How to originally congratulate on the anniversary. A selection of colorful ideas for comic congratulations on the anniversary: ​​how to original congratulate a man and a woman. Creation of a collective portrait of the hero of the day

Choosing a good birthday present for your best friend is only half the battle.

It is equally important to find the right words for it, avoiding hackneyed phrases like: "Health, happiness in your personal life, long years" ...

And so I want to please the hero of the occasion with an original and cheerful congratulation.

Original birthday greetings to a friend: "Out-of-bounds" script

This unusual congratulation will require costumes in the national style. And from the participants themselves - a creative spirit and a little artistry.

The performance is designed for 5 people:
Indian woman;

The costumes can be rented, but they are easy to make with your own hands. So, the image of a Japanese woman will be drawn using a kimono robe, umbrella or fan.
The hair on the head should be pulled high into a tight bun and pierced with a thick knitting needle, apply light powder to the face, and black arrows on the eyelids. They will make the look slanting like a real Japanese.

The national dress of Indian women "sari" is a long piece of fabric wrapped around the body. In our case, a simple curtain will do. The main thing is to put on the homegrown Indian woman all the decorations in the house at the same time (earrings, rings, beads, bracelets) and put on the forehead "bindi" - a red dot symbolizing the "eyes of Shiva" among the Hindus.

A black stocking on his head, a curly wig, a bundle of bagels around his neck and a comic image of a representative of an African tribe are almost ready! For added importance, you can pick up a pineapple or a bunch of bananas.

A wide shirt belted with a wide red braid, a straw hat and a painted mustache will help to depict a simple Ukrainian lad.

Congratulations script

All that remains is to enter the role and you can start:

Leading: Attention attention! Talking and showing the TV and radio company "Pour TV"! A minute ago, at the airport ... (name of the city, village) a transatlantic airliner of the "Born to Crawl, Can Fly" company landed with a foreign delegation on board.
Representatives of different continents came to our table to heartily congratulate the dear birthday girl ... (name).

Now I am reporting from the scene, from the landing strip, where the agitated ... (name and patronymic of the birthday girl) meets her guests. Now they have already set foot on the ground. And I turn for a welcoming speech to the first foreign guest - Mrs. Tomima Tokoso, who came to us from distant Japan!

Japanese: Our company "Sushi Hotsu" zalat ... (name) -san of enlightenment and donate the latest development of our specialists - a set for rejuvenation.

At the international exhibition, he made a real sensation. The man who had it became colossus right over the lunar day. Those who saw were surprised. He was eighty-five, but now he was twenty-five.

And if I invite the lady ... (name) -san in Tokyo, the firm will look around Fujiyama, nibbling on Japanese cuisine, sniffing sakura and napizza sake with Lushimi samurai of the land of the rising Sonsa!

Leading: We thank Mrs. Tomima Tokoso for her kind words. Now let's ask our Indian guest Drani Shobha Chandra. What did you bring for your birthday?

Indian woman: O! Great Brahma! The enchanting beauty of the lady ... (name) opens like a lotus flower, a sonorous voice murmurs like the water of the sacred Ganges, a white-faced smile shines like expensive pearls.

Her eyes are brighter than the stars in the sky, and her skin is softer than the finest silk. In my homeland, they say that it is not enough to be beautiful, you have to be happy. For true happiness, she needs (pause) an elephant. I give the lady ... (name) a real five-ton elephant!

Leading: I can `t believe my eyes! On the third runway, a huge elephant, a cage with parrots, several monkeys and a bespectacled cobra are unloaded from a Boeing 747.

I hope the birthday girl has a place for these wonderful gifts! And now the floor is given to a guest from hot Africa, a messenger of the Muchacha tribe.

African: And I give the lady ... (name) a feather from an ostrich tail and a crocodile's tooth from an evil spirit!

And my leader also wants a strong, smart and beautiful wife. At the council, the tribe decided to make ... (name) the wife of the leader of all Muchach, and therefore after the holiday we fly to distant Africa, where there are many, many wild monkeys. There ... (name) will rule over the Muchachi, make war Chuchundra, chop a coconut and fry the carcasses of a hippopotamus on the fire.

Our leader kindly forgives ... (name of the birthday girl) her husband ... (male name) and lets him go in peace. Yesterday the shaman will conduct a marriage ritual and announce ... (name) 148th wife of the leader Muchach.

Leading: And now a word to a guest from neighboring Ukraine.

Ukrainian: Garny lad Ivanko from Vinnitsa, tse mean I, kind of tselaga sertsya will give you a dance of kind savory vodka.

Vidomo, before the vodka of treba is lard, that axis here is such a fool. I am very much afraid of litati, so from the fat and everything wrote on the calmness of the nervous system, on the weakness. Good, stewardesses didn’t give vidkorkuvati vodka, and so bi and dance wouldn’t dovez.

And to you, as it seems in our Ukraine, good to the hut, pennies in the swarming, health, love, happiness and a beautiful rosy cholovik, like me!

It would be nice to take a few pictures or video frames of this bright congratulation, although there is no doubt that the birthday girl will remember it for a long time ...

Unusual congratulations from the best friend "Merry semi-finished product"

You can often find DIY kits on store shelves. Their idea is simple and ingenious. It is necessary, following the instructions, to bring the semi-finished product to the state of the finished product.

The kit for craftswomen includes all the components necessary for creativity. And who knows better than a friend what hobby set to choose for a birthday present?

If you connect your imagination, assemble such a set with your own hands and approach the matter with humor, you will get a very original surprise.

  • Sewing lover you can present a set for needlework "Doshey sama" with scissors, threads and a cut-out tack.
  • Passionate florist a set of a pot, a bag with soil, seeds and a scoop is suitable. And do not forget to include in the box comic instructions on how to grow a wish-fulfilling seven-flowered flower. To plant a money tree, you should put a coin instead of seeds.
  • If a friend loves to cook, they will appreciate a set of items with a fun cooking recipe. For example:

    “Once you've printed your Chef Gift Set, go straight to the kitchen.

    Remove chicken fillet, cheese, mayonnaise, mushrooms and pineapple from the refrigerator. Cut the sirloin into 7 mm thick layers using a ruler from the Chef set.

    Pepper, salt and beat them well with the Chef's mallet. Then place in neat rows on a greased baking sheet.

    Use the gauze pad found in the Chef's kit for lubrication. Place one teaspoon of chopped mushrooms, pineapples, grated cheese and mayonnaise on each slice. You already know where to get a spoon!

    Remember to place the baking sheet in the oven for 30 minutes before using.

    If the finished product turns out to be more than you can eat, call the phones from the Chef set. Fans of chicken in pineapple are always ready to help you. When you hear the crackling behind the ears of the guests, know that everything is done correctly. "

Ditties from a girlfriend

These funny couplets will sound great in the bosom of nature, if a birthday is celebrated at a dacha, in a village, in a forest glade.

However, for such a musical congratulation, in addition to a painted scarf and rouged cheeks, a clear voice and music for ditties are also required. If all of this is available, it's time to start rehearsing.

We are good girlfriends
We have been friends together for many years
And in ... om (name of the area) area
There are no girls better than us.

How we arrive in nature
Everything calms down
Because they are resting
Birds, if we sing.

Smells delicious kebabs
And the wine flows like a river.
We light up in earnest
And we don't need peace.

There is a brazier, there is a karaoke
There are matches, and there is firewood.
And there is water in the well.
What a sweetheart!

Why is my girlfriend
Do mosquitoes bite?
Because they were scared
The terrible power of beauty.

Let's enlist in the farm
Cheeks will be like beets.
And goodbye ... (for example, Moscow is the capital, beloved Smolensk),
Urban bustle!

Avenue noise, smog and traffic jams
On the roads, all down!
Long live galoshes
Big milk yield!

Glossy magazine for best friend

Modern computer technology allows you to print photos, edit films, publish newspapers and magazines without leaving your home.

A gift prepared in this way will always please. After all, so much work, patience, inspiration and time have been invested in it.

A homemade magazine can be a good present for your best friend. This requires knowledge of graphics programs and a color printer.

In a bindery, magazine pages will be laminated, hardcover and glossy.

However, in order for the publication to turn into an effective gift of little bright colors, it is important to have humorous content that will amuse every reader. So, let's begin.

  • Page 1: "Cover".
  • On the first page of the gloss, you need to place the name of the magazine and a close-up photo of the birthday girl. Editing a photo in Photoshop is a great way to make a joke. By the way, there are many templates for glossy magazines and brochures on the Internet for this case.

  • Page 2: "From the Editor".
  • “This entire issue is dedicated to one person - our dear ... (surname, name, patronymic)! Today we say warm words of love to her and raise our glasses to the health of the birthday girl. "

    Read in our issue:
    Life of the hero of the occasion (photo gallery).
    Is it interesting or the whole truth about ... (name).
    Individual predictions for ... (name) from the winner of the "Battle of Psychics".
    Congratulations to you.

  • Page 3: Photo gallery "Life of the hero of the occasion".
  • “The fact that ... (name) has lived a thriving life all these years is unlikely to surprise anyone. With her energy and optimism, one cannot sit in one place, and we can only wish that this continues in the future.

    People say that it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. Therefore, we offer photographic materials that tell about the everyday life and holidays of the birthday girl more eloquently than any words! "

    Beautiful wife.

    Caring daughter (mother).

    Loving sister.

    A promising employee.

    Lucky businessman (fisherman, mushroom picker, etc.).

    The stronghold of the family.

    The first culinary specialist of the area.

    Hospitable hostess.

    The best friend of the four-legged.

    A true connoisseur of feline beauty.

    “And these are not all the advantages ... (name). Remained behind the scenes charm, kindness, incredible breadth of soul and much, much more, which is well known to her family and friends ... "

    - these kind words are enough to beautifully finish the photo report.

  • Page 4: "Is it interesting or the whole truth about ...".
  • On the "This is interesting" page, you can turn around, but you have to pant in search of suitable materials.

    Let's start like this:

    “Birthday is the most wonderful celebration of all! Do you know why? Because on this day we stop our run in order to pay attention to those whom we value and love.

    We were so prepared for this moment that we even conducted our own investigation! ... (name) - who is she? Where? And what can you expect from her? Read the answers under the heading "Is it interesting or the truth about ... (name)".

    In the section you can provide information:

    • About the name (which means from which language it is translated).
    • About derived names (for example: Maria - Marusya, Mashunya, Musya, Manyunya, etc.).
    • About name days (when celebrated).
    • About folk proverbs and sayings (for example: Masha is good, but not ours).
    • About character.
    • About the sign of the zodiac, the elements-patrons, stones-talismans, etc.
  • Page 5: "Individual predictions for ... (name) from the winner of the" Battle of Psychics ".
  • This is a fun and upbeat page.

    “We do not know if our respected birthday girl believes in fortune telling, but we decided to seek help from the famous owner of the“ third eye ”... (any name).

    The "star" of extrasensory perception gladly responded to our request and told about the future ... (name of the heroine) a lot of interesting things. Recall that all the predictions of the witch came true and continue to come true ...

    “I made an individual horoscope for ... (name). For help, I had to turn to the stars, maps and coffee grounds. For… (name) I have good news, ”the clairvoyant told us.

    “Everything dark, unhappy was left far behind her. But there are some pleasant surprises ahead. According to the position of the heavenly bodies, I made a horoscope for the next five-year plan, with which you can get acquainted. "

    • A romantic trip to Paris.
    • A whirlwind romance with Bruce Willis.
    • Big win at Sportloto.
    • Purchase of a mink coat.
    • Discovery of the gift of clairvoyance.
    • Buying a villa by the sea.
    • Leading role in a Hollywood movie, etc.

    “When we asked the fortune teller the question of how much you can trust the horoscope, she gave an exhaustive answer. “I give 100% that the predictions will come true, but only on one condition! ... (name) must herself believe in all this ... "

  • Page 6: Congratulations.
  • Another comic page for which you need to make a selection of photographs from world "stars" to your beloved master cat.

    A small text will be placed in the center of the collage:

    “The editorial office of our magazine has received many telegrams with the best wishes ... (name). Unfortunately, our modest edition is not able to place on its pages all the mail received during these days.

    Bags with correspondence ... (name) will be able to pick up at any time, but we print in the heading "Congratulations to you" photographs of the people who were the first to send their sincere congratulations to her. "

  • Page 7: "Conclusion".
  • The last page is just as important as the first. A poem or text with soulful lines is well suited for her. For example:

    “Here, dear ... (name), you turned the last page of our magazine. We hope you were very pleased to receive such a present on your birthday.

    Do not be sad about the past years. Over the years, you have gained invaluable life experience, have become a bright constellation in the lives of friends and loved ones, have taken place as a professional in your field, and have revealed yourself as a one hundred percent woman! For some, even a hundred years is not enough to have time for all this.

    You have everything that any person can only wish for: beauty, intelligence, dignity and love of life. People like and appreciate people like you. Continue to walk with a sweeping step through life and, most importantly, believe that all the best and brightest is still ahead of you! Your friends ... (names) ".

    There may be more pages in such a deluxe edition. It all depends on the creative enthusiasm of its publishers.

    On the "Culinary Side" you can print recipes for the birthday girl's favorite dishes, in the "Trace in history" section, place materials about famous namesakes, in the "Poetic Drawing Room" - a selection of funny poems.
    And, of course, the more color headers, vivid pictures, rich photos, the better.

    There is no doubt that reading a colorful magazine will bring the birthday girl and her guests a lot of pleasant minutes.

    Thus, congratulating a friend on her birthday is unusual and fun not difficult if you approach the preparation process creatively and with soul.

    The effect of a comic dramatization, a humorous magazine, cool presents is always bright, and brings its creators no less pleasure than the hero of the occasion herself.

    And you can watch one more original idea of ​​congratulating a friend on her birthday in the video:

    Because women never grow old
    And they are becoming more beautiful and wiser.
    Today we congratulate the birthday girl,
    Which is having an anniversary.
    We sincerely wish you
    Everything also be beautiful.
    Good health!
    Good luck, money and love.
    To make all dreams come true.
    Congratulations on this achievement!

    Happy anniversary, dear, I congratulate you,
    You receive the most sincere wishes from me!
    Of course, I wish you and your family happiness,
    Let adversity not concern you at all
    May you always have a sunny mood
    And every moment of life will be happiness for you!

    Let the birthday go
    To the music, with a martini!
    Smile like a butterfly flies
    To the beloved man.
    May friends be kind in the future
    And loved ones are healthy!
    May happiness give the light of love
    And the world under the roof of the house!

    Congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
    Happy birthday we are in a hurry!
    We wish you many years
    Always look great
    Do not be upset, do not be depressed,
    To be cheerful and healthy.
    So that any day gives joy
    And only brought happiness!

    Happy Birthday! Land without touching
    And from happiness soaring in the clouds,
    Be fluffy and white like a hare
    Be a titmouse in gentle hands
    Be someone's joy and love,
    Someone's pink bold dream
    Let there be no end to men
    Intoxicated by your beauty
    Let it look like magic dreams
    There will be a succession of joyful days
    Get younger every day
    And shine like a star in the sky!

    Original congratulations on the anniversary to the woman

    The woman who is the best in the world
    Congratulations on your anniversary today.
    On this day, solemn and bright,
    We wish you the best blessings and happiness.
    As before, be excellent
    Kind, gentle, stylish, dear.
    May always, at any time of the year,
    The sun of happiness warms with warmth.

    Congratulating a woman like that
    I'm taking a lot of risk now.
    I know that it’s not eighteen,
    Yes, I don’t believe it and I’m afraid to admit it.
    Glad to congratulate you on your anniversary,
    And forward along the alley of life
    You always go with the right step,
    Let some joys be ahead.
    Beauty may not fade
    Let luck soar sharply
    Do not let success in life disappear.

    Our anniversary - Glory!
    Our Anniversary - Honor!
    May the Anniversary always have
    There will be a lot of joy!
    So that health is health,
    So fun is so fun
    Money, so that - a whole load,
    Laughter - so it means to tears!

    Happy Anniversary dear
    Be happy in spite of all troubles
    Be happy with your family
    Be happy with your dream
    Be healthy, beautiful, desirable
    Be fun and naughty
    And becoming wiser over the years
    Always stay young.

    You are a woman! And you are always beautiful -
    Goddess of dreams, queen of beauty.
    After all, nature did not create in vain
    Exciting gentle features.
    Accept congratulations on the anniversary,
    Be happy and forever young.
    Love and endless luck
    Let your house not be bypassed.

    Happy Anniversary, dear!
    It is unlikely that the woman is different
    Can be just as sweet!
    We wish that there was
    You are infinitely happy
    I stayed young forever
    May your anniversary year
    Only joy will bring!

    Happy Anniversary, our lady,
    We congratulate you.
    So much charm and charm
    You always drain.
    We wish you lady
    So much happiness that the neighbors
    They only talked about you ...
    And they always gave flowers
    Everything. After all, you are so cool
    The lady is beautiful!

    For a woman on the days of the anniversary,
    In my soul there is both joy and sorrow.
    You have become brighter and wiser
    And all the same, I'm a little sorry for myself:

    There will be no more than 18,
    There won't even be 23.
    And you can't keep up with the years
    Do not tell the time - "freeze".

    We want to wish today
    Without slowing down the life of the run.
    Love, create and admire,
    Let success be the reward.

    We wish you all on your anniversary
    Health, long days, good luck and light,
    To the love of loved ones and friends
    Your soul has always been warm.
    So that you never know trouble
    Do not drink from the cup of bitter suffering,
    And God's grace overshadowed
    All your thoughts, feelings and deeds!

    We wish the crystal of your dreams
    I could not crash on the rock of misfortune
    And so that in the spring, when the gardens bloom,
    Your eyes always shone with happiness.

    Congratulate a woman on her anniversary in an original way

    Your birthday
    Everyone came to our house
    Admiring you
    And your good!
    Dress on you
    Brighter than a flame
    And to your destiny
    We have become closer.
    And in your love
    More joy
    From the ground and up,
    And until old age!

    Let the years change
    But, you're still young
    Cheerful, beautiful
    Charming, playful
    I want to tell you:
    - You're good! Keep it up!

    You have a holiday today - your birthday!
    And I wish you happiness, good luck and luck!
    Let everything be like in a fairy tale
    Health and affection to you!

    Let beautiful dreams come true
    After all, today is your birthday!
    Bright, cheerful, happy -
    You are beautiful! Always be like this!
    You are tender, lovely, charming!
    Let everything be wonderful in life!

    May you, in your wonderful life
    Everything will always be clear and light
    There will be no anger or resentment in her,
    Let there be only goodness in it!

    Today we congratulate you on the holiday
    And we wish you a lot of joy
    May dreams come true, wishes come true
    And fortunately you won't say goodbye!

    Happy birthday, congratulations
    I wish you happiness and love
    A lot of money and goodness
    So that you always shine!

    Good luck to be with you
    And next to him is a dear person.
    Bright smiles every day
    From people who are important to you.

    Always good health
    So that trouble bypasses the house.
    There is a leap in the career ladder.
    Shine and smell like a flower!

    Your most important day of the year
    Let it fulfill all desires
    May they never fail
    Charisma, style and charm.

    May it be always joyful
    Meet sunsets and sunrises
    The lucky star is burning
    And fill your life with light.

    All birthday greetings
    Take from us in simple words:
    We wish you to be always beautiful
    We wish you shine in your eyes.

    We wish you many, many happiness
    Health and luck for the future,
    So that the dress is in size
    There was an unlimited wallet.

    Don't be sad today and don't believe.
    They lie that birthday is a sad holiday.
    The door to happiness is open for you,
    Well, the age is a mischievous prankster.

    And soul, dear, do not get old.
    Believe me, this is more important in life.
    Smile, laugh, younger
    And live as you alone can.

    Let there always be friends
    Faithful, reliable, dear.
    Your family makes you happy!
    So that they are healthy and loved.

    I wish peace and warmth
    So that the sun always shines.
    Thanks to your mom for you!
    Stay happy forever!

    There is one belief among the people -
    They say they are looking for children in the garden.
    Usually they look for everyone in cabbage.
    They were looking for you there, but empty.

    And there was a large flower garden nearby.
    And suddenly from there a child's cry,
    They ran to him in amazement,
    And there - the decoration of nature!

    Since then you shine like flowers
    You are the embodiment of beauty
    But, so as not to fade in life,
    After all, you need to be watered.

    But not with tap water -
    Dolce & Gabbana perfume.
    You should always be warm -
    A sable fur coat is needed

    Anyway, so that you shine
    And never faded
    The gardener must be near
    To cherish and love you!

    Let everything be as you want:
    Good luck, joy, ringing laughter.
    So that in the morning, evening and at night
    And in the daytime success pursued.
    So that your house is full like a bowl,
    And money flowed into the house like a river,
    So that no one bothers
    And did not disturb your peace.
    So that everything around is fine
    So that vacation - eight times a year!
    And the boss so as not to scold in vain.
    And like a hydrangea in a garden
    You bloomed surrounded by loved ones
    So that life is like apple pie!
    So that the cola does not run out of whiskey.
    And happiness is endless.

    On this wonderful birthday
    I want to wish you:
    Happiness, peace, inspiration,
    Always be on top
    Be perky, be playful
    Never lose heart
    Come on and just be a Goddess
    To command the world!
    And I also wish you love
    A fabulous stream of money.
    And may all your desires
    They will come true just in time!

    Let the problems do not bother
    Old grievances will go away
    The old mistakes do not gnaw,
    And the omissions will disappear.

    Enemies will get tired of envy
    And more money will come to the house.
    Friends will not stop loving
    And life will bring good luck.

    On your birthday, dear,
    Dreams come true
    And your every desire
    It will be performed at times.

    Sea of ​​sun and love
    Tenderness and kindness!
    To always be successful
    And loud laughter in life.

    We wish with all our soul
    Stay young
    And let happiness breeze
    Will bring health for the future!

    Are you eighteen today?
    Let a little more, it doesn't matter!
    Yuna, you are fresh and beautiful.
    And as incomparable as ever.

    Let in your wonderful life
    There will be more and more beauty!
    Let only people be around
    Extraordinary kindness!

    And good health
    Let him live for a hundred years!
    Love, create, get high, don't worry
    And have fun like no one!

    Think carefully about its subject matter. If the birthday person is dear to you, your wishes should be related to his specific dreams, desires, needs, tastes, plans.

    Congratulations to your friend with your creativity!

    For each person, you can come up with a unique original congratulation that will be remembered for a long time. But there are several universal options that you can supplement and modify, based on the tastes of the birthday boy.

    For example, when coming up with a creative congratulation to a friend, you can wish her:

    1) A huge dressing room full of designer clothes.

    2) A personal make-up artist and hairdresser, who will direct her a marafet every time she goes to the store for bread.

    3) Megatons of the best cosmetics and barrels of elite perfumes.

    4) Billions of roses (or any of her favorite flowers) of all colors and varieties.

    5) A prince in a white limousine (her favorite actor, singer, athlete, etc. can be called a prince).

    6) Her own library / art gallery / fitness club / restaurant - depending on what she enjoys.

    Such creative ideas for congratulations can be enumerated endlessly: if your friend dreams of living in New York, wish her a penthouse in Manhattan, wants to become an actress - say that Hollywood will fall at her feet, loves Pekingese - wish a little barking fluffy happiness, etc. ...

    Coming up with the perfect congratulations to a friend

    To prepare a creative, you need to be guided by the same golden rule: we wish for what he himself would like to receive. You can use the following options:

    1) Personal car dealership with different cars for every day.

    2) For Apple to create exclusively for it the most powerful MacBook / iPad / iPhone in the world.

    3) So that the refrigerator is never empty and filled automatically with his most favorite dishes.

    4) So that he has a robot in his house that will regularly clean, wash dishes, wash and iron clothes.

    5) So that all the girls go crazy at just one look at him, as in an advertisement for a man's deodorant.

    6) That the balance of the bank account has as many digits as his phone number consists of.

    If he's a Star Wars fan, wish him to be invincible, always and in everything, like a Jedi. If he loves some kind of computer game, let her characters appear in your congratulations. If he is involved in some kind of sports, wish him to be stronger than Tyson, faster than Schumacher, more agile than Beckham, etc.

    From these examples it is clear that it is not at all necessary to write in verse - you can come up with creative congratulations in prose.

    We create unusual greetings with round dates

    To organize a creative congratulations on the anniversary, it is necessary to use as much as possible the number in it, which means the number of years that the birthday person is celebrating. So, you can adopt the following techniques:

    1) Use measures of size, volume, length: 35 megatons of joy, 50 quintals of luck, 45 pounds of success, etc.

    2) Indicate the number of pleasant things: 55 million smiles, 30 thousand happy moments, 45 trillion minutes of pleasure.

    3) Calculate material goods: 50 of the largest diamonds, 30 of the most expensive cars, 40 thousand of the most beautiful dresses, etc.

    To prepare creative, you can write wishes on objects, the number of which corresponds to the return of the hero of the day:

    • On chocolate coins (put them in a bucket or basket and say that this is a treasure that you dug out especially for the birthday man).
    • On tea bags.
    • On candy wrappers.
    • In the “prophecy” cookies.
    • Attach notes to flowers in a bouquet.
    • Write wishes on small multi-colored sheets of paper and put them in a jar.
    • Stick the congratulatory notes into the balloons and make the birthday boy pop each one in turn and read the wishes inside.

    We present congratulations beautifully

    4) Clip (remake the lyrics of several favorite songs of the birthday person for congratulatory ones, hum them to the soundtrack, record, act in clips for the resulting songs and combine them into one video).

    Using these ideas, you can create a creative man, friend, relative, colleague, and anyone else. Such surprises are always perceived by birthday people very warmly and with endless gratitude.