How to decorate a bouquet of tulips beautifully: useful tips. A bouquet of tulips - we create a nice gift with our own hands How beautifully to pack tulips on March 8

Making a bouquet is an interesting and exciting experience. Now there are many different ways of decorating and presenting flowers: shiny wrappers, foil, floral mesh and various ribbons. Florists create extraordinary compositions that emphasize the color, texture and shape of plants. However, such a beautiful floral arrangement, decorated with taste and style, you can make yourself and pack it yourself.

Tulips are beautiful delicate flowers that almost everyone likes. They are not very sophisticated, simpler than roses. Tulips can be donated for any occasion. By playing with the design and shades, you can create the desired atmosphere and delight the recipient.

The most popular design options are:

  • paper (floristic or kraft paper);
  • floristic mesh;
  • pot;
  • box;
  • transparent film, also called "glass".

All these materials look unusual and original if you make an effort and use your imagination. Now florists practically do not use bright floristic paper, which often looks too cheap. In the design of a flower arrangement, brownish kraft paper is increasingly used, on which small drawings or patterns can be drawn. Floral mesh and transparent film are design classics that make any flowers look festive and interesting. The box is the most popular type of decoration, which is very popular with modern florists. DIY packaging is a great way to decorate a bouquet.

To do this, you will also need scissors, tape and additional decorative elements. These can be satin ribbons, sequins, or decorative butterflies. Decoration with the help of plastic products is a little outdated, but such decoration can still be allowed: this item directly depends on the individual preferences and tastes of the recipient.

Gallery: a bouquet of tulips (25 photos)

To make the composition original and beautiful, you need to adhere to several rules:

Secrets of beautiful packaging

It is easier to create a composition from roses than from wildflowers. One of the most interesting options is a composition of roses and tulips, the packaging of which is made by hand. To make the composition look beautiful, you can pack the tulips in a transparent film. To do this, you need to cut a square from the floristic "glass", prepare scissors, tape and a stapler. In order to arrange flowers, you must:

  1. Scotch the base of the tulips with tape.
  2. Arrange the flowers on a transparent film square.
  3. Add additional plants if desired. You need to arrange them symmetrically.
  4. Wrap the flower arrangement in foil, fasten the edges with a stapler.
  5. Decorate the composition with a beautiful ribbon.

It is important to measure the size of the film in advance so that it fits the height and width of the selected colors. You can also remove leaves that get in the way.

Collecting a bouquet of roses or tulips is a fun and interesting activity. The packaging should hide all the flaws and emphasize the advantages of the bouquet. Think over the whole arrangement in advance before wrapping the flowers in the material of your choice. Think about what colors you will choose for the bouquet. Tulips can be combined with both field flowers and any exquisite flowers. Do not be afraid to experiment and play with contrasts, and you will succeed!

International Women's Day on March 8 is associated with bouquets. Tulips are one of the first spring flowers with a fresh scent. It is pleasant for any woman to get a bright bouquet for the holiday. You can please your loved ones and loved ones with flowers grown with your own hands. Recently, forcing has become a very popular activity. What is it, how does the process take place at home? How to make flowers bloom for the first spring holiday?

Preparatory work for forcing bulbs

In our time, a new hobby has appeared - to grow bulbous flowers in a house on a windowsill or in a greenhouse. Tulips are exactly the kind of flowers that are so in demand for the spring holiday. On their cultivation, you can make a lot of money if you try to grow by the holiday date.

First you need to deal with the variety so that the flowers are bright and beautiful. It is necessary to be guided by the following characteristics:

  • petal color;
  • plant class;
  • flowering time;
  • stem height;
  • disease resistance.

The last criterion is very important, because due to the disease, the appearance of the flower will not be so attractive. May appear dots, spots or dashes on the petals... Identifying diseased bulbs is not easy. It is better not to risk in vain and choose the most disease-resistant varieties:

  • Great;
  • Forester;
  • Kaufman.

The listed varieties have beautiful petals with a bright and unusual color of the petals. They have large flowers with a good medium-sized stem. After selecting the best varieties, you can proceed to the next stage - preparing the bulbs for growing in a greenhouse or in a house.

Growing flowers for the spring holiday

Plants belong to the group that a long time ago grown outdoors... Their biological characteristics do not allow tulips to grow on the windowsill as indoor plants and make them bloom in winter. The only way out is accelerated cultivation in the greenhouse or in the house. Modern flower growers began to use this technique. An artificial temperature and light regime is created for them, forcing the buds to bloom at an earlier period of time. Plants wake up early and bloom.

It is worth noting that emergency rearing is not an easy task that requires certain knowledge and time. If all goes well, it can be a lucrative and enjoyable hobby. The chosen method will help to achieve flowering ahead of time.

It is necessary to select bulbs in the summer. They should be large and round, at least 3.5 cm in size, healthy and firm. You can select and own seed from your site. This must be done in the month of July. First, the material is dug up, then dried outdoors and then stored in a cool room at a temperature of 18-20 ° C.

After storage in September, you need to proceed to the next stage - cooling the bulbs. They are placed for 1 month in a room with a temperature of +5 ° C and an air humidity of 85-90%. For this purpose, you can use your home refrigerator by placing seed on the bottom shelf in early September.

Exactly one month after storage in the refrigerator, they must be planted in the ground... Ordinary plastic boxes are suitable for this. They need to fill in a layer of a mixture of river sand and peat with a layer of 3 cm. The distance between the bulbs should be about 10-20 mm. They are slightly buried in prepared containers for planting. After that, the seed is watered and again covered with river sand, so that only the tops are visible.

Now, with the addition of a solution of calcium nitrate and water in a ratio of 1 g per 1 liter of water, the bulbs are watered again. After that, the boxes are placed in a cellar with a low temperature of up to + 5 ° C and a humidity of 85% in a dark place. When the soil dries up, it should be moistened every time, but only in moderation, otherwise the seed may deteriorate... It is very important that the soil for planting is permeable to air.

Already at the beginning of January, the first shoots should appear and by the end of the month their height should be about 3 cm. About a month before March 8, the boxes must be brought into a room with natural light. The temperature regime should be at +18 o C. If there is little natural light, then additional lighting is connected.

If there is a greenhouse, then tulips can be grown in greenhouse conditions. 21 days before the scheduled date, the pots or special boxes are brought into the greenhouse with a temperature of 14 ° C and maintained for three days. During this time, the sprouts will turn green and the temperature can be increased by 4 degrees with uniform humidity. Weeds should be removed and flowers should be watered only with warm water. The greenhouse must have a constantly high air humidity and the required temperature. To grow earlier varieties, they need already in October, bring to the greenhouse.

Process description

The growth of flowers can be controlled by using room temperature, lowering or raising it. If there is a desire to accelerate the growth process, then you need to increase the temperature, if it slows down, then, on the contrary, lower it by a few degrees.

Often, due to the lighting, the stems of the plant begin to stretch, for this additional lighting is needed. When tulips bloom earlier, the process can be paused. 10-15 pieces, together with the onions, are wrapped in paper and placed in a refrigerator, with a temperature of 1-2 ° C for 2 weeks. There are several important points to keep in mind when growing.

  • The increased temperature in the room causes deformation of the buds.
  • Peduncles can be short if the cooling period is insufficient.
  • When the leaves begin to grow intensively, they should not be kept in direct sunlight. This will cause the greenery to grow quickly and not bud.
  • Flowers can be exposed to the sun only for a short time, otherwise the buds will quickly open and fade.
  • It makes sense to apply fertilizers in the form of calcium nitrate only at the very beginning of the growing season, then there is no need for this. Correct and timely feeding will increase the number of buds and positively affect the beauty of flowers.

Flowers have faded, what's next?

After the tulips have bloomed, they must be cut. This is not done with the aim of collecting a beautiful bouquet, but in order to save the bulbs for planting next year. If everything is done correctly, then next spring they will begin to bloom again, but not so together. Flowers need restoration after forced flowering.

You should remove the peduncles, leave the leaves on the stems, water and fertilize the plants until the leaves wither. Immediately after this, the bulbs are removed and dried, freeing them from the ground. The dried heads should be stored in a cool dry place until autumn. They can be planted again at their summer cottage. They are not suitable for re-distillation, they need a recovery period of 1-2 years.

In the spring, you need to mark the largest and most beautiful, so that you can then select them for home. Peduncles cut as soon as the colored buds appear. This will allow the flowers not to use their internal supply, but to save it for growing at home. When the leaves on the plant wilted, you can start digging out the roots, and then follow all the steps for preparation.

If you wish, you can grow not only tulips for the spring holiday. These can be irises and hyacinths, crocuses and daffodils. The main thing is to correctly observe all stages of the forcing process, and then the flowers will delight all family members with their beauty and aroma. In addition to beauty, they can bring additional income, which can serve as the beginning for a big business.

Growing tulips at home - they are always associated with spring. These perennial bulbous plants delight the eye in the very peak of spring. At the very time when the newly emerging herb comes into full force and nature finishes the awakening process. The maximum beauty of tulips falls on the most beautiful and dynamic time of the year.


An unusual sight on your windowsill

The experience of blooming tulips is so vivid that many people want to see them bloom all year round. Fortunately, tulips are among those plants that allow them to be grown almost at any time of the year. The agricultural technology of tulips is such that their flowering can occur at home from early December to late March.

It is quite difficult to get blooming tulips in the autumn period, since very serious and unusual preparation of the bulbs is required. In addition, many people strive to grow tulips for any holiday. During this period, there may be several such events: Christmas, New Year, Valentine's Day and, of course, March 8th.

Spring beauty in the sun

Someone wants to grow tulips for aesthetic satisfaction, while someone, naturally, wants to earn something on this. Consider how you can grow tulips at home for both beauty and commerce.

Understanding the Cold Life Cycle

Growing tulips at home, in a limited amount of soil for their root system, is called forcing. In this case, the growth of green mass and flowering are provided due to the nutrients stored in the tulip bulb. Forcing itself is an extreme method of cultivation, after which the bulb needs at least two years to restore its generative properties.

Another feature of forcing is the small number of days of light during the autumn-winter periods and short days of light. This implies the use of light sources during the active growing phase. In some cases, it becomes necessary to provide not only light and heat, but also the required air humidity.

Wonderful decoration of the garden courtyard

In our climate, most plants are dormant in winter. At the same time, they do not just "sleep", surviving the winter, but form inside themselves the plant organs of the next season, which, after waking up, begin their growth. Without this process, there will be no plant sprouting in the spring; therefore, if the bulb has not passed the hibernation period, a tulip cannot be grown from it.

Therefore, the life cycle of a tulip in natural conditions must necessarily include this period. In tulips, the formation of stem and bud rudiments occurs at low temperatures. Thus, in order for the tulip to sprout, it must be kept for some time under natural conditions.

Gorgeous composition

But that's not all: if you store the bulb in natural conditions, then leaves are first formed in it, and only then, at lower temperatures, flowers. We do not need the leaves (their growth can be stimulated with fertilizers, or they will be formed during the growth of the flower), so we immediately move on to the flowers. For this, after the formation of the rudiments of the plant organs, the bulb must be placed not in normal conditions, but in those under which the flower will form.

At the same time, the bulbs must be in the temperature range from + 5 ° C to + 9 ° C. And the storage time at this temperature is several months. Depending on the variety and temperature, it lasts from 16 to 22 weeks.

Selecting a variety for distillation

For the successful cultivation of tulips at “non-standard” times, not all varieties are suitable. It has been experimentally found that tulips of short stature are best suited for these purposes. Let's consider them:

Greig's tulips

They have goblet-shaped buds, a relatively wide pointed leaf with variegated spots. Usually their color is either one-color or two-color. These plants have a mild scent.

Foster's tulip

Foster's tulip. It is a hybrid of Darwin's tulip. Growth 12-15 cm. Plants are resistant to diseases and pests.


It has large goblet buds. Color: red with orange arrows. Possesses high endurance and unpretentiousness.


Terry tulips. Shades from red to purple. It has a short cold storage period, which makes it possible to grow it for the New Year.

Christmas Marvel

Also "early maturing" tulip, suitable for distillation for the New Year or Christmas holidays. It is red or crimson with a white border.

Scaborough dutch

Large bright orange flowers, suitable for medium forcing. Suitable for cultivation by February 14 and March 8.


Preliminary preparation

Bulb preparation begins in late summer or autumn. The bulbs can either be purchased or you can dig your own. In the case of purchasing seed, choose bulbs with sizes from 3.5 to 5.5 cm.

It is mandatory to inspect them before purchasing: they must be free of damage or traces of disease; slightly elastic to the touch. It is imperative to check with the seller the terms of cultivation and storage, since the time for distilling tulips depends on this.

If you use your own bulbs, then you need to follow a few rules:

  • it is best to start harvesting them in the summer, or when the tulips have just faded (depending on the date by which distillation is planned)
  • after harvesting, it is necessary to clean the bulbs from excess husk, discard diseased and damaged ones
  • the first month the bulbs are stored at high temperatures (up to 30-34 ° C); this is necessary for tying flowers for next year

Currently, there are two main methods for preparing bulbs, differing in storage temperature (+ 5 ° C or + 9 ° C). The first lasts a little less, but requires maintaining the temperature at a constant level, which cannot be provided with home remedies. The second one lasts at least 16 weeks, but allows fluctuations in storage temperature within a fairly wide range (+6 ... + 12 ° C).

Moreover, part of this period, the bulb is stored in the refrigerator or basement, and part - in the substrate in which the cultivation is carried out. In this way, simultaneous flower formation and plant rooting are achieved.

Dates of planting tulips with bulbous cultivation

In most cases, the term for planting tulips in the substrate is carried out 2-3 months before the end of the forcing period, but this is not a mandatory requirement. The life cycle of forcing tulips consists of the following stages:

  • digging and pre-storage of bulbs at room temperature: up to 1-2 weeks
  • storage at elevated temperatures (+ 30-34 ° С) for tying future leaves and flowers: 3-4 weeks
  • cold storage without planting in the ground: 4-8 weeks
  • cold storage with rooting: 8-12 weeks
  • direct distillation (active plant growth, blooming): 1-3 weeks

Crazy palette of colors

These dates depend on the tulip variety and by what time it is planned to complete the distillation.

  • For example, growing tulips by March 8 may involve up to 3 months of storage without rooting.
  • If you plan to grow flowers for the New Year, it makes no sense to delay cold storage without planting in the ground for more than a month.
  • The timing of digging the bulbs is also important.
  • So, for example, “New Year's” varieties are dug out of the ground as soon as they bloom.
  • And varieties by March 8 can be dug out after the plant has completely withered or dried out.
  • If you do not plan to grow tulips by some date, or, in commercial terms, there are no deadlines, then you can prepare the bulbs for planting in a more gentle mode.

The sequence of actions in this case will be as follows:

  • digging out the bulbs after the leaves turn yellow
  • the bulbs are cleaned and stored for a week at an elevated temperature (+ 34 ° C)
  • subsequent storage is carried out at a temperature of 20-23 ° C and lasts 2 months
  • the next month the storage temperature decreases to 15-17 ° С
  • "Cold" storage at a temperature of about + 9 ° C (which, unfortunately, cannot be avoided) lasts about a month
  • after which the bulbs are planted in a substrate and grown at room temperature; or for 1-2 weeks they still stand at a temperature of + 9 ° C, and then they are transferred to heat

With this growing regime, the bulbs will be planted around October-November. This method allows the bulbs to form with less negative consequences and almost all of them will sprout and bloom without problems. This is primarily due to the fact that rooting will be carried out at higher temperatures than during the "pre-holiday" forcing. In this case, flowering should come in mid-January.

This method sometimes allows you to grow early ripening tulips for the New Year, but the likelihood of such an event is small.

Planting bulbs in the ground

Planting process

Regardless of the preliminary preparation of the bulbs, this step is the same for any method of growing tulips at home. Germination of tulip bulbs begins with their rooting in a special substrate. The composition of the substrate can be very diverse. The main requirement for it is a sufficiently high fertility and a normal level of acidity (6.5 - 7); the latter means the need for liming substrates with peat and sawdust.

For winter cultivation, it is also undesirable to use pure garden soil, since it becomes denser from watering, decreasing in volume. There are two main recipes for the substrates used in winter tulip cultivation.

One of them uses ordinary soil as a base:

  • 2 pieces of garden land
  • 1 part compost
  • 1 part coarse sand

The second is softer, since it is based on sawdust:

  • 2 parts sawdust
  • 1 part of soil
  • 1 part humus or compost

It should be remembered that every 5 kg of sawdust should be limed with 1 glass of charcoal.

One of the requirements for a container for growing is the possibility of air penetration to the roots of the plant. Therefore, if you have few bulbs, you can get by with several ceramic pots (ceramics has the ability to pass air), 15-20 cm in diameter and at least 15 cm high. One onion sits in one pot.

  • The bottom of the box or pots is covered with a drainage layer, which is from 1/5 to 1/3 of the height of the sides
  • Expanded clay or medium-sized rounded pebbles are selected as drainage. It is not advisable to use flat stones.
  • Next, a layer of soil up to 3 cm high is laid on the drainage, on which the bulbs are exposed
  • Before planting the bulbs, it is advisable to hold them in a warm solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour
  • The bulbs can be of different heights, so it is necessary to pour the substrate under some of them so that all the tops are on the same level
  • The density and method of planting bulbs in boxes can be very diverse - from rare point plantings according to the 10 by 10 cm scheme, to dense plantings, when the bulbs are practically in contact with each other
  • After installing the bulbs in a box or pot, sprinkle them with a layer of substrate of at least 1 cm and water abundantly
  • Further, the box is sent to a cold dark room, where the time stays, depending on how the distillation will be carried out.
  • It is advisable to take out the box for half an hour for airing once a day; watering is carried out once a week


Approximately 10-15 days before the estimated date of flowering (if we are talking about forcing), the box with seedlings is brought out into the light. At this time, the first sprouting and even grown shoots are already clearly visible. The first week he is in partial shade, the second - already on the sunny side.

Bulbs in the substrate after cold storage and rooting

  • Plants are watered and fed daily with complex fertilizers.
  • The water should be at room temperature. The rates and composition of dressings depend on the variety and method of forcing.
  • The duration of daylight hours in the last 10 days of forcing should be at least 11 hours, moreover, it is advisable to use maximum sunlight.
  • Some varieties may require increased humidity, perhaps even plants will need to spray the leaves and buds with a spray bottle.
  • All this must be foreseen in advance so that by the time of distillation it does not become an unpleasant surprise.
  • After cutting the tulips, the bulbs spend another 20 days in the ground.
  • Then they are dug up and dried as follows: the first two weeks - at room temperature, the remaining time before planting in the ground (in April) - at a temperature of 15-17 ° С.

Alternative cultivation

If you do not want to mess with the substrate, which includes soil, tulip bulbs can be grown without it. Moreover, there are several such methods. Let's consider them in more detail.

Growing tulips without land

An alternative to a soil-containing substrate is the use of structures made of drainage stones or other materials flooded with water. This is somewhat reminiscent of growing orchids, with the only difference that orchid roots are airy and cannot tolerate excess moisture, and tulip roots can stay in water for a long time.

You can use large drainage stones, between which the bulbs are fixed. An alternative would be special glass beads. Sometimes it is recommended to use smaller materials, forming comfortable drainage cushions from them with the help of nets.

The sequence of actions for such a cultivation will be as follows:

  • After a month of warm storage, the bulbs are immersed for two hours in a rooting solution, for example, epin
  • Drainage material is applied to a vase, bath or any other container. The free space between the pebbles should be enough to accommodate the developed root system of the tulip.
  • The bulbs are firmly fixed in the drainage material. Moreover, their level of location should be such that the water reaches about 30% of the total growth of the bulb, otherwise it may begin to rot
  • The bulbs are filled with water and placed in a cold dark place, the conditions in which correspond to the conditions of "cold" storage (temperature + 9 ° C, no light sources)
  • The water level is updated daily to the initial level
  • After 1.5-2 months, the bulbs are brought to light and within 2-3 weeks are brought to flowering in the same way as they do with those grown in an earthen substrate

Further actions with the bulbs are also similar to those described above. The only difference is that they begin to dry at room temperature immediately after the flowers are cut.

Growing tulips in water

In extreme cases, if there is no desire to mess around with drainage, you can follow a very simple path, using special containers for growing bulbs exclusively in water. In shape, they repeat the hourglass. To some extent, this is reminiscent of growing onions on a windowsill, with the only difference that tulip is used instead of a regular bulb.

The very process of growing tulips from bulbs is completely similar to that described earlier with the use of drainage.

Tulips from seeds at home

Tulip seeds can be purchased or obtained by yourself. To do this, after the end of the flowering of the plant, tie up its stem so that the box with seeds is in an upright position. When the boll is dry, it is cut from the stem and placed in a warm, dry place, where it dries completely. By October, when the seeds can be planted, they will dry out completely.

Seed boxes

The optimal planting time for tulips is the end of October. At the same time, the soil should be soft and loose. The composition of the soil is as follows: peat, compost and coarse sand are mixed in equal proportions. Despite the presence of peat, it is not necessary to lime the soil.

Each seed is lowered into an individual hole to a depth of 2-3 cm, sprinkled with soil composition and watered. The seeds can be planted both in individual pots and in boxes of several pieces. The distance between the seeds should be about 10 cm.

Water procedures

They do not require special care: regular watering and spraying once a week, temperatures not higher than + 25 ° C. The first shoots can be seen in the spring.

However, one should not expect that in the very first year young tulips will delight their owners with flowering. In the first year of their life, they only tie an onion. Its final formation is completed by the second year of the tulip's life. In the third year, it is dug up in the spring to plant in the fall.

Thus, obtaining tulip flowers by growing the latter from seeds is possible only in the fourth year of the process. Few are able to withstand such waiting times, therefore tulips are practically not propagated by seeds at home. However, if you are breeding, there is simply no alternative to seed reproduction.

It is important for children to make a gift to their mother with their own hands. But such crafts should be lightweight and made of simple materials. To help kids the site "" offers to make tulips with an original vase from plain plain paper.

For work, prepare the following materials with tools:

  • colored paper of different shades;
  • toilet paper roll;
  • scissors and PVA glue.

Instructions for making children's crafts:

Step 1. For a tulip, you need a square of colored paper. Its side will depend on the desired bud size. Fold the workpiece once in half, then diagonally and again into 2 parts. Expand the square, you get these lines.

Step 2. Make 4 cuts on the workpiece, but only along the sides of the square, and not diagonally. The middle of the base of the bud should remain intact.

Step 3. Now you need to glue the tulip petals. To do this, wrap the free corner inward and glue, but in such a way that it touches the diagonal on the square (see photo).

Glue all the corners one by one.

You will get a bud like this.

Step 4. Make the stems for the tulip from green paper. Roll the sheet into a tube, glue the free edge.

Step 5. To fix the bud on it, make several cuts on one side of the tube and bend it outward.

Glue the flower onto the stem.

Step 6. Use an empty toilet paper roll for the base of the bee vase. Cover it with stripes of yellow and black.

Step 7. Cut the face out of cardboard, stick colored paper on top. Use a marker to draw the eyes and mouth. You can also cut out the details of the face from colored paper. Don't forget to glue the black paper horns.

Step 8. Fix the head of the bee on the upper part of the body. Cut the wings out of cardboard in the form of a droplet and glue on the back of the sleeve.

Step 9. Glue some tulips together. You can use only one color for the buds or make a bright bouquet of different shades.

Place flowers inside a makeshift vase. If you are afraid that it will fall, then glue any weighting material to the bottom of the sleeve. But only inside her.

The best gift for a woman on International Women's Day is a bouquet of tulips. But why are these flowers so popular on this holiday?

The women themselves answer this question as follows:

"I would like to receive as a gift something fresh, springtime ..."

"I would like to feel something tender, young in my hands ..."

Bouquet of tulips for March 8 women will be considered almost a royal gift! Moreover, nature itself, without stint, endowed these priceless flowers by March 8.

March 8 is the day when men can express all their feelings towards women. After all, there are so many relatives and beloved wives, girlfriends, mothers, grandmothers, sisters around. You just need to take care of the upcoming holiday in advance.

What is better to choose bouquets of tulips, taking into account the preferences of each woman, her social status?

LOVE. The day has come when you want to tell her about your love, to reveal the feelings that have long lurked in your soul. Present to your woman. A little variegation and brightness in addition to such a bouquet will not hurt, but will only remind you of a wonderful holiday.

OFFICE. Tomorrow comes the pre-holiday day - you and your male colleagues just need to congratulate your employees. It seems to me that you would not like to present them with compositions that are similar to each other and receive the usual smiles in return.

There are a lot of options for the uniqueness of the bouquet. You can present a bouquet of tulips in craft, or in natural packaging, it will be an exclusive congratulation.

ROMANCE. To impress a girl or woman, you can give her a huge armful of flowers on March 8th. These flowers can be arranged in a basket. An individual solution will be the design of tulips in the form of the number 8 in red and yellow colors. Stylish bouquets are made by combining tulips with other flowers. In addition, satin ribbons will become a kind of decoration for your bouquet.

Tulips- these are the flowers that are very good in different variations.

Another important piece of advice - think in advance about flower delivery... It happens that it is impossible to visit all women on this day, for this a flower delivery service will be a good helper for you.

Feel the coming of spring with your loved ones! Let your surprises be unexpected and welcome.