a few hours later, while the conception of a girl is the day before ovulation.

This calculator will help determine the optimal time to conceive a boy (girl), according to the date of ovulation.

X and Y: a little about biology

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The birth of a new life occurs after the egg meets the sperm. The most favorable time for fertilization is the middle of a woman's monthly cycle, when ovulation occurs. The sex of the unborn baby is determined at the moment the female and male reproductive cells meet.

After conception, it is possible to find out the gender of the child only by ultrasound.

What determines the sex of the baby? In human genes there are 2 types of sex chromosomes: X and Y. Women are born with a chromosome pair XX, men - XY. The carriers of the parents' genetics are the egg and sperm. The female cell contains only the X chromosome; there are two types of sperm: X and Y.

If the Y sperm meets the egg first, a boy will be born. The combination of two X's predetermines the appearance of a girl. The question: “What should I do if I want a girl?” can be answered simply. It is necessary to ensure that the X sperm reaches the egg first.

However, is it possible to influence this process? Many believe it is possible, given that different types of sperm have distinctive characteristics. X-carriers are more viable. They can live in a woman’s reproductive organs for up to 6 days. However, Y-sperm are faster, although they retain the ability to live for no more than 24 - 48 hours.

Methods for conceiving a girl

However, each method has adherents who claim that it is thanks to it that a woman becomes 100 percent pregnant with a girl. There are the most popular methods.

By blood

Blood is one of the most important components of the human body, so there is a theory that it affects the sex of the child. The gender of the unborn baby is determined by blood by calculating the time of its renewal according to the Rh factor and group.

If you follow the method of planning the sex of children according to the Rh factor, a child with a double X chromosome will be born to a mother and father with the same Rh factor. To conceive a daughter based on blood type, you should use the following table.

Option for mixing parental blood typesMom's blood typeDad's blood type
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 2 4
4 1 3
5 3 1
6 4 2

According to the method, based on the cyclical renewal of blood, in order to become pregnant with a girl, the mother needs to have younger blood. You can calculate how much time has passed since the blood was renewed based on the fact that women’s blood cells are renewed every 3 years, and men’s blood cells are renewed every 4 years.

An example of calculating the sex of a child: the expectant mother is 25 years old at the time of conception, and the father is 27 (see also:). In order to find out the year of blood renewal, you need to divide the age by 3 or 4. Next, you need to multiply the integer from the resulting figure by the renewal factor.

For a woman: 25: 3 = 8.33 and 8 * 3 = 24. For a man: 27: 4 = 6.75 and 6 * 4 = 24. It turns out that the mother’s blood is younger, since it was updated 1 year ago. Therefore, at the moment there is a high probability of becoming pregnant with a girl.

By timing of ovulation

The method of planning the sex of a baby according to the ovulation schedule is based on the characteristics of different types of sperm. To conceive a girl, it is necessary to leave only X-sperm in the woman’s reproductive tract when the egg is ready for fertilization. The essence of the method is as follows:

  • you need to calculate the exact day of ovulation;
  • have sexual intercourse 3–5 days before ovulation;
  • refuse sex or use contraception on the day the egg matures and for the next 3 days.

Thanks to this method, there is a high probability of successfully giving birth to a child of the desired gender. However, to implement your plan, you need to know exactly the day of ovulation. The table describes methods for determining the day of ovulation.

Mathematical calculationIt is necessary to divide the number of days of the cycle by 2. The resulting figure will be the serial number of the day of the cycle of complete maturation of the next egg.For many women, their periods shift at different times in their lives. In this regard, the date of ovulation changes. It is impossible to calculate the moment of the next cycle change.
Basal temperature measurementIt is necessary to measure the temperature in the rectum daily. On the day of ovulation, the thermometer will rise by 0.5 degrees. Measurements are carried out over several months. Once the cycle duration is reliably determined, you can begin planning your pregnancy.Possible disruption of the menstrual period due to illness. The method requires lengthy preparation.
Test to determine the content of hormones in urine or saliva2 days before ovulation, a change in the level of luteinizing hormone occurs. Testing should begin 5–7 days before expected ovulation.Material costs, as well as hormone levels, sometimes rise due to gynecological diseases and hormonal imbalances

According to calendar

The calendar method of determining the day of conception of a boy or girl has long been used in Japan and China. According to the Chinese calendar, a woman is able to conceive a girl at a precisely defined age and month of the year. However, you need to correctly calculate how old the expectant mother is. To do this, you need to calculate the age from the moment of her own conception (add 10 months).

Below is the Chinese table for women under 30 years old. The “+” sign marks the months of the year that ensure the conception of a girl.

Woman's age, yearsSerial number of the month of the year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
18 + +
19 + + + +
20 + + +
21 + + + + + + + + + + +
22 + + + + + + + +
23 + + + +
24 + + + + + + +
25 + + + +
26 + + + + + + + +
27 + + + + +
28 + + + + + +
29 + + + + + +
30 + + + + + + + + +

The Japanese calendar takes into account the birth time of both parents. The favorable time for conceiving a baby is determined using two tables. The first determines the serial number of the column, which will indicate the likelihood of a child of a certain gender. Table 1.

The numbers in the table are cyclical. The numbers corresponding to the mother are repeated every 4 lines, and the numbers corresponding to the father are repeated every 3 columns. For example, in May the numbers are identical to January, in June - February, and so on. The second table indicates the most favorable months of conception depending on the result obtained:

  • 1 – October;
  • 2 – November;
  • 3 – December;
  • 4 – June;
  • 5 – July;
  • 6 – August;
  • 7 – March, November;
  • 8 – April, December;
  • 9 – May;
  • 10 – June;
  • 11 – July;
  • 12 – August.

Through diet

Adherents of this method claim that in order to give birth to a girl, you need to adhere to a certain diet for 4 months before fertilization. You should eat foods that create an acidified environment in the expectant mother’s body. Nutrition principles:

  • enrich the diet with foods containing calcium, iron and magnesium;
  • For meat, give preference to veal and beef;
  • replace juices and soda with tea, cocoa, mineral water;
  • eat fish boiled or baked;
  • from dairy products, choose milk, sour cream and cottage cheese, completely avoid cheeses and ice cream;
  • do not eat salty bread and crackers;
  • increase the consumption of semolina and rice porridges, exclude corn porridge from the diet;
  • reduce potato consumption;
  • eat a lot of vegetables and fruits (with the exception of tomatoes, cabbage, white beans, zucchini, bananas, melon, oranges, currants, apricots);
  • replace sugar with honey, jam, jams;
  • eat various nuts;
  • give up dried fruits, smoked meats, semi-finished products, margarine, and yeast products.

According to zodiac signs

The method of conception according to zodiac signs is based on the fact that the moon has a great influence on pregnancy. Throughout the month, the celestial body falls under the control of various astrological signs. Among them there are women's and men's. The female ones include: Pisces, Cancer, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio.

If fertilization occurs on the day when the moon falls under the influence of the desired zodiac symbols, the likelihood of having a girl increases. The strength of the sign of the expectant mother is also important. The maternal principle is most active 2–3 days before the birth of the expectant mother according to the lunar calendar.

Using douching

Douching is used to create an environment in the vagina that is harmful to Y sperm, but safe for their competitors. For douching, prepare a solution of 2 tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice and 1 liter of water.

Using a sterile syringe, the vagina is treated with a solution immediately before sexual intercourse. In an acidified environment, sperm with the male gene become incompetent, but X cells survive. However, when preparing the solution, the dosage must be observed. If you make the liquid too acidic, all male cells will die, and the mucous membrane in the vagina will receive an acid burn.

Other methods

The following methods are also used to conceive girls:

  • Folk signs. To give birth to a daughter, some spouses attempt to conceive only on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. People consider these days to be women's days, therefore, according to beliefs, a girl should be born. Objects placed under the pillow help enhance the effect of folk signs. The expectant mother should put a small mirror, a red ribbon or a comb. It is also recommended to tie a regular thread on the little finger of a woman’s right hand, and the best time to get pregnant with a daughter is called winter.
  • Psychological preparation. Parents need to imagine in detail what their daughter will look like: eyes, hair, smile. After sexual intercourse, the mother needs to close her eyes and draw a picture of what will happen during fertilization and pregnancy in her body. Moreover, the images can be abstract. Reproductive cells can be red lights, after which a small star flashes when they meet.
  • Slavic methodology. If you follow this method, to achieve your goal you need to start the process of conception only in even or odd months. In the case when the mother’s age corresponds to an even value, the day of fertilization must coincide with an even month of the year.
  • Correct positions in sex. It is believed that to give birth to a daughter, you need to choose those positions in which the penis does not enter deeply into the vagina. The following positions are considered optimal: woman on top, partners lying on their sides (man behind), missionary position.

Is there a method with a 100 percent chance of conceiving a daughter?

Sometimes for parents, the birth of a daughter is the only option to have healthy offspring. How to conceive a girl 100 percent? If a couple is at risk of having a child with genetic disorders, they are recommended to seek preimplantation genetic diagnosis. This method is the only one that provides a 100 percent chance of having a girl.

For fertilization, healthy female cells from the mother and sperm from the father are selected. The female cells are fertilized in a laboratory. After 3 days, specialists perform a biopsy of the embryos. They look at which one has a pair of X chromosomes, and he is selected for implantation in the uterus. However, this procedure is expensive and is performed in few clinics.