How to celebrate the anniversary of a relationship - original ideas. Bright ideas and traditions for those who want to celebrate their wedding anniversary

Wedding. I would like this day to remain the birthday of a loving, happy and strong family for all the newlyweds for the rest of their lives. In the first few years we try to celebrate the date, but over the years this day becomes more and more ordinary, no different from all other days, except, perhaps, morning greetings.

The same could happen to us. But one day, my husband and I agreed to make an effort so that the wedding anniversary would bring us joyful emotions every time, returning again to a happy summer day, refreshing our relationship. I believe that it is possible and absolutely necessary to try to turn this event into a memorable holiday. The main thing is to start by stepping over laziness, lack of time or money. There are many options to celebrate the wedding anniversary, you just need to choose the right one and “finish” it in accordance with your tastes and desires.

How to celebrate a wedding anniversary together?

  • The first thing that comes to mind is - romantic dinner. It can take place in a restaurant, at home or even on a suitable roof, in formal attire or seductive lingerie.

You just need to try to make sure that nothing distracts from communicating with each other. It is advisable to agree that the conversation this evening was only about you.

Of course, not without subdued light (you can use candles, electric garlands, a “starry sky” projector), wine or champagne for “butterflies in your head”.

And we somehow took dinner with us, drove out of town by car, turned onto the first country road that came across and just sat on the side of the road alone in the whole world, admiring the real stars.

  • Depending on the possibilities of the family budget, the wedding anniversary should be celebrated at least once travel. Format, direction, duration are optional. It can be Turkey or the Czech Republic, the Golden Ring, or a neighboring city with a local attraction.

Paris seems to be one of the most romantic options, but our wallet still does not reach it. Therefore, for one of the anniversaries, my husband and I went to Bulgaria.

  • You can try to celebrate the anniversary with some extreme act such as skydiving or flying in a hot air balloon. Will definitely remember!
  • A good idea - joint passage of the quest . Nowadays, this service is quite widely represented. The most common option is "under lock and key". Those who wish are placed in a closed room for an hour, during which they must complete a certain sequence of logic tasks in order to find the key to the room.

We recently experienced such entertainment on ourselves, were delighted and plan to continue this practice.

At recreation centers, quests are arranged with jogging over rough terrain in search of, for example, a treasure.

  • You can take a walk in places of "military glory" , with visiting memorable places for spouses: where they met, kissed for the first time, where it was just good together. You can end the evening by viewing photos, videos from the wedding and (or) other glorious events of family life.
  • film shooting with a code name "How We Got Married" , where the husband and wife play themselves before the start of family life (acquaintance history, special events and meetings), a good way to spend the day together.

True, at least one more person will be present - the operator (this is, if something grandiose is not conceived and the screenwriter, director, costume designer and others are not involved in the process).

As an option - a clip about, for example, post-wedding life.

  • Board game night. You need to stock up on games not simple, but for lovers. Luckily, there are a lot of them on the market. The most common is Fanta. Assignments from quite innocent to intimate-erotic. There are others with telling titles "Battle of the Sexes", "Have you kissed today", "For you" and others.

Celebration with children

“The years fly like an arrow” ... And now the two of us cannot celebrate the wedding anniversary. Children appear, and you have to take into account their presence when planning family holidays. How to celebrate a wedding anniversary with a reinforced team? Any ideas.

  • All the same dinner, only not romantic, but solemn. You can also call friends and relatives: they will give gifts, and they will look after the children if the “newlyweds” are distracted. It is better to celebrate in a cafe, pre-selected. Almost all institutions now have photo zones, children's rooms or corners and, of course, animators who can entertain the kids while the parents are busy feasting and having fun.

And if the wallet doesn’t allow it at all, you can invite some cheerful relative instead of the animator, of course, having warned her in advance about job responsibilities.

  • Family trip to the equestrian club. For many of my friends, riding horses together is pure romance. And why not take the kids with you, because communication with horses will be a pleasant and interesting event in their lives. Almost all clubs have family programs for 1-2 days.

  • Family photo session. It is symbolic from year to year on the day of marriage to snatch frames from life together. Sometimes you can do it yourself, sometimes you can use the help of a professional photographer.

If you can’t afford a photo shoot, you can just take photos of the whole family that day and paste them into a special album. A wonderful gift for long winter evenings in retirement.

  • Ride in a limousine, carriage or tractor trailer. Again, call friends, remember wedding skating. The kids don't get bored either. Something, but a rare child will refuse to ride once again with a breeze in an unusual transport.

  • Wedding. A very serious moment. My husband and I did not get married, but we are more and more inclined to think that we are ready for such a step. It can be timed to coincide with the anniversary date, in our case it is 15 years of marriage. I think it will be important for children to attend the ceremony and see for themselves that mom and dad are ready to reaffirm their desire to remain a Family.

The program of the holiday after the wedding can repeat the wedding and guest program, or it can be very personal, just for you and your children.

  • Joint family play visit appropriate institution: bowling, water park, monkey park, climbing wall, amusement park, paintball. We focus on the age of the children. Other guests and participants are not forbidden.
  • . With an overnight stay, campfire, fishing. Romance, enjoying communication with each other. However, at least a few months before such an event, it is worth taking care of vaccinations against tick-borne encephalitis.

  • Yacht trip. Excellent, in my opinion, and a memorable event. Yacht rental, motor and sailing, is available in almost any city where there is a suitable reservoir. Yachts, of course, are more modest than those of millionaires, but this does not affect the brightness of impressions. Do not forget about safety. Vests are a must.

How we celebrated an anniversary with friends

There are as many options for celebrating a wedding anniversary as there are enough imaginations and financial capabilities of the spouses. For example, I remember and liked most of our holidays a trip to the recreation center with a group of friends in honor of the 10th anniversary of marriage.

The program was intense. Check in in the evening, rest with a cheerful company, barbecue, guitar, stars. But not until late, as tests awaited us in the morning. The essence of entertainment is in finding the treasure, which was our wedding rings. As in the children's game "go through the notes", we rushed through the woods in a friendly crowd in search of the next piece of paper.

What you just didn’t have to do to get the next clue: swim across the river in a boat, climb a tree, dance the dance of forest savages, drink tea by the fire with the “hunter” and tell him hunting stories. And also swim, pick mushrooms, sing songs ... Everyone was tired, but they were quite happy and cheerful. Our rings were found, and under the cries of "Bitter!" we exchanged them again, continuing the holiday in more civilized conditions, that is, in the dining room. In general, well noted, it is necessary to repeat.

Have you been together for a long time, went through fire and water, learned a lot about each other, and now, finally, the first anniversary of your relationship is coming? Or maybe not the first? I so want this day to be remembered with something special, to please you and your soul mate with unforgettable moments of romance and good mood!

It does not matter what anniversary you are going to celebrate - the first meeting, the first kiss or the first confession - the main thing is to make sure that this day goes really special.

How to celebrate the anniversary of the relationship with the second half? This question makes you think, because to come up with something really original and memorable, something that will then be stored in the soul with great trepidation throughout all relationships, and maybe life, is not as easy as we would like.

That is why we decided to offer some interesting and romantic options that, perhaps, will greatly help someone in planning such an important day.

The holiday starts in the morning!

If you want to get a charge of pleasant emotions from the very morning, then start preparing the anniversary from the very morning, this also applies to the first surprises. Men can run from the very morning to get a bouquet for their beloved, as an option, take a joint morning bath. Take hot water, pour foam into it, add your favorite aromatic oils and salts, light aroma candles.

In such an atmosphere it is very easy to relax and tune in to a festive mood from the very morning. Have breakfast together, cook breakfast for your loved one: let it be something interesting, try to create something new, something that you have not tried to cook yet.

If you are preparing some kind of gift for your soul mate, then its presentation can also be organized in an unusual way: in the morning, spread notes-tips around the house in which, in poetic form (interesting prose is also suitable), leave directions where he can find the next clue .

Naturally, the present prepared by you should hide behind the latter. It is very pleasant to open your eyes and see, for example, a whole bunch of heart balloons, inflated with helium for showiness. On each, you can write pleasant words and confessions with a felt-tip pen.

How to make it original?

Perhaps the most original are some extreme entertainments: for example, try to feel the romance of a free fall, jump together with a parachute! If height scares you, then you can try scuba diving or plan some kind of trip.

Naturally, in honor of a romantic holiday, I would like something unforgettable and bright: a weekend trip to Europe, for example, France, the Czech Republic, Italy, England, and so on, is perfect. Such an anniversary, rest assured, you will remember for a long time.

If you do not think so globally and stick to more traditional ways of celebrating, then the simplest, but nevertheless very pleasant and romantic, is to visit a restaurant or your favorite cafe. Naturally, this evening you should be irresistible, perhaps you should look after yourself a new dress, take care of your hair.

You can celebrate your anniversary with your beloved guy at home, but try not to turn this action into a banal eating of your favorite food. Perhaps you will like a themed party? For example, a dinner in the style of the Middle Ages or in the style of piracy, or maybe you are both a fan of some movie? Dress up as his characters, prepare special treats that could be part of your favorite movie reel!

Or maybe go hiking? Throw away all the bustle of the city and plan a trip to the mountains or to the sea, take a tent, a guitar, your favorite products and go! If you don’t want to go far or time doesn’t allow, then you can spend the anniversary according to the scenario of your first date.

Repeat that unforgettable day when you felt the same emotions, go to the same places, walk along the same streets, dress up in the same clothes if possible. You won’t have time to notice how emotions close to the first ones return to your hearts, thoughts and feelings will turn your inner world upside down!

As an option, organize a joint photo session: find a good photographer in advance, think over your images and places for shooting, please your couple with new and original pictures that will forever capture your feelings and emotions on this day. Or try to fulfill your cherished dreams, plans that you have not decided for a long time or you simply did not have enough time for them.

Go shopping together, try cycling new routes, or do something together, like making a collage of your photos to hang on the wall.

But what about gifts?

Often, on the anniversary of a relationship, lovers try to please each other with something and go looking for a present. What to give a loved one on such a day? Of course, the best gifts are your care and attention on this day, but if you still decide to give something material, then let it be as romantic as possible. It is unlikely that these will be any practical gifts, they are a little out of place here, unless, of course, you agreed on them in advance.

If for a girl, perhaps it can be jewelry, beautiful underwear, or your favorite perfume scent. Recently, it has become very popular to give various certificates, for example, for a trip to the spa (naturally, for the two of you) or for some interesting master classes (for example, painting a picture or cooking unusual dishes).

For a man, a bottle of good wine, a nice tie or high-quality perfume, football tickets or a concert of his favorite band can be a gift idea.

And most importantly, remember that a gift does not have to be expensive, the main thing is that it be presented with soul and sincerity. Even an ordinary flower can be beaten in such a way that it will outshine any jewelry or other expensive gifts. Even if you don’t know what to give, it’s better to make a mistake, but still try to do something than to completely ignore such a reverent and wonderful day of your relationship.

For loving people, the wedding day is the main event in life, the memory of all life keeps touching and romantic memories associated with this day. Girls attach great importance to the formalization of relations. If for a man an engagement ring is not just a piece of jewelry, then he also takes every wedding anniversary seriously.

The day of marriage is the birth of a new happy family, the union of two loving people. And the newlyweds want to celebrate this important day in an unusual and special way. How to celebrate, how to please friends and relatives? Let's tell.

Classic wedding anniversary

The most common way to gather all your friends on your wedding anniversary is to invite everyone to a restaurant. He will save the spouses from unnecessary trouble, will allow you to spend this day, accepting congratulations and pleasant words. You can pre-book a banquet hall or a table in a restaurant, depending on the list of guests. Discuss the menu of your holiday with the administrator and make an advance payment. So you can significantly save your budget, because the banquet menu includes discounts on food and drinks. If you are not limited in funds, then give the right to choose to invited guests. They will determine the menu themselves, you will have to pay the bill at the end of the evening. Be prepared for the fact that in this case the cost of orders may be higher than you planned.

You can show your imagination and arrange an interesting holiday for yourself. Hire a professional photographer, rent evening gowns and have a James Bond studio photo session. Even if you know how to use a camera and have the latest camera brand available, you will not create high-quality and professional pictures yourself. The operator will give detailed instructions, direct and help create the right mood for a photo session. Couple photos are what you need for your wedding anniversary.

Do you want to create a special atmosphere for your holiday? Choose a restaurant with live music. Find out in advance the repertoire that is performed during the banquet, so as not to spoil your mood.

Avoid fuss on the day of the anniversary. Prepare costumes in advance, warn guests about the inadmissibility of being late. The person who is waiting for all those gathered at the table does not look very nice.

If you want to re-indulge on your wedding day, book a beautiful limousine for your trip to the restaurant. Thus, you will feel again those young people in love who have just joined in the desired union. If you have been married for more than 10 years, then a limousine will help you feel new pleasant emotions. After all, the fashion for luxury limousines appeared not so long ago.

Decide for yourself the question of the presence of children at the gala event. If there are many guests, a small child will be uncomfortable in such a society. Let the kid spend this evening with grandparents. And it will be useful and interesting for an older child to visit your anniversary. He will see how many people love and respect his parents, he will understand what tender and touching feelings connect his mom and dad.

Romantic anniversary for two

Arrange an evening of romance and love. For young people who have retained tender feelings for each other, such an anniversary would be the best option. To enjoy each other's company, you do not need a restaurant, guests, or evening dresses. An intimate evening at home together by candlelight and gentle music is the most romantic wedding anniversary.

On this day, warn everyone that you will be busy, postpone everything. Go for a walk in memorable places, visit the park, walk along the familiar streets, stroll along the embankment. After a joint walk, a delicious light dinner will come in handy. At the end of the evening will be an unforgettable and passionate night.

You need to carefully prepare for the evening with the continuation. Buy seductive lingerie and a shirt, a translucent robe and stilettos. Connect your husband to the choice of a spicy outfit, which will help you choose the image in which he dreams of seeing his beloved wife.

creative wedding anniversary

If you do not want to be banal and repeat the scenario of hundreds of couples celebrating their wedding anniversary, arrange an unusual holiday for yourself.
Organize a beautiful ceremony that looks like a real wedding day. The name for such a wedding has already appeared - a second wedding. Employees of the registry offices meet the lovers in love and arrange a wedding for them again. The bride and groom, dressed in wedding suits, stand in front of the registrar and repeat the words of the oath of love and fidelity. The guests shout "Bitterly" and congratulate the young. A small buffet with champagne, a photo as a keepsake and a white dove launching ceremony will bring the spouses back to their family's birthday, allowing them to re-immerse themselves in an exciting and happy atmosphere.

You can invite those guests who for some reason could not attend it many years ago to a second wedding. Arrange an unusual entertainment program or an interesting walk around the city - everything is in your hands.

Women are delighted with such an idea, but men do not want a repetition of the wedding ceremony. If you really want to live this exciting day again, persuade your husband to take this step. If he stands his ground, you should not go against the grain, a happy wedding will not work without his consent.

A story of all-consuming love

If you want to keep the memory of your anniversary forever, capture this day on film. To make a movie about love, look for a cinematographer with experience in making similar family movies. Talk to him, tell your story. He will help you, advise the storyline and choose locations for filming. Remember your favorite places and cafes where you had your first date.

You don't have to act in a movie, you just be yourself if you act like you do in real life, it's better than any acting. Submit your family archival footage. With their help, the videographer will mount an excellent movie about love, which you can watch with friends on the day of the anniversary. It will be even more interesting to watch a love picture 20 or 30 years later.

Role wedding anniversary

Want to have some fun with your guests? Then an anniversary themed party is for you. You can dress up in costumes of a certain style: disco, cowboys, pirates, Ancient Greece, mafia, the Middle Ages. Such stylistic parties have been gaining popularity in recent years. Spouses can dress up as Zeus and Hera, and guests can dress up in ancient Greek costumes and portray other gods. And you can distribute bright wigs and huge colored glasses to everyone at the entrance. Adults will have fun like children by wearing disco costumes. Not only costumes will help support the idea of ​​the holiday, but also the right music and entertainment will make your anniversary enchanting and unforgettable.

Divine union of spouses

There are couples who have lived together for more than one year and decide at the turn of the year to get married in church. This step must be taken deliberately, such a decision must be made mutually. Visit the church where you plan to get married in advance, talk to the priest. After a conversation with the holy father, you will definitely understand the seriousness of the wedding and make the right decision. In addition, you need to carefully prepare for the wedding, go through the sacrament and confess.

Meanings of wedding anniversaries

If you're at a loss for ideas or don't know how to celebrate your family's birthday, start with the meaning of an anniversary. This method is as old as the world, but always works flawlessly.

  1. If your family is only one year old, then you are celebrating. On this day, cotton shawls or napkins can become attributes of the celebration. They usually give tablecloths, bed linen or towels on this day.
  2. In 2 years from the date of the wedding, a paper wedding is celebrated. And the French consider it leather. On this day, they put on a leather jacket or jacket, a belt or gloves, or you can simply hang a leather handbag on your shoulder.
  3. 3 years from the date of marriage - wheat wedding. The newlyweds dress up in light clothes, decorate themselves with straw accessories. Place small bouquets of golden ripe spikelets on the festive table.
  4. Fourth anniversary - wax or. A very romantic anniversary. The evening will be decorated with wax candles, the spouses put on linen outfits, linen napkins and tablecloths are laid on the table. Guests can come to the anniversary in the same linen clothes.
  5. 5 years together - a wooden anniversary. On this holiday, the relationship between husband and wife has already become stronger and stronger, like a tree. Wooden accessories, interior items and furniture are very appropriate as gifts. The table on this day can be simple in a rustic way, choose a restaurant for a holiday where natural wood is present in the interior.
  6. Sixth anniversary - . In other countries, it is also called candy, and in Latvia, mountain ash. Cast iron symbolizes both strength and brittleness, it does not have the same strength properties as other metals. On this anniversary, everything is given from cast iron: dishes, locks and bars, vases, figurines, souvenirs and caskets.
  7. 7 years from the date of marriage -. Marital marriage acquires value along with the fortress. It was also called woolen. The number seven has always been considered a symbol of happiness and good luck. Therefore, the seventh wedding anniversary was celebrated violently and cheerfully, a copper horseshoe was hung on the door. The couple exchanged copper coins that day. And as a gift they presented cute things: a knitted sweater or socks for the husband, copper bracelets and a necklace for the wife.
  8. 8 years of marriage - a tin wedding. Now the young spouses got to know each other well and finally became close. Relations during this period can sparkle in a new way, like a polished tin. It is customary to give tin boxes, boxes and jars for this anniversary, choosing their design and purpose to your liking.
  9. The ninth anniversary is a faience wedding. The family is now like a ceramic vessel, which is filled with various happy events. Be prepared to receive a lot of ceramic figurines, earthenware sets and vases on this day.
  10. 10 years - the first anniversary of living together. This is tin or. Tin signifies the strength and flexibility that the couple have learned over ten years to show to each other. Do not forget about your love and tenderness on your wedding anniversary. Let this holiday be decorated with roses and rose petals. As a gift, you can present pewter items: cutlery, coasters, trays and mirrors.
  11. The eleventh anniversary is steel. This marriage is marked by a pure and strong relationship. The storms between the newlyweds subsided and the passions subsided. Gifts are selected according to the meaning of the anniversary: ​​steel jewelry or weapons. During this period, there is a tradition to make repairs or rearrangements in the house.
  12. 12 and 12.5 years old - nickel wedding. It is also considered silk. On this day, it is customary for spouses to visit their favorite places that are related to their union. Walking along the familiar alleys and parks, lovers indulge in memories and impressions of long ago. You can invite close friends for a walk and share this day with them.
  13. Lacy is called 13 years from the date of marriage. No need to indulge in superstition and postpone the celebration. It is also called lily of the valley. Marriage at this time is fragile, and it must be protected like fine lace. The holiday should be bright and noisy. According to old traditions, on such a day, a husband and wife planted a birch tree and girded it with a lace belt. Decorate the table with bouquets of lilies of the valley.
  14. 14 years of marriage - an agate wedding anniversary. Agate is a stone fraught with magic and mysticism. It symbolizes the period of new discoveries and knowledge of each other's secrets. Give agate jewelry and souvenirs on the 14th anniversary.
  15. The 15th anniversary is pure and transparent, like crystal. Do not forget about the fragility of crystal glass. Accept crystal glasses, vases and a salad bowl as a gift. But it's nice to think about a significant date and give more serious gifts: household appliances or furniture.

  16. The Turquoise Anniversary is celebrated 18 years after marriage. This year is very significant for spouses, because the family acquires the status of adulthood. This time for the family can be conflicting and difficult. Children who have matured by this time become more independent and parents have to come to terms with this fact. Celebrate the anniversary quietly, with your family, to get closer and smooth things over.
  17. 20 years - porcelain wedding. Very refined and fragile material, accurately symbolizes the relationship in a couple. Serve the table with porcelain dishes and accept porcelain gifts along with congratulations. Invite all your friends to the festive table and celebrate cheerfully and carefree.
  18. 25th wedding - silver. A quarter of a century behind. Many registry offices hold a ceremony for a married couple on this day. Silver is a noble strong metal that will become a symbol of this holiday. They give jewelry, dishes, interior items for a silver wedding.
  19. celebrated on the 30th birthday of the family. This anniversary is marked by love, nobility and chastity. It is customary to celebrate this wedding anniversary in the circle of numerous children and grandchildren, so that a warm family atmosphere reigns at the celebration.
  20. 40 years from the date of the wedding - ruby ​​anniversary. The scarlet deep color of the ruby ​​symbolizes the strong love carried by the couple through the years. It has long been customary to give jewelry with this stone, now preference is given to useful gifts in everyday life: a bright red multicooker or a scarlet vacuum cleaner, a chic blanket or a ruby-colored bedspread.
  21. 45 years lived together -. This anniversary is held under the motto of fidelity and reliability of marriage. Newlyweds on this day dress in blue outfits. As a gift, give jewelry with sapphire.
  22. , means that lived half a century together. This anniversary is one of the most important in the life of a married couple. For a golden wedding, spouses give each other wedding rings made of gold with words of love, devotion and confidence in their half.
  23. 55 years together - an emerald wedding. This anniversary, like all subsequent ones, is arranged for elderly spouses by their children and grandchildren.
  24. 60 years of marriage is a diamond anniversary. No wonder the diamond - the most valuable and strong stone has become a symbol of the 60th anniversary. Such a long life together is considered just as rare and valuable. This marriage cannot be destroyed.
  25. 70 years of marriage is a blessed wedding. It is celebrated in the family - among relatives and close people.
  26. 80th anniversary - oak. It is not for nothing that a long-lived tree is considered a symbol of a wedding; it can stand for a century. On this day, grandchildren plant a young oak as a sign of eternal love. It is customary to buy new wooden furniture in the house.

If you are married, then sooner or later the question arises of celebrating your wedding anniversary. You can use any tips, or you can create something unique and inimitable. If you are preparing a surprise for the spouses and organizing their anniversary, take into account the peculiarities of their character, tastes and passions.

Friends! As an experienced person (the 22nd year of my marriage has gone), I will tell you honestly! This wedding anniversary cannot be ignored, as every year the date of your wedding will become less and less noticeable day. Probably, we ourselves are to blame for this, saving drowning people in everyday life is the business of drowning people themselves, but the fact remains.

Yes, it's only been 1 year since your wedding day, but it was the first year of a small family whose birthday needs to be celebrated!

Wedding Anniversary Ideas

In order not to interfere with everything in one heap, let's first choose the format of the event. There are two options here:

  1. you are celebrating just the two of you (we look at a collection of ideas for this case)
  2. you invite relatives and friends (just below - a few more tips for such a holiday)

Only for two...

A huge section of my site is devoted to romantics, so I will only list articles with interesting collections of ideas. My main principle is speed and simplicity in execution, because today's young people are very busy.

So here's what you can see in more detail:

Gifts, of course, I want to give some special ones. It makes sense to order individual gifts with names or personal photos, as the thing becomes priceless in the literal sense. .

We invite guests for the first wedding anniversary

If for you a romantic evening is an ordinary weekly event (and this, by the way, happens), a year after the wedding, you can wave at a fun party. I even strongly advise you to celebrate your wedding anniversary in this way for 1 year, if you have not yet had a baby by this moment. Then everything will be much more difficult, believe me :-).

We decorate the house

It makes sense to somehow demonstrate the number "1". Your family is a year old, so see what materials you can make a large or even a giant figure from ().

Oh, yes ... Enough of the "memorable" shots against the backdrop of wallpaper, curtains and leftovers from the table! Let's take care.

Making a themed sweet table

Probably, you have repeatedly seen the beautiful Candy Bar in the design of weddings. Among the cakes and sweets in cute jars, you can arrange your favorite photos of a young family and cute little things that are dear to both of you. If you have free time and desire to create, you can make Candy Bar yourself.

If you are not ready for experiments and live in Moscow, I will tell you how to order, call :-).

wedding anniversary cake

And why not order a themed cake "A year has passed ...". Or "Our family is 1 year old." I remind you that you need 150-200 g per person. We count the guests and understand what weight you need to order a cake. Usually in pastry shops there are ready-made options, but you can find a picture on the Internet and tell in as much detail as possible about your desires.


You will need to try a little, but the photo presentation effect is always very bright. We select the most positive photos of your family over the past year and make funny inscriptions. If you are not too lazy to do this every year, you will thank yourself in the future. All this can be shown to guests on a computer screen, but if you find a projector, it’s generally great! By the way, fragments of funny videos can be included in the presentation, even if they were shot on the phone. It's still YOUR story.


There is also a good karaoke party. I distribute songs in advance so that those who wish can prepare and participate in the competition more boldly.

Have a good holiday everyone! I hope some idea caught your eye, and the calico wedding anniversary for 1 year will pass on a golden scale.

They say that over the years people become wise, and love grows stronger. In relationships, in addition to love, respect for each other is growing stronger, outlook on life is becoming more mature.

After some time spent together, people experience a lot together: grief, joy, illness and holidays.

Perhaps the most important holiday for a couple is a wedding. This is the day your relationship is formalized. But over time, only memories of that momentous event remain. That is why it is important to spend time together, arranging a celebration, for which the anniversary of the relationship will serve as an ideal occasion. Whether it's your wedding anniversary or the day you started dating, don't miss out on these precious moments.

How to celebrate such an important event in the relationship of each couple?

If you have children, you should take care in advance to send them, for example, to your grandmother - it is necessary that only the two of you remain.

It is worth starting in the morning. You can prepare a delicious festive breakfast, brew aromatic coffee and eat right in bed. Do not burden yourself with any worries! This morning and the rest of the day is yours!

If you don't feel like cooking, the nearest coffee shop is a great option. In the early morning, while there is no one, you can enjoy the relative silence and the company of your loved one over a cup of the same aromatic coffee.

After breakfast, you can do what you and your soul mate like. For example, for you it's shopping, and for him it's paintball or karting. But you can arrange a real romantic trip. If you have some experience, you can go skydiving or paragliding together. Otherwise, you should do with a balloon. Grab your own champagne and enjoy the unforgettable view.

In the evening, it's time for a date. Looking for some extra romance? Think back to your first date. You have a great opportunity to replay that awkward moment or re-experience those pleasant and vivid emotions. If you live in the same city, you can go to the place where you first met or kissed, to the cafe where the first “official” date once took place. Only now you are more mature and determined.

If you intend to make this day truly unforgettable, it is recommended to fly away for a short vacation. Imagine this is a honeymoon trip. Perhaps, right after the wedding, you did not have the opportunity to get out somewhere.
A romantic trip to tropical islands or mountains can bring you even closer together. Surfing, hiking to the top, walking along the narrow streets can serve as a worthy backdrop for the celebration of your love.

What holiday is complete without gifts? Make each other happy. You probably know the secret dreams of your soul mate. Perhaps your man dreams, no matter how trite, about a brand new spinning rod or a hunting rifle? Please him, and he will also make you happy with what you wanted.
By the way, it is not necessary to give something significant and large. To please each other, pleasant little things like a cute note, postcard or flowers are enough.

Most sadly remember their wedding, which seems so far away. But nothing can stop you from reliving that happy day again. Today it is not difficult to arrange a real wedding ceremony, but now it can be held only for yourself and your closest people. Re-living the moment, you may even forget that you have several years of marriage behind you.

A wedding photo session is an obligatory part of the holiday. But now this process can be less solemn, but no less cozy and emotional. Children will be the perfect addition. Then, looking at the resulting pictures, you will understand with tenderness that you are ready to spend your whole life with this person, that you have wonderful children, that you are happy.

Looking for a traditional holiday dinner? Why not? Gather relatives, friends, set the table, buy good wine and enjoy the evening. Gatherings in a warm company are hardly suitable for celebrating the anniversary of a relationship, but it's better than nothing. So let nothing stop you from making this day memorable.

So, the anniversary of the relationship is a worthy occasion to arrange a bright holiday. It does not matter whether it is a paragliding or hot air balloon flight, a family dinner or a first date - in any case, this is a truly significant event in the life of every couple, family.

You can do nothing at all if all that matters to you and your person is being next to each other. After all, what else do you need to prove your feelings to each other again? Only time spent together.