How to put a stole around your neck. How beautiful it is to tie a stole on a coat - from simple to complex. Evening dress addition

How beautiful it is to wear a stole and it is fashionable to tie it - we will show in detail in the photo in this article. Do you want to look interesting and stylish without large investments in wardrobe updates? Stylists claim that with the help of a stole scarf, you can create an abundance of unique images.

In addition, the same stole can act in different roles of a fashionable attribute, and play differently with female forms: it can increase height, add volume in the chest and create an ideal silhouette. It's not for nothing that fashionistas have chosen it for more than 300 years.

A stole is a wide, long, rectangular scarf.

Today, capes are popular from:

  • Fur;
  • Wool;
  • Cashmere;
  • Velvet;
  • Chiffon;
  • Atlas;
  • Silks.

The original function of the stole is to protect against cold and wind. But now it is acquiring a more decorative meaning. It is a versatile addition to a variety of outfits that is easy to transform and transform.

This scarf embodies luxury and elegance, while combining practicality and affordability. He came to the world of fashion from noble households. So, for one of the most common versions, this scarf was first demonstrated by the titled Princess of the Palatinate.

“The ancestor of the modern stole came from Germany and was made of sable fur, its appearance resembled a small plaid

It got its name from the Infanta princess. Universe popularity came to the stole at the end of the 19th century, after the crazy demand of noble empresses and other eminent young ladies. Knitted and fur stoles were especially in demand.

The aristocratic origin of this cape gave a good impetus for a confident march through fashion houses and winning the love of fashionistas. Now the stole is very popular not only in the cold season, but also in the spring and summer period too.

About the material and color scheme of the stole

Knowing the love of women for the stole, designers develop and create entire collections of these magnificent accessories. In them, they combine and embody all fashion trends and trends of the year. Despite the large representation of the diversity of this cape, choose it, taking into account your own appearance and seasonality.

For autumn and winter, choose warm stoles from pleasant materials: wool, angora, velvet. They will blend harmoniously with a thick drape coat. On a warm autumn day, a stole can replace outerwear if you fix it in the form of a cape or cardigan.

In spring and summer, choose stoles made of light fabrics: silk, tulle, chiffon, satin. If your wardrobe is dominated by colorful, complex things with prints, then the best choice would be a monochrome tippet of color that is in good harmony with your color type. If restraint and modesty dominate in your style, then use a cape of rich colors as a bright accent.

The more colorful the image, the more laconic and calmer the stole should be.

Possible option with floral or other motifs. The color of such a scarf can complement and intertwine with the main outfit. If you use clothes in a cage, then the bow can be supplemented with a stole in the color of the cage.

How to choose a stole

Every fashionista should have in her arsenal a lot of different stoles, scarves and shawls. With their help, you can add uniqueness and originality to the image.

Remember, the stole is an indicator of taste and identity, so you don't need to save on it.

A great number of these accessories are presented on store shelves. How not to lose your style and personality in this abundance?

We have selected good advice for you in this matter:

How to wear a stole with a dress

Images with a stole glow with elegance and speak of a woman's good taste. "The synthesis of a dress with a stole is the most sophisticated and melodic combination." But this only applies to a properly selected stole.

The stole is only a detail of the image, it should not distract attention, and even more so come into disagreement with the dress.

Avoid colorful, contrasting colors and inappropriate prints. The stole will add special chic and aristocracy to the look with an evening dress with a midi length. To do this, choose a stole from light, floating fabrics. So it will form pretty folds. For special celebrations, you can purchase a cape made from natural fur, you will look luxurious.

The stole will dilute and decorate a casual dress. Choose a scarf material that is similar in texture to the material of the dress, so the look will be organic. If the image turns out to be boring monochrome, steal it with a bright stole, so you will breathe freshness and energy into your bow.

But don't forget about the taboo. So, the stole does not harmonize at all:

  1. With short cocktail dresses. Such an ensemble looks awkward and inappropriate;
  2. With asymmetrical dresses. Choose dresses in a classic style;
  3. With dresses of complex cut, or rich decor.

How to wear a stole with a coat

The stole is a multifunctional accessory that can be perfectly combined with not only dresses, blouses, but also outerwear, for example, a coat. You need to choose it correctly. So embossed, openwork capes made of fur or decorative knitting are perfectly combined with a smooth, dense coat. But cashmere is considered a universal stole, it goes with any fabrics. A scarf made of lightweight fabric, such as silk, will play well with a spring raincoat or trench coat.

To avoid comicality and overloading the image, do not complement a complex coat with a stole, that is, a coat of uneven cut with many details: flounces, frill, ruffles, bows. Such a coat is already self-sufficient and a plain shawl will be the best choice for him. Also, you should not combine a fur cape from a coat with a fur collar.

In order not to turn the stole into the main detail of the image, but only to make it a complementary accent, choose a color several shades lighter or darker than the coat

If your imagination and creativity are restless, feel free to experiment with the color scheme, the main thing is that the image comes out consistent and appropriate. Make sure that the style of the ensemble is consistent. For a classic style, choose a stole without unnecessary decor, without a pretentious print, pompons and lurex.

Ideas and ways to wear a stole

There are many ways to use stoles.

A stole from a shoulder cape can be easily transformed into a scarf-collar, or a headpiece will also serve as an excellent accent of a feminine look.

Every fashionista should know what options will help her hide some features of the figure and make her a standard of beauty.

The first method of tying the stole will help you visually create volume in the chest area and balance the wide hips, as well as draw the waist. To do this, twist two opposite edges diagonally, wrap loosely around the neck twice and tie the ends. Nicely align the stole on the shoulders. This will balance your shapes and create a graceful silhouette.

On not very cool days, the stole can replace outerwear. To make a vest out of it, you need to twist the cape around the neck, spread the long ends symmetrically in front and fasten them with a belt. Such an outfit will not only warm you up, but will also look very elegant. We throw the stole over the shoulders so that the back is closed and the sleeves resemble bells. Fasten at the waist with a wide belt. The result is a graceful cardigan with trendy sleeves.

Be sure to include a stole in your wardrobe. With them, you will create many beautiful images.

A selection of the most effective ways to tie and use a stole. A common accessory for a woman's wardrobe "works wonders".

Stole is a wide scarf of various colors and textures. An irreplaceable accessory in the wardrobe of a modern woman, it is worn at any time of the year. If it is a thin, light, flowing fabric, the stole is used in summer or spring, and wool and other dense materials will be appropriate in the autumn-winter period.

The versatility of this accessory lies in the variety of ways it can be tied and used. This non-standard wardrobe item can radically change the image of a woman. It is tied on the head, neck, thrown over a dress, coat or jacket.

How to tie a stole in style? How to tie a stole on your head and neck? How else can you wear a stole? In this collection of material - answers to all exciting questions and a demonstration of the most popular ways to use the stole. After reading the secrets and recommendations outlined in the article, any woman can look modern, fashionable and effective.

How to choose a stole?

When choosing a stole, one should be guided by the main question: with what will it be worn? Decorating a coat or evening dress, a romantic blouse or a "rocker jacket" - there are a lot of options. The main thing is to follow the basic rules of combination in clothes, taking into account the characteristics of the figure and face. Naturally, a tippet with a similar floral print will not fit a floral blouse, and a tippet made of dense and tough material will look rough on thin fabric.

When choosing a stole, pay attention to its color scheme. The shade should "fit" the face, be combined with the things with which it is planned to wear it. Variants are also possible here: it can be an independent bright accent in the appearance of a woman or a finely chosen elegant addition to clothes.

So, the more such accessories in a woman's wardrobe, the easier it is to create any stylish outfits.

How to tie a stole - ways

Consider the most common ways to tie a stole, ranging from simple to somewhat intricate.

How to tie a stole using the Loose Ends method

Having thrown the stole around the neck, the free ends are thrown in front, over the shoulders. Basically, the scarf is wrapped around the neck and the ends are left on the chest as a decoration. The ends of the stole, depending on the length, can simply hang down, or you can tie them with a light knot.

How to tie a stole using the Long Tail method

Throwing a scarf around your neck, throw one end of it behind your back, beautifully arrange the front folds. For better fixation of the stole, you can fix it with a pin from the inside (on the shoulder).

In this, the simplest, variation, both voluminous and narrow stole models look beautiful.

How to tie a stole using the "Loop" method

The stole is folded in half in width and thrown around the neck. The ends of the scarf are threaded into the loop formed (when folded). The degree of tightening of the stole can be different: dense and clear or loose and airy.

Light summer scarves tied with a "Loop" can be additionally decorated with a brooch or a decorative flower (as in the photo).

How to tie a stole using the "Reverse loop" method

Variation on the "Loop" theme. Do the same manipulations as described in the previous method (stage No. 1), but first pass only one end of the stole into the loop (stage No. 2), and thread the second into another loop (stage No. 3), slightly tighten the ends (stage No. 4).

How to tie a stole using the "Twist" method

Twisting the stole slightly along the canvas, wrap it around the neck, crossing it in one place, and carefully tie it, hide the ends under the bottom.

This method is great for wide and long scarves. A narrow stole after twisting will look too tight. Great for women with thin and long necks.

How to tie a stole using the Hood method

The stole is twisted around the neck twice, crossing and tying a small knot in the back (according to the principle of the previous method). One layer of the stole is slightly stretched and used as a hood or hood.

The method is convenient for its versatility, turning a scarf into a headdress and vice versa. In this form, the stole resembles the well-known snood.

How to tie a stole "Volume arc"

A simple way, when the ends of the stole are tied, the knot is moved under the neck, the scarf is beautifully straightened on the chest. You can also twist it slightly by adding bulky folds.

How to tie a stole on your head?

Often the stole is tied not only around the neck, but also used instead of a headdress. It will be appropriate in the hot summer heat, instead of a hat or panama, and in the period of cool windy weather. A warm soft stole on your head, in winter it will become an unusual decoration and protection from frost. Preferring a stole to a trivial hat, it will be easier for a woman to maintain her hair, its volume and shape, even in the winter cold.

There are also enough options to tie a scarf with a stole on your head: with a scarf, a turban, traditionally throwing it over your head and throwing the loose ends over your shoulders or tying it around your neck. Everyone chooses according to taste and according to the style of clothing. So how else can you wear a stole?

How to tie a stole on your head - method 1

The stole is thrown over the head and tied under the chin with a knot (like a regular scarf). The free ends of the scarf remain in front or are thrown over the back.

How to tie a stole on your head - method 2

A variation of the first method, when the ends of the stole are not tied, but simply thrown over the shoulders (or on one shoulder).

How to tie a stole on your head - method 3

The stole is thrown over the head, the ends are aligned (in length), a knot is tied at the back, on the back of the head (like a scarf). If the stole is long enough, you can (before making the knot) wrap the ends of the scarf around your neck again.

How to tie a stole on your head - method 4

The stole is thrown over the head, the ends are aligned (in length), tied at the back of the head (optional) and the stole is twisted into a tight tourniquet, which is wrapped around the head. To fix the scarf, a decorative knot or bow is made in front or on the side.

How to tie a stole on your head - method 5

Fold the stole lengthwise, wrap your head around it, with the ends to the back of the head. After collecting the ends in soft warehouses, tie a tight volumetric knot. The risers can be left on the back or wrapped around the neck. A braid or a bun of hair wrapped in a stole will look fashionable and stylish.

How to tie a stole on your head - method 6

Fold the stole lengthwise, wrap your head around it, with the ends to the back of the head. Wrap your head around your forehead, forming a "turban". The ends of the scarf are tied on the forehead or taken back, fixing on the back of the head.

The photo shows several options for the formation of a "turban" from a stole.

By the way, such a versatile way to tie a stole on your head is convenient not only in summer, but also in winter. You just need to choose a warm and soft scarf.

How to tie a stole around your neck?

Most often, the stole is tied around the neck. There are a lot of design variations and the number of decorative knots.

Below, in the photo, there are several ways to beautifully tie a stole.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 1

The edges of the stole are twisted at the back, forming a volumetric loop in front. First, one free end is tied on the side (on the shoulder) into a knot, the tip is hidden. Then the same manipulation is carried out with the second end. The stole is gently straightened on the chest.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 2

Make a voluminous arch from a stole on the chest. Twist the edges at the back and bring them to the front. Tie the loose ends around the neck, hide the ends nicely under the stole. Straighten the scarf.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 3

Put the stole around your neck, tie one knot at each end. Arrange the nodes asymmetrically, one above the other. Tie loose ends, twist the scarf back. Hide the peeking ends under the stole, in the loop of one of the knots. Form folds nicely.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 4

Put on a stole around your neck, align the edges. Tie the ends of the scarf into a knot. Twist the stole and thread your head through the hole. Depending on the length of the fabric, the scarf can fit snugly around the neck or fall slightly in two tiers on the chest.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 5

Wrap the stole around your neck, as shown in the photo. Tie loose hanging ends. Hide the knot under the first tier of the scarf, straighten the ends.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 6

Wrap the stole around your neck, leaving the hanging ends on your chest. At one end, make a light, loose knot into which to thread the second free edge of the stole. The asymmetry of the location of the knot looks beautiful and impressive in any image.

How to wear a stole with a coat?

Fashionable stoles are irreplaceable with outerwear: coat, fur coat, jacket. Sometimes, it is enough to simply and chaotically throw a scarf over the shoulders or slightly throw one edge behind the back, and the image will be fashionable and creative. Sometimes women of fashion tightly twist the scarf around the neck or fix the hanging long ends of the stole with a belt.

Good afternoon, today I have prepared an article on how and with what to wear a large stole. Since the autumn cold is on the nose, it means this topic, more than ever, is relevant. Stole is a convenient thing, they can replace a cardigan, a summer coat, a light jumper. A stole, made of thick woolen fabrics, can even replace a coat on the cold days of October-September. Today I will show you how to tie a stole beautifully. I collected the most fashionable photos with images of modern fashion trends. Therefore, all that remains for you is to take and do the same - stylish and beautiful.

We already have big article on the topic "How to tie a stole and a wide scarf on a coat" there I give many kinds of nodes with step by step photos.

And here I want continue this topic and show more fashionable bows with a cozy warm big stole. I will also show 10 new ways to tie a stole - 6 ways to tie a WARM palatine and 8 ways to tie a SUMMER palatine.

  • We will start with warm stoles(rectangular and square).
  • And then (just below) we will consider summer knots for thin wide stoles.

How to tie a WARM stole

IN AUTUMN (6 ways).

Who is the WARM stole.

A stole is a trendy thing that doesn't have to be paired with fall wardrobes (over insulated sweaters). The stole can be worn over shirts and with short shorts - on a windy summer day - this wide stole will warm us with its soft embrace. The method is simple - we throw a stole over our shoulders, and throw one end over our back. Or we chop off the stole flaps with a pin at the very throat so that it does not swing open.

Girls who follow fashion trends always have in their wardrobe several stoles - plain in a plaid-plaid - in oriental flowers and with a geometric print. For different styles and different looks - for summer, autumn, spring.

Women over 40 and 50 there is also a style with a stole. The images that are decorated with this wardrobe detail are obtained tender and soft. A cozy autumn walk in soft stole draperies is so beautiful.

In the photo below we see a great example of color combinations - soft gray shades(with a warm sound) and beige-ocher tones of a jumper... Bag in the color of light cappuccino foam. And suede soft boots of a thick gray color. The hat is very friendly with the stole- you will be convinced of this from the photo in this stye.

In this article, I have highlighted 7 simple and quick-to-implement ideas on how to tie a stole.

Method number 1 Long tail.

We leave the long end of the stole hanging down along the pants or a long midi dress. We throw the second short end over the shoulder and fasten it with a pin from the inside. With our hands we form soft rounded folds (if there is not enough thickness for the folds, we tighten the lower tail of the stole and pin it with a pin).

Method number 2. Asymmetrical styling.

We twist the stole around the neck - in weak loops - and leave the ends hanging from the side (left photo).

Or you can make a version with a winding (as in the right photo below) - when only one loop of the loop is made on the neck - and then the ends of the stole are wrapped around this loop several times.

Method number 3. Hanging ends

This scarf looks great with a leather jacket .. You can simply throw it over the neck and leave the ends hanging down at the sides. And you can twist these ends ... like on the next leather jacket.

Method number 4. Twist into a tourniquet.

But we see how a twist is made from a large scarf-stole. It's easy to do it yourself. First, fold the scarf diagonally (a triangle is obtained). We throw a triangle over our shoulders (as in the left photo below) - and then we tie the ends at the goral (once) - the long tails are left hanging from this knot (as in the photo below). And then we wrap each such tail-end around the scarf several times. Leave the small tails sticking out (as in the right photo).

Or you can make a loose tourniquet (relaxed) and hide the ends - tuck them up and tie them together in a tiny knot, and bury them in the folds of the stole. You will get the styling like a scarf-collar.

Method number 5. Under the belt.

This method is suitable for both square shawls, shawls and rectangular Indian shawls.

Left photo - fold the scarf in a triangle. We put it on our back. We put the ends on the chest over the shoulders. We grab all the ends of the scarf-stole with a belt at the waist. And from above at the throat we fasten it with a pin (forming an imitation of a stand-up collar from the edges of the scarf).

Right photo - we put a shawl-stole on the shoulders - we lower the floors on the chest - and fasten it with a belt.

The same method can be used for stole scarves of any width.

The belt method is suitable for Indian fringed shawls and chiffon lightweight transparent scarves. Such drapery can be done on a turtleneck, on a jacket, over a trench coat, or a coat.

Method number 6. Asymmetric styling.

We put a stole on one shoulder - so that oblique folds are formed. We tie it with a belt.

AND 8 more ways tie a thin scarf-stole

(step by step lessons - will be slightly lower)

Now we are dismantling warm plump stoles - but how to tie thin knitted stoles with a knot "Bow", "frill", "braid" and a puff knot in two colors (from the photo above)- I will tell just below in this article. In the section where we will disassemble thin scarves, stoles.

In the meantime, we continue the theme of warm stoles.



A long stole looks beautiful with a long skirt. The result is a soft autumn look - so warm and cozy.

If the skirt is narrow and straight, then the draperies of the stole under the belt can be made not in the form of lush folds. And make a tight-fitting wrapping with a stole and fix it with a leather belt.

Here are trendy looks with a stole and a short skirt. The cut of the skirt can be any - it can be a sun cut, or a pencil silhouette.


With shorts.

Leather jacket, short shorts, high boots, white shirt - this classic look is a must-have. And this is due to the bright colored stole.

How to wear a stole

under high boots.

Over a knitted dress with high boots, you can tie a stole with a thin strap. Warm and beautiful. The strap can be matched to the color of your purse, shoes or hair.

If you bought a stole, you should pair it with a wide-brimmed hat and a wide leather belt. With these accessories you can create a wide variety of looks - with jeans, with skirts, with a coat.


style with jeans

Stoles of bright colors look most beautiful with jeans. With jeans and a stole, this type of shoe like loafers is well suited - stylish and appropriate.

And it is better to set a clear silhouette of the stole drapery with a belt. The belt can be fastened with a buckle, or you can tie it in a knot (this is how you can now).

You can just throw on a stole with jeans without tying it. Or you can secure the floors of the stole with a belt. A hat with a round brim will complement the look.

You can not tie a stole, but secure its sash with a pin. So it will stay on the shoulders even in strong winds. And for completeness of the autumn look, you can wear a fur collar-collar on top (as in the photo below).

Stoles -caps

(bike blankets)

And here are the stoles-blankets. They are made of felted wool - like felt boots - only as thin as bikes. They are often made from flannel fabric. They are dense to the touch, plump. Good to keep warm, protect from wind.

Their characteristic feature is the overcast seam along the edges (clearly visible in the photo below).

Such stoles-bikes can be sewn by yourself - by hand. Buy a piece of cute flannel fabric (the one that is thicker), and process the edges of this piece - twist them by a centimeter and with a thick thread (you need a needle with a large eye), trim it with an ordinary edging seam (as in labor lessons at school, we edged sewn toys and handkerchiefs) ...

And if the store sells thin flannel fabrics, then this is even better (you can make a double-sided double stole). In the photo below, we see just such a DOUBLE-SIDED - that is, with a different pattern of fabric outside and inside. You can also do this yourself - just buy a flannel fabric in two colors - two identical pieces. Put them together.

With short skirts and high boots. With summer sundresses

With jeans and shorts - you can combine stoles-capes from a bike with any items of your wardrobe.

Summer stoles

(knots and fashionable images).

There are also stoles made of light airy fabrics - chiffon, gauze, silk, satin.

Light airy draperies from summer stoles do not need tricky knots. By themselves, they lie in delicate folds.

Method number 1 - swing.

The most popular knot made from a light stole is a swing. The two ends of the stole are tied in a strong tight knot. It turns out a closed ring (like a scarf-collar) - we throw it around the neck, cross the hanging end of the rocker into a loop - and again throw this loop over the neck - we hide the knot under the rocker.

Method number 2 - soft knots.

And if you want to leave the knot in plain sight, then follow the rule. With such stoles it is better to create soft knots are loose. For such knots, any instructions for tying a scarf are suitable - the main thing is to loosen each knot a little - to make it more lush like a cloud.

Method number 3 - cape vest.

We connect the corners of the stole with each other (the very ends). We skip the stole under the armpits (behind the back) and throw the tied corners over the neck. At the back we tighten the middle of the edge of the stole to the tie-knot - we loosen this knot and slip a piece of this edge under it - tighten the knot.

And the main thing is that this way of yelling a stole is not only suitable for summer. ... In the fall, you can also tie a stole like a vest- over the turtleneck - and put on a jacket or a fur vest on top of a stole-vest. Imagine how beautiful it will be - when bright fringed stole sashes peep out in an open jacket and stand out brightly against the background of a dark turtleneck.

Method number 4 - bolero.

And here is another idea of ​​how to make a bolero out of a stole. We put the stole on the shoulders - put the stole on the floor on the hand - and the sides of the stole (which hang down on both sides of the hand) SEW TOGETHER - we make a seam connecting the sides of the stole - GETS A SLEEVE.

We do the same on the other side. And if the stole is long, then let the long ends of the stole hang from each end of the sleeve - this will be even more interesting.

Soft jersey stole(or fine weaving) can be tied with very beautiful knots. Thanks to the thin fabric and its elasticity, such knots will look beautiful and stylish. So let's take a look at the trendiest knots.

Method number 5 - bow knot.

This beautiful knot will decorate any summer outfit - dress, tunic, jacket.

Method number 6 - frill.

This is the easiest way to tie a summer stole. Here you just need to stick out the loop and lower it down.

Method number 7 - braid.

Everyone should learn how to tie a stole so beautifully. Just three simple moves and you've got a smart, symmetrical knot. Moreover, this node has 2 variants of the final look (with hanging ends, and with hidden ends).

Method number 8 - puff.

This knot looks like a puff pastry. We tie not one stole, but two, and you can play with contrasting colors or adjacent ones in the palette.

These are the ideas of how to tie a wide stole beautifully and stylishly. Now you know how to make thick knots from a warm autumn stole and elegant stylish ties with a thin summer stole.

Try it, look for your own ways of fashionable draperies with scarves, stoles, shawls and be happy.

Good luck with your style decisions.

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the Family Kuchka website.

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Why is the stole again taking up a place in the women's wardrobe today? Because it is a versatile accessory, it is suitable for both the theater and the office, and goes well with outerwear and casual wear. Having mastered the art of tying a stole in all sorts of ways, you will look different every day and amaze others with an elegant and sophisticated look.

Every woman who has this cape in her arsenal should be able to beautifully tie a stole. After all, it was not in vain that for centuries she covered the gentle female shoulders from the prying eyes of men and warmed them on cold days. In addition, it would be good to know how to wear a stole on your head; in the cold season, it can replace a hat.

The Duchess of Bavaria became the legislator of this accessory in the distant 17th century. It was this person who for the first time threw a cape over her fragile shoulders to keep warm from the cold. Her name (Isabella Palatinskaya) was immortalized in the name of the accessory - the stole.

But time passes, everything changes ... And if Duchess Isabella covered her graceful shoulders with a narrow strip of sable skins, then in the modern world it is made from various materials: chiffon, cashmere, lace, fur, wool. One thing remains unchanged - this is a rectangular shape, the width of which varies from 50 to 75 cm, and the length can reach 2 meters.

How to choose a stole?

If you have not yet had time to purchase this accessory, then when choosing a model, take into account the following nuances and follow the rule: choose a stole taking into account the proportions of your body. So:

  1. tall, large ladies should refuse a fur cape with a long pile (fox or arctic fox), as it will add additional volume. Stop your choice on a model made of skins with short fur (mink, sable, marmot). At the same time, choose a narrow cape made of whole fur;
  2. small models are suitable for miniature representatives of the fairer sex. In voluminous, large - they "drown" and look ridiculous;
  3. the drawing on the stole can also visually correct the figure. So, a cape with horizontal stripes will visually reduce growth, and vertical ones, on the contrary, will increase and make the figure slimmer. A large drawing is suitable for ladies with curvaceous forms, and a small one for petite women.

Stole picked up and purchased? It's time to learn how to wear it correctly with clothes and always look beautiful and elegant.

Tandem with a coat

For a coat, a cashmere stole or with a fur decor is perfect. How to wear a stole with a coat? If you choose it to match the outerwear, it will create the visual effect of breast augmentation. Coats with simple types of collars look good with him: classic, round or stand-up.

It will be enough to throw a stole over your shoulders or throw it around your neck, tie a voluminous knot at one end, and fix the other end under the resulting knot. Another option is to throw the stole over one shoulder, and tie the ends into a knot at the hips or secure with a brooch on the shoulder. The image of a lady-elegance is guaranteed to you!

Tandem with a jacket or down jacket

You can wear with a jacket cashmere or knitted capes with a large knit and less wide models.

With elongated jackets, a stole in the form of a vest looks good. The "French knot" is suitable for voluminous jackets. It is easy and simple to tie it. Fold the cape in half, wrap your neck, and lower the ends to your chest, or wrap and secure them again. This method resembles a voluminous yoke scarf.

A fur coat is a fur coat

The fur coat itself is already an adornment, to hide it under a stole, no matter how beautiful it is, is simply blasphemous. Plus, by tying something over the fur, you endanger its safety. Therefore, it is recommended not to wear a stole with a fur coat as a cape. But how then to wear a stole with a fur coat? A headdress from it can be made with ease, and it will be a very feminine option, believe me.

Headwear: how to make and wear?

The following headdress is suitable for a fur coat: cross the ends of the stole thrown over the head under the chin and tie them at the back of the head. It will fit your head tightly, now neither wind nor cold are afraid of you. The cape looks beautiful in the form of a loose hood. Its ends are not wrapped tightly around the neck or simply thrown back.

Lovers of more intricate hats should pay attention to this option: we throw a cape over our head so that the ends are the same length. We tighten them at the back of the head and twist them into a tourniquet. Now we either wrap the tourniquet like a braid around the head, fastening the ends under the beginning of the tourniquet, or we tie it into a knot and straighten the ends.

The drapery "A la Vostok" looks elegant. The stole is thrown so that the ends are of different lengths. Under the chin, the edges are fastened with a hairpin. Then they wrap the neck and chin with a longer end, and fix it with a pin on the back of the head.

Add color to business style

The stole is a true friend of business clothes. It is better to choose a silk model in a solid color. How to wear a stole correctly in a business look? There are several ways to wear:

"Vest". The stole is wrapped around the neck, the ends are lowered to the chest and secured with a thin strap. For a more elegant option, you can pin a brooch.

"Butterfly". There are several options. One of them - the cape is thrown over the shoulders, the ends are crossed in front on the chest and again thrown over the shoulders, fixed with the help of brooches.

"Flower". This method requires a fringed model. It is placed on the shoulders, the ends are lowered in front. One edge, straightening the fringe, is secured with a pin on the shoulder. The second, shorter, edge is left to hang freely.

You can purchase special hairpins for the stole - brooches, which will give your look a more elegant look and fix the ends of the cape. And also a ring clasp suitable for delicate fabrics. It serves to clamp the ends and adjust their length.

These wearing styles can be applied to blouses and classic dresses. If you choose, for example, a bright accessory for a black dress, then your image will sparkle in a new way. You can tie a stole at the waist over a dress, shirt, and trousers.

A charming addition to your evening outfit

Of course, the cape is perfect for an evening dress as well. How to wear a stole with such a dress? If you have an evening dress with an open back, then the presence of a stole is necessary. For the dress, models of a single color are selected from an airy translucent fabric (chiffon) or silk in deep dark tones, which should be in the same color scheme as the dress.

A hat, handbag or gloves matched to the cape will help to complete the look. After all, the main purpose of this amazing accessory is to make the image of a woman elegant and luxurious.

Fashion for stoles appeared in Great Britain during the reign of Queen Victoria. Since then, this wardrobe item not only protects from the cold, but also acts as a great addition to any outfit - from a coat to an evening dress. A fine cashmere stole can also be used as a headdress.

The stole is a wide cape made mainly of dense fabric or fur. In this article, we will look at several stylish and effective ways to wear a stole.

The first way

The easiest way to tie a stole is to throw it around the back of your neck, and throw one free end over your back. In this case, the width of the stole can be almost any, however, narrow or at least double-folded capes still look the most beautiful.

Second way

Another uncomplicated method, which, however, looks very stylish: fold the stole in half in width, put it in front of your neck, and sling the loose ends over your shoulders crosswise. The remaining ponytails, if desired, can be tied with a free knot.

The third method "loop"

The next way to wear a stole is called an "eyelet": the stole should be folded twice in width and put on the back of the neck. The loose ends must be folded together and threaded through the resulting loop.

Loopback fourth method

A slightly more complex version of the previous method is the so-called "loopback". In order to tie a stole in this way, it should also be folded in half in width, put on the back of the neck and thread one free end into a loop, as in the previous method, and thread the other into it from the other side. So, if you threaded one free end of the scarf into a loop from the inside, then the other must be threaded from the outside.

Fifth way

Many women like to replace the usual rectangular stoles with large handkerchiefs. For such girls, the following option is perfect: the scarf should be folded diagonally, put on the head, the free ends should be thrown back and tied with a weak knot. Then the scarf needs to be thrown off the head and the resulting "structure" twisted by 180 degrees.

Sixth way "butterfly"

For a spider-web stole, the method that is called "butterfly" is great. In order to tie a stole in this way, you should throw a cape around your neck, twist the loose ponytails between each other 2-3 times, straighten the ends and lay them on your shoulders.

Seventh way

Girls who prefer a strict style should like the following option. Throw a stole around your neck, tie a weak knot at one free end, and then thread the other free end of the cape into it. In this case, you can use a simple silk scarf instead of a stole.

Eighth way "with an evening dress"

A solid-colored stole made of transparent light fabric is perfect for an evening dress. Throw a scarf over your shoulders, experiment with variations of the fall: open both shoulders, or just one, pin it off with a brooch. Do not forget that for an exquisite look, it is necessary not only to successfully tie a stole, but also to choose a suitable color that can complement the overall look.

Ninth way

Try simply draping the stole over your elbows as well. Capes made of flowing or transparent fabrics will look especially exquisite. This option for wearing a stole can add grace to the look of any woman.

Eleventh way

This way of wearing a stole also looks original: throw it over your shoulders, and thread the ends under the belt. This option is even suitable for everyday life. A scarf worn in this manner mimics a cardigan. By the way, this version of the stole socks visually stretches the figure, makes it more slender.

Twelfth way

The scarf can also be worn as a headgear, which will protect you from the cold and will not ruin your hair. In this way, it can be worn with a coat, sheepskin coat or fur coat. To tie it on your head beautifully, you should throw the stole over your head so that one end is longer than the other, and then secure it under the chin with a pin. Next, the head should be wrapped with the remaining long piece of scarf and again secured with a hairpin or pin on the back of the head. At the end, the Cape can be thrown over the shoulder and laid in such a way that the fabric falls in free folds.