How to unusually congratulate mom for a birthday. The best present is a gift created by you. Congratulations through advertising media

Mommy, native! Now, when I also became my mom, I began to understand you more than ever. Thank you for everything, for the untreated nights, for kissing my wounders, for stroking me on the head, even when I was wrong ... You always cried and rejoiced with me. Happy Birthday, Mamuly! Be healthy, and in the rest I will help.

Favorite my mommy, congratulations on your birthday! I wish you good health, joyful moments, female happiness and clear sky above your head. Let you surround the good people and wonderful actions, and the heart will never be sad.

Congratulations to the most native, dear, gentle and beloved person happy birthday. Mommy, be healthy, Bodra, energetic. Let you surround beautiful things, interesting and positive people, let the events in your life call only a smile. Love you, always with you. Happy holiday!

My dear, my beloved, the only and most beautiful in the world, mommy! I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish that every day throughout your long and healthy life brought joy and happiness! And the feeling of uniqueness and talent! Know, my dear Mommy, that I love you very much and always ready to come to the rescue! Stay young, slim, unique and beloved! I just adore you!

Congratulations to my favorite mom happy birthday! I wish you good health, happiness, joy, well-being, good, love. Let fate be favorable and brings only pleasant surprises. I also want to wish you to always be surrounded by the warmth and care of our loved ones and relatives. I love you very much!

Our dear and all your favorite mother congratulations on your birthday! Let the health and joy of life continue to accompany you for many more years. So that children and grandchildren delivered only positive emotions, and in the shower never faded a light of love and hope for the best. Be always young and just as beautiful!

Today, an exceptional, unique day, when you appeared on the world, the most precious man in my life appeared, because later, later, you gave me life. All these years you were the best parent, I congratulate you on your birthday and I believe the whole soul that you are proud of me. Love, Iron Health and Unforgettable, Long Life, Native.

Amazing, my beloved mommy! Congratulations I want you to always remember that you, in my life, the most wonderful and indispensable person! Sorry, if sometimes she gave rise to himself. In spite of everything, I love you very much and want to wish your life to last centuries and you have always been next to us!

Mommy, day, when you were born, I would declare a holiday all over the world! To everyone know that it is better, kinder, love and more beautiful than my mom! Happiness, health, success and long joyful years.

Dear, Favorite Mommy! I wish you a great health, and that you never knew grief in life. I wish all the benefits on this green planet. Let us, always shines the sun, please the grandchildren and children help. Let energy grabs all the conceived affairs, and that the good mood never left you. Happy Birthday!

Sun ray in the sky is mom,
Rainbow arc after rain.
And water that the river fills,
And nourishes a field with a spoke.

Mom is air, it is stars.
The best little man on earth:
Joy all will divide all without envy,
Will never leave in trouble!

Happiness to you, mommy, native,
Joy will love the days.
Light will let your road
And in the eyes do not bother the lights!

Eternal youth, shine
And I wish health
I am today you, mom
Happy birthday congratulations!

To say how much mean
Words are not enough on the planet.
Know that you are one such -
Best of all on white light!

Be loved and beautiful,
Bloom from compliments,
Every day let you give you
Uyma joyful moments!

I will not be very vermin
Only on the knee quietly brings
And about you, my mother, my mother,
I barely heard God.

Let you give you health and wealth,
So that you have no need for anything
And I will always be with you nearby
Under the alarms with my shoulder.

Narva Domashek gentle on the birthday,
I will overtake all things and escape,
You are coming to goosebumps,
After all, mommy, I love you so much!

In the eyes of your ozorny lights,
And thoughts sometimes come crazy.
I wish you always a young stay.
From happiness only cry, more often laugh!

And I, happy birthday you congratulations,
I am responsible very much declare you:
You will always be for me yourself, myself!.
I love you very much, sweet mom!

Full of your heart your palm
Mom, my sweetheart.
You congratulate you today
And I wish you many years.

Good luck, happiness is full of house,
Fun, joy around.
Let love reign in everything
Accompanies luck in it.

Smaller troubles, indignations,
Anxiety, empty experiences.
More radiant days
Smiles and funny clauses.

Happy birthday mom,
No more than you,
Let the desire come true
Lovely my.

Health, longevity,
And eternal beauty,
To a tender smile,
You warmed us.

Did not know loneliness
Problems and chases,
There were you surrounded by
Always your children.

My mother's mother!
I wish you happiness and good,
And happy birthday congratulations
I will say - I really need you!

Need caring hands,
Need your embrace
I live without them - such flour,
Everything is more expensive to me!

In your eyes - a tear froze,
No, never sad
I wish that health was,
And the tears of Huts you from face ...

For you, native mom,
Let the words of heat sound.
Happy birsday, my dear
Be healthy you always!

Let a smile decorate
Your kind face
Laughter and happiness calls
Houses of our porch.

Let all of what you dream about
Will come true, happens.
I love you, you know
Life let joy gain!

Mother is my mother,
I wish this birthday,
So that in life there was no day,
So that it was a sad mood!
Let only joy and fun
You are always accompanied by
Let wonderful moments
Your life with the sun fill,
Let's fortunately, your key is found,
So that everyone was happy!
Let the beam of good luck smile
And all the dreams are fulfilled!

I have a holiday today
The most important day of the year!
I am for my mother in this holiday
Warm words will find.

Happy birthday, dear.
Let the Lord store you.
Let him not be in your life
Associations and offense.

Every day let it be light,
And magic - every hour,
To light happy
You have no Gas in your eyes.

Mom is the most expensive man. And it is clear that the best gift for her is healthy and smiling children. But, sometimes I want to surprise her and please, and most importantly see happiness in her eyes. Mom's birthday is an important celebration to which you need to prepare in advance. But how to surprise mom on her day? How to congratulate original? In this article you will find answers to these questions.

Most mothers dream of getting rid of home affairs in their holiday. Therefore, take the initiative on yourself.

Holiday in warm family circle

  • Meet mom in the morning delicious breakfast and send for a walk or meeting with friends, another word, come up with her holiday occupation
  • Get rid mom from the cart in the kitchen and cleaning
  • Prepare everything yourself and for early invite the people she would like to see on her birthday
  • Mom will greatly please a large number of dishes and preferably those she loves
  • Bring flowers to the house - your mom will be very glad to such a gift.

In order for you to be not difficult and you all managed to invite someone to help yourself, let it be your dad, brother, sister or girlfriend.

Holiday in a cafe or restaurant

This option must be discussed with mom in advance. Discuss a menu with it and a list of guests. And in the morning on her birthday, take her to the salon so that she looked perfectly on her holiday. This gift will be happy every mother. After all, this is a whole celebration, and she is tired of home care and sometimes wants to just come to their holiday, where everything is ready and do not need to wash, cook, cut.

Gift from the daughter's birthday

Daughter and mother are very close, they are as the best girlfriends. Of course, you should know what my mother dreams and what she loves. It is not difficult to make mommy happy simple actions. And if you still decided to surprise her and make it so that it was this birthday that she remembered for life, be patient, talk more with my mother and mined information.

Ask her direct, whatever she wanted to her birthday. In this way, you will learn what exactly your mother wants and what she dreams about.

Original Gifts Mother from Daughter

Many people believe that the best gift is a book. In this case, you can come to a gift and with the soul and make it with your own hands. Your work and effort will not be in vain.

Name Book-Tale

Here you will need a bunch of fantasy. In this book, the main heroine is a birthday room. You choose the photo yourself and write the text. You can describe the history of your family, start with her birth to the present day. You will just be left to the printing house your idea and get the only copy.

The highlight of this method is that only your mom will have such a book and it will not leave her indifferent. The name book-tale is that mom will definitely show grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Newspapers and magazines

Contact your newspaper or magazine that regularly reads your mom. Come up with a beautiful and gentle greeting and add a family photo. The place and size of congratulations on the newspaper page of course depend on your finance. But by opening a favorite magazine and unexpectedly discovering his photo and congratulations from his beloved daughter, the mother will be very pretty and nice.

In case your mother does not read neither newspapers, nor magazines simply offer her a magazine in which congratulations were printed.

Make a dream

Mom and daughter as close friends, and it is likely that you have ever shared with cherished desires. Remember what your mother dreams and embody it into reality. Maybe. This is a trip, rest, decoration, a set of books or a saucepan. After all, when our desires are carried out, it seems that a miracle happened. Give mom even a small, but miracle.

Gift Mother from Son on Birthday

Every mother wants to raise his son by courageous, independent and good-natured. Relations Mom and Son are very close. But, with age, all the sons are distant from Mom, so as not to seem "mother's son". Becoming independent, sons will not often want to visit and rarely call.

Engage your mother with love and care of her birthday. Show her what every man shy - Show your love. Below, we will look at the options for expressing the love of the Son to Mom, in the form of original gifts.

Gift Mom: Photos

Photos are memory and pleasant memories. Mom will be very nice to get a gift in the form of a frame (even such an option as an electronic frame), hours or plaid with photos are possible.

Wall clock with photos

This gift can be ordered on the Internet, there are many models and varieties. You can attach photos of the whole family or photos of only moms. Such a gift for a birthday will not leave her indifferent and glancing every time on the clock, mom will think of his son with a warm smile on his face.

Wall photos in the form of collage

This gift is better presented in the form of a surprise. Prepare photos from your mom's life and print them in a large format or order the pictures of these photos. Meld them in the house of mom, but so that it does not know about your idea. Mom will be driven by such a gift and besides, it is a great element of the decor.

Also, you can order a portrait, but for this you need to find a good artist and have a high-quality photo of my mother with you.

Songs, video clips, gift certificates

The perfect way to congratulate from the Son (and no matter you seven years or thirty) is a song, a video clip or verse in your own design, and even a gift certificate in addition. By the way, the certificates in our time have for every taste. From such gifts, any woman will be delighted.

Song (poem) and video clip

In this version of the original congratulations for the mother, you can burn my mother's favorite song in the recording studio, there even if you have no voice. On this song, you can impose a video clip from family photos or trimming of domestic video. The clip is not made difficult, with the help of a special program.

Instead of a song, you can write a poem. If you have creative deposits, it can be composed of himself, if not, then find a soulful poem on the Internet. If you did not compact with a video clip, it is easy to replace it with a presentation, reproduce it with your song or a poem and a surprise to my mother's birthday is ready.

Gift Certificate

Nowadays, there are many gift certificates for different amounts. No one will refuse to receive a certificate in SPA or in a fitness club. But, there are also special, unusual certificates. They are sold in almost all major stores and can be ordered online. This may be a certificate for:

  • air balloon
  • horseback walk
  • yacht skating
  • training flight by plane

Also, there are beloved women's certificates such as:

  • romantic evening in the SPA
  • family photo session
  • romantic weekend outside the city
  • painting master class

Mom will be delighted with any certificate, the main thing is that you give it from the bottom of my heart.

Congratulations for mom in the form of SMS

No matter how many friends do you have, beloved and acquaintances, your mother you have one and cannot be replaced. She gave you life and raised you. She is alone, will be near you and in Mount, and in joy. On a birthday, it is very important for her to know at least what they remember about her and love her. And as a sign of your loyalty and love, you can congratulate it in verses by SMS. Of course, it will be great if you compose the verse yourself and send it an SMS, but on the Internet, there are many options for touching poems for your beloved mommy.

Congratulations can be both short and long. You can also send a voice card, it may be a song, poems or some funny story. This service is very common at the moment and the choice of congratulations is not small.

SMS greetings for mom, may be touching or cool, it all depends on your preferences. And it does not matter, you live in different countries or in the same apartment. Mom will be equally nice to get a congratulation in the form of SMS. And believe me, it will save your message and will reread it.

Poster with your own hands "Happy Mom's birthday!"

Probably you will have a question "How to decorate a hall or room in mom's birthday?". An excellent decoration and surprise will be an unusual poster made with their own hands, to the same way to do it - one pleasure.

Sweet poster

What you need to create a poster with your own hands:

  1. watman (in return he can use wallpaper)
  2. feltasters, pencils or paints
  3. double sided tape
  4. sweets (they can be different, it all depends on what kind and volume of the poster you will choose)

In this case, it all depends on your imagination. It looks very funny and tasty.


One of the easiest ways to congratulate your favorite mother happy birthday. This poster does not need words, on a poster and so everything can be seen.

You need a few people and congratulations for your mother, which you divide into pieces. Take a picture of one person with one piece of congratulations, another with another and so on. Print the photo and get on Watman, and the collage will turn out. This gift will please your mother not only on birthday, but also many years.

Pleasant surprises and original gifts are a huge set. It all depends on your imagination. Mom alone, love her and please it more often. And on the birthday of birth, make her the happiest.

Video: Gift Mother do it yourself

Parents are the closest and native people from the first days of life. They give their children care, love and many delightful moments. Therefore, many think about the parents too. On the eve of the holiday, children decide, for example, the question of how originally and unusually congratulate mom happy birthday. Let's look at some ideas.

Gift with your own hands

It may be painted with an embroidered pattern, knitted handbag. It all depends on your skill. But even if you have never been involved in anything like that, by the birthday of the native person himself can try for the first time. Now there are many master classes on the Internet for the manufacture of all sorts of crafts from the small and simplest to complex, professional. In addition, shops sell ready-made sets for needlework with instructions for execution. Using them, you can make handmade candles, sew a soft toy and even draw a picture. The gift with your own hands is especially roads when it is made with soul and good feelings to the recipient.

Birthday organization

Let mom be a guest at his celebration. Those. You will take on all organizational troubles: Invite guests (better to agree with the birthday party), remove and decorate the house, prepare a treat, cover on the table. And at the time of preparing for the holiday, send mom, for example, to a SPA-salon, giving it a corresponding invitation or certificate.

House in colors!

If, on my mom's birthday, there will be no time for some time, you can arrange a surprise to her, decorating a dwelling, putting several bouquets of colors, laying several. Create a festive atmosphere will help specially selected music and your excellent mood.

A dream come true

If you know that mom has dreamed about something for a long time, but, for various reasons, I have not yet realized the conceived, my birthday is exactly the moment when you can give her a dream. It can be a special book, a set for creativity, a trip to another country, a ticket to the theater, a subscription to the sports club, etc.

If mom is far

It happens that children and parents live in different cities. Or someone leaves for a business trip, on vacation. The distance is not an obstacle to think original mom's mom's original, as now in many cities there are gifts delivery services. On the websites of such companies you can, in online mode, select a gift, a postcard, a bouquet of colors that will be delivered to the address on the designated day. And even take a picture of the birthday room at the time of handing a surprise.

You can also take care of the day of birth in advance. Collect a gift and send it by mail. It is important to calculate the time during which the parcel will be on the way.

Particularly unusual, originally and beautifully I want to congratulate my mom with an anniversary, as we used to allocate round dates among others. We offer several options.

Mother about mom

If you can work with the video in the appropriate editors, you will not make the clip. You need to pick up music, photos of mom and the whole family, cutting video with a birthday girl, texts of congratulations and wishes. Then connect all this into one movie. If you have never done videos before, try simple free programs, such as Windows Movie Maker.

Song for mom

Such a gift can be ordered in advance from professionals in advance: the poet will specifically write poems, and composer music. It will cost cash. You can also execute a song by inviting a singer or to execute yourself.

History of family

Make a selection of photos of the most significant events for your family and for mom. You can even start with her childhood. Next, youth, marriage, the birth of children, joint travel, first class of children, family holidays, etc. Make up for each photo signature or even mini story. Perhaps you want to thank mom for those happy moments that are captured in the photo. A selection can be made in the form of a collage or consistently spend on the wall. You can make a presentation on your computer.

Let your thanks, warmth and love feel in this particular day.

I wish the profit indestructible
In the Swiss bank, the bill is huge
Beyond the city is a big cottage
Health strong in addition

Big victories in amur affairs
Canar and Azure Coast
Successes in the life of all sorts of
And most importantly, friends reliable!

Happy Birthday Mom Original Congratulations

You are so much attention and warmth
Gave me in every moment of the day.
Today is your holiday, Mamuly, in verse
Now happy birthday to congratulate you!

Let all those smiles that you give all
Returned to you, giving only warmth.
Your rapidation with steel approach
So much for life real gave.

In any moments I know you are here.
You always always help in everything.
Girlfriends so appreciate and love you
And so respect how you hold the house.

And let the year after year there somewhere run
You do not touch the time running.
You are the most beautiful and most beloved,
And the most native person for me.

Congratulations Original Happy Birthday Mom Funny

For me boiled porridge,
Embroidered Pano.
We watched Uralashi
And Indian cinema.
I gave you postcards,
I wrote a poem in them.
With flower beds
And strolled lesson
Just to congratulate personally
Much happiness wish.
Mom Meru usually
I want to squeeze in the arms!

Congratulations Original Happy Birthday Mom

Mommy, what is the nice day today - your birthday! It seems that everything around is transformed, shine, it became lighter and better! You know how much beautiful - and you taught me to live and enjoy life to truly. I wish you on this beautiful day from the soul to rejoice in all kind and bright, and always stay beautiful, young and so charming, like today!

Sincere happy birthday greetings Mom original

Mamuul cute congratulate
I first, from the morning!
I wish the health of Siberian,
Smile did not go to face!

I give your favorite flowers,
See how they are fragrant!
Let your dreams come true,
And the exclamations of admiration do not be silent!

Cool greetings happy birthday mom original

Mother native, happy birthday,
Let the mood be wonderful
In this best day and a hundred years ahead.
Let fun and laughter live in this house.

I wish you health, peace of good,
For many years you, mom, lived,
To be happy if your eyes are illuminated,
So that they never glistened a tear.

Merry Happy Birthday Congratulations Ham Original

I know something .. and I am very ashamed,
What made you so cry ...
I understand how it was hurt
Decay your help signs!
But I know Mamuly, I believe
What do you love me, my daughter ...
And do not care for troubles, loss ...
You are with me ... and for it - love!

Happy Birthday Mom Good Congratulations Original

Mamuly, native, I wish you
On your birthday happiness without edge.
Let your life be chic and bright,
Comes your day by sure to give
And better luxurious and cool present
Let every bright moment give you!
And so that the gifts are in order to lay down -
A huge house, yes in it would live!

High Birthday Congratulations Mother Original

"My mom is the best mom in the world!" -
This is any child will answer you immediately.
After all, mom always has in stock and caress,
And love, and attention, with my mother's life - just a fairy tale.

So we came with flowers today
To our mother's beloved, and bring with you
Wishes for health, dream performance
And over the years not worse beauty.

Good greetings happy birthday mom original

You like a spring flower - fresh and good!
And gentle, good angel - sings your soul!
And let miracles in the world, we all do not count
But in our house exactly, there is such a miracle!
We are admired, ready for a whole century!
You are the most kind, loved one!
On your birthday mom, we want to wish
A lot of health is a lot and look at five!

Congratulations good happy birthday mom original

I congratulate your girlfriend with my best!
An indispensable, native, Holy Mommy my!
Mom, my poem for you,
After all, in life you are all that I have!
Be healthy, cute, strong,
Always cheerful, moderately stylish!
Sorry and never sad
What is harmful sometimes!
Happy sometimes there are children,
What are these moms on the planet!

Happy birthday mom's original unforgettable

You, my mother, we are glad to congratulate,
Your birthday has arrived today.
Let us provide our native
Rest from affairs, so that the head extends.

After all, you are the only one in the world,
And heats the heart every day your love.
You are the most favorite person on the planet,
You need so much in this world again and again.