How to whiten a white sweater at home. How to bleach faded things. How to care for white clothes

How to bleach a white sweater?
Almost everyone has a sweater that has lost its whiteness. It's a pity to throw it away, let's try to bleach, because every housewife should be able to bleach any things, even sweaters.

Woolen sweaters very often turn yellow, as rust settles in the fluffy fibers, especially if washed with poor-quality powder and using bad water. Therefore, we will figure out how to return the whiteness and original beauty to your beloved white sweater.

Of course, you want to use stain removers right away, but leave them in the background. Let's start with these methods:
A regular powder that contains bleaching ingredients. Use the longest program for washing your white sweater at a temperature of 40 ° C, but add a little more powder than you usually use. There may not be a result right away, at least three to four washings must go through.
Pills appear on a sweater that is worn constantly, which gives a grayish or yellowish tint. Therefore, the purpose of washing is to remove and unravel the wool fibers and bleach them a little. Therefore, liquid powder for woolen fabrics will help to cope with this task. If used regularly, you can achieve the desired result.
If the powders don't work, try oxygen bleach. Use strictly according to the instructions. After bleaching, be sure to rinse the sweater in the conditioner.
Lather the sweater with laundry soap, which says 72%, and leave for a few hours. After the lapse of time, rinse the item well in running water, and then rinse in a fabric softener to soften the coat.
Hydrogen peroxide also has a good whitening effect. We take two liters of water, to which we add 6 tablespoons of peroxide, stir the composition well. Put the sweater in the product and leave it overnight. After bleaching, the sweater is washed. If you don't like the result, you can repeat the procedure again.
If all of the above methods did not help to restore the whiteness of the sweater, then this recipe will help. You will need 3 liters of water, to which add 3 tablespoons of table salt, a spoonful of powder, 2 tablespoons of ammonia and one spoonful of hydrogen peroxide. Pay attention that the water is about 40 ° C. Place the sweater in the prepared solution and leave for 3 hours. Rinse after the time has elapsed. To avoid pilling, put the sweater in the freezer for an hour.
How to whiten whites: effective home methods
When spring comes, many girls wear beautiful white clothes to add lightness, femininity and elegance to their look. These clothes look great in the warm season, cheer up and add self-confidence. In it, you can walk in the park and feel comfortable even in the summer heat, since the white color reflects the hot sun's rays and prevents them from heating the body.

But, unfortunately, all snow-white fabrics after washing acquire a gray tint or become yellowish. That is why the question "How to whiten white clothes?" does not lose its relevance.

Today we will talk about how to return things to their original dazzling whiteness without damaging the fabric. You will also learn how to properly wash white clothes so that they retain their color after washing.

Simple and effective methods to help whiten white

Hydrogen peroxide. This method will help you quickly cope with the problem under consideration. Just dilute with 3% peroxide in water (one teaspoon for two liters of water), dip gray clothes in the resulting solution and leave for fifteen to twenty minutes. Stir the garment every five minutes to achieve even whitening. For greater effectiveness, a small amount of baking soda can be added to the solution.

Potassium permanganate. You can return dazzling whiteness to gray wardrobe items using ordinary potassium permanganate. Collect a ten-liter container of hot water, add a little potassium permanganate and washing powder (200 grams). After adding potassium permanganate, the water should turn slightly pink. Dip the washed items into the resulting solution and cover the container with polyethylene. When the water has completely cooled, rinse your clothes thoroughly.

Ammonia. And this method is more suitable for those who want to return the original beauty to clothes made of linen or cotton. Add a small amount of alcohol to the water (5-7 tbsp. L per 10 liters of water), dip clothes into the solution and leave for 2-3 hours.
Peroxide, salt, powder and alcohol. To bleach a product made from natural cotton or wool, you need to take a ten-liter container of warm water (40 ° C) and add 1 tbsp. l ammonia, 3 tbsp. l peroxide, a handful of table salt and a small amount of washing powder. After that, lower the grayed things in the solution for twenty minutes, then rinse them in cold water.

Laundry soap. A very old way that might help solve the problem in question. It is necessary to rub the clothes generously with laundry soap (use soap where it says 72%), soak it in water for 2-3 hours and wash it in the usual way. Use only warm water (40-50 ° C) for cottons.

What to do if white tulle turns gray and ugly
You can solve this simple problem with the help of ammonia and peroxide. Just fill up a ten-liter container of hot water and add 1 tbsp. l ammonia and 2 tbsp. l hydrogen peroxide. Immerse the tulle in the resulting solution and leave for half an hour. Then wash it in the usual way. Note that this method can also be used to whiten guipure.

An easy way to bring your socks and T-shirts back to white
Collect water in a basin, add 2 tbsp. l of boric acid, soak gray things in this solution and leave for 2 hours. After this time, remove the clothing and wash it normally. We can only use this method because socks and T-shirts are usually made of durable materials that will resist deterioration and deterioration.

How to wash white clothes so they don't lose their color
In order not to return to the question "How to whiten white things?" Every month, you should remember a few rules:

Never wash white clothes with items of a different color.
Always wash white linen and cottons separately from wool and synthetics. Otherwise, all things will take on a gray tint.
Wash linen and cotton fabrics at 60 ° C. Add a little salt (2 tablespoons) to the water to be effective.
For machine wash, use bleach powder to keep the whiteness, or add a small amount of liquid bleach to the prewash compartment.

Some helpful tips
Finally, we want to give you some tips:

In no case try to return the snow-white beauty to artificial things with the help of bleach. Better take a suitable container, make a soapy solution, add a small amount of ammonia (5 tbsp. L per 10 liters of water) and 2 tbsp. l hydrogen peroxide. Dip the product in liquid and leave for 30 minutes. After this time, things will turn white.
It is known that woolen items leave fluff on other laundry during washing. How to deal with this? To do this, just put woolen clothes in the freezer before washing and leave them for 60 minutes. Thus, we can solve the given problem.
Yellow or pink fabric got into the washing machine along with white things and dyed all the clothes? Special napkins, which are sold in stores at an affordable price, will help to cope with this problem. They well absorb faded paint from clothes and return things to their "real" color. It is enough just to repeat the wash with the napkin.
It is better to dry the washed white clothes in the sunlight. If you have such an opportunity, be sure to use it.
As you can see, it is not difficult to return things to their snow-white beauty. Using the tips and techniques provided in this publication, your white clothes will delight you with their appearance for a long time to come.

A white blouse is an indispensable item in your wardrobe. And she will always look perfect if you know how to whiten a white blouse at home.

Our mothers and grandmothers had to use different means for this. And we have ready-made bleaches at our disposal. But you will have to understand their application, because there are different types of them, and they are designed for different situations. Yes, and folk remedies are too early to be discounted, especially today, when homemade recipes are cleaner from an environmental point of view.

Types of bleaches

All factory-made bleaches can be divided into three types:

  • products containing chlorine (this is the classic "Whiteness", "ACE", "Chlorin" and others). It is the most aggressive chemical and gives quick results. It is necessary to use such bleaches with caution, since under the action of the active component, the fibers are gradually destroyed,
  • oxygen bleaches (this category includes "Persol", "Vanish" and other chlorine-free products). The active ingredient here is oxygen. These bleaches work in warm water and can be used on white blouses with colored inserts,
  • optical brighteners. They do not remove stains from the fabric, but leave particles on it that visually make it lighter. Manufacturers call these substances differently: "white-phores", "blancophores", "heliophores", but the essence is the same.

Features of bleaching different fabrics

Chlorine bleaches are not suitable for thin silk or chiffon blouses. The fibers of such tissues are quickly destroyed by its action. Optical brighteners are suitable for these materials, which, moreover, do not cause skin irritation and allergies, as is the case with products containing chlorine.

Synthetic blouses can tolerate any means, but they must be bleached in water, the temperature of which does not exceed 40 degrees. All types of cotton and linen fabrics tolerate bleaches with chlorine, but you should not get carried away with such products. It is recommended to bleach such fabrics by boiling and wash in hot water. Optical brighteners are suitable for any item.

How to bleach a blouse with home remedies?

A universal method is the use of a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. This compound is suitable for synthetics and various natural fabrics. For two liters of warm (but not hot) water, take hydrogen peroxide - about a teaspoon. Synthetic blouses are bleached in warm but not hot water. Cotton can withstand hot water. So, the peroxide solution is mixed with water and a teaspoon of soda ash is added. This product removes yellowing on fabrics. The blouse is soaked in water for 20 minutes (if the water is hot, then only for 10 minutes). To ensure that the recovered color is uniform, the garment is slightly turned in water.

Hydrogen peroxide is replaced with hydroperite - these tablets are sold at the pharmacy. Hydrogen peroxide is also combined with ammonia. In this case, you need to rinse for a longer time than usual, and then air the thing for a long time, since the unpleasant smell of ammonia lasts for a long time.

A proven remedy is potassium permanganate - a few crystals are enough, which will color the solution in a pale pink color and help get rid of impurities. But today this compound is not sold in pharmacies. Among folk recipes there is a remedy with boric acid, but it is rarely used.

Laundry soap has proven itself well (it is recommended to take 72%). They rub either a separate spot or a gray blouse completely and leave it for half an hour. After that, the product is either boiled or rinsed thoroughly. In general, the boiling method is used mainly for cotton products. Boil should only be done in an enamel bowl. Remember to stir your clothes regularly. To do this, use smooth wooden tongs that will not damage the fabric.

How to bleach a white blouse with lace insert or embroidery?

An elegant white blouse can be decorated with lace. If we are not talking about synthetic material, but about fine handmade lace or old embroidery, then it requires careful handling. Such a blouse is washed in a special net or in a self-made bag for washing delicate fabrics (it is made of linen or chintz).

To bleach a blouse with lace, buy a special bleach for delicate fabrics. If you prefer folk remedies, use hydrogen peroxide, but only if it is cotton or silk lace (synthetic threads from this substance turn yellow). For one liter of hot water, take a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and soak the blouse in this solution for half an hour. After that, the product is thoroughly rinsed and dried in the usual way.

How to bleach silk white blouse with home remedies?

A silk white blouse requires a special touch. This delicate material does not like aggressive washing and bleaching methods. It is recommended to wash silk products by hand, at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees or in a washing machine in a delicate wash mode. Blouses made of this material should not be rubbed strongly when bleaching and twisted when wringing. After bleaching, they are rinsed in warm water and then again in cool water. Dry the product so that direct sunlight does not fall on it, and it is advisable to spread the product on a towel.

If you don't want to use ready-made bleach, try a proven recipe that requires sea salt - for the required amount of water, take 5-8 tablespoons of salt, preferably sea salt. Dissolve the salt in water and soak your blouse in this solution for two or three hours. If desired, you can add a little hydrogen peroxide to the solution. Saline is also suitable for synthetic clothing, but for silk it is the main option.

Thick silk fabrics are bleached in a solution of laundry soap. To do this, they are boiled in a container with such a liquid for 30-40 minutes. But this method is only suitable for thick fabrics. Another option is lemon juice, which will help freshen up your silk blouse. Take two or three lemons and survive their juice in a bowl of water (1-1.5 liters of liquid are poured into it). In this container, the blouse is soaked overnight, and thoroughly rinsed in the morning. Lemon juice gives a whitening effect and does not spoil the fibers of natural fabrics.

Fundamental rules

There are several ways to bleach a blouse. But in any case, only pre-washed things are bleached. If you follow the manufacturer's instructions, wash your blouses at the temperature indicated on the label, and use a quality detergent, you may not need to bleach. If, nevertheless, the fabric has lost its whiteness, has acquired a yellowish or grayish tint, use bleach or a proven folk recipe. Be sure to wear gloves! Experimenting with chemicals and inventing your own methods is not worth it. If you are not sure if you can handle the task yourself, take the item to the dry cleaner.

A white blouse is a symbol of purity and celebration. It suits everyone and allows you to look solemn - both in the office or school, and on a date or in the theater. Any white thing goes well with other wardrobe items. A white blouse makes a woman romantic, fragile and weightless. But unfortunately, time is merciless to all white things, and when worn they lose their original solemn appearance, become gray and faded. Today we will tell you how to whiten a white blouse if it is gray without ruining the material.

How to prevent discoloration of clothes?

In order not to think about how to whiten a white shirt from yellowness or a blouse, you must treat them carefully. But here not everything depends on us, because poor-quality water, ecology, cheap perfumes, deodorants have a bad effect on white things. Yes, and frequent washing or an incorrectly selected washing mode make white clothes unwearable.

To reduce the likelihood of negative factors affecting the appearance of products, listen to the following recommendations:

  • Put it on the water supply to protect yourself and things from negative impurities.
  • Do not store white items for a long time in a dark room without fresh air. Read the instructions on how to.
  • Be sure to follow all manufacturer's recommendations on the product label. Ours will help you with this.
  • For whites, use a special powder for washing. And in order not to miscalculate with a quality product and not overpay, use ours.
  • If you washed black and colored garments before white garments, first run the machine without linen and bleach to remove the paint from the garments.
  • Wash whites separately from the rest of your wardrobe.
  • Soak white items in cold water before washing to preserve color.
  • Do not use bleach for every wash, as it has a negative effect on the structure of the fabric. Add bleach no more than once every 3-4 washes.

How to whiten a blouse if it is gray?

Modern household chemicals offer a wide range of products to help restore products to their original cleanliness and whiteness. Modern whitening products are much better than their predecessors, as they are more gentle and gentle on the material. Of course, such powders do not give an instant effect, but after a few washings, the blouse takes on a snow-white look.

All factory-made bleaches can be divided into the following types:

  1. Chlorine-containing products. These products include:, "Chlorin", "ACE" and others. These are aggressive chemical agents that give a quick effect, but they must be used with great care, since under their action the fibers of the tissue are gradually destroyed.
  2. Oxygen bleaches. The category of these products includes: "Persol", and other products that do not contain chlorine. The active component of the composition of such bleaches is oxygen. The products act on the fabric in warm water, so they can be used for white blouses with colored inserts.
  3. Optical brighteners. Such products do not fight stains on the product, but thanks to special particles, they visually make things lighter. Manufacturers call such funds differently: in Russia - "Belofors", in Poland - "heliophores", in Germany - "Hostalux", in Great Britain - "Blancophores". All optical brighteners work in the same way.

Whitening things is a rather complicated process and must be approached responsibly, since the incorrect use of active ingredients can ruin your favorite thing. Before bleaching a white blouse or shirt, if it is gray, determine the type of fabric of the product.

Important! Remember that the bleaching method is only suitable for strong and natural fabrics. It is better to take things made of synthetics to dry cleaning or use only delicate methods of dealing with yellowness.

Here are some tips for using bleach for different fabrics.

Features of bleaching different fabrics

  • For thin silk or chiffon blouses, do not use chlorine products. The fibers of delicate fabrics are very quickly destroyed by chlorine. Optical brighteners are suitable for these materials, which, moreover, do not cause skin irritation and allergies, unlike chlorine.
  • Synthetic blouses can withstand any bleach, but with one condition - the water temperature should be no higher than 40 degrees.
  • Natural fabrics such as cotton and linen will tolerate all bleaches, including those containing chlorine. But it is not necessary to get carried away with such means. Natural fabrics can be boiled and washed in hot water.

Important! There are many ways to bleach garments, but in any case, you only need to start bleaching after a preliminary wash.

To do it right, use our selection of rules for each material in the article.

How to whiten a blouse at home if it is gray?

Modern people are accustomed to the fact that they have at their disposal a variety of industrial powders and bleaching products. But all these products have one significant drawback - the price. And if you consider how many white things are among the products of our wardrobe, then putting them in order can cost us a tidy sum. We propose to conduct an audit of the available tools at hand that will help to whiten a shirt at home.

Home remedies for dirt and yellowness:

  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Potassium permanganate.
  • Laundry soap.
  • Toothpaste.
  • Soda ash, baking soda.
  • Ammonia.
  • Salt.
  • Boric acid.
  • Vinegar.

All of these home remedies that you can use to whiten shirts, blouses, tights, T-shirts and all of your household items are simple.

Method number 1. Hydrogen peroxide + soda ash

3% hydrogen peroxide solution is suitable for various fabrics, and synthetics are no exception. Use peroxide in this way:

  1. Prepare 2 liters of warm water (if the fabric is delicate, then 30-40 degrees, and cotton will withstand the temperature of 70 degrees).
  2. Pour in 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Mix the solution thoroughly.
  4. Add 1 teaspoon soda ash if the fabric turns yellow. By the way, in a separate publication, we talked in detail about how and how to use it.
  5. Soak things.
  6. Leave the clothes on for 20 minutes (with hot water for 10 minutes).
  7. Stir the garments periodically to bleach the white blouse, if it is gray, evenly.
  8. Wash as usual.

Important! Hydrogen peroxide can be replaced with hydroperite tablets, which are sold at the pharmacy. Mix 9 tablets of the product in 10 liters of water. Then soak the items in the solution as described above.

Method number 2. Ammonium + hydrogen peroxide:

  1. In 5 liters of hot water, dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia.
  2. Soak the washed blouse in the solution for 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse the item thoroughly to get rid of the ammonia smell.
  4. Air dry your clothes.

Method number 3. Potassium permanganate

If you still have potassium permanganate crystals at home, then:

  1. Dissolve the crystals with hot water. The solution should be pale pink.
  2. Pour washing powder there.
  3. Soak the laundry and close the container with a lid.
  4. Wait for everything to cool down to room temperature.
  5. Rinse things out.

Method number 4. Boric acid

Boric acid is sold in pharmacies, but it is rarely used. Use boric acid to whiten your blouse at home if it turns gray as follows:

  1. For 4 liters of hot water, add 2 tbsp. spoons of acid.
  2. Soak things.
  3. Leave the clothes on for 2 hours.
  4. Rinse thoroughly.

Method number 5. Laundry soap

Important! Boiling is only suitable for cotton fabrics. Products are boiled only inside enameled dishes for half an hour, stirring regularly with wooden tongs or a spatula.

Method number 6. Baking soda

This is one of the easiest ways: when washing, add 2 tbsp. spoons of funds. If the situation is depressing, then soak the product in a baking soda solution before washing. In this case, use ½ pack of 3-4 liters.

Method number 7. Mix of various ingredients at hand

If the situation with the color of clothes has not gone too far, then:

  1. Prepare the following mixture: 4 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, 1 tbsp. Dissolve a spoonful of ammonia in a bowl of water.
  2. Add some washing powder.
  3. Soak the washed items in the prepared solution for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse and dry items.

Method number 8. Salt

Synthetic blouses bleach well with regular salt:

  1. Stir salt in warm water (2 tablespoons of the product per 1 liter of water).
  2. Soak the blouse in the solution for 20 minutes.
  3. Rinse thoroughly.

Important! It is better in this case to take not large, but small iodized - it gives a more effective result.

Method number 9. Toothpaste + salt + vinegar

For the whitening procedure, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Toothpaste - 1 tube. Use a paste free from dyes and crystals.
  • Salt (¼ glass).
  • Baking powder for dough (½ cup).
  • Vinegar 9% (2 teaspoons).

Important! When performing the whitening procedure, be sure to observe the dosage and do not keep things in the solution for a long time, as corrosive substances will irrevocably damage the fabric.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Squeeze a tube of toothpaste into a container.
  2. Add baking powder, salt.
  3. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  4. Add vinegar and stir again.
  5. The mixture starts to sizzle, add a little water and stir.
  6. Dip white items in a bowl.
  7. Leave the clothes on for 2 hours.
  8. Squeeze out things, leave to dry.
  9. After the clothes are dry, machine wash as usual.

Important! If your blouse has yellow stubborn stains, add a teaspoon of soda ash to the mixture. Bleach your blouse at a temperature of 30-40 degrees, wash in the same temperature mode.

How to bleach a blouse if it is dyed?

To avoid staining white items, never wash them with colored items. But if through negligence this happened, then use the following tips:

  • Rinse the soiled blouse in a solution of potassium permanganate or soak in it.
  • Add to the rinse water: salt, soda, citric acid or ammonia.
  • If the staining is very noticeable, then bleach the product.
  • Dissolve hydrogen peroxide in water.
  • Soak your blouse in the solution for an hour.
  • Rinse the product.

Important! If the thing has faded thoroughly and it is impossible to restore the purity of the color, use our selection of ideas from the post.

How to whiten a white shirt from yellowness?

After frequent washing, the white shirt loses its respectable appearance and takes on a creamy or yellowish tint. To remedy the situation, use the means at hand:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. Dissolve 3% hydrogen peroxide in 2 liters of warm water. Stir the ingredients thoroughly, soak the shirt for half an hour. You can soak the collar and sleeves separately, as they get the most dirt. For better bleaching, add a little baking soda to the solution.
  2. Ammonia. Soak a white cotton shirt in a solution of ammonia (for 5 liters of warm water, 4 tablespoons of ammonia). Leave the product in the solution for 3 hours and then rinse.
  3. Oxygen bleach. Put standard oxygenated bleach in hot water. Soak your shirt overnight. In the morning, wash the item in the usual way in a typewriter or by hand.
  4. Laundry soap. Dampen the shirt with warm water and lather with laundry soap (72%). Pay special attention to the cuffs and collar. Leave the product for 3 hours. After the time has passed, wash your shirt in the usual way.
  5. White. Add 2 tablespoons of whiteness to warm water. Soak the product in the solution for 20 minutes, stir occasionally. Rinse your shirt with plenty of cold water.

Important! When working with “Whiteness”, be sure to protect your hands with rubber gloves to avoid irritation and damage to the skin of your hands. Remove all extraneous things, as if whiteness accidentally hits them, a faded stain may remain.

  1. Baking soda. Half a glass of soda must be poured into the compartment along with washing powder. This method takes a minimum of time and the result is amazing.
  2. Powdered milk. Pour a glass of powdered milk into warm water. Mix thoroughly. Soak the shirt in the solution and wash. This method is often used if you want to get a snow-white collar.

How to whiten a silk blouse at home?

Silk white blouse requires special care. This delicate material does not tolerate aggressive washing and bleaching methods. Here are some guidelines for silk blouse care:

  • Wash silk items at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees by hand or in a washing machine on a delicate cycle.
  • Silk blouses should not be rubbed when washed and twisted when wringing.
  • After bleaching, rinse silk items first in warm water and then again in cool water.
  • Dry the items unfolded on a towel.
  • Make sure that silk items are not exposed to direct sunlight during drying.

If you don't want to use commercial off-the-shelf bleach, then use the following recipes to bleach your silk blouse.

Recipe number 1:

  1. Dilute 5-8 tablespoons of salt (preferably sea salt) in the required amount of water.
  2. Soak your blouse in saline solution for 2-3 hours.
  3. Add some hydrogen peroxide to the solution if desired.

Recipe number 2

Another option for whitening a white blouse if it is gray is lemon juice. It will help freshen up the product as a whole and give the desired color:

  1. Take two to three lemons and squeeze the juice into a container of water (1-1.5 liters).
  2. Soak your blouse in lemon water overnight.
  3. Rinse the product thoroughly in the morning.

Important! The acid in this citrus is quite caustic, it is able to break down not only gray plaque from dust and frequent washing, but yellow stains from grease, sweat, etc.

A white blouse is an indispensable item in the wardrobe of both men and women. These clothes in any combination look very impressive and elegant. But provided that it is really white, and not gray from repeated washing. Knowing some secrets on how to whiten a white blouse at home, you can look your best even in not new clothes.

Even the slightest dirt will be visible on white clothes, and it can ruin your entire image. But you can try to display them.

Home remedies can be great for bleaching your blouse.

  • If you have spilled wine on a white blouse, you must immediately fill it with ordinary salt. After a while, wash it in cool water, using powder or liquid soap for washing.
  • Often, office workers and students stain their white shirts with a ballpoint pen. This is where cologne comes to the rescue. They need to fill the trail from the pen for a couple of minutes. Then wash. If the stain persists, the process can be repeated immediately.
  • Impurities from chocolate are removed as follows: boil water, add half a glass of liquid soap and one tablespoon of flour there. Soak the blouse for half an hour. After the lapse of time, rinse in water at room temperature.

How to bleach a white blouse if it's gray

Any white item, including a blouse or shirt, can turn gray after several washes. This can happen due to a wash in poor quality water, an incorrectly selected water temperature, or after washing with clothes of different colors. To update your favorite shirt, you can use home remedies or household bleach products.

How to whiten a blouse at home

Home remedies are just as good as store-bought bleaches and powders. They can also help you achieve the perfect result. You just need to know which whitening method to choose.

We offer the following options:

  • It is necessary to add 5 tbsp to 5 liters of water. l. soda and 5 tbsp. l. ammonia. Soak the blouse in this water and leave it overnight. Rinse the sutra and wash it in the washing machine.

You can also add baking soda directly to the washing machine drum just before you wash. This will help whitening too.

  • You can also whiten a blouse at home using laundry soap. Better to use the one that says 72%... Thoroughly lather the thing and leave for 30 minutes. Then wash and rinse.
  • The use of boric acid will also give a whitening effect. To do this, you need to mix it with hot water. For 1 liter of water, 1 spoonful of acid. Stir everything and immerse the gray shirt there for an hour and a half. After - rinse thoroughly, wash as usual.
  • Surprisingly, potassium permanganate will help to whiten the blouse. It is necessary to make a very weak solution of potassium permanganate so that the water becomes barely pink. Add powder here and soak clothes for 10 minutes. Then wash.

Using household chemicals for bleaching

By using specialized whitening products, you will significantly save your time. Now there are a huge variety of products that can restore the former whiteness of your favorite blouse.

Always read the instructions and stick to them!

  • Chlorine-containing products will impeccably bleach and disinfect any of your items. But these agents are very aggressive, they destroy the structure of the fibers of the canvas. These bleaches should be used with extreme caution.
  • Oxygen bleaches are much safer for fabric fibers, but more expensive. They do their job well in water of any temperature. They can even be used for white blouses with colored patterns or inserts.
  • There are also bleaching powders. They will delicately clean the product, but not all at once. For complete whitening, you will have to wash your blouse several times.
  • Whitening gels are also effective if you soak your clothes overnight. And in the future, always add such a gel to the washing powder. This will prevent the item from changing color in the future.

It is necessary to use all household chemicals for bleaching strictly according to the attached instructions, so as not to aggravate the situation, or not to spoil the thing at all.

You should also rinse your clothes thoroughly after using them. Some remedies remaining in the fibers of the fabric, may cause an allergic reaction.

How to whiten an item by boiling

This whitening method was used by our grandmothers. But for some housewives, it is still relevant to this day. The process is simple enough. It is necessary to pour water into a large enamel pot and put it on the stove. Can add whiteness, soap flakes, soda ash or ammonia for the best result. Bring all this to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for about an hour, stirring occasionally. It is strictly forbidden to immerse a thing in already hot water.... This way you can damage it. After the pan has cooled completely, the blouse must be transferred to the bathroom or to a basin with warm water and rinsed well.

Do not boil things too often. You can do this only after 5-6 washing processes.

This whitening method also has its drawbacks.

Only soft products are suitable for lace

  • A very strong odor is emitted during boiling.
  • When boiling your favorite blouse, be prepared that with each process it will become less and less durable.
  • Boiling is not suitable for delicate fabrics.

How to whiten synthetics

To clean a blouse made of synthetics, do not use chlorine-containing products, they can contribute to the yellowing of the fabric. You cannot boil it, otherwise it may deform, and you cannot wash it in hot water. And also, after bleaching, it is not recommended to use a machine spin. If you dry your blouse outdoors, avoid direct sunlight.

The best products for bleaching synthetic clothes are rock salt, ammonia, and laundry soap.

How to bleach silk, chiffon

When bleaching silk and chiffon blouses, you definitely cannot use chlorine and chlorine-containing bleaches. It will simply destroy your item. It is better to use bleaches that oxygenate the water. They gently and delicately clean delicate fabrics without damaging it. Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia are also great for these fabrics.

After the whitening procedure, the blouses do not need to be twisted. This can damage the fibers of the web. Hang up your clothes to drain the water yourself.

How to bleach linen, cotton

To whiten products made from durable, natural fabrics, any of the above products will do. But do not be too zealous - the frequent use of bleaches has a detrimental effect on the fiber structure of even the densest fabrics.

Taking care of your favorite white blouse, washing it at the correct cycle and at the recommended temperature, will make you much less likely to turn to bleach for help.

How often do you see people in white clothes on the street? Most prefer unmarked neutral or colorful outfits. But you must admit that a girl in a flying white dress or a man in a snow-white shirt instantly becomes the center of attention. White clothes have a special charm and magnetism. How to whiten a white shirt at home? What means to use? Learn how to properly care for white clothes and do not deny yourself the pleasure of being at your best.

Circumstances themselves force you to have at least a couple of these shirts in your wardrobe. An office suit or school uniform must include a "white top". I want things to look like new for more than one season. It's good that there are many ways to whiten a white blouse if it has turned gray with age, yellowed with sweat, or gets dirty.

3 categories of in-store bleach

The easiest way to remove yellow stains or greyness from a white shirt is to use store-bought bleach. They can be divided into three categories.

  1. Oxygen. A new generation of bleaching agents based on chemical reactions involving oxygen. The most popular is Vanish. The advantage is that, in addition to whitening, difficult and old stains are removed. In addition, oxygen agents act delicately, and even a thin guipure blouse will not suffer during processing.
  2. Optical. The products do not change the color of the fabric, but only provide a visual (optical) effect. During washing, tiny fluorescent particles settle on the material, which, reflecting the sun's rays, create the effect of perfect whiteness. Pure optical brightener is rare. It is added to the composition of oxygen products or washing powders.
  3. Chlorine. The good old whiteness was successfully used by our grandmothers. Modern housewives also like the product, despite the pungent smell. Inexpensive bleach quickly returns whiteness to cotton shirts. But frequent use leads to the appearance of a yellow or gray tint, and after repeated bleaching, the material loses its strength.

Instead of whiteness, housewives often use plumbing cleaners. But it should be borne in mind that after "Domestos" and other aggressive compounds, the strength of the fibers is significantly reduced. In addition, if you rinse the item poorly, irritation or an allergic rash may appear on the body.

10 homemade ways to bleach a white shirt

Our grandmothers managed to keep things white, without having the arsenal of household chemicals available to modern housewives. They were helped by well-known penny means. There are ten proven substances with which you can easily bleach a yellowed white shirt.

Salt and peroxide

  1. For 6 liters of water, take three teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide and fine salt.
  2. Soak your blouse for 20 minutes.
  3. Flip every five minutes to bleach evenly.
  4. Rinse. Washing is optional.

If you need to wash a white item with black inserts or colored fragments, add a little salt to the water. This will help give the garment a dramatic whiteness without the risk of washing out a different color.


  1. Dissolve some manganese crystals in hot water. The liquid should turn light pink.
  2. Add a handful of powder.
  3. Put the shirt in water, cover the basin with a lid.
  4. Let cool, remove and rinse.

Laundry soap

  1. Soak your shirt in water.
  2. Rub it completely with a bar of high alkali (72%) laundry soap.
  3. Wash in a typewriter after an hour and a half.

Soap can dry out in an hour and a half. The shirt will not deteriorate from this, but the whitening effect will be significantly reduced. To prevent this from happening, place the soapy item in a bag or wrap it with foil.

Boric acid

  1. Dissolve a couple of tablespoons of boric acid powder in 4 liters of hot water.
  2. Dip the shirt in the liquid and let sit for two hours.
  3. Rinse several times.
  4. Machine wash to remove residue from fabric.


  1. Pour the required amount of powder and half a glass of soda into a special compartment.
  2. Wash your blouse in a mode appropriate for your fabric.

Citric acid acts similarly to soda. Add three teaspoons of the product to the detergent drawer. In addition, it will prolong the life of the washing machine - acid fights scale.

Powdered milk

  1. Pour 250 g of powdered milk into a small bowl of water and stir well.
  2. Soak your washed shirt and let it sit for 40-60 minutes.
  3. Rinse and wash again with powder.


  1. Pour water into a basin and add 15 ml of ammonia for each liter of liquid.
  2. Soak your blouse for a couple of hours.
  3. Wash with powder and rinse several times.

If you decide to wash your shirt from gray deposits with ammonia, keep in mind that the substance has a pungent odor. Work with a gauze bandage. Also provide good ventilation.


  1. Acid warm water with vinegar. For each liter of liquid, you will need a quarter of a glass of 9% substance.
  2. Soak your shirt.
  3. After two to three hours, rinse and transfer to a bowl of soapy water.
  4. Rub the shirt gently and rinse.


  1. Add turpentine (five teaspoons) to a five-liter bowl of water.
  2. Dip the shirt in the liquid and let it sit overnight.
  3. Rinse several times and then wash.

Peroxide, ammonia, salt and powder

  1. In warm water (6 l), dissolve a tablespoon of detergent, ammonia and peroxide, as well as four tablespoons of salt.
  2. Immerse the previously washed shirt in the solution for two to three hours.
  3. Turn the thing over constantly.
  4. Rinse.

Fighting yellow sweat spots: 3 methods

Persistent yellowness in the underarm area is one of the reasons to give up your favorite shirt. Try to revive her. There are three ways to remove a yellow sweat stain from a white shirt.

  1. Soap and ammonia. Dissolve the shavings of laundry soap in water to form a viscous soapy liquid. For half a glass of solution, add 15 ml of ammonia. Soak a sponge in this solution and treat the stains. Wash the item after ten minutes.
  2. Alcohol . Soak cotton wool in rubbing alcohol or vodka, rub the stain gently, and then wash the problem area with powder or soap. If the first time it was not possible to get rid of the yellowness, repeat the procedure.
  3. Aspirin. It takes five to six tablets to remove a yellow stain from a white blouse. Put some water on them to make a gruel. Dampen the cloth and distribute the product, rubbing lightly into the fibers. Cover the treated areas with plastic and wash your shirt after a couple of hours.

How to make the collar and cuffs perfectly white: 4 ways

The cuffs and collar are always the first to get dirty. Marks from perfume, cosmetics, dust quickly cover the material and can be firmly ingrained. How to wash the collar on a white shirt? There are four methods.

  1. Slaked soda. Moisten the problem area slightly. On the dirt, apply the foam that formed after extinguishing the soda with acetic acid. Wait five to seven minutes and wash.
  2. Laundry soap... Soak the item in powder for a couple of hours, then treat the collar with soap. Do not spare funds. Immerse the shirt in water again for 60 minutes. Rub the collar and rinse the item. Given the gentle effect of laundry soap, it can be used to clean the white collar on a black dress.
  3. Talc. Dampen the collar with water and sprinkle generously with talcum powder. Lightly rub in the most contaminated areas. Leave the item as it is overnight. Do your laundry in the morning. You can use grated chalk instead of talcum powder.
  4. Lemon acid... Wet the stained areas and sprinkle with citric acid. After a quarter of an hour, wash the item as usual.

Table of correspondence of bleaches to types of fabric

If you want to remove a yellow stain from a white dress, wash off darkened cuffs and collar, or are trying to revive a shirt that has been lying for a long time, it is important not to be mistaken in choosing bleach. A product that works great on cotton can be harmful to synthetics or silk. The following table will help you navigate which product to choose for a particular thing.

Table - Correspondence of bleaching agents to types of fabric

If your clothes have stubborn stains, they need to be prepared for the main washing process. Reviews note that a half-hour soaking in warm milk will greatly facilitate the whitening process. Life hack is relevant for any kind of fabric.

The most difficult spots

There are many ways to bleach a white synthetic dress or cotton shirt. But what about complex spots? If you do not want to spend money on expensive household chemicals, folk remedies will come to the rescue.

  • From a ballpoint pen... To get rid of the blue ink, soak the sponge in rubbing alcohol, apply to the stain for ten minutes.
  • From fat. Mix ammonia and water (1: 3). Apply the solution to the stain and let it sit for five minutes.
  • From red wine... Dampen the stain with water and sprinkle generously with salt. Leave it on for ten minutes.
  • From the iron. Saturate the tanned trail with boric acid solution or lemon juice. When the stain lightens, wash.

If you notice that the item is gray or has a pale yellow stain on it, do not put the wash on the long drawer. The sooner you start to act, the more chances you have to bring your shirt back whiteness. The following five guidelines will help you maintain color and texture.

  1. Do not overdo it... All bleaches (including homemade ones) break down the fibers and make the fabric weaker. Therefore, you cannot add them with every wash. The optimal frequency is every three to four sessions.
  2. Read the instructions... If using store-bought bleach, follow the recommended dosage. It is advisable to purchase a measuring glass. If the funds are used too little, the effect will not be noticeable. Large amounts of bleach will ruin the fabric.
  3. Sort things. Always wash white items separately, otherwise shirts may suffer from shedding.
  4. Observe the temperature regime... It is important to maintain the correct temperature for successful whitening. So, for cotton fabric, the optimal indicator is 70 ° C. If you have to wash your white silk blouse, do not heat the water over 40 ° C.
  5. Check capacity... If you are using an enamel bowl for washing, make sure it is not damaged. They can cause rust to get on the white fabric.

When sorting clothes during washing, it is important to consider not only the color, but also the type of fabric. This is due to the need to comply with the temperature regime of washing.

A white shirt is a versatile item. Can be worn for work and for a walk, combining with any wardrobe items. To be on top, you need to keep it in perfect condition. Knowing how to whiten a white blouse and shirt with affordable means, you save yourself the trouble of buying expensive household chemicals.
