How to understand serious intentions from the guy. Serious intentions of a man - how to understand them

The dream of every girl is to marry, create a family and be constantly beloved. And for all this, there is not enough smallness - to understand, whether the intentions of the man who are next to her are serious. Everything is quite simple, our moms, grandmothers singled out certain signs of serious intentions of a man.

Surely you often have a desire to read other people's thoughts. I especially want to know what the man thinks that you are not indifferent. If you are observed enough, then you will not escape the special signs of a non-verbal nature, for which you can understand how much the intentions of the man are serious.

How to find out the intentions of a man

So, the very first rule is the ability to listen to what the interlocutor tells you. Men are different: some can constantly hit jokes and stories from the past life, other words of superflore will not hear. But it was in the few phrases of Molchunov that a secret meaning can be caught.

If the interlocutor in the conversation is only enthusiastic with your external data, then, most likely, the intentions of men are determined only by a pleasant pastime. In the case when a man begins to ask some domestic issues, interested in your opinion about some everyday moments, it can be said that a person is tuned to a serious way and at the moment the intentions of a man are more than serious.

A distinctive sign of the conversation can be considered a conversation about children. Of course, it is not worth regarding this topic as a proposal to create a family, but already on this basis it can be said that a man proves the soil for this item in a potential mother of his children.

You can understand the intentions of the man and by the fact that it plans to share your pastime. If he talks about how he will successfully go to the sea or at some party, then, most likely, your novel will last long. If the young man still begins to talk about the joint celebration of the New Year, then this can be regarded as serious intentions in a man.

In addition to conversations, it is very important to pay attention to the behavior of the cavalier.

At first meetings, it is difficult to make an objective picture of the perception of a man, because he still plays a role. The first moves can be after a month of communication when a young man begins to express priorities. If you spend all weekend without him, and at this time it takes fishing with friends at this time, it is clear that the intentions of a man are not far-reaching.

Also worth paying attention to the view of the man. If moving towards each other, the young man takes his eyes to the side - this is an unkind sign. It is possible to describe a positively man who with an open look goes to you and tries to look into the eyes. It can talk about real feelings from the Uhager.

The only thing that is worth remembering, a man who is really interested in a woman will constantly remind himself either with his presence or his calls. In addition, a truly in love, a man will not notice anything else, except for his chosen. If your cavalier constantly looks at the ladies around him. Then this is a sign that you could not fully conquer his heart.

Another indicative point of serious intentions of a man is familiarity with parents and relatives. Anxious sign may not be an idea of \u200b\u200byou even to friends, what can say that there is no feeling from the side of a man.

The third rule to determine the intentions of a man is the proposed assistance and support provided on its part. A man configured to a serious way towards a woman will always strive to stretch her hand help. Especially remarkable is the fact that the young man himself offers his help (take a job, bring products, nourish the shelf and more). A similar initiative can be considered as a serious intention, since his consciousness came to take care of the beloved woman, and this is the main sign that a person wants to arrange to himself.

It is very bad when a man is withdrawn on your request or generally pretends that there was no request. Such behavior should alert you. For a small check in order to understand the intentions of a man, you can ask him about any help, and then you will only have to monitor his reaction. Remember that the man in love in you will try to help anyway and take care that no difficulties have touched your shoulders.

What gives the seriousness of his intentions

A woman is configured to marriage or not, in any case wants to be perceived seriously. How to understand, entering into relations, they have a prospect, or they are promising solid nervous and disappointment, followed by parting, depression, and sometimes the services of a psychologist are required? Here are ten obvious signs that harmonious relations are unlikely to be collaborating. If you watch three and more of them, then think about it.

  1. Everything happened too quickly. Circumstances are dating guys, as a rule, matter. If the girl is ready to immediately build relationships with a guy, having acquainted with him on the street, in the bar or on a dating site, then the guy for monogamous relations should be good reasons. Of course, exceptions are. But as a rule, the more banal there was a method of acquaintance, and the more easier he managed to achieve physical proximity, the less he appreciates these relationships.
  2. You mostly spend time together, he prefers not to get acquainted with your friends and not to acquaint you with my own. It can have different reasons, but the main thing is that he does not want others to consider it your boyfriend. In the first weeks and even months it is normal, because each person has the right to passion, while maintaining its independence. But if he does not want anyone to have a joint communication circle, then this is an eloquent sign.
  3. If you still go out "in the light" together, but you feel that it seems to be distant from you, does not touch, does not look into the eyes, wondering who and anything, just not with you, then your relationship is doomed. On this basis, you can recognize happy and unhappy families even after many years of living together. If people together, it is always visible, even if they are very sociable. It is also visible when the presence of each other people in a burden.
  4. He does not introduce you to his parents. As a rule, with parents, especially with Mom, the guy introduces not every girl, namely, with whom he is serious. So the hurry is inappropriate here. Much depends on the situation in his family, on what kind of relationship there. If they are intense and unfavorable, then perhaps he just values \u200b\u200byour relationship and does not want to dramatize them due to the acquaintance with the relatives. If everything is fine in the family, he is close to his parents and at the same time will not introduce you to them for more than six months, from this we can conclude that his intentions are not serious.
  5. If a lot of alcohol drinks during each meeting. Let us back for the chance that you both just love to drink. People who are really interested and like each other will not get drunk every time. If this happens, it means that something is wrong with these people and their relationship. A little alcohol is normal, but if the guy is experiencing a need for this and cannot stop in time, then a healthy relationship that every woman dreams, not to build with him.
  6. He is declared in your life only when it wants to. Normal relations are built on a mutual trustworthy basis, when people regularly cope with each other's business and are planning a joint time. If the guy calls, comes to you or invites us somewhere exclusively in his whim, he wants "good to get a good", getting pleasure with you without any obligations for his part.
  7. He has no respect for the female floor as such. There are several possible reasons: Psychological trauma, the habit of living "according to the concepts", according to which a woman is a creature of the second grade, the desire to asserts themselves at the expense of his "victories" on the love front ... should not be dedicated that everything will change with your appearance in his life. If you understand that the guy is inclined to disrespectful and gross handling of women, this tendency will remain with him, and whether it is necessary for you?
  8. He is trying to manipulate you. To one degree or another, we all manipulate each other. But if the guy constantly makes you worry and worry about him, talks about yourself sachet-speaking stories, asks for help in solving his problems, and most importantly - deceives you, then such manipulations say that he wants to use you in his own interests.
  9. His position regarding your joint future passive. He does not stop talking about joint plans, but does not show his own initiative. The male start by nature is actively, and therefore the intention to build harmonious relations is manifested in the active position of the man in relation to his own woman. Therefore, it is normal to expect from him that it will offer collaborative leisure options, to some questions, show care of you. If the initiative comes only from you, then a happy life together will not work.
  10. He is married. The sign, as they say, the last in the list, but not by meaning. If you enter into relations with a man, knowingly knowing that he is married, then it is on your conscience. But the case is very common when a man either assures that they are not a family with his wife for a long time, or stupidly deceives. If you understand that this is your case - alas, you can only sympathize.

These are not all signs that testify to the frivolous intentions of a man regarding you, but any of them with the greatest probability will lead to the fact that these relationships will be a waste of time for you. Any experience to theoretically be useful, especially in youth, when there is strength to purchase this experience. But if you want to marry and be happy in marriage, try not to make obvious mistakes.

Signs that men have no serious intentions

Even if you meet not the first year, it does not mean that a man has serious intentions regarding you. And if it causes you anxiety (not by chance, did you find this article?), So there are reasons for doubt.

Read, in what situations you better interrupt the relationship, if you want not to just entertain, but to create a family.

  • If you do not want to appear in public if your meetings are hidden, beware, perhaps your man is already busy, or even married at all.
  • If a young man is rude to you, especially in the presence of others, it may indicate his uncompanihood and it can also be understood as a sign that a man has no serious intentions. Especially later this may generally lead to the fact that a person will raise your hand on you.
  • A man who often ignores you does not answer calls and reports, violates the promises, calls only in convenient situations for him, not worth your attention - he has no serious intentions regarding you.
  • If your man makes compliments, joking and communicates a lot with other representatives of a beautiful sex, then you are just just a friend for him, he does not have serious intentions.
  • If a man finds the reasons for not calling you, disappears for a long time, finds excuses, so as not to meet you or postpones meetings, it means that such a man has no serious intent to you. A seriously configured man will be all ways to seek meetings with you, and not to invent the reasons to not come or call.

If something bothers you strongly in your relationship with a young man, talk to him openly and your heart calms down. If the man julit leaves the answer, well, you will have to spend some test, experience it feelings, or watch him - perhaps he has someone else.

You met the man of your dreams, you have a romantic relationship, but you will not understand how serious it is?

Of course, you can ask directly, but first, it is not a fact that you will hear the truth, and secondly, a man may think that you started to forcing events. How to understand how serious his intentions without unnecessary asked?

Just analyze his behavior, and if you find at least 3 of the 5 signs below, you can be sure that it is serious with you seriously.

Interested in your life

Be interested in your life does not mean to get off the duty officer "Hello! How are you?". Interested truly - this is to know about your protracted conflict with the chief, that every April and November you need to ride the seminars, that you prefer green tea black, and your mother intends to spring to start repairing at the cottage.

This means that you are listening carefully, and all the details of your life are really important for your chosen one.

Shares the details of his life

If a man is tuned seriously, he will gladly share with you and details of his life. You have to hear amusing and not very stories from his school, student or army life. You will be aware of his work at work, as well as all news related to his hobby.

If a man is filled with you, not launching in his world, it only speaks of one thing - you are just another episode in his life, which is not at all necessary to know some details.

Takes to solve your problems

A truly in love, a man will not say in response to your references about the tap flowing: "You just block the water when you leave the house." He will take and repaid. And if it is no longer, will find someone who comes and allow your problem.

This is normal. This is a male.

If all your subtle hints and direct requests are encountered on some idiotic advice from the magazine type "DIY", you may not be doubtful, you are completely indifferent to him.

Find time to meet you

A man in love uses any opportunity to see you again and again. This wishes will not be prevented by either spoiled weather, nor an invitation to go with friends to the sauna, nor punched wheel.

Of course, force majeures happen in every person's life. Sometimes it really happens that instead of the appointed meeting, he will have to go beyond 50 kilometers to the best friend to the country, because he stretched the bundles on his leg and will not get home himself. Or the new chief decided to hold a meeting after work on which it is impossible not to appear. Or my mother's cat fell ill, and it should be urgently visited to the vet. Everything is clear here.

But if your society is easily changed to the broadcast of a football match in the company of friends, you can hardly talk about real sincere feelings from your beloved, alas.

Introduces parents and friends

Parents and friends are the Holy Holy of every man. If at a random meeting with someone of them he wakes up a hand, which he held your palm to do it, is a very bad sign. He is not ready to introduce you to his closest circle. And once is not ready, it means that no prospects in your relationships do not see.

If he is in love with a real, you will become an integral part of his life, the life where there are colleagues for work, friends and relatives. You will be taken with you on corporate parties, birthdays and family gatherings. You will be called "My Julia", to worry about how you leaving your sister, and you will be proud of, presenting to friends.

It often happens that people have been together for a long time. But for some reason a man is silent and cannot confess in his feelings. And it happens that the man when meeting with you does not take the eye, but does not make the first step to get acquainted with you or invite a date. Recognition in love, even being in a relationship, for a man is a very responsible step, so he does not always have enough strength to confess his feelings of his beloved woman. Somewhere subconsciously every man, being in a relationship or wanting to create a woman with his favorite him, is afraid to get a refusal that he wores his soul. You, as you can, show your love or sympathy towards him, but you can't find out how it treats you, but you so want to know if a man loves you or not. Despite the fact that someone else's soul remains for you a mystery, there are certain signs that help learn whether a man loves you or not.

So, we give a few signs that prove that a man loves you, well, or at least you are very sensitive to him.

7 Signs of Love Men (Guy)

  • A man who is in love with you will always be a reason to spend as much time with you. If you notice that the man who you like pays you attention more than always, you can be sure that it is a sign of sincere sympathy for you.
  • It is worth paying attention to your attitude towards you. If he shows tenderness and care, without requiring nothing in return, it says that he wants to please you, because sincerely loves.
  • If all your requests do not remain ignored and unnoticed, and the man tries to fulfill everything, it also speaks for itself.
  • If your common friends say that in your absence, it behaves differently, and with you somehow unusual, becoming closed, then the opposite is too nervous.

How to understand whether a man loves (boyfriend)

To find out what a man feels in relation to you, it is not necessary to hear recognition from him in love. It happens that words about love that a man said can be a blank sound. But his silence testify to love for you eloquent any words. Find out if he really loves you, you can in gestures. It is the language of gestures, like nothing else, can open what is hiding in the heart of a man.

If you are not indifferent to a man, at the sight of you, it will start tightening the stomach, straighten up, straighten the shoulders, and his face is disclosed, it will become softer. His sexual interest is demonstrated by extended pupils, the desire to smooth the hair, smeared the dust from the clothes, which are not, to fix clothes, tie or collar. And the signal that he already really wants to call you his beloved will be the position of his body during the conversation. The hull and hands of the men will be located so to be in the space that unites you, at the same time extinguishing from the rest. If, at the same time, he, without taking off, looks into your eyes, then it speaks of his love in you and even about his serious intentions. If it overfits a desire to be with you alone, it will often be in the intimate zone that is in a half-meter around you.

What to pay attention to

To find out if a man loves you or not, look at the emotions that he manifests when communicating with you. If he is in love, the smile and laughter will become constant companions of your communication, and if at the same time he constantly watches you in the face, you can be sure of 100% that he is in love with you. Serious feelings in relation to you will give his intentions to provide you with serious support, the desire to please you or even pleasantly and suddenly surprise. At the same time, try to remember or find out what a relationship with women had before him. If he is famous Lovelace, then the chance is likely that his interest in you is called only the desire to conquer the next beautiful woman, especially if he is married or is in a relationship with another woman. A truly in love with a man will discern for you, even with his wife, with which he lived together and only then beg for you to care. He will not want to hurt you the presence of another woman from him, no matter how many years he has lived with her and, no matter how hard it is to part. If a man is not seen in short novels and lonely, then his sincere joy at the sight of you and the desire to support in any situation, speaks only about the real feeling of love. Quite often, men at the sight of a beloved woman are beginning to confuse, and try to show themselves from the best side.

How to understand the seriousness of the intentions of a man

If you finally, you are already together after the period of courtship and constraint, and you are just fine, you begins to be interested in how strong and serious feelings for you are. This can be found by simply by paying attention to his behavior and themes of your common conversations. If a man decides to tie his fate with you, he will spend all his free time with you. For any opportunity, it will communicate with you by phone or the Internet, and the number of your dates will increase accurately. He will never disappear for a long time and will not forget to give you once again a bouquet of beautiful colors. A man who loves will try to please his beloved woman with his care and attention.

Do not be surprised if he will soon invite you to get acquainted with his parents and finds out whether it is possible to meet yours. The man is very scrupulously refers to his family, so the woman will be introduced into the family circle, which he really loves and wants to be with her together. A man who loves you will definitely begin to be interested in your plans at the expense of children and looks at your future family. A man will never make a conversation about children with a woman to whom he does not feel serious feelings. A truly in love will not hurry you with proximity, he can enjoy Platonic communication with you until you feel that you are ready. He will not show interest in other women. It will not flirt with strangers, even on social networks and especially to show interest in your friends.

How to quickly find out you guy

You can also ask his buddies, what he says when you are not there. If you are told that he said some unpleasant words about you, you should not get upset immediately. Words do not always mean a lot. The main thing is to pay attention to, especially if this person you like, what he talks about you. This can only mean one thing, his thoughts are busy with you, and negative words could be caused by just an attack of jealousy or desire to stop the question of friends. A man in love will be roaringly ensuring that other men do not dare to show too frank interest to you, and forbid it to do to friends. I introduces with your friends, he will protect your interests and help to join his circle of communication. A good way to know loves or not your chosen one, will offer to live together. If a man belongs to you frightly and does not feel a sense of love, he hardly wants to go with you to limit his freedom and take extra responsibility. If this love is, he himself will offer you to live together to better know each other.

It is very important at some point of life to know love or not you your man. Despite the fact that it is very difficult to understand someone else's soul, after all there are some signs that correctly tell you the right answer.

If a man loves He can confess you in love the most original way. It may be a letter if he is young, or poems that will help him express his feelings. He can put music that better words will express his feelings for you. When you understand what feelings prevail in your beloved heart, you can decide how to be further. Maybe it is worth take the first step and to offer too unspentified lover to meet or live together, and may just open your heart for real love and not waste time on who plays your feelings. Consider carefully for your beloved man, and you will see what was hidden from you ...

Many women at a certain point in relationship with a man arises a question regarding his true intentions, especially when in relationships there are shortness, misconception and uncertainty

Many women at a certain point in relationships with a man arises a question regarding his true intentions, especially when there is no relation, misconception and uncertainty.

It is natural and understandable, because in all cases a man immediately declares the desire to marry and live in Mount and in joy until the very death of you. And even in cases where the man is exactly this directly and declares on the second date, it may not be such a flattering and attractive.

What does he really want? How to understand what sense a man puts into your relationship

In any case, if you are madly in love or rationally pursue our goals, to understand what sense a man puts into your relationship - it is important and even necessary. In this context, we can only talk about relationships that have already been designated ... and not only in your imagination.

To judge the true intentions of the man on the first impression of communicating with him as promenonfully, as judging by the quality of the lecture on the sight of the hall.

First of all, it is worth understanding that a man, even very interested in a serious relationship, at first can not know and clearly not understand how it belongs to you and what kind of perspective wants. Only after the flower-bought period, when passion is faded, and the hormonal background will return to normal, you can try to understand what you really are, meaning for him.

There are certain indicators that can shed light on the real situation.

For example, what do we usually do when you really want something part of our life? We invest in this attention and resources.

So the world is arranged that our forces go there, where our attention is sent.We appreciate and value exactly what we should have efforts and resources.

Each man (yes, like anyone) has time, health, finance and opportunities.. And also has its score criteria in life. Less and more significant. To determine whether your relationship is priority in its value system, It suffices to understand what exactly he invests in them. How valuity and important in his life is what he invests.The more valuable for him is his investment, the more significant this relationship for him is.

Time regularly held with you, general plans for the nearest and more distant future, the desire to help you, and not bring your problems, a desire to share resources - I signs of a serious relationship from the man and the prospects for a joint future.

For example, for a very secured man, the small amounts of money that it invests may not be a very significant and valuable investment, unlike his time, which he appreciates much more expensive, and possibly provides in meager doses.

In the case, if, having very little free time, a man seeks to spend every free minute with you, it definitely shows the value of his investment.

Either, if a man to spend the evening with you, cancels important and meaningful meetings for him, but does not bring you colors and does not pay for you a taxi, he invests a much more significant resource for him than compliance with the standard ritual of date. To understand it is enough Determine that for him the time in the reality of his life.

And vice versa, a foreign student who has a bunch of free time and modest finances, can ask you for hours about how you are doing, without giving you anything special valuable for him (a lot of time), just practicing in a foreign language and tying contacts .

Most men intuitively understand that to have access to a woman, regardless of the seriousness of their intentions, you need to keep her attention. Sometimes men resort to creating an illusion of presence. Primitive options for imitation of presence in the life of a woman are texts instead of personal communication, trustful recognition of the difficulties and problems in life, with sincere hope for a bright future after their permission ... without clarifying the jointly.

Despite the primitiveness, the reception works! A woman interested in a man with a man will definitely feel something - a resentment, the desire to help "save", empathy or simply helps his feelings with obstacles. It is these ambiguous and not resource feelings that will keep her attention and leave the door open to the "simulator of relationships."

What should be done to revise the feasibility of your "investment" in such not always "cost-effective projects"?

    We just need to think about your significant criteria and resources.

    Your true relationship needs can be anyhow.

    What is important to you? Without what you won't be happy and harmonious?

    It is worth confessing to yourself how things really are.

    Is attention important to you and reliability? - This is what you do not offer?

    Do you important financial support and regular meetings? - They talk to you for a long time for souls and share secrets and problems ...., but do not rush to meet and financially support?

    You take attention and do not give an important thing for you.

It happens that a man simply does not understand the true needs of a woman and does not want to guess and break his head, thinking about it.

In such cases, it is worth reporting about them openly. This is not connected with the consumer position.

Satisfaction of the requirements in relations should be plans and prospects, not a bonus for patience and adjusting to other people's interests.

A woman who broadcasts that she does not need anything and which "all herself, if that," is perceived by a man literally. It is not necessary to give anything?, OK. So what to do? It remains to take. Attention, time, forces, many do not discern financial support from women.

Each person, both a woman and a man possesses a unique set of features and individual significant criteria. It is very important for everyone to truly get acquainted with you before starting relationships.

Determine your needs, priorities, mandatory items, without which you cannot feel happy - this is the first and important step towards building a successful relationship. What is understandable and obvious to ourselves, it is easy to convey to another person.

When a woman in his dreams about the relationship is limited only to the appearance and financial position of a man, the chances of the lucky materialization of the dream are extremely small, because the basis of harmonious relations is usually different and sometimes more significant qualities.

To build a long-term relationship with a man, it is very important to understand what is significant for him, and what is not important. What are his need for relationships. It is the understanding of its significant criteria and priorities and will be a key to the possibility of harmonious happy relationships with him.

Frequent feminine error that a man will change, it is only worth entering into marriage with him, can lead to disappointment. Do not overestimate your ability to influence the nature and habits of another person.

Appeal to psychoanalyst can help learn and understand yourself, realize their needs and typical schemes of behavior. To deal with painful memories and deprive them of power, learn to see other people without shipping prejudices and fantasies. Work out restricting beliefs and learn to see new paths. Posted.

Victoria Austin-Anisimova

I have questions - ask them

P.S. And remember, just changing your consciousness - we will change the world together! © Econet.

If you meet with a guy who are experiencing sympathy or even love, most likely, you wonder if he feels the same. Of course, he can give you flowers and constantly call, but does he see his future with you? Fortunately, there are several signs that will help you determine whether the guy has serious intentions. Analyze his words, actions and history of your relationship to appreciate how much he is tied to you.


Rate his words

    Please note how often he says "We". Check how often it consumes the word "we" in relation to you two. A man with serious intentions will consider itself part of the couple. It will often refer to you and your relationship, as well as build plans with your participation.

    • Especially follow how often he does this in case you are not part of the conversation. For example, when he communicates with his friends.
  1. Take into account the phrase "I love you." Your boyfriend has already admitted to you in love? If so, most likely, he has strong feelings for you. If he often says it, it is probably very fascinated by relations. In addition, if he first pronounced: "I love you," this is a bright sign of the seriousness of his intentions.

    • Also consider his past. If these words rarely uttered these words, most likely, he will not speak them often and you. But this does not mean that he does not like you.
    • If he has not yet admitted to love, let him do it when he finds it necessary to be confident in the sincerity of his words. Do not press him if he is not ready.
  2. Please note how often it opens in front of you. If a man is seriously configured towards his partner, he will often be frank with him. It can share with you secrets, discuss family problems or talk about stressful situations at work. If you feel that you know a lot about your guy and that it is open in front of you, most likely you are very expensive.

    Rate any conversations about the future. He says that he wants to marry you? Or what does it want to go or start children with you? Any mention on his part aimed at the future may indicate the seriousness of his intentions.

    • Think also, did he mention a joint campaign on some event in the distant future, such as a wedding or a family holiday.
  3. Take into account the discussion of joint finance. If the guy discusses a salary with you or involves you in making major financial decisions, it is likely that he sees your collaborative future. If you have common things, for example, a house or car, the chances are that your situation is very serious.

    Talk to him a few months later. If you really want to know about his intentions, just ask! If you meet for three months or longer, sit down with him and ask what he is thinking about your relationship. Take a conversation in a private atmosphere when you both will be comfortable in time.

    • Tell me something like: "I was very good with you these three months and I wonder what everything goes. Do you want us to be together always? ".
  4. Determine the level of communication with his friends. If you are familiar with his close friends, most likely your guy is very immersed in your relationship. Also a good sign, if you hear that he mentions you during communication with buddies by phone.

    • Do not worry if he does not invite you to male meetings with friends. This is the time for him and his friends.
  5. Pay attention if for your sake he does something that he does not like. If a man is tuned seriously towards his partner, he will often go beyond the familiar framework. He looks with you your favorite programs, despite the fact that he hates them? Or he leads you to the sushi bar, although he does not eat this kitchen himself? These are all signs that you are not indifferent to a man.

    Think how often it includes you in your plans. Does he often take you with me on various events? You can understand the seriousness of your relationship if the guy no longer asks if you would agree to some major event with him. So he expects or even confident that you will be with him. If you spend more time together, than separately, you probably have everything seriously.

    Please note what items you keep each other at home. If you have a drawer for clothes, a toothbrush or a place in his closet, most likely, this relationship is significant for him. Not only you must firmly settle at him at home, but also your things.

    • If he leaves his things at your home, it is also a sign that you are important to him, but it does not necessarily indicate the seriousness of his intentions.
  6. Think how often he is near, when you need it. If your car broke, will he be the first person to whom you call? If your pet will die, will the guy come to console you? If a man refers to relationships with all seriousness, it will often be affordable and helpful. Highlight the things he made for you during the relationship.