How to make a watermelon gift original. Watermelon party for kids

We love watermelons very much and buy them often during the season. But just eating your favorite berry is boring, and two years ago, when Galina was a little over three, we had our first watermelon party. In August last year, repeated several times. It's a very good family tradition.

There are a lot of ideas for a watermelon holiday:

First of all, we made a garland:

The most simple, from colored paper. So we hang it for the third year. Maybe next time we'll come up with something more sophisticated)

Balls red and green create the right watermelon mood, without them a holiday is not a holiday.

Do not forget about the dress code - we warn guests in advance that all those present at the party must be dressed in green, red, or have something watermelon. So far no one has surpassed the jackdaw, she has a watermelon dress:

I'm cool too - with watermelon earrings and a watermelon ring!

I dream of knitting such watermelon socks)))

And get a manicure

Unfortunately, we have almost no pictures from the very first party... We found one, accidentally preserved - our guest snapped a piece of watermelon splendor. Here you can see a dress and a watermelon cap on Galina's head. And in the hands - a watermelon ball.

Behind the sofa cushions are homemade watermelon caps, painted by Galina herself. On the table - watermelon muzzles, also her handiwork. The caps are alive and well, but the muzzles are not preserved. My mom knitted a watermelon potholder. We also bought watermelon marmalade, some kind of watermelon-flavored drink and made a "watermelon" salad.

In the previous picture, the watermelon salad is a little clumsy, but in the photo below (a year later) it is already more beautiful:

We prepare this salad by laying out layers of potatoes, cheese, eggs, we coat each layer with sour cream sauce. And on top we decorate with tomatoes, cucumbers and olives. Red pulp can also be created from sweet pepper, for example, but then Galina will not eat it)

By the way, the collages were made by Galya) The photo shows that we have pasta cooked in watermelon colors: with tomato sauce and zucchini)) And next to it is "pizza". At the base is a large watermelon circle, the rind was not cut off, it was decorated on top with whipped cream, kiwi, banana, grapes and sprinkled with coconut flakes.

Spectacular fruit pizza in the form of a watermelon is obtained from strawberries and kiwi. We haven't hit on it yet. But we plan

I really want to cook these snacks for one of the watermelon parties:

And surprise guests with watermelon waffles:

And you can make jelly watermelons:

And cut watermelon stars or lay out a butterfly:

There are many serving ideas on the net:

At our watermelon parties, we color watermelons for speed, remember and guess watermelon riddles, watch watermelon video collections, make watermelon cards. Have not tried these yet (photos found on the net):

If you collect girlfriends, then you can make a watermelon rim:

Our guests leave the watermelon holiday with symbolic gifts. Two years ago we gave watermelon soap (now there are a lot of soap makers, it is not difficult to find a master)

And last year they handed out such leaflets for recording in the form of a watermelon:

But the main thing, of course, is to choose the right watermelon. Yummy and sweet))

Keiko On August - 10 - 2018

The best option for a summer vacation or holiday, of course, will be a watermelon party. Nothing is so refreshing in the hot summer heat as the juicy taste of watermelon. It is not for nothing that this berry is considered the king of summer - both adults and children love watermelon, so the idea of ​​​​a party is suitable for both an adult and a children's holiday.

Watermelon is not only incredibly tasty, but also bright. This berry will give you a huge space for a flight of fancy both in terms of treats for guests and in decor. But, let's talk about everything in more detail.

The main treat at the holiday, of course, will be the watermelon itself. It is better to serve the “king” of the holiday in such a way that it is convenient for everyone to eat it. To do this, you can cut the pulp of watermelon into small cubes and arrange in glasses or serve watermelon slices on ice cream sticks.

From the pulp of watermelon, you can also prepare a variety of treats. Canapes with watermelon, feta cheese and basil or fried slices of watermelon with cheese and ham are a great option.

And for dessert, you can serve Snowy Peaks watermelon cake with coconut layer, watermelon ice cream or muffins.

Watermelon juice makes wonderful cocktails, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic for a children's holiday. To do this, simply dilute watermelon juice with sprite or any juice of your choice, add lime or lemon, a little mint and ice. Well, for adults, add a little more white rum and a great refreshing cocktail will captivate your guests.

Not everything at the party has to be watermelon, but the main theme of the party should be visible throughout. So, you can serve fruit sticks, a variety of salads and desserts in a watermelon peel or repeating a watermelon motif.

The same applies to the decor of the holiday, because the mood of all guests depends on the decoration of the place. Bright red and green tablecloths, flags, fans, pompons - all this will help create an unforgettable atmosphere at the party. And as an entertainment, you can cook a piñata in the shape of a watermelon slice.

Juicy ripe watermelons will make your party bright and refreshing, such an event is sure to be the highlight of this summer.

As soon as the first yellow leaf falls to the ground, and the melons are covered with striped giant balls, you know: it's the perfect time for a watermelon party. A wonderful theme for a birthday or noisy summer send-offs.

Catch creative ideas for decorating a watermelon party from Pustunchik- create and have fun from the heart! Bright, colorful and juicy, the watermelon party will capture your guests so much that they will not want to return home.

Invite friends!

The most fun party is the noisy one. To make your friends want to visit it long before the holiday, prepare colorful invitations. The unusual design of the cards will make the kids feel the taste of watermelon on their lips!

To make the party bright and colorful, inform the guests in advance about dress code: clothes in green and red colors. And don’t yawn yourself: prepare interesting accessories for the participants of the holiday. Crowns, earrings, caps, ties and fans in the shape of watermelons - that's what you need!

Take care of the interior!

Create an airy atmosphere of summer fun at home! The watermelon theme is perfect.

Decorate the festive hall or courtyard with pink balls, green illumination and watermelon garlands. Triangular flags, painted as slices of watermelon, connect with a ribbon or rope. Coral, green and yellow colors will create a feeling of lightness and freshness of the interior.

Say what you like, but the birthday is remembered in photographs. Stylish photo zone - the key to cool selfies. Green and red curtains, polka dot balloons, ribbon brushes of the richest colors and, of course, real watermelons will be a great backdrop for photos.

Get ready for a family photo session!

A watermelon-printed tablecloth, red napkins, lime-colored plastic cutlery - everything should be perfect! Don't forget about the candy bar: skirts for cakes and bright wrappers for sweets are a must.

To have a fun chat with friends after a hearty meal, create a small relaxation zone in the hall. A comfortable sofa with soft watermelon pillows is a good choice. It is easy to make them yourself.

Intricate figurines of watermelons on sticks, cupcakes with pink cream and chocolate chips, red and green jelly in a transparent bowl just ask to be in your mouth.

Your friends will also love watermelon balls, chocolate covered watermelon, stylized cake, sweet watermelon ice and no less refreshing watermelon ice cream. Pink marshmallows, delicate macaroons and rich dragees will become delicious accents of the holiday.

How about to treat your friends to watermelon crispy? A dessert is prepared from crispy rice balls, marshmallows and butter with the addition of food coloring.

Do not cover the table exclusively with watermelon dishes. It is enough just to lay out food in the form of this giant berry or, for example, prepare delicious "watermelon" cookies with icing. And having eaten plenty, you can dance! You haven't forgotten about the music, have you? The latest hits of this summer - that's what you need!

Watermelon juice with ice will help to refresh after active entertainment and dancing. It can be poured directly into glass jars stylized as watermelons. Red umbrellas will effectively complement the composition.

Have fun to the fullest!

What is a party without exciting games and contests? Star of the evening - watermelon!

Watermelon King. Divide your guests into pairs and arrange a grandiose watermelon duel for each of them. Place equal-sized slices of watermelon in front of the participants. On command, the players grab tidbits from their plate and try to eat them as quickly as possible. The one who completes the task first will win. I wonder which of your friends is worthy of the title of watermelon king? Or maybe the princess will win the duel?

Kolobok. The guests of the party are divided into two teams. Each gets a big watermelon. The task of the players is to take turns rolling the watermelon with the playing area to a certain mark and back using a hockey stick, a mop, a tennis racket, and so on. The team whose last member finishes the relay first wins a prize.

Guests of the holiday will certainly like cookies in the form of watermelon slices or sweet little things in stylized boxes. As gifts, you can also use decorative slices of watermelon - soap, cool key rings, bracelets, pendants and the like.

watermelon pignatbut. Have you seen watermelons growing on a tree? Here I am no. But what prevents us from inventing them? And not just imagine, but make a giant slice of watermelon with your own hands!

To make a piñata, you will need: a large cardboard box, corrugated paper in red, light green, green and black, adhesive tape, glue and scissors. And as a delicious “filling”, sweets and chewing gums mixed with pieces of shiny paper are suitable.

Hang a piñata from a tree and have each guest hit it with a stick. A tasty reward will not keep you waiting long.

Sweet goodbyes

In the evening, when your friends are already going home, make them a pleasant surprise - put cookies packed in plastic bags with you. A sweet gift in the form of a watermelon slice will be a touching surprise for young sweet tooth.

What does the watermelon symbolize? According to various sources, this delicious berry means either wealth or fertility, and therefore such a present will always be appropriate.

But how beautifully to decorate and present this beloved berry to the hero of the occasion in an original way?

Design options

There are many ways to arrange a watermelon as a gift, here are the most popular ones.


Of course, few people can independently carve an original picture on a green-striped skin, but there are many craftsmen who, for a moderate fee, will turn a striped berry into a real work of art. It will not cost very much, approximately like a good bouquet of flowers, and it will give a lot of positive emotions.

What drawing to order? Anyone that might please the hero of the occasion. For example, if a watermelon gift is given for a birthday, then a portrait of the birthday man or may well be carved on it.

You can pack this creative delight in a beautiful box, but it is better if it is wrapped in transparent cellophane and presented instead of a flower bouquet.

little basket

This decoration method is simple: it is enough to form a basket from the peel and remove the watermelon pulp. The resulting container is filled with either berries. Such a gift can be given as an addition to the main offering or hidden among its fruit content is money or other small offering.

If a surprise is planned hidden in a basket, then it is better to place it in a box in the form of a fruit. For example, among the fruit and berry abundance, you can place a plastic gift - a watermelon with money or a plastic apple with jewelry inside. And you can attach an original postcard to the present:

Painting with a marker

You can paint the green-striped sphere with a marker or felt-tip pens as you like, additionally decorate it with stickers or sparkles and write a wish for a birthday present on a watermelon. It is good to give such an offering instead of a greeting card.


You can stick eyes, nose and mouth to the vegetable, and put on a cap on top or make hair, for example, from bast or corn fibers. And then bring a “friend” with you as an uninvited guest. To make it more fun, it is advisable to come up with a congratulation on behalf of the watermelon guest.


If it is not possible to purchase the product itself, then it can be replaced with a plastic or plush imitation. It can be a plush pillow toy, etc. But it’s better not just to hand over a factory product, but to write wishes suitable for the occasion on it.

When choosing a watermelon decoration, it is worth considering that all edible offerings are put on the table.

Delivery features

For a watermelon gift, congratulations must be chosen based on the fact that this striped berry symbolizes fertility and wealth, and in accordance with the appearance of the present:

Gifts in the form of watermelon are not given very often, and so far there are no special rules of etiquette for giving this striped berry. But taking into account the fact that it symbolizes wealth and fertility, you can give it to any person: even the boss, even a neighbor on the landing. The main thing is to beautifully design and present.

Who will eat more watermelon

A game of speed and time.



Make a large piece of watermelon out of a large piece of cardboard and colored paper or paint. Don't forget to cut a hole for the face. Your guests will love these photos!


If you don’t like the tantamaresque, then you can arrange photozone.

Balloons, paper garlands and other accessories will help you create beauty.


bartender show(participants try to turn the mixing of cocktails into a real show, accompanied by dance improvisations and spectacular gestures).



Who can last longer juggling fruit. You need to mark the time on a stopwatch. It can be done both at home and on a picnic. Any fruit will fit as items - citrus fruits, apples, exotic options.



Piñata is a Mexican game for adults and children. It is made of cardboard and papier-mâché with decorations. Piñata is filled with various treats and toys (up to 900 g of filler) and hung from the ceiling or on a tree. When playing a traditional piñata, the participant is blindfolded, spun, and then he tries in several attempts to find and break the piñata. The rest of the participants, in order to confuse, shout out incorrect clues, swing, lower and raise the piñata.



Who will spit a watermelon bone next! We collect all our friends, draw lines at different distances, for example, 0.5 meters, 1 m and 2 m. We have fun, spit and see who will win this funny competition. And you can check the accuracy of the shooters and spit in the target or in the glass.


watermelon bowling

Buy small watermelons and have a juicy bowling alley! (Small watermelons are quite strong, so roll them without fear).


When you eat watermelon, what process do you dislike the most? It seems to us that this is the removal of seeds from a watermelon. A boring occupation that does not allow you to enjoy the taste. But if you add an element of competition to the process ... For example, whoever pulls out 20 seeds from a watermelon faster wins a prize!


watermelon starts

Divide into two teams. Stand one after another and pass the watermelon along the chain from the first to the last team member. The goal is not to break the watermelon. The team whose watermelon gets to the finish line first wins.


I am watermelon
Two teams, two victims in big T-shirts, lots of balloons. The goal of the game is to get as many balls under the T-shirt as possible in 2 minutes. The team that manages to put in more balls wins.


We hang green and red balls filled with water. We choose daredevils. We give out on a stick. The one who detonates the water bomb faster wins. The ball may burst immediately, or it may take 5-6 hits.


Catch me watermelon

Don't be afraid, no one is going to play dodgeball with a real watermelon. Let's take a ball or a balloon with water for this.