What dowry needs to be collected for a newborn. Infant dowry: a cheat sheet for parents-to-be. Bathing items

Of course, I'm not the first to talk about the dowry for a newborn, many sites have lists of what needs to be prepared for the birth of a baby, reaching up to 100-150 points. I want to talk about the most important thing, about what it is really difficult to do without when caring for a newborn child.

1. Diapers

Swaddling a baby in diapers is not fashionable now. Many pediatricians and psychologists advise young mothers to immediately put on pants and blouses on their child. I hold to the traditional view. Later, in my article on the adaptation of a newborn, I will try to justify the need for swaddling in the first months of life, but now I will limit myself to describing the diapers.

So, whether you will swaddle a baby or not, you still need diapers, it's another matter how much. Suppose you are changing your baby and using reusable diapers, then for the first month you will need 30 diapers. At the same time, never refuse old diapers that relatives or acquaintances will offer you. They may not be very beautiful, but such diapers become soft and absorb well from numerous washings.

If you are preparing everything new for the dowry, you need to buy:

  • 10 diapers made of fine calico measuring 80x120 cm. These diapers are not very convenient to swaddle with (due to their small size), but they will come in handy during bathing and to lay where you want to put a naked baby.
  • 10 diapers measuring 120x150 cm. There are no such diapers on sale, so you have to buy a thin cotton fabric and sew it yourself or give it to a studio. Large diapers are needed, because the baby is growing quickly, and sometimes it is necessary to swaddle him for sleep up to 8-9 months. At first, these diapers can be tucked in, and in the future they can be used as sheets in the crib.
  • 10 knitted diapers measuring 120x120 cm. Knitted diapers measuring 95x120 cm are usually found on sale - these are also suitable. If you buy jersey (it must be cotton), sew diapers 120x120 cm - this is the most convenient size for changing.

2. Diapers

  • Reusable - 20 pieces. They are made from old bed linen, from gauze (when choosing gauze, pay attention - it should be of the so-called high density) or from "bleached" chintz. This is a chintz, which looks like gauze, with a very sparse weave of thread. In the store, it may seem tough to you (it starch in production), but after washing it will become soft. Diapers should be square, sizes vary from 80x80 cm to 95x95 cm.
  • Disposable diapers. 1 package (from 3 to 5 kg). For newborns, it is best to choose diapers that have a belly button cut. I advise you to use these diapers rarely - on a walk, on a visit, at an appointment at the clinic. Do not get carried away with these diapers at night - this is very convenient for the mother, but not always useful for the baby.

3. Undershirts

It is better to buy knitted fabrics - they are more comfortable to put on. By design, they should be the most common - without fasteners and strings. Stock up on 3-4 undershirts of 22 sizes and 3-4 - 24. If the child will often spit up, you may need more. Blouses are already being bought for size 26. Also knitted, but no longer swing, with fasteners, best on the shoulder.

4. Caps

You will need it for walks and at home if it is cool at your place. Buy 2 of each size. Now on sale there are knitted hats - they hold on the head worse, but they do not press on the neck with strings.

5. Socks

Thin - 3 pieces. If your baby's feet are cold, put on socks before swaddling him.

6. Bodysuit, romper, jumpsuit

Quantity not specified. May be needed in a minimum amount if the child is swaddled, and while awake, left in one shirt without panties.

7. Blankets

  • Thin - hb., "Bike".
  • Thick - downy, woolen or synthetic winterizer

You can get by with 2 thin blankets (they are convenient because they are machine washed), on cold days, additionally covering the baby with a downy shawl - it is warm and light. Duvet covers are optional.

8. Oilcloth

It is best to buy disposable absorbent diapers, they are available for children and adults, but it does not matter. Buy a pair of different sizes: 30x60; 60x60; 60x90 cm. Some size is suitable for a stroller and cradle, some for a crib and changing table. These diapers are used exactly as an oilcloth, that is, a baby in diapers is placed on the oilcloth, and not on the absorbent side.

9. Dowry for a newborn. Crib

The baby will need it no earlier than in 3-6 months, so you can still save on buying it. For the first month, it is better to purchase a cradle. It can be a large wicker basket, on the bottom of which you need to sew a mattress, and close the inner walls with bumpers made of cotton fabric. Some dads fix such a cradle to the ceiling with a luggage elastic band, and then it sways in different directions, even when the baby is tossing and turning in his sleep.

10. Changing table

A very useful thing. A dresser surface can be used instead. There are special children's chests of drawers, on the surface of which bounding frames are attached. As a last resort, use part of a regular table. Next to the changing surface, place shelves on which all the necessary things will lie so that, while swaddling or collecting the baby outside, you do not go far away from him. Do not leave your baby unattended on the changing table!

11. Bath

To bathe your baby, you will need a bath - ordinary, large enough, with a flat bottom, the length of which should be at least 65 cm.

12. Water thermometer

Simplest. It will be needed only in the first days, later you will learn how to determine the temperature of the water by touch.

13. Terry towel

1 piece. Large, highly absorbent. Do not purchase special hooded towels, they are inconvenient for the first year of life.

14. Scissors

It is better to use not special ones with rounded ends (they are usually blunt), but good manicure scissors.

15. First aid kit

Your first aid kit must contain:

  • hydrogen peroxide 3%;
  • pipette;
  • cotton swabs, cotton pads, a small package of sterile cotton;
  • brilliant greens, calendula tincture, or eucalyptus tincture;
  • bathing herbs: string, chamomile, motherwort.

16. Baby cream

The cream can perfectly replace vegetable oil sterilized in a water bath. The best thing for a baby is pure almond, but the most common sunflower is also acceptable - on its basis you can make St. John's wort oil. To do this, fill a clean jar with 34 chopped St. John's wort grass, fill it with oil so that it covers the grass, keep this jar in a water bath for 1.5 - 2 hours. The result is a dark green-brown oil with a pleasant herbal scent.

17. Envelope

Much more comfortable for walking than a blanket. For autumn - synthetic winterizer, for winter - fur. The design is the simplest: a rectangular bag with a hood and a zipper.

18. Stroller

The choice of her should be careful, your mood in daily walks depends on how comfortable the stroller will be. Pay attention to how quickly and simply the stroller is assembled and disassembled, if you have to take it out of the house in parts (separate wheels, separate box), whether it enters the elevator, if you live in a multi-storey building. The fabric covering the box must be cotton, the wheels are thick, it is better that they are pumped up by the supplied pump. Be sure to take into account the presence of shock absorbers - belt or spring (the softness of the stroke depends on this).

Don't go for a convertible stroller - they are usually more expensive, and you will most likely only need the first part of this convertible - a stroller with a large box. Such a stroller usually serves the entire first year of the child. In the second year, babies do not like to sit for walks and prefer to walk.

19. Mesh and raincoat for the stroller

If you do not have the opportunity to buy a ready-made mosquito net that fits your stroller model, you can find a soft net on sale and sew an elastic band around the edge.

20. Sling (sling) for carrying the child

Very handy for short walks.

Armed with this list, I hope that any pregnant woman will be able to purchase everything she needs for her unborn child.

However, in many families there is an opinion that a pregnant woman should not collect dowry for a newborn before his birth, or even at all, no one in the family needs to do this. I do not share this opinion. I know from myself how pleasant it is to choose things for the baby, wash them, iron them and put them in the closet. And the child who sits in the stomach, I think it is very pleasant to feel that his mother is taking care of him.

But there are people who believe in bad omens and are afraid that if they prepare everything for the newborn in advance, then something bad may happen to him. Meanwhile, in our people it was customary, if a child died in a family, to distribute children's things to other families. Of course, it is very difficult for parents who have lost their newborns to get the prepared dowry from the shelves ... But if these things are not stocked up in advance, then, following the Russian tradition, they should be bought and then given away.

on BasketBoy TV

Someone thinks that buying a dowry for a baby before his birth is a bad omen.
I don’t believe in omens and think that it’s better to buy the necessary things in advance. Believe me, when you return with your baby from the hospital, you will no longer have time for shopping.

Just want to give you one important piece of advice on this topic.

So, girls, I present to you my list of things for a newborn in the first months, compiled and adjusted to take into account the birth of two daughters with a difference of 2.3 years.


  1. Crib
    We bought the most ordinary classic bed without any pendulums or swinging, because I did not want to teach the child to motion sickness. And I turned out to be right - both Alice and Faya fell asleep well and slept in the crib without any motion sickness. Of course, sometimes, for example, when the teeth were disturbed, we had to calm down on our hands or a fitball, but we only had a crib for sleeping.

The most important criteria when choosing a bed, I consider reliability, natural material (beech, pine, birch) and a standard size for a mattress 120x60.
Also, I see no reason to buy an expensive crib. Why pay extra for beauty and brand? Better save money, they will still be very useful to you)
If you are wondering which crib we purchased, you can read .

  1. Mattress in the crib
    The best ones are orthopedic mattresses with coconut fiber and a hardness of high or medium. If possible, it is better to buy a double-sided one, so that one side is stiffer - for a newborn, and when the child grows up, you can turn it over to the other side - which is softer.
  1. Waterproof mattress cover with elastic band
    You can, of course, not buy it, but lay an ordinary oilcloth, but I still advise you to buy a mattress topper, because ordinary oilcloth slides off, besides, it rustles and this can wake up the child and, most importantly, the child can sweat on the oilcloth, because it does not allow air to pass through.

If, suddenly, it happens that the mattress cover gets dirty (this can happen, for example, if the diaper is not properly secured), then, for a while, while it is being washed and dried, you can put an ordinary oilcloth or a disposable waterproof diaper.

  1. Bumpers and bed linen (pillowcase, duvet cover, sheet)
    We bought a set of "Sdobina" brand of 8 items (canopy, stretch sheet, blanket, duvet cover, pillow, pillowcase, organizer pocket).

Well, what can I say, the quality of the kit is excellent, it has gone through numerous washes and still, for the fourth year now it looks like new and we continue to use it actively - now it is in Fai's crib)

But, during operation, the following disadvantages came to light:
canopy we do not need , we didn’t even hang it up, we sold it right away so it wouldn’t be lying around. My opinion is that it is needed only for beauty, there is no benefit from it, but it probably collects dust decently.
one-piece side , at first it was necessary to bend half of the side, and most importantly - it is very difficult to wash it - it fits only into a machine with a load volume of 8 kg or more. (thanks to my sister, helps out, she just has a washing unit with such a volume). Therefore, advice - when you choose the sides, then see that they are separate.
too warm and thick blanket filled with natural sheep wool. We took this blanket to the village and use it there and only in winter. In the summer, daughters sleep under a thin fleece blanket or, at all, without it. When it's cool at home, I take out the bamboo-filled duvets, they are warm and very light.
sheet with elastic
I don't like taking care of her - after washing, this sheet is very difficult to iron, then it is impossible to fold it neatly. As a result, I began to iron it right in the crib when I pulled it over the mattress. Yes, the stretch sheet has a plus - it can be quickly pulled over the mattress.

But I would still prefer a regular sheet to her, which can then be placed in a crib of a different size (larger). A stretch sheet is only suitable for a crib of a certain size.
As you can see, there are a lot of disadvantages, although in general, I repeat, the kit is not bad.

But, if I had to buy linen for the crib again, I would not buy a set, but all separately.
To begin with, you only need bumpers (it is better to buy light solid or neutral colors), a blanket and a set of linen (or better, two at once - will still come in handy). I buy Pillow up to one year old the child does not need.

The option - to buy everything separately will significantly save money, besides, you will have a wide choice and you will buy only what you really need, and not what the manufacturer will offer you in a ready-made set of underwear.
If, nevertheless, you decide to buy everything in a set, then keep in mind that, indeed, good sets are very expensive. And, if you see a set of 7 items less than 4 thousand rubles, then, most likely, it will turn out to be of very low quality. Carefully study the description of the kit, what materials it is made of (fabric, filler), check the completeness (what is included in the kit) and be sure to check it by touch.

I also do not advise you to choose very bright colors - the child should sleep in the crib, and too many bright drawings can distract and even frighten the newborn. In addition, keep in mind that you will still be changing the bedding for another, so choose a set of neutral colors.

  1. Biker blanket
  2. Blanket warm(bamboo or holofiber filler) if you do not plan to purchase it in a set
  3. Dense oilcloth, ordinary
  4. Changing chest of drawers(for baby's things + changing area)
  5. Changing mat on the chest of drawers
  6. Night light for sleepless nights, which, unfortunately, often accompany a young mother, especially at first.
    It is better to place such a night light next to the changing table or baby's crib. If there is no outlet nearby, then through an extension cord.

When a newborn appears in the house, it is not advisable to turn on a bright light at night, because you need to teach the child to distinguish between day and night. And, of course, a bright light at night can interfere with your other peacefully sleeping household. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a night light with a soft light.
There are such small bedside lamps that plug into an outlet. At first, we bought similar nightlights in a fixed price list. But they had a very big drawback - the light bulb quickly burns out.
Once, we bought

  1. Stroller
    I love modular strollers with swivel wheels. We bought Alice a 3-in-1 Zippie Tutis (carrycot, walking block and infant car seat). We were very pleased with the stroller, and they used the cradle and the walking block, as they say, to the last) Unfortunately, we managed to sell this stroller.
    Therefore, Faya had to buy another one. Despite the fact that we really liked Tutis Zippie, we decided to try something new and bought Adamex, a 2-in-1 Lara model (no infant car seat). Also a very good maneuverable stroller with swivel wheels. Now we are driving in the walking block.
    I note that both strollers (both Tutis and Adamex) passed the tests on country roads perfectly)
  1. Car seat or infant carrier
    If you are planning frequent and long trips with a small child, then it is better to buy a car seat, it is more convenient for a newborn, because has a completely horizontal sleeping position. If the trips are occasional and for short distances, then you can immediately buy a category 0+ car seat with an insert for newborns.
    With little Alice, we often went to the village (the road took 4 hours, in winter - 7 hours), so the infant car seat (which came with the stroller) was very useful to us. But at 6 months we have already grown out of it, bought an Inglesina Marco Polo car seat and drove in it for up to two years.
    Faya was born in December, we did not plan to go to the village in winter, we walked to the clinic with a stroller (10 minutes). Therefore, we decided to do without the infant car seat and immediately put the inglesin with an insert for newborns. For half a year, we traveled in it only 5 times and only around the city (when we were discharged from the hospital, for vaccinations at the vaccination center and on a visit).

Also, you may find these things useful:

  • Crib mobile
    We had
  • Fitball
    We bought this ball when Alice was 2 months old. We used it for gymnastics, and also, it was very useful to us during periods of strong whims (when teeth were cut). Attention! Do not abuse motion sickness on fitball, otherwise, your child will learn to fall asleep only in this way.
    For gymnastics, the thing is simply irreplaceable, by the way, not only for the baby, but also for the mother) It is better to buy an ordinary smooth ball without "pimples".
    We have a Torres ball, 65 cm in diameter - we are still using it, now with Faya.
  • Sun lounger
    If finances permit, you can buy it in advance. Or you can postpone this purchase for now, but look at the model so that later you do not waste time choosing and searching.
    It will be needed when the baby is one month old and he gets tired of constantly lying in the crib.
    For us, the chaise longue turned out to be a real lifesaver, both daughters were happy to lie there and play, and at that time I could do household chores.
    was with us.

  • You will definitely appreciate it if you practice GW and your baby will eat for a very long time. This pillow is extremely comfortable - it relieves the muscles of the arms, neck and back. Thanks to her, you can feed your child and at the same time read, drink tea and chat on the network.
    The pillow for feeding was very, very, very useful to me - Alice could eat up to 6 months for half an hour or even more, and she fell asleep on it.
    Faya ate much faster, but I fed her on a pillow and I still feed her, although she will soon be one year old)
    By the way, I bought the simplest horseshoe-shaped pillow. I even remember the company - "Mama Sheila" and the price - 350 rubles. (it was 2014).

Well, how do you like the list of things for a newborn in the first months - big? But this is only the main thing)
Read the content of the following sections in separate articles:

Many expectant mothers believe in signs, one of which says that you should not buy anything for a child before birth. And that makes sense. Women are worried about the health of their baby and about the upcoming birth, and adherence to old signs and advice from older generations gives confidence that everything will go well.

If you believe in omens and are really afraid to buy in advance, I advise you and your husband to go shopping for two months before giving birth and look after all the necessary things. And when the baby is born, your husband, with the help of relatives, will be able to buy them and deliver them home by the day you are discharged. Many things can be purchased in this way, and you will be calm.

What should be prepared in advance?

However, there are things that you need to take with you right away when you go to the hospital. They definitely need to be prepared in advance so that they are packed and waiting in the wings. When contractions begin, you will not have time to get ready, so you should pack the things you and your baby need in the maternity hospital three weeks before the due date.

The list of things necessary for a newborn in a maternity hospital includes what the baby will need during his stay in the maternity hospital and a set for discharge.

In the maternity hospital for the child, you must take:

  • small package of diapers from 2 to 5 kg. Which diapers are better to take is hard to say. You will have to try to figure out which of the disposable diapers are right for your particular child;
  • wet baby wipes;
  • normal and protective. Take a small package. Maybe the cream is not suitable for the baby;
  • simple baby soap without fragrances or other additives;
  • soft small towel;
  • a pair of cotton caps.

Diapers, undershirts, all the accessories necessary for the treatment of the navel and the morning toilet of the newborn, the nurse brings every morning, so there is no need to take it with you from home.

You do not need to take a pacifier to the hospital. Firstly, it is forbidden, and if they see her, you will be reprimanded. Secondly, there is simply nowhere to process it, and in the first month of life, such nuances are very important for the health of the baby.

If you want to take more things to the hospital (undershirts, sliders, socks, hats, etc.), you should check with your hospital in advance about the possibility of using personal belongings.

It is not worth taking a set for discharge right away. There are no lockers or bedside tables in the postpartum ward for storing a lot of items, so it makes sense to have one brought to you on the day you are discharged.

What do you need on the day of discharge?

On discharge for the baby you will need:

  • diapers 2 pieces (light, plain and flannel);
  • undershirts or shirts (thin and dense);
  • caps or hats (thin and dense);
  • romper or jumpsuit;
  • socks or booties;
  • a warm hat during the cold season;
  • an envelope or blanket with a corner (thin in the summer and warm for the cold season).

By the time you are discharged at home, everything should be ready to meet the baby. What does a newborn need for the first time? Let's sort it out in order.

Children's room furniture

  1. Bed. Wood is best, with multiple heights and an adjustable sidewall. It is better to take a mattress of medium firmness. The baby does not need a pillow.
  2. Baby changing table. It is adjusted to the height that is comfortable for the mother. Hanging pockets that can be attached to the sides of the table are very convenient. They are suitable for storing diapers, creams, wipes and other accessories for easy diaper changing. And you do not have to move far from the baby.
  3. Thermometer with hydrometer function. It is needed to measure temperature and humidity. Better to hang it near the baby's crib.
  4. Lamp. It is better if there are two of them: a common light and a night light. A night light is needed for night feedings and diaper changes.
  5. Humidifier.
  6. A wardrobe or chest of drawers only for children's things. It is advisable to take a wooden one, always with doors so that things do not gather dust. It can store diapers, baby clothes, a supply of diapers and other baby things. It is needed to maintain optimal humidity in the nursery. It is better to choose ultrasonic: it is quieter and safer.

Children's clothing and bedding

As a caring mother, you probably understand that the less chemistry and synthetics there is in the environment of the baby, the better. It is advisable that all personal items of the baby (clothes, bed linen, towels, washcloths) consist entirely of natural fabrics. Therefore, it is better to choose clothes for yourself and your child from natural fabrics. For example, from linen or cotton.

When shopping for clothes and bedding, choose products in light colors, they contain fewer dyes. What clothes will the baby need?


  1. Cotton undershirts, sliders, bodysuits, overalls. Babies sweat just like adults, pee a lot (up to 25 times a day) and can poop after each feeding, about 8 times a day. Therefore, you need to take clothes, counting on the fact that you will have to change them several times during the day.If you only wear a diaper for the night and for a walk, then you should get more rompers. If your baby is almost always in a diaper, then a few (4 - 5) sliders are enough. Overalls are better fastened in the front, it is convenient to put on at night. They do not fold when the baby moves in a dream. This is the key to restful sleep. Bodysuits are a good option for clothing during the hot season. When it's cool, undershirts with rompers or overalls are more suitable.
  2. Socks, simple and warm. Simple socks come in handy in the summer along with a bodysuit. Warm socks will be useful in cool weather.
  3. Scratches on the handles so that the baby does not accidentally scratch himself.
  4. Thin hats. 3-4 caps will be enough. In the first month, it is better to wear it after each bath. The baby may also need it if it is cool enough at home.

Don't buy too many clothes for your baby at once. Throughout the first year, especially in the first months, babies grow quickly, so it is better to buy clothes as needed, taking into account the growth of the child.

Outdoor clothing

The type of clothing you need to buy for the street depends on the time of year.

For walking, you need a jumpsuit and a hat that are practical and suitable for the weather.

For a walk, put on the same number of layers of clothing on your baby as on yourself, plus one more layer.

Summer- this is a bodysuit plus a light suit or overalls on top and a thin hat.

In winter- bodysuit, light and warm overalls (velor), warm socks plus a winter envelope or blanket, thin and warm hat.

Do not forget to wear a hat for a walk, even in summer. Ears are a very vulnerable place for your baby, small children often have otitis media (ear inflammation), and there is a breeze in the summer.


  1. For a calm and sweet sleep, your baby will need a number of things.
  2. Bedding set. You will need 2 sets per shift (one for washing, the other for spreading). Pillowcases can be used instead of a pillow by placing them under the baby's head. A child does not need a pillow under 2 years of age. The material of the bed linen should be pleasant to the touch.
  3. Blanket or plaid.
  4. Bumpers on the side walls of the crib. The kid tosses and turns in his sleep, the sides will protect him from hitting the walls of the bed, especially when he grows up and becomes more active.

Also, from underwear, the baby will need diapers: light, cotton (thin) and flannel, flannel (thick). The number of diapers depends on how often you plan to use the diaper. If you plan to wear it only at night, you will need at least 20 diapers.

Hygiene products and items for crumbs

The list of things necessary for a newborn for the first time must include items and means for caring for the baby.

To treat your navel, you need a range of supplies: 3% hydrogen peroxide, green stuff (salicylic alcohol), and cotton swabs. With cotton swabs, you will also clean your child's ears, removing only the dirt that you see.

You cannot climb with a stick into the ear canal, you risk damaging the eardrum.

  1. For washing your face in the morning and treating wrinkles on the skin in the morning and after bathing, you will need cotton pads, baby oil made from natural ingredients or baby cream.
  2. To clean the nose, you need ordinary cotton wool, from which you roll a thin flagellum, and oil to dip the flagellum (to soften the crusts if you see them in the nose).
  3. Suitable diapers and everything you need to change them: protective cream or diaper powder (if irritation occurs), wet wipes for changing the diaper in the clinic and in other situations when there is no way to wash the baby.
  4. Do not take large quantities of diapers at once, they may not fit your baby. Take a small package for a sample. If they suit you, you can always buy in addition. This will save you family budget.
  5. Special children's scissors or tweezers to trim the nails on the baby's fingers and toes. It is best to cut while you sleep, then you can cut your marigolds evenly and slowly.
  6. Oilcloth or disposable nappies to put under your baby when you change a diaper or have morning and evening hygiene procedures.
  7. Powder for washing baby clothes. Buy only well-known and proven brands. First, take a small package to check if your baby is allergic to the product.
  8. Bathing set.

Bathing a baby is an unforgettable, magical moment for mom and baby, pleasing both. It is best to bathe your baby daily in the evening. Warm water calms the baby and sets him up for a healthy sleep. Prepare in advance everything you need to bathe your baby, including the clothes you will wear after the bath and the necessary cosmetics.

Bathing items

For a start, it is better to purchase one pacifier. It is better to buy the product in a pharmacy or in a specialized children's store. Many mothers buy the most expensive pacifier and never use it afterwards. The fact is that not all babies suck on a pacifier, and your baby may be one of them, and many prefer the most ordinary simple pacifiers instead of expensive ones.

If your baby is eager to suckle a purchased pacifier, buy two more. You will take one for a walk, use the other at home, and let the third lie at the ready, in case one of the two is suddenly lost.

Be sure to get a clothespin that attaches to your baby's clothes to keep the nipple from falling off. This way you will not lose your nipple while walking.

Nipple bottles

If you are breastfeeding, two bottles are sufficient. You will take one for a walk with some water for the baby, the second will be used at home. You can do with one bottle, but when there are two, it is more convenient. While one is being processed, you can use the other.

If you are feeding formula, you need at least three bottles. Two for formula feeding, one for water.

It is also better to buy bottles at a pharmacy or in a children's store.

First aid kit for baby

When a child appears in the house, you need to always have the necessary medicines at hand.

The composition of the first-aid kit for a baby includes a number of mandatory drugs and accessories:

  1. 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Zelenka or other antiseptic solution (Chlorophyllipt).
  3. Cotton wool, cotton pads, cotton swabs.
  4. Bepanten or another cream for the treatment of diaper rash. They can also heal mom's nipple cracks.
  5. Vaseline oil. You will moisten the cotton filaments with it, treating the baby's nose and ears.
  6. Thermometer to measure temperature if necessary.
  7. Gas outlet tube number 1. It is useful for you with colic.
  8. A pipette for instilling medicines into the nose and ears.
  9. Remedy for colic (Espumisan, Bobotik).
  10. A drug for lowering the temperature in the form convenient for the baby, syrup or suppositories with paracetamol (Eferalgan, Tsefekon).
  11. Antiallergic agent, for the baby it is more convenient in drops (Fenistil).

It is better to buy the rest of the medicines if necessary, since they have an expiration date. Medication should be taken after consulting and prescribing a doctor.

What does a kid need for walking?

Walking with the child should be daily. To make the walk enjoyable, in addition to clothes, the baby will need other things:

  1. Nice stroller. It is better to choose a transforming stroller. In transforming strollers, the baby can be positioned both lying and sitting, which means that you can use it when the baby grows up and will sit. And if the baby falls asleep while walking, you can put her in a lying position. Choose a stroller that is not too heavy so that you can carry it out of the house yourself.
  2. A small mattress for the stroller. The baby will be more comfortable with it. No pillow needed for the stroller.
  3. A blanket or blanket to cover your baby in cool weather.
  4. A protective net for the stroller so that insects, fluff, plant seeds do not fly to the baby.
  5. A small bag for baby things where you can put a diaper, wet wipes, a bottle of water, a change of clothes just in case, a rattle. A carrier bag designed for newborns will come in handy if the child was born in the cold season. It often comes with a stroller, but you can purchase it separately. Its purpose is to safely place the baby in the stroller, it keeps the inside warm and protects the baby from wind, rain and snow. Thanks to the carrying bag, you can easily carry your child from the stroller home or to the clinic.
  6. For walks in the summer, a sling carrier may come in handy. In it, the child is in a physiological position for him, imitating the position in the arms of the mother. You are walking with the baby, and your hands are free and rest at this time. Experts say that children, who are often carried in their arms or in a sling, develop faster and better than their peers.
  7. If you have a car, don't forget to get a baby carrier. It is necessary primarily for the safety of your baby during transportation.


I hope that now you can easily make your own list of things for a newborn and buy everything you need that may be useful to you in the first month after discharge. Of course, the baby will need many more things, but you can always buy them later, as the baby grows up. The main thing is to first of all acquire something that you cannot do without.

Watch a video on the topic of the article.

While waiting for the baby, the expectant mother has many worries, one of them is preparation of a dowry for a child.

Someone is superstitious and postpones all purchases until the birth of a child, while someone buys and buys all 9 months, necessary and not very ... To make it easier for the expectant mother in the store, we have prepared a cheat sheet, which lists everything that needs to be bought for a child: from cots and strollers to toys. I hope you, future moms and dads, will find it useful.

Dowry for a newborn: what is needed to organize a sleeping place for a newborn

  • A cot with a good mattress.
  • Mattress topper.
  • 2 blankets (flannel and warm).
  • 2 sets of bed linen.
  • Bumpers and canopy (optional).
  • Developing mobile.
  • Night light.

If you are planning to use reusable diapers, then you will need an even larger oilcloth in the crib.

This is the minimum that should be immediately, the rest can be purchased after the birth of the child. For example, a baby monitor, if the child will sleep restlessly.

Dowry for a newborn: what is needed to organize feeding a newborn

Much depends on the presence of milk in the mother and the desire / unwillingness to breastfeed. If desired, mom may need breast pads and a breast pump, although not necessarily. It's also a good idea to think about a comfortable chair with armrests and a special feeding cushion in advance.

For supplementary feeding or artificial feeding you will need:

  • a set of feeding bottles (it is convenient to have 6 pieces) and a sterilizer for them, for example, Avent;
  • drinking bottle;
  • silicone nipples 0+ (by the number of bottles);
  • orthodontic pacifiers (2 pieces);
  • bottle brush.

If you wish, you can purchase a bottle warmer, it is convenient. And, of course, think about choosing an infant formula.

Dowry for a newborn: oclothes and diapers

Here it is important to decide whether you will use disposable diapers (pampers) or reusable. The number of diapers and things depends on this. In any case, don't buy a lot at once. The baby will grow very quickly.

  • Diaper: thin (chintz or jersey, it is more convenient to wrap in them) - from 10 to 20 piecesand warm - from 10 to 20 pieces. 20 diapers can be dispensed with if diapers are used regularly and washed almost daily. 40-50 - minimum, if without diapers. Average diaper size: 120x100 cm.Disposable diapers may be needed (at night, in a clinic, etc.)
  • Undershirts(better knitted): 3 thin and 3 warm. WITH sliders similarly. Approximate guidelines: height 62 cm - 3 months, 68 cm - 6 months, 74 cm - 9 months, 80 cm - 12 months (for more details, see the table below).
  • Caps: 3 thin, 3 warm. The size is determined by the volume of the head.
  • Beautiful overalls or a suit.
  • For a walk you will need jumpsuit and hat for the season, a blanket in the stroller.

Read about how to dress a newborn for a walk.

You need to buy an envelope and a ribbon for the statement.

For washing diapers and clothes of a newborn you need to use a special baby powder ("Eared nanny", "Aistenok", etc.) and a liquid or powder stain remover.

Attachment for a newborn: hit is necessary for the care of the newborn. Newborn first aid kit

It's good if there will be baby changing table... Then you do not have to bend low when caring for your baby. A small oilcloth (and a diaper) or a special rug is laid on it.

Pharmacies sell special first aid kits for newborns, but their composition leaves much to be desired. It will be much more effective if you buy the required minimum yourself in advance, and the rest later, as needed.

  • Bathing bath, thermometer for measuring water temperature, slide, ladle, soft sponge. You also need a large bath towel (you can use a special one with a hood).
  • Potassium permanganate, medicinal herbs: string, chamomile (for bath preparation).
  • Zelenka (for processing the navel).
  • Baby oil (for lubricating wrinkles).
  • Powder (if you intend to use reusable diapers).
  • Cotton pads and sticks.
  • Hair brush and comb.
  • Rounded scissors.
  • Liquid baby soap.
  • Baby cream.
  • Baby wet wipes (useful for going to the children's clinic, walking, etc.).

I do not know where to carry diapers... But you definitely need to buy them, good, breathable, focusing on the weight of the child. To begin with, 1 pack. If you are afraid to use diapers, then take a look.

But nasal aspirators, gas tubes, enemas, etc. do not rush to buy. As well as medicines for colic, diarrhea, drops from the common cold. This can be purchased as needed by consulting your pediatrician.

Infant dowry: andpears for a newborn

The mobile is already present in the section on the organization of a berth.

You can also buy a few rattles in advance, a toy for a stroller, choose a developmental rug, but teethers and so on are not needed yet. Much more important is good music, which you can listen to before bedtime, and a book that you will read to your child (for example, we read the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin and K. Chukovsky).

And the last thing that is absolutely necessary. Nice, comfortable and high quality stroller... It is better not to save on it. And if you are going to carry your child in a car, you definitely need to buy a car seat.

I would be glad if experienced mothers share advice on the dowry for a newborn in the comments. And if the article seemed useful to you, click on the buttons of social networks.

In this article:

Many women believe that preparing a dowry for a baby in advance is a bad omen. But modern mothers know that there are a lot of positive aspects in preparing all the necessary things for a newborn in advance.

Having compiled in advance a list of things that need to be purchased, it will be possible to determine the priorities and not miss anything important. In addition, it is important to make a separate list of things that will be required even in the hospital. Childbirth can start out of the blue, and the shopping list will help the next of kin buy everything they need without your participation. The baby's dowry includes all those things that parents should have before leaving the hospital.

Friends and relatives of the parents-to-be often begin to advise on what items to buy. Many expectant mothers can get confused, because they begin to think that the dowry will be huge, and it will need several large wardrobes. But not so many things apply to the necessary things for a newborn, and all other purchases are additional devices for young parents.

List of things in the hospital

In many maternity hospitals, everything necessary for a young mother is provided, but many prefer to bring all the necessary things with them, having made a list in advance. During your stay in the hospital, your baby will need:

  • Disposable diapers of the smallest size, one pack is quite enough;
  • Disposable diapers - 1 pack. With them it will be more convenient and comfortable to handle the baby;
  • Cycling nappies - 5 pieces;
  • Cotton buds used to treat the baby's navel - 1 pack;
  • Baby cream. It is necessary to choose a cream with a minimum amount of additives in order to avoid the appearance of allergies in the newborn.

Priority purchases

The very first thing you need to purchase is a baby cot. It is in the crib that the baby will stay almost all the time after birth. The next thing to add to your newborn's essential shopping list is the crib mattress. You should buy oilcloth for the mattress. It is desirable that such oilcloth has a fabric base and is fixed on the mattress with a special elastic band.

Bumpers for the bed and canopy can be purchased as additional decorative elements. Also, for a newborn, you should purchase bed linen - 2 sets, and a blanket. It is better to purchase a thin and warm blanket right away.

Parents-to-be should buy a baby stroller. For winter walks, it is better to buy a stroller with a deep and spacious cradle, and with large wheels so that you can easily drive through the snow. Usually a raincoat and a mosquito net are included with the stroller. If they are not there, then it is worth purchasing them in advance.
For comfortable changing and changing of a newborn, you need to buy a changing table or a portable changing board. And for swimming for the first time, you should purchase a baby bath.

Shopping for baby sleep

Several spare sheets should be purchased. It is desirable that they are with an elastic band, they are more comfortable. The baby will need diapers to sleep. It is better to immediately purchase two warm, three thin and a pack of disposable diapers. It is advisable to buy diapers not of a small size, so that it is convenient to use them both for changing and for other purposes (wiping, spreading, etc.). It is not necessary for a child to buy a pillow. At first, he will sleep fine without her.

For calming and motion sickness, a mobile for a crib with calm and pleasant music can be useful. You can also purchase a night light, which will be required at first to change your baby's clothes at night. And for modern parents, it is very convenient to use a video or baby monitor. Thanks to such a device, it will be possible to safely leave the newborn alone in the room and not worry that you will not hear his cry. The list of purchases that can be made for your baby is very long. It all depends on the requirements of the parents and their financial capabilities.

What will come in handy during a walk?

In addition to the stroller, you need to buy a mattress for her, and preferably an oilcloth. For fun and lulling, a stroller harness, consisting of toys on a string, can come in handy. If you are planning to travel with a newborn in a car, then you should purchase a car seat that is designed for children from birth.

It is better to buy a separate blanket for walking. Depending on the season of birth, it can be thin or warm for winter walks.

What is required for feeding?

The shopping list for feeding a newborn includes: bottles of various sizes (120 ml and 250 ml), a bottle brush, bibs (preferably with Velcro). This is a list of essential items for feeding. Additionally, you can purchase a sterilizer, breast pump, thermos, baby silicone spoon and baby food warmer.

Baby hygiene products

The main hygiene item for a baby is diapers. Do not buy large packs at once. It is better to buy several options from different manufacturers and see the reaction to them. Baby care shopping list includes wet wipes, sterile cotton wool and baby scissors. You also need to purchase baby cream, baby soap (preferably both liquid and solid), bathing agent, oil for skin care, a water thermometer, cotton swabs with a stopper for children.

The dowry for a newly born baby should not be very large, because children grow up very quickly. From clothes it is better to have several sizes, starting from 56 (for newborns) and ending with 62 (for children 1-3 months).

The list of approximate things for a child is rather small, then, as needed, you can buy various items of clothing. It is very convenient to use bodysuits for children (with long and short sleeves). For the first time, 3-4 pieces of each size are enough. It is better to take sliders immediately and thin and warm, 3-4 pieces of each size. For small children, it is convenient to use undershirts - 3 pieces each. For the first time, you will need cotton overalls with closed legs, in which it is very comfortable to sleep.

You should buy or knit a long sleeve blouse for walking. Newborn babies will need either socks or booties. Woolen socks are perfect for the street. You should have a couple of caps (warm and thin), a warm outdoor hat and a discharge kit. You don't need a lot of clothes.

First aid kit for a newborn

  1. remedy for bloating and colic baby;
  2. antipyretics for children;
  3. ointment "Bepanten";
  4. solution of brilliant green and iodine;
  5. hydrogen peroxide;
  6. glycerin candles;
  7. gas outlet tube;
  8. enema;
  9. pipettes (2-3 pcs.);
  10. sterile cotton wool and bandage;
  11. salt heating pad;
  12. nasal aspirator;
  13. antihistamines;
  14. bathing herbs (chamomile and string);
  15. eye drops.

Baby development toys

For the first time, there is no need to buy too many toys for the baby. Acquisition of a developing rug, several rattles and a teether will be quite enough as a dowry.

The general shopping list for a newborn looks quite impressive. But this is only at first glance. Most large items are purchased only once (crib, stroller, etc.), and they can be used for a very long time. A small child does not need a lot of clothes either. But if future parents have a great desire and financial capabilities, then you can buy not only the most necessary, but also various additional accessories and devices that will greatly facilitate the life of young parents.

Useful video about what a newborn needs