How to find out a pregnant woman in the early stages. Ultrasound and observation by a doctor. Emotional changes, psychological deviations

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Determining early pregnancy is sometimes not just important, but vital. If you did not plan this step, but are ready to give birth to a baby, then the confidence that you are really pregnant will help you keep your unborn child healthy. The important points in this case are bad habits, work in difficult and harmful conditions. The sooner you determine the pregnancy in this case, the more likely it is to keep it.

There are also more sad cases when, for medical reasons, it is necessary to terminate a pregnancy due to a serious illness, for example, or a recent complex operation. It is clear that it is better to do this earlier.

If the pregnancy was planned and long-awaited, it is clear that the expectant mother would rather be convinced of her position and please her family and friends with this wonderful news.

So let's see how you can identify early pregnancy.
The first and most telling sign is usually delay menstruation... If before your cycle was regular, and no disruptions were observed, then it is highly likely that you are pregnant.
However, the delay may also be a sign of some kind of illness, or it may not be at all, so listen carefully to yourself and try to find other suspected signs.

One of these signs is the appearance profuse discharge, like those that you observe before the onset of menstruation. Again, this sign alone cannot serve as one hundred percent proof.

Also in early pregnancy, there may be fast fatigue, drowsiness, cravings for certain foods and persistent aversion to others. Even nausea and vomiting may begin - toxicosis, which is observed in pregnant women from about the second week from conception.
Sensitivity and breast tenderness, as well as increased pigmentation of the skin of the nipples can also be attributed to probable signs. However, you can take them into account if nothing has happened to you before with the onset of your period.

Due to changes in hormonal levels, many internal organs begin to work a little differently than before. For example, the digestive system gives some failure. That's why constipation, which is called from scratch, also sometimes testifies to the onset of pregnancy. May also start problems with urination... If you used to sleep peacefully until the morning, and now you invariably get up at night to use the toilet, it is possible that the increasing uterus is pressing on the bladder.

Almost one hundred percent indicator of early pregnancy is considered increased basal temperature... If you measure it correctly - that is, without getting out of bed immediately after waking up, and there are other signs, most likely your suspicions can be considered correct. With the onset of pregnancy, the temperature in the rectum usually reaches 37 degrees and above.

A gynecologist can more accurately determine early pregnancy. An elementary examination and palpation through the abdominal wall can reveal pregnancy for a period of 3-4 weeks.

The doctor will also refer you to a laboratory for examination, where you will have to donate blood and urine.
In the early stages, a special protein can be found in the blood, which is quite easy to detect at 4-5 weeks. The appearance of this protein is considered a sure sign of pregnancy.

In the urine from about the second week, a hormone appears, which is called human chorionic gonadotropin, which is also a sign of pregnancy. The risk, however, lies in the fact that such a hormone can appear as a result of a number of diseases, therefore, only a urine test to diagnose pregnancy cannot be dispensed with.

Based on the detection of the same hormone pregnancy test which can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is believed that its reliability ranges from 80-90%, and it can show a positive result already in the presence of a two-week period.

The surest way to determine early pregnancy is ultrasound procedure... Special sensors will not miss any changes. In addition, unlike other research methods, this method will help to identify pathologies of the location and development of the fetus. Usually, the ultrasound method can accurately determine pregnancy at a period of 10-14 days.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize two points. Firstly, there are cases when a woman does not observe any pregnancy symptoms until the moment when the belly becomes impressive or the baby begins to move.

Secondly, even if you are convinced that you are pregnant using the test and analyzing your own feelings, you should still see a doctor as soon as possible.
Only competent supervision and constant monitoring of the condition and laboratory parameters can guarantee you a normal pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

What are the early signs of pregnancy. When is the best time to get tested or do an ultrasound after a possible conception.

Pregnancy is a happiness that can only be experienced by women. Its onset is a long-awaited event, accompanied by certain signs. This article will tell you about each of them, and tell you how to correctly identify the "interesting" position without a test.

At what time frame can you already accurately determine pregnancy?

The appearance of nausea, fatigue and drowsiness are the first signs of pregnancy, but they do not appear in every woman.

There are several ways to help confirm or deny the emergence of a new life in the tummy. Each of them requires the passage of a certain time after the estimated date of conception. Among them are:

  • Doctors recommend taking a blood test to determine pregnancy 1-2 weeks after the expected date of conception of the child. The time to complete the laboratory test is 1 day. A positive result can be expected 8-10 days after ovulation or fertilization of the egg.
  • Another way to determine pregnancy is urine analysis. It is best done in the first days of the delay, since a positive result is not always manifested even before its onset.
  • A pregnancy test is a popular method among women. It is recommended to do it in the first days of the delay, in order to obtain a more accurate result.

To get accurate information about pregnancy, it is best to do two tests, but using test strips from different manufacturers.

  • Measuring basal temperature is another way to determine pregnancy. It is produced from the first days of the delay, for several days. In case of a positive result, BT will be higher than standard indicators.
  • An ultrasound will show the presence of pregnancy within 2 - 2.5 weeks after conceiving a child. The embryo will be best seen with transvaginal examination.

Echography will help determine pregnancy 10-15 days after fertilization of the egg.

The main symptoms that occur in pregnant women: what to expect? Video

The first signs of pregnancy appear only on the 20-22 day of pregnancy, when the fertilized egg has already securely attached to the wall of the uterus and began to develop. A girl who thinks about her pregnancy should monitor her condition, notice all the changes taking place in her body.

Symptoms that occur in pregnant women include:

  • increased basal body temperature
  • delay of "critical" days
  • pain in the lumbar region
  • bouts of nausea
  • rapid fatigability
  • loss of consciousness
  • enlargement of breasts, increased sensitivity of the nipples
  • intolerance to odors
  • bloody issues
  • increased salivation, which was not previously observed
  • desire to eat sour, sweet or salty

Video: The first signs of pregnancy

Elevated basal temperature is the first sign of pregnancy

An increase in basal temperature is the first sign of pregnancy. It varies at around 37-37.2 degrees in the first 2-4 weeks after conception.

Doctors associate its appearance with the active production of a hormone - progesterone, this occurs during the development of the embryo. At this time, you need to walk more in the fresh air, eat fruits and vitamins necessary for the proper development of the fetus.

Lack of menstruation is the second sign of pregnancy

Delayed menstruation is one of the main indicators of pregnancy in women. If it is accompanied by other symptoms (nausea, intolerance to odors, drowsiness, constant desire to lie down, etc.), then the likelihood of an "interesting" situation is very high.

To check your expectations, you need to see a gynecologist or take a test.

Breast enlargement and change in appearance is the third sign of pregnancy

The breast reacts quickly enough to the origin of life in the uterus. From the very first days, swelling and swelling of the nipples begins to be traced. They become more sensitive, which was not noticed before.

If all this happens along with other signs, then you should think about going to the hospital to the local gynecologist. The doctor will examine, confirm or deny the alleged pregnancy.

Changing taste preferences is the fourth sign of pregnancy

A dramatic change in taste preferences is a common situation in pregnant women. Experts associate it with hormonal changes in the body and iron deficiency, which increases more and more as the fetus grows and develops.

To replenish the body with useful substances vital for the expectant mother and fetus, it is necessary to use vitamin preparations sold in pharmacies (they contain the whole complex of substances that are necessary for the growth and development of the child).

In no case should you limit yourself in your desires. If the body requires, eat even something that you would never try in everyday life (eg pickles and candy, herring and cookies, cake and tomato juice, etc.).

The only things to avoid are foods that can be harmful (eg sushi due to their raw fish content).

Frequent urination is the fifth sign of pregnancy

The main reasons for frequent trips to small needs are a change in the hormonal background in a woman's body (active production of hCG) and an increase in the size of the uterus, which presses on the bladder.

To reduce the frequency of going to the toilet (especially at night), it is necessary to reduce the consumption of fluids, as well as products that may contain it.

The body of a pregnant woman, starting from the early stages, functions for two. The kidneys work more actively to cleanse the amniotic fluid and blood from the waste products of the fetus. The filtration process occurs due to frequent urination, which worries a woman.

No signs of pregnancy in a pregnant woman. Is it possible?

The absence of signs of pregnancy depends on the characteristics of the organism. In some cases, even with a regular cycle and excellent health, girls determine their pregnancy only by the first movement of the baby in the tummy. In order not to torment yourself with guesses and hopes, you should go to a specialist, he will conduct an examination, and everything will become clear.

What signs can indicate pathologies in the early stages of pregnancy? Urgent help

Among the main indicators that indicate the pathology of fetal development and pregnancy, one can single out:

  • bleeding
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region
  • severe nausea and vomiting
  • fainting

If one of these symptoms appears, an urgent need to contact a medical institution!

Definition of pregnancy without tests and doctors: advice and reviews

There are several popular ways to determine pregnancy without using a test and without going to the doctor.

  1. Pour 1 tsp into a container with urine. soda. If it sinks to the bottom - there is a pregnancy, if the mixture is in bubbles - then the result is negative.
  2. A drop of iodine is dropped into a container with urine, if it dissolves, then the result is negative, if not, positive.

Although these methods have found their supporters, they do not always have a 100% correct result. It is best to go to the doctor, then everything will fall into place.

Video: How to determine pregnancy using improvised means?

Determining early pregnancy is a rather difficult matter if the diagnosis is carried out at home. What are the methods for diagnosing short-term pregnancy?

At home

1. Pregnancy tests. Probably all modern women who are sexually active are familiar with them. They reliably show the presence or absence of pregnancy from the first day of missed periods. However, for many women, it is very important to determine pregnancy at an early stage, even before the likely delay in menstruation. Can the tests be used earlier than the manufacturers recommend?

Yes, many women know about this and start buying test strips within 10 days after ovulation and probable conception. You need to know that 10-11 days after conception, only tests with high sensitivity (no more than 25 mUI) can show a reliable result. Therefore, carefully consider the choice of the manufacturer. But not always, even with a very high sensitivity, tests show a pregnancy of a short term, and the point here, rather, not even as a test, but in the fact that conception can occur not on the day of ovulation, but 2 days later. And the implantation of an egg into the wall of the uterus (the day from which the hCG hormone begins to be produced, to which the tests react) can occur both on the 5th day from conception, and on the 10th day. In the first case, early detection of pregnancy is possible, but in the second it is not. There are several types of tests (strip, inkjet, tablet, electronic) - the prices for them are different, the cheapest are strip strips, but they are no less reliable than the others listed if they are performed in strict accordance with the instructions.

Erroneous results can occur in the early stages of pregnancy if not morning urine is taken for diagnosis (in the morning the highest concentration of hCG) or when assessing the result earlier or later than the recommended period. If in doubt about the correctness of the result, it is better to repeat the test after a few days.

On a note.

A positive test is very rarely erroneous, only in cases when a woman has serious illnesses, cancer, for example, or if a woman is taking medications containing a pregnancy hormone.

The test can be negative in early pregnancy and in an ectopic pregnancy. If the delay is long and the results are negative, in any case, you should consult a doctor.

Doubtful results (weak second stripe) are more common when determining early pregnancy. However, sometimes such a reaction occurs due to a poor-quality test, due to too long analysis of the result. Often the weak second stripe is just a figment of the imagination of a woman who is passionate about becoming a mother.

2. Basal temperature. Initially, this method was used to determine ovulation, but there are women who, using the readings of a thermometer, try to understand whether they are in position. This is done as follows. In the morning, immediately after waking up, without making unnecessary movements, and even more so without getting out of bed, it is necessary to measure the temperature in the anus with a simple mercury thermometer or an electronic one - as it is more convenient for anyone. If a mercury thermometer is used, then the measurement will take 5 minutes, if an electronic one, then much less. It is very important not to drink medicines the day before (unless there is a great need), not to drink alcoholic beverages and not to have sex. In addition, the measurement will be accurate only if at least 3 hours before the woman was in a calm supine state and did not get up. Thus, it is possible to determine pregnancy at an early stage - if the temperature is above 37 degrees, most likely, conception has taken place. But a temperature of 36.9 degrees also cannot be considered 100% as a negative result, in principle, as well as being 100% positive at a value of 37 degrees.

Medical examination

1. Gynecological examination. The main signs that the gynecologist takes into account: the size of the uterus, tension, swelling of the mammary glands, cyanosis of the vagina and cervix (determined by examination using mirrors). But only based on the results of the examination, doctors do not put pregnancy at a very early stage, since only from 5-6 obstetric weeks, the uterus begins to slowly increase in size.

2. Ultrasound examination. A fertilized egg can also be found in the uterus at 5-6 obstetric weeks (the obstetric period is considered 2 weeks longer than the real - embryonic). That is, approximately 1-2 weeks after the start of the missed period, the doctor will be able to see your baby on the monitor, which is still several millimeters in size. However, in order to determine early pregnancy, ultrasound is not always used. Only if the gynecologist has doubts about the location of the ovum (ectopic pregnancy) or about the development of the ovum (frozen pregnancy). In other cases, it is proposed to do a blood test for hCG, and the first ultrasound is usually performed at the end of the first trimester, for a period of 12-14 weeks.

3. Blood test for hCG. Yes, yes, the same hormone is determined as in the pregnancy test. Only a clinical blood test helps to detect pregnancy much earlier than a home test, almost immediately after the egg implantation. That is, 10 days after ovulation (probable conception), you can already go to donate blood. Using the same analysis, looking at the growth trends of hCG (it should double every 36-48 hours), the doctor can track how well the pregnancy is proceeding, whether he has frozen in development. If the readings are too low, the doctor may suspect a threat of interruption or an ectopic. Unfortunately, this analysis is still not available in all clinical laboratories.

We have listed the main ways in which early pregnancy is detected. You should also know that hormonal changes in the body can cause various unusual sensations and states: the temperature may rise (not only basal, but also the body temperature), toxicosis may appear, causeless fatigue and insomnia may occur, a change in taste preferences, etc. Everything is individual.

Listen carefully to the signals that your body gives, and you will not miss the beginning of such a significant period of your life.

Many women claim that from the first days they feel their pregnancy. There is no point in challenging such statements, and there is no need to do so. Another thing is that even such women want to receive confirmation of their feelings as soon as possible. So they are wondering how to determine pregnancy before the delay.

What is it for? It all depends on whether the woman wants a child or not. In the first case, she, most likely, really wants to find out as soon as possible if the attempts at conception have been successful. In the second, it is very important to diagnose pregnancy as early as possible in order to have an early abortion. After all, it is known that the earlier an abortion is done, the lower the risk of complications.

According to doctors, there are no reliable ways to determine pregnancy before delay, but this is not entirely true. There are many ways of varying degrees of confidence. They will be discussed below.

Reliable Ways to Determine Pregnancy Before Delay

There are three fairly reliable ways to recognize a pregnancy even before a delay. So, a symptom of pregnancy before delay can become change in basal temperature body.

The easiest way to determine this is if you are regularly measuring basal temperature. Unfortunately, many women still use the basal temperature chart as a method of contraception. In this role, he is not very effective, and the risk of getting pregnant is very high.

Basal temperature is much more effective in determining the days favorable for conception. The fact is that on the day of ovulation, it rises to an average of 37 degrees. Naturally, for a more accurate result, the basal temperature schedule should be kept for several months.

Basal temperature continues to remain high almost until the very menstruation, and about a week before their start, the temperature begins to decrease. So, if before menstruation is less than a week, and the basal temperature is still high, a woman may well be pregnant, since if pregnancy occurs, the basal temperature does not drop.

An early symptom of pregnancy before delay is working out ... This hormone is produced by the chorion, from which the placenta is subsequently formed. This means that the increased presence of hCG in the blood of a healthy woman is not normal. As a rule, this indicates pregnancy. In those rare cases when hCG is found in non-pregnant women, this may be a symptom of cancer or a consequence of medication.

There are two ways to determine the presence of hCG. The test is an ideal opportunity to detect pregnancy before delay at home. Of course, on the packaging of the tests they write that the tests give a reliable result only after the first day of the delay. In fact, the level of hCG becomes sufficient to be determined by a test 10-14 days after conception, and this is a few days before the onset of menstruation.

However, in order to obtain reliable results, the following rules must be strictly observed. First, you need to purchase the most sensitive test. Secondly, it should be carried out in the morning in the first urine, it has the highest concentration of hCG. Third, strictly follow the instructions for the test.

However, the test at any time may give an incorrect result. In the end, you may end up with a defective test. It would be much more accurate to take a blood test for hCG in an antenatal clinic. It gives the result as early as 10 days after conception. You need to donate blood in the morning on an empty stomach.

Additional signs to identify pregnancy before delay

However, many women, before going to a consultation for analysis, want to at least roughly estimate how likely pregnancy is in their particular case. Standard signs, such as toxicosis, are not helpful in this case, since they appear after a delay.

What symptoms of pregnancy in the early stages before the delay is worth paying attention to? There are several of them. The very first symptom of pregnancy before delay is perhaps implantation bleeding ... It occurs at the moment when the fertilized egg is introduced into the endometrium.

Until this moment, any signs of pregnancy are impossible, since the fertilized egg during this period does not come into contact with the mother's body in any way, which means that there are no changes in the body yet.

At the time of implantation, a fertilized egg can damage tiny blood vessels, which triggers the release of blood. This discharge is usually smearing, red or pink in color and lasts no more than a few hours.

Few people pay attention to implantation bleeding, since it is only a couple of days ahead of menstruation. In addition, there may not be any discharge, because damage to blood vessels is a matter of chance.

Feel in the first days of pregnancy before the delay are very different, and they can all be signs of pregnancy. For example, due to hormonal changes, the bladder sphincter may relax, urge to urinate may become more frequent.

Character may change too vaginal discharge ... On the day of ovulation, as you know, there is abundant mucous discharge, with the onset of pregnancy, they reappear, since during this period it appears on the cervix, which will protect the uterus from external influences throughout the pregnancy.

Swelling of the mammary glands and lower abdominal pain also referred to early pregnancy symptoms. However, even before menstruation in women, the sensations are usually similar. So the reliability of such signs is questionable. It rises if menstruation does not start at the appointed time. As you know, not only pregnancy can cause a delay in menstruation, but this combination of signs already speaks volumes.

Many women in the first weeks of pregnancy feel a sharp change in sex drive ... This also happens due to changes in hormonal levels. And the direction of fluctuations is very individual, someone experiences a sharp rise in sexual desire, others, on the contrary, do not want sex at all during this period.

Popular signs of pregnancy before delay

How to determine pregnancy before delay using alternative methods and means? It turns out that there are some. For example, some suggest using a regular pregnancy test instead of a pregnancy test. iodine from the first aid kit. It needs to be dropped into a container with urine, if the drop remains on the surface, it means that the woman is pregnant, if it dissolves right away, then no. You can also drop it on a cloth soaked in urine. In this case, they look at the color change: purple - the result is positive, blue - negative.

There are other alternative methods for determining pregnancy. by urine , so it is suggested to boil it in a metal container, and then pour it into a glass container. It seems like white flakes should fall out in the urine during pregnancy. And in the Middle Ages, urine was mixed with red wine. For non-pregnant women, the mixture should become cloudy, for a pregnant woman, it should remain transparent.

The definition of pregnancy before delay by folk methods is very diverse. For example, women are offered guess on the onion : put one onion in two glasses of water. On one to guess pregnancy, on the other - her absence. Whichever germinates first is the answer.

Many people like to consult with dream book ... There, dreams of "pregnant" include dreams about fish and water. A particularly sure sign is a dream about fishing. However, if you buy fish, cook or eat it in your sleep, the dream book will claim that you are pregnant. The same goes for dreams about swimming in clear water.

However, all this, as the people say, is written with a pitchfork on the water. All folk methods are akin to fortune telling on coffee grounds, and have a very controversial relationship to reality. Undoubtedly, in some cases they hit the mark. Well, how not to get there, if there are only 2 options, so in about half of the cases, folk methods definitely hit the sky. But will you be satisfied with the answer with 50% probability? And also based on chance? Most likely no.