How can you become beautiful in 12 years. Solving the problem of excess weight. Rules of well-groomed girl

You know how to become beautiful in 12 years in a couple of hours, if the figure has physical disadvantages, the head is clogged with complexes, and the face decorate acne? Any girl can turn into Cinderella, but to remain princess forever, not only external, but also internal transformations are needed. Let's study women's beauty more deeply.

What does it mean to become beautiful and well maintained in an understanding of adults?

For adult beauty more often coincides with the concept of "health." This is understandable: the girl with red brown eyes, runny and dull hair is unlikely to bring admiring views from others.

But there are still internal diseases that impose a negative imprint on the external beauty. When a girl is worried about pain, then grimace appears on the face instead of a smile, and instead of good nature, "breaks out" outward aggression and whims. There are malfunctions in the body, which lead to the appearance of acne on face, falling out or sowing hair, obesity, etc. Therefore, you must first correct health, and the beauty is easier to correct.

In addition to health, adults appreciate the mind, a beautiful speech. Remember the saying, where they meet by clothes, and follow the mind? It is relevant for both women, and for men, since no one wants to be in society with a girl who and two words cannot tie. Beautiful and stupid young lady rapidly bored boys. How to become beautiful in 12 years in intellectual plan? Listen to the advice of teachers of the Russian language and literature, read books on ethics and speech culture, works of classics.

Smile, good nature, cheerfulness - these are the following components of beauty. In fact, we touched upon the inner world of man. If you like life, then in your eyes there will always be a light and glitter, which makes being live and active, creative and cheerful.

Of course, the figure and face are in the world of adults, but everyone invests its meaning. Some men prefer slender and elegant ladies, others are seized on lush forms, others are interested only for long legs ... Therefore, this term is replaced with such a concept as "elegant appearance."

Let's summarize: adults are 100% confident that you can become beautiful in adolescence without surgical interventions, tons of cosmetics, fashionable clothes and heaps of accessories.

Beauty in understanding teenagers

What is the beauty of adolescents? Judging by the reviews on the forums and conversations on the venues, the girls see beautiful in fashionable clothes, high heels, cosmetics, stylish robberies (decorations, handbags, belts), iPhones, crowds of fans, bad habits (it's mat, jargon, disconnection, arrogance, tactlessness , smoking, alcohol).

What is the beauty when the street is minus 10 degrees, and the girl in a mini-skirt or dranny jeans in the last fashion and a short top puts the teeth and stands with why to imitate boys and compete, who will continue and quarrel, will buy cigarettes and drink beer bottles, It is humiliates the weak and "bring to stroke" present pensioners.

Yes, boys can hide and say: "This is a girl!" - But none of them will never consider such a person as their girlfriend. Why? Yes, just any boy also wants to see the princess next to him, like every girl next to the prince! Yes, and then, imagine if his mom hears your bad expressions ... Be sure the tactful mother will do everything possible so that her son communicates with a brought up, polite, educated and beautiful girl.

Cool and tricked iPhones, tablets, expensive jewelry and other accessories are short-term interest among normal adolescents. These expensive things attract only greedy individuals who do not appreciate your personality. Also, the crowds of fans are attracting girls who try to swim in male attention at the expense of you.

What is the conclusion from everything? We work not only over the external beauty, but also over the inner world. First, consider how to become beautiful in the day, and then we will study a long-term daily plan over yourself.

Clothes and accessories

Clothing should be in the rhythm of time, stylish and neat. Even if you do not follow the fashion or can not afford dear things, then watch the surrounding girls. You do not need to wear long grandma dresses and mother's sweatshirts, choose clothing by means, but at the same time stylish and youth.

Some teenagers prefer "acid colors" in clothing and mixing bright gamma. Here you need to pay attention to the following. For walks with friends you can wear anything. To school, in museums, galleries, to serious events, it is better to wear classic clothes of such a color, which "does not cut eyes".

Dress up the weather. The girl in a slight jacket to the navel and jeans with slots in rainy and windy weather looks not beautiful, but stupid. Pick clothes and accessories so that all things are harmonized with each other. Brightly salad top with red huge beads, and bright pink sneakers look like balls on the Christmas tree. Then how to become a beautiful summer when it's hot? First of all, follow the purity of your body so that there is no unpleasant odors, and then pick up your clothes in accordance with the event. On the beach - bright and light outfits, and in the gallery and the theater are classic models.

Clothes should be tailored and clean. Even a beautiful girl in a rummy shirt and dirty jeans looks sloppy. You may not be perfectly neat in clothing, but do not allow obvious spots, folds, sludge. Express your individuality and bright character in accessories - bright belt, bracelet, bent or original rubber bands. Most importantly, pick up clothes that will help hide the flaws of the figure.

Hide the shortcomings of proper clothes

So, how to become beautiful in 12 years with the help of proper clothes? For slender girls with a small breast, it is better to pick up a bra with a foam insert. Just do not overdo it with lining, otherwise you can be in a stupid position. Round out the shapes will help outfits in a horizontal strip or with large colors.

If your figure looks like a male (pronounced shoulders and narrow hips), then choose models that visually increase your forms. It can be a pants-halifer or skirts with ruffles and folds.

Funny girls do not wear tight things, baggy and sweatshirts. Determine what type of shape you (apple, pear or hourglass), and already pick up such clothes that will emphasize your advantages. Do not wear the same set so that you do not fix the template that you wear only pants or just long skirts. Always be different, but not vulgar and frivolous.

Little girls at the expense of vertical strips and shoes on small heels can be visually added in growth. But the high girls do not wear mini skirts and short tops that visually make you incredibly huge growth.

Shoes and decorations

All girls want to wear high heels, believing that they will give them femininity and elegance. However, walking in high studs and platform can negatively affect the spine and forming the foot. Heel must be no more than five centimeters. Choose the shoes comfortable so that the legs are not tired, they did not eat and did not flip.

Clothes should be harmonized with shoes, despite fashion trends. Now most girls prefer pink sneakers with white shoelaces. They wear this model with jeans, and with a skirt, and a dress, and with a sports suit. And if a short suit at least somehow harmonizes, then a long dress with sneakers does not combine.

So in this case? See what the girls of your school, class, district go and select an outfit in the same style. The youth has a popular jewelry, while the hands are hung up with bracelets on the elbow, on the chest three or four chains or a lot of beads, and huge earrings are banging in the ears. Be elegant, but not funny. Stop your attention on one set of decorations.

And another time: no need to repeat and copy your girlfriends. They can go sunglasses like a turtle of Torter, the commander clock and beads from large beads, but you can make these accessories funny and even ugly. Choose those decorations that emphasize your dignity. For example, a belt with a beautiful bottle focuses on your waist, a long chain or brooch - on the chest, rings - on long fingers and so on.

Leather, hair, nails, hygiene

Wherever you go, make the skin to be clean, without smells of sweat, the hair is washed and combed. These are old truths, but they are relevant to this day. At home and on the street you can dress up in bright clothes, pick up original accessories or cosmetics to emphasize your individuality, and how to become beautiful in a 12-year-old school, where cosmetics are prohibited and a school uniform introduced?

Right! Clean hair, neat hairstyle immediately attracts attention to your face. In this direction, the girls prefer long loose hair, considering it with their dignity. But believe me, the long braid or the original hairstyle from the braids attracts more admiring views of others. Framed hair represent girls untidy and frivolous.

Clean skin eliminates the appearance of acne, acne and unpleasant odors. Do not forget about the mouth hygiene, teeth, ears, especially if you wear rings or earrings without removing. Metal is oxidized, there is an unpleasant smell, so wipe and decorate, and the skin of the ears, fingers. And follow your nails if you wear jewelry. They should not be long, uneven, blurred or pretending.

Cosmetics at home and school

Before any exit, girls are interested in how to become beautiful at the age of 12 for 1 day at home. Most often we are talking about cosmetics, which can make you irresistible or ridiculous ugly. Cosmetologists adolescent advise to make light makeup. What does it mean? Just emphasize your beauty, but no more. For example, you have long and thick eyelashes, then the pencil gently emphasize your eyes; Beautiful then use lip gloss.

What cosmetics can use adolescents:

  • eyeliner;
  • shadow;
  • shine and light lipstick;
  • blush;
  • powder or tonal cream.

But you should not use all objects at once. In the afternoon, you do hardly noticeable makeup: emphasize or eyes, or lips.

And how to become beautiful in 12 years at school with cosmetics? In this case, you need to be most neat. Use colorless varnish for nails, the same lip gloss and eye pencil. In rare cases, when you need to hide acne, black dots or bold glitter on your face, use powder. For disco, parties and evening walks, you can make more catchy makeup.

Please note that makeup is not makeup. Many girls emphasize their individuality with black eyes, green nails and bright red lips. Such an indifference can scare and shock others.

How to become beautiful at 12, if you are urba ...

Alas, but you hear such phrases from most teenagers. Each woman was experiencing hard, but then turned out of the garde duckling into a beautiful princess. And it was not in physical neoplasms, but in the restructuring of thoughts.

Need to remember that there are no ugly girls! Yes, the hormonal failure in the body can provoke the appearance of acne, and acne, and completeness ... But all these problems are solved with time. Many girls simply screw over and see their beauty. One does not like glasses, another - complete figure, third - thin legs, the fourth - the nose, the fifth - thin hair, etc.

Here's how to become beautiful at the age of 12 for 1 day at home in this version? In no way! Understand, hormonal, physiological and psychological changes of your body can last a couple of years. You can become beautiful in just one summer or your transformation will occur in the university walls. No doctor will interfere in the process of your growing, and can only advise something to adjust.

For example, glasses can be replaced by lenses or more stylish rims; With rare hair, make a short fashionable haircut or take care of them (wash herbs, make masks); Teeth curves adjust with brackets; Lush forms - not hungering and diets, but physical activity and healthy lifestyle.

Internal attitude to himself forms external beauty!

Attitude towards yourself is the foundation of beauty. If you are tolding yourself daily about your deformity, you will turn into ruins. Do you know why? Our thoughts are material. When you emphasize your attention on your face, you are not just talking, but confirm the words with negative emotions. Our brain does not understand the irony, it feels your emotional focus on the acin, and therefore clearly executes your requirement, covering the skin with different rashes.

If you do not like yourself, then why do you think that someone pays attention to you? Do our best to speed up your transformation into a princess. Then how to become beautiful in 12 years? Write your drawbacks on paper and see how you can get rid of them. For example, you are experiencing overweight, then make a plan of a new lifestyle, where you prescribe proper nutrition, day mode, motor activity, psychological autotraining.

Not just tell yourself every morning about how you love yourself, and show it to your body. Start care for your wash their herbs, make masks and head massage - and see how one day they will become thick, strong and healthy.

To be adequate to yourself, write about everything in the diary and glipe photos. For example, you decided to lose weight, then measure your parameters in centimeters and weight, attach photos, and in a month you will see the difference.


"I want to become beautiful!" - Thus, he says to himself every girl, but desires without actions will not lead you to the result. If this thought began to visit you often, then you need to urgently carry out psychological adjustment.

First, carry out an exercise with the discharge and advantages, which is written in the previous paragraph.

Secondly, every bad thought about yourself urgently find a minimum of three advantages, learn to talk to yourself compliments.

Beautiful clothing, fashionable shoes, dear decorations, cosmetics - it is not a beauty, but an instrument of expressing your personality. Think about how to become beautiful in 12 years without cosmetics? This means that you need to pay attention to hygiene, beautiful speech, formation, nutrition, healthy lifestyle, motor activity, spiritual harmony. Look at the beauty contest and see that it is not enough to be beautiful, you need to be smart and smart, be able to express your personality.

Praphrasing one famous phrase, it is possible to say with full confidence that you can not be free to not forbid. Moreover, the abundance of pharmaceutical, cosmetic items pleases not only with its prevalence, but also by pricing policies.

And so books and benefits about how to look charming and attractive is written so much that there is not enough lifetime, in order to study at least half of them. Throwing the laziness and the notorious "start from Monday", look at yourself in the mirror, objectively appreciate your appearance and start the transformation from the gray mouse into a well-groomed and beautiful lady.

The first thing you need to make a girl is to determine the purpose and means of achieving it. Thus, the problems with excess weight will allow a special diet, acne is a consequence of improper skin care, a hormonal period, a glued intestine or excessive use of carbohydrate-containing products.

But from the slope and the screaming gait, only permanent control over themselves will help, using posture proofreaders and classes in the gym. To become beautiful - you need to follow yourself and for your body.

Stylist advice - how to become beautiful in 30 days, steppe steps

And the first thing that rushes into the eyes is hairstyle, clothes and gait. To become an attractive, the girl needs to change the image, do their hair and revise the attitude to appearance.

Further reincarnation is to eliminate cosmetic problems. Not one week can take their elimination, but without solving them, it is impossible to talk about well-maintained and beauty.

According to statistics, the most global cosmetology problems are acne and overweight. To become a girl more beautiful, you need to forget the flour products - sweet pastries, gas production and other products with a high carbohydrate content.

Ways to become beautiful at home - Beauty secrets

So, tips as a girl to become beautiful at home:

1. Daily on an empty stomach eat one tablespoon of linen seed - it helps to get rid of the body's gluing. The skin will become more elastic, clean and excess weight will dissolve together with toxins.

2. Take a rule - to give daily for 20 minutes on yourself. During this time, you can make a face mask, makeup or massage.

3. Once a week to arrange their hair spa treatments, using products stored in the refrigerator as a departure. So, fashionista was assessed by a mask based on acidic milk or kefira, gelatinic care (hair lamination effect).

4. Cilia also need attention. Use wheat sprouts of germ, applying it every night before bedtime, and they will become more fluffy and longer.

5. Nails. Daily nail care makes the appearance much more well-groomed. Do not use a bright evening manicure, preferring a more everyday nyl art for every day.

6. Clothing. Watch your clothes, because they always meet by clothes.

How to become a beautiful woman and attract the views of men

Men love their eyes to make the girl more attractive in his eyes to make maximum effort to improve their own appearance. To become beautiful, a woman needs to love himself and their body.

Bright makeup, causing behavior of the potential cavalier, as well as its excessive self-confidence.

Qualities that the strong floor appreciates:

  • femininity;
  • sexuality;
  • tenderness;
  • well-groom;
  • lack of bad habits.

Ideas how to become the most beautiful and attractive for your man

To become a beautiful and attractive for your cavalier, it is necessary to immediately revise all your habits, start to care for yourself, more often smile, be friendly and friendly.

It should be noted that "there is no taste and color of comrades," therefore, if the girlfriend is a good friendliness for one man - a sign of softness and femininity, then for the other - the damn of promiscuity. Everyone without exception, men like beautiful and well-groomed people who attract their sexuality, self-sufficiency, beauty.

So that such becoming does not need to be born the second Merlin Monroe or Claudia Schiffer (by the way, they did not differ in Divine beauty until they revised their views about the appearance). You just need to be yourself.

Tips for the girl - as in 12-14 years old to become beautiful

At this age, the girl / girl is archived to be the most attractive and charming. The opinion of the majority of schoolgirls adolescents about their appearance are always categorical and are not distinguished by loyalty and soft - playing hormonal background.

In some cases, the situation really requires urgent stylist intervention. But most often only a small correction of the appearance is needed.

IMPORTANT: You do not need to make bright makeup, men, guys are not perceived seriously painted Barbie.

Stylish and original hairstyle - the main trump card in the sleeve girl, women.
Stylish, but not causing clothing grossly speaks about the good taste of the beautiful half of humanity.

Well maintained and attentive attitude towards their appearance.

Ideas for Little Fashionista - as 10 years old to become the most beautiful at school

The school form practically does not leave the opportunity to realize all the ideas of the girl. However, correctly selected accessories will help her to win the hearts around others and become a magnet for guys.

As an add-on, you can use brooches, earrings and bracelets, which also should not rush into the eyes and look defiant. For hairstyles, the aspiration is actual this season.

It is important to remember that guys prefer girls with long hair, so the radical haircut can not always solve problems with communication.

What to make a guy to become beautiful and well maintained

Men, guys, boys ... Everyone wants to be not only strong and confident in themselves, but also beautiful. For this you need, as well as girls, start to care for themselves - to lose weight or gain a few kilos, solve problems with teenage acne, reconsider your wardrobe (at least take care of the attractive appearance of your costumes, jeans, T-shirts), always be purely shaved and Light only with a clean chapel.

Today I will give you advice, how to become beautiful for 1 day. We will correct the shortcomings in a short time!

I think no one will argue with the fact that beauty is a terrible force that opens up many doors, conquers the hearts of people.

Yes, attractive appearance is not a guarantee of happiness, but the beauties live easier and more interesting than horror stories.

A truly ugly women are very small, but non-heavy lazy - a pond of a pride.

They swim with fats, ignore beauty salons, decorative cosmetics, dress in what fell, and then in front of an important date, some triumph, which you need to appear in all our glory, in a panic ask: " How to become beautiful for 1 day?».

Well, why was it generally turned into a terrible creation of an indefinite sex?

Laziness? Popigism? Welflot?

Beauty salons and such useful professions, like a hairdresser, beautician, massage therapist, master manicure-pedicure, invented geniuses.

How nice it is: to give yourself to the hands of a professional for a watch-other, and then see your shiny laid hair or healthy shining skin, or leg handles with a flawless manicure-pedicure.

And if you visit the beauty salon regularly, then questions like " How to become beautiful for 1 day? " You will never arise, because you will look great every day.

And yet there are ways to turn into a very quick way.

And I was told about the director of the beauty salon, which I attend not the first year.

Margarita stressed that it is better to trust the hands of specialists, but if at all there is no money to visit the beauty salon, then you will have to eliminate the result of your laziness and carelessness yourself.

However, prepare for the fact that the result will be much worse.

How to become beautiful for 1 day: hair

Good haircut creates wonders.

Even super hairdressers do not cut themselves, resorting to help colleagues. So you want - do not want, you will have to go to the salon.

Do not shake over your unclean chapel, fighting with a master for every centimeter. A short haircut looks much more attractive than long hair with covered secting ends.

If not limited to the means, then do in the cabin and hair color, and care for them (useful mask), and styling.

After the completion of the procedure in the mirror you will see a beauty.

If you have enough money only on the haircut, you can also paint the hair yourself.

Just for God's sake, buy a normal paint, from which you do not play!

Do not permanently with the hairstyle. Refuse a unnaturally smoked helmet on the head.

Smooth loose hair, high tail, braid, beam - simple and win-win options.

How to become beautiful for 1 day: hands and feet

Start a transformation follows from manicure and pedicure.

First, drink your nails on your arms and legs, giving them a rounded or rectangular shape.

No need to tremble over long, because long claws in their hands have long come out of fashion and look unnatural.

Then type in a small bowl of warm water, add sea salt there and soap chips.

After five minutes of casting, you can proceed to the manicure.

If you are poorly referred to manicure tongs, you should not cut the cuticle.

Just push it with a wooden shovel and apply oil (it is sold on any pharmacy and cosmetics store).

Pedicure is made according to a similar scheme: sparkled, cleaned with pumice or special blades, applied cream.

If you know how to beautifully cover your nail with varnish, then - please. But, if you disgustly handle the tassel, it is better to do with a transparent therapeutic basis.

How to become beautiful for 1 day: face

It is difficult for me to believe that there are women who do not have a standard set of funds: for removing makeup, tonic, day and night creams, masks (preferably - several), peeling or gommage.

If you all have it and you regularly use this, you do not have problems with the skin.

If you still believe in the grandmother's fairy tale, that the best cosmetic is a cucumber skins, then get a jam and go to the salon running.

Only a beautician with professional means will be able to transform you. At the same time, ask him to choose for you tools for home care and use them!

How to become beautiful for 1 day: body

Fat and cellulite folds per day cannot be removed. Which body is located, with such a thing will have to go out.

Although okay, I will regret you, I will give a few useful tips:

    Take a contrast shower.

    The flaws of the figure will not hide, but the skin will pull a little, and you will give a cheerfulness.

    Taking a shower, use a body scrub, and then make a wrapping (honey or chocolate).

    Again, one procedure from cellulite and unnecessary kilograms will not help, but the mood will raise and make the skin to make silky.

    Buy gouring linens that will make you slimmer.

    And let you be ashamed that you are resorting to such ways to hide the flaws of the figure.

How to become beautiful for 1 day: eyebrows

The correct form and color of the eyebrows transform a female face.

If you have never corrected your eyebrows, the first procedure is better to entrust the professional. You can support the Mastery made by Master and independently with the help of a tweezers.

Ladies with colorless eyebrows need not only their correction, but also - coloring.

How to become beautiful for 1 day: clothes

This subparagraph can be written separate item. And if short, then here are 5 tips:

  1. Choose clothing that emphasizes the advantages of your figure and hides the shortcomings.
  2. It is better to choose exquisite simplicity, and not a tasteless personality (fats, abundance of leopard, etc.).
  3. To the question "color of clothes or texture?" Always answer: "color."
  4. Let you have a few things, but they will be perfectly combined with each other and decorate you.
  5. Going to an important event or a date, buy yourself new clothes.
    Woman in a new clothes feels different.

Fix the shortcomings that you ignored for years is not easy, but you can try.

And to be and stay beautiful every day,

follow the tips from this video:

How to become beautiful for 1 day: Decorative cosmetics

As a child, you were frightened that only fallen women were painted, and all sorts of lipsticks spoil the skin.

Have you grown long ago, but continue to believe it?

Yes, you are just a museum exhibit!

Decorative cosmetics, if you use it with the mind, hides all the shortcomings and emphasizes the dignity.

Remember the Gold Rules of Good Makeup:

    Do not overlap tonal cream and powder like plaster.

    The face should look natural.

  1. Do not abuse mascara for eyelashes (two thin layers enough) and eyeliner (give preference to smoke ice in front of the bold arrows).
  2. Select or eyes, or lips, especially if it is not about evening, but about day makeup.

You will get to become beautiful for 1 day if you attach maximum effort.

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Breezi Bordeaux authoritatively declared that there is no more hard work in the world, rather than look beautiful from the morning and until late in the evening. She can be trusted in this matter, especially every woman will agree that to support himself in excellent form, to stay young and Beautiful is not so easy. It is really hard work, but it can deliver a woman a lot of pleasure and an excellent result.
Practical advice to preserve youth and beauty for women of any age: 1. Consciously strive to look beautiful and attractive. Sincerity of such an intention is the key to an excellent appearance for many years. As long as a woman does not commit itself well, not a single cosmetics, even very expensive, will not help. No need to regret the time and strength to maintain beauty and youth. And we are not so much about the actual appearance, how much about the attitude towards yourself and its beauty. Feel beautiful, young and it will see all the others in you. Often smile. A smile transforms any face, giving him charm. In addition, it is capable of creating a good mood to you and your surrounding. Keep your back straight. Always pay attention to your posture. The head should be a bit raised, the shoulders are omitted and reached back - it gives confidence and looks great!

4. Let your mood be positive. Think more often about something good, notice your advantages, and you will look harmonious and more attractive. Most often, women do not even suspect how beautiful they are! Do not mean your attractiveness and notice her! 5. Appreciate your own body and its daily efforts. And what's the difference, what size of clothes you wear, what are your shapes. The body is your faithful ally and a compatible, who daily perform a lot of your tasks. Appreciate it! 6. Make your drawbacks. Some celebrities perfectly own this technique - to make a real diamond from flawed. Try and you instead of grinding on your own "shortcomings" to love them, and turn into bright advantages and raisins. 7. Openly express yourself and your individuality. The more you will be open to the world, its beauty, the more attractive and extraordinary you will look in the eyes of other people. Engage in sports and maintain the body in the tone. This will allow not only to remain slim and tightened, but will also increase the level of endorphins in the body, which will affect your mood and appearance.

9. Be graceful. An incredible spectacle can be seen, after watching a graceful girl. Each of its movement is manitis, causing a look. Appreciate the inner world. Reference on how good you are like a lot of positive you bring to the world of surrounding people. Your face has already been transformed and shone in the inner light! 11. Be kind. When the eyes emit good, they cannot be ugly. The kinder, noble, the woman, the beauty becomes more graceful and noticeable to the people around.12. Relax, never overstrain and do not overdo it. This also applies to sports and care so as not to get the opposite effect. Classes should bring pleasure, peacefulness, joy. You can not bring yourself to exhaustion. Put right. Exclude from your diet: sweet, flour and smoking - they will boost the skin and contribute to its fading. Let in the diet there will be a lot of fruits and vegetables, eat daily beets. She perfectly cleans blood, which has a positive effect on appearance. Your skin will glow health and attractiveness. Be creative and create. Creative people who are engaged in their favorite business: draw, sing, embroider, prepare and so on - always look good and much younger than their years. They just satisfied people who are engaged in creativity with pleasure.

15. Find beauty in everything. Mark the beauty of nature, people, art objects, and then your own beauty will play with all the edges! Noticing beauty in everything, you will learn to see her and in yourself. Your eyes will look a little different and snatch out of the appearance not only your own shortcomings, but also charming advantages. Watch yourself in love with your eyes. How do your favorite and native people look at you? Why not look at their eyes on yourself, and see, finally, all beauty and attractiveness. Meditate. Try to draw your own beauty from the awareness of involvement in the Divine. You are not unrealized with the surrounding beauty, understand and accept your attractiveness. An empty stomach eat a spoonful of linseed seed. This will cleanse the body, the skin will be more fresh and smooth, nails and hair - tight (it is forbidden to use seeds in the case of stones in the body, consult with your doctor) .19. Eat a small handful of nuts daily. Your hair and nails will be beautiful, strong and healthy.

20. Listen to your favorite music. This is a physical activity, and charging, and an incredible source of positive emotions. Your soul will rejoice and, as a result, you will become even more beautiful and feel younger! 21. Love. About love for yourself already talked a little, and here we are talking about romance. Love transforms any appearance, and the girl in his eyes blooms and becomes a real beauty. And more often do love! 22. Pick clothes with taste and knowledge. With the help of clothes, you can emphasize your individual beauty and attractiveness. If it is not possible to dress yourself so that you are transformed in your eyes, you can contact the stylist. Yes, and wear heels. God forbid a man's health, who with the help of heels made all women slimmer and attractive. Hug. Give your favorite and relatives strong and hot hugs, kisses that are able to reveal your passionate nature. A good mood helps the girls look great! 24. Purge well. It is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours, but everything is quite individually. But if you do not regularly fall out, it will very quickly affect your appearance not only in the form of circles under the eyes, but also with general appearance. The tired view does not give girls and grace girls.25. Drink enough clean water. It is recommended to drink more than 2 liters of water, but select your norm. It should be no juices, tea, coffee, namely clean water.26. Dance regularly. The dance reveals grace, beauty and elegance of your body. Dancing yourself or with a partner, but feel all the power and dexterity of your body! In addition, this is the charge of happiness and joy.

27. Speak correctly apply makeup. This is an indispensable skill that will allow multiple times to transform the appearance, become brighter and even more beautiful. Do regular pedicure and manicure. Well maintained in beauty is in the first place, and the hands and legs are eloquently give out the attitude of a woman to themselves, and to the world around. Watch out for the state of your handles-legs and please the world with your beauty! 29. For softness and silk, stop regularly moisturize them. Work over the gait. Beautiful gait is an art that will make you turn around! 31. Every morning, wipe the face with ice cubes from the beam chamomile or plantain. Toning and skin rejuvenation is guaranteed! 32. Check for a person (after 25 years). Severe finger tips for five minutes your face. Improve blood circulation, tone and face skin .33. To mitigate and clean the skin of the body, add 200 grams of milk or cream to the bathroom.34. For the beauty and tenderness of the elbows, attach them to the lone of lemons for 15 minutes. The procedure must be done once a month for a long effect. Refuse bad habits, lead a healthy lifestyle. Limit alcohol use, do not smoke. It is very affected by the skin condition.

36. Drink nutritional supplements are rich in pantothenic acid, zinc, calcium. Your hair will become thick, stronger and more beautiful. 37. Honey is an excellent means to deal with wrinkles. Make homemade masks with it. Do not think about your age, you feel so many years as you feel. Before applying the cream, make a steam bath, it will strengthen the effect of cosmetics .40. Be the center of attention. In the company, even if it is difficult for you, exude optimism and cheerfulness, be interested in people, speak with them the first. It will make you in the eyes of those surrounding a very attractive magnet-magnet.41. Let your teeth be healthy, white and smooth. Beautiful, snow-white smile rejuvenates for ten years.42. Let your own home be clean and tidy, beautiful. Mess and dirt will never look harmoniously with a beautiful, young woman. Let the house be cozy, pleasantly smelling. It can be decorated with fresh flowers, paintings.43. Strive by a beautifully serve food. For yourself and guests. With love cooked with your own hands, useful food is the guarantee of the health and beauty of your body and spirit.44. Avoid stressful situations. Dandlence, fussy appearance, frowning is not very good allies of attractiveness and grace. Do not worry about trifles, in every situation emit calm, optimism, and you will look always beautiful and worthy!

45. Be sure of yourself. Confidence in its irresistibility, attractiveness and youth conquers cities and overseas princes. The more confident you look, the more beautiful you perceive others. Pick your fragrance. Beauties are always shrouded with a light aroma of favorite spirits. 47. Be grateful for everything. For life and conditions (whatever they were now), for the body and face, for a satellite and for work - for all that you take as proper. You will become completely different when you learn to be a grateful world, your beauty will reveal and become softer.48. Secure ultraviolet. Do not be under the right rays of the Sun from 11 to 16 hours. Ultraviolet strikes the skin and dries it, and the pledge of beauty has always been velvet, smooth leather! 49. Let's relax the skin. Let once a week, the skin rests, do not apply makeup on it, you can even do without money for care, just keep it clean. An unloading day will allow the skin to relax, gain strength and prey. 50. Be feminine. Estimation of centuries to female qualities include affection, kindness, tenderness, humility, modesty. These qualities of a real woman decorate and multiply female attractiveness.

Tags: How to become, beautiful, in, 12, years, in, home, conditions

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How to become beautiful in 30 days

In the summer you want to become even more beautiful? We offer a course to improve your appearance, designed for 30 days. So, let's go straight to the point.

Tip No. 1.
Each morning, on an empty stomach, eat 1 tablespoon of linseed seed. Thoroughly chewing and drinking with a glass of warm water. After half an hour you can eat.
What will it give?
This tool remarkably cleanses the body. Thanks to this, the skin will become more even and fresh. A small, but healthy weight loss will be observed. Also, flax seed strengthens hair and nails.
Attention! Flax seed can not be used in the presence of stones in the body.

Tip number 2.
Eat boiled beet salad daily daily. For breakfast or for dinner, as it will be convenient.
What will it give?
Beets - a unique blood purifier. And blood health is an important indicator of beautiful appearance. This remedy also has a positive effect on the state of the skin and the work of the internal organs.

Tip number 3.
Every day, an hour before sleep, apply a mixture of glycerin and vitamin E. The mixture is very simple. By 30 grams of glycerol, we take 10 capsules vitamin E. Capsules pierce the needle and squeeze the oil into a bottle. All this can be purchased at a pharmacy at a low price. Before applying, it is necessary to clean the skin of the face and make a light massage with a soft brush, so that the surface is slightly blushing. In this state, the cells absorb nutrients as much as possible. There is one drawback - the skin becomes a bit sticky until the glycerin is absorbed. To soften the unpleasant sensations, sprinkle the skin with a refreshing tonic.
What will it give?
Every morning you will observe a grateful skin reaction to such meals. Wrinkles will be smoothed, and the color is aligned. Very effective remedy for "goose paws" in the corners of the eyes. Try and comments will be superfluous.

Tip number 4.
Eat at least 50 grams of nuts daily. Anyone who like you.
What will it give?
Hair and nails will tell you a lot Thank you after 2 weeks.

Tip number 5.
Once every three days we make a hair mask from the powder of dry mustard, diluted to the consistency of porridge with the addition of vegetable oil (better than the repenter or of wheat germs). We apply on wet hair, keep 20-30 minutes, wash off.
What will it give?
The result of this mask speaks for himself. And after a month of regular use, you just do not recognize in a luxurious wave, your old hair.

Tip number 6.
Get yourself socks for sleep. From natural fiber. X / b or wool. Depending on the time of year. Before bedtime, after the shower, we richly lubricate the legs with creamy oil with the addition of several drops of mint oil. Then we put on the socks and go to bed in this form.
What will it give?
A month later, your legs will be the subject of envy and admiration. This procedure, traveled one month before the beach season, will serve you a good service. You can proudly demonstrate your bare feet.

Tip number 7.
Now take care of cilia. You will need an empty tube tube for eyelashes. Well my inside with my native brushes. Despise. We drip into the oil of wheat germs. Everything! Ready homemade to strengthen and grow your, tired of paint, eyelashes. Before bedtime, we apply oil along the entire length. Tassel, it is very convenient to do it. No need too abundant application. It is quite a bit lubricate the hair.
What will it give?
A month later, you will see that the eyelashes became thick, grown and clearly cheered up.

Tip number 8.
Take care of the skin of the body. We take one glass of sea salt (although the usual, cook, with iodine, is also suitable), add one glass of fatty sour cream. After swimming, putting the mostechatu-wash, carefully massage the whole body, including the neck, with the resulting porridge, then wash off warm water. Do not be lazy and do it after each bathing. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator.
What will it give?
Salt removes the ornal particles from the surface and disinfect. If there are minor pimples, they will soon remain in the past. Sour cream softens the salt action, not allowing it to scratch gentle skin, and also nourishes cells. It is necessary to explain that regular use will give a wonderful result.

Tip number 9.
Once again about the skin. It will be wonderful if you get such a treasure as an amarantic oil. The main component of this miracle product is squalen. And he, in turn, is one of the main components of our skin. The oil is absorbed almost 100% and in the fight against wrinkles, scars, burns, stretch marks and other skin troubles, out of competition! Use an amaranth oil can be used daily, lubricating and body, and face.
What will it give?
It will give the deliverance from very many problems. The only lack of oil is its price. Although it, Vysp SPE ***, it is worth it.

Tip number 10.
Prepare special water for hair rinsing after washing. Just add to it a few drops of menthole oil (1 liter - 5 drops) and rinse your curls after each wash.
What will it give?
Why do it? The question will disappear immediately after the first time you try. Incredible freshness on the scalp and ease. This tool even makes it easier for the headache. Effectively struggles with dandruff. Perfectly helps with excessive hair fatty. 02:05 How to become a beautiful girl? Secret 31 569 views 07:00 How to become more beautiful? 5 psychological blockers of beauty. 3 015 Views 10:22 Body language and character: what does your figure mean? 4 564 Views.

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Elena Todorova (Veutshko) 

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Lyudmila Brinkieva (Shevchenko) 

Olga (Fanish)

How to become beautiful in 12 years -

It is no secret that 12 - 13 years old is the age in which many girls go through the first stages of growing up. It is at that time ...

Not every girl can boast of perfect appearance presented by nature itself. However, this is not a reason to get upset and just put up with his fate. Every woman can become beautiful and attractive - the main thing, want it and make a maximum effort to achieve the goal.

There are many ways to help the girl get a well-kept and attractive look. If you perform the advice of professional stylists, it will be possible to achieve the desired result for a month.

Phased steps Will look like this:

It is necessary to eat an empty stomach of linen seed (1 tbsp. Spoon), it will cleanse the body from slags and help strengthen health.

Every day it is advisable to eat a salad of fresh vegetables in food - a month later, the girl will look more slender, have an attractive and fresh look.

To apply a mixture of vitamin E and glycerin before bedtime - such a procedure will make the face of fresh and healthy, even without cosmetics.

Every day, eat a handful of nuts - the substances contained in them have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and skin, this is the most healthy way to get the beauty to them.

Making a scrub from sea salt and sour cream - apply to the body after the shower, this is a great way to make the skin silky and gentle.

Ways to become beautiful at home

Each man always draws attention, if the woman is well maintained, has a good taste and its own style, spectacular appearance, slim and fit. To become beautiful, a woman is just enough to love himself, his body and care for him.

Unfortunately, the school does not teach this, although each girl should know the assassination aza. Probably, the first stylists of each woman were her classmates in school and peers, who gave advice on how to have a fashionable look, to dress and paint.

Multiple lifets in order to change your appearance:

You can take care of yourself at home. To do this, every week should be made vitamin masks for skin and hair, once a week to make a manicure and pedicure, find time on wrapping, care for heels and foot feet.

A real lady will always find a way to stay beautiful and have a well-kept appearance even in the most difficult conditions.

How to become a beautiful woman and attract the views of men

The man loves if the woman has a well-groomed look, and at the same time looks natural. Each modern girl is better not to abuse make-up, carefully think over his style, be more confident in itself and feminine.

Fashion is constantly changing, it should not mindlessly chasing it and copy images that in ordinary life do not always look appropriate.

It is necessary to improve the very, develop the taste and make a lot of useful habits - then the result will not wait. Become a beautiful woman - really, if you work on it every day.

Ideas how to become the most beautiful and attractive for your man

If the guy or man stopped talking compliments - it means it is worth thinking about the reason. Perhaps the girl just stopped caring for themselves, and it is necessary to urgently correct.

To begin, it should be put in order hair (refreshing color, cutting out), sign up for manicure and pedicure, learn how to make the right makeup (natural and gentle).

Clothing, which should not be causing, is also very important, and at the same time enough sexual.

A woman should not forget that it is always necessary to amaze to surprise her beloved person and always try to make the maximum efforts to be for him the most beautiful.

Tips for the girl as in 12-14 years old to become beautiful

Each girl dreams of having an attractive appearance and be a beauty that will admire the whole class. Beauty is not always the gift of nature to attract the views of others, you will have to work hard.

The first secret of attractiveness is a well-kept view. The girl should always look carefully, to be clean, follow the hygiene and health status.

Clean hair, neat nails, healthy skin is half success.

Ideas for Little Fashionista - as 10 years old to become the most beautiful at school

A unusual hairstyle will help to stand out on the background of peers and classmates in school - for example, created from braids, tails or curls. Mom can make it, if there is an opportunity, it is worth using the services of a professional hairdresser.

Create actual image will help fashionable hair accessories, jewelry, handbag, fashionable clothes.

What to make a guy to become beautiful and well maintained

Each young man dreams of becoming a beautiful guy. To achieve this, it is necessary to get rid of bad habits, always follow the state of health, with the problematic skin to make the appropriate procedures, play sports. An attractive guy has a modern look, he is confident, does not use a popular jargon and follows the speech, always neat and polite.