What an embryo looks like at 19 weeks of gestation. weeks of pregnancy obstetric term - how to understand that everything is fine? Beauty and accessories

Waiting for the birth of a new life is an exciting period in the life of every woman. But any expectant mother is worried about how the pregnancy should go and how the baby should develop in her belly. This article will go over the basic facts about how the 19th week of pregnancy goes. Photos of the fetus will also be posted below.

Second trimester of pregnancy

From the first fetus, changes occur in the woman's body. But already in (from 13-14 weeks), the state becomes more stable. Most often, morning sickness and dizziness pass. Pregnancy 18 - 19 weeks proceeds more calmly, the fetus has already taken root in the mother's body and continues to develop actively. However, you should be responsible for your position, avoiding stress, physical exertion and injury. During this period, there is a small risk of premature labor.

How to correctly calculate the date of birth

Most ladies, who first learned about their situation, begin to calculate the due date and date of birth. But you should know that there is also an obstetric period for bearing a fetus, according to which pregnancy lasts not nine months, but 41 weeks, that is, more than nine. The gynecologist begins the countdown of the course of pregnancy from the date of the beginning of the last menstrual cycle. Usually, the difference between the obstetric term and the mom's calculations is about two weeks. Following these rules, it is quite easy to find out the approximate day of the baby's birth.

19 week of pregnancy, how many months are left before delivery according to the obstetric calendar? Having carried out the calculations, it turns out that this is the end of the fifth month, therefore, there are still four left before the birth. However, it is determined by the embryonic date, that is, the countdown starts from the week when conception occurred. The fetus must correspond to 17 weeks of development.

Pregnancy 18-19 weeks. Features of a growing belly

Until the beginning of the second period of fetal development, the abdomen is practically invisible, since the baby is still very small and the uterus has only slightly increased in size. The belly at the 19th week of pregnancy becomes already much larger, which limits the expectant mother in freedom of movement. It becomes difficult to bend over, stay in one position for a long time and sleep. The uterus begins to press on the internal organs of the pregnant woman. Very often there are heartburn, constipation and the urge to urinate more often. Much attention should be paid to the food consumed, since from this moment the doctor begins to strictly monitor the weight of the woman carrying the baby. It is important to take a responsible attitude to the position taken during sleep. It is undesirable to sleep on your stomach or back, because this can harm the fetus. In the position there is a risk of damaging the fetus, and in the supine position there is a high probability of crushing the aorta through which oxygen enters. You should rest lying on the side where the baby is located.

At every physical examination, starting in the second trimester, the doctor should measure the abdomen. Its volume directly depends on the size of the fetus, uterus and the amount of amniotic fluid. Of course, each woman, while carrying a child, has her own individual characteristics, depending on her physique and body weight before pregnancy. But there are certain acceptable standards.

The abdomen at the 19th week of pregnancy, when measured vertically, reaches 18-20 cm. The uterus is already beginning to rise to the navel. These data are provided only for singleton pregnancies.

If the doctor notices deviations from the norm, then the pregnant woman is sent for additional examinations. Since the cause of the enlargement of the abdomen may be too much amniotic fluid or other abnormalities.

What changes occur in the fifth month of pregnancy

A woman expecting the birth of a child is already getting used to her condition by the fifth month. Time flies, the first period is already behind, the 19th week of pregnancy has come. What happens to the child's body at this moment?

Within five months, the fetus developed from an embryo to a little man. At this time, the baby has already formed arms, legs, fingers, auricles, the shape of the head and parts of the face. The respiratory, digestive and nervous systems, the subcutaneous layer, and the rudiments of the teeth also continue to form.

If before this time mom had already felt the first movements of her child, now his movements will become more confident and clear. And some expectant mothers just have to rejoice at the first jolts and kicks. The child's brain is already actively developing. The embryo begins to move in the abdomen, very often changes its position. In connection with the onset of brain activity, fetal movements become more concentrated. There may be a reaction to the sounds of the parents' voices and the touch of hands to the stomach.

Second fetal ultrasound

As a rule, in the second trimester of pregnancy, in addition to all the already familiar examinations, an ultrasound examination of the fetus is also performed.

At the first planned examination, the doctor confirms the presence of a normal pregnancy (not intrauterine or frozen), specifies its duration, determines the age of the fetus and the sex of the child (the probability of determining the sex of the fetus is very low).

The ultrasound procedure at the 19th week of pregnancy is carried out to identify possible pathologies in the embryo and examine its anatomical development. This study also determines the position of the fetus in the womb, which plays an important role in the way in which childbirth will take place. Also, with the help of the device, the doctor conducts fetometry, that is, determines the size of the circumference of the head and abdomen, bones of the arms, legs, hips, shoulders. The symmetry of the external and internal organs is visible. The sex of the child being determined has a probability of up to 90%.

On the basis of the data recorded by the specialist, a conclusion is made about the correspondence of the development of the fetus to its embryonic age. In addition to studying the parameters of development, the doctor examines the state of the uterus and placenta. When pathologies are detected, the gynecologist, based on the results, makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

Norms of ultrasound indications.

BPR - from 40 mm to 50 mm;

LSD - from 53.5 mm to 60.5 mm;

OG - from 140 mm to 180 mm;

DB - from 25 mm to 35 mm;

DG - from 23 mm to 31 mm;

DP - from 20 mm to 26 mm;

Coolant - from 125mm to 155mm;

NK - from 5.2 mm to 8.0 mm;

Height - about 22.1 cm;

Weight - from 230 g to 320 g.

With the second ultrasound examination, the 19th week of pregnancy comes to an end. A photo of the child can be obtained from the doctor. In the picture, you can already see the formed man, all parts of the body are clearly visible. Modern technology allows you to take a 3D photo of the fetus.

Pregnancy 19 weeks. Fruit size

When a pregnancy of 19-20 weeks passes according to the relevant norms, the embryo already reaches a growth of 20-22 centimeters. It's about the size of a banana. The weight of the crumbs is 240-300 grams. All parts of the body grow in the baby.

As it was described in the norms of ultrasound results, during the period when the pregnancy is 19 weeks, the size of the fetus has already increased significantly. The circumference of the small head is on average 160 mm, the length of the thigh is 30 mm, the length of the lower leg is 25 mm, the length of the shoulder is 24 mm. Tummy circumference approx. 140 mm. The length of the nasal bone is also very important, it measures about 8 mm. Fingers of arms and legs grow. The foot is already formed. Its length reaches 2.5 mm, and from this stage its size will remain that way until birth.

From the 20th week of pregnancy, the fetus begins to actively gain weight and grow. By the time of delivery, the average weight of the baby is 3000 grams, and the height is 50 centimeters.

Fetal development

By the end of the fourth month after conception, the baby has not yet opened his eyes. However, he already distinguishes between light and darkness, he can turn to a strong light source. By this time, the baby knows how to move knives and handles, he begins to eat, roll over, constantly changes his position. In a few weeks, mom will be able to see how the heel, elbow or butt of her miracle protrudes on her stomach. The fetus is able to lift and turn the head, developed His sleep is about 18 hours. During wakefulness, he learns the world around him. From now on, thumb sucking will be your favorite pastime. This is remarkable for the 19th week of pregnancy. An ultrasound photo can capture this amazing moment. Pregnancy of 19-20 weeks proceeds calmly, but the expectant mother should be attentive to her state of health and limit physical activity.

It is very important that the mother's body has enough calcium and iron. For the normal growth of the bones of the embryo, a pregnant woman should use vitamins prescribed by the gynecologist, under whose supervision she is.

Role in the upcoming birth process

For a woman carrying a child, at 19 weeks of pregnancy, the location of the fetus becomes no less important an issue than its growth and development. There are three options for the position of the baby in the womb.

At 19 weeks gestation, the location of the fetus is not constant. Since the size of the embryo is not yet large enough, it has enough space in the uterus to periodically change its position. Therefore, at this stage, the doctor will not worry.

At 19 weeks of gestation, the location of the fetus can be transverse, angular and pelvic. But there is a lot of time left before the baby is born and the baby is able to roll over at any time and more than once.

Head presentation

The head is located towards the birth canal. This option is considered the most favorable, since the head is the largest part of the body of the developing embryo and is most difficult to leave during childbirth. After the head comes out, the body easily leaves the womb. If the fetus has taken this position closer to birth, then this is 90% of successful births.

Breech presentation

In this case, during childbirth, the pelvis first comes out, and then the whole body. Since, as mentioned above, the head is the largest part of the child's body, the birth process becomes more complicated. Very often, with pelvic diligence, the doctor decides on a caesarean section.

If at 19 weeks of pregnancy the location of the fetus is pelvic, then you should not worry too much. At the age of 17 weeks, the child does not yet occupy the entire uterine cavity, and this gives him complete freedom in the possibility of changing his position.

Transverse presentation

In such a situation, the head and butt of the fetus are located on the sides of the uterus. That is, it lies across the birth canal. This case is the most difficult. Since with such a diagnosis, the process of natural childbirth is impossible. The baby is born only with the help of a cesarean section.

Until the pregnancy has reached 30 weeks, the expectant mother should not worry about how her child lies. At 19 weeks of gestation, the position of the fetus is unstable. And until the third trimester, no effort should be made to change the situation. A baby can take head diligence even a couple of weeks before giving birth.

When carrying a child, a woman should take special care of her health. The body of a lady in a position needs constant replenishment with useful substances. Therefore, the diet must necessarily contain cottage cheese, liver, meat, eggs, fish, fruits and vegetables. In no case should you smoke, consume alcohol and antibiotics. Start each morning with a light warm-up.

For great health, you should take daily walks in the fresh air, rest several times a day and do what you love. Positive emotions and calmness play an important role. Throughout pregnancy, from the moment of registration, you should regularly visit a gynecologist and follow all instructions. In case of any complications, you should immediately contact a specialist for help.

This period is characterized by the active growth of the fetus and the development of its brain. The baby itself reaches the size of an average pineapple, and weighs up to 300 grams. Most expectant mothers can already feel the baby's movements. The 19th week of pregnancy is the development of the nervous system, the formation of millions of new neurons, an increase in the lobes of the brain, and fetal movements become more meaningful. In addition to the usual movements of the arms and legs, facial expressions and clenching of the fists are added. On examination, you can see different emotions - joy, discontent, sadness.

The limbs have already developed to their proportional size. In the future, growth will slow down slightly compared to the previous weeks. The palms and feet continue to form, phalanges of the fingers appear.

The child's skeleton requires a lot of calcium, molars are laid this week. It is worth noting the formation of adipose tissue. The fat will help keep you warm, and it will appear on the neck and chest area.

In the process of growth, the baby will need a special lubricant that appears in the places of friction. It will protect the skin from damage and bacterial infections. This lubricant predominantly predominates on the neck, in the bends of the arms and legs, and under the armpits.

Fetal size at 19 weeks gestation is about 22 cm... The mother's tummy grows noticeably. The respiratory system of the fetus already has bronchi and lungs, and a bronchial tree is also formed.

The baby's skin is covered with small hairs, they will persist until the birth itself. A small amount of hair is also noticeable on the face, but over time it will disappear.

Baby movements and movements

Compared to previous weeks, the baby is already consciously moving and raising his head. The formed muscular system and the strengthened neck make it possible to rotate the head, to make movements with the whole body.

The location of the fetus at 19 weeks of gestation during examination may be different.

The kid somersaults, makes slight jerks and in other ways shows his activity. The maternal instinct is strengthened, since it is already possible to really feel the presence of the child and his movement. You can see how the fetus reacts to bright light, loud sound, or physical stimulation.

Abdominal enlargement and sensation at week 19

An enlarged abdomen leads to discomfort during rest. First of all, it concerns sleep. It is difficult to choose the right position and get used to new circumstances. Sometimes rumbling and gurgling in the tummy can interfere, but there is no escape from this.

Although this situation will last until the birth itself, there are several ways to relieve your condition. We recommend buying a special pillow for pregnant women, which will add comfort. Find a few poses that will make it comfortable to fall asleep and try to choose them initially for rest.

In order to relieve fatigue, try to rest more often. Weakness may occur due to a lack of vitamins and other nutrients.

Therefore, do tests on time and change your diet if necessary.

For 19 weeks of pregnancy, the daily routine and taste preferences have already formed. During this time, small physical changes occur, such as an increase in hips and overall weight. This is necessary for a successful childbirth.

The general mood improves, such drastic changes are no longer observed. With the increase in the development of the child, the woman more and more clearly understands her position and thinks about the future.

Changes in a woman's body

The increase in body weight is associated not only with the growth of the baby himself. The extra weight from the amniotic fluid, uterus, and placenta is several pounds. Add to this breast augmentation, about 300-500 grams.

The uterus is located a couple of centimeters below the navel. It continues to grow in size. During this period, it is important to get the right amount of calcium and other minerals.

In order to make the nineteenth week of pregnancy and the subsequent period less inconvenient, wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Posture and gait change due to an increase in the tummy, so it's better to forget about heels.

Pain and contractions

The growth of the uterus and the strengthening of its muscles can be uncomfortable. There is pressure on the navel as well as the pelvic region.

If the pain intensifies and does not pass for a certain time, then you should see a doctor, perhaps there are problems.

An increase in the size of the hips and dehiscence of the bones can also cause pain. It is not sharp and subsides after the end of the formation.

If obstetric week 19 of pregnancy is held in a permanent sitting position, back pain and fatigue may occur. Try to change your posture more often and get more rest. You need to do a short walk several times a day.

The danger is caused by cramping pains in the abdomen... This means that pregnancy can be terminated prematurely. If the discharge is red or dark pink, you need to see a doctor immediately.

For better sleep, try not to sleep on your stomach or back. In the first case, the uterus will be compressed by the weight of your body. In the second, the genital vein is pinched, and the access of blood and oxygen to the fetus is difficult.

Discharge, color and odor

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then the discharge has no color and practically does not smell. At this time, the amount of discharge increases slightly, the consistency becomes more liquid. In case of pain and discoloration, it is better to go for an examination.

The most common cause of changes in discharge is infection. It is important to diagnose it on time and start treatment. If you do not take action in time, then the disease can affect the organs of the child and lead to bad consequences.

Frozen pregnancy and its danger

The movement of the fetus is a sign of its health, the activity should be regular. If this has not been observed for some time, it is worth contacting a specialist. Although it rarely happens that there is no movement at the 19th week of pregnancy, such cases can lead to a miscarriage.

Such a problem is revealed on examination, where the growth rates of the uterus and the baby are analyzed. An ultrasound will show what kind of heartbeat the fetus has and its motor activity. Doctor visits are an important part of a healthy pregnancy.

Examination, ultrasound and analyzes

The analyzes and tests remained as before. More attention is paid to the presence of minerals in the body and sugar. They are very important at this stage for the development of the fetus..

A blood test will show the general condition of the body, what is missing, whether there are any deviations. It is best to monitor your child with special equipment. An ultrasound scan at the 19th week of pregnancy will give a lot of information and help plan your future days.

Uzist examines the condition of the child's skeleton and evaluates the heartbeat. It is already possible to find out the gender with great accuracy. Locomotor activity is clearly visible.

Studies have shown that during this period, the baby has its own sleep and wake schedule. Although most of the day is spent on sleep, there is also a period of activity that is easy to catch on examination. An ultrasound will also show the condition of the uterus and amniotic fluid.

Proper nutrition and healthy foods

Proper nutrition plays an important role throughout pregnancy. At this time, the body needs a lot of calcium, so dairy products, in particular, cottage cheese will be very useful. It is best to choose beef from meat, it is not as fatty as pork and is well digested.

Do you want something interesting?

  • wheat and buckwheat porridge;
  • hard boiled eggs;
  • boiled pork and beef;
  • dairy products (except for cheeses);
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • greens;
  • dried fruits and nuts.

Foods should contain more proteins and carbohydrates, not worth burdening the body with fatty foods. This will lead to rapid weight gain and other negative consequences.

Juices or compotes should be consumed with every meal. During this period, you need to drink at least two liters of liquid. Do not forget that the quality of food and drink should be good, as all this affects the development of the child.

Refrain from drinking coffee and strong tea. Excess caffeine is useless for the body. Also, it is not worth eating a lot of citrus fruits, it is better to give preference to berries.

Quite often, an allergic reaction to foods that were previously consumed with appetite is observed. This is a normal situation, as the child makes certain changes in taste propensities. Some dishes may be completely intolerant.

The good condition of a pregnant woman is the key to the birth of a healthy child. If you take care of yourself, take the necessary medications, eat natural products and get enough rest, pregnancy will pass without complications.

Keep your home clean, ventilate rooms regularly, and change your bed frequently. Walking in the fresh air will help relieve drowsiness. If there is a country house, we recommend spending more time there, as there are more opportunities to walk in the fresh air.

Heavy physical activity is contraindicated, but you should not lie in bed all day. A little exercise and walking will improve your well-being. First of all, clothes should be comfortable and not put pressure on the stomach.

During a cold, you need to buy medicines only with a doctor's prescription. Not all flu medications are suitable for pregnant women, they can harm the baby.

Stirring at the 19th week of pregnancy should be regular. Dizziness and weakness are caused by the production of certain hormones. The tone of the blood vessels weakens slightly and the pressure drops. Do not make sudden movements - bending, jumping, getting out of bed.

You also need to walk slowly and smoothly up the stairs. Difficulty breathing is usually associated with the location of the uterus, it continues to press on the internal organs and diaphragm. In this situation, breathing exercises will help.

This material is for informational purposes only, before using the information presented, you must be sure to consult with a specialist.

The 19th week of pregnancy is almost half of the term. The expectant mother can already feel the movements, the baby's weight is about 200 grams, the height is 15 centimeters. He acquires the features of a little man, actively moves. The mother-to-be is also gaining weight, and the hips are gradually getting wider.

  • 18th week of pregnancy
  • 20th week of pregnancy
The expectant mother can feel the first movements of her baby. At the 20th week of pregnancy, you need to take blood and urine tests, and, possibly, do an ultrasound. And we will tell you how it will go in our article.

The course of pregnancy in the 19th week

Most likely, during this period, the expectant mother has already felt the whole range of inexpressible emotions from her baby. This grand event helps mom and realize that there is a real little person inside her.

On 19th week of pregnancy most often a pregnant woman feels well, although she may get tired from previously habitual loads, both at work and at home. It is undesirable to get tired during this period, therefore, the expectant mother needs to listen to her condition and, if the body requires relaxation, allow herself rest and peace.

If the number of movements of the baby increases when the expectant mother lies on her back, this means that the enlarged uterus presses on the vena cava, the woman's blood circulation is disrupted, and the baby does not have enough oxygen ... Therefore, the best position to relax is on your side.

What happens in the nineteenth week of pregnancy

On 19th week of pregnancy the bottom of the uterus is located one finger below the navel, and the tummy is already clearly visible.

By this period, the expectant mother can be from 3 to 6 kg. It should be taken into account that this number of kilograms includes not only the weight accumulated directly by the pregnant woman, but also the weight of the fetus, placenta, amniotic fluid, uterus, increased blood and breast volume.

To weigh all the pros and cons, it will not be superfluous to undergo a special examination at an ophthalmological center, which can reveal problems with the retina and give a final conclusion about the possibility of natural delivery.

Another problematic issue during pregnancy is. However, the miniature physique of a pregnant woman does not mean that she will not be able to give birth on her own. In childbirth, the size of the small pelvis is important - the bony ring that frames the birth canal. There are three degrees of constriction: slight, medium and high. An absolute indication for cesarean is a high degree of pelvic narrowing or abnormal presentation of the fetus.

When visiting an antenatal clinic, the doctor will definitely measure the size of the bone ring and draw the initial appropriate conclusions. However, the final decision is made only when the baby is already fully formed and its size and location can be estimated.

At the 19th week of pregnancy, it can also be fixed in a pregnant woman, which is explained by the weakening of peripheral vessels under the influence of progesterone. In parallel with a decrease in pressure, there can also be observed associated with a gradual increase in blood volumes. Such symptoms provoke mild dizziness, weakness, and rapid fatigue in the expectant mother. A pregnant woman needs to avoid sudden rises from a chair or bed, sharp turns of the body and be prepared for the fact that she may have difficulty breathing.

Required analyzes

To monitor the condition of the fetus during pregnancy, the doctor often prescribes and directs the expectant mother for regular examinations. The nineteenth week of pregnancy is the time to check your hemoglobin and blood sugar levels, as well as to pass urine for protein.

Also, the expectant mother may be prescribed tests for hormones, especially for progesterone, on the level that the preservation and successful development of pregnancy depends on.

If the results of the tests cause concern to the doctor, he may suggest that the pregnant woman do, with the help of which it is possible to determine the chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. Screening includes a biochemical blood test for the level of chorionic gonadotropin, alpha-fetoprotein and unconjugated estriol.

Useful Tips

At this stage of pregnancy, the expectant mother should remember about, because even the usual ARVI is now completely useless. Fresh air is the best helper in disease prevention, and it will also help a pregnant woman fall asleep faster.

Consider purchasing a humidifier: this miracle device will now help to prevent the mucous membranes of a pregnant woman's nose from drying out, and will soon be useful for the future baby. If a humidifier isn't part of your plans, try damp cleaning as often as possible.

It shouldn't be ruled out. Its relaxing effect is now very important both for the psychological state of a woman and for her physiology. The main thing is to choose the right posture, and it is important for the husband to be gentle.

An irreplaceable ally of the expectant mother. A relaxing waltz for a baby or a favorite rock ballad for your own mood - choose any compositions that will be pleasant to listen to, and do not be afraid to sing along and dance, the little one will appreciate it.

Find out what awaits you in our next article.

19 obstetric week of pregnancy is almost half of the entire waiting period for the baby. During this period, thanks to the formed placenta, the baby is safer than in previous periods.

But these are not the only changes that are expected at this time. Let us dwell more specifically on this issue.

19 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development, photos, how does the baby develop and feel?

At this point, the future baby is very active. It has grown noticeably, in size - like a large potato, now its weight is 270 - 350 g, height 22-25 cm.

The baby is becoming more and more like a newborn. Subcutaneous fat is collected in the cheeks, back and chest. These reserves will serve as a source of energy for him in the first days after childbirth.

What has formed, what is happening, what does a child look like at 18 obstetric weeks?

The main event of this week is the completion of the formation of the placenta. The placental barrier begins to function fully, which means that the baby is not afraid of many infections. The third circle of blood circulation is formed.

Now the placenta takes over the following functions:

  • Provides oxygen.
  • Displays the waste products of the baby.
  • Transporting nutrients from mom to baby.
  • Produces the necessary hormones for the growth and development of the fetus.

The central nervous system continues to improve. Every day, a baby forms a million new neurons.

The child becomes more active, the umbilical cord thickens.

The number of alveoli increases in the baby's lungs. A little more - and the lungs will be able to function independently.

Hearing is getting better. Now is the time to teach your baby to communicate with mom. A calm, gentle tone has a positive effect on him, and the baby shudders from loud sounds.

Therefore, it is advisable for mom to avoid too noisy places.

Now everything that the child swallowed, the digestive system processes into the original feces - meconium.

The kidneys secrete urine into the amniotic fluid, from there it enters the woman's urinary system - and is excreted from the body.

Despite the fact that almost all systems and organs are formed, the chances of surviving a premature birth for a baby are now very small.

What is seen on an ultrasound scan?

As a rule, this week a woman needs to undergo a so-called "triple test", which includes an ultrasound examination.

Doctors carefully examine the following indicators:

  • The size of the fetal collar zone, allowing conclusions to be drawn regarding some chromosomal abnormalities.
  • Location of the heart in the chest and heart rate.
  • The level of the baby's motor activity.
  • Analysis of the state of amniotic fluid.

In addition to medical indicators, an ultrasound scan can please a mother with an image of a crumbs - which, most likely, will suck a thumb, or sleep peacefully.

For those parents who do not yet know who to expect - a boy or a girl - the doctor will already be able to give an exact answer to this question.

Video: ultrasound 19 week of pregnancy

Heart rate in the fetus at 19 weeks of obstetric period

In the second trimester, it is considered normal 140-170 strokes per minute. A decrease or increase in this indicator indicates violations in the baby's cardiovascular system.

Also, doctors check the frequency of rhythms, according to which arrhythmia and congenital heart defects can be suspected.

If the beats are indistinct, poorly audible, the reason may be the following factors:

  • Polyhydramnios.
  • Overweight mother.
  • The location of the placenta on the anterior wall of the uterus.
  • Fetal hypoxia.

If a child's heart is suspected, an echocardiogram is prescribed for a pregnant woman.

What happens in a woman's body at the 19th week of obstetric pregnancy?

Due to the increased production of melatonin, the woman experiences excessive pigmentation. The nipples, the line on the abdomen, and the labia may darken. This phenomenon is temporary, it will pass shortly after the birth of the baby.

The uterus presses heavily on the internal organs, which can cause pain in the navel

The pain in the back is felt more and more, the expectant mother gets tired faster and more often needs rest.

On average, by this time, the weight of the pregnant woman increases, on average, by 5 kg.

Changes in a woman's body at 19 obstetric week of pregnancy

Breast and abdomen of a woman in the 19th week of pregnancy, obstetric term

The woman's breasts at this time become more round and elastic, which can cause discomfort. It may also be necessary to change the usual underwear for special ones.

For convenience, it is better to choose bras with wide straps. They will help relieve tension in the back area.

The size of the abdomen in pregnant women is not always the same. These differences depend on the amount of amniotic fluid, the thickness of the placenta, and the size of the baby. Therefore, moms do not need to compare their tummy with others. After all, every woman is individual in her own way.

The first fetal movements at the 19th obstetric week of pregnancy

A woman who is expecting a baby for the first time may not yet feel movements during this period. And those who have already experienced these joyful moments should not worry about their frequency. At such an early stage, it makes no sense to count the number of movements of the child.

It is noticed that the larger the fetus, the earlier its movements are felt.

Multiparous women at this time much more often feel the activity of their child. But, if at some point the baby has calmed down - do not worry, since he has a certain mode of rest and wakefulness.

Video: 19th week of pregnancy

What can and should not be for a woman during pregnancy at obstetric week 19?

To reduce these discomfort, a woman is advised to:

  • Practice fitball or yoga daily.
  • Keep your feet high while resting.
  • Change body position more often.
  • Sleep on your side. Lying on your back and stomach can already be dangerous for a child!

A warm bath will help relieve stress after a hard day ( not hot!). If the pregnancy goes well, this is fine in the second trimester.

Quite often, expectant mothers feel a great desire to eat. Of course, it is necessary to satisfy this need, but one should not forget that hunger can mean a lack of some substances.

On this score, it is worth consulting with your doctor. Perhaps he will select a vitamin and mineral complex, taking into account all the needs of a pregnant woman.

Now, when the baby's nervous system is actively developing, the mother needs to avoid conflicts and severe psychoemotional shocks as never before. Moreover, the child, being in the womb, is already able to hear his mother's voice - and even catch its intonation.

Many scientists believe that the basic traits of a child's character are laid even before birth. This suggests that the upbringing of a child begins already during pregnancy.

And the most important thing that a mother can do now is to fill the baby's world with bright positive emotions.

19 weeks of pregnancy obstetric term - how to understand that everything is fine?

The main signs indicating that everything is fine with the child:

  • Constant weight gain.
  • Baby movements (if they are already felt).
  • No unusual discharge.
  • Mom's well-being.

In addition, the test results must comply with the standards, and the fetal heartbeat must be heard on the ultrasound.

Popular questions about pregnancy at obstetric week 19 - the specialist answers

Obstetric and embryonic terms - how are they different?

  • Fetal term starts from the moment of fertilization of the egg.
  • Obstetric term is counted from the first day of the last menstruation.

Is discharge at 19 weeks pregnant - the norm or the threat of miscarriage?

Normal - or more abundant - fluid discharge is considered normal this week.

They can be thicker and more cheesy. Then you need to inform the doctor about this, he will prescribe harmless drugs for thrush.

Anything that goes beyond the normal range - blood, unnatural color, unpleasant odor and consistency - is a reason to see a doctor!

If at the 19th week of pregnancy you can not hear the heartbeat in the fetus?

It is possible that there is a heartbeat, but it is very muffled. This happens if the placenta is located on the front wall of the uterus, or a woman has polyhydramnios.

But, if the beating of the heart is not heard with the help of high-precision equipment, this means the termination of pregnancy.

If at 19 weeks of pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen?

Such pains need to be treated carefully. If they last no more than 20 minutes, and nothing else bothers you, this is normal. This is how the body adapts to pregnancy.

If the pain is acute, growing, radiating to other organs, there is no need to waste time. Such symptoms may indicate a threat of miscarriage.

Are you worried about pain or tingling in the ovaries at obstetric week 19 - causes?

If a woman had problems with the ovaries before pregnancy, and now she feels incomprehensible pain - it is better to see a doctor... Only he will be able to determine the exact cause of the discomfort in this area.

But, in most cases, such pains have nothing to do with the ovaries. They are caused by excessive stretching of the abdominal muscles and the ligaments that support the uterus.

Is it normal if toxicosis suddenly disappeared at the 19th obstetric week of pregnancy, stopped vomiting, do not feel pregnancy, bleed?

At this time, toxicosis, as a rule, disappears in almost all pregnant women. But blood during pregnancy is a bad symptom.

Even if a woman feels well, at the first appearance of blood, she should tell the doctor about it.

19 weeks pregnant with IVF - what do doctors do?

During this period, examinations are carried out in order to identify violations in the development of the child.

The blood is also tested for hormone levels.

Is it possible to determine a frozen pregnancy at 19 obstetric weeks, or does it rarely freeze during this period?

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, and the mother adheres to all the recommendations, the probability of fetal freezing at this time is very low.

It can be difficult to define it. But, if the mother suddenly ceased to feel the movements of the baby and noticed the absence of all signs of pregnancy - she needs to see a doctor.

Stopping weight gain is also an important sign of pregnancy fading.

Are ARVI, flu and other diseases dangerous at the 19th week of pregnancy?

From this moment on, the placenta reliably protects the baby from many diseases. In addition, now many medicines are already approved for pregnant women, as they can no longer harm the child.

But some infections can still be dangerous for the baby throughout pregnancy. These are serious diseases such as measles, rubella, mumps, tuberculosis, etc.

At the 19th week of pregnancy, toxicosis disappeared and I feel good ...

At this time, this is quite expected, since the level of hormones begins to stabilize.

Pregnancy is a crucial time in a woman's life. It is important to remember that the health and immunity of the unborn baby largely depends on these 9 months.

19 obstetric week of pregnancy- this is the end of the fifth month. A serious part of the path is already behind, but many more discoveries await the expectant mother.

In the 19th week, many for the first time feel the movements of the baby and find out his gender. From that moment on, the bond between mother and child becomes especially strong, and pregnancy brings more and more joy every day.

Fetal size and development at 19 weeks gestation

At the beginning of the nineteenth week of pregnancy, an approximate fetal weight increases to 200 grams, and its the size is 14-15 centimeters. The emotional connection between mother and child is strengthened. The kid continues to actively develop.

It is this week that the child's body takes on the proportions laid down during conception. There is an increase in adipose tissue. Now the vessels of the fetus are less translucent, and the skin tone turns from red to pink. The child's fingers acquire an individual pattern.

Location of the fetus at 19 weeks of gestation can be any: head, breech presentation, transverse and oblique. The child has a lot of space and he can change position at any time, therefore, any position is considered the norm.

To this moment the heart is already fully formed... The strengthening of the immune system, the development of the brain and nervous system continues. Baby already reacts to light and loud sounds... The length of the limbs allows him to bring his arms over his head. Gradually, the baby learns to consciously control the arms and legs, so it is this week of pregnancy that many feel the first jolts of their child.

If you pregnant with twins, then a growing belly at week 19 is already starting to give you serious discomfort. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent, and sometimes painful sensations occur in the uterus. Starting this week, moms carrying twins are advised to wear a brace and pay special attention to back health.

What happens to mom at week 19

The woman's tummy becomes clearly visible. You can see a photo of the tummies of mothers at the 19th week of pregnancy above. On average, at this point, a woman gains from 3 to 5 kilograms... Interestingly, of this amount, the baby's weight is only 200-250 grams. The rest of the mass falls on the amniotic fluid and the placenta. Also the woman's buttocks and breasts.

The expectant mother notes that her skin becomes more sensitive, and her hair becomes thick and shiny. From the nipples can excreted colostrum... In this case, it is important to use special breast pads or to wipe the nipple area with a soft cloth. Do not try to express colostrum - this can cause the tone of the uterus and, as a result,. Read more about colostrum ...

The uterus sank already 1–2 centimeters below the navel and began to put pressure on the internal organs, provoking frequent heartburn and an unpleasant rumbling in the stomach. Mild painful sensations may occur in the navel area. They are caused by the growth of the child and pass quickly.

Many multiparous moms notice the first movements of the baby... In primiparas, the baby's movements will become noticeable a little later, so if you do not have a feeling of the baby's movements at the 19th week of pregnancy, do not worry.

Most women have a slight decrease in blood pressure and general weakness of the body.

If you noticed increased vaginal discharge at the 19th week of pregnancy, you should not worry. This is a natural physiological process caused by the restructuring of the body. It is important to monitor the nature of the discharge: if it has a pungent odor, brownish or green tint, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Read more ...

This week of pregnancy is usually accompanied by well-being and high spirits of a woman. It is caused by the active production of estrogen. left behind, the expectant mother is filled with energy. It is recommended to spend it on the arrangement of everyday life and the purchase of basic necessities for the baby. Psychologists also recommend spending more time with the other half.

Analyzes, examinations and ultrasound in the 19th week of pregnancy

During this period of pregnancy, doctors suggest a woman to undergo to identify chromosomal diseases. It includes biochemical blood test and ultrasound, where you can already see, make sure that the development of the fetus is proceeding normally. Above you can see a photo of an ultrasound of the fetus at the 19th week of pregnancy.

It will be useful. Their list must be agreed with the doctor.

This week you need to start carefully take care of your skin. Regular use of firming and moisturizing creams, oils and body lotions can help prevent stretch marks. It's time to look for a special supportive bra and bandage.

Pregnancy is not a reason to give up. Instead of strength training and intense cardiovascular exercise, which can tone the uterus, opt for softer sports. pay attention to yoga for pregnant women and aqua aerobics courses for expectant mothers. Dosed exercise will help you stay in shape and prepare for childbirth.

Increasing stress on the legs can become . Try to ditch heels and buy compression tights. If you have a sedentary job, be sure to do a light warm-up every half hour.

Sexual relationship at week 19

High estrogen production leads to increased libido in a woman... Increased sexual desire can pleasantly surprise a partner. The body of a pregnant woman takes on seductive forms - the buttocks are rounded, and the breasts are enlarged. Therefore, the outbreak of passion will be mutual.

Many men are afraid to harm the baby during intercourse. In this case, a joint visit to the doctor helps, who will assure the future dad that at this time they do not pose any danger to the child.

Don't miss the opportunity to be together- the last weeks are ahead when you and your partner can enjoy each other. Regular sex in the first two trimesters of pregnancy strengthens the emotional bond of future parents and has a positive effect on the psychological state of the woman.

It's time to slow down the usual rhythm of life, give up rush jobs and delays at work. Get more rest and try not to be nervous. Compliance with the following recommendations:

  • Get good sleep. Doctors recommend sleeping on the left side. A special pillow for pregnant women also contributes to complete rest. During the carrying of the baby, it guarantees a comfortable sleep, and in the future it will be useful when feeding the baby.
  • Master the technology of breathing exercises. It will help to cope with shortness of breath, saturate the cells of the body with oxygen and prepare for childbirth.
  • Read good literature and listen to classical music. The calmness and good mood of the mother is conducive to the healthy development of the child.
  • Try to breathe fresh air more often. At the 19th week, the baby's brain and nervous system are actively formed. To avoid, you need to be outdoors for at least 30 minutes a day.
  • Don't miss the opportunity slowly study the literature on childbirth and newborn care. It's time to make a list of things that you will need in the hospital, as well as start collecting a dowry for your baby.

Video about the 19th week of pregnancy

Throughout pregnancy, a woman is surrounded by many prohibitions and prejudices. They say that while carrying a baby, you can not knit, hang underwear and sit on the doorstep. And the recommendation not to buy clothes for the child until he is born makes the life of the expectant mother much more difficult. By watching this video, you will not only find out how a woman feels in the 19th week of pregnancy, but you can also decide is it worth trusting common signs.

Pregnancy is a magical time in every woman's life. The expectant mother is overwhelmed with emotions that I want to tell the whole world about. Let's discuss these wonderful months together! Tell us how your pregnancy was or is going, share your experience and your experiences with other readers.