How to behave with a man so that he falls in love: important recommendations. What to do to make cancer fall in love? If you are right

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How to behave in society: how to hold on, walk, sit down

Posted date: 2014-01-24

Hold on, walk, sit down? Yes. And do it right!

Do not think that the double meaning of "holding well" is accidental. If it simultaneously means both physical harmony and the elusive that allows a person to feel at ease alone with himself and under any circumstances, then our language again gives us the key to the relationship between inner life and outer appearance.

How many times have we had to deal with people who are nervous and quarrelsome, whose discord with the world and with themselves manifests itself even in uncontrollable hand movements. Or with vain ones, spreading a peacock's tail, demanding that all of humanity recognize their special become. In the scoffers, deep folds pull down the corners of the mouth, while the shy ones slouch and step cautiously, because they are convinced that their path is littered with traps.

Demeanor (posture, gait, appearance) are part of what we inherit from our ancestors, and sometimes it is not so easy to change it. But self-criticism without indulgence or the ability to follow friendly advice can help fix what would be wrong to "leave it as it is."

Let's start with what is inherent in every person, like a signature: with a gait. Who hasn't admired the flexible and graceful gait of fashion models and actresses? They do not have a single awkward movement, no unnecessary effort, their gait is the embodiment of ease and grace. But few ordinary mortals imagine how much it takes to exercise to achieve this "naturalness" on stage, podium or in front of the camera. In all schools where the ability to walk beautifully is taught, students (and above all - women!) Are asked to wear a book or some similar object on their heads. You can't keep him in balance if you slouch! In ancient times, women in this way acquired a magnificent posture. Let's follow their example! Try to bend your shoulders or walk with an uncertain gait, holding the load on your head! Here is another area where, as the saying goes, "the skill of the master puts", although it is unlikely that we will ever have to transfer a heavy vocabulary from floor to floor on top of our heads. Learning to keep straight, but not bending too much, swing your arms harmoniously within the limits of the natural position of the elbows, take steps that are not too large and not too small, not raise or lower your shoulders - look how many important steps are on the way to a correct gait!

Even for those with a beautiful gait, it can be quite difficult to stand up straight while remaining natural and relaxed. Hence, they need to carefully study themselves in a large mirror.

Do you find it difficult to stand firmly on your feet with your knees connected, without twitching, with a calm face?"Pull in your stomach, straighten your shoulders!" The old team, reminiscent of the barracks, but no less effective. You should remember her every time, wanting to correct your posture. And above all, try not to break the rules of good manners: do not lean on the back of a chair, do not lean against the wall, do not hide your hands in your pockets, do not nervously fiddle with a lighter or a handkerchief. And especially, for God's sake, try to avoid the most "strong means": when proving your case, do not grab your interlocutor by the lapels of his jacket, or worse! - for the unfortunate button, as a sign of approval, do not slap him on the shoulder or push him in the side with your elbow. One more thing. It is very difficult to talk to a person who is splashing saliva, and there is no need to get angry if you suffer from this, and the partner backs away from you during the conversation: he had every reason for this.

And when the time comes to sit down, leave or go to the table, it is important not to turn your back on anyone, especially - to the ladies and the elderly, even if you are not such a prominent person to attract admiring glances to yourself. If the expression "a beautiful back can charm" is true for you, use it at the beach or at a ball, wearing a dress with a large neckline, but not in your everyday life.

You also need to sit down carefully. If the actors are specially taught this, then everything is not as simple as it is commonly thought. Sitting on a chair, on a sofa, in an armchair means to pass a kind of exam, and often such a simple and outwardly harmless movement means that the visit threatens to drag on. Laziness and lack of self-control do manifest itself in our most egregious ways. And it is in such cases that it is easiest for us to seem sloppy and ugly.

Meanwhile, the correct fit can be very graceful and graceful. But who of us has not seen people who flop on a chair like a piece of meat thrown on the counter, or, on the contrary, settle down like conquerors who will remain here until they are expelled?

A few comments. Do not wrap around the legs and armrests like ivy around the trunk of a tree.

Advice to women: do not try to sit on the very edge of the chair - this is the good manners of exemplary little girls of the last century.

Advice to men: do not collapse on the seat with such force that immediately arouses the owners of the desire to call a repairman to repair the furniture.

Unfortunately, the list of errors against good taste made by seated people is endless. He will hug his knees with his hands, the other will fall apart in an armchair or on a chair, and someone will nervously drum with his fingers along its edge ...

It also happens to see how a seated person suddenly begins to whistle or hum some melody, clearly thinking about something of his own. But the worst position (especially for ladies!) Is when the knees are wide apart, and the feet are turned with the socks inward! You - both sexes - violate etiquette if you sit cross-legged. But ladies can freely cross their legs at the ankles, although even the owners of slender legs, like those of a movie star or a gazelle, should better cover their knees with a skirt, even if Rome or Paris prescribe mini-fashion!

When it comes time to get up, try not to turn your back on the public and not push the chair away as if it were your mortal enemy suddenly in the way. It is much better to prove your adherence to order by putting the chair back in place, but, of course, without going to the other extreme in search of exactly where he stood, for this will already seem like a mania.

Gestures and expressiveness

Yes, but what about the hands? We have already listed what you DO NOT need to do with them: nervously fiddling with objects, rummaging in pockets, drumming your fingers on the surface of anything, and so on. However, we have not yet talked about the most important and most common mistake - excessive gesticulation ... It is known that in the conversation of southern people, who are distinguished by their temperament, the hands take the same active part as the tongue, and the one who does not wave them during a conversation will be known as tongue-tied. Let's remember an old anecdote: the Provencal thief said to the gendarme: "I cannot answer your questions, am I in handcuffs?"

Of course, completely abandoning gestures would mean depriving the conversation of liveliness, and sometimes preventing the interlocutor from understanding you correctly. But it's important to remember - no frills!

You will make a mistake - and a gross one! - if you point your hand at an object, and even more so at a person. And even worse - over your shoulder! It may have been accepted when people explained by signs, but now such gestures are appropriate only for hitchhikers.

The obsessive movements inherent in some people are also annoying: some endlessly check the flexibility of the phalanges, others crunch their knuckles in the style of Saint-Saens's "Dance of Death" .. It is useless to say that such habits have no place in a good society. A barometer hanging on the wall in one of the mountain guesthouses read "Knocking on me, you won't improve the weather, but spoil me!" Valuable note, even if you wait two weeks for a clarification that will allow you to make the intended walk!

In conclusion, let us recall a few more descriptions.

  1. Do not use a toothpick in public. She belongs in the bathroom, or at least where you are alone.
  2. The singers clasp their hands on their chest - it seems to help them sing. For the rest of humanity, this gesture is ridiculous.
  3. Putting your hands on your hips was never considered a sign of good upbringing, even if it expressed anger as indomitable as it was righteous.
  4. According to artists, novelists and poets, Napoleon liked to keep one hand in his bosom and the other behind his back. Even if you are no worse than Napoleon (but who would doubt it?), But such a pose only brings a smile.
  5. Cover your mouth with your hand when you cough, yawn, or sneeze. Everyone knows this, but, unfortunately, not everyone does. Laughter, according to Rabelais, is an inherent property of a person. It is also said to be a sign of health. But if your laugh is like the rumble of a train crash, or under the circumstances looks like pure sadism, you can only be ashamed of such a laugh. It is also inappropriate to cover your mouth with your hand, allowing you to hear how you gasp, gurgle, trying to suppress a fit of uncontrollable laughter, because sooner or later an explosion is inevitable anyway.

On the other hand, laughing loudly, slapping oneself on the thighs, jabbing a finger in the side of a neighbor, squealing like the brakes of an old car, and generally laughing so that you can be heard in the next house, perhaps more like a groom than a well-bred person. Especially if the laugh is caused by your own joke. Like all other human manifestations, laughter finds its ideal expression in the golden mean.

At the beginning of a relationship, when romance and mutual understanding reign between lovers, many women think that it is their union that will be the strongest, and that the relationship will be stable and long-term. But, after the lapse of time, they notice that the beloved man will move away, feelings for her cool down - he has grown cold and fell out of love with her. The man leaves, disappears or completely ignores.

The first signs that a partner is changing or falling in love is changing his behavior, he lies, sometimes a lover appears, younger than him, he falls in love with another, forgetting about his family, leaves his wife and just leaves, even his own child will not stop him. He understands that he is guilty and offended you. The situation is critical, but there is a way out of it. Keeping a man is not as easy as it seems, this is a whole art, you need to constantly warm up your interest in yourself and know how to behave correctly with a man.

There are many contradictions and difficulties in the relationship between a man and a woman, and how they will develop depends on the weaker half. A wise woman should not be afraid to lose a man, but to behave correctly with her beloved, arousing his interest, attention and love. How to behave with a man:

1. Make your loved one depended on you... Surround him with attention and care, cook your favorite food for him, surprise him in bed, make surprises for him. But, do not indulge all his whims.

2. Man should know that he is the best... Give your beloved compliments, praise him, even for his smallest victory over himself. Give him the opportunity to win and fight. Your lover should know that he is the best for you.

3. Be independent... Independent, passionate about her favorite pastime, hobby, a girl is always interesting. Do not forget about meeting with your friends, take a break from each other. Find yourself at least a small, but stable source of income, let him know that you will not be lost without him.

4. Best friends... A girl with a boyfriend should be best friends who will always support each other.

5. Be attractive... Pay attention to yourself, do not forget about beautiful clothes and cosmetics. Any man wants to see a well-groomed lady with him, whom others turn to. Remember that a stupid woman looks after her husband, and an intelligent woman looks after herself.

In order to behave correctly with a man, it is necessary, in addition to an attractive appearance, to also possess the art of seduction and strive for self-improvement. Men are drawn to such a woman themselves and want to possess her.

1. Maintain your self-esteem... do so that the chosen one respects and appreciates you. Therefore, behave with dignity, do not impose, do not call, do not run, do not press on pity, if a man truly loves, he will always find you. Especially after a quarrel, breakup or divorce, when

a mistress appeared, it is better to hide his feelings and not find out why he left, left and decided to part with you. Do not try to secretly bewitch him. After a love spell, a charmed person can return and continue life with you, but over time he becomes jealous, suspicious.

2. Be attractive and sexy to him.... Don't forget that they love with their eyes. Femininity in clothes, hairstyle, natural makeup, high heels always attract the attention of the stronger sex.

3. In the first months of acquaintance do not show interest in his security... let him think you are disinterested.

6. Don't talk about your past... all the more, do not remember your former lovers. This is not interesting to anyone, it is not necessary to reveal all your secrets, be a riddle for him that he wants to solve.

7. Do not sacrifice yourself for the sake of the beloved, stay in your best interest... be independent of him.

Developing, love relationships, sooner or later come to a logical stage - intimacy. Often, it is after the first sex that a man disappears and does not call his partner. Especially if he is married and hides it. Any girl strives to understand what connects her with a man: one night or a serious relationship. What to do if he disappeared without explanation and left. How to behave correctly after intimacy, when the lover does not call and does not answer SMS?

Firstly, never stay with your beloved for the night, so you will avoid unpleasant moments in the morning when you have to put yourself in order after a stormy night.
Secondly, do not call him first, give the man time to think. If he is interested, wants love, he has serious intentions, he will call back himself.
It should be remembered that for a man, love and sex are different concepts. If you want a serious relationship, do not rush to fall into his arms... let him conquer his chosen one.

A horoscope will help you on how to behave correctly with a man. Find out who your favorite zodiac sign is and follow our tips.

If your loved one is Cancer according to your horoscope, be prepared for the fact that not soon you will hear passionate confessions and words of love from him or wait for the initiative in bed. Cancers are secretive, distrustful natures, hiding their feelings for a long time. To find out what he feels for you and whether he really loves, his views, actions and attention to you help. He will court his object of desire for a long time, fearing rejection, since he is naturally shy and longs for initiative from his chosen one. Adjusting it is a mistake. In addition, Cancer Men are jealous, do not provoke him.

The Taurus man is naturally noble and courteous. Head over heels in love, he must please his beloved in everything: gives gifts, solves her problems, guesses desires and fulfills all requests. Never allows rudeness in a relationship. Taurus is monogamous and expects the same attitude towards himself, never give reason to doubt your love for him, he is jealous all the time, do not forget that Taurus is a bull. To win his heart, you need to be honest, sensitive, attentive with him. To attract Taurus, forget about rudeness, insults to him in front of others. Taurus is a family guy who values ​​family, so his family should not be neglected. Taurus are connoisseurs of beauty, their woman should be on top and admire others.

Aries are naturally hunters and conquerors of hearts, who are used to only winning. Aries man always strives for new sensations and perfection, wants to see an ideal woman next to him. For him to want you, give expensive gifts and go crazy, his chosen one must be bright, interesting, independent, like himself. It shouldn't be boring with you.

Leo is strong, strong-willed and noble, always open and friendly, he is a good boss at work and a leader in relationships. Typically, Leos are successful and can be very wealthy. Leo in love is generous, romantic and very jealous, as he is emotional and quick-tempered. To fall in love with, attract and conquer Leo, a girl must be worthy of his royal nature, be bright, spectacular and aristocratic both at home and in society. Leo will not pay attention to a gray mouse or a stupid person.

To fall in love with Capricorn, you need to be patient, they are pragmatic, careful and demanding of their chosen one. First of all, he must understand that you are a friend to him, get to know you well. Be feminine, considerate, and discreet in your feelings. Capricorns do not like rudeness and tactlessness. Show your intelligence, they adore smart women. Capricorns are monogamous and if he chose you as his companion, this is serious and he really loves.

Pisces are sensual, vulnerable, emotional - real romantics, ready to perform feats for their beloved. A bit infantile of all zodiac signs. Find out the desire, take an interest in his life, know how to support him in his endeavors. Don't be intrusive and cheeky. Pisces's chosen one must be both chaste and mysterious, be able to lure Pisces into her nets.

Scorpios are self-confident, domineering natures who do not tolerate weakness. He is a manipulator and owner. His woman needs to be confident, purposeful and strong to match him and walk alongside him. Be able to forgive and find compromises.

The sign of Aquarius is air, they are easy-going, cheerful and want to see such a life partner with them. Aquarians are friendly, he has a lot of friends, both male and female. It is pointless to be jealous of him, since you will alienate him more from yourself. Aquarius is freedom-loving and independent, sometimes cold in relationships. Do not strain him, do not impose your attention, be interesting and friendly.

Virgo men are down-to-earth and pedantic natures who love order and consistency, even in relationships. His partner must be restrained, attentive, natural and reliable, in no way disturb his usual life. Virgo does not tolerate extravagance, disorder and chaos.

Gemini men are sociable, laid-back, confident in their charm and possessing leadership qualities. He adores women with a good sense of humor, erudite and witty. You should be an interesting interlocutor and friend for him, be able to listen, maintain a conversation, and he speaks a lot, communication is necessary for him like air.

Sagittarius are purposeful, active, travel and sports people. The Sagittarius man loves athletic, active girls who are easy-going. For a first date with him, outdoor recreation, a picnic or a ride on horseback are perfect, because he adores animals. Sagittarians are energetic and adventurous. In a conversation with him, be open, do not become isolated and do not hesitate, but do not burden him with questions about the future.

Libra is a controversial but very charming zodiac sign that knows a lot about seducing the female sex. He is attracted by mysterious, mysterious ladies who must be conquered. Libra is an esthete at heart and wants to see a beautiful and stylish companion nearby, perfect in everything. Be feminine, sophisticated. Libras are gourmets who prefer delicious food, sometimes they are good chefs themselves. A girl who knows how to cook well will easily win his heart. But besides material food, he is interested in the rich inner world of the chosen one.

All men are unique in appearance and temperament. But men who are truly in love behave almost the same way. First of all, a lover will always find time for you, even if he is very busy, he is not indifferent to where you are, what you feel. He always shows signs of attention, says compliments, gives flowers, gifts for no reason at all! If a man really loves, he protects and takes care of his chosen one, is interested in her health and well-being. He senses any of your changes in behavior: sadness, sadness and always tries to cheer up. The main thing for him is to make you happy!

Go crazy for some guy, but he does not notice you, perceives you only as a friend, or even meets with another? Everything can be changed in your favor, we will tell you how to behave so that a guy can fall in love with you. You will find out what he needs to say, what topics to touch on on a date, what should be changed in himself and, in general, what men expect from women. In addition, here you will find a list of what absolutely should not be done, so as not to alienate the chosen one.

We all know very well that men love with their eyes, and this is so, but only at the initial stage. All tricks in this case are reduced to ensuring that the object noticed you. In the future, this will not be enough, it is necessary to study all the habits and preferences of your partner as carefully as possible.

How to treat a guy

Here are some tips on what to do with a man to make him like him:

  • listen carefully to him;
  • do not argue with him, and if you do it, then not openly;
  • smile, but not like Hollywood stars;
  • praise and lavish compliments;
  • show its value.

If you don't want to push the man away, never:

  • do not regret, do not scold or blame him;
  • do not raise your voice to him;
  • do not interrupt him;
  • don't laugh at him.

It all depends on the specific situation.

If a man does not notice you at all

In order to attract the attention of a particular man, it is necessary to study his tastes. If your object loves sports, and specifically football, watch a few matches, find out the composition of his favorite team. This will help you to be on the same wavelength with him.

If he is a movie or music lover, discuss the latest in music and films, storylines, actors. You can go to a concert together, invite him to watch a movie at home, or listen to music on headphones while walking.

In no case should you put pressure on a man, you only need a slight interest and nothing more!

You can not criticize or interrupt the object of your interest. Men do not like this very much and consider such behavior to be a manifestation of disrespect for their male self. Listen to everything that he tells you, show interest and never say that you would have done otherwise in his place. Criticism is not the way to build trust.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We advise you to look free video course Alexei Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." You will receive a step-by-step plan of 12 steps on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for years to come.

The video course is free. To view, go to this page, leave your e-mail and an email will be sent to the mail with a link to the video.

How to behave with a colleague

Obsessive admiration can have the exact opposite effect. It is better to make him understand his importance and masculinity more often in an appropriate form. Did you help me sort out the papers? Thank him and invite him over for a cup of coffee. This will make him look at you with different eyes. A man will understand that you see in him not just an employee.

What if it's a friend

If he does not notice you, you need to find out. Here are 5 main reasons. Then try changing your image. Were a "gray mouse" - become a rip-off, looked like a boy - acquire femininity. Grow your hair or cut your hair, get a manicure, buy shoes with heels, cosmetics. By this you will hint to the guy that you want to like him not only as a friend, but also as a girl. Believe me, he will notice and appreciate it.

During communication, you can mirror his gestures, intonation, speech rate, and more. This generates frank interest and trust. But before you act, it is necessary.

How to take a man from another girl under her nose

In such a situation, it is very good to emphasize your femininity and originality. It would be very correct to unobtrusively surround him with care. Find out what he likes best food and make this dish. The conquest through the stomach has not yet been canceled! Invite him to a picnic with his girlfriend (find a fictitious guy for yourself), take his favorite treats with you and ask your new friend to distract your rival. At this time, say that all the treats are your handiwork.

Continue in the same spirit: go for a walk of four, study the shortcomings of a competitor and show at the first opportunity that you do not have them. She complains about the rain - you are happy with him, you are unhappy that they did not give her flowers - you say that they are not the main thing, etc.

About what to do if you like a guy and he has a girlfriend, you will find in another article. We told him how to hint that he likes it, whether it is worth taking the MCH or not, how to do it tactfully.

What needs to be changed in yourself

To interest a man, you need to become:

  • mysterious (do not chatter everything);
  • calm, but not an amoeba;
  • caring;
  • positive, stop complaining about anything;
  • obedient;
  • feminine;
  • well-groomed, perhaps to put things in order on the head. Find out, . Who is more popular, brunettes or blondes, than redheads are interesting? In another article you will find answers to these questions.

It is also necessary. We have prepared a detailed plan for you from theory to practice. You can overcome shyness and become an interesting conversationalist.

In each case, an individual approach and knowledge of male psychology are required.

Dating conversations

On a date, in a conversation, you need to make it clear that this particular man, his personality, life, features are interesting. You need to listen more, try to show your support and in different situations make him the best interlocutor, smart, wonderful, do not hesitate to give compliments.

A win-win topic of conversation is his hobby, be it fishing or playing computer games.

Some people like to discuss work, while others are happy to talk about their environment.

How to make a man fall in love with gestures

You shouldn't talk a lot with the man you like, but body language can be mesmerizing and attractive. Here are some simple flowing movements that make you feel sympathetic:

  • not a sharp tilt to the side;
  • reclining back in a chair;
  • straightening the back with an emphasis on the chest;
  • slow lifting of the head, with a look from the floor to the interlocutor;
  • kneading the neck;
  • licking a spoon with a hint of "oh, how delicious the ice cream was";
  • easy opening of the mouth so that the lips are not closed;
  • ostentatious demonstration of wrists, rubbing them.
  • playing with a stray strand, straightening hair, styling it on one side.

For better understanding you can begin to imperceptibly mirror his movements, adopt some habits. Be sure to use movements to emphasize your advantages, touch the pendant on your chest, run your hand along the waist, straighten your hair, touch your lips. Everything is done easily, naturally. This is female magic that can conquer any man.

What absolutely must not be done

Several points are strictly prohibited:

  • endlessly call and send messages;
  • to exert pressure in making a decision;
  • be aggressive towards him or other people;
  • "Dissolve" in it;
  • the first to talk about serious plans (joint vacation, children, marriage);
  • tell bad news.

In this video, a relationship coach tells you how to fall in love with a confident man:

Adhering to our advice, even the most experienced man can fall in love with you.

Good manners, as a rule, are trying to instill in us parents from the very childhood. But this is only the basis, the first building blocks in the construction of our style of behavior. Its formation continues over the years. Growing up, a person already consciously begins to develop tact and delicacy himself. This, of course, requires a certain period of time and desire. So how to behave in society and always make a good impression on others? In fact, learning to behave appropriately is quite simple, and the principles of this behavior will be clear to everyone.

What are the greeting rules?

Under equal conditions, that is, when people of the same age, gender, or social and social status meet, it is immaterial who will be the first to lend a hand. But you should pay attention to the following:

  • if you extended a hand at a meeting, then you must answer, otherwise it will look like an insult;
  • if a man is wearing gloves, then he must take them off before shaking hands. This does not apply to women;
  • kissing a woman's hand when meeting in our country is customary only in exceptional situations, for example, at an anniversary. In this case, the kiss should be unobtrusive - only a light touch of the lips.

Let me turn to ...

Considering the question of how to behave in society, it is impossible to ignore the topic of addressing a person, which, in fact, is the basis of etiquette. After all, it is on this basis that people have the first impression of your person.

  • “You” - this is how you can address only children and young people who have not yet turned 18, as well as close friends.
  • "You" - this appeal is applicable to all other persons without exception, even if the person is with you in the same age category.
  • Switching to "You" is correct in those situations when you are older in age or the position of your interlocutor. Otherwise, only your opponent can take the initiative. And always, such a transition must be tactful.
  • A stranger is most often addressed in an impersonal form, using phrases such as “I beg your pardon,” “allow me to address,” “excuse me,” etc.
  • According to the rules of etiquette, people are not hailed by gender, age and occupation - "man", "waiter", "grandmother".

If, when contacting you, you hesitated or mispronounced the name, then in such a situation you should certainly apologize.

How to structure a conversation competently?

First of all, when communicating, you need to maintain a distance. The optimal distance between unfamiliar interlocutors, as well as business partners, should be about a meter.

One of the main indicators of a person's culture is the ability to correctly build a conversation, correctly expressing his thoughts. You must do this consistently and clearly, monitoring your pronunciation and facial expressions. Gesturing is allowed restrained and only where it is really appropriate. Plus, in a society of people, you need to be able not only to competently give out your information, but also to listen to the interlocutor. Remember that lengthy monologues, any long memories and narratives of your personal worries are not welcome.

Consider the interests of the person you are communicating with. Express your thoughts in simple language, competently, avoiding jargon and harsh expressions. If you are listening, show interest. If, in the course of the conversation, you notice that the interlocutor does not like the topic that you are trying to develop, then you should apologize and turn the conversation into a neutral channel.

Speech should not be hasty, and expressions should not be ambiguous. You need to express your thought clearly, so as not to offend those present next to you. In addition, it is highly undesirable to impose your opinion. It is also bad form that you give advice that no one asked for. It is extremely indecent to discuss people who are currently absent, especially when you are in this society for the first time and those around you are unfamiliar to you.

A properly conducted conversation always leaves a pleasant aftertaste, even if very sensitive issues were discussed in the process. And remember that the interlocutor should be able to freely leave the conversation, so blocking the passage and holding it by any piece of clothing is not allowed.

Everything must be done on time!

Punctuality is also part of good form and this applies to absolutely everything:

  • fulfillment of the assigned tasks;
  • appearances at meetings;
  • making scheduled phone calls.

If you learn to always correctly calculate your time, then this will characterize you exclusively from the positive side. This indicates that you respect others and value not only your own, but also someone else's time. And constant delays will lead to a negative reaction, for example, if you do not come on time to a business meeting, this can provoke a break in agreements and the loss of a reliable business partner.

You should always take into account the opinions and interests of the people around you. This will allow for a long time to maintain strong stable relationships with those who are dear to you for various reasons. These can be colleagues, friends, subordinates and superiors. Selfishness, on the other hand, usually comes back like a boomerang. It's important to understand the difference between self-confidence and arrogance. Take criticism calmly and learn to take out only positive moments from it, those that will help you become better. Listen to the advice of others, even if they are your subordinates.

And lastly, you should always remember about the "two" W's rule - smile and respect. They should always accompany you. Greet everyone with cordiality and try to be nice to them. Even if a person is unfamiliar to you and you accidentally ran into him in an ordinary public place, you simply have no right to treat him incorrectly and show disrespect. Remember that this meeting may not be accidental and life will bring you together someday.

This question, of course, has repeatedly worried every lady! Therefore, the site for women, the site will advise how to behave in order to please a man and motivate him to get to know you better.

What behavior of a woman attracts male attention?

Imagine - you are in a bar, sitting and slowly sipping a cocktail ... And then you notice him, the very same one - with a charming smile and an insolent seductive look ... What to do to make him like him? ..

Although, in fact, "decorations" can be absolutely any - from your home office to the trolleybus stop!

Which woman will a man look at? "Beautiful and Successful" can suggest:

  • Not necessarily the most beautiful;
  • Not the most mysterious and coldly inaccessible;
  • Not the fact that on the one that deliberately takes spectacular poses and makes a memorized-correct "cute" facial expression, knowing that they are looking at her.

In fact, men are interested in living women!

Alive, warm (in every sense - to begin with, it should be about emotional warmth), active, real! Dancing in headphones at that very stop. Carrying apples into their office and gnawing them during working hours. Acquiring a whole company of acquaintances after half an hour of sitting in that very bar.

Yes, men are "hunters", they can be carried away by the intrigue of winning female attention. But! For a man to want to start a “hunt” for you, he must see and feel, and what kind of “trophy” awaits him in the end. A bored, cold, "prickly" woman, next to whom it is initially uncomfortable and somehow awkward - a bad "trophy", alas ...

So the universal tips on how to behave in order to please a man are as follows:

  • Be sociable. Moreover, it is not necessary to communicate with him himself - you can, for example, participate in a general conversation among those present, while giving the man the opportunity to intervene in this communication if he wants to.
  • Don't hide your emotions. This is not about necessarily walking around with a "pasted" smile - you can not hide your real emotions, depending on the situation: indignation, thoughtfulness, curiosity, enthusiasm for some occupation, etc.
  • Be. You can feel it very much - and it is very attractive. Someone needs heels and professional make-up for confidence, someone needs a washed head (and even then it is not necessary) - so do it for yourself, but believe me, men will lead not to "decor", but to your calm confidence in their attractiveness!

How to behave in order to arouse the sympathy of a particular man?

But ... a lot of women now think that "being yourself" just sounds cool, but in fact it is very problematic to please a representative of the opposite sex as it is ... After all, "being yourself" is not being an irresistible diva and sexy all the time kitty: in a natural state for ourselves, very many of us feel tired, boring, too simple, nothing special not remarkable ...

But the fact is that we, as we are, strive to please exactly the same living people - men are also not in the best mood, they also have complexes, they get tired and bored! And this is where the principle “there is a lid for every pan” works - if a guy notices you in your normal state, if he likes you, then something can come of it!

Self-improvement and self-improvement is great and right. But pretense and attempts to attract male attention from an alien image is a failed idea, since usually the "theater of one actress" is very noticeable and will not count as a plus for you.

Please note - you cannot be liked by absolutely all men, without exception. Even Scarlett Johansson has probably heard something like "fu, solid photoshop and makeup", even Angelina Jolie has repeatedly received disapproving reviews, even Victoria Beckham, no doubt, some consider it "C" ... And what can we say about us earthly women ? ..

Therefore, let's clarify - you don't need to please everyone. The lid from the frying pan will still not fit the kettle - so no need to worry. With the correct behavior, you will still attract only your target audience of cavaliers! And you have to work on this target audience (or a specific man).

A mistake that many girls make is to behave like a man. For example, it is obscene to joke and laugh loudly if he himself does so often, to adopt his hobbies "to keep the conversation going," to drink if he drinks, etc. Men do not like women - "mirrors" of themselves, but women - "puzzles" - different, different, but at the same time "joining"!

A brutal lover of noisy companies can "fall" on cute quiet people, with whom you can sit in silence and comfort after a hectic social life, and an informal person can like "excellent pupils" ...

So you just need to understand whether your real life image is a "puzzle" for the image of the man you are interested in. If yes, then it is enough to behave naturally and at the same time not to impose too much: a man will simply track your interest and decide whether he “takes” such a woman for himself or, for some reason, no. But if you understand that in a particular case there is no similarity or complementarity of two personalities, then ... Anyway, continue to be yourself, and behave normally and without tension!

Believe me - men fall in love with real ones. In those that are completely different, completely different, completely different! In those who simply live their own lives and enjoy it - for themselves, not really getting hung up on running around after gentlemen. Even in those who themselves do not believe that such a man might like it!

If a woman has a "spark", an interest in life - she will be noticed and she will be liked. So you need to behave, mainly, so that you yourself feel comfortable and good - that's the whole secret!