How to wear pearl jewelry and not look older. Pearls: who will suit and how to wear them

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Not only the culture of giving, but also the wearing of jewelry is accompanied by a huge number of customs and prejudices. Some of them are less popular, others are known to almost everyone. Most of them can be explained somehow, and sometimes they do not fit into the head at all. Most people believe in them, and if not, then at least try not to violate them just in case. One of these signs, or rather rules, is the question of wearing pearls, namely, how to wear pearls - in a pair or not.

Pendant and earrings with pearls

The basic rule says that pearl jewelry is still worn in pairs. However, the very understanding of the couple can also be interpreted in different ways. In the first case, "pair" means exactly the pair of jewelry on the body. But there is another meaning: the fact is that pearls are recommended for people who have a life partner.

Why are pearls still worn in pairs? You can find several answers to this question, some of them are related to signs, and some are related to the rules of fashion or etiquette. Nevertheless, many are convinced that when wearing beads, they need to be supplemented with earrings, otherwise their owner may soon become a widow.

Most of the advice says that pearls should not be worn by young girls who do not have a boyfriend and who are looking for a companion for life. It is believed that this decoration is more suitable for married ladies: it has a positive effect on them, while others bring a feeling of loneliness and longing. But if you do not believe in these signs, you can safely wear pearls with your favorite clothes, the main thing is not to overdo it.

If you are wearing a pearl necklace, a pair of small earrings will go well with it. Pearl jewelry will look most beautiful with an evening dress, for example, white pearl beads are great for a black dress. Black pearls are combined with a white suit. But the most daring ladies can wear it with any outfit.

Black pearls, although considered mourning, are suitable for all occasions. However, it is much rarer and therefore the price is higher.

Pearl jewelry is combined with metals, with gold and silver, the main thing at the same time is to observe the measure. A short thread and a silver bracelet, for example, can emphasize elegance and femininity. Pearl jewelry is combined with an outfit for the office.

How to choose?

If you plan to pair with other jewelry, it is very important to try on the whole set when buying. This is done in order to accurately determine the length of the beads or necklace, the size and shade of the pearls. By the way, such a parameter as the size of the beads is very important.

Small pearls look like beads or earrings - they are ideally combined in large quantities. Larger pearls make up the necklace. But beads of especially large sizes look best alone. If you take a ring with one stone, then it is best to choose a woman who is aged, because such a ring will help her present herself. Moreover, in this case, it does not require a couple, since wearing jewelry in a couple is important for young girls who want to get married.

The size of pearls is very important to combine with the woman's age. Moreover, the relationship between these two parameters is directly proportional: the larger the pearl, the older the woman. According to the etiquette, it is customary to give pearls no more than 6 mm to young girls. For women over the age of forty, pearls from 6 to 8 mm are suitable, and for older ladies - more than 8 mm.

Angelina Jolie wears pearls in a pair: necklace and earrings

There are contraindications and rules for wearing pearls in pairs:

  • Paired wearing of this stone can negatively affect creative people, especially actors and travelers. It can deprive them of inspiration and even reduce their sexual activity.
  • When going on a love date, you should not wear paired pearl jewelry.
  • Pearl jewelry in a pair can reduce the manifestation of character traits such as pride and vanity.
  • Family people need a couple - this will help maintain happiness and home comfort.

There is an opinion that pearls should not be worn at a wedding, and not only for the bride, but also for other guests. It is believed that natural pearls at the celebration lead to tears and disappointment of the bride. Perhaps this is due to the fact that many people in ancient times believed that pearls were the tears of the sea.

Pearl draws its history even before our era. Yes, humanity has been interested in such a jewel since time immemorial. And the popularity and significance of pearls does not dry out to this day. Let's look at why there is a lot of attention around pearls, and for creating jewelry, it has always been in a significant place.

Yes, initially humanity did not go as far as the properties of pearls. In the jewelry business, he received a calling only because he did not need any processing. In fact, already prepared material was mined. But, like any other gemstone, it has a certain effect on the body and health of people. And it is worth noting that this is not an easy component of decoration.

So let's delve into this issue a little more:

  • In general, each country has its own ideas about this stone. For example, in Greece, pearls are a symbol of marriage, and in India, they are considered a symbol of well-being and prosperity. But, in any case, its properties are aimed at protecting against many diseases and improving family life.
  • And also - before the girl was given such a necklace for a wedding. It was believed that such a stone would protect her from her husband's infidelity.
  • By the way, such a stone also helps to cope with unrequited love. After all, he brings peace to the life of a girl and spiritual harmony.
  • And also it helps to maintain youth and beauty. Perhaps that is why young girls do not wear it.
  • But! Much depends on the person who gave it. If he is evil, and he has bad thoughts, then such a gift can only bring trouble.
  • If the young lady is too proud, narcissistic, greedy or deceitful, then the stone will also refuse to help her. Moreover, he will try to break such character traits and remake a person for the better.
  • By the way, there is a version that the stone helps to smooth out conflicts and find a common language with many people. And also he gives the owner wisdom and restraint.
  • And yet, he could protect the house from thieves, and the owner from the evil eye.

IMPORTANT: Such a stone cannot be inherited. It can only have one owner. Otherwise, trouble will overtake both the former and the new owner.

Useful properties of pearls:

  • It should be noted that pearls have a positive effect on the nervous system, improve memory (or even help restore it), and also make the psyche more resistant and resilient.
  • It is also believed that such a stone has a positive effect on the liver and kidneys. And it can even overcome some of their diseases, more precisely, recover from the disease faster. After all, as you know, without medical treatment, it is very difficult to cope with any ailment.

  • Normalizes pressure. Moreover, both high and low.
  • Improves the functioning of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract in general.
  • Pearls also act as a good hemostatic agent. Especially, in the state of powder or tincture.

IMPORTANT: You can make pearl water by steeping pearls in water (in a decanter) all night. This water is very useful to take inside.

  • Fights eye diseases and even helps to improve eyesight.
  • By the way, to cleanse the body and the entire circulatory system, you need to hold such a pebble in your mouth for 15-20 minutes.
  • Pearls can also indicate the presence of a disease. If it has lost its luster or, even worse, darkened, then you should take care of your health in the near future.

In general, pearl jewelry has always been more popular among women. No, of course, men (especially those of a noble family) also decorated their outfits in every possible way or wore other attributes. And they also resorted to such jewelry as pearls. But, its effect on the female body requires special attention.

  • Yes, all of the above points apply to both women and men. It equally produces a general strengthening effect.
  • But it should be noted that pearls help with various female diseases. For example, it will help relieve pain during critical days or help improve the general condition during menopause.
  • Such a stone will help a woman feel the joys of motherhood. After all, the stone in question will allow pregnancy to proceed calmly, and childbirth will be quick and without complications.
  • Such jewelry will protect single women from non-reciprocal love and even help to meet their soul mate.

  • For married ladies, he promises a happy family life and obedient children (or just a stone will give the hostess a lot of peace in the matter of their upbringing).
  • And in general, he acts as a charge of calmness and prudence. After all, the life of any woman is full of surprises and experiences. And with such an ornament, the girl will be in harmony with herself and the world around her.
  • And, of course, it is useful to take it orally (for example, drink pearl water) or wash your face with such water to preserve beauty and youth.

Black pearl: properties

Very attractive, alluring and insanely expensive. Yes, among all varieties of pearls, the black variety is considered the rarest, and it is much more expensive than the rest. By the way, its meaning and influence on life, as well as the health of the carrier, is slightly different.

  • It should be noted right away that black pearls act like a firefighter for overly emotional personalities. He has great calmness and prudence, bestowing them on his master.
  • But it should be worn very carefully. Below we will consider in detail who pearls are suitable for, and to whom it is categorically contraindicated. The fact is that black pearls can also have a negative impact - it inspires sadness and longing. Naturally, if it is wrong to choose it.
  • This stone (and any pearl in general) is considered more of a female stone, since it is with such a mistress that she can reveal her full potential.
  • But young and unmarried girls should avoid such pearls. Because it can induce depression.
  • But for widows and divorced women, on the contrary, it will help to overcome sadness and it is easier to survive separation.
  • Black pearls are strictly forbidden for men! It will only bring more trouble, sadness and bad weather.

  • There is even such a product name for the face "Black Pearl". We will not delve into its composition and examine for the presence of crushed black pearls. But this stone really helps to rejuvenate the skin. Yes, he is great at fighting wrinkles. And for a visual result, it is enough to wash your face with water infused in pearls.
  • Another property of black pearls, which should be noted. It not only calms, but makes the mind take a sober look at the world. It will protect against rash acts (or unnecessary purchases).
  • In general, it has a positive effect on the immune system. It will help to establish relationships with people, as well as smooth out conflicts - both at work and at home.
  • And, of course, if the stone has faded or lost its luster, then this indicates future illnesses or family problems.

Gray pearl: properties

Pearls come in a variety of colors. Available in white, cream, pink, gold or brown. And also, it can be blue or green. Gray is certainly no exception. It also occurs in nature. It can be darker or lighter, and sometimes comes across with a blue or pink tint. Nature in this matter did not stint on fantasy.

  • Its properties are the same as those of pearls of a different color. It has a positive effect on general health, prevents aging and calms the nervous system.
  • But such pearls are not recommended for unmarried girls, as they can escalate depression and longing. It is not contraindicated for widows, but, for example, black pearls will have a more favorable effect.
  • It is also necessary to take into account that pearls must be worn in pairs. That is, there should be a pair of jewelry with pearls. Otherwise, it will induce sadness, irritability and even aggression.
  • Gray color harmonizes well with a business suit, but such a stone does not like everyday fuss. As well as those who occupy a leadership position and have a very imperious character. He can take this part of the power for himself.

  • It is also undesirable for weak-minded people to wear it, since you can become even more dependent on someone else's opinion. And in a neglected state, depression and disappointment in the outside world will appear.
  • It should be noted that gray pearls help fight migraines.
  • For married women, it is considered ideal, as it will help strengthen marriage bonds and avoid unwanted quarrels.

River pearls: properties

Everyone knows that there are two types of pearls: sea and river (do not go into details - the names speak for themselves). In general, these two species are not very different from each other. Also available in different colors and sizes. But! Freshwater pearls have a matte sheen and are slightly oval in shape, and are also much smaller in size. And their properties also have some differences.

  • The main difference is versatility. Sea pearls are more suitable for married women. River stone can also be worn by young girls. It does not carry any negative energy.
  • He acts as a great helper in love affairs. It will help single people to find a soul mate, married people to improve relationships in the family, and widows to quickly learn to enjoy life again.
  • Also, like sea pearls, it serves as a source of longevity and physical strength.
  • It also has a general strengthening effect on the body, improves immunity and improves well-being.

  • River pearls are more suitable for women (sea pearls, in principle, too). It makes them softer and more flexible, as well as more calm and balanced. And for a man, you see, these are not the most necessary qualities.
  • And one more thing you need to know - this stone does not like to travel. He must not only have one owner, but also one place of residence. Otherwise, he may show his character and turn his help in an unfavorable direction.
  • He also doesn't like small children. This does not mean that you cannot have a child if there are freshwater pearls in the house. Just, for example, teachers should not wear such jewelry at work.

The magical properties of pearls

The main magical properties of pearls are the preservation of youth and the strengthening of family ties. At least, it has been thought so since time immemorial. Above, all the properties of pearls have already been indicated. But there is another aspect that needs to be considered. Pearls are not always just strung on a string. And from what material the frame - has a significant indicator.

Very often pearls are combined with silver. But it is important to understand how the stone is combined with this metal. To do this, let's look at the properties of pearls in silver:

  • The first and most important meaning is a warning. The fact is that both pearls and silver tend to darken if a person is sick or in the near future he will be overtaken by an illness.
  • Another important condition is a good person and good intentions. Together, pearls with silver will be able to let you know. Pearls can even crumble or deform if a person is greedy and deceitful.
  • Silver is a noble metal that also purifies and tries to outshine bad character traits. If a person has a lot of them (or they are too weighty), then the silver jewelry with pearls will turn black.

  • Such jewelry protects its owner from the negative impact of others. That is, it will help remove the veil of deceit or slander. It will also help protect your home from thieves.
  • Such decorations will help to build relationships with people, especially with colleagues at work.
  • By the way, pearls with silver do not like cheating. Therefore, it is better to wear them for those who are faithful to their chosen one. And in some countries it is believed that, on the contrary, it can warn against fornication.
  • They also have a positive effect on the reproductive and urinary systems. That is, they help, for example, with kidney stones or various female diseases. Also, they help to solve the problem of infertility.

It is important to understand that pearls are not for everyone. As you remember, men are highly discouraged from wearing this stone. Well, women will be able to get advice according to their zodiac sign. So what sign of the zodiac suits pearls:

  1. Aries. It is worth noting right away that Aries is a fire sign, which is under the auspices of the Sun. And, since pearls belong to the water element and are considered a moonstone, it is undesirable for Aries to wear pearls. It can even harm and deprive that natural energy and enthusiasm.
  2. Taurus . But for Taurus, it’s even useful to wear a stone. True, they do not have an ideal combination - the stone will not fully reveal all its qualities. But! It will help Taurus to become more balanced and less quick-tempered. Especially pearls will help not to vent anger on others.
  3. Twins. This is the most unstable sign of the zodiac. Therefore, pearls will help them make the right decision and not change it over the next hour. Moreover, their too active temperament will calm them down a little, and also protect them from stupid acts.
  4. Crayfish. This is a sign of water, so pearls suit Cancers well. It is to him that pearls will help in matters of health, especially in terms of the nervous system. And it is also a stone of fidelity, so it will protect Cancer from all sorts of temptations. Cancer woman will help to reveal her inner potential and find harmony with the outside world.
  5. A lion. Another fire sign under the auspices of the Sun. Therefore, pearls should not be worn by such people. And black pearls should be avoided altogether. Leos are very strong personalities, and it is believed that pearls can take away some of that power.
  6. Virgo. A bit of a contentious issue. It has already been said that the stone is not suitable for individuals who are too powerful and too weak in spirit. Therefore, if Virgo is persistent enough, then pearls can help her avoid rash acts and deceit. If the Virgo is too dependent on someone else's opinion, then the stone can completely suppress her.
  7. Scales. In general, a very calm sign. Therefore, with such a stone, they will become even more balanced and reasonable. The stone will have a positive effect on the health of the owner, and will also help in family life. And even unmarried girls will be able to find a couple.
  8. Scorpion. Although it is a sign of water, pearls are not suitable for Scorpions. This is too stubborn and quick-tempered sign, which will cause only a negative reaction in the stone. True, you can wear black pearls. It is believed that he will help in matters of the heart.
  9. Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the third sign of fire, so pearl is not his stone. Water will put out the fire, which will have a bad effect on the health and good luck of Sagittarius. But! You can wear black pearls and only if Sagittarius is doing well and smoothly. Just to enhance the positive energy.
  10. Capricorn. Pearl suits well for Capricorns. He can help them calm down a little their character and allow them to adequately assess the situation. But astrologers recommend choosing only sea pearls.
  11. Aquarius. Sociable sign, which even needs pearls to protect against lies, gossip and rash acts. That's just in a period of sadness, Aquarius should avoid such a stone, because you can completely fall into depression.
  12. Fish. Pearls are perfect for Pisces. They are in the same element, the stone will help not to commit unnecessary actions. It will also improve communication with people and make them more balanced, especially when in contact with the outside world. It will also protect Pisces from unrequited or unrequited love.

The beauty of pearls is simply mesmerizing with its simplicity. After all, at first glance it is a simple stone, but it is able to decorate and charm with its overflows. Choose for yourself the best option for jewelry with pearls, but remember that such jewelry is not suitable for everyone.

Video: "Properties of pearls"

Can unmarried girls wear pearls? There are many beliefs, myths and legends about this. Each nation has its own attitude to pearls, its own stories of its origin, and therefore - its own signs. However, they all agree on one thing: pearls are a symbol of tears. But only what, joy or sorrow?

What is a pearl and how does it happen?

Jewelry made of precious stones at all times meant more to people than simple jewelry. The quality and beauty of jewelry speaks of the social status of their owners, the subtlety of taste, and the impeccability of style. Jewelry emphasizes the beauty and elegance of a woman, making the image complete. Fashion changes, but a woman's love for jewelry, including pearls, remains unchanged.

This material does not require cutting and therefore has been used by jewelers since ancient times: it has been known to human civilization for about 6 thousand years. Pearls were highly valued by the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt.

Our word "pearl" comes in different versions from the Chinese "zhenju", the Arabic "zechuk" or the Tatar "zenju". Among the Slavs, this word appeared in the 12th century. There are other names for the mineral and its varieties: pearls, magarite, pearl grain, beads. And the word "mother of pearl" comes from the Latin "permula", which means "sea shell". The jewel is called mother-of-pearl by the British, French and Germans.

Mostly pearls have a delicate color of white or beige. But there are specimens of other various shades: pink, steel-gray, black or chocolate. Colored mineral differs from the usual strong brilliance. There are also river (freshwater) and sea pearls.

Magic abilities

From ancient times to the present day, various peoples attribute various magical abilities to pearls. Basically, the mineral is associated with female energy and is suitable for the fairer sex of different ages. According to popular wisdom, pearl jewelry helps pregnant women bear a fetus without complications and give birth safely.

In China, pearls are considered a stone of wisdom, and in India, they are associated with the feminine and fertility. According to the Persians, mother-of-pearl was formed at the point of contact of the rainbow with the earth. The ancient Greeks and Romans compared the gem with the goddess of love Aphrodite (Venus). According to legend, drops of water that fell from her hair formed pearls. The Romans believed that the mineral in women's hands brings happiness and sweet dreams.

According to popular beliefs, the mineral has a positive effect on married couples, strengthens relationships in the family, but single people should not wear pearls: this intensifies longing and sadness. Young girls do not wear black pearls: it stimulates the development of depression and sadness, and can provoke widowhood. Black mother-of-pearl has the opposite effect on widows and divorced women, helping to find a soul mate.

Why can't single girls wear mother-of-pearl? It has long been not customary to give pearl jewelry to young unmarried women, since the mineral is considered a stone of tears and loneliness.

However, according to other legends, mother-of-pearl, on the contrary, means purity, innocence, sublimity. In medieval Europe, it was natural for girls to wear such products. In wealthy families in Russia, it was customary to give one pearl each for a name day and Easter, so that a whole strand of pearls could be collected by the wedding day. Traditionally, the groom presented white beads as a gift on the day of marriage, with which the bride adorned the outfit.

In medieval Europe, knights gave pearls to the lady of the heart in order to prove the veracity of intentions and the purity of feelings.

Despite the fact that in most myths and beliefs, pearls have always been given to young ladies, in the modern world it is customary to offer them only to older ladies. There is an opinion that a necklace or beads made of pearls look too rough and bulky on a delicate girlish neck, even indecent. He also sets off the beauty of youth and ages the owner a little. In some countries, pearls are given exclusively to married ladies who have found their family happiness, as it promotes marital fidelity and strengthens relationships in a couple.

A girl who has found her “soul mate” must definitely wear jewelry in a pair, otherwise she is threatened with widowhood: for example, a ring can be worn with a bracelet, and a pearl necklace or beads can be combined with earrings.

Pearls for an unmarried girl are a good helper to successfully marry, as it adds to the character of the owner of love, affection, caring. Jewelry provides protection from unrequited and unrequited love.

birthday present

Pearls can be given on a woman's birthday. Such a gift will decorate any birthday girl, make her happier. A gift made of pearls will be especially successful for girls born under the sign of Pisces, since it is believed that this particular zodiac patronizes the gem.

Is it possible to give jewelry for a wedding?

In some countries, during the marriage, the newlyweds were entangled with pearl beads so that the future spouses would not quarrel and live in friendship and understanding.

In Russia, it was impossible to do without pearl jewelry on the wedding day. Such gifts were considered a symbol of wealth and status. Brides to this day adorn themselves at a solemn moment with pearl jewelry. This gem is perfect for a lush outfit, does not look defiant, gives femininity and tenderness to a young image.

If the groom wants to present something special for his future wife, then pearl jewelry will be an excellent and original gift. Such a gift will be truly tender, feminine, wedding. The groom can give his bride as a sign of his love for the wedding and an engagement ring with pearls.

Often, a mother-of-pearl jewelry presented for a wedding becomes an inheritance that is passed down from generation to generation. But pearls should be given exclusively by a close person, to accept such a gift from a stranger - to trouble and misfortune.

In choosing jewelry, it is better to rely on intuition and your taste. It is recommended that young girls wear jewelry with small beads, and gradually acquire larger accessories with age.

We are accustomed to compare the most refined moments in life with this precious stone, unique in its beauty and nature. After all, pearls are the only gemstone that does not need cutting and other processing. Moreover, since ancient times it is considered to be a symbol of love and happiness, prosperity and wealth, sophistication and sophistication. But this does not give us the right not to know how to wear pearls, letting this matter take its course.

No stone has such a soft and noble radiance as pearls.

Even one small pearl can transform the whole outfit.

How to wear pearls?

At one time I noticed that pearls are the most correct stone. After these words, pearls became an invariable adornment not only for ladies from high society: the wardrobes of ordinary women began to be supplemented with a string of delicate peas. It was combined with a wide variety of outfits, from a business suit to a chic evening dress.

The incomparable Coco, as always, was right

Today, pearls are considered suitable for any woman and can go well with. But do not lose sight of the fact that pearls, like any other jewelry, must be worn correctly.

So, if you decide to purchase a pearl necklace, then pay special attention to the length of the beads. For thin women who prefer to hide or correct the décolleté and neck area, it is recommended to wear a collar-shaped necklace, consisting of several threads and covering the collarbone and neck almost completely. For a classic V-neckline, a Jacqueline Kennedy-style necklace, also consisting of several rows of threads of different lengths, is suitable. But the length of the “rope” necklace is more than 90 centimeters. It is appropriate to wrap it in several loops, tie it into a knot and simply lower it to a length below the waist. This decoration looks great at banquets, parties or dinner parties. A princess necklace is a single thread, up to half a meter long, which lies freely between the neckline and the neckline. Such a necklace does not require special conditions, is considered appropriate in any place and time, suitable for ladies of all ages.

Jacqueline Kennedy and her pearls

When buying a product, special attention should be paid to the size of pearls. According to the rules of common etiquette, the diameter of the stones should be directly proportional to the age of the women wearing the jewelry. Beads made of small pearls with a diameter of less than 6 millimeters look great on young girls. But the jewelry, in which pearls reach a size of about 8 millimeters, will suit women over forty years old. On rich ladies in old age, beads made of pearls about ten millimeters in diameter look perfect. But to imagine such pearls on young girls is simply impossible.

If you want to buy pearl jewelry that suits your bead size and length, then you also need to look at its compatibility with your skin. So women with naturally dark skin can opt for warm golden and yellow hues. Red-haired girls and blondes, endowed with snow-white skin, can afford pink pearls. But snow-white and pale cream pearls are wonderfully combined with skin of any color, that is, it suits all girls.

Basic Rules

Of course, you need to listen to that, but it is important to adhere to your own opinion. After all, it is important not only to purchase beads that suit you according to all the canons, but also to be satisfied with the jewelry itself, even if it is not suitable according to one of the criteria. Therefore, when buying pearls, it is important to listen to your own instinct and not forget that the necklace should emphasize your sophistication and nobility, and not indicate vulgarity and lack of taste. And again, the conclusion suggests itself that the purchase of pearls, like any other piece of jewelry, must be approached wisely. The main thing at the same time is that you yourself like the necklace, and only after that you turn to concretizing its color, brilliance and shape. After all, pearls have such an interesting feature: it is important not only to choose the right jewelry, but also to be able to wear it with dignity.

The simplest rule is that pearls are not the kind of stone that is suitable for every day. Indeed, not in all cases this decoration will become appropriate, being simply superfluous. A pearl necklace can give a touch of restrained solemnity to the look, and therefore it is worn on special occasions. In addition, the necklace must be chosen so that it is not too conspicuous, otherwise it can simply overshadow or even spoil the whole image. It is also necessary to avoid a sharp contrast in colors and the combination of pearls with fabrics that are too simple in texture.

A simply amazing combination is obtained when combining pearls with silk and velvet clothes: the brilliance of the stone perfectly emphasizes the calm soft play of luxurious material. Well, if the outfit is not very open, but at the same time emphasizes the figure. After all, pearls, used in the right combination with clothes, can even visually correct your shape. For example, a necklace that falls a few centimeters below the collarbone line can visually lengthen the figure and add the illusion of growth. However, at the same time, the pearls themselves must be selected with a diameter of no more than seven millimeters. A chain with a pearl instead of a pendant will help to visually narrow the neck. But a short necklace of several rows of beads can slightly shorten a too long thin neck.

Such decoration will visually make your neck slimmer and longer.

Pearls are shown to be worn by both young girls and ladies of age, because this stone is not subject to years. And even skin imperfections in the form of pallor and wrinkles will not be able to attract attention when the necklace is assembled from large pearls of saturated color. Following prejudice, pearls should be worn with an addition in the form of a bracelet, ring or earrings made from this stone. And although this law has not been approved by anyone and its effect has not been proven, superstitious people can also use this prescription.

Who is this gem for?

Of course, we all love exquisite expensive jewelry. But can i wear pearls to all women, is it suitable for daily wear - the answers to all these questions were found many centuries ago.

  • It is necessary to handle this stone carefully, because it can be harmless only for people with fortitude and self-confidence. For such individuals, pearls will provide various options for choosing actions, distract from fanaticism, and give the ability to objectively assess reality. But unorganized people he will blabber even more, giving additional instability to their epileptoid nature, making them overloaded, always preoccupied and prone to misanthropy. Weak, weak-willed people under the influence of pearls are completely disorganized.
  • This stone is not suitable for people who work with children.

Pearls and children are incompatible things. At least that's the popular opinion.

  • Negatively affects actors and travelers, depriving them of many opportunities. At the same time, their sexual activity is extinguished.
  • Pearls are a bad companion in love affairs, because they can strengthen mutual fidelity.
  • Convinced people receive from the stone the ability to greater objectivity. They become closer to people, less arrogant, conceited and proud. They also gain the ability to periodically look back and provide their own rear.
  • Pearl jewelry can strengthen the house-building. They reveal their essence most fully to people who have devoted themselves to the development of the spirit or to raising the spirituality of society.
  • Pearls begin to fade immediately if its owner turns onto a low path.
  • Black pearls are considered to be a stone of sadness, sadness and even depression.

Many superstitious people are afraid to wear black pearls, believing that it brings bad luck.

  • It is contraindicated for young women, because it can provoke widowhood. But for widows or divorced women, black pearls will give the opportunity to find a life partner.
  • It is believed that pearls are contraindicated for those who do not have a permanent pair. However, it has a good effect on the home atmosphere of family people. Loners, under its influence, can fall into bouts of causeless longing and deep depression. For people who have lived together for a long time, pearls will give a peaceful and calm life.
  • Astrologers recommend wearing pearls to representatives of all signs of the zodiac. But for permanent wear, the stone is not suitable for those born under the sign of Cancer, Pisces, Gemini, Scorpio and Aquarius.
  • Pearls are able to protect their owners from thoughtless frivolous actions.

Such jewelry perfectly complements any festive and everyday look. In addition to the previously mentioned silk and velvet for special occasions, small pearls can be worn with light sundresses and chiffon dresses, skirts or shorts. However, there is an unspoken rule that everyone should adhere to: pearls are absolutely incompatible with sports-style outfits. That is why you should not combine sportswear with feminine, elegant pearl jewelry.

Pearl jewelry will be indispensable when creating a retro look

But with an acceptable share of democracy, this stone will not forgive if you overdo it with everyday wearing. Pearls should not be worn so often that you get bored with them. We must boldly create fashionable combinations of outfits and their combination with pearls, expressing our femininity.

Again, for all the beauty of pearls, one should avoid combining them in such a way that they can easily outshine the one they are supposed to adorn. You are a bright personality - feel free to wear black pearls. If you have dark skin, then opt for greenish or brown pearls, and if your skin is very fair, then this blue shade stone will suit you.

It’s probably not without reason that the words “pearl” and “woman” begin with the same letters 🙂

If you do not know how to wear pearl beads, then, in addition to the tips mentioned above, you can watch what types of such necklaces are chosen by world stars. They are not afraid to experiment and at the same time find the most non-standard ways of using it. Usually they try not to leave one string of pearls, mixing it with different chains of plain metal, adding ribbons, pendants or pendants. They wear such beads even on the back, thus decorating the neckline on an evening dress. Pearls look stylish in the hair, on the shoulders, complementing the epaulettes.

How to wear pearl beads

Pearl necklaces can be worn with a black dress, as Holly Golightly does, or combined with a pastel outfit, following the example of Jessica Biel and Norwegian Crown Princess Mette-Marit. But to use a single strand with pearls in the style of Coco Chanel, Josephine Baker, Grace Kelly or Marilyn Monroe is considered old-fashioned today. So innovative stylists Lenvin and Tom Beans use creative tricks, wrapping a pearl necklace in a strip of sheer chiffon or serpentine it through crystal beads.

A photo

A few long strands of pearl beads look great. The main thing is not to overdo it

Marilyn Monroe also liked pearls

A string of pearls modestly peeks out from under the collar

Many girls pair pearls with pretty casual pieces.

Just one pearl thread gives elegance and even some luxury to the whole image.
