What blood types are compatible for conceiving a child. Features of the I negative group. When can Rh conflict occur?

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When two future lovers meet, none of them thinks about the distant future of their couple. At the initial stage, an ideal relationship, as a rule, cannot be spoiled either by issues of probable blood incompatibility, or by problems with conception. The desire to have a healthy baby appears in a couple much later and forces future parents, when planning a pregnancy, to switch to a healthy lifestyle and perform examinations in which doctors will offer to find out the blood group, Rh factor and their compatibility. It is possible to calculate the conception of a child by the blood group of the parents, and only professionals can do it correctly. A visit to a gynecologist will allow parents-to-be to receive information about potential problems during pregnancy based on the blood test results obtained in the study of its parameters. Here the couple has a logical question - does the parent's blood type affect the conception of a healthy baby? The answer from the experts will be unequivocal - "yes". The influence of the blood group and Rh factors of the spouses is, according to the results of long-term observations and research of scientists, of great importance. Let's try to understand the dependence of healthy conception on these factors.

Does the blood type of parents affect the health and appearance of the child?

Incompatibility of blood groups in the practice of specialists is very common - it can be incompatibility both in both parents and the unborn child with his mother. The blood type of the fetus is formed in the womb, the child receives the blood of the parents in equal parts. In different proportions, the fetus has four types of blood. At the same time, the blood of one of the parents predominates - most often the child receives a group of either a father or a mother. Of great importance are the characteristics of the blood of people, due to differences in the structure of its proteins. Pregnancy and blood group indicators are not complicated in the following cases:

  • with the same blood groups in partners;
  • if the fourth is from the mother;
  • when the first group is with the father.

At conception, the baby receives the same number of gene cells from the parents. Human blood has two types of molecules - antigens and antibodies. Foreign cells are called antigens. When they enter the body, for each individual cell, certain particles are produced, called antibodies.

Scientists, conducting a study, concluded that the first blood group is problematic for the conception of a child. An increased level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) indicates a decreased capacity of the ovaries. This blood group indicator indicates that there are either a small number of eggs in the ovaries, or they do not correspond to the fertilization indicators. FSH is secreted by the pituitary gland of the brain and plays a significant role in the gestation process - it forces the follicles to release eggs.

To increase the chances of conceiving a child, it is necessary to quit smoking, since the influence of this habit is detrimental - the number of follicles decreases. The lifestyle, alcohol consumption and excess weight of a woman are of great importance. The owners of the first group are recommended to give birth to a child at an earlier age, from 20-24 years. By the age of 36, the number of follicles in the blood is about 10,000, and at 20-25 years - from 1-2 million.

Carrying a baby with an immunological conflict

An increased level of the toxic substance bilirubin in the blood leads to diseases of the nervous system, possible bilirubin encephalopathy can lead to mental retardation, mental retardation, and sometimes to the death of the child. Immunological conflict, as a rule, is possible during the first pregnancy and the risk of its occurrence decreases with each next one. If the doctor has such a suspicion, then the pregnant woman periodically does a blood test for the presence of antibodies to the erythrocytes of the child. A poor prognosis expects a pregnant woman when these indicators increase or "jump" with an increase in term. Then additional ultrasound is prescribed, which can enable the doctor to examine the condition of the fetus, the placement of the umbilical cord, etc. With the correct diagnosis of incompatibility and successfully chosen treatment tactics, the prognosis for the life and health of the baby is usually favorable.

You should know that the baby is born healthier, whose father's blood type is higher than that of the mother.

The influence of the Rh factor on the conception of a child

Rh factors (RH) blood groups of parents play a significant role in the process of childbearing. , and for a positive outcome, they must match. The Rh factor is a special protein found in red blood cells. With a positive Rh "+" this protein is present, and with a negative "-" - absent. Therefore, if the mother has "+", then the father of the child must have a "+".
In the case when the mother has "-", and the father has "+" - her body does not perceive the fetus and there is a threat of constant rejection, possible miscarriage or death of the fetus.

If the father's Rh blood group is "-", and the mother's is "+", then the conception of a child for the parents is delayed and the subsequent bearing of the fetus is difficult. The recommendations of experts in Rh-conflict is to be under the close supervision of a doctor. It is worth noting that if the mother and the child do not have the same rhesus, then the baby's health problems are likely. To avoid possible problems, it is necessary to undergo a blood test in the early stages and carry out the necessary therapy. Constant blood sampling from a pregnant woman reveals antibodies, and medicines selected by an expert will help keep the baby healthy.

Before a young couple decides to conceive a child, it is important to know that pregnancy and blood type are a significant problem that exists in nature, which urgently needs to be paid attention to. If you are already carrying a baby under your heart, do not delay going to the antenatal clinic, with the identification of the blood group. Timely registration will help eliminate the potential risk of conflicts with parents in terms of blood parameters, and, if necessary, will be the key to successful treatment to preserve the health of your future baby. A great desire to have a long-awaited and desired baby should not stop future parents in solving this issue, despite all potential obstacles and obstacles, differences in blood groups. There may be exceptions to any rule, so believe in the best and you will succeed!

Planning a pregnancy is a deliberate step for future parents. The desire to have a child is inextricably linked with responsibility for the health and future of the baby. Therefore, many couples before conception do a number of medical examinations in order to exclude risk factors for both the expectant mother and the child, including taking tests to find out about the compatibility of blood for conception. This examination is extremely important for the positive course of pregnancy throughout the entire period, the health and well-being of the child.
The essence of the analysis for the compatibility of blood groups before conception is that a couple is taken blood in order to determine the Rh factor. The results of the analysis are evaluated by a doctor, and the best answer for a couple is that the Rh factors of their blood are the same, in this case the chances of safely enduring and giving birth to a healthy child are significantly increased.

What Rh factors are most suitable for each other

Why is it so important to know about blood Rh factor and what can it give? A positive Rh factor indicates that red blood cells have a kind of protein, otherwise a person has a negative Rh factor. For planning a child, it is the Rh factor that is important, and many future parents mistakenly think about the importance of the blood type. The most optimal option for successful motherhood would be for both parents to have either a positive or negative Rh factor.
According to statistics, in most cases, a child's blood Rh factor is exactly the same as that of his mother. With the compatibility of blood groups and the Rh factor, a married couple may not worry, complications occur only when there is a mismatch in the Rhesus of the future parents (and then, when contacting a doctor at an early stage of pregnancy, these problems are solved by taking special drugs).

What can happen in case of an unfavorable development of events

The influence of the blood group on conception and the absence of Rh-conflict is very large. Pregnancy, complicated by the presence of a conflict of the parents' rhesus, if not prescribed appropriate treatment, may be interrupted, and a miscarriage will occur. Antibodies produced in a woman's body will seek to destroy the embryo. There is even an opinion that if blood is compatible during conception according to the Rh factor, as well as if the future father has a blood group greater than that of the mother, the chances of quick conception increase much, such blood compatibility during conception contributes to a favorable pregnancy, the birth of a strong baby ...

Is it possible to avoid negative consequences

Most of the world's population has a positive Rh factor, a negative one can be found in 10-15% of people. The development of the Rh-conflict occurs when a woman has a negative Rh, and a man has a positive one. Even in such a situation, the inconsistency of rhesus may be harmless to the health of the mother and baby, the main thing is to be constantly monitored by a specialist. In other cases, the Rh-conflict will not occur. Most often, such compatibility of blood groups for conception, burdened by the conflict of rhesus, is extremely rare (up to 3% of women).
With proper supervision of a pregnant woman, the doctor must prescribe regular tests to detect antibodies. Therefore, you do not need to panic and worry about the onset of undesirable consequences such as miscarriage, premature termination of pregnancy, and early birth.

What happens in the female body during a rhesus conflict? Antibodies in the mother's body seek to destroy the child's red blood cells, in turn, the developing fetal body tries to synthesize red blood cells again in an enhanced mode. It is not necessary to delay the treatment of this problem, since the mother's body, after a lapse of time, can break the fragile vitality of the fetus, and cause the development of complex and dangerous diseases of the baby (first of all, the brain, speech organs, hearing).
A woman who consults a antenatal clinic in the early stages of pregnancy is monitored by medical specialists throughout the entire period, which significantly increases the chances of giving birth to a baby on time without pathologies. When a developing Rh-conflict occurs, as a rule, the doctor advises the woman. However, the final decision and responsibility for the adverse pregnancy outcome will remain with the parents.

The above tips and tricks will be very useful for young couples who want to have a baby. It is very important to have an idea of ​​the influence of blood type on conception and compatibility of future parents. Even if there is a likelihood of developing a conflict of rhesus, then do not worry, great love, faith and the desire to give birth to a baby can do a miracle!

Table by which you can find out the blood group of the unborn child

Video on how conception occurs

All people are divided into 4 types according to the composition of the blood, which are usually called 1, 2, 3 and 4 blood groups (HA). They are distinguished by the presence / absence of certain types of proteins on the cell membrane of erythrocytes (blood cells). Such information is of the greatest importance when a transfusion is needed to the victim (recipient), blood is urgently needed for donation to relatives and friends, for the conception of a child and the normal course of pregnancy.

AB0 system

The most important is the ABO blood group system, according to which blood is divided into groups A, B, O and AB. It is determined by two antigens located on the surface of erythrocytes:

  • group a- on the surface of erythrocytes there is only antigen A
  • group B- on the surface of erythrocytes there is only antigen B
  • group AB- on the surface of erythrocytes are antigens of both A and B
  • group O- there is neither antigen A nor antigen B on the surface of erythrocytes.

If a person has blood group A, B or 0, then his blood plasma also contains antibodies that destroy those antigens that the person himself does not have. Examples: If you have blood type A, then you should not be transfused with blood type B, because in this case there are antibodies in your blood that fight against antigens B. If you have blood type 0, then there are antibodies in your blood that fight like against antigens A and against antigens B.

If a person has blood group AB, then he does not have such antibodies; therefore, he can be transfused with blood of any group. Therefore, the carrier of blood group AB can be called a universal patient.

The carrier of blood group 0 with a negative Rh factor is in turn called universal donor because its red blood cells are suitable for all patients.

Rhesus (Rh) - affiliation

The Rh factor (Rh) can be positive (+) and negative (-). It depends on the presence of D antigen on the surface of the red blood cells. If the D antigen is present, the person is considered Rh positive, and if the D antigen is absent, then the person is Rh negative.

If a person has a negative Rh factor, then when in contact with Rh-positive blood (for example, during pregnancy or during a blood transfusion), he may form antibodies. These antibodies can cause pregnancy problems in an Rh negative woman if she is carrying an Rh positive baby.

In addition to the ABO and Rh systems, about thirty more blood group systems have been discovered to date. The clinically most important of these are the Kell, Kidd and Duffy systems. Blood donors are also examined using the Kell system.

How is blood type determined?

To determine the blood group, it is mixed with a reagent containing known antibodies.

Three drops of blood taken from one person are applied to the base: the anti-A test reagent is added to one drop, the anti-B test reagent is added to the other drop, the anti-D test reagent is added to the third drop, i.e. test reagent Rh. If blood clots form in the first drop, i.e. there is gluing of erythrocytes (agglutination), then the person has antigen A. If in another drop the erythrocytes do not stick together, therefore the person does not have antigen B; and if agglutination occurs in the third drop, then this indicates a positive Rh factor. In this example, the donor has blood type A, Rh factor positive.

The compatibility of the blood group of the donor and the recipient is extremely important, because otherwise the recipient may develop dangerous reactions to the blood transfusion.

Blood transfusion

Blood by mutation and crossing evolved from the first to the fourth, which resulted from the fusion of the second and third groups. 4th GC is represented by only 5-7 percent of people, so it is important to know its compatibility with other groups.

The division of blood into groups is classified according to the AB0 system. To have an idea of ​​the antigenic characteristics of erythrocyte membranes, you need to know that blood is characterized by the presence of α and β agglutinins, and erythrocytes - A and B agglutinogens. One erythrocyte can contain only one of the α or A element (β or B, respectively). Therefore, only 4 combinations are obtained:

  • 1st group (0) contains α and β;
  • 2nd group (A) contains A and β;
  • The 3rd group (B) contains α and B;
  • Group 4 (AB) contains A and B.

Important! It is possible to inherit the fourth blood group from parents who have a second, third or fourth HA, that is, those on the cell membrane of erythrocytes of which antigens A and B are present. Therefore, if one of the parents is a carrier of the first group, the child will never have AB (IV ).

The history of the emergence of the 4th group

The opinion of scientists about the relatively recent appearance (not earlier than the XI century AD) of the 4th GC was divided. But there are three main theories:

Mutation of the 2nd and 3rd groups into the 4th as a result of mixing races: Indo-European and Mongoloid, which were characterized by individual characteristics that appeared during a long evolutionary process. Such confusion began recently, which explains the youth of the fourth group.

Another version: the emergence of the 4th group is associated with the opposition of mankind to viruses that threatened the complete destruction of the earth's population. The response to such attacks was the production of the corresponding antibodies that combine A and B.

According to the third theory, the young fourth group was formed as a defense of the body in the process of the evolution of the culture of food intake. As the methods of food processing became more complicated, it became necessary to combine antigens A and B, which should protect the body from unnatural food addictions for it.

Disagreements about the truth of the theory of the origin of the 4th group still take place in the scientific community. But there is unity about the rarity of this blood.

Interesting! Carriers of different HA have typical agglomerations. The first and second groups are inherent in the inhabitants of Africa and Europe, and the third - in Asia and Siberia. 4th GC is characteristic of the inhabitants of Southeast Asia, Japan and Australia. Found traces of AB (IV) on the Turin shroud.

The importance of rhesus for people with 4 HA

An equally important issue in blood transfusion or conception of offspring is the Rh factor, which divides each HA into two subgroups: negative and positive.

We are talking about an additional antigen D, which is also a protein product and is located on the erythrocyte membrane. Its presence is recorded in Rh-positive people, and its absence is recorded in Rh-negative people. The indicator is of great importance in determining blood compatibility.

People who do not have the Rh antigen have more pronounced immune defense reactions, for example, rejection of implants or allergies occurs more often.

4 positive and 4 negative blood group: compatibility with transfusion

It was only in the middle of the twentieth century that a theoretical basis for combining HA was formed. According to it, the need for transfusion (blood transfusion) arises when:

  1. restoration of blood volume to its original state due to profuse blood loss;
  2. renewal of the composition of blood - blood cells;
  3. restoration of osmotic pressure;
  4. replenishment of blood elements, the deficiency of which leads to aplasia of hematopoiesis;
  5. renewal of blood against the background of severe infectious lesions or burns.

The infused blood of the donor must match the group and the Rh factor with the recipient. The recipient's blood should not agglutinate donor erythrocytes: agglutinins of the same name and agglutinogens should not occur (A with α, like B with β). Otherwise, sedimentation and hemolysis (destruction) of erythrocytes, which are the main transport of oxygen to tissues and organs, are provoked, therefore, such a situation is fraught with respiratory dysfunction of the body.

People with 4th HA are ideal recipients. More details:

  • 4 positive blood group is ideally compatible with other groups - carriers of any group with any Rh can be donors;
  • blood group 4 negative - full compatibility, as with other groups with negative rhesus.

It is important for whom the fourth blood group is suitable if a transfusion is needed:

  • compatibility of blood groups 4 and 4 is ensured only under the condition of positive rhesus in the recipient and the donor, that is, AB (IV) Rh (+) can only be transfused with AB (IV) Rh (+);
  • 4 positive blood group and 4 negative compatibility occurs only if the donor is Rh negative, and the recipient is of the same group, but with any Rh factor, in other words: 4Rh (-) is allowed to be infused as 4 Rh (+) and 4Rh (-).

To summarize: any blood is suitable for the owner of the 4th group, the only condition is the presence of negative rhesus in the donor with the same in the recipient. And you can donate your blood for transfusion only to the owners of the same blood glucose.

A compatibility test is performed prior to transfusion. A negative result is fraught with agglutination (clotting) of blood, leading to blood transfusion shock, and then death.

Blood group compatibility chart (BG)

4 blood group: compatibility with other groups during pregnancy

When planning a child for people with blood group 4, compatibility matters only if the Rh-determining protein (Rh (-)) is absent. This is more true for the female sex, but it is also important for the male.

A woman with AB (IV) Rh (-) is at risk of pregnancy complications only when carrying an Rh-positive fetus that has inherited blood from her father. In this case, the body of the pregnant woman perceives the embryo as a foreign body and tries to get rid of it. There is the emergence of Rh-conflict, or senbilization - a pronounced response of the immune system to foreign stimuli (allergens), which involves the production of antibodies that inhibit the blood formation of the child. This is fraught with:

  1. the occurrence of difficulties (sometimes insurmountable) during conception;
  2. miscarriages;
  3. pathologies in the intrauterine development of the embryo up to stillbirth.

The above difficulties arise by the end of the first pregnancy, and with subsequent negative manifestations intensify. This does not depend on the resolution of the "interesting situation" (childbirth or abortion), since after the first contact of the mother's blood with the child and with each subsequent contact, the concentration of antibodies in the female body increases, attacking the fetus and causing its rejection.

Modern medicine makes it possible to avoid such a development of events, for this a pregnant (for the first time) woman is injected with anti-rhesus immunoglobulin a month before childbirth and within 72 hours after. The drug inhibits antibodies, contributing to the birth of a healthy baby and the passage of subsequent pregnancies without complications.

Interesting! In medical practice, there are cases when in Rh-negative women carrying Rh-positive children, Rh protein appeared on erythrocytes (that is, - Rh (-) changed to Rh (+)), which is explained by the mechanisms of fetal protection.

Men with AB (IV) Rh (-) should be careful when planning children with Rh-positive women. If the child inherits the father's Rh, then there may be a conflict with the mother's blood, which is fraught with miscarriages and developmental pathologies.

As for the Rh-positive owners of AB (IV) (both men and women), with healthy parents, bearing, child development and childbirth will not bring surprises from the side of blood.

The problem of blood incompatibility lies in the mutual exclusion of certain combinations of antigenic elements on the erythrocyte membrane. When such a situation arises, the body understands it as a threat of destruction, activating the production of antibodies that suppress its own blood. Therefore, the issue of blood compatibility is extremely important for life and health: during blood transfusion, both as a donor and for a recipient; when planning children from the moment of conception and for the entire period of gestation, in order to eliminate the risk for the expectant mother and child.

All your friends already have children, and you and your soulmate decided that it was time for you to have offspring. Of course, many parents-to-be do not want to let things go by themselves, wanting to thoroughly prepare. After all, the health of the baby depends on this. If to conception do not prepare and check if you are compatible, problems may appear, both during pregnancy and after the baby is born.

Experts have found that about 15% of couples have incompatibility problem... If this problem is not identified and prevented in a timely manner, the pregnancy can be terminated at any time. The same should be expected if the pair is incompatible at the immunological level.

It is for this reason that it is so important that both the woman and the man undergo all examinations before conceiving a child.

What kind of incompatibility happens?


The immune system women are capable of producing antibodies that fight the sperm of a man, who must act as the father of the unborn baby. This is, so to speak, an allergic reaction to the sperm of a particular man. In a woman, antisperm antibodies are produced in large quantities. There are cases when the body of a man produced such antibodies.

This does not mean that the couple will not be able to conceive. toddler, but the likelihood of keeping the child is very small. The situation is aggravated by the fact that this incompatibility is accompanied by certain diseases that affect the reproductive system of the expectant mother.

To exclude this probability, it is necessary to do before the moment of conception test, confirming or refuting immunological incompatibility.

Blood type.

At the moment of conception blood women and men mix and a new composition of the child's blood is formed. A child can have absolutely any blood group, since when a fetus appears, 4 blood groups are formed at the same time. However, their percentage is different. The blood of the parents is predominant.

If mom and dad have the same blood type, then in 95% of cases the child will have the same blood type as the parents. If the parents have different blood types, then the probability that the toddler will have one of them is approximately 25%. In 99% of cases, the baby becomes the owner of the maternal blood types and Rh factor.

Experts say that the best option is when the blood type of the man is higher than that of the woman. In this case, the baby will be healthier. For example, if women the first group, then the man should have any other. If a woman has a third blood group, then a man should have a fourth. Pregnancy works best when the parents have the same blood types.

Rh factor.

If a man and a woman are different rhesus factors, there is a risk that the woman's body will repel the developing fetus, considering it a foreign body. However, in comparison with the immunological factor, with this incompatibility, it is quite possible to become pregnant and give birth to a baby. At the same time, it is important to regularly visit a doctor and undergo all the examinations prescribed by him.

You need to know that Rh-conflict can occur if a woman has a negative Rh, and men Rh is positive.

The risk increases during childbirth when the mother's blood is combined with the father's blood. The immune system begins to produce antibodies that fight the man's Rh-positive blood. However, to date, doctors have already found a way to solve this problem.

The Rh factor problem can also manifest itself during the planning of a second child. A woman will easily get pregnant, but here's the current pregnancy and its completion can be dire. It will take a lot of effort to save the baby. However, with a strong desire, everything can work out, so do not panic ahead of time.


In most cases genetic compatibility those couples pass who are all right in all other examinations, but they still cannot "get pregnant" or a woman cannot bear a child.

Every cell of our organism on its surface has a protein called HLA. If the body is healthy, then these proteins can identify a foreign body and let the immune system know about it, which in turn produces antibodies to protect. Pregnancy is also a kind of invasion of a foreign body. As a rule, after conception, blocking antigens are formed in the woman's body, which are responsible for protecting the placenta and the fetus from rejection.

If a man's HLA is similar to a woman's HLA, then the body does not produce antibodies... The child's condition may be at risk.

Each person has an individual set of blood immune factors. For future parents wishing to give birth to a child, the compatibility of blood groups for conception is of great importance, because uncomplicated bearing of a fetus and the birth of a healthy baby depend on it.

The most significant is the Rh factor: if the spouses have a mismatch, then the risk of dangerous complications increases with each pregnancy. Group incompatibility is rare and does not cause serious complications, but if a conflict occurs, special treatment for a newborn baby will be required.

What can the fetus have

The kid receives from his parents a full set of genes and factors that determine his individuality and uniqueness.

Table. Fetal blood group options depending on parental group factors

Future father Future mom
0 (I) A (II) B (III) AB (IV)
0 (I) The first First, second First, third Any of the options
A (II) First, second The second Except the 1st 2-4
B (III) First, third Except the 1st The third 2-4
AB (IV) Any of the options Everyone except I Everyone except I Except 0 (I)

Rh-positive people are almost 50% likely to have a dominant or recessive gene, which greatly affects blood compatibility for conception. If a woman has Rh-, and a man has Rh +, then incompatibility is possible in half the cases.

With an incompatibility between the group and Rh in the mother and the fetus in 1 pregnancy, the probability of complications and pathology in the child is extremely low, but with each subsequent risk, the risk increases.

What can make the situation worse

A woman with Rh blood will develop antibodies in the bloodstream in the following cases:

  • tubal pregnancy;
  • death of the embryo;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • artificial interruption at any time;
  • late miscarriage;
  • traumatic diagnostic methods against the background of gestation (amniocentesis, cordocentesis, chorionic biopsy);
  • premature birth;
  • detachment of the placenta;
  • preeclampsia with increased blood pressure;
  • multiple pregnancy.

Any complications during gestation and childbirth can provoke immune reactions with the formation of Rh antibodies, which will not disappear anywhere and will certainly affect the course of future pregnancies.

Complications of incompatibility

Problems during pregnancy and illness in a newborn arise in cases where there is an incompatibility of factors.

Table. Variants of the pathological combination of group and Rh factors of parents

The most unpleasant option is when a woman has the first group and a negative Rh. In this case, it is necessary to conduct a test for the compatibility of partners for conception. The future dad needs to be tested and find out the group and Rh affiliation. Depending on what Rh the future dad has, you can calculate the risk for the baby. The ideal option is 0 (I) Rh-. In all other cases, you need to be wary of the following complications during pregnancy and after the birth of a child:
hemolytic anemia in the fetus (parental incompatibility creates conditions for the emergence of antibodies in the mother, which lead to pathology in the child);

  • jaundice in a newborn child (products of cell destruction disrupt metabolic processes, which affects a sharp increase in bilirubin and the appearance of jaundice of the skin);
  • dropsy of the fetus (pronounced swelling in all organs and systems of the child with a high risk of intrauterine death).

Usually, severe complications occur in Rh women only after 3-4 pregnancies (regardless of how they ended - childbirth, abortion or miscarriage). Therefore, artificial abortions cannot be performed, and any pregnancy should be desired.


For women with a negative rhesus, it is very important to follow these rules:

  • mandatory use of contraceptive methods to prevent induced abortion;
  • at the stage of pregravid preparation, you need to find out the group and rhesus from the future dad;
  • if there is a risk of incompatibility, everything possible should be done to maintain and endure the first pregnancy;
  • at 28 weeks, all Rh-negative mothers (with Rh-positive dad), against the background of the absence of antibodies in the analysis, should be given an injection of anti-Rh immunoglobulin.

At the first gestation of the fetus, the risk of antibodies to the Rh factor or group is possible in 10% of women. With each subsequent pregnancy, the likelihood of pathology increases, therefore, for spouses with different rhesus who want to have 3 or more children, it is advisable to create maximum conditions to prevent problems in the child.