What are the negative consequences after facial peeling? Post-peel care: how to properly care for facial skin after various peels

Peeling is one of the most popular procedures for improving the condition and appearance of the skin. Despite the differences both in depth (superficial, medial, deep) and in the mechanism of action (laser, chemical, mechanical, etc.), all have one goal - to remove the surface layer of cells. Respectively, possible complications and side effects after peelings are also similar.

They can vary in severity and frequency of occurrence (for example, complications occur much more often than with mechanical ones), but none of the procedure methods will fully insure against them.

Expected complications after peeling

This group includes problems that in one way or another manifest themselves in most patients. As a rule, they occur in the first days (up to two weeks) after peeling, but they pass quite quickly and without any consequences - in fact, these are not “side effects” or complications, but a completely predictable skin reaction to external stimuli, which you need to be ready.

  • Erythema

This is redness of the treated area, and the degree of its severity and duration of existence directly depend on the "aggressiveness" of the procedure. For example, if there has been exposure to alpha hydroxy acids, redness lasts up to 3 hours, but after treatment with Jessner's solution, erythema will last up to two days. An acid concentration of about 30% in medium TCA peels will cause bright red erythema for up to 5 days, and in deep peels or dermabrasion, redness can persist for up to 2 months.

  • Peeling

Also quite common. It passes quickly (1-3 days) and is almost not noticeable after fruit peeling, but resorcinol and trichloroacetic acid can cause coarse flaking of the skin for a whole week. During this period, it is important to resist the temptation to “help” your skin to exfoliate, leave the scales alone and let the process go naturally (if you still really want to participate in some way, it’s better to take care of actively moisturizing the skin)

  • Edema

This is a kind of local inflammatory reaction of the skin to external influences. Since the permeability of the capillaries increases after peeling, the liquid leaves them and accumulates in the tissues, causing swelling. This problem is especially relevant for areas with thin skin - around the eyes, on the neck. Fruit acids will not have such a side effect, but retinoids and TCA, the concentration of which does not exceed 15%, may well. As a rule, edema occurs 1-3 days after the procedure and persists for several days. Minimizing their manifestation is the task, first of all, of a cosmetologist, who must choose the right combination of acids for the patient's skin type.

  • darkening of the skin

One of the "complications" most disliked by patients is a pronounced dark coloration of the skin in the treated. However, there is no reason to worry here, this trouble disappears after the skin is completely exfoliated - on average, after 1-2 weeks.

  • Increased skin sensitivity

The treated areas of the skin react more acutely to any external stimuli (sunlight, mechanical and thermal effects, etc.). As a rule, this condition disappears within 1-2 weeks, but it can also develop into an independent complication - in this case, hypersensitivity persists for up to 12 months.

Unexpected Complications and Side Effects of Peeling

These problems can appear both immediately and after a fairly long time after the procedure. They do not belong to natural skin reactions to peeling, have an extremely negative impact on its aesthetic result, and in most cases pose a threat to health and require one or another treatment.

  • herpetic infection

This complication is usually associated with median and deep, and dermabrasion. Patients with recurrent herpes are primarily at risk, however, many cases of primary infection associated with a decrease in immunity, an inevitable consequence of serious peels, are also known in clinical practice. As a preventive measure, antiherpetic drugs (for example, acyclovir) are usually prescribed, and if the moment is missed, a full-fledged treatment course will be required.

  • Other infectious complications

In this case, the trigger will be a violation of hygiene standards by doctors during the procedure, or by the patient himself during the rehabilitation period. The main manifestation is streptostaphyloderma, which is treated by taking appropriate antibiotics in ointments or tablets (depending on the severity of the process).

  • Allergy

According to statistics, a complication in the form of an allergy to the acids used during the procedure is rare (mainly a reaction to ascorbic and kojic acids). But the reaction to other external stimuli may turn out to be unexpectedly strong - i.e. something that in a normal situation causes a maximum of mild itching, immediately after peeling can provoke, for example, bright urticaria and severe swelling.

In order to avoid such troubles, before the procedure, it is necessary to pass a test for sensitivity to peeling preparations, as well as to exclude the influence of other allergens during the recovery period (everything is strictly individual here, since everyone has their own). A similar complication is treated with antihistamines and steroid drugs (tavegil, dexamethasone)

  • Marbling of the skin

This complication is a consequence of the death of a large number of melanocytes, which is possible with rough grinding or too deep chemical exposure. Especially often, owners of dark skin face a similar effect. The most unpleasant moment is that the situation is almost impossible to correct, however, with the help of additional superficial peels, you can try to slightly even out the tone.

  • Persistent (persistent) erythema

A common problem for patients with dilated superficial skin vessels (telangiectasias) who decide to undergo deep peeling. Such an adverse skin reaction can last up to 12 months, but in the end, as a rule, it goes away on its own without outside intervention. To speed up this period, it is important to avoid sun exposure, saunas, excessive physical activity, and exclude the use of alcohol, spicy and spicy foods.

This complication is most often observed after laser and TCA peels and is a direct consequence of poor pre-procedure diagnostics. The cause of hyperpigmentation is the incorrect functioning of inflamed skin cells, which begin to actively produce melanin, which leads to the formation of dark areas.

A thorough medical examination can protect against this trouble (it is necessary to find out if there is a predisposition to, cure all existing inflammatory processes). With an existing problem, additional retinoic or phenol peels will help (exfoliate pigment cells), as well as based on 10-20% ascorbic acid (breaks down melanin).

  • Exacerbation of acne (acne) and seborrhea

The provoking factor of this complication is an inflammatory reaction that induces the cells "responsible" for the formation of sebum (sebocytes) to work actively. The risk group includes patients with oily skin, with chronic seborrhea and acne after deep or medium peeling.

The main preventive measure is the intake of the Aevit multivitamin complex, and if inflammation could not be avoided (usually it manifests itself 2-4 weeks after the procedure), antibiotic therapy is performed.

  • demarcation line

This term refers to a clearly defined line between the treated and untouched areas of the skin. This situation is not uncommon among patients with porous skin and dark skin who have undergone laser, deep or medium-deep peeling. You can smooth out this "border" with the help of an additional Jesner peel.

  • Rough scars ( , )

This is the most unpleasant complication that occurs due to skin damage after deep (50% TCA, 88% phenol), or due to a violation of the procedure itself with a 30% TCA peel. See articles for details.

Gained great popularity: this procedure helps to get rid of many skin imperfections for a long time.

But at the same time, such an aggressive effect on the epidermis can lead to disastrous consequences if it is approached incorrectly and without preparation.

What consequences after peeling are possible, how to prevent them, how to eliminate them? Let's figure it out.

Types of procedures, their action, purpose

Much during cleaning depends on the characteristics of the skin, the cleaning option, the level of exposure.

Cleanups include:

  1. - it does not reach the deep layers of the dermis, affecting only the surface. Reduces pigmentation, evens out tone, slightly reduces fine wrinkles.
  2. - reaches the stratum corneum and part of the epidermis. Levels age spots, reduces the accumulation of wrinkles, significantly improves complexion.
  3. - reaches deep skin layers. Significantly reduces the number of wrinkles, age spots, whitens well, has a rejuvenating effect.

The first type of procedure suitable for sensitive, dry (with caution), combination skin that does not show serious age-related changes.

Median good for oily, suffering from active pigmentation, with wrinkles.

deep view suitable for getting rid of significant shortcomings - deep wrinkles, an abundance of age spots, and other changes.

Adverse results

All consequences are divided into 2 types: expected and unexpected.

The first group includes problems that arise in patients, occurring without any special consequences and passing quickly. This is a predictable reaction to the manifestation of stimuli.

These include:

    • Erythema- redness of the area of ​​the epidermis that has undergone cleansing. Depends on the type of exposure, its duration, skin sensitivity. Red spots on the face after the procedure can last from 3 hours to several days. With laser resurfacing, the skin can remain red for up to two months.

  • Peeling usually disappears almost imperceptibly, especially when using fruit acids. After trichloroacetic acid, peeling takes on a large-scale character lasting a week. If the face peels off after the procedure, you should not help your epidermis to renew itself - the process should take place naturally. You need to take care of good hydration during the recovery period.
  • Sensitization- after cleansing, the dermis can react in a peculiar way to any irritants - light, exposure to temperatures or mechanical stimulation. With a special course of the process, sensitivity can last up to a year, but usually disappears in a couple of weeks.
  • puffiness is an inflammatory response. By increasing the permeability of the capillaries located in the epidermis, cleaning causes the liquid to leave them and accumulate in the tissues. Edema occurs. After the use of light acids, this reaction usually does not occur, but retinoids can cause swelling. It can last for several days, but does not occur immediately, on the 2nd or 3rd day after the procedure.
  • darkening of the skin- the treated areas may “oxidize” - acquire a dark shade. But as the peeling progresses, the old scales of the epidermis will be removed, updated, lighter ones will appear in their place.

Here is how the skin of the face looks in the photo before, immediately after and some time after peeling:

The second group includes those consequences that are illegitimate are selective.

They can have a negative impact on the aesthetics of the result, are unsafe, and require treatment.

Among them:

    1. allergic reactions- they do not appear on the substances that act on the skin during peeling, but on subsequent irritants, when the skin is renewed, thin and irritated.
    2. herpetic infection- occurs after median and deep cleaning, laser resurfacing. It may occur due to the recurrence of herpes, but sometimes infection occurs during the procedure if the patient's immunity is reduced.
    3. Other infections may arise due to the negligent attitude of the doctor to the norms of the procedure or by the patient himself to the post-peeling period.
    4. Paleness or marbling- due to the leveling of a large number of melanocytes, reverse pigmentation may occur - lightening of areas of the dermis, especially if its owner was swarthy. Such a reaction is not completely cured, but with light peels you can try to slightly reduce it, even out the tone.

  • Persistent erythema– if the patient has dilated superficial vessels, the problem may appear after deep peeling. This reaction can last up to a year, but usually goes away on its own.
  • hyperpigmentation- occurs after deep and laser peelings, carried out incorrectly. Inflamed skin cells actively produce melanin, which leads to darkening.
  • The appearance or exacerbation of acne. Acne after peeling appeared because the provoked inflammatory reaction causes the cells that produce sebum to work actively. Pores become clogged, acne appears. At risk are people with oily skin, a predisposition to acne, and those who decide on deep or median peels.
  • Scarring- violation of the skin of the face after exposure to deep chemical peels. May appear after an incorrectly performed cleaning procedure.
  • burns- a slight burn on the surface is not considered a deviation from the norm. But if the procedure was carried out with violations or the patient has a sensitive type of facial skin, the burn after peeling can become more serious.

What are the possible consequences after peeling:

Treatment of complications

If the cleaning procedure nevertheless led to negative consequences, they need to be leveled, especially if there are serious underlying causes.

Treatment may be as follows:

    • Appeared itching usually goes away with time, but you can help your skin recover faster.

      After peeling, make a cold compress, take an antihistamine. Keep the dermis hydrated, use hypoallergenic products.

      If after peeling the face is very itchy, it is red, you can resort to sedatives. All drugs should be used only after consulting a doctor.

  • erythema easily cured with corticosteroids in conjunction with moisturizing, soothing agents. You need to use sunscreen. If the redness does not go away after a week of such manipulations, consult a doctor to exclude an infectious lesion.
  • Scars treated with corticosteroid injections. You can add occlusive dressings, in more severe cases, laser treatment, surgery are indicated.
  • hyperpigmentation usually goes away on its own. To prevent its growth, use sunscreens. This manifestation is treated with a laser method (in severe cases).
  • Infections of bacterial or viral origin leveled by antiviral, antibacterial agents - ointments, creams.
  • The occurrence of acne treatable with antibiotics, azelaic acid, small doses of steroids, or isotretinoin.

Any negative impact is easily prevented if know about the characteristics of the patient's skin, its predispositions, while observing all the rules of hygiene and cleaning procedures.

Precautionary measures:

    • to prevent allergies it is desirable to test for active drugs;
    • herpetic infections can be avoided, having resorted to antiherpetic drugs in advance;

  • other infections can be prevented by taking antibiotics;
  • persistent erythema warned by the rejection of saunas, drinking alcohol, spicy and spicy foods, active physical work;
  • hyperpigmentation can be avoided by conducting a thorough examination for the presence of a predisposition to the formation of age spots. It is important to cure the ongoing inflammatory processes in advance;
  • acne is preventable taking the multivitamin complex "Aevit", antibiotics can be prescribed. A competent cosmetologist and doctor immediately after the procedure will make a soothing and healing mask, apply the necessary protective creams or ointments;
  • to prevent crusting after peeling, it is desirable to conduct a session of nourishing masks immediately after the cleaning procedure.

Subject to all the rules of preparation and, competent, you can prevent the appearance of all negative consequences and achieve a good result when cleaning the skin.

In order for the face after peeling to look exactly the way you dream, you must strictly follow the recommendations of cosmetologists. Exfoliation is always associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin to one degree or another. The cosmetologist speaks about what measures to take after this corrective procedure. However, not every woman, due to various circumstances, follows them. In this case, complications and side effects may occur.

In the epidermis injured by a chemical or mechanical way, recovery processes are launched. How to restore the skin after peeling? This procedure should take place in a natural way. In damaged skin, regeneration processes are launched. The main task of a woman in this case is to wait patiently. A cosmetologist will prescribe a remedy for restoring the epidermis, and use it. Which tool to use directly depends on the type of face peeling and on the characteristics of the woman's skin.

There are many varieties of exfoliation, but the principle is the same - a violation of the epithelial tissue and stimulation of regenerative processes in the epidermis and dermis. Thus, the physiological process of rejuvenation takes place. Our body is designed in such a way that it perceives trauma after chemical peeling as an impulse to start the regeneration process. As a result, there is an active formation of collagen fibers, as well as hyaluronic acid molecules. The epidermis is freed from dead cells of the epithelial tissue, acquires youth and elasticity.

Every woman should clearly understand what happens in the skin of the face after peeling. The renewed epithelium forms new cells and tissues, therefore it requires special care. Even a slight impact of external factors can be dangerous for the unformed epidermis. Therefore, any exogenous influence should either be excluded or minimized. Even your usual outdoor walks and familiar face care products can worsen the skin condition after a facial peel, causing side effects. Therefore, cosmetologists and women with extensive experience in exfoliation recommend scheduling it for the end of the working week. Over the weekend, the skin will recover and by the beginning of next week, the first positive results of exfoliation will be visible. Taking precautions, you need to follow the recommendations of specialists and apply a cream after peeling, which promotes the speedy healing of the epidermis.

Even if a superficial exfoliation of the face, which is gentle, has been performed, one must be careful. Dry and sensitive skin after exfoliation is especially susceptible to various environmental factors. If the beautician did not focus your attention on post-peel care, you should follow the general recommendations. You can learn more about how to care for your skin after peeling in our article.

There are a number of recommendations on how to restore the skin after peeling. Their spectrum depends directly on the type and depth of exfoliation performed. The individual characteristics of the patient are also taken into account: skin type, age, tendency to allergic reactions, the presence of chronic diseases.

If we consider the types of complications and side effects after exfoliation, we can name the following phenomena:

  • Peeling is a normal consequence of the procedure. The feeling of dryness and tightness on the 3rd day is transformed into detachment of epidermal particles, which spontaneously disappears after a maximum of a week. Natural products based on shea butter, jojoba, grape seed and with the addition of hyaluronic acid will help speed up the process;
  • Hyperemia or redness is characteristic of rehabilitation after deep or medial exfoliation. This side effect will pass in 5-20 days. The main thing during this period is to observe a sparing diet, moderate physical activity and avoid stress. It is recommended to include foods rich in omega-3 acids in the diet;
  • Edema after exfoliation occurs in owners of thin skin. On the recommendation of a beautician, you can use a special gel for the face after peeling with antioxidants, which eliminates swelling;
  • Inflammatory elements can be the result of incorrect exfoliation or improper post-peel care. There are a number of spot-on products with antiseptic ingredients that will help in this case;
  • An allergy may occur if an allergy test has not been performed prior to the exfoliation procedure. If this reaction occurs, an antihistamine should be used;
  • Increased pigment formation can be triggered by incorrect preparation for exfoliation or exposure to the skin after the procedure of sunlight. Whitening creams and a diet that avoids pigmentation-enhancing foods can help treat freckles or brown spots.

Each type of exfoliation has its own recovery period. How to restore the skin after each of them?


As you know, skin care after superficial peeling is the least troublesome. In this case, only the upper part of the epidermis is exfoliated. Just a couple of days after peeling, a film of young epidermal cells is formed. They require gentle care. After chemical peeling of the superficial type, you should not use scrubs or roll up flaky and reddened epithelium for at least a week. Usually, the cosmetologist recommends using a cream that accelerates wound healing. After superficial peeling, skin care with ointments and creams based on panthenol is appropriate. This substance activates regeneration and prevents the formation of scars. It will be useful to use an additional liter of water, which speeds up metabolic processes in the body.

Skin care after fruit acid peels and other types of gentle exfoliation involves the use of products that are gentle and contain a high sun protection factor. Put them on every time you go outside. When caring for skin after peeling with acidic compounds, do not use aggressive alkaline hygiene products that irritate the epidermis.


Median exfoliation is a more severe skin exposure to coral, trichloroacetic acids, or a multi-acid formulation. Therefore, a medium-type chemical peel is followed by a longer rehabilitation period. In this case, a woman may experience redness and peeling of the skin.

Many women are interested in the question: is it possible to cleanse the skin after peeling? The answer is unequivocal: no! You can not use scrubs, roll or peel off the scales with your hands. This leads to the formation of scars, which will be very difficult to remove! It is enough to wait a few days after the median peeling without much care, and the peeling will pass by itself.

Skin care after the procedure of chemical exposure should be very delicate. It is necessary to avoid both mechanical and chemical effects on the injured epidermis. As a cleansing of the face, 3 days after peeling, you can wipe only with micellar water or another mild product without sulfates in the composition. You should also not use cosmetics, as you will need to do make-up removal. Subsequent skin care after a median peel is reduced to the use of wound healing agents and the use of sunscreens.


Deep exfoliation is a serious cosmetic and medical procedure and is performed under anesthesia. Phenolic, brown face peeling, as well as laser resurfacing are effective methods for eliminating significant epidermal defects. But it should be understood that these types of exposure are highly traumatic.

Care after a chemical peel of this type can be carried out in a hospital, as the patient receives a controlled burn of the deep layers of the skin. Rehabilitation requires sterility, the use of medications: anabolics, antibiotics and other drugs. This helps to cope with pain and prevents infection of the damaged dermis.

Care after the deep peeling procedure is special. The first few days you can not wash your face with water. After that, it is forbidden to wipe the face with alcohol-based lotions. After deep peeling, the use of creams with a high UV protection factor becomes part of skin care. This mandatory requirement will help to avoid the appearance of unwanted age spots.

Remember: washing your face during the rehabilitation process can be done with boiled warm water. The face should not be wiped, but blotted with a towel. Skin care after deep peeling can be done in the form of a gel or foam. They do not need to be rubbed into the skin, they are easily absorbed.

Skin care after laser peeling and other deep effects is prescribed by a cosmetologist individually. Means for repairing serious damage to the epidermis usually include antioxidant substances: ubiquinone, tocopherol, selenium and other bioflavonoids.

Attention! The use of home masks in the rehabilitation stage must be agreed with the beautician. Many components can provoke allergies, as skin sensitivity is increased.

Usually, skin care after chemical peeling is discussed individually by a cosmetologist. It is made up of many factors. The depth of exposure, the characteristics of the skin and the health of the patient are taken into account. However, there are general recommendations after facial peeling, which can be called universal.

During the day after the exfoliation, you can not:

  • Wash your face with soap, foam or gel;
  • Touch, massage, rub, scratch the skin;
  • Use moisturizing creams, nutrition serums, mattifying masks or lotions;
  • Stay outside for a long time and contact with the sun's rays;
  • Swim in the pool, steam in the bath, play active sports;
  • Visit the solarium.
  • Wash your face with slightly acidic pH water or a lightweight, hypoallergenic cleanser;
  • Apply cream after peeling for the face with a wound healing effect. They usually include panthenol or lanolin;
  • Limit access to the street, especially in sunny weather;
  • Use products with a UV filter (SPF index - at least 35);
  • Protect the skin from negative external factors: frost, wind, dust, sun.

Two weeks after the exfoliation, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Use medications and creams prescribed by a cosmetologist;
  • Refrain from using decorative cosmetics that clog pores;
  • Do not remove scales, crusts, scabs with your hands;
  • Do not use scrubs, even the most delicate;
  • Do not sunbathe in the solarium and in the sun, use sunscreen;
  • Do not experiment with new brands of cosmetics for care;
  • Do not visit public baths, pools, open water.

You have probably heard a lot of advice from friends and acquaintances on how to care for your face after a chemical peel, but you should only follow the recommendations of experienced cosmetologists. They will save you from negative consequences in the form of complications and side effects.

Unfortunately, exfoliation can bring not only smooth, radiant skin, but also scarring, acne, hyperpigmentation, and aggravated cold sores.

The appearance of pigmentation is a rather unpleasant side effect of laser exfoliation and TCA. To prevent this, the face is treated with kojic and retinoic acids before exfoliation. Some post-peeling treatments also eliminate subsequent pigmentation. This is the application of acetylcysteine ​​and strong antioxidants (tocopherol, ascorbic acid, silene, etc.) to the epidermis.

An exacerbation of herpes can occur in those individuals who note this phenomenon at least twice a year. So that after the scrubbing or peeling of the face, the herpes foci do not spread over the face, it is necessary to carry out appropriate therapy: take antiviral medications: oral preparations and ointments.

If a woman is characterized by acne, after exfoliation, they can appear in an aggravated form. You will need funds that have anti-inflammatory and sebostatic properties. Antiseptic preparations with zinc can be applied pointwise to acne and blackheads.

Severe peeling of the skin can also be observed after exfoliation of the median or deep type. There is no need to take any action, the skin should peel off on its own. How to exfoliate the skin after peeling faster? Cosmetologists strongly recommend: do not comb, do not peel off the scales and do not use scrubs. All these manipulations can lead to scarring.

How to prevent side effects?

In fact, if the exfoliation was performed by a qualified cosmetologist, taking into account the characteristics of the client, while high-quality reagents were used, aseptic conditions were observed, then there should be no adverse reactions, and negative consequences are excluded. But a lot depends on whether the woman fulfills all the recommendations that she received from the specialist.

The most important thing is to allow the epidermis to recover and not interfere with the natural regeneration process. The skin of the face after peeling will begin to tighten, as it were, dryness will appear, and then peeling. These phenomena are natural and natural, there is no need to panic. Under no circumstances should a scrub be used after a face peel. The injured epithelium will react to this action with scars and scars, which are very difficult to remove.

The main thing in rehabilitation is gentle care. Can I wash my face after peeling? After deep and median exposure on the first day, the face should not be washed with water. In the next few days, you can wash only with boiled water. Further, for several weeks, mild cleansers with a gentle hypoallergenic composition are recommended for use.

If the cosmetologist has prescribed medication (antibiotics, anabolics, wound healing ointments), they cannot be ignored. This can lead to irreparable consequences. The effect of exfoliation depends not only on the professionalism of the cosmetologist, but also on the responsibility of the woman herself.

What is not forbidden to do after peeling?
Repeatedly in this article it was stipulated that it is forbidden to do after peeling. This is to injure the epidermis, stay in the sun and use any cosmetics.

Important! Despite the standard set of warnings from a beautician, women are often concerned about the question: is it possible to wet the face after peeling? After deep and medial exfoliation, the face should not be wet for 24 hours. Then you can wash only with boiled warm water.

A woman should understand that after a chemical peel, the quality of the result obtained largely depends on her actions. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations and exclude amateur performance. Only a professional can adequately assess the need or danger of even the safest procedure in your opinion. For example, after chemical exfoliation, you can not massage your face or even touch it. The sensitivity of the damaged epidermis is high, it can be easily harmed.

The cosmetologist recommends how to care for the skin after peeling, so that the epidermis recovers without scars and spots, immediately after the procedure. In addition to a number of standard manipulations, the master of the beauty salon will share with you the special secrets of maintaining the peeling effect, and will prescribe a suitable line of products for post-peeling care. But keep in mind that you can use cleansers after facial peeling only after 3-4 days.

The rehabilitation period, depending on the depth of exfoliation, can last up to 3 weeks. Cosmetics should be used with extreme caution. The main thing is to avoid irritation, allergies, blockage of pores. When the epidermis is fully restored, you can again use your favorite decorative cosmetics.

Proper care after peeling guarantees a woman a good result from the procedure and saves her from complications. Adverse reactions occur not only through the fault of the cosmetologist, but also from how the rehabilitation period goes. It is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations of the salon master, use all prescribed means and preparations and exclude amateur performance. Then exfoliation will be very effective, and the risks of complications will be reduced to zero. Glowing beauty and youthful skin will be a reward for your patience.

Peeling is a fairly popular cosmetic procedure that can improve the appearance and condition of the skin. Peeling can have a different depth of impact and penetration of active substances, in addition, it can be mechanical, laser, chemical. However, any peeling done in the salon and at home should fulfill its main goal of removing the surface layer of dead skin cells. This procedure is not shown to every person, because it has a strong effect on the skin. It should be understood that peeling can cause some side effects and complications that are similar to each other.

Such manifestations may differ in frequency of occurrence and in severity, and they also proceed differently for each type of peeling. For example, after a chemical peel, a much greater number of complications occur than after a mechanical type of procedure. However, none of the varieties of this procedure guarantees that a person will definitely not have any complications and problems after it is carried out.

After a chemical peel, a much greater number of complications occur than after a mechanical type of procedure.

Predictable complications after peeling

These include such complications after the procedure, which in one way or another manifest themselves in most people who have gone through a salon peeling session. Such complications should be expected within the first two weeks after the procedure, while they pass on their own and in a short time. For this reason, they should not be attributed to complications or side effects, this is just a skin reaction to this cosmetic procedure.

Erythema is reddening of the skin area treated with peeling, and the duration and severity of the manifestation depends on how “aggressive” the peeling was chosen for use in each individual case. For example, if the procedure was performed on the basis of alpha hydroxy acids, then redness can last about three hours. After a Jessner peel, erythema may persist a little longer - about a couple of days. If acid-based median TCA peels are used, erythema can last up to five days, and after deep peels, dermabrasion, and laser resurfacing, erythema lasts about 60 days.

peeling skin

Many people are familiar with this manifestation in everyday life, and usually peeling occurs due to excessive dryness of the skin. However, peeling of the skin that occurs after peeling disappears within a few days. When using soft peels, peeling is almost imperceptible, but if strong chemical solutions were used, then within a week the skin will peel off on its own with large scales of dead and treated cells. At this time, you can not contribute to this process, otherwise you can severely damage the skin. The process should proceed naturally and complete on its own, especially if you moisturize and nourish your skin in a timely manner.


Edema is a local inflammatory skin reaction to external influences. After a peeling session, capillary permeability increases, so fluid comes out of them, which then accumulates in the tissues, thereby causing swelling. This problem is especially expected for the skin in the neck and around the eyes, because there it is the most delicate, thin and vulnerable. Peeling based on fruit acids is practically not able to cause this skin reaction, but any stronger peeling can lead to swelling. They appear after a few days or earlier, while remaining on the skin for a while. Your specialist can minimize skin reaction to peeling if he can choose the right composition for a particular skin type.

Such a manifestation can occur on the skin, but you should not worry about it. Darkening disappears on its own after skin exfoliation.

Increased skin sensitivity

After peeling, the skin affected by peeling may react more strongly than usual to any external stimuli. The problem resolves on its own after a couple of weeks, but it can become a complication, and then the increased sensitivity can last a year.

Unpredictable side effects and complications of peeling

These problems can manifest themselves both after a few hours, and after a long time after the peeling. They should not be attributed to the expected complications and skin reactions to the procedure. It is these manifestations that can not only spoil the entire aesthetic effect created by peeling, but in many cases also threaten human health and require treatment.

Herpes virus infection

This complication in most cases is caused by deep and medium chemical peels, as well as dermabrasion and laser resurfacing. Patients with recurrent herpes are especially at risk in this case, but it also happens that strong peels cause primary infection due to a decrease in immunity caused by the procedure. A doctor may prescribe medications to eliminate the herpes virus, but sometimes more complex treatment may be needed.

Other infectious complications

In this situation, the activation of the problem can be associated with a violation of hygiene standards by medical personnel during the procedure, or by the patient in the process of recovery after peeling. The main manifestation is streptostaphyloderma, which can be cured by taking appropriate antibiotics, appropriate to the severity of this process.

allergic reactions

The skin after peeling remains unprotected for some time, so that which did not cause allergies in the past or caused mild itching can cause pronounced swelling and hives of the skin damaged by peeling. To prevent this from happening, take a sensitivity test to the peeling components and exclude the influence of allergens during the rehabilitation period. This complication is eliminated by steroid and antihistamines.

Skin marbling

This problem is a consequence of the death of a huge number of melanocytes caused by deep chemical peeling or aggressive skin resurfacing. Patients with dark skin are especially at risk. This situation is considered almost irreparable, but with the help of secondary sessions of superficial peeling, the tone of damaged skin can be slightly evened out.

Persistent erythema

This complication often occurs in patients with dilated superficial skin vessels and who decide to undergo deep peeling. This skin reaction can last up to a year, but after that it often goes away on its own. To speed up rehabilitation, avoid alcohol, spicy foods, visits to saunas, baths, beaches and gyms.

Skin hyperpigmentation

This complication often occurs after a TCA peel, or after this procedure performed with a laser. Hyperpigmentation occurs due to poor-quality diagnostics before the procedure. The work of improperly processed skin cells that actively produce melanin leads to the formation of dark skin areas.

If you want to avoid this problem, it is recommended to undergo a complete medical examination. If there is already a problem, then mesotherapy based on ascorbic acid or phenol and retinoic peels can help.

Exacerbation of seborrhea and acne

This complication is provoked by inflammation, which encourages the cells responsible for the formation of sebum to work actively. Patients with chronic seborrhea or oily skin are especially at risk after deep and medium peeling or laser resurfacing.

A preventive measure is to take a vitamin complex, and if inflammation has already occurred, then antibiotic therapy is carried out.

The appearance of the demarcation line

The demarcation line is a noticeable border between intact and peeled skin areas. This problem occurs in patients with porous or dark skin, especially after laser, deep or median peels. Smoothing the boundaries of the demarcation line is carried out using Jessner peeling sessions.

Rough scarring

Rough scars can occur after deep chemical peels, or when the technique of TCA peeling is violated.

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Modern cosmetology offers a wide range of cosmetic procedures of various effects. One of the most effective procedures for removing the stratum corneum of the skin of the face is peeling. The demand for this procedure lies in the possibility of obtaining a good and lasting effect. Peeling makes the skin surface even, smooth, improves complexion, removes age spots, renews the epidermis and successfully fights acne.

Peeling (exfoliation) - exfoliation of the upper stratum corneum in order to improve the appearance of the skin. By removing dead cells from the surface of the skin, it becomes young and tender.

We can say that peeling is a deliberate traumatization of the skin with special chemical solutions in order to start the forced regeneration of skin processes. This is a planned burn that allows skin cells to divide and renew themselves with a vengeance. The skin is constantly undergoing processes of renewal and restoration. At a young age, these processes occur quickly and efficiently, but over the years they slow down. Peeling helps speed up these processes. Since peeling violates the integrity of the skin, some complications are possible. They can harm the health of a woman and adversely affect the final result of the procedure. Why are there complications? Let's explore it below.

Causes of complications after peeling

Complications after chemical peeling are divided into:

  • predictable;
  • unpredictable.

Predictable complications are the expected complications that are inevitable during invasive manipulations. They arise as a result of a normal reaction of the body to traumatization of the skin (chemical, mechanical or other action).

Erythema, which is a persistent pronounced redness of the treated area. The severity and duration of its preservation depend on the aggressiveness of the technique. This complication is common in people with extended facial vasculature after deep peeling.

Unpredictable complications are unforeseen complications that, in principle, should not be, but, unfortunately, they happen. Often the cause of such complications is the lack of professionalism of the doctor, violation of the rules of asepsis and antisepsis by both him and the patient, violation of peeling techniques, erroneous determination by the cosmetologist of the initial state of the skin: its thickness, phototype and sensitivity.

A series of complications is associated with the one-sided approach of a cosmetologist to the selection of patients for a particular peeling method, as well as to the one-sided management of pre- and post-peeling activities.

Very often, complications arise due to the fault of the patients themselves. Violation of the schedule of post-peeling activities negate the effect of the procedure. The most frequent violations on the part of patients include non-compliance with the prescriptions of a cosmetologist: exposure to the sun and ultraviolet radiation, forcible removal of crusts, and the rejection of bad habits. A serious and responsible attitude of the patient to post-peeling activities contributes to the rapid completion of the rehabilitation period.

The patient's state of health at the time of peeling and the combination of different therapies can cause complications after exfoliation. For example, the patient does not inform the doctor about the presence of a concomitant disease or about the therapeutic treatment carried out during this period. In this case, any invasive intervention in the body can give an unexpected result.

For example, the use of hormonal drugs during the procedure may increase the risk of excessive formation of hyperpigmentation. Pathological processes of the genitourinary system also contribute to the persistent development of hyperpigmentation, and peeling will not help here, but will only aggravate the problem. Deep peeling and the use of the retinoid isotretinoin (a drug that contains vitamin A) can affect the healing process of scars.

Complications. arising after laser exposure: 1. Erythema and swelling of facial tissues on the 6th day after laser dermabrasion 2. Pinpoint hemorrhages from damaged small vessels with the formation of small hematomas after the Fraxel laser.

Individual characteristics of the organism can also be attributed to unpredictable complications. In this case, it is very difficult to predict possible side effects and complications. Since everything directly depends on the genetic characteristics of the skin, the body's metabolism and the patient's lifestyle.

Bad habits affect the course and complication of the peeling procedure. For example, the presence of such a bad habit in a patient as smoking contributes to pathological scarring of tissues, and recovery after any cosmetic procedures is much more difficult for them.

Exfoliation is carried out using various chemical agents, as well as their combinations. For this reason, each exfoliation method has its own mechanism of action, as well as possible complications and side effects. For example, the use of phenol as a chemical agent can cause poisoning by it, so you need to correctly consider its concentration, keeping in mind its high toxicity.

Summing up, let's say that there are a number of objective reasons due to which it is impossible to be completely insured against complications. It depends on the effect of chemical agents on the skin, that is, the more aggressive the technique is chosen, the more serious the complications after peeling can be.

Let's once again name the causes that cause side effects and complications after exfoliation:

  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • individual characteristics of the skin and body;
  • features of the conducted technique;
  • unprofessionalism of the doctor and irresponsibility of the patient;
  • the general health of the patient.

It should be recalled that before carrying out this or that procedure, a competent specialist will definitely collect an anamnesis regarding the patient's state of health, prescribe laboratory tests, and, if necessary, consult related specialists.

Side effects after exfoliation

We wrote above that there are predictable side effects that always occur in cases of invasive intervention in the work of the body. These are temporary phenomena. They should not cause concern, as they do not harm the body and pass a couple of days after the procedure. Usually this:

Peeling is the basis of the peeling mechanism as such. It is a common consequence and disappears in 1-3 days. However, after the use of trichloroacetic acid or resorcinol, coarse scaly peeling may occur, which persists for a week or longer.
  • moderate hyperemia;
  • erythema (severe reddening of the skin);
  • peeling of the skin;
  • swelling;
  • crust formation.

Skin hyperemia is a normal skin reaction to chemical agents. It occurs as a result of damage to the skin, and its intensity depends on the degree of aggressiveness of the chemical preparation.

In cases of violation of post-peeling measures by the patient, prolonged and persistent skin erythema is possible.

Peeling of the skin after the procedure also depends on the degree of aggressiveness of the chemical preparation, the technology used and the timely rehabilitation. For example, after a superficial peeling, peeling is almost imperceptible, after a medium peeling, peeling is observed with the formation of thin brown crusts, and after a strong peeling, peeling has a pronounced ubiquitous character with the formation of deep crusts. In different parts of the skin, peeling has a different intensity, which is associated with the thickness of the epidermis and the number of sebaceous glands.

Hyperpigmentation occurs when there is an inadequate cellular response and excessive production of melanin by the cells, resulting in dark patches. Most often this occurs after treatment with trichloroacetic acid or exposure to a laser beam.

Edema is a kind of skin reaction to external stimuli. After peeling, the permeability of the capillaries increases, the liquid leaves them and accumulates in the tissues, thereby causing swelling.

Complications arising in the post-peeling period

These complications can occur both immediately and some time after the peeling. They differ from the usual side effects in that they have an extremely negative impact on its aesthetic result, and in some cases even pose a threat to health and require urgent medical intervention.

Complications are as follows:

  • allergic reaction;
  • persistent erythema;
  • marbling of the skin;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • exacerbation of acne;
  • demarcation line;
  • hypertrophic and keloid scars;
  • fibrosis of the dermis;
  • the formation of atheromas (cysts of the sebaceous glands).

In order to avoid a slow or immediate type of allergic reaction, skin tests should be prescribed by the cosmetologist before the procedure. Sometimes the patient himself does not know that he is allergic to any substance, and this is fraught with serious consequences in the form of anaphylactic shock.

Hypertrophic and keloid scars are treated with combined methods - surgery, cryotherapy, steroid drugs, laser resurfacing, etc.

Such a complication as marbling of the skin occurs due to the death of specialized cells called melanocytes, which are responsible for the production of melanin in the body. This problem occurs most often in owners of dark skin. But the problem is that this defect cannot be corrected, you can only slightly even out the tone with the help of additional superficial peels.

Hyperpigmentation is a persistent dark skin coloration. In some cases, pigmentation is long-lasting and persistent, but this is not always a complication after peeling. Sometimes adult skin reacts this way and this is most often associated with the individual characteristics of the body or with an imbalance in the hormonal background. If this is an individual feature of the skin, then there is no reason to worry. But in case of hormonal imbalance, specialist advice is needed to identify the causes of this symptom. The cosmetologist must identify the true cause of hyperpigmentation in order to determine a further strategy.

Strange as it may seem, but such an unpleasant skin defect as acne, which is successfully eliminated by peeling, in some cases may intensify after the procedure. And the reason for this, first of all, is the inflammatory process, which induces sebocyte cells responsible for the formation of sebum to work actively. The risk group includes owners of oily skin, with chronic seborrhea and acne. If the inflammation has increased, treatment with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs is carried out.

The demarcation line is a very unpleasant complication. This line clearly delimits the treated and untouched area of ​​the skin. This happens mainly in patients with porous and swarthy skin. This defect can be removed only with the help of an additional gentle peeling.

The appearance of keloid and hypertrophic scars is the most serious and difficult to correct complication after exfoliation. Scars appear as a result of a violation of the technology of peeling, when combining deep peeling and other cosmetic procedures, with a tendency to overgrowth of fibrous connective tissue, as well as during the forcible removal of crusts in the post-peeling period. Serious medical treatment is needed to eliminate this problem, but, unfortunately, the nature of keloid scars is not well understood, and there is no effective method that could guarantee the complete absence of recurrence.

1. Formation of blisters filled with serous fluid 2. Prolonged redness and swelling of the tissues of the periorbital region

Fibrosis of the skin occurs when the basement membrane is destroyed during the peeling process. This changes the texture of the skin, and instead of fine and shallow wrinkles, deep and rough furrows form.

A sebaceous gland cyst (atheroma) appears as a result of a mechanical violation of the ducts of the sebaceous glands after deep peeling. As a result, the excretory opening decreases and the outflow of sebum slows down. Atheromas are removed only surgically, with the removal of the sebaceous capsule.

Rehabilitation actions in the post-peeling period

As a result of the removal of the upper protective layer of the epithelium, the skin becomes very vulnerable. After all, in fact, one layer of skin was removed. For this reason, it is necessary to take care of her during this period with a double layer, following all the recommendations and prescriptions of a cosmetologist. Also, the range of post-peeling procedures depends on the depth of damage to the skin. What does it mean?

  • superficial peeling within the stratum corneum does not require special care. You can continue your traditional skin care with sunscreen and revitalizing products;
  • for median peeling without damaging the basement membrane, broad-spectrum sunscreens with a high SPF (sun protection factor) are used. Sunscreens should contain both physical and chemical filters, as well as protection from both UVA and UVB rays. How do sunscreens work? They prevent the penetration of rays harmful to the skin, thereby blocking the synthesis of melanin and the formation of hyperpigmentation;
  • with deep peeling, damaging the destruction of the basement membrane, antiviral and antibacterial drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs and procedures are used to improve metabolic processes in the skin and stimulate its rapid regeneration.

If you decide to peel, you should be prepared for the fact that this procedure is not without consequences. For some time, you will have to adhere to certain restrictions in your lifestyle. The recovery period varies in duration and severity of side effects, depending on this, be patient and strictly follow the instructions of the cosmetologist.

It is sometimes impossible to avoid complications and side effects due to the unpredictable behavior of the body when it interferes with its clear and well-coordinated work.

Therefore, carefully choose a clinic, and most importantly, make sure that you can fully trust the professional level of your cosmetologist. Beauty, of course, requires sacrifice, but it would be unforgivable if human.